Lexington Unit-Journal from Lexington, Illinois (2024)

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Lexington Unit-Journali

Lexington, Illinois

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i a this our 4 of 4 0M CLEAN COOL enables One to make a selection with ease PURE RESH 4 THEY COST NO MORE John Wiley Jr 4 near until We visited the Queen of Scots in her private special interest Mrs Mrs Keswick Scotland July 14 1936 It I MUSSELMAN UNERAL HOME Adversity introduces us to friends 1 ire and Auto Insurance GUERNSEY MILK DAIRY PHONE 378 4 The annual picnic and supper for the' members and families of the arm Bureau Home Bureau and 4 members will be held Monday even 17th at the home of Mr and Mrs Elder Bring picnic basket and table service Supper will be served at 6 The com mittee is Mesdames Elder Don al Boyd Walter 'Ehresman John Dawson and Anna Blue 1 1 ARM LOANS ann Loans 4A North estem Life Large Loan No Commission Or Abstract Cost Insurance Agency A Living Protection Let us tell you how with $525 per month you can build up a cash reserve in the INVESTORS SYNDICATE A bank account A fund for your college education A comfortable old age in come and reserve 'X ci A simple system of price marking Now you can have a lovely perfect wave no matter how difficult your hair may be to wave Rapitone and Shelton a new oil permanent that re stores life and vigor to all types of hair The modern safe method permanent waving Patton Insurance Agency (See Gordon Dawson in the Musselman display rooms Plain figures are used Neu) Lou) Rates IL Ward Dear Gwen: I Wrote you on Sunday the 12th We went to Edinburgh on Monday morning and spent the day inpectlng points of interest Castle where Mary resided and were rooms The one of was a small bedroom where her son James was bom In after years he became King of England We were also in the old church which John Knox attended I bought a set of views of the interior We spent the night with a friend of Mrs Marshall Maes sister in law and enjoyed the visit She has a son who has just received a degree in Chemis try from the Edinburgh University He is a very pleasing young chap We left there early this morning and took a bus toward London through the lake district We had lunch here in the hotel at Keswick then on past Windermere a beautiful lake 10 miles long and almost as wide (Continued on Page 8) Dear Gwen: 7 We took the bus to Ayr today the birthplace and home of Robert Buras the Scotch poet We visited his' cot tage then the monument and gar dens surrounding All are very beau tiful There are Canterbury Bells as large as teacups and the Delphin ium grows as tall as com in Illinois We stood on the banks of Bonny Doon and the enclosed photo was taken on the old bridge over the Doon with the monument in the background The weather is bright and coot The churches here are much the same as our city ones only they seem very old and rather music is fine but they use foe very old hymns and I am hardly with them however I enjoyed the services very much £4 Tomorrow morning we will go tci Edinburgh then on Tuesday to Lon don via Chester and Stratford on Avon stopping over one night on foe way I will try to write youfrom there 'X SOCIAL PAST AND UTURE IN LEXINGTON A family picnic party was enjoyed last night at the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph Payne in honor of Mr and Mrs Stakes of Houston Texas who have been visiting here They left this morning for Kent Ohio on a business trip and will re turn here before going home Other out of town relatives at the reunion last night were Mr and Mrs Oscar Dawson of Chicago Mr and Mrs Douglass of Carlock and Mr and Mrs Herschell Payne and son Marlon of Pontiac MR AND MBS HYNEMAN HAVE GRANDDAUGHTER BORN IN LONDON ENG Mr and Mrs Hyneman re ceived a cablegram telling of the birth of a daughter to Mr and Mrs Geoffrey de Ste Croix of London England Monday by a Ceasarian op eration A secdnd cable received Tuesday reports mother and daugh ter doing nicely The baby has been named Carolyn Mrs de Ste Croix was formerly Lucile Hyneman a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan univer sity with the class of 1924 and a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority No Hunting No hunting or trespassing allowed on the Pierson farm (8 27 36) ast Your opening sale has closed What now1? 1 The dosing sale opens REV ART KING WILL Breach at union SERVICE SUNDAY EVE Rev Art Ring of El Ringo Okla will deliver the sermon at the Union service in the park Sunday evening ARM AND HOME BUREAU PICNIC MONDAY AUGUST 17 arm and Home Bureau members in Lexington Township are invited to a get together at the residence of Elder on Monday August 17 at 5:30 Please bring basket lunch and table service for your own fam ily Emile Rediger Township Representative When youhave a fight with licked youwify A mvmva inn vjBiAirvuTiiN all diAM0ND Siron)Vf Oh riday night the Colored Glahts dropped their second game of the sea son to the Lexington Merchants The hall park saw a capacity crowd and the spectators seemed to enjoy to the utmost the 11 inning game which was enacted After trailing bjf the score at 5 fol in the 6th in ning the Merchants scored 4 runs to tie up the game? Doubles by Becker Armentrout and Weakley were im portantfactora Several arguments were witnessed and an unusual game of in which Mool ran all over