The Post from Big Stone Gap, Virginia (2024)

THE POST, BIG STONE GAP AND APPALACHIA, VA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 17 PACE FOUR Parker. Stk Grade Mis Neeley: tO, ris Mumoower. 8. Fred R- 5th Grade VT nick. Lea is Vsnre, Walter Bash, How Power Networks Supplied Emergency Electric Service To Flood-Stricken Toicns 0SKA HWsW.

Cast STONEGA 1 i I Lasafle rUB, C.r.Mii.l Mildred Wkitt, Hubert iwviq. 1 i-iv-- Vanhook. i Jaa Row. Gordo a Jon, Mary 6th Grade Miss Nickels: 90, Bobby Porter, Mary Fa Van-hook. 8S, Eugene Burhaaaa, Jack McConnell, Nadia Buchanan, Jnaamta Lewis, Gorgia Ringley.

th Grad Mis Bright: 0. Eloisc Bond, Neva Gibsoa. 8S, Pat Criter, Bobby Meador, Ksth-ryn Bakerr KmyCrer trwytyrt RobincHe. Lee ajlbotrt Saitosst eta Grade Mis Zeigiert W. Mia.

J. Dorothv RA.r Kn Jease Boyd entertained namher fnenda with a diaaet Jan Hueneveutt, Saa Cramley, airaie 7th Grade -ir ttrNntw He Te- Ducbia4 Homer. Jewel Reed, Dn Yeuag. Ba Bontiey. Csrtrad Shepherd, Frances Ring-ley, June LifoTd.

6th Grade Miss Broadwater: SOUTH-WEST INSURANCE Atf A. L. WITT. rrmmUmm aa 1 1 FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT and CASUALTY INSi FIDELITY nTMFl snvni 96, M. B.

Smith Virginia Adams, Dorothy McConnell, Oeraldin His Mary AM Radaaisr. wh ha bsss 111 wits flu, bas recovered sufficiently to rssaias her duties as- to fcW-isv ths Bod school. Mis Stout a roaaa. ge a Valentine party on Friday sflerooen which included short play. Several patrons attended after which Miss Stout served refreshments.

All reported pleasant aftoraoon spent W. ka Cornett and A. Bon-drant spent Thursdsy and Friday of last week ia Roaaoka, Va attending Frigidaira display. There was quIU a btt of excitement in our town Thursdsy night when th slam was spread the theatre was burning. Th fir Potter.

85. Harry Knight, Shirley Louis Ciiiiaav, Elinor BIO STONE GAP, Va. Kilboome, Phyliss Walker. d4f knnor Mr. Boyd's Wrthdsy.

Table derora-tmn wer in ke-ing vitk Vi-mUm'i Day, th ple cards being individual heart-shaped boi tiled with saint. The ladies referred twci of red I'w. ba-atea breath aad fern. Arte die-MT th party attended the da ace PWar Island. These invited vara: Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Haytr, Mr. and Mr. Clarence Tbampeoa, Mr. and lira.

Jama Hod, U.mrt Anna and Esther Alexander, Cur Us Cop and -Sweedy" Wait R. D. Cos, a representative the Sloaeg store, attended a Frigidatre convention ia Roanoke Thursday and Knday af last For Jaded Breakfast Appetites Just Try Bacon Broiled the Delicious Electric had gained quite a bit of head way wbsa diacoversd, but aa 10 th quick respons of th Appa- raW. sliJrfwia ura i might mitj imvmmnnf mmi iiuujiiii mrmrr mtipmmml that BTmm Lrrnl jmriiilim awr iachia and Big Stone Gap llr departments no serious dsmag was iran rbrtnrtn frmm mnwtl tag fin latin lutM in kimk mitagr ttmmt, ituluatnl mm the map mist. done.

Miss Catherine Davis, of Jones ville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridsn Davis. As aa army of relief workers awlngs ertily Into tha huge Job of cleaning aad repairing Kentucky's ood-atrirkea areas, hundreds of electrical experts are toiling day Mr. and Mrs.

