swords, sorcery, and weird science-fantasy
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VOLUME I: PLayer’s Manual by
Jeffrey P. Talanian
Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy
CREDITS Text: Jeffrey P. Talanian Editing: George Sedgwick Cover Art: Charles Lang Colour Plate Art: Charles Lang, David O. Miller, Peter Mullen, Val Semeiks (with Daisey Bingham) Interior Art: Ian Baggley, Johnathan Bingham, Mick Fernette, Jim Forzese, David Hoskins, Charles Lang, Peter Mullen, Diogo Nogueira, Russ Nicholson, Joseph Salvador, Glynn Seal, Val Semeiks, Jason Sholtis, Logan Talanian, Skye Talanian, Del Teigeler, Mike Tenebrae Cartography: Glynn Seal Alternative “Metal” Logo: turnedmetal.com Layout: Jeffrey P. Talanian Indexing and Final Proofreading: Ben Ball Play-Testing: Dan Berube, Dennis Bretton, John Cammarata, Jonas Carlson, Don Manning, Mark Merida
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The milieux of HYPERBOREA® are inspired by the fantastic literature of Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and Clark Ashton Smith. Other inspirational authors include Edgar Rice Burroughs, Fritz Leiber, Abraham Merritt, Michael Moorcock, Jack Vance, and Karl Edward Wagner. HYPERBOREA rules and conventions are informed by the original 1974 fantasy wargame and miniatures campaign rules as conceived by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. This game has enjoyed contributions and ideas from a variety of gaming peers. Association was brief with some of these contributors, while with others it remains constant to this day. Nonetheless, I appreciate them each and all for having a role in this game’s legacy: Ian Baggley, Ben Ball, Tim Callahan, Chainsaw, Colin Chapman, Antonio Eleuteri, Rich Franks, Michael Haskell, Morgan Hazel, Joe Maccarrone, Benoist Poiré, David Prata, Joseph Salvador, Matthew J. Stanham, and Corey Walden.
DEDICATION Dedicated to John Eric Holmes, whose revision of Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson’s original fantasy roleplaying game laid the foundation for my humble start in this wonderful hobby. Holmes Basic was the first game that I used to run campaigns of heroic adventure for the other neighborhood kids. In that box (gorgeously painted by David Sutherland) I found a glittering prize: polyhedral dice, a rules book, and Gary’s “Keep on the Borderlands” adventure module. Together, these resources opened my mind to fantastic worlds of imagination previously undreamed of. Whenever I find myself bogged down by the complexity of tabletop game design, I return to this reliable and trusted resource, which never fails to ground my sensibilities and spark my creativity. Special thanks to Erica Talanian for her love and support.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Character Generation
Chapter 3: Statistics
Chapter 4: Classes
Chapter 5: Background
Chapter 6: Equipment
Chapter 7: Sorcery
Chapter 8: Adventure
Chapter 9: Combat
NWA301 ISBN 978-1-7335414-3-5 | © 2022 North Wind Adventures, LLC
J.E.H. 1930–2010
Volume I: Player’s Manual
HYPERBOREA is a registered trademark of North Wind Adventures, LLC | Made in the USA
chapter 1 INTRODUCTION WELCOME TO HYPERBOREA HYPERBOREA is a role-playing game of swords, sorcery, and weird science-fantasy. It is played with paper, pencil, dice, and imagination. Participants include a referee and one or more players. The referee prepares and presents the adventure material (circumstances, challenges, quests, mysteries, etc.), and the players create player characters (PCs), including fighters, magicians, clerics, and thieves. The heroes of a HYPERBOREA game delve dungeons filled with horrifying monsters, lethal traps, and bewildering puzzles; they explore savage wilderness frontiers and dangerous borderlands; they probe ancient ruins and investigate cursed tombs; they match steel against sorcery and sorcery against steel; and they plunder for gold, gems, and magical treasure. HYPERBOREA is a “flat earth” realm hemmed in by the mystical boreas (“North Wind”), and under the scarlet light of a bloated, dying sun, its roiling seas spill eternal over the world’s rim. This world is in a perpetual state of decay and is populated by disharmonious men and women, hostile monsters, and weird, alien beings. The setting is adaptable and can be used independently or in conjunction with other milieux, published or homebrewed; indeed, HYPERBOREA might be just beyond the North Wind of any campaign setting.
WHAT IS A ROLE-PLAYING GAME? A role-playing game is a collaborative and interactive experience shared amongst two or more persons. Traditionally, the game’s participants are proximate to one another (seated at a dinner table or the like), but modern communications technology allows individuals to game together even if separated by vast distances. A gaming session may last two or more hours and can continue into subsequent sessions of play, much like the episodic flow of a television series. ROLE OF THE REFEREE The referee presents the adventure scenario, including any pertinent background information, intelligence, and rumours that may be learnt by the player characters. The game progresses as a sort of dialogue betwixt the referee and the players. The referee describes the places explored: an ancient tower, a ruined city, a dungeon complex, or perhaps a hoary wilderness. Also encountered are humans, humanoids, and monsters— friendly and hostile alike. ROLE OF THE PLAYERS The players react to the referee’s descriptions by explaining how their characters (individually or as a team) respond to each development: Character reactions may involve combat, ability use, diplomacy, problem solving, trickery, and/or evasion. The referee judges the results of all such activities by using a combination of the rules and no small amount of logic, reason, and fairness. Collaboration and creativity in the face of adversity are hallmarks of an enjoyable role-playing game experience.
WHAT IS “SWORDS, SORCERY, AND WEIRD SCIENCE-FANTASY”? Although its name was not coined until 1961 by Fritz Leiber, “sword-and-sorcery” is a type of fantasy fiction that (as many would agree) was created by Robert E. Howard when he wrote “The Shadow Kingdom,” published by Farnsworth Wright in the August 1929 issue of Weird Tales magazine: Kull with a single mighty leap hurled himself into the room. Tu spun, but the blinding, tigerish speed of the attack gave him no chance for defence or counter-attack. Sword steel flashed
Volume I: Player’s Manual
in the dim light and grated on bone as Tu toppled backward, Kull’s sword standing out between his shoulders. Kull leaned above him, teeth bared in the killer’s snarl, heavy brows a-scowl above eyes that were like the gray ice of the cold sea. Then he released the hilt and recoiled, shaken, dizzy, the hand of death at his spine. For as he watched, Tu’s face became strangely dim and unreal; the features mingled and merged in a seemingly impossible manner. Then, like a fading mask of fog, the face suddenly vanished and in its stead gaped and leered a monstrous serpent’s head! Before “The Shadow Kingdom,” there were numerous exciting tales of heroic action, adventure, and derring-do penned by many fine authors. Published in the pages of various pulp fiction magazines, these stories took place in exotic locales, lost worlds beneath the Earth’s surface, and sometimes other planets. Some literary scholars aver that this brand of adventure fiction can be traced as far back as the Icelandic sagas. Indeed, the saga of Egill Skallagrímsson fits the mould of many tales that were written several centuries later. So, what exactly is sword-and-sorcery fiction, and what makes it different from epic (or high) fantasy? In epic fantasy, the protagonists are typically humans and demi-humans (dwarves, hobbits, elves, etc.) who struggle against some dire threat and seek to rid the world of a great evil. This style of storytelling is epitomized by the fantastic works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Epic fantasies like Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings often span multiple novels with plenty of character building, subplots, and side adventures. In contrast, most sword-and-sorcery stories are shorter and more personal, featuring a single protagonist who may be of dubious character. The objectives of a sword-and-sorcery protagonist are often materialistic or individually motivated. For example, one might seek a valuable relic from ancient catacombs, take vengeance on a bloodfeud enemy of old, or perhaps fall into misadventure on account of drunkenness or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Many sword-and-sorcery tales are self-contained one-shots, whilst others are episodic, loosely strung together, and not necessarily in chronological order. However, longer form sword-and-sorcery tales do exist. Howard’s
Hour of the Dragon was a serialized Conan novel, and Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer series, written by James Silke, spanned four novels. Epic fantasy worlds tend to be more magical, with schools of wizardry, magical societies, and renowned practitioners of magic who are both feared and admired. In many instances, magic and nature are interwoven, part of the same fabric, if you would. In contrast, the magic of sword-and-sorcery tales is typically dangerous and/or forbidden, and it is often harnessed by madmen. Certainly, Howard’s Conan faced several unhinged sorcerers. But the concept of sorcery causing physical and mental “corruption” to its practitioners is not universally true. Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane, Michael Moorcock’s Elric, and Fritz Leiber’s Gray Mouser are all practitioners of sorcery, and they are neither disfigured nor driven to insanity from it; too, Jack Vance presents several sorcerers in The Dying Earth, and they are of varying temperaments and predilections; and in Clark Ashton Smith’s Hyperborea tales, Eibon, although a sorcerer of ill-repute, is measured and astute: “Detestable sorcerer! Abominable heretic! I arrest you!” said Morghi with pontifical severity. Eibon was surprised, not to say startled; but it re-assured him to see that Morghi was alone. He drew the sword of highly tempered bronze which he carried, and smiled.
Volume I: Player’s Manual “I should advise you to moderate your language, Morghi,” he admonished. “Also, your idea of arresting me is slightly out of place now, since we are alone together in Cykranosh, and Mhu Thulan and the temple-cells of Yhoundeh are many million miles away.” Morghi did not appear to relish this information. He scowled and muttered: “I suppose this is some more of your damnable wizardry.” Eibon chose to ignore the insinuation. Epic fantasy tales are often conceived out of whole cloth or with marginal ties to real world history. Entire cultures, races, and species may be invented, many of which are not human yet possess physical and/or emotional human characteristics. Quasi-medieval, feudalistic societies are thematically popular in the genre, and typically include a pantheon of deities analogous to the gods of Greek, Roman, and Norse mythologies. Other epic fantasy tales may utilize Earthly myths and legends, incorporating them into a newly conceived fantasy world. In the Apprentice Adept series by Piers Anthony, for example, unicorns, vampires, and werewolves populate the world of Phaze. The influence of Tolkien looms large over countless epic fantasies, and many contain tried and true tropes—elven forests, dwarven mountains, halfling hills, and so forth. In contrast, the milieux of sword-and-sorcery are typically populated by humans, though they may have inhuman adversaries, such as the demons that plague the world of Larry Correia’s Saga of the Forgotten Warrior. Sword-and-sorcery worlds usually hew more closely to the familiar, are more likely to have quasi-reality, and may exist as variant shades of a historical Earth, though with sorcerous elements. This is not to say that sword-and-sorcery tales are bereft of their own recurrent themes; certainly the loin-cloth wearing barbarian brute can be a tedious stereotype. Among the more popular components of sword-andsorcery fiction is the “weird.” Howard incorporated it into his works, as did Leiber: strange, eldritch gods and deific, otherworldly beings whose objectives are irrespective of mankind’s position in the world. Many books and treatises have been written on the origins of the weird tale, and although we can trace its roots to authors such as Algernon Blackwood, Lord Dunsany, Arthur Machen, and Edgar Allen Poe, most would agree that it was H.P. Lovecraft who crystallized its most mind-numbing form: Cosmic Horror. This subgenre of horror fiction is known for its doctrine of futility, in which mankind is not only fundamentally insignificant, but powerless to change anything about the crushing horrors of the illimitable universe. This outlook is exemplified in the opening paragraph of “The Call of Cthulhu”:
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. Lovecraft was influential to many of his contemporaries, including Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith, both of whom he exchanged letters with. In a missive to Weird Tales, Howard described “The Call of Cthulhu” as “… a masterpiece, which I am sure will live as one of the highest achievements of literature… Mr. Lovecraft holds a unique position in the literary world; he has grasped, to all intents, the worlds outside our paltry ken. His scope is unlimited, and his range is cosmic.” Little did anyone know that nearly a century later, Lovecraftian horror would become popularized through novels, short stories, films, games, and merchandise. Weird Science-Fantasy is not a recognized genre or sub-genre of fiction, so if the gentle reader would indulge me, I will explain the intent of our slogan, “Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy.” Not to be confused with the 1950s EC Comics title of same name, weird science-fantasy, in this context, verges closer to the “dying earth” subgenre of science fiction and fantasy, in the style of Smith’s Zothique and Vance’s Dying Earth. These stories take place in the far-flung future, when the sun is expiring and the end of days is nigh. In the context of the HYPERBOREA game, weird science-fantasy is intended to evoke the spirit of sword-and-sorcery tales that incorporate technological artefacts from a bygone age of science— possibly of alien or extra-dimensional origin. The addition of weird science-fantasy opens unconventional vistas of sword-and-sorcery content. In a world of swords, sorcery, and weird science-fantasy, a cache of high-tech weaponry may lie buried under the ruins of a city laid to waste millennia ago. Perhaps the cache contains radium pistols, not unlike the firearms wielded by John Carter of Mars in the science-fantasies of Edgar Rice Burroughs. In Wagner’s Bloodstone, science and sorcery are intermingled, and Kane utilizes them both. The same is true in the dystopia of Moorcock’s Hawkmoon stories, where the lines are blurred between devices of science and artefacts of sorcery. (continued) 7
HYPERBOREA In summary, when we declare “Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy,” we are attempting to conjure the bleak tone of a sword-and-sorcery setting that is haunted by otherworldly horrors whose interests are incongruent with humanity’s existence; a world that is bestrewn with sorcerous artefacts and mysterious technologies from a dark, forgotten age; a world populated by feral beasts and lumbering monsters; a dangerous world where survival alone is considered thriving; a world that is home to astonishing swordsmen and sorcerers; a world like HYPERBOREA.
USING THIS BOOK This book contains nine chapters and an appendix. The information contained in this volume is intended for the eyes of both players and referees alike. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION The introduction to this work welcomes you to Hyperborea, explains what a role-playing game is, informs you of the required materials, and provides a brief essay on “swords, sorcery, and weird science-fantasy.”
CHAPTER 2: CHARACTER GENERATION This chapter provides you with a basic primer to the setting of Hyperborea. It then guides you from character concept to character creation, mapping out a stepby-step process for developing your character’s class, background, equipment, starting spells (if applicable), and other statistics. CHAPTER 3: STATISTICS This chapter provides guidance on generating your character’s physical and mental attributes (strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma), followed by definitions and all relative modifiers. Next, other statistics (armour class, casting ability, fighting ability, hit dice, hit points, movement, saving throw, turning ability) are reviewed in depth. CHAPTER 4: CLASSES When you create or “roll up” your character, you will choose to play a fighter, magician, cleric, thief, or one of 22 subclasses. This chapter details class descriptions, requirements, abilities, and statistics. Note that all character classes have attribute requirements that must be abided. To reduce preparation time, class entries include starting equipment packs.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
CHAPTER 5: BACKGROUND Your character’s race, physique, alignment, languages, religion, and secondary skills are detailed in this chapter. In Hyperborea, any race can be any class, but physiques vary (e.g., Picts are usually short, Hyperboreans typically tall). Some classes have alignment restrictions.
