The Inside Out of Internal Family Systems: Part 1 - You Are More Than the Sum of Your Parts - The Center for Family Transformation (2024)

In 2015, Disney Pixar took a dive into the world of psychology and neuroscience with the release of the clever and entertaining movie Inside Out (2). In this film, the audience is privy to seeing inside the mind headquarters of the main character Riley, which is made up of several emotions: joy, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust. At the opening of the movie, we see a harmonious partnership between these parts which are working together tirelessly for Riley’s benefit. Fear comes in as an appropriate protector just in time to keep the toddler from running over an electrical cord. Joy comes in to help restore Riley to a place of emotional regulation and happiness (2). All seems to be going well until Riley’s family moves cross country, introducing a huge psychosocial stressor to the system. This results in Riley’s parts becoming stressed and burdened, so they start working against each other which causes young Riley to lose sight of her core self.

The storyline of this film is based upon the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of psychotherapy which was developed by Richard Schwartz in the 1980s (4). While the Disney film uses emotions to depict segments of personalities, parts are actually more than emotions. The premise of this evidenced-based IFS model of therapy encompasses the belief that we are not one dimensional in our personality, but rather our personality is a family of parts. Each part is a segment of our personality, or ego state, that has a specific role.

In the first post of this three-part blog series, I will paint a picture of our soul map as understood by Internal Family Systems. Author and theologian Henri Nouwen (3) once said, “A part of you was left behind very early in your life: the part that never felt completely received. It is full of fears. Meanwhile, you grew up with many survival skills. But you want yourself to be one”. The underpinnings of this quote summarize the basic concepts of IFS. Our parts can fulfill healthy and unhealthy roles. According to Schwartz, we are all born with a core self that is inherently undamaged (4). The IFS map of the soul is made up of our core self, exiles, managers and firefighters. If we are living from our core self, our true spirit-led self, we will experience qualities such as compassion, clarity, confidence, calmness, creativity, curiosity, courage, and connectedness, otherwise known as the 8 Cs (4). Life events such as trauma, dysfunction, and neglect can force our parts out of healthy roles into roles that are burdened and extreme due to the perceived need to protect our system.

According to the Life Model, a neurotheological model of human development, experiences in childhood and life can position us to avoid pain like rejection, fear, abandonment, shame, humiliation, and guilt (5). Internal Family Systems calls these large unpleasant emotions “Exiles”. There are two types of protectors in IFS, Managers and Firefighters. Managers are proactive and strive to maintain balance in our system through exercising control with offenses such as perfectionism, anxiety, people-pleasing, procrastination etc. These offenses work proactively to prevent us from feeling the pain of the vulnerable exiled parts. Firefighters such as anger, addictions, eating disorders, media binges, and obsessions come in as reactors attempting to create diversion from, or smother, the Exiles (4). Sometimes our protectors and exiled parts can become so burdened due to life stressors that they blend with our Core Self, and we begin to believe this is who we are. Often this results in being overwhelmed, out of balance, and feeling as though we have lost sight of our identity.

By now you might be trying to identify possible protectors and exiles in your own personality and asking what you are to do next. You might even be feeling a bit of disdain or impatience toward these parts. However, the solution here might sound a little counterintuitive. Rather than condemning the aspects of ourselves that are troubled, we are encouraged to befriend our burdened parts, recognizing their need for healing. This requires courage and acknowledging that these parts came in as a response to pain to protect our system at some point in our lives. For example, you may have a part that became a burdened perfectionist because, as a child, you perceived your acceptance from caregivers was based upon performance. Extending curiosity, understanding, and compassion toward that protective part or exile frees up space to lead from our core, spirit led self, our true identity. The book Boundaries for Your Soul (1) summarizes this concept as extending hospitality toward the parts of your soul that are angry, fearful, anxious or sad…this is mature love.

Now that you understand the map of the soul, part two of this blog series on Internal Family Systems will journey into the steps of IFS, practical application, and what this might look like in a therapy session. Healing is found through connection, self-acceptance, calming internal chaos, and transforming parts into allies so that clients can experience living in the fullness of who they are created to be. Clients can also gain perspective as they realize their troubled part (e.g., operating in anger, anxiety, control) does not define them, rather it is a responder to life experiences and stressors.