Anderson Messer waa directed, to help a crippled telephone system, and to Ucfct dosens of schools, churches, halls and hospitals and hundreds of homes where refugees wer sheltered. Similarly, floodswept Maysvtlle, Carrollton and Frankfort got service through emergency connections with the central network of Kentucky Utilities Company and Lexington Utilities Company, energised are the proud parents of twin boys who have been named Wad and of the emergency utility crews who forgot food, rest, sleep and shelter for days and nights on end. In their strurxls to keep the power lines "hot." Tks Far-Sighted Engineers On which tribute a weather-beaten crew foreman commented to an interviewer: "Heroes? Us? Baloney! We Just did our regular stuff. Nothing heroic about missing a HUie sleep and a few meals and taking chances and night to strengthen and restore the great power line networks Wayne. stretched over tha state.

Mrs. 0. r. Morley was called 'o It was theas networks, linking big generating stations at various J. Knoxvtlle Monday on accoont of the serious illness of her mother with power from Drx Dam and point, which enabled the utility companies to maintain viul electric service with comparatively few In-teirsptions and failures as hun Carl Willis, who ha bee making his home la Staaefe, his returned ta Stick leyville, T' Miss Nancy Toonf spent-th week end with Mr.

and Mrs. Gordon Yosng. Buford Barker, af Washington, ia visiting his para aim, Mr. aad Mra. B.

T. Barker. Mrs. Tad Leva, af GaU City we netting relative ia Stonega last weak. The Bar.

Kalsley attended a teacher's convent is a at Nor-to Sunday. Ralph Carter and Ernest Cress are re in Johnson City Saturday. Mr. aad Mrs.W. J.

Alexander, af Puhviki, Va, vera the week and guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Alexander.

Among those ill with flu are: R. A. Willis. Mm. C.

O. Midkiff. Miss Lerretia Alexander, Gordon Young, Mrs. C. F.

Wright, Mrs. Thair. steam stations at Lexington, Pine-jo, rrtUng turned 'electrocuted villa and Pocket, Vs. Mrs. Mary Pickett, Mrs.

W. D. or drowned. Why, everybody that rassled' with the Don1 waa hsroie. Cornett and Miss Aselene Stout were tha dinner guest of Mra, A.

Tsmpletoa Friday. Service From High Unas As ths surgmg Ohio cut off local electric facilities in Padurah and Sturgis. Kentucky Utilities Company provided service for those cities from its western network with power supplied from stations in Mrs. Paul Black and two small "You know what? I think tha engineers who in tha last fifteen, years planned and built these power line 'pools' that hook up a string of generating stations are due a lot of credit They were the far-sighted daughters and Mist Christine dreds of thousands of ritisens battled desperately for their lives and belongings agalnit peaceful rivers turned deadly monsters. hiTgUnaf Fifty Toss After swirling flood water Inun-dsted Louisville's three large power houses and rut off a high voltage feed line from Cincinnati, Kentucky Utilities Comi'iiny emergency crews moved M-tnn transformer -morel Beady, of Gastonia, N.

are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Earlington and Graham. and through Mrs. James Brady. loop" connections at Morganfleld Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Kirk and and Mound City, 111., from the Grand Tower station of Central Illinois Public Service Company. children and Mr.

and Mrs. G. Skaggs, of Koda, spent Sunday in than 100 milf to Eive I-ouisville limited eervire (ram ram. "Talk about us saving thousands of lives by keep the service going. We'd have been helpless if ws had not been able to Up the high linea hookup.

Local independent power plants would have been about as useful as a courthouse full of water. Just put that in the newapapsrs." The other day after one line Bristol visiting relatives. This service wan sufficient to op- man had lost his lifs a busy public erate radio etatiims WHAS and official took tims to tell newspaper WAVE, through -hi rewue work reporters about the "heroic" work Miss Helen Wax is confined to her home in Big Stone Gap with flu. mmm i of Mrs. Dora Corns.

1 Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hobbs, of Miss Grace Thomas and Mrs.

Bud Milhorne were business shoppers in Middlesboro this week. You'll go a butt Knrt'tninf having vigarmutly hfahhr family I uba c.ievef shilling in mi Benhsm, are th guests of Miss Dells McPherson enter children ubo Jo urll in mrhont you mm that thry nan each eVrr nil uiih a naurithing mm eierv mmaf Mrs. Arnold Kirk has returned Mr. and Mrs. C.