This game requires the use of some extra materials that are common to most traditional tabletop role-playing games. They are as follows:
CHAPTER 6: EQUIPMENT In this chapter, you learn about the money and coin types of the realm. Furthermore, this section presents armour, shields, weapons, gear, and more, including domestic animals, vehicles, as well as the standard prices for a variety of services.
Optional Materials:
CHAPTER 7: SORCERY This chapter is for spell-casting characters. It covers starting spells, acquiring new spells, spell memorization, and spell casting. Terminology related to all spells is covered, and spell lists are presented for each discipline of sorcery. Lastly, each spell is described in alphabetical order.
Dice: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 Pencil: standard or mechanical Paper: lined and graph (4 or 5 squares per inch)
Miniature figures (metal or plastic) Grid mat (paper or vinyl, 1-inch squares or hexagons)
CHAPTER 8: ADVENTURE The adventuring party is discussed in this chapter. You can learn about hirelings and henchmen, and how to prepare for an adventure. Also, many of the rules used to play the game, such as the d6 task resolution system, appear in this chapter. Tracking time and movement are also covered in depth. CHAPTER 9: COMBAT The rules for weapon skills and combat are presented in this chapter, including attack rolls, using the combat matrix, and the steps of a combat round. Each round of combat follows a combat sequence, accounting for melee, missiles, magic, movement, and other actions. This chapter also includes optional rules for game play (advanced combat actions, critical hits and misses). Lastly, the saving throw, damage and death, and special damage forms are accounted for. APPENDIX The appendix of this work contains a name generator, information on attaining lordship, and establishing a stronghold. Lastly, the appendix contains parting advice on game cooperation, and a comprehensive index of this work.
DICE Dice are used to resolve many in-game situations in which the results are variable. The six basic die types (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20) cover a variety of distribution ranges used during game play, but they do not account for every possibility. Use the following conventions to resolve other ranges: Range of 1–2: Roll a d6. Results of 1–3 = 1, and results of 4–6 = 2 Range of 1–3: Roll a d6. Results of 1–2 = 1, results of 3–4 = 2, and results of 5–6 = 3 Range of 1–30: If you do not have a d30, roll a d6 and a d10. If the d6 result is 1–2, add 0 to the d10 roll. If the d6 result is 3–4, add 10 to the d10 roll. If the d6 result is 5–6, add 20 to the d10 roll. Range of 1–100 or d% (percentile): Roll 2d10. One die is for tens, the other for ones. “Natural” Die Rolls: References are made throughout this text to “natural” die rolls (e.g., a natural 1 or a natural 20). These rolls are regardless of modifiers. So, a natural 20 indicates that the player rolled a 20 on a d20. Rolling a 15 with a +5 modifier is not a natural 20. 9
chapter 2 CHARACTER GENERATION Unless you are the game referee, the first thing you need to do is generate your character. Do you want to play an Amazon fighter, a Hyperborean warlock, a Moorish pyromancer, an Esquimaux monk, an Atlantean scout, or something else? With 26 classes and 24 races, there are over 600 class/race combinations from which to choose.
HYPERBOREA PRIMER Regardless of your character’s class, race, alignment, religion, and secondary skills, there are several facets of life that are generally known to most characters in Hyperborea:
As proved by science and sorcery, Hyperborea is a flat, hexagonal-shaped world. The sun is a red giant that skirts along the horizon, never rising to a zenith. Two ellipsoid moons revolve around Hyperborea; one large, the other small. Saturn is immense in the sky; it is oft visible during diurnal and nocturnal hours. A week = 7 days, a month = 28 days, a year = 13 months, and a cycle = 13 years. The 13-year cycle includes a year of perpetual light and a year of perpetual darkness. The Hyperborean Sea spills off the Rim of the World into the infinite Black Gulf. The North Wind (or boreas) wheels around the realm, beyond the Rim of the World. Great obelisks rise from the six corners of the realm. Mount Vhuurmithadon is Hyperborea's north pole, axis, and largest mountain. Khromarium, a cosmopolitan metropolis, is the largest city of the realm. The Xathoqqua orthodoxy is the most prevalent religion of the realm. The indigenous Hyperborean race once ruled Hyperborea with savage cruelty. A plague called the Green Death nearly obliterated mankind 1,000 years ago.
Of course, there are varying degrees of knowledge regarding these particulars. Everyone sees the sun and the moons, but most have never seen the Rim of the World or Mount Vhuurmithadon. Khromarium may be renowned, but it doesn’t mean your character has been there. Xathoqqua worship is ubiquitous, but your character may be from a locale that eschews the bat-toad’s worship. Hyperboreans may be infamous for their wickedness; perhaps your character has never met one and thus prefers to reserve judgement.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
CREATION STEPS To generate or “roll up” a character, use a character sheet (available at www.hyperborea.tv) or a leaf of lined paper to record your character. Another option is to use computer-generated character sheets that may be printed or accessed using a variety of devices. The following steps provide a guideline for character creation. Novice players are encouraged to turn back to this section to confirm each step of the process. STEP 1: GENERATE ATTRIBUTES Review Chapter 3: Statistics to generate your character’s six attribute scores (strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma). Six different methods are presented. Some methods allow for the allocations of scores, and others are strict. Record the results on your character sheet. STEP 2: CHOOSE A CLASS Review Chapter 4: Classes for available character classes (and subclasses), and then select one. Some classes include choices that you will have to make during creation. For example, a fighter must choose weapons to master, and a warlock must select a specific school of magic. Record all class abilities on your character sheet. STEP 3: DEVELOP A BACKGROUND Review Chapter 5: Background to determine your character’s race, physique (includes gender, age, height, weight, appearance), alignment, languages, religion, and secondary skills. Record the results on your character sheet. STEP 4: PURCHASE EQUIPMENT Each class is presented with an optional starting equipment list. You can elect to begin play with this, or you can roll for starting money and make your own selections. If you choose the latter, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for the purchase of armour, shields, weapons, and other gear. Always be sure to comply with class restrictions regarding armour and weapons. Record all equipment on your character sheet.
STEP 5: DETERMINE STARTING SPELLS If your character is a spell caster, refer to Chapter 7: Sorcery to determine starting spells and to review the basics for casting and acquiring spells. Refer to your class’s sorcery ability to determine how many spells your character starts with. Some spell-casting subclasses (the legerdemainist, shaman, and warlock) must select the school(s) of magic they cast. Record known spells on your character sheet. STEP 6: RECORD OTHER STATISTICS To complete character creation, return to Chapter 3: Statistics. There you must review and record all other statistics (armour class, casting ability, fighting ability, hit dice, hit points, movement, saving throw, turning ability). Definitions and applications of these various statistics are presented. Once the preceding six steps are complete, you are ready to play!
CHOOSING A CHARACTER CONCEPT: You may wish to peruse the character classes detailed in Chapter 4: Classes before taking the steps described in Step 1: Attributes, because you may opt to begin by selecting a specific character class. For example, you may say, “I really want to play a shaman!” In that case, you should utilize a method for generating attributes that allows you to play the character class that most interests you. Conversely, it can be satisfying to use a method that allows the luck of the dice to determine your character’s proclivities. Perhaps it forces you out of your comfort zone.
LEVELING UP The realm of Hyperborea is a deadly place, and your character will face many life-threatening challenges. Through small and great deeds of adventure and derring-do, if your character is fortunate enough to survive, he or she will gain experience points (XP).
When your character gains enough XP, eligibility to advance to the next level of experience is achieved. Ultimately, attaining a new level is subject to referee approval. If your referee feels that the level gain is not justified, the completion of a quest or a similar objective may be assigned. Level advancement is subject to training, unless your referee prefers one of the optional methods presented in the Referee’s Manual.
LEVEL-GAIN CHECKLIST Once a character has gained a level of experience, novice and experienced players alike would be wise to review the following checklist: Roll for additional hit points (hp). Rolling in front of the referee or a fellow player is always an honourable practice. Adjust saving throw (SV) if gaining an odd-numbered level. Check to see if fighting ability (FA) has increased (every level for fighters and their subclasses; less quickly for most other classes). At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, fighters and fighter subclasses are eligible for new weapon masteries; likewise, all other classes are eligible to develop new weapon skills not included in their respective favoured weapons list. Check the class description to see if any new special abilities have developed, as some are level dependent. Check the class description to see if any special abilities have improved or changed; some may gain additional daily uses, and others might expand to more potent or advanced applications. If the character is a spell caster, determine the development of new spells. Also, review known spells to see if range, duration, and/or effectiveness have improved.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
chapter 3
METHOD III: Roll 4d6 and discard the lowest die roll. Generate six scores using this method. Assign scores to attributes as desired. METHOD IV: Roll 3d6 three times for each attribute in order of strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. Select the best result for each attribute.
STATISTICS All player characters (PCs) and non-player characters (NPCs) possess a variety of basic statistics: physical and mental attributes, defences, resistances, and other physical and sorcerous abilities that are measured in numeric values. This chapter covers the most essential statistics for game play.
ATTRIBUTES Player characters and non-player characters (NPCs) have six major attributes: strength (ST), dexterity (DX), constitution (CN), intelligence (IN), wisdom (WS), and charisma (CH). Attribute scores range from 3 to 18. GENERATE ATTRIBUTES Five methods are recommended for generating attribute scores. Consult your referee to determine which methods are available. Be sure to have a pencil and scrap paper ready when generating attribute scores. METHOD I: Roll 3d6 for each attribute in order of strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma; the results are your character’s attribute scores. METHOD II: Roll 3d6 for each attribute in order of strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. Repeat these steps twice more, producing three sets of scores. Choose the set that best suits the type of character you would like to play.
METHOD V: Roll 2d6+6 for each attribute in order of strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma; the results are your character’s attribute scores. METHOD VI: Choose your character class first (see Chapter 4: Classes), and then use the following technique: Roll 3d6 for each attribute that does not have a required minimum score. Roll 4d6 (discard low die result) for each attribute that does have a minimum requirement score, rerolling until you achieve the requisite minimum. So, if you are rolling up a cryomancer, you will roll 3d6 for strength, dexterity, constitution, and charisma. Then you will roll 4d6 (discard low die result) for both intelligence and wisdom, rerolling until you have achieved a minimum score of 9 for each. Attribute Adjustment: With referee permission, an attribute can be raised 1 point if another is reduced 2 points. Such modifications may be made as many times as desired before producing a final set of attribute scores. An attribute cannot, however, be raised to 18; only the luck of the dice should produce such an exceptional result.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
An evaluation of muscularity, power, and force. Strength also represents how well the character can make use of physical might.
An evaluation of elusiveness, speed, agility, balance, and the ability to physically react to hazardous conditions. Dexterity also covers manual manipulation of mechanical, and sometimes magical, devices.
Strength Table Defined: Attack Modifier (Melee): A bonus or penalty applied to melee or “hand-to-hand” combat attack rolls. Damage Adjustment (Melee/Hurled): A bonus or penalty applied to damage inflicted with melee and hurled weapons, including slings. It also can apply to some bows (long and composite long) if the draw weight is adjusted to meet the archer’s strength. Test of Strength: The chance-in-six to force open a stuck or locked door, move a rusted lever, or perform similar tasks that require muscle power. Extraordinary Feat of Strength: The chance for strength feats of heroic stamp, such as bending the bars of a jail cell, breaking manacles, lifting a portcullis, or powering a massive boulder off a pinned comrade.
3 4–6 7–8 9–12 13–14 15–16 17 18
Extraordinary Feat of Dexterity
Extraordinary Feat of Strength 0% 1% 2% 4% 8% 16% 24% 32%
Test of Dexterity
Test of Strength 1:6 1:6 2:6 2:6 3:6 3:6 4:6 5:6
Defence Adjustment
Damage Adjustment (Melee/Hurled) −2 −1 −1 ±0 +1 +1 +2 +3
Attack Modifier (Missile)
Attack Modifier (Melee) −2 −1 ±0 ±0 ±0 +1 +1 +2
Strength Score 3 4–6 7–8 9–12 13–14 15–16 17 18
Table 2: Dexterity
Table 1: Strength
−2 −1 −1 ±0 +1 +1 +2 +3
−2 −1 ±0 ±0 ±0 +1 +1 +2
1:6 1:6 2:6 2:6 3:6 3:6 4:6 5:6
0% 1% 2% 4% 8% 16% 24% 32%
Dexterity Table Defined: Attack Modifier (Missile): A bonus or Attack penalty applied to missile attack rolls. Defence Defence Adjustment: A bonus or penalty applied to AC and avoidance saves. For AC, the modifier is either a bonus that lowers (improves) AC, or a penalty that raises (worsens) AC. Note that AC 9 is the lowest possible score. This bonus or penalty also applies to all avoidance saving throws (e.g., breath weapons, ray guns, some traps). Test Test of Dexterity: The chance-in-six to jump a 10-foot pit, snag a grappling hook on a building ledge, hastily tie a bowline, or perform similar tasks that require agility or finesse. Extraordinary Extraordinary Feat of Dexterity: The chance for dexterity feats of heroic stamp, such as escaping bonds, turning a somersault in the midst of combat, or walking a tightrope.
An evaluation of energy, fitness, health, stamina, and vitality. Constitution also represents the body’s ability to withstand trauma.
Hit Point Adjustment
Poison/ Radiation Adjustment
Trauma Survival
Test of Constitution
Extraordinary Feat of Constitution
Intelligence Score
Magician’s Bonus Spells Cast per Day
Magician’s Chance to Learn New Spell
One level 1
One level 2
One level 3
One level 4
Constitution Table Defined: Hit Point Adjustment: A bonus or penalty applied to the number of hit points a character receives per hit die rolled. Regardless of modifiers, a character always obtains at least 1 hp per roll. This modifier also affects daily healing. Poison/Radiation Adjustment: A bonus or penalty applied to saving throws versus poison and radiation, though not other death saving throws. Trauma Survival: The likelihood of surviving a system transformation of shocking degree, such as petrifaction or polymorph. It also represents the chance one has to be successfully resurrected from death. Test of Constitution: The chance-in-six to sprint more than 40 yards, toil in bitter cold, swim for an hour, endure a forced march of up to 12 hours, or perform similar tasks that require endurance and fitness. Extraordinary Feat of Constitution: The chance for constitution feats of heroic stamp, such as climbing, rowing, running, or swimming for several hours. It could also include enduring a forced march for up to 24 hours. This chance might also apply to performance despite malnourishment or remaining alert and awake for an extended period.