  1. Cook, A. PhD. & Miller, K. (2018).Boundaries for your soul: how to turn your overwhelming thoughts and feelings into your greatest allies. Nelson Books.
  2. Docter, P. Inside Out [film]. Disney Pixar.
  3. Nouwen, H.M. (1996). Inner voice of love, a journey through anguish to freedom. Doubleday.
  4. Schwartz, R. C. (1995). Internal Family Systems Therapy. Guilford Press.
  5. Friesen, J. G., Wilder, E. J., Bierling, A. M., Koepcke, R., Poole, M. (2013). Living from the heart Jesus gave you. Shepherd’s House, Inc.
The Inside Out of Internal Family Systems: Part 1 - You Are More Than the Sum of Your Parts - The Center for Family Transformation (2024)


What is the inside out family systems theory? ›

The Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy model developed by Richard C. Schwartz is so called because it has discovered that each of us is really a system of parts, comparable to how a family is a system of persons. Now, as Korzybski famously said, a map is not the territory.

What are the parts in internal family systems? ›

There are three main types of parts that are involved when a person is in emotional pain: exiles, managers, and firefighters. These parts tend to obscure access to the core self and dim our light in order to keep us protected.

What are the 5 P's of internal family systems? ›

5 Ps:
  • Presence.
  • Patience.
  • Perspective.
  • Persistence.
  • Playfulness.
Sep 4, 2023

What is the brief explanation of internal family systems? ›

IFS suggests that it is your core Self that is who you truly are. The therapy process promotes healing, trust in the Self, and the coordination of all C's and P's that make up the Self.

How old is Riley in Inside Out? ›

In Disney/Pixar's “Inside Out”, the character Riley is depicted through her emotional world inside her brain and memories. When we first meet Riley, she is a happy 11-year old girl living in Minnesota with her mom and dad.

What theory is Inside Out based on? ›

American Psychologist Robert Plutchik first visualized his Theory of Emotions in 1980. Although Inside Out simplifies some aspects of Plutchik's theory for its target audience, it subtly nods to its more complex facets, such as the pairing of emotions as opposites—such as happiness and sadness.

Can I do ifs therapy on myself? ›

One of the unique and beautiful things about IFS is that you can practice it alone.

How long does IFS therapy take to work? ›

It usually takes about 1 to 3 additional sessions to notice a reduction in various concerns, such as low self-esteem, dissociation and anxiety. As IFS therapy is not a time-constrained method, it is often used as a long-term approach.

Is ifs therapy legit? ›

More and more, these studies are showing that IFS isn't just a feel-good therapy; it really works. This journey of seeing the research give IFS the thumbs up is important.

What are the 7 C's of the internal family system? ›

The 8 C's in IFS are compassion, curiosity, clarity, creativity, calm, confidence, courage, and connectedness.

How to identify yourself in IFS? ›

In essence, the Self is who we truly are, with all of our Parts separate. The Self is characterised by what IFS calls the 8C's: compassion, curiosity, clarity, creativity, calm, confidence, courage, and connectedness.

Is IFS evidence based for trauma? ›

The results showed that IFS therapy had significantly positive effects on adults with PTSD and histories of exposure to multiple forms of childhood trauma.

What is IFS in a nutshell? ›

In a nutshell, Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an approach to therapy that views the self, or the individual, as a system – made up of many parts that all relate to and impact one another. Each part has its own emotions, desires, abilities, and ways it approaches the world around them.

What does IFS look like? ›

You might be asked to identify and describe what you're thinking or feeling, and to label which internal part of yourself is responsible for this. You may be asked to get in touch with these internal parts, and express their emotions through various means, such as verbally or visually.

What are the burdens in IFS? ›

Burdens: Extreme ideas or feelings that are carried by parts and govern their lives.

What are the main points of family systems theory? ›

The underlying theme of the family systems approach is that families are an emotional unit. They are an interconnected system of interdependent individuals. Moreover, they influence one another, and their psychology cannot be understood in isolation from the system as a whole.

What are the beliefs of the internal family systems? ›

A core tenet of IFS is that every part has a positive intent, even if its actions are counterproductive or cause dysfunction. There is no need to fight with, coerce, or eliminate parts; the IFS method promotes internal connection and harmony to bring the mind back into balance.

What is the premise of the internal family systems? ›

Internal Family Systems Model (IFS) is a psychological model developed in the 1980's by Richard Schwartz, PhD. Drawing from family systems theory, IFS understands the internal self as a kind of family, made up of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs (known as Parts) and the true Self, or innate wisdom.

What type of therapy is inside out based on? ›

The storyline of this film is based upon the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of psychotherapy which was developed by Richard Schwartz in the 1980s (4). While the Disney film uses emotions to depict segments of personalities, parts are actually more than emotions.


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