the diamond and succeeded in saving himself from being doubled out ATHER LEXINGTON MAN DlgS IN COLAX Wesley Lawrence passed away at his home at Colfax at 5 Sat urday morning August 8 his death resulting from a strake about 4 years ago He was 61 years 3 months and 11 days old The funeral was held Monday after noon at the church at Col fax and the burial was in the Wiley cemetery He leaves a sister Mrs Lydia Har ris of Colfax and seven children Claude of Lexington Paul and Drex el of Colfax Mrs Helen Jones of Col fax Mrs Hazel Caravetta of Chica go Mrs Mabel Hieronymus of air bury and Lyle address unknown The deceased also leaves four grand children The deceased was born and raised and lived on the same farm all his life He was well known among the older residents of Lexington and vi cinity Besides the son and his family other Lexington people who attended the funeral services were Mr Wil liam amer Miss Dorothy amer Mrs' Wanda Adreon Mr and Downey and Mr and George Bishop A LEXINGTON SCHOOLS WILL OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 1st Tie Lexington Coinmunlty Higir School'will open' for the caning yew on Tuesday September 1 and the Lincoln Grade School on foef ollow Ing Monday September 7 Practic ally everything la in readiness for the opening of both schools Registration will be held for high school freshmen in the high school building on Wednesday August 26 from 9 a to 4 New high school students other than freshmen will register on Thursday August 27 Students who registered last spring and wishing to make any change in registration should do so prior to August 26 Enrollment for grade school stu dents will be taken care of bn the opening morning of school Pupils en tering the first grade are requested to bring their birth certificates so that a certified record of the date of their births may be entered on the school records Booklists for both high school and grades will be available either at the book store or at the high school after August 20 The complete faculties of the two schools for the year will be: Superintendent of Schools Neil Garvey Lexington Community High Shool Mrs Katharine Magill Mathe matics and English Miss Marian Van Sickle Englishi Miss Dorene Murphy Commercial Miss Marie Gantzert Home Econ omies and Latin Mr Robert I Glenn Science Mr'W Heldreth Manuel Arts and Bookkeeping Mr Robert DuBois Social Sciences and Athletics Lincoln Grade School Mr red Rabe Prin History and Geography 6 7 and 8th grades Miss Eileen Miller English and Music 6 7 and 8th Miss Jane Ward Arithmetic and Spelling 6 7 and 8th grades Miss Anne Gustavson ifth Grade Miss Alberta Berry ourth Grade Miss Pauline Morris Third Grade Miss Verna Wallace Second Grade Miss Minnie Kelley irst Grade WILLIAM NEAL DIES AT HOSPITAL SATURDAY AUG Sth William Davis Neal a recent comer here but known in this vicinity died in St hospital Bloomington at 9 am Saturday August The funeral was held from the Musselman funeral home here at 1 Monday with the Rev Reighton Jones of the Methodist Episcopal church officiating Bur ial was made at Anchor Mr Neal was born Dec 14 1867 He married Margaret Ellen Camp of Minier in 1893 There were no chil dren He is survived by two brothers John Neal of Martinton and Leo nard Neal of Watseka and one (sister Rose Camp of Sibley 1 He spent all his life in Illinois his native state and had farmed Sibley Saybrook and Gridley he retired in 1930 LEXlNGTONMcLEANCOUNtY ILLINOIS AUGUST 131936 SC THEATRE SATURDAY £nd SUNDAY August i5 16 HAL ANGEL estival bids fair tlh year to be the biggest and best which this commun ity has seen for many year The festivities will open Wednesday September 9 and will continue for four days with something Wednesday is Homecoming and American Legion Day' with the Mg colt show in the afternoon The Le gion parade will be held at 700 nt and this will be one of the test par ades Lexington has wen' for many noons Thursday will be Democratic Day and those in charge teve the promise' of some notedspMYlhis oc There ivill also tea horse show at night at the baUk riday is Republican with promenent speakers and ijso a horse show at night atthej tell Saturday is day and amily rolic with freejscts in the afternoon and thekiddies And parade There' will be exhlblts pf kinds on display during the entire four': days shows rides and cdnces sions which is said to teia' man mouth affair crowds each afternoon and' evening This Is said to be thelargest amusem*nt aggregapht hcs ever visited thia city There will be plenty of amusem*nts for both bld and Jroung' Plan your vacation so that you may be able to enjoy pleasure and meet yqurbld friends at the Lexington (Homecoming and all September 9 to' 12 in elusive The Unit Journal will keep you posted on program arrangements as they develop DR CLARK REOOVER ING ROM SEVERE! nIfWWSH Dr Clark of Wyoming New York who has been seriously ill fol lowing a major operation in June writes the Unit Journal that he is now improving A very fine article which he wrote for our columns will be published next week Can you instill a taste for good literature in one who got it? tki'" J4 4 Interesting letters roijg Travelers: The following very interesting' ex erpts are taken from letters' written by Mrs Nellie Carnahan to the family of her son Charles Carnahan Mrs Carnahan and her sister Mrs: Mae Nettleship of Detroit Mich? are spending