Table 4: Intelligence
Constitution Score
Table 3: Constitution
An evaluation of knowledge, linguistics, literacy, problem-solving ability, and reasoning. Intelligence also represents the capacity to understand and manipulate mechanical, and sometimes magical, devices.
Intelligence Table Defined: Languages: Most player characters begin play knowing how to speak, read, and write the Common tongue and, if applicable, their native or vulgate tongue. Characters of low (3–6) intelligence are illiterate, and characters of above average (13–18) intelligence begin play with additional languages that they can speak, read, and write. To randomly generate bonus languages, see Chapter 5: Background, language. Magician’s Bonus Spells Cast per Day: Magicians (and some subclasses) of high intelligence can cast bonus spells per day. Bonus spells are subject to the magician’s spell casting ability. For example, a 1st-level magician of 16 intelligence can cast an extra level 1 spell per day, but not the bonus level 2 spell until 3rd level is attained. Magician’s Chance to Learn New Spell: Chance for magicians (and some subclasses) to learn a newly acquired thaumaturgical spell.
Volume I: Player’s Manual WISDOM (WS)
Cleric’s Chance to Learn New Spell
Charisma Score
Reaction/ Loyalty Adjustment
Maximum Number of Henchmen
Undead Turning Adjustment
Table 6: Charisma Cleric’s Bonus Spells Cast per Day
Table 5: Wisdom Willpower Adjustment
An evaluation of outward appearance, leadership, personality, persuasiveness, and social graces. Charisma affects how potentially hostile people and monsters might react to the character.
Wisdom Score
An evaluation of common sense, insight, judiciousness, perception, prudence, and understanding. Wisdom also represents one’s emotional, intellectual, psychological, and spiritual willpower.
3 4–6 7–8 9–12 13–14 15–16 17 18
−2 −1 ±0 ±0 ±0 +1 +1 +2
N/A N/A N/A — One level 1 One level 2 One level 3 One level 4
N/A N/A N/A 50% 65% 75% 85% 95%
3 4–6 7–8 9–12 13–14 15–16 17 18
−3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +1 +2 +3
1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12
−1 −1 ±0 ±0 ±0 +1 +1 +1
Wisdom Table Defined: Willpower Adjustment: A bonus or penalty applied to saving throws associated with mind control, including charm person, fear, hold person, illusions, possession, and suggestion; i.e., any spell or effect that would compel the character to see, think, or do something that they otherwise would not. Cleric’s Bonus Spells Cast per Day: Clerics (and subclasses) of high wisdom can cast bonus spells per day. Bonus spells are subject to the cleric’s spell casting ability. For example, a 4th-level cleric of 18 wisdom does not gain a bonus level 3 spell per day until attaining 5th level, but bonus level 1 and 2 spells can be cast each day. Cleric’s Chance to Learn New Spell: Chance for clerics (and some subclasses) to learn a newly acquired ecclesiastical spell.
Charisma Table Defined: Reaction/Loyalty Adjustment: Despite the player’s ability to role-play conversations or parley with otherwise neutral or unfamiliar parties, a player character may exude mannerisms that help or hinder negotiations. If the referee requires a reaction roll, the player character’s reaction/loyalty adjustment is applied as a bonus or penalty. This modifier likewise affects loyalty checks when the fidelity of a hireling is tested. Maximum Number of Henchmen: The number of henchmen a player character can attract and maintain; hirelings are not included. Henchmen are classed individuals typically devoted or apprenticed to player characters of 6th level or greater. Undead Turning Adjustment: A modifier applied to turn undead attempts made by clerics and certain subclasses. When making a d12 roll to determine success or failure, apply the listed bonus or penalty.
OTHER STATISTICS Player characters and non-player characters (NPCs) have other essential statistics: armour class (AC), casting ability (CA), fighting ability (FA), hit dice (HD), hit points (hp), movement (MV), saving throw (SV), and turning ability (TA). Note that casting ability and turning ability do not apply to all characters.
A numeric value representing the capacity to absorb, avoid, divert, and withstand blows. Every armour type has an AC rating; a normal unarmoured character is AC 9. Dexterity, shields, sorcery, and other factors can modify this figure. Bonuses reduce (improve) the AC figure, whereas penalties increase (worsen) it; i.e., a lower AC is more desirable. Armour class may vary according to circumstances. For example, one may have an AC versus melee attacks, an AC versus missile attacks, an AC when fighting sans shield, and an AC when completely unarmoured. It is incumbent on the player to track AC. For instance, if the character’s plate mail is shed during a sea expedition, AC should be adjusted accordingly.
A numeric value representing the efficacy of the character’s sorcery. Although the CA of a magician or cleric equals the character’s level of experience, development of this ability is delayed in certain subclasses. CA is applicable to only spell-casting classes.
A numeric value representing the character’s basic combative skill. For the fighter and some subclasses, FA advances at every level gain; other classes improve at a lesser rate. Each character class has an initial FA of either 0 or 1; this rating is noted at the respective class entry, including an initial combat matrix.
A die type (d4, d6, d8, d10, or d12) associated with the character’s class. Hit dice are used to generate hit points at character creation and at each level through 9th. Some referees may allow maximum hit points at 1st level to improve survivability. Another way to improve survivability is to allow rerolls on results of 1 for non-fighters and on results of 1 or 2 for fighter-types. When in doubt, consult your referee. Constitution can impact hit point gains for each hit die rolled. N.B.: Hit die type also affects the healing of wounds.
Hit Points (hp): An evaluation of the ability to withstand and minimize physical damage through a combination of experience, fitness, physicality, skill, and no small amount of luck. To simply associate hit points with health is a misconception. Hit points are rolled at character creation and at each level gain through the 9th level. At 10th level and beyond, a static hit point figure is added to the character’s total, this amount indicated at each class entry; e.g., fighters gain 3 hp per level after 9th, magicians gain 1 hp. Players should carefully track their characters’ hit points. Using a pencil, each player should jot down a temporary or “current” hit point total that reflects any loss or gain.
The number of feet per round (10 seconds) a character can ambulate. If running, twice this distance is covered (see Chapter 9: Combat, movement). Movement in a dungeon or in the wilderness is measured by the turn (10 minutes) and follows a different schedule (see Chapter 8: Adventure, movement).
The chance to avoid, resist, or reduce harmful effects, both magical and mundane. Ability, divine favour, experience, fate, luck, and sorcery can all factor in the saving throw attempt. Each character class has SV modifiers noted at the respective class entries. Dexterity, constitution, and wisdom scores can affect certain saving throws. More information is included in Chapter 9: Combat, saving throw.
A numeric value representing the character’s capacity to turn undead. Whereas a cleric’s TA always equals level, development of this ability is delayed in certain subclasses. TA is applicable to the cleric and several subclasses. Turn undead is covered in depth in Chapter 4: Classes, cleric.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
chapte hapter r4
CLASSES Four principal classes (fighter, magician, cleric, thief) and 22 subclasses are available for play. Each character class (and subclass) is presented up to the 12th level of experience. This threshold is the default maximum level of experience attainable. Note that each character class has one or more attribute requirements, so choices may be restricted.
s FIGHTER (p. 26) An elite warrior and battle technician such as a swordsman, bowman, or spearman. Attribute Requirements: ST 9
MAGICIAN (p. 28) A sorcerer who studies arcane formulæ and casts thaumaturgical spells. Attribute Requirements: IN 9
s CLERIC (p. 31)
An armed and armoured ecclesiastical sorcerer who channels the divine. Attribute Requirements: WS 9
THIEF (p. 35) A cunning and nimble swordsman possessed of numerous specialized skills. Attribute Requirements Requirements:: DX 9
Volume I: Player’s Manual
s BARBARIAN (p. 38) An outland warrior possessed of feral instincts and wilderness supremacy. Attribute Requirements: ST 13, DX 13, CN 13
s CATAPHRACT (p. 44) An armoured, duty-bound horseman, soldier, and warrior elite. Attribute Requirements: ST 9, DX 9, WS 9, CH 9
BERSERKER (p. 41) A rampaging shock trooper renowned for unbridled battle rage. Attribute Requirements: ST 15, CN 15
HUNTSMAN (p. 47) PALADIN (p. 50) A wilderness warrior An honour-bound who glories in the hunt champion who crusades and subdues beasts. for justice and Law. Attribute Requirements: Attribute Requirements: ST 9, DX 9, WS 9, CH 12 ST 9, DX 9, WS 9, CH 15
RANGER (p. 54) A borderland fighter, frontiersman, and nemesis of otherworldly horrors. Attribute Requirements: ST 9, DX 9, IN 9, WS 9
WARLOCK (p. 57) A spell-weaving fighter who wields steel and sorcery interchangeably. Attribute Requirements: ST 12, IN 12 (some require WS 12; see class entry)
s CRYOMANCER (p. 60) A specialized sorcerer who masters the elemental powers of cold and ice. Attribute Requirements: IN 9, WS 9
A wicked sorcerer who practices black magic and communicates with the dead. Attribute Requirements: IN 9, WS 9
ILLUSIONIST (p. 63) A sorcerer who evokes phantasms, manipulates shadows, and bends minds. Attribute Requirements: DX 9, IN 9
PYROMANCER (p. 69) A specialized sorcerer who masters the elemental powers of heat and fire. Attribute Requirements: IN 9, WS 9
WITCH (p. 72) A sorcerer who brews potions, reads portents, works spells, and lays curses. Attribute Requirements: IN 9, WS 9, CH 12
Volume I: Player’s Manual
s DRUID (p. 76) A mystic sorcerer empowered by ancestral, elemental, and animistic spirits. Attribute Requirements: WS 9, CH 12
MONK (p. 79) A warrior-priest who strives for physical, spiritual, and mental mastery. Attribute Requirements: ST 9, DX 9, WS 9
PRIEST (p. 82) A sorcerer of prodigious, ecclesiastical spell-casting and divine favour. Attribute Requirements: WS 9, CH 9
s RUNEGRAVER (p. 86) A mystic warrior who carves runic spells on bone, metal, stone, and wood. Attribute Requirements: ST 9, WS 12
SHAMAN (p. 90) A primal spiritualist who practices both ecclesiastical and thaumaturgical sorcery. Attribute Requirements: IN 9, WS 12
s ASSASSIN (p. 94) A thief who specializes in murder, subterfuge, disguise, and intrigue. Attribute Requirements: ST 9, DX 9, IN 9
s LEGERDEMAINIST (p. 102) An adept thief who practices the thaumaturgical sorcery of a magician. Attribute Requirements: DX 12, IN 12 (some require WS 12; see class entry)
BARD (p. 98) A warrior, scholar, sorcerer, rogue, and weaver of enchanted lyrics and music. Attribute Requirements: ST 9, DX 9, IN 9, WS 9, CH 15
PURLOINER (p. 106) A hallowed thief who practices the ecclesiastical sorcery of a cleric. Attribute Requirements: DX 12, WS 12
SCOUT (p. 110) A lightly armed spy, intelligence gatherer, and subterranean explorer. Attribute Requirements: DX 9, IN 9
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Each class includes one or more tables containing important information that must be accounted for. Special abilities follow the tabular information.
Every character class entry begins with a list of terms applicable to game play. They are as follows:
Level: The character’s current level of experience is used to determine which row the player should reference. Experience Points: The minimum required XP to be eligible for the current level of experience. Hit Dice: The number of HD that the character has at the indicated experience level. Note that after 9th level, a bonus number of hit points accrue, and no further hit dice are gained. Saving Throw: The target SV number that the character has at the indicated experience level. This number is categorially modified by class, spells, magic items, and other factors. Fighting Ability: The FA that the character has at the indicated experience level. Turning Ability: The TA that the character has at the indicated experience level. (Applies to clerics and certain subclasses.) Casting Ability: The CA that the character has at the indicated experience level. (Applies to magicians, clerics, and certain subclasses.) Spells Cast Per Day: The base number of spells that a spell-casting character can cast per day, per spell level (indicated by L1, L2, L3, and so on). This daily number may be improved through high intelligence and/or wisdom, depending on the character class. Special Abilities: Following the tabular information, each character class is presented with a list of special abilities. Some are static; others improve through level gains. Some are not gained until the character has achieved a specific level of experience.
Attribute Requirements: Minimum attribute score(s) required to select class; subclasses have more than one. Prime Attribute(s): The attribute(s) best associated with the character class. If 16 or greater, the character gains a +10% bonus each time experience points (XP) are awarded. Subclasses have two prime attributes; both must be 16 or greater to realize the same benefit. Hit Die Type: The die used to generate hit points (hp). Hit die type also impacts healing. Alignment: The allowed alignment(s) of the character class. Armour Allowed: The allowed armour types for the character class. Shields Allowed: The allowed shield types for the character class. Favoured Weapons: The weapon types with which the character is proficient. Unlisted weapon skills may be learnt at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels of experience. Saving Throw Modifiers: Adjustments to specific saving throw (SV) categories, reflecting the resistances of individual classes and subclasses. Starting Money: The amount of gold that your character begins with. Once determined, you can refer to Chapter 6: Equipment to purchase armour, weapons, and gear for your character; alternatively, you can begin with a starting pack, which is listed in the class entry.