B. Hobbs. APPALACHIA SOCIETY tained with a farewell party Wednesday night in honor of Miss Jane Lawson who is moving to and daughter. Klls Mae. Mis Eva Ksye Eitep and Marvin Hodge.

Mr. snd Mr. II. F. Cress snd Mr.

snd Mrs. Kerry were the (ruectit of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tsylor, of Kinipport Wednesday. The He.

W. M. Dean, Fred Fuher. Mrs. J.

Hall snd daugh home from the Lee General Hos hesrty American breakfiits. Theother of those msevemuTermt tJ wss our "charming km hens with elec-, sr rsnv Amcmin icJ Uunbar. About 30 guests were pital where she underwent an operation for sppendicitis. She is trie cooking stoves. in their kitchens.

visitor in Donald Witt, was a St. Charles Sunday. reported slowly improving. present. Mrs.

Mcl herson and daughter, Virginia Lee, served dsinty refreshments. Jane received many mce gifts. Everyone re ter, Stonega, Mrs. Har- And you, Mrs. America IW NOnCEOF SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Situate in and Near Big Stone Gap, Virginia In the msUer of J.

A. Morris, Bankrupt. Pursuant to an onr of Hon. John Roberts, Referee, entered on the 6th day of February, 1H37. in the matter of J.

A. Morris, Bsnk-rupt, the undersigned will en SATURDAY MARCH 13th. iyS7 at 2 o'clock P. M. (Eastern Standard Time), at the front door of the United States Post Office and Court Building, in the town of Big Stone Gap.

Virginia, offer for sale to the high set bidder the following described real estate, namely: (a) Lou 1, 2. and 4, Block Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adams, of Norton, were the dinner guests Mr. and Mrs.

Coles Kelly, of Big Stone Gap, were visiting nends and relatives in St Charles try this recipe ddura bacon in your tlntm ring ported a very nice time. lowe snd Mrs. John Ellin, of Andover, sttended the Bishop's Crusade si Bristol on Thursdsy. of Mr. and Mrs.

Dan Moody and Pennington Gap Sunday. Arm days sro brilliant English womin, one i (he few feminine members of Parliament, was interviewed on shipboard in New York harbor as she 4i about to sail for home after a three months' tour of the United States. The gentlemen of the press most wanted to know her impressions of this country. Politely she mentioned our beautiful public buildings, our great highway system, the luxury of our trains, the development of oar free school program. But two other things impressed her more deeply, the lady declared, than all these put together.

One was our Dip strips of bacon in cmJ Mr. and Mrs. Roby Redwine, of Kingsport, were week end guests roll them in Hour. Place a Mrs. Dona Thomas is ill at "Everywhere in Europe," she explained, "breskfsst consists of one hard mil and cup of tea or chocolate.

Here in America you have fruit, cereal, bacon and eggs, toast or hot bread, and coflce. "No wonder you are all so vigorous snd energetic No wonder you have accomplished so much in such a comparatively short time. I think your breakfasts do it Spoofing? Not at all! "By the way, as soon ss I get home I'm going to equip my flat with one Mr. snd Mm, W. L.

Lowe and smokeless broil it pan in Kim from ton of oven. Turn pc children, Eva Nell and Robert, her home. Miss Genevia Leigh, of Domin of Mr Charlie Meade. John D. Wililsms, was visiting Mrs.

Charlie Collins Sstur-dsy afternoon. nroil, turn temperature art were visiting relatives in Gste lar ss it can be turned. La ion, was a week end visitor City Sunday. door slightly siax. Hroil, nraJt of Miss Emms Schubert.

Mr. snd Mrs. Cooper were visiting Mr. Cooper's parent near Church Hill, Sunday. Mrs.

W. W. Smith, of Wythe-villc, is visiting Mrs. T. E.I Chapmsn.

W. H. Chapman and his daughter, Mary, of Hubbard Springs, until bacon is crup and kf The Stonega Independent Bas bout sides. Harry Griffith has been ill ketball team defested the Stonegs with flu. grsde school Tuesday.