the summer in England Scotland and Wales They have near relatives in Lexington Champaign May wood Chicago Seattle and Kirk land Wash and South Pasadena Cal all of whom fire regular sub scribers to the Unit Journal as Weil as many friends who will be greatly interested in reading these letters Glasgow Scotland July 11 1936 COMING EVENTS SCHEDULED OR LEX BALL IELD (By Ormond Siron) On riday night of this week the Merchants will cross bats with Candy Kids This will be the second appearance of this team on the Lexington field this season They defeated the Merchants in the first game and the Merchants will endeaver to even things up tomorrow night There will also be a game here on next Monday night but at this writ ing we are unable to say just what team will be here 1 There will also be a game here the following riday night WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19 Her Voice Edward Everett Horton Peggy Conklin Laura Screws '1 nine "'J ADMlisiok 1 'a? hr kb Col Giants 000 320 000 00 5 5 6 000 001 400 01 6 11 2 In the curtain raiser the Ully Dip pers ekked out a 12 to 10 win over the Runts Both teams were scraps pers and put on a good show Zeke Mallory was winning pitcher but found himself in hot water several times when his support gave way Merchants Trim Chenoa After getting off to a good start by scoring 3 runs in the first and second frames the local boys had no difficulty in handling the Chenoa boys Chenoa has a team of young players with lots of ability but they were no match for the Merchants who controlled things throughout the game Lexington scored 1 in the first 2 in the second and siixth and 4 in the seventh for 9 runs and 8 hits Chenoa scored 1 in the sixth and 3 in the seventh A good crowd witnessed the game so you better come out to the ball park and see some good inexpensive entertainment') LEXINGTON TEAM TO PARTICIPATE IN 'TW0 TOURNAMENTS The Lexington Mercants soft ball team have entered the Gridley tour nament which begina next Monday night The schedule has not yet been received and we are unable to state just what night the local team will play their first game Have Entered Tourny at lanagan The Merchants team have entered the lanagan tournament also which begins week after next on Monday night Visitors jom California I Bull and daughter Mrs Julia Masten of Los Angeles Calif and I Bull and 'wife and sister of Chi cago are visiting their son and brot her Joseph Bull and family of city ComlngH White 'ang i Border PateNtfmaa Permanents Shampoos inger Waves Marcelles acials Manicures AH are needed by the up to date woman CALL PHONE 229 and make an appointment for aU forms of BRAUTY service Mrs Nelle Axtell Over office of Dr Scott and Conklin ROSS MC CQRMICK A BUYS THE HATCHERY HERE Having purchased Hayes natenery at this point and leased the Cha Peck building at 510 Maintreet Mr and Mrs Ross McCormick 11 continue to operate a hatchery feed store They win also buy cream and eggs and win con tinue to buy hatchery eggs which has added extra money to the income of a good number of farmers in this community They win continue to seU high quality merchandise and will be very much interested in see ing that it will give satisfaction to the purchaser Some weU known brands of merchandise they win sen are Purina eeds James way poultry and bam equipment Dr poultry remedies and other lines of merchandise of equal merit Mr McCormick has spent several years along the line of feed and hat chery work and after completing the 3rd year in the employ of Hayes Hatcheries we feel is highly qualified to on business You will find both Mr and Mrs McCormick always ready to fee of any service they render to our community They have been here in Lexington one year and have been boosters for thd good things of the community We feel that the new firm McCor Hatchery is very worthy of the support mIrybodley WEDS PEORIA MAN JULY 25 Mary Kathryn Bodley formerly of Lexington was married to Willard Lee Archer of Sistersville Va on July 25 at Pekin Hl They were attended by Mr and Mrs Melvin Bol ter and Miss Doranne Madina aU of Peoria Mr Archer attended Bradley Insti tute in Peoria and is now employed as an inspector at the A wash er factory "The bride attended the schools of Lexington and was a popular mem ber of the young social set Mr and Mrs Archer are at home to their friends at 411 Perry Ave Peoria Ill rancis Dee Brian Donley 'Charles Butterworth and Helen Stanley MARCH TIME NEWS Hi A "5 I Iw BB BeingAfranged 'cw'Jnrrv piwwzpin wif r' BU YS PAPER vU AT HENRY infgeld son of Mr and Mni Edward infgeld of Lexington yrho has been employed on the Bur ea County Republican at Princeton tar the past nine years baa purchas ed' the Henry News Republican and win take over the paper on Sept 1 He will move his family to Henry the iMv week in August The newspaper was purchased from Scott of Chillicothe' who for the past several years has' been pub lisher of the Chillicothe Bulletin the Lacon Home Journal and the News Republican at Henry The News Republican is one of the oldest newspapers in the Illinois Val ley having been established in 1852 We bespeak for a success foland happy future in his chosen profession a i HOTTniimiriiiinf nirrTrn T' I TJ 5 ww I I'.

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Lexington Unit-Journal from Lexington, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.