FIGHTER The fighter is the archetypal warrior, versed in myriad styles of combat and proficient in all classes of arms and armour. This trained combatant may have skilfulness as an infantryman, horseman, crossbowman, longbowman, halberdier, or pikeman. A fighter may be a former arena gladiator, or a loyal knight who serves a feudal lord. Some will crusade as instruments of death, whilst others will freelance—mercenaries who live by dint of steel. The dastardliest fighters operate as brigands, pirates, or reavers, and the most esteemed are persons of courage and valour, natural leaders and exemplars. Regardless of their roots, fighters are renowned for their strength, versatility, and fearlessness in battle. Attribute Requirements: Strength 9 Prime Attribute: Strength (10% XP bonus if 16+) Hit Die Type: d10 Alignment: Any Armour Allowed: Any Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any Saving Throw Modifiers: Death +2, Transformation +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of strength (see Chapter 3: Statistics, strength). HEROIC FIGHTING To smite multiple foes. When combatting opponents of 1 HD or less, double normal melee attacks per round (2/1, or 3/1 if wielding a mastered weapon). This dramatic attack could be effected as a single, devastating swing or lunge that bursts through multiple foes. 26
Fighter (Roman)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
4 Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
GRAND MASTERY At 4th, 8th, or 12th level (player’s choice), when a new weapon mastery is gained, fighters may elect to intensify their training with an already mastered weapon. With this weapon the fighter becomes a grand master (+2 “to hit” and +2 damage, increased attack rate, etc.). A fighter may achieve grand mastery with but one weapon. For more information, see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill.
Experience Points
WEAPON MASTERY Mastery of two weapons (+1 “to hit” and +1 damage). Additional weapons may be mastered at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels; however, see grand mastery below, for another option. As noted in Chapter 6: Equipment, the attack rate for melee weapons and the rates of fire for most missile weapons improve through weapon mastery. For more information on weapon mastery, see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill.
Table 7: Fighter
At 7th level, when combating foes of 2 HD or less, double normal melee attacks per round (3/1, or 4/1 if wielding a mastered weapon).
LORDSHIP At 9th level, a fighter who builds or assumes control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a fighter may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. MELEE EXPERT At 7th level, a fighter’s standard melee attack rate improves from 1/1 to 3/2. Note that weapon mastery can further increase attack rate.
FIGHTER’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your fighter may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. N.B.: Using this starting pack may affect weapon mastery choices. Studded armour, large shield, short bow, arrows ×12, broad sword, arrow quiver, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), hemp rope (50-ft.), large sack, one-person canvas tent, tinderbox, torches ×2, wineskin (full), and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
FIGHTER’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified d20 chance “to hit” for all 1st-level fighters. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a fighter needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 8: Fighter’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
MAGICIAN The magician is the archetypal sorcerer—conjurer, dweomercræfter, enchanter, evoker, and thaumaturge. An apprentice magician may be trained in a guild by masters of sorcery, or perhaps from a hedge wizard who dwells beyond the outskirts of civilization. Magicians learn to harness and manipulate eldritch forces from other dimensions. They accomplish these marvels through the memorization of strange and oft-forbidden incantations and formulæ, accompanied by verbal recitations, weird gestures, and peculiar components. The magician is the most powerful and versatile of sorcerers in Hyperborea, rightly feared and renowned by even the mightiest of heroes and monsters. Attribute Requirements: Intelligence 9 Prime Attribute: Intelligence (10% XP bonus if 16+) Hit Die Type: d4 Alignment: Any Armour Allowed: None Shields Allowed: None Favoured Weapons: Dagger, dart, quarterstaff, sling Saving Throw Modifiers: Device +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES ALCHEMY To practice the sorcery-science of alchemy. Apprentice magicians learn how to identify potions by taste alone; albeit the practice is not always safe. At 7th level, a magician may concoct potions with the assistance of an alchemist. By 11th level, the assistance of an alchemist is no longer required. For more information, refer to Chapter 7: Sorcery, alchemy. FAMILIAR To summon a small animal (bat, cat, owl, rat, raven, snake, etc.) of 1d3+1 hp to function as a familiar (singular creature with uncanny connexion to the sorcerer). 28
Magician (Common)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
1 — — — — —
2 — — — — —
1 — — — —
2 — — — —
1 — — —
2 — — —
1 — —
2 — —
1 —
2 —
These benefits are lost if the familiar is rendered dead, unconscious, or out of range.
Table 10: Familiars Animal Summoned
Ice Toad
Spells Cast Per Day
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
The familiar is an extraordinary example of the species, has a perfect morale score (ML 12), and always attends and abides the will of its master. To summon a familiar, the magician must perform a series of rites and rituals for 24 hours. To determine result, roll 2d8 on Table 10 below.
2d8 Result
Saving Throw
9 10
Casting Ability
Fighting Ability
Hit Dice
Within range 120 (feet indoors, yards outdoors), the magician can see and hear through the animal; sight is narrowly focused, sounds reverberate metallically. The hit point total of the familiar is added to the magician’s total. The magician can memorize one extra spell of each available spell level per day (e.g., a 5th-level magician gains bonus level 1, 2, and 3 spells).
Experience Points
Retaining a familiar provides Table 9: Magician the following benefits:
If the familiar dies, the magician also sustains 3d6 hp damage. The magician cannot summon another familiar for 1d4+2 months.
READ MAGIC The ability to decipher otherwise unintelligible magical inscriptions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer mark spell or other like methods. SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scrolls with spells from the Magician Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 93), unless the scroll was created by an ecclesiastical sorcerer (one who casts cleric or druid spells). SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials may include the finest vellum, paper, or papyrus; a fresh quill; and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This involved process requires one week per spell level. SORCERY Magicians cast spells that they memorize from arcane tomes. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 9), though magicians of high intelligence gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, intelligence); also, magicians who retain a familiar (see above) gain bonus spells cast per day. For example, a 4th-level magician with 13 intelligence can cast four level 1 spells and two level 2 spells per day. If the same magician also keeps a familiar, spells cast per day improve to five level 1 spells and three level 2 spells.
HYPERBOREA A magician begins with a spell book that contains three level 1 spells drawn from the Magician Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 93). Through personal research, magicians develop one new spell at each level gain; this spell is learnt automatically, with no need of a qualification roll, but it must be of a castable level (see Table 9 above). Initial no. of spells known: ×3 No. of spells gained per level: ×1 Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells). NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a magician may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a magician who builds or assumes control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B. MAGICIAN’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your magician may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on weapons and gear. Silver dagger, quarterstaff, sling, bullets ×20, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, chalk (piece), ink and quill, incendiary oil, parchment ×2, soft leather pouch, standard rations (1 week), silk rope (50-ft.), small sack, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), writing stick, spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
MAGICIAN’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level magicians. Fighting ability (FA) improves every odd level, so at 3rd level a magician needs a modified 19 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 11: Magician’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 0) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
CLERIC The cleric serves as a conduit between the temporal and spiritual worlds. This staunch warrior and ecclesiastical sorcerer might be esteemed as a fighting chaplain or holy knight, feared as an inquisitor and zealot, or condemned as a renegade and heretic. Typically, the cleric learns the mystical power of sorcery through rites of service, spiritual endowment, and sacred mysteries unearthed. This reverent, martial sorcerer becomes an oath-bound supplicant to eldritch forces, otherworldly beings, and deific powers. Patrons may include ancestral or animistic spirits, dæmons, or alien entities scarcely understood by even the wisest of sages. Attribute Requirements: Wisdom 9 Prime Attribute: Wisdom (10% XP bonus if 16+) Hit Die Type: d8 Alignment: Any Armour Allowed: Any Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Club (light, war), dagger, flail (horseman’s, footman’s), hammer (horseman’s, war), lasso, mace (horseman’s, footman’s), morning star, quarterstaff, spear (short, long), spiked staff, sword (short, broad, long, bastard), tonfa, whip Saving Throw Modifiers: Death +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scrolls with spells from the Cleric Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99), unless the scroll was created by a thaumaturgical sorcerer (one who casts magician or magician subclass spells). SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials vary: Some clerics engrave thin tablets of stone, whereas others use vellum or parchment, a fine quill, and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This involved process requires one week per spell level and must be completed on consecrated ground, such as a shrine, fane, or temple.
Cleric (Kimmerian) 31
Fighting Ability
Turning Ability
Casting Ability
— — — — —
— — — —
— — — —
Hit Dice
Experience Points
Saving Throw
Table 12: Cleric
Spells Cast Per Day
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 1 — — — — —
— — —
— — —
— —
— —
12 640,000+ 9d8+6
SORCERY Clerics memorize and cast spells, but they do not maintain spell books; rather, they might bear the scriptures of their faiths in prayer books, on sacred scrolls, or on graven tablets. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 12), though clerics of high wisdom gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, wisdom). For example, a 4th-level cleric with 13 wisdom can cast three level 1 spells and two level 2 spells per day. Clerics begin their careers with knowledge of three level 1 spells, sacred mysteries revealed through initiation into a sect or cult devoted to an otherworldly power, deific being, or ethos. These spells are drawn from the Cleric Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99). Clerics develop three new spells at each level gain, but they must be of castable levels (see Table 12 above). Typically, they are acquired via spiritual revelation, otherworldly favour, or the piecing together of abstract theologies. Such spells are learnt automatically, with no need of qualification rolls. Initial no. of spells known: ×3 No. of spells gained per level: ×3 Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells). spells).
TURN UNDEAD All clerics can exert control over the undead and some dæmonic beings, causing them to flee and/or cower. Evil clerics can opt instead to compel the submission and service of these foul creatures. In either case, the cleric must do the following: Stand before the undead (within 30 feet) Speak boldly a commandment whilst displaying a holy symbol The referee must cross-reference the cleric’s turning ability (TA) with the Undead Type to determine the cleric’s chance of success. The referee may ask the player to roll a d12 to determine the outcome, or the result may be fixed. The results are as follows:
d12 score equal to/less than the number indicated: T (turned) d12 score greater than the number indicated: NT (not turned) Undead Turning Definitions: The following definitions apply to Table 13: NT (not turned): the undead are beyond the cleric’s power to affect. T (turned): 2d6 undead are compelled to cower/flee for 1 turn unless attacked. D (destroyed): 2d6 undead are exorcized/destroyed, crumbling to dust. UD (ultimate destruction): 1d6+6 undead are exorcized/destroyed, crumbling to dust. N.B.: Clerics of above-average charisma (15+) are more commanding; hence, their chance-in-twelve of success is improved by one (+1); e.g., a 4-in-12 chance becomes 5-in-12 (see Chapter 3: Statistics, charisma). Frequency of Undead Turning: This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the character’s TA; however, the cleric can make but one attempt per encounter unless a second wave of undead arrive.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Table 13: Turn Undead Undead Type (UT) TA
How to Turn Multiple Undead Types: If multiple kinds of undead are met in a single encounter, only one d12 roll is required. The same result is applied to each Undead Type. Those of the lowest Undead Type are affected first, unless the sorcerer specifically targets a single creature, in which case only that creature potentially is affected (e.g., if a vampire stands at the fore of a pack of zombies, the cleric might step forth, holy symbol raised, and speak a commandment of abolishment, pointing a holy symbol directly at the vampire).
Evil Command of Undead: A cleric of Evil alignment may opt to exercise control over the undead on a successful turn undead check. Such undead remain under the sorcerer’s sway unless turned or commanded by another sorcerer of equal or greater turning ability. Up to 2 HD of undead per TA level can be controlled. If a Neutral cleric attempts to command undead, then he or she will have turned to a darker path, submitting to Evil and no longer of Neutral alignment; consequences may ensue.
HYPERBOREA NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill).
CLERIC’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your cleric may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear.
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a cleric may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen.
Studded armour, dagger, war hammer, backpack, bandages, silver holy symbol, holy water, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), small sack, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), writing stick, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
LORDSHIP At 9th level, a cleric who builds or assumes control of a shrine or temple becomes a lord and is eligible to attract followers and troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
CLERIC’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level clerics. Fighting ability (FA) improves at staggered levels (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th levels), so at 3rd level a cleric needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 14: Cleric’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
THIEF The thief is a swift swordsman and nimblefingered specialist—a robber, pickpocket, racketeer, or spy; perhaps a bandit, outlaw, or raider. Thieves live by their cunning, wits, and quick blades, and they are well versed in subterfuge, duplicity, and methodical execution. Many thieves are members of a thieves’ guild, the hierarchy of which oft spans the urban underworld and beyond. From a thieves’ guild the apprentice thief learns a plethora of eclectic skills; he or she then forfeits an agreed percentage of “earnings” to that guild. Other apprentice thieves take instruction from an unaffiliated master, a rogue with no ties to a formal organization. Despite their notoriety, the expertise and versatility of the thief is ever in demand by dungeon-delving adventure seekers. Attribute Requirements: Dexterity 9 Prime Attribute: Dexterity (10% XP bonus if 16+) Hit Die Type: d6 Alignment: CG, N, LE, CE Armour Allowed: Light Shields Allowed: Small Favoured Weapons: Axe (hand), bow (short), club (light), crossbow (light), dagger, dart, falcata, flail (horseman’s), hammer (horseman’s), mace (horseman’s), pick (horseman’s), scimitar (short), sling, sword (short, broad, long), trident (hand) Saving Throw Modifiers: Device +2, Avoidance +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES AGILE +1 AC bonus when unarmoured and unencumbered (small shield allowed). BACKSTAB A backstab attempt with a class 1 or 2 melee weapon. The target must be unaware of the attack, which may be the result of hiding or moving silently. Also, the target must have vital organs (e.g., skeleton, zombie exempt) and a discernible “back” (e.g., green slime, purple worm exempt). If the requirements are met, the following benefits result: The attack roll is made at +4 “to hit.” Additional weapon damage dice are rolled according to the thief ’s level of experience: 1st to 4th levels = ×2 5th to 8th levels = ×3 9th to 12th levels = ×4 Other Other damage modifiers (strength, sorcery, etc.) are added afterwards (e.g., a 5th-level thief with 13 strength and a +1 short sword rolls 3d6+2).
Thief (Kelt) 35
Experience Points
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Table 15: Thief
DETECT SECRET DOORS Find a secret door on a base 3-in-6 chance. EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of dexterity (see Chapter 3: Statistics, dexterity). THIEVES’ CANT The secret language of thieves, a strange pidgin in which some words may be unintelligible to an ignorant listener, whereas others might be common yet of alternative meaning. This covert tongue is used in conjunction with specific body language, hand gestures, and facial expressions. Two major dialects of Thieves’ Cant are used in Hyperborea: one by city thieves, the other by pirates; commonalities exist betwixt the two. NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a thief may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a thief who builds or assumes control of suitable headquarters becomes a lord and is eligible to attract a band of thieves. More information is presented in Appendix B.