Mrs. Milt Hall is seriously ill st this writing. Mrs. Ike Moore is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Crockett Polk, in Kentucky.

is ts MINI A I. II Mr. and Mrs. Holly Gilliam, of ansae taaaWaTpsntfCltaVal aaaasaaaaaaawMI Pennington Gap, were visiting DERBY Miss Helea McArther, Co Mrs. Dona Thomas Saturday.

4, Nerthsid Land Company's Addition to the Town of Big Stona Gap, Virginia, together with Improvements thereen, including the large gasoline Storage Tanks and equipment, be ST. CHARLES Virgil Weeks, Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stallard, of St. Charles, spent the week end with relatives in Elixahethton, Tenn.

Miss Maude Kinser wss a week end visitor in Pennington Gap. Mr. and Mrs. M. L.

Newton were shopping in Harlan, Tuesday. W. Woody and Paul Graham, of Kingsport, were recent business visitors in St Charles. ing the property formerly operated as the' "Northside Killing and Service Station," in in Big Stona Gap, Virginia. (b) Lot 26, Big Stone Gap Land Company's Suburban Plat No.

1, containing five (5) acre, more or less, situate and being on main highway between Big Stone Gap, Virginia, and Norton, Virginia, and about one mile East of the Town of Big Stone Gap, Virginia. MOM GM PBS DQLIM nawJsswaanswaaawawawaawawaansaa mMM-m-mmmmmmtmmmmmmmW'' BBJBBSJnaaaBBBaajSsnnnBSnjaaBnaja mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmWmmmmwmmmmmmm I Quality Car 7Cr' In the wi law-prlc field DUNBAR Said real aetata is to be sold sold free and clear of all liens, including contingent right of Margarat Robiaette, Cor. dower of Ida J. Morris, wife of J. A.

Morris, with the exception of taxes for tha year 1937, and were in town Saturday. Mrs. Ross Chandler and Mrs. James Cress were visitors in Norton Tuesday evening. Mrs.

H. L. Fuller and daughter, Miss Fay returned Friday from a week's buying trip in New York City. They purchased a complete line of spring merchandise in ladies' ready to wear and millinery for Fuller's, Inc. Mlsa Louise Fuller had as her guests Miss Louise Adams and Miss Nell Ellis, of Andover, over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Criier and Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Stegall were in Scott county Sunday. C.

S. Wampler spent the week end in Bristol with his family. The Ladies Aid Society' of the Christian church entertained the Christisa Endeavor, of Big Stone Gap and with a banquet Friday night at th Moos Hall. The speaker waa Rev. Wagner, of Greeeneville, Tenn.

Misses Emma and Pearl Wolfe spent the week end in Clinchport with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Titts-worth, were In Wbitwburg, Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. O. J. Swift visited Mrs. Swift's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Dove in Big Stone Gap over the week end. SCHOOL NEWS Jaaaary Honor Roll 4th' Grade Miss Gilmer: 90, Margie Blair R5, Frances Malaby, an the following terms: One Mitsioaary Society The Missionary -Society, of Derby Churvh, held is "regular monthly meeting st the home of Mrs.

Jim Lyons Fehrusry 6, 1H37. Mrs. John Davidson had charge of the following program: Opening Hymn "West Be the Tie." Prayer Rev. Bellamy. Christian Missions and World Health Mrs.

E. C. McPherson. Great Missionary Doctors Mrs. Hsrley Smith.

Training Native Doctors and Nurses Mrs. Paul Grimm. Medical Missions and Research Mrs. Leslie Thurman. Health Work in Wesley Houses Mrs.

Walter Bayless. Medical Missions and Public B. E. Polly. Power of the Written Gospel Mra.

Tom Bellamy. Benediction. There were 12 members present and 2 new members. The total offering waa $2.10. Mrs.

Lyons served dainty refreshments. The society adjourned to meet with Mrs. John Davidson for the March meeting srittj Mrs. Hsrvy Smith, leader. The society has a splendid start for the new year and is doing aoma wenderful work.

They only hop to be able to carry on the work they have planned. Mrs. Ike Lawson is confined to her bed with a severe case of flu. Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Williams and daughter, Mary Jane, spent last week end in Roanoke. John Davidson went to Gate City Sunday to attend the funeral fourth (U) cash in hand on day sale, and tha balance in three (3) equal instalments of six (6), twelve (12) e.nd eighteen (18) months after the data of sale. with interest from date, said in stalments to be evidenced by aotes or bonds of the purchaser be secured by a lien retained The matrimonial parade in Lee county increased during the month of January, a report released today at the clerk's office st Jonesville revealed. Twenty-couples were married during the month of January. They were: Dewey Smith, 18, Miss MatLie Ely, IK, of Jonesville; John Snod-grass, 27, Miss Lean Pendleton, 21, of Jonesville; Bill Sturgill, 30, Miss Katherin Barton, 18, St.

St. Charles; Ellis Pleasant, 21, Miss Has! Harlass, 21, Duffield; Paul Scale, 21, Miss Bertha Lee, 22. Roe Hill; Alan James Hill. 22, of Cumberland Gap, Miss Ruth Castle, 21, of Middlea-boro, Charles Barton, 26, of Lone Mountain, Miss Bu-lah Depew, 21, of Jonesville; Woodrow Oxford, 22, Miss Lilie Burnett, 18, Pennington Gap; Shular Herndon, 21, of Stonega, Miss Buerra Kelly, to, of Ewing; Joe Miller, 24, Mias Laura Vsn-sant, 21, St. Charles; Doyle Jackson Wallen, 21, Miss Ors Hurd, 21, of Kyles Ford, Dewey Willis, 24, of Black Water, Miss Ethel Bledsoe, 18; of Fsirview; Wiley Collins, 26, of Appalachia, Miss Lillian Martin 21, of Roda; John Moore, 41, Miss Litxie Anderson, SO, of Blackwater; Barney Blsir, 21.

Miss Beulah McConnel), 21, of Dry den; Paul Ewing, 28, Mrs. Fay Moore, SI, Pennington Gap; Louis Eldridge. 22, of Black-water, Mias Ruby Wallee, 21, of Kyle's Ford, Ancel Row-lett, 28, Ewing. Miss Bonny Gra-bile, 25, Rosa Hill; Victor King, 21, of Jonesville, Miss Myrtle Moore, IS, of Dryden; Jack King. 20, of Jonesville.

Mia Eva Moore, IT, of Drydenr Earl B. A cuff, 34, Miss Ethel Wyatt, 24, of Bonny Blue; Clarence Bush. 22, Miss Elsie Clay, 21, of Keokee; William B. Parrott, 21, Mias Eva Reews, 22, Bonny Blue; Porter Ricks, 26, Miss Edith Bray, of Stone-ra: Homer Miller. 27.

at Pardee an the premises sold. Tha prop erty described under (a) herein above shall be a whole, and the property described under (b) shall Oe sold sepsrstely ss a whole. Purchaser shall have the privilege of paying; all cash aa dsjr of sale. The above described properties will be sold subject to the appro al af the Refer. This February I Oth, 137.

GEO. L. TAYLOR, Feb. U-4-9 Trustee. Mrs.

Bill Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ssndige, of Imboden, were visiting friends in Dunbar Sunday. Mr. snd Mrs.

Harry Meador snd sons, Harry Junior and Bobby, were dinner (guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tate Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Morelock visited Mrs. F. M. Beverly at Arno, Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. James R. Rea-sor and Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Tate were visiting Mr.

Reasor's par enta, Mr. and Mrs. Reasor in Lee county Sunday. M. F.

Baker spoke at the evening service at church to a very appreciative crowd in place of ths pastor who was kept away on account of illness. Rev. Woodward attended th "Bishop's Crusade" held in Bristol at the Methodist Episcopal church South Thursday, February Uth, led by Bishop Arthur J. Moore. The aim of the "Bishop's Cm-sade" is- to lift the whole church to a higher plan of life and service to revive missionary interest and education and to send a revitalised church out with new faith and courage in the conquest of the world.

Friends in Dunbar wer sorry to see Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meador and family leave. They will now live in Big Stone Gap. Jim Lewmaa, who is superintendent at Dunbar, will be moving his fsmily to Dunbar soon.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, of Harry Jonee, Lillian Shagan, Ruth Jfrom pe-I wh-U. CthTTIR-POISE BIDING COMFORT All parser, beten axle. MQRE MLES PER CALLOM-Ownerse- ARRSSTINO on.

of America's moif distinct cars! aver wttn me XB-SteelBodNotto-Proofed. -t LuxurlousNewIntoHor. Hood Starter Bevare The Cough From a common cold That Hangs On Coanpano-nu Uf Windshields thsC wh Price, J. R. 4tk Grade Misa Witts 8S, Ja Cresa, Paal Sungaaor, Buster Roberta, 4th Ga4e Mm Wilst 0, Lillian Herroe, Rnsssll Farmer, Helea Lots Still, Dan My era.

86, Dan Kaylor, Arthur Niekela. 4th Grade Miss Jett: 90, Bobby Joe Dlckwon, Donald Htx-on, Edith Carter, Billle Cress, Mildred Lee. 85, Sam Carico, Jack Mahan, Margaret Collins, Minnie Sneed, Dorothy Taylor. Button on Dash Parking ora YOVR FORD DEALt Open Two Door-PUlar LUjhts to Sedans. FZZrZ 7 Bntton.M23' V'ci Spelled.

DrWau also know th Bl" Bntton, 23, of Gibsoa Sto-asecussneas of Peecnwood Crao- tina. Miss Eula Cupp, 21. of ZJ, r.n i 1 aot and they rack Creomuialoa top for cougha because you get a real do of Creoaoto la Creomul- The Brilliant The Thrifty 60 F0S9 V-8 Ko natter how many medicines you have tried for your eoagh, efteat coed or bronchial trntaUoo, you caa ret reiw now with Creomuiaton. Creoaaulsion not onip cinema the aooUwsf eiroMsfts ovmai to many reovecatsr, sua aa rup of While Pine Compound wiUt Tar, fluid extract of Licorice (toot, fluid extract Of Wild Cherry and JMrnthoL but also baa fluid extract of Ipecae for Its powerful phlegm. loosening effect, fluid extract of Caarar lor Its mild bunuv effect and, most Important of all.

Keechwood Creosote la perfecUv blended with all of the to reach th aourr of tt troubi from th tnide. Creomul-aioa caa be taken fresuenUy and continuously by adults and remarttabl results. ThoosarKte jf dorwrs trse Oreo tWM'uaoa la own famiUee aa well aa la their practto knowing bow Cmwmiitaon aids nature to sucthe Uie inflamed) tutmbrstir aid Jenkins, spent the week end Lee reaaty recently organised a garden club. The first two meetings wer held at Joaesnll with a steadily inereJng enrollment- Other meetings ar to be scheduled soon which will reach throughout th entire county. Mrs.

i. E. Laningham was elected chairman of the committee and Mrs. B. Hagy, St.

Charles, secretary. The Ladies' Aid Society of th local M. E. Church, St Charles, erred a delicious plat lunch Tuesday ia the Union Hall. GEORGE Dealer ia PENN-LEE COAL Block-Egg-R.

O. M. Prices very reasonable. Prompt delivery in any quantity. CaH G.

W. Hood's ttor st I N. depot Phone 4S BIG STONE GAP, VA. 4-1J Hon, emulslfted aa that it la palatable, Aigeaubl and potent for going to Ui very eeat of the trouble, CreotnulstoQ guaranteed satla-fatary In to treatrcent of ootMrtia, cheat cold and bronchial Irritations and especially Uios stubborn one that start wuh a common ooid and hang oa for dreadful days and tiichta therearter. Even If otiwr reaiedie have failed, your dnamst ts suUw-rlT to guarantee Creomul-swn and to refund every cent of your money if yog ar not asttsfted with reaulis fmea th very flm botti.

Dunt worry through another sleep. leas nurM phone or go get bottl Of Creomulsiuo rht now. lAdvJ vntk Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bower and family.

Mr. and Mra. Scott Gates spent the sreek end in Keokee visiting relatives. Mrs. Gecsey and Mrs.

Oranee. On Disipiiiy nt Greever Motor Soles I1IQ STONE CAP XOHTOX COEB of Appalachia. visited Mr. and Mrs. Jo Supco Sunday..

The Post from Big Stone Gap, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.