The following abilities improve as the thief (and other subclasses) advances in levels of experience: CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear. If vertical, the surface must be rough or cracked. At least one check must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure indicates the climber has slipped and fallen at about the midpoint of the check. DECIPHER SCRIPT To translate texts otherwise not understood. Maps can be interpreted, instructions decoded, and so forth. Ancient or alien languages, however, may remain unintelligible, lacking any basis for comparison. DISCERN NOISE To hearken at a door and detect the faintest of noises on the other side, perceive the distant footfalls of a wandering monster, or distinguish a single voice in a crowd. Six rounds (one minute) of concentrated listening are required. HIDE To vanish into shadows, camouflage oneself, or flatten one’s body to a seemingly impossible degree—all whilst remaining still as a statue. Only the slightest movement is permissible (e.g., unsheathing a blade, opening a pouch). Hiding is impossible in direct sunlight, or if the thief is observed. MANIPULATE TRAPS To find, remove, and reset traps both magical and mundane. Separate checks must be made to accomplish each facet of this skill: find, remove, reset. Failure by more than two, or if a natural 12 is rolled, may cause the trap to detonate on the thief. Also, a new trap may be built if the mechanism is simple and the parts available; anything more complex requires the assistance of an engineer. Thieves’ tools are required when practicing this ability. MOVE SILENTLY To move with preternatural quiet, even across squeaky floorboards, dry leaves, loose debris, and the like. This skill is executed at half the thief ’s normal movement rate. OPEN LOCKS To pick locks or disable latching mechanisms both magical and mundane. Thieves’ tools are required. Picking or dismantling a lock may be attempted but once; if the attempt fails, the thief cannot try again until he has gained a level of experience. Most locks require 1d4 minutes to pick; complex locks might necessitate 3d6 minutes.
Volume I: Player’s Manual ATTEMPTING A PROGRESSIVE THIEF ABILITY Roll a d12 to determine success or failure. If the result is equal to or less than the required number, the attempt is successful. The referee might modify the probability of success based on prevailing circumstances.
PICK POCKETS To filch items from a pocket, pouch, backpack, or garment using nimble fingers and possibly distraction. Failure by a margin of 3 or greater indicates the attempt has been observed (though not necessarily by the victim). If the roll is successful, the referee must determine what has been procured. If a thief attempts to pick the pocket of a higher-level thief, legerdemainist, or purloiner, a penalty equal to the difference in levels must be applied to the check. This skill also covers the gamut of sleight-of-hand trickery a thief might employ to deceive onlookers.
MODIFIERS: Each ability is associated with and potentially modified by an exceptional attribute, increasing the chance-in-twelve by one: 16+ dexterity (DX): climb, hide, manipulate traps, move silently, open locks, and pick pockets 16+ intelligence (IN): decipher script and read scrolls 16+ wisdom (WS): discern noise
READ SCROLLS To decipher and invoke thaumaturgical (magician, magician subclasses, etc.) spell scrolls. If the attempt fails, a backfire or other unfortunate circumstance may result: A second d12 must be rolled, with a 3-in-12 chance of disaster. The spell is erased from the scroll in any event.
Examples: A 5th-level thief with 16 dexterity has an 8-in-12 chance to move silently. A 5th-level thief with 16 intelligence may read scrolls at a 1-in-12 chance of success.
Table 16: Progressive Thief Abilities
Climb (DX)
1–2 8:12
3–4 8:12
Thief Level 5–6 7–8 9:12 9:12
Decipher Script (IN)
Discern Noise (WS)
Hide (DX)
Manipulate Traps (DX)
Move Silently (DX)
Open Locks (DX)
Pick Pockets (DX)
Read Scrolls (IN)
Thief Ability
9–10 10:12
11–12 10:12
N.B.: An ability with a base ratio noted as “—” is not yet functional; an ability with a base ratio noted as “0:12” is useable only if the associated attribute (intelligence in both cases) is 16 or greater, effecting a modified 1-in-12 chance of success. Armour Modifier for Subclasses: Subclasses with the abilities climb, hide, and move silently execute these abilities at a penalty (chance-in-twelve reduced by 4) if wearing medium armour. Executing these abilities is impossible in heavy armour.
THIEF’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your thief may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. Leather armour, darts ×2, short sword, backpack, bandages, chalk (piece), dice, fishing hooks ×12, fishing string, grappling hook, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), silk rope (50-ft.), large sack, thieves’ tools, tinderbox, torches ×2, wineskin (full), spool of wire, writing stick, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
THIEF’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level thieves. Fighting ability (FA) improves at staggered levels (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th levels), so at 3rd level a thief needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 17: Thief ’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
BARBARIAN (Fighter Subclass)
The barbarian is a savage warrior from the outlands of civilization. Some barbarians may have urbane origins but have degenerated to barbarism, whereas others descend from countless generations of savages. Barbarians bridge the instinctual gap between human and beast, oft trusting in the conventions of beasts more than humans. Indeed, the barbarian understands bloodshed, violence, and predation more readily than the politics and niceties of civilized life, though tribal laws and taboos typically are heeded. Many barbarians suffer wanderlust, travelling the length and breadth of Hyperborea’s lands and seas. Ferocious and unforgiving, the barbarian is hardened by a stark and warlike lifestyle, though some comport themselves to an indistinct code of honour. Attribute Requirements: Strength 13, Dexterity 13, Constitution 13 Prime Attributes: Strength, Dexterity (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d12 Alignment: CG, CE Armour Allowed: Any Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any Saving Throw Modifier: +2 bonus to all saves (see hardy ability) Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES AGILE +1 AC bonus when unarmoured and unencumbered (shield allowed). ALERTNESS Reduces by one (−1) on a d6 roll the party’s chance to be surprized. AMBUSHER When traversing the wilds alone or with others of like ability, the barbarian’s base surprize chance increases by one (+1) on a d6 roll. Furthermore, when outdoors, even an untrained party’s chance to surprize increases by one (+1) if the barbarian positions and prepares them accordingly. CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear, if lightly armoured or unarmoured, as a thief of equal level (see Table 16). Chance-intwelve reduced by 4 if wearing medium 38
Barbarian (Kimmeri-Kelt)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of strength and dexterity (see Chapter 3: Statistics, strength and dexterity). HARDY Physical resilience and an indomitable will to prevail; +2 bonus to all saving throws. HORSEMANSHIP Many barbarians are exceptional horsemen, hailing from nomadic tribes that rely on their steeds in times of peace and war. Even the most stubborn of mounts submit to the barbarian’s will. From the saddle of a tamed mount a barbarian can fight with melee weapons and discharge missiles. Depending on geography and background, this skill may apply to camels. LEAP Mighty thews enable leaps of 25 feet or greater (if unencumbered), bridging pits, chasms, and the like. Vertical leaps of up to 5 feet can also be accomplished. MOVE SILENTLY To stalk as a panther, moving with preternatural quiet, comparable to a thief of equal level (see Table 16), if the barbarian is lightly armoured or unarmoured. Chance-in-twelve reduced by 4 if wearing medium armour; impossible in heavy armour. This skill is executed at half the barbarian’s normal movement rate. RUN To move as swiftly as a tiger; base 50 MV when lightly armoured or unarmoured. SENSE MAGIC Sorcery raises the hackles of animal fear and superstition; 4-in-12 chance to cognize the presence of magic if
Experience Points
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
DRAW POISON To draw and spit poison from a snakebite or another venomous wound, such as a scorpion sting or spider bite. The attempt must be made within 2 rounds of affliction for a 3-in-6 chance of success, within 4 rounds for a 2-in-6 chance of success, or within 6 rounds for a 1-in-6 chance of success. Success may revive one who has expired from poison, so long as a successful trauma survival check is made (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution). The deceased poison victim is restored to 0 hp, albeit at a price: permanent loss of 1 constitution point. N.B.: Victims of envenomed blades or ingested poison are beyond the barbarian’s aid.
Table 18: Barbarian Level
armour; impossible in heavy armour. If vertical, the surface must be rough or cracked. At least one check must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure indicates the climber has slipped and fallen at about the midpoint of the check.
960,000+ 9d12+12
the barbarian noses for it. Discerning the precise source is not always possible; merely that it is close at work. This ability does not function as the detect magic spell and usually does not apply to minor magical items and like dweomers. SORCEROUS DISTRUST Suspicious of sorcery and those who wield it. Some barbarians may not tolerate the company of magicians, but they might esteem tribal shamans, druids, and the like. A barbarian may wield a magical weapon or be girded with a magical belt, but they are unlikely to be bedecked with all manner of dweomered amulets, cloaks, rings, and other trinkets; such behaviour is contrary to their nature. The extent of the barbarian’s sorcerous distrust is best established through individual role-play. TRACK To stalk prey, tracing physical signs and scenting as a predator. A barbarian can track at the below suggested probabilities: Wilderness: A base 10-in-12 chance to find, identify, and follow fresh tracks outdoors or in natural caverns. Non-Wilderness: A base 3-in-12 chance to discern tracks in a dungeon, castle, city street, or like setting. Furthermore, the barbarian can identify in general terms the species tracked if it is a known animal type (e.g., a large feline, a heavy bovine, a small canine). N.B.: The referee may decrease or improve the chancein-twelve to track based on prevailing circumstances.
HYPERBOREA WEAPON MASTERY Mastery of one weapon (+1 “to hit” and +1 damage). Additional weapons may be mastered at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels. As noted in Chapter 6: Equipment, the attack rate for melee weapons and the rates of fire for most missile weapons improve through weapon mastery. For more information on weapon mastery, see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill. WILDERNESS SURVIVAL Hunting, trapping, fishing, boating, shelter building, fire building (including tribal smoke signals), logging, woodworking, raft building, and so on. These tasks are performed without need of a check; they are simply the barbarian’s province. Under adverse conditions, the referee may assign a reasonable probability of success. Whether a chance of failure applies is at the discretion of the referee, as reflected by the prevailing conditions and abilities of the barbarian. ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a barbarian may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. MELEE EXPERT At 7th level, a barbarian’s standard melee attack rate improves from 1/1 to 3/2. Note that weapon mastery can further increase attack rate. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a barbarian who builds or assumes control of a wilderness fortress becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B. BARBARIAN’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your barbarian may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. N.B.: Using this starting pack may impact weapon mastery choice. Studded armour, small shield, arrows ×12, short bow, dagger, bastard sword, arrow quiver, backpack, bandages, fishing net, hunting horn, soft leather pouch, standard rations (1 week), large sack, torches ×3, wineskin (full), and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
BARBARIAN’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level barbarians. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a barbarian needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 19: Barbarian’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result 40
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
Volume I: Player’s Manual
BERSERKER (Fighter Subclass)
The berserker is a ferocious warrior endowed with unbridled battle rage, incredible resilience to the elements, and leathery skin like the hide of a beast. These fearless shock troopers can enter a frothing wrath that augments their strength and vitality. The most heroic berserkers can transmogrify into bestial monstrosities—quasi-bears, -tigers, or -wolves. Savage and unpredictable, berserkers can be as dangerous to their allies as to their enemies. Like barbarians, some berserkers live as outlanders; others might serve a king or feudal lord. In Hyperborea, Viking berserkers are notorious for brutally raiding, looting, and pillaging coastal villages from their swift longships. Attribute Requirements: Strength 15, Constitution 15 Prime Attributes: Strength, Constitution (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d12 Alignment: CG, CE Armour Allowed: Any Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any (but opposed to missile launching weapons) Saving Throw Modifier: +2 bonus to all saves (see hardy ability) Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES BERSERK RAGE A furious battle lust and feral madness unleashed. A rage may be entered any time leashed during battle; though it is most often witnessed when the berserker’s blood has been drawn. Frequency of Berserk Rage: 1st to 4th levels = ×1 per day 5th to 8th levels = ×2 per day 9th to 12th levels = ×3 per day Duration of Berserk Rage: Rounds equal to the berserker’s constitution score. The following benefits and drawbacks apply: Berserk Attack Rate: Melee attack rate of 2/1 (or 5/2 with weapon mastery). Enhanced Combat: +2 “to hit” and damage on all melee attacks.
Berserker (Esquimaux) 41
HYPERBOREA Fire Immunity: Impervious to normal fire; saves vs. magical fire always successful. Frightening Aspect: Fearsome to behold; enemy morale checks at −2 penalty. Hit Point Burst: Temporary hit points equal to one-half of constitution score, rounded up. These false hit points are deducted first whenever the berserker is hit. At the conclusion of the rage, any remaining bonus hit points are subtracted. Refusal to Fall: Can fight to as low as −3 hp. Once the battle is over, the berserker collapses. Refusal to Surrender: Cannot yield, retreat, or withdraw from melee once the rage is begun; neither can the berserker take actions unrelated to battle and bloodshed. Unbreakable Willpower: Immunity to fear, charm, and like sorcery that may affect the berserker’s resolve (cf. emotion). Uncontrollable: Once all enemy combatants have been vanquished, the berserker continues to attack or rend slain enemy forms until the rage duration ends. However, on a 1-in-8 chance, the berserker continues attacking any living creature within 30 feet—including allies—for 1d6 rounds, before all good sense is regained. Exhaustion: When the rage ends, the berserker is exhausted for 1d3 turns (10–30 minutes). During this period of lethargy, the berserker suffers a −2 “to hit” and damage rolls, attack rate is reduced to one attack per round (regardless of level or mastery), and running is impossible. The exhausted berserker is withdrawn and languid.
THICK SKIN Flesh not unlike the hide of a bull, which toughens over time. The berserker has natural AC 8 at 1st level, AC 7 at 3rd level, and so on (see Table 20). Body armour does not “stack” with this ability, but thick skin does provide a +1 AC bonus (from 1st to 6th levels) or +2 AC bonus (from 7th to 12th levels) to berserkers clad in light armour. Also, the berserker can function in subfreezing temperatures (as low as −15°F) with little need of protection (e.g., light furs/skins).
CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear, if lightly armoured or unarmoured, as a thief of equal level (see Table 16). Chance reduced by 4 if wearing medium armour; impossible in heavy armour. If vertical, the surface must be rough or cracked. At least one check must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure indicates the climber has slipped and fallen at about the midpoint of the check.
WEAPON MASTERY Mastery of one weapon (+1 “to hit” and +1 damage). Additional weapons may be mastered at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels. As noted in Chapter 6: Equipment, the attack rate for melee weapons and the rates of fire for most missile weapons improve through weapon mastery. N.B.: Unless hunting, berserkers shun the mastery of missile launching weapons. For more information on weapon mastery, see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill.
EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of strength and constitution (see Chapter 3: Statistics, strength and constitution).
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a berserker may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. N.B.: It is not unusual for a berserker’s henchman to be on the wrong side of a berserker’s rage gone uncontrollable.
HARDY Physical resilience and an indomitable will to prevail; +2 bonus to all saving throws. LEAP Mighty thews enable leaps of 25 feet or greater (if unencumbered), bridging pits, chasms, and the like. Vertical leaps of up to 5 feet can also be accomplished.
Experience Points
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Natural AC
Table 20: Berserker
800,000+ 9d12+12
BESTIAL FORM At 7th level, the berserker is blessed by a deity or spirit (animal or ancestral) with the ability to transmogrify into a semi-human, bipedal shape whilst in berserk rage. The bestial form assumed is one typically associ-
Volume I: Player’s Manual ated with the berserker’s culture or ancestry. Once an animal type is selected, it cannot be changed. Choices include bear, lion, tiger, or wolf. During transformation, thews bristle with fur, and countenances elongate to whiskered muzzles. The berserker’s hands become paw-like, with great claws or talons. The following benefits apply:
BERSERKER’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your berserker may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. N.B.: Using this starting pack may affect weapon mastery choice.
Enlargement: ×1.5 height and ×2 weight Recovery: Half of any lost hit points are recovered (does not include false hp total from hit point burst). Melee Weapon Use: Can wield melee weapons and attack as normal. Bestial Attack: Can opt to claw/claw/bite for a base 1d6/1d6/1d8 damage. If both claw attacks strike a single opponent of Small or Medium size, the berserker can hug the victim automatically for an additional 2d6 hp damage. Note that +2 bonuses to attack and damage rolls still apply, per the enhanced combat benefit of berserk rage, as well as strength attack modifier and damage adjustment.
Scale mail, battle axe, hand axes ×2, broad sword, backpack, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), large sack, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
The following restrictions apply: Limited Usage: Bestial form ends when berserk rage ends. Armour: No armour allowed; indeed, the transformation rips clothes. Rage Connexion: All benefits and detriments associated with berserk rage remain. MELEE EXPERT At 7th level, a berserker’s standard melee attack rate improves from 1/1 to 3/2. Note that weapon mastery can further increase attack rate. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a berserker who builds or assumes control of a wilderness fortress becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops, including a band of wild berserkers. More information is presented in Appendix B.
BERSERKER’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level berserkers. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a berserker needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 21: Berserker’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
CATAPHRACT (Fighter Subclass)
The cataphract is an armour-clad soldier whose prowess from the saddle is peerless. A cataphract might be a mounted mercenary, oath-bound knight, savage steppe horseman, or cavalryman in service to a provincial militia or despotic monarch. Some cataphracts operate as rapacious free lances, mercenaries who subsist on tournaments and warfare. Others esteem themselves “knights,” comporting to a rigid code of honour to which they are duty-bound. Armour and shields are treasured by the cataphract, and it is not unusual for one to display a heraldic symbol on a breastplate and/or shield. Too, a cataphract can avail the protection of armour and shields to a degree unmatched by other warriors. A cataphract is the equal of any fighter afoot; mounted, none are better on all the bloody battlefields of Hyperborea. Attribute Requirements: Strength 9, Dexterity 9, Wisdom 9, Charisma 9 Prime Attributes: Strength, Charisma (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d10 Alignment: Any Armour Allowed: Any Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any Saving Throw Modifiers: Death +2, Transformation +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of strength (see Chapter 3: Statistics, strength). HONOUR Cataphracts who operate as knights (must be Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, or Neutral [Lawful]), serving a lord, monarch, etc., enjoy all the political and social benefits derived 44
Cataphract (Moor)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
SHIELD SACRIFICE To sacrifice a shield and escape harm from a single melee blow. When wielding a shield in combat, if the cataphract is struck by a melee blow, the player may opt to announce a shield sacrifice to avoid damage; however, the shield is destroyed by the blow. If the shield is magical, it has a chance-in-eight to survive destruction equal to the shield’s bonus (e.g., a +1 small shield has a 1-in-8 chance of surviving destruction). This ability cannot be used after damage is rolled, and is usable but once per day, regardless of results.
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
MOUNTED CHARGE A thunderous mounted onset both feared and renowned. The cataphract’s lance charge from horseback or camelback is at +2 to the attack roll (+3 versus footmen) and treble damage dice (other modifiers added afterwards, such as strength, weapon mastery, etc.).
Experience Points
HORSEMANSHIP Trained in mounted combat from their earliest youth, cataphracts can fight from the saddle, urge their mounts to nimble feats on the battlefield, and engage in close-ordered charges. Depending on geography and background, this skill may apply to camels.
Table 22: Cataphract Level
therefrom. In fact, people of similar affiliation are expected to accommodate the knight to the best of their abilities. To enjoy these benefits, knights must comport themselves to a strict code of honour, abiding the following precepts: duty, integrity, justice, loyalty, respect, and valour. Failure to do so may result in disgrace, banishment, and in some cases, execution. If honour is comported to with competence and distinction, a cataphract may be knighted at 5th level or greater.
MELEE EXPERT At 7th level, a cataphract’s standard melee attack rate improves from 1/1 to 3/2. Note that weapon mastery can further increase attack rate. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a cataphract who builds or assumes control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
SKILFUL DEFENDER To avail armour to its utmost. When clad in medium or heavy armour, the cataphract gains a +1 AC bonus from 1st to 6th levels, and a +2 AC bonus from 7th to 12th levels. UNBREAKABLE WILLPOWER Immune to the effects of magically induced fear. WEAPON MASTERY Mastery of the lance and one other weapon (+1 “to hit” and +1 damage). Additional weapons may be mastered at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels. As noted in Chapter 6: Equipment, the attack rate for melee weapons and the rates of fire for most missile weapons improve through weapon mastery. For more information on weapon mastery, see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill. ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a cataphract may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. 45
CATAPHRACT’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your cataphract may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. N.B.: Using this starting pack may impact weapon mastery choice but note well that a cataphract must begin play with lance mastery. Scale mail, small shield, horseman’s flail, long sword, backpack, bandages, hooded lantern, lamp oil, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), large sack, tinderbox, wineskin (full), and 1d4+1 gold pieces. N.B.: Since a newly created cataphract cannot afford a horse, it is unlikely that one would be carrying around a lance, regardless of weapon mastery.
CATAPHRACT’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level cataphracts. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a cataphract needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 23: Cataphract’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
Volume I: Player’s Manual
HUNTSMAN (Fighter Subclass)
The huntsman is a wilderness warrior who roves the hoary wilds of Hyperborea in search of formidable game. Some huntsmen hail from barbaric tribes where they are celebrated for their impressive conquests; others come from within the walls of civilization where they are admired for their astounding trophies. Some huntsmen glory in subduing and taming the most feral beasts, whilst others pride themselves as werewolf hunters, purging Hyperborea of its dreaded lycanthropic curse. No matter what their aims or origins, all huntsmen share an insatiable thirst to dominate that which others rightly fear and loathe. Forsooth, some opine that huntsmen are as wild and feral as that which they hunt. N.B.: A female huntsman might be referred to as a huntress. Attribute Requirements: Strength 9, Dexterity 9, Wisdom 9, Charisma 12 Prime Attributes: Strength, Wisdom (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d10 Alignment: Any Armour Allowed: Light, Medium Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any Saving Throw Modifiers: Death +2, Transformation +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES ALERTNESS Reduces by one (−1) on a d6 roll the party’s chance to be surprized. AMBUSHER When traversing the wilds alone or with others of like ability, the huntsman’s base surprize chance increases by one (+1) on a d6 roll. Furthermore, when outdoors, even an untrained party’s chance to surprize increases by one (+1) if the huntsman positions and prepares them accordingly. CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear, if lightly armoured or unarmoured, as a thief of equal level (see Table 16). Chance-in-twelve reduced by 4 if wearing medium armour; impossible in heavy armour. If vertical, the surface must be rough or cracked. At least one check must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure indicates the climber has slipped and fallen at about the midpoint of the check.
Huntress (Pict) 47
Experience Points
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Table 24: Huntsman
720,000+ 9d10+9
EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of strength (see Chapter 3: Statistics, strength). HARVEST VENOM To extract venom sacs from snakes, spiders, giant insects, and the like, should the opportunity present and appropriate containers be available. Huntsmen learn to dissect venomous creatures. This skill is performed at a base 9-in-12 chance of success. If a 12 is rolled, a mishap occurs, and the huntsman is exposed (e.g., eyes, nose, skin) to the poisonous fluid. For more information on the extraction of venom, see Chapter 9: Combat, poison, venom harvesting. HIDE If lightly armoured or unarmoured, able to hide outdoors (wilderness) as a thief of equal level (see Table 16), lurking behind bushes, rocks, trees, and the like. Chance-in-twelve reduced by 4 if wearing medium armour; impossible in heavy armour. A huntsman can employ camouflage or remain perfectly still whilst flattened to the ground. Only the slightest movement is permissible (e.g., unsheathing a blade, opening a pouch). Hiding is impossible in direct sunlight, or if the huntsman is observed. In non-wilderness areas (e.g., cities, dungeons), the chance-in-twelve is decreased by 2. MOVE SILENTLY To stalk like a wolf, moving with preternatural quiet comparable to a thief of equal level (see Table 16), if the huntsman is lightly armoured or unarmoured. Chance-in-twelve reduced by 4 if wearing medium armour; impossible in heavy armour. This skill is executed at half the huntsman’s normal movement rate.
PREDATOR Trained from earliest youth to hunt and kill animals both fleet and robust. The huntsman inflicts +1 hp damage per level of experience when combatting normal and giant-sized animals: amphibians, birds, crustaceans, dinosaurs, fishes, insects, mammals, and reptiles. Does not apply to constructs, dæmons, elementals, fungi, giants, humanoids, magical beasts, moulds, oozes, otherworldly and alien beings, slimes and jellies, or undead. When used in concert with a successful hide attempt, the initial attack roll is made at a +4 bonus. SUBDUE ANIMAL To soothe and tame an animal (normal, not magical) of hit dice equal to or less than the huntsman’s level. To succeed, the following steps must be completed: Through combat, physically reduce the animal to half or less its hit point total (the huntsman can assess this with accuracy). The huntsman must be a prominent aggressor in the beast’s impairment. Restrain the creature. Many a huntsman will use a bola, lasso, fighting net, or whip to make prone the target before attempting to restrain it. On the round following restraint, the huntsman attempts to assert mental and physical dominance. The base chance of success is 4-in-12. This chance-in-twelve may be increased by the following modifiers: +1 if the huntsman’s strength is 16+ +1 if the huntsman’s wisdom is 16+ +1 if the huntsman’s charisma is 16+ +1 if the huntsman’s level is 7+ +1 if the huntsman has dominated a member of this species before Failure indicates the animal is impossible to tame. It may continue attempting to break free. Success indicates the animal is subdued; the huntsman must continue to restrain the creature for 1 turn (10 minutes), kneeling on it, commanding it, and forcing submission. Thereafter, it will be docile and relatively obedient. A defeated animal can be tamed to complete loyalty (ML 12) after 1d4 months of training. It can be trained to attack, fetch, guard, hunt, track, or perform other tasks. Multiple animals can be trained—even working in flawless synchronization if they are reasonably compatible—but their total hit dice can never exceed the huntsman’s level, and the training time for multiple animals is cumulative. TRACK To stalk prey, tracing physical signs and scenting as a predator. A huntsman can track at the below suggested probabilities:
Volume I: Player’s Manual
WILDERNESS TRAPS To set an outdoor trap, including pits, deadfalls (falling logs/rocks), snares, and spring traps. The huntsman is also adept at finding and removing such traps. These tasks are performed as a thief of equal level performs the manipulate traps skill (see Table 16), but the huntsman has no facility with mechanical and/or magical traps.
Wilderness: A base 10-in-12 chance to find, identify, and follow fresh tracks outdoors or in natural caverns. Non-Wilderness: A base 5-in-12 chance to discern tracks in a dungeon, castle, city street, or like setting. Furthermore, the huntsman can identify the tracked animal type (or even exact species) through examination of its spoor, including size, weight, ambulation, rate of movement, etc. N.B.: The referee may alter the chancein-twelve to track based on prevailing circumstances.
WEREWOLF SLAYER At 4th level, huntsmen develop the aptitude to slay lycanthropes. Indeed, when men and women suffer the curse of the beast, huntsmen rise to stamp them out. When wielding silver or magical weapons versus lycanthropes, huntsmen gain all the benefits of the predator ability, regardless of the advanced intelligence of the afflicted.
WEAPON MASTERY Mastery of one weapon (+1 “to hit” and +1 damage). The huntsman’s first weapon mastery must be an appropriate hunting weapon: axe (hand), bola, boomerang, bow, club (light), crossbow, dagger, dart, hooked throwing knife, javelin, lasso, fighting net, sling, spear (short or long), trident (long), or whip. Additional weapons may be mastered at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, though these may be any weapons. As noted in Chapter 6: Equipment, the attack rate for melee weapons and the rates of fire for most missile weapons improve through weapon mastery. For more information on weapon mastery, see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill.
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a huntsman may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. MELEE EXPERT At 7th level, a huntsman’s standard melee attack rate improves from 1/1 to 3/2. Note that weapon mastery can further increase attack rate.
WILDERNESS SURVIVAL Hunting, trapping, fishing, boating, shelter building, fire building (including tribal smoke signals), logging, woodworking, raft building, and so on. These tasks are performed without need of a check; they are simply the huntsman’s province. Under adverse conditions, the referee may assign a reasonable probability of success. Whether a chance of failure applies is at the discretion of the referee, as reflected by the prevailing conditions and abilities of the huntsman.
LORDSHIP At 9th level, a huntsman who builds or assumes control of a wilderness fortress becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
HUNTSMAN’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your huntsman may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. N.B.: Using this starting pack may impact weapon mastery choice. Leather armour, hand axe, fighting net, longbow, arrows ×12, silver arrows ×2, short spear, arrow quiver, backpack, sinew cord (100-ft. ball), hunting horn, soft leather pouch, standard rations (1 week), torches ×2, wineskin (full), and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
HUNTSMAN’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level huntsmen. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a huntsman needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 25: Huntsman’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
28 49
PALADIN (Fighter Subclass)
The paladin is a martial exemplar of the Lawful Good alignment. Whereas others fall into despair or are seduced by the malefic temptations of a decadent world dominated by Chaos, the paladin not only resists but inspires others to do the same. Paladins are paragons of truth, justice, prudence, honour, loyalty, faith, charity, and love; consequently, they are favoured by otherworldly powers of benign and Lawful nature. A champion of the oppressed and abused, the paladin strives to undo the Chaos and evils wrought on Hyperborea through temperate words and courageous deeds. In rare circumstances, a paladin who falls from grace (typically due to murder, treachery, or consorting with dæmons) may become an exemplar of the Lawful Evil alignment. Such malefic beings are regarded as fell paladins. Whilst some fell paladins are former paladins, others are inculcated by such abominations. Fell paladins abide a wicked code of Law and honour, and oft are they said to be in league with Thaumagorga. Attribute Requirements: Strength 9, Dexterity 9, Wisdom 9, Charisma 15 Prime Attributes: Strength, Charisma (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d10 Alignment: LG (fell paladins: LE) Armour Allowed: Any Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any Saving Throw Modifier: +2 bonus to all saves (see divine protection ability) Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES DIVINE PROTECTION The paladin’s indomitable spirit and blameless conduct attract the favour of benign otherworldly forces of Law that provide immunity to natural diseases, a +2 bonus to all saving throws, and a +1 AC bonus versus attacks made by Evil creatures. For fell paladins, the favour of malefic otherworldly forces Paladin (Anglo-Saxon) 50
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Fighting Ability
— — —
— — —
— — —
— — —
— — —
— —
— —
Casting Ability
Saving Throw
L1 L2 L3 — — —
Turning Ability
Hit Dice
HEALING HANDS The power to mend wounds and alleviate disease by laying palms on the injured or afflicted. The paladin can restore up to 2 hp per day, per level of experience. The paladin also can cure disease (as the spell) once every seven days. With few exceptions, the paladin will treat allies first.
Experience Points
EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of strength (see “Chapter 3: Statistics, strength).
Table 26: Paladin
of Law is enjoyed, and the +1 AC bonus is versus attacks made by Good creatures. N.B.: Divine protection does not provide immunity to magical diseases such as lycanthropy.
4 Spells Cast Per Day
10 528,000 9d10+3 12 10 6 4 2 2 — Fell paladins do not have healing hands; 11 704,000 9d10+6 11 11 7 5 2 2 1 rather, they have sapping hands, a touch attack that drains the victim of up to 2 hp 12 880,000+ 9d10+9 11 12 8 6 2 2 2 per day, per level of experience. Classed individuals (PCs and NPCs) can be drained to –10 hp SENSE EVIL (death) and monsters to 0 hp (also death). The sapped Perspicacity to Evil most palpable—the nearby preshit points are transferred to the fell paladin, restoring ence of a purely Evil sorcerer, undead, dæmons, and previously sustained damage. Too, fell paladins can other unclean spirits. Particularly strong emanations, inflict disease (as the reverse spell of cure disease) such as from a malign artefact or dominion of Evil, may once every seven days. eclipse lesser sensations. Note that this ability will not discern if another character is of Evil alignment unless HONOUR the subject is about to commit a most vile act or is of To comport oneself to a code of honour extolling strength, a pure and intense Evil (e.g., empowered by dæmons; skill, stoicism, consistency, fidelity, courage in the face of too, necromancers, witches, and certain priests might enemies, clemency towards defeated opponents, largess qualify, per referee discretion). In any case, the paladin towards dependents, hospitality to associates and supemust stop and concentrate, sensing in a 60-foot range riors, and a willingness to protect the weak. A paladin (cf. the spell, detect evil). Fell paladins sense similarly, must never commit murder, perpetrate a felony, or utidetecting kindred powers. lize poison. A paladin must oppose tyranny, despotism, VALIANT RESOLVE cruelty, dæmonism, and other forms of Evil. Immune to the effects of magically induced fear. Failure to adhere to these precepts is grounds for penalWEAPON MASTERY ization by the referee, possibly including experience point Mastery of one weapon (+1 “to hit” and +1 damage). reduction, denial of all supernatural abilities, or level loss. Additional weapons may be mastered at 4th, 8th, and 12th In the worst cases (murder, damning innocents, relations levels. As noted in Chapter 6: Equipment, the attack with dæmons, etc.) a paladin can metamorphose, emrate for melee weapons and the rates of fire for most bracing the wickedness of abomination and ultimately missile weapons improve through weapon mastery. For transforming into a fell paladin. Such beings become more information on weapon mastery, see Chapter 9: honour-bound paragons of the Lawful Evil alignment. Combat, weapon skill. HORSEMANSHIP RIGHTEOUS WRATH Trained in mounted combat from their earliest youth, rd At 3 level, when delivering a charge attack (mounted paladins can fight from the saddle, urge their mounts or afoot) against an Evil foe, paladins gain a damage to nimble feats on the battlefield, and engage in bonus equal to their level of experience (replacing the close-ordered charges. Depending on geography and +2 damage bonus normally associated with charge background, this skill may apply to camels. attacks; –2 AC penalty applies). When mounted, this bonus is in addition to the double damage inflicted by a lance. For fell paladins, this ability is against Good foes. 51
HYPERBOREA SACRED MOUNT At 5th level or later, receive a vision and thus learn the location of an extraordinary mount. This thewy, wild stallion is of keen senses and great resolve. The mount must be quested after, lassoed, and trained. This equine is a heavy warhorse of superior health and exceptional wisdom (maximum hit points, 12 morale). This benison can be realized but once per year at most. At 10th level, the paladin may seek the fabled pegasus, and a fell paladin can quest for a nightmare (both maximum hit points, 12 morale). TURN UNDEAD At 5th level, exert control over the undead, causing them to flee and/or cower. Refer to Table 13 at the cleric class entry. At 5th level the paladin has 1st-level turning ability (TA 1); at 6th level, TA 2; and so on. The paladin must stand before the undead and speak boldly a commandment of faith and/or Law, displaying a holy symbol (or Lawful crest) whilst so doing. This ability can be used once per day per TA; other rules and restrictions are noted in the cleric class ability of turn undead. Conversely, fell paladins can command undead on a successful turn undead check. For more information, refer to evil command of undead in the turn undead cleric class ability. ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a paladin may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. MELEE EXPERT At 7th level, a paladin’s standard melee attack rate improves from 1/1 to 3/2. Note that weapon mastery can further increase attack rate.
SCROLL USE At 7th level, decipher and invoke scrolls with spells that are included in the Cleric Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99), unless the scroll was created by a thaumaturgical sorcerer (one who casts magician or magician subclass spells). SORCERY At 7th level, paladins gain the ability to cast spells drawn from the Cleric Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99). These spells are learnt through prayer, study of scripture, or communion with otherworldly beings associated with Lawful Good; conversely, fell paladins commune with otherworldly beings associated with Lawful Evil. Spell memorization involves prayer, meditation, incantations, and the study and recitation of scriptures dedicated to the tenets of Law. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 26), though paladins of high wisdom gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, wisdom). For example, a 9th-level paladin with 13 wisdom can cast three level 1 spells and one level 2 spell per day. The paladin develops a level 1 cleric spell at 7th level, and one new spell at each level gain thereafter. The schedule is as follows: 7th level: ×1 level 1 cleric spell 8th level: ×1 level 1 cleric spell 9th level: ×1 level 2 cleric spell 10th level: ×1 level 2 cleric spell 11th level: ×1 level 3 cleric spell 12th level: ×1 level 3 cleric spell There is no need of a qualification roll. The paladin cannot learn additional spells beyond those acquired during level training. Note that a 7th-level paladin has 1st-level casting ability (CA 1) and progresses accordingly. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a paladin who builds or assumes control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
PALADIN’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your paladin may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. N.B.: Using this starting pack may impact weapon mastery choice. Scale mail, large shield, dagger, footman’s mace, long sword, backpack, wooden holy symbol, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), tinderbox, torches ×2, wineskin (full), and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
PALADIN’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level paladins. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a paladin needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 27: Paladin’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
RANGER (Fighter Subclass)
The ranger protects the borderlands of civilization, infiltrates savage frontiers, and vanquishes the otherworldly monsters and alien beings that debauch Hyperborea. A ranger might be a grim-faced frontiersman patrolling the marches of civilized lands; a fearless raider, waging a war of ambush and disruption behind enemy lines; or perhaps a disenfranchised wanderer who roams vast wastelands, hunting down extra-dimensional entities whose aims are incongruent with mankind’s survival. Rangers can unerringly guide others through the lonely wilds, traversing unseen even the most guarded and hostile of territories; too, in the wilds they can learn to dabble in the clandestine sorcery of tribal shamans. Rangers are doughty warriors who are versed in the secrets of the wilderness and the countless horrors it harbours. Attribute Requirements: Strength 9, Dexterity 9, Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9 Prime Attributes: Strength, Wisdom (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d10 Alignment: LG, CG, N Armour Allowed: Any Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any Saving Throw Bonus: Death +2, Transformation +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES ALERTNESS Reduces by one (−1) on a d6 roll the party’s chance to be surprized. AMBUSHER When traversing the wilds alone or with others of like ability, the ranger’s base surprize chance increases by one (+1) on a d6 roll. Furthermore, when outdoors, even an untrained party’s chance to surprize increases by one (+1) if the ranger positions and prepares them accordingly. 54
Ranger (Carolingian Frank)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of strength (see Chapter 3: Statistics, strength). HIDE If lightly armoured or unarmoured, able to hide outdoors (wilderness) as a thief of equal level (see Table 16), lurking behind bushes, rocks, trees, and the like. Chance-in-twelve reduced by 4 if wearing medium armour; impossible in heavy armour. A ranger can employ camouflage or remain perfectly still whilst flattened to the ground. Only the slightest movement is permissible (e.g., unsheathing a blade, opening a pouch). Hiding is impossible in direct sunlight, or if the ranger is observed. In non-wilderness areas (e.g., cities, dungeons), the chance-in-twelve is decreased by 2. MOVE SILENTLY To stalk like a panther, moving with preternatural quiet, comparable to a thief of equal level (see Table 16), if the ranger is lightly armoured or unarmoured. Chance-in-twelve reduced by 4 if wearing medium armour; impossible in heavy armour. This skill is executed at half the ranger’s normal movement rate. OTHERWORLDLY ENEMIES From their earliest training (typically aged 10–12), rangers are awakened to the terrible knowledge of malevolent alien beings and the nameless horrors they represent. Through painstaking instruction and supernatural insight rangers can cognize the most effective means to harm the otherworldly. Rangers
Casting Ability
Magician Spells Cast Per Day
Fighting Ability
Druid Spells Cast Per Day
Saving Throw
Hit Dice
Experience Points
Table 28: Ranger CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear, if lightly armoured or unarmoured, as a thief of equal level (see Table 16). Chance1 0 1d10 in-twelve reduced by 4 if 2 2,250 2d10 wearing medium armour; impossible in heavy ar3 4,500 3d10 mour. If vertical, the 4 9,000 4d10 surface must be rough or 5 18,000 5d10 cracked. At least one check 6 36,000 6d10 must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure 7 72,000 7d10 indicates the climber has 8 144,000 8d10 slipped and fallen at about 9 288,000 9d10 the midpoint of the check. 10 432,000 9d10+3 DISCERN NOISE 11 576,000 9d10+6 Unusually perceptive, de12 720,000+ 9d10+9 tecting the faintest sounds. The ranger can discern noise as a thief of equal level (see Table 16). Six rounds (one minute) of concentrated listening are required.
L1 —
L2 —
L3 —
L1 —
L2 —
L3 —
become uncannily perspicacious to these creatures; consequently, they inflict +1 hp damage per level of experience versus the abominations that are categorized as “otherworldly.” TRACK To stalk prey, tracing physical signs and discerning subtle clues. A ranger can track at the below suggested probabilities: Wilderness: A base 10-in-12 chance to find, identify, and follow fresh tracks outdoors or in natural caverns. Non-Wilderness: A base 3-in-12 chance to discern tracks in a dungeon, castle, city street, or like setting. Furthermore, the ranger can identify in general terms the species tracked if it is a known animal type (e.g., a large feline, a heavy bovine, a small canine). N.B.: The referee may adjust the chance-in-twelve to track based on prevailing circumstances. TRACK CONCEALMENT In the wilderness, obscure the tracks of a number of companions equal to the ranger’s level of experience; however, maximum speed is restricted to half the ranger’s normal movement rate (MV). TRAVERSE OVERGROWTH Negotiate natural overgrowth (e.g., briars, brush, tangles, thorns, vines) at normal movement rate (MV), without leaving a discernible trail (if so desired). The ranger cannot perform this skill wearing heavy armour.
HYPERBOREA WEAPON MASTERY Mastery of one weapon (+1 “to hit” and +1 damage). Additional weapons may be mastered at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels. As noted in Chapter 6: Equipment, the attack rate for melee weapons and the rates of fire for most missile weapons improve through weapon mastery. For more information on weapon mastery, see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill.
SCROLL USE At 7th level, decipher and invoke ecclesiastical scroll spells from the Druid Spell List, and at 8th level, decipher and invoke thaumaturgical scroll spells from the Magician Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 100 and Table 93). SORCERY At 7th level, the ranger develops the ability to cast spells as a shaman, practicing the ecclesiastical sorcery of druids and the thaumaturgical sorcery of magicians. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 28), though rangers of high intelligence and/or wisdom gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, intelligence and wisdom). For example, a 9th-level ranger with 13 wisdom and 10 intelligence can cast two level 1 druid spells, one level 2 druid spell, and one level 1 magician spell per day.
WILDERNESS SURVIVAL Hunting, trapping, fishing, boating, shelter building, fire building (including tribal smoke signals), logging, woodworking, raft building, and so on. These tasks are performed without need of a check; they are simply the ranger’s province. Under adverse conditions, the referee may assign a reasonable probability of success. Whether a chance of failure applies is at the discretion of the referee, as reflected by the prevailing conditions and abilities of the ranger.
The ranger’s spells are drawn from the Magician Spell List and the Druid Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 93 and Table 100). Druid spells are granted by animistic and elemental spirits, and magician spells are memorized from rune-etched stone tablets, bark sheets, or animal skins; such media functioning as the ranger’s spell book, as it were. At 7th level, the ranger cultivates a level 1 druid spell; at 8th level, a level 1 magician spell. The ranger develops one new spell each level gain thereafter. The schedule is as follows:
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a ranger may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. MELEE EXPERT At 7th level, a ranger’s standard melee attack rate improves from 1/1 to 3/2. Note that weapon mastery can further increase attack rate.
7th level: ×1 level 1 druid spell 8th level: ×1 level 1 magician spell 9th level: ×1 level 2 druid spell 10th level: ×1 level 2 magician spell 11th level: ×1 level 3 druid spell 12th level: ×1 level 3 magician spell
RANGER’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your ranger may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. N.B.: Using this starting pack may impact weapon mastery choice.
Spells are gained automatically, with no need of qualification rolls. The ranger cannot learn additional spells beyond those developed during level training. Note that a 7th-level ranger has 1st-level casting ability (CA 1) and progresses accordingly.
Studded armour, dagger, long sword, longbow, arrows ×12, arrow quiver, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, standard rations (1 week), hemp rope (50-ft.), large sack, torches ×3, wineskin (full), and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
LORDSHIP At 9th level, a ranger who builds or assumes control of a wilderness fortress becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
RANGER’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level rangers. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a ranger needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 29: Ranger’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
Volume I: Player’s Manual
WARLOCK (Fighter Subclass)
A warlock is a swordsman and a sorcerer, an armour-clad warrior who wields the steel of a fighter and weaves the sorcery of a magician. Such an individual might represent a clandestine order of warrior-wizards; or maybe a failed magician’s apprentice fallen into the life of a soldier, mercenary, or reaver; or perhaps a young fighter secretly tutored by a shunned hedge wizard. Some warlocks practice the sorcery of cryomancers; these are referred to as ice lords. Others practice the sorcery of pyromancers; these are referred to as fire lords. But perhaps the most feared and reviled of warlocks are those who practice the black arts of necromancy; these are referred to as death soldiers—many of whom supplicate the Dæmon Lord, Thaumagorga. Regardless, the fusion of swordsman and sorcerer establishes the warlock as amongst the most potent beings to tread the jeweled cities and forgotten wastes of Hyperborea. Attribute Requirements: Strength 12, Intelligence 12 (plus wisdom 12 for death soldiers, fire lords, and ice lords) Prime Attributes: Strength, Intelligence (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d8 Alignment: Any (death soldiers: N, LE, CE) (fire lords: CG, N, CE) (ice lords: LG, N, LE) Armour Allowed: Light, Medium Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any Saving Throw Modifiers: Transformation +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of strength (see Chapter 3: Statistics, strength). MAGIC ITEM USE Can utilize magic items normally restricted to magicians. READ MAGIC The ability to decipher unintelligible magical inscriptions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer mark spell or other like methods.
Warlock (Ixian) 57
Casting Ability
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Spells Cast Per Day
Hit Dice
Experience Points
Table 30: Warlock SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scroll scrolls with spells that are included in the warlock’s chosen school of sorcery: magician, cryomancer, necromancer, or pyromancer (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 93, 94, 96, or 97), unless the scroll was created by an ecclesiastical sorcerer 1 0 (one who casts cleric or druid spells). 2 3,000 SCROLL WRITING 3 6,000 To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creat4 12,000 ing a single-use magical device at a cost of 5 24,000 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials may include the finest vellum, paper, or papyrus; 6 48,000 a fresh quill; and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. 7 96,000 This involved process requires one week per 8 192,000 spell level.
L1 L2 L3
9 384,000 9d8 12 9 9 2 2 2 SORCERY 10 576,000 9d8+2 12 10 10 3 2 2 Warlocks cast spells that they memorize from 11 768,000 9d8+4 11 11 11 3 3 2 arcane tomes. At character creation, the player must select which school of magic his or her 12 960,000+ 9d8+6 11 12 12 3 3 3 warlock practices: that of the magician, cryoWEAPON MASTERY mancer, necromancer, or pyromancer. This decision is Mastery of one weapon (+1 “to hit” and +1 damage). irrevocable. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 30), though warlocks Additional weapons may be mastered at 4th, 8th, and of high intelligence gain bonus spells cast per day (see 12th levels. As noted in Chapter 6: Equipment, the Chapter 3: Statistics, intelligence). For example, a attack rate for melee weapons and the rates of fire for 4th-level warlock with 13 intelligence can cast two level most missile weapons improve through weapon mas1 spells and one level 2 spell per day. tery. For more information on weapon mastery, see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill. A warlock begins with a spell book that contains one level 1 spell selected from the Magician-, CryoENLIST HENCHMEN mancer-, Necromancer-, or Pyromancer Spell List At 6th level, a warlock may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically (see Chapter 7, Table 93, 94, 96, or 97), depending of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal on which school of sorcery was selected at character followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adcreation. Through personal research, the warlock deventure, hirelings and henchmen. velops one new spell at each level gain; each is learnt automatically, with no need of a qualification roll, but it MELEE EXPERT must be of a castable level (see Table 30 above). At 7th level, a warlock’s standard melee attack rate im Initial no. of spells known: ×1 proves from 1/1 to 3/2. Note that weapon mastery can No. of spells gained per level: ×1 further increase attack rate. Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells).
LORDSHIP At 9th level, a warlock who builds or assumes control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
WARLOCK’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your warlock may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. N.B.: Using this starting pack may impact weapon mastery choice. Scale mail, battle axe, light crossbow, light bolts ×20, backpack, bandages, bolt case, ink and quill, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), hemp rope (50-ft.), tinderbox, torches ×2, wineskin (full), spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
WARLOCK’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level warlocks. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a warlock needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 31: Warlock’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
CRYOMANCER (Magician Subclass)
The cryomancer is a sorcerer who manipulates snow, ice, and boreal winds. Through arcane studies and pacts made with glacial spirits, the cryomancer develops a spell book similar to that of a magician. A cryomancer may be a guild magician of an esoteric branch or an adherent of a secret society. Of the latter, some sects seek to unlock the genius of a cabal of sorcerer-priests who, in immemorial times, dwelt in a floating citadel of ice that housed their dread god, “The Ashen Worm.” Cryomancers garb themselves in coloured robes revealing their personal ethos: Lawful Good cryomancers don pale blue robes trimmed with white and silver; Lawful Evil cryomancers wear pale grey robes trimmed with white and silver; and Neutral cryomancers vest themselves in white robes trimmed with pale blue and silver. Regardless of ethos, most cryomancers believe Hyperborea’s great glaciers will cleanse the realm of Chaos and usher in a new age of Law. Attribute Requirements: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9 Prime Attributes: Intelligence, Wisdom (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d4 Alignment: LG, N, LE Armour Allowed: None Shields Allowed: None Favoured Weapons: Axe (hand), dagger, dart, pick (horseman’s), quarterstaff, spear (short) Saving Throw Modifiers: Device +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES ALCHEMY To practice the sorcery-science of alchemy. Apprentice cryomancers learn how to identify potions by taste alone; albeit the practice is not always safe. At 7th level, a cryomancer may concoct potions with the assistance of an alchemist. By 11th level, the assistance of an alchemist is no longer required. For more information, refer to Chapter 7: Sorcery, Sorcery, alchemy alchemy.. FIRE / HEAT VULNERABILITY −2 penalty to saving throws versus fire- and heat-related effects effects. ICE / COLD AFFINITY +2 bonus to saving throws versus ice- and cold-related effects, cumulative cold with the cold resistance spell.
Cryomancer (Hyperborean)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Experience Points
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Casting Ability
READ MAGIC The ability to decipher unintelligible magical inscriptions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer mark spell or other like methods.
Table 32: Cryomancer
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ICICLE Once per day per level of experience, evoke a 12-inch icicle to rise from a loosely clenched fist. It glows violet, shedding light in a 15-foot radius. An icicle can function as a single-use dagger (melee or missile); otherwise, it lasts 6 turns (1 hour) before crumbling or melting.
4 Spells Cast Per Day L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
10 480,000 9d4+1 12 4 10 5 4 4 3 2 — SCROLL USE 11 640,000 9d4+2 11 5 11 5 5 4 3 2 1 To decipher and invoke scrolls 12 800,000+ 9d4+3 11 5 12 5 5 4 4 3 2 with spells that are included in the Cryomancer Spell List (see NEW WEAPON SKILL Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 94), unless the scroll was At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon created by an ecclesiastical sorcerer (one who casts that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted cleric or druid spells). above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training SCROLL WRITING and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use ENLIST HENCHMEN magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. At 6th level, a cryomancer may seek or be sought out Materials may include the finest vellum, paper, or papyby one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typirus; a fresh quill; and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This cally of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become involved process requires one week per spell level. loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: SORCERY Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. Cryomancers casts spells that they memorize from LORDSHIP arcane tomes. They also gain favour from glacial spirAt 9th level, a cryomancer who builds or assumes its. The number and levels of spells cast per day are control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible charted above (see Table 32), though cryomancers of to attract troops. More information is presented in high intelligence gain bonus spells cast per day (see Appendix B. Chapter 3: Statistics, intelligence). For example, a 4th-level cryomancer with 13 intelligence can cast four level 1 spells and two level 2 spells per day. CRYOMANCER’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your The cryomancer begins with a spell book that contains cryomancer may begin with the following gear in three level 1 spells drawn from the Cryomancer Spell lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 94). Through pergear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment sonal research, the patronage of elemental powers, and for more information on weapons and gear. perhaps “The Ashen Worm” itself, cryomancers develop one new spell at each level gain; this spell is learnt automatically, with no need of a qualification roll, but it must be of a castable level (see Table 32 above). Initial no. of spells known: ×3 No. of spells gained per level: ×1 Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells).
Hand axes ×2, silver dagger, short spear, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, beeswax candles ×3, chalk (piece), crampons, small hammer, ink and quill, bull’s-eye lantern, lamp oil ×2, parchment ×3, hard leather pouch, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), silk rope (50-ft.), large sack, iron spikes ×12, tinderbox, wineskin (full), writing stick, spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
CRYOMANCER’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level cryomancers. Fighting ability (FA) improves every odd level, so at 3rd level a cryomancer needs a modified 19 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 33: Cryomancer’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 0) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
Volume I: Player’s Manual
ILLUSIONIST (Magician Subclass)
The illusionist is a magician who specializes in illusions, phantasms, hypnosis, and other sorceries that distort or modify perceptions and attitudes. Too, the illusionist can manipulate and transform light, colours, and shadows into quasi-real matter. Like other magicians, the illusionist studies arcane tomes and scripts, though these weird, curvilinear texts are nearly indecipherable to most other magicians. Illusionists might learn their unique form of sorcery from an esoteric branch of a magicians’ guild, though some are said to have sought erudition from an eccentric master who is reputed to gird his abode atop Mount Vhuurmithadon with layers of perception-warping phantasms. Regardless, the illusionist’s sorcery involves strange incantations and peculiar gesticulations. Even amongst other magicians, the illusionist oft is considered an eccentric. Attribute Requirements: Dexterity 9, Intelligence 9 Prime Attributes: Dexterity, Intelligence (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d4 Alignment: Any Armour Allowed: None Shields Allowed: None Favoured Weapons: Dagger, dart, quarterstaff, sling Saving Throw Modifiers: Device +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES ALCHEMY To practice the sorcery-science of alchemy. Apprentice illusionists learn how to identify potions by taste alone; albeit the practice is not always safe. At 7th level, an illusionist may concoct potions with the assistance of an alchemist. By 11th level, the assistance of an alchemist is no longer required. For more information, refer to Chapter 7: Sorcery, alchemy. COLOURED GLOBE Once per day per level of experience, evoke a 6-inch diameter coloured globe to rise from the open palm and float within 10 feet, as directed by the illusionist. A coloured globe glows any pastel colour as chosen by the illusionist, shedding light in a 10-foot radius. It lasts 6 turns (1 hour) with no need of concentration. Multiple coloured globes can be simultaneously controlled if so desired. Illusionist (Lemurian) 63
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Casting Ability
READ MAGIC The ability to decipher unintelligible magical inscriptions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer mark spell or other like methods.
Experience Points
PERCEIVE ILLUSION +2 bonus to saving throws versus illusions and phantasms. If the illusion is that of a sorcerer 3 or more levels lower than the illusionist, then the saving throw bonus is instead equal to the level difference (e.g., a 7th-level illusionist met by the phantasm spell of a 3rd-level bard gains a +4 saving throw bonus).
Table 34: Illusionist
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EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of dexterity (see Chapter 3: Statistics, dexterity).
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
800,000+ 9d4+3
SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scrolls with spells that are included in the Illusionist Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 95), unless the scroll was created by an ecclesiastical sorcerer (one who casts cleric or druid spells). SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials may include the finest vellum, paper, or papyrus; a fresh quill; and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This involved process requires one week per spell level. SORCERY Illusionists cast spells that they memorize from arcane tomes. They also channel strange energies from darkness, light, and sound. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 34), though illusionists of high intelligence gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, intelligence). For example, a 4th-level illusionist with 13 intelligence can cast four level 1 spells and two level 2 spells per day. The illusionist begins with a spell book that contains three level 1 spells drawn from the Illusionist Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 95). Through personal research, illusionists develop one new spell at each level gain; this spell is learnt automatically, with no need of a qualification roll, but it must be of a castable level (see Table 34 above). Initial no. of spells known: ×3 No. of spells gained per level: ×1
Spells Cast Per Day
Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells). VIZARD A cantrap to alter one’s countenance by means of a simple illusion. Chin, ears, eyes, hair, lips, nose, teeth, and all such facial features can be altered, including shape, colour, thickness, blemishes, and so forth. The illusionist must touch his or her face for one round (10 seconds) and imagine the desired features. The vizard is only detectable if a viewer peers closely (within 12 inches of face) or casts detect phantasm. Otherwise, the effect lasts for 1 turn (10 minutes) and may be executed once per day from 1st to 6th level, twice per day from 7th to 12th level. Regardless of level, any illusionist can see through another illusionist’s vizard. NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, an illusionist may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. LORDSHIP At 9th level, an illusionist who builds or assumes control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
ILLUSIONIST’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your illusionist may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on weapons and gear. Silver dagger, quarterstaff, sling, bullets ×20, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, chalk (piece), ink and quill, hooded lantern, silver mirror, lamp oil ×2, parchment ×3, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), silk rope (50-ft.), small sack, tinderbox, wineskin (full), writing stick, spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
ILLUSIONIST’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level illusionists. Fighting ability (FA) improves every odd level, so at 3rd level an illusionist needs a modified 19 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 35: Illusionist’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 0) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) 9
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
d20 Result
NECROMANCER (Magician Subclass)
Necromancers are odious sorcerers that contact, summon, and control the dead. A necromancer might be a magician’s apprentice who has renounced traditional learning in favour of black magic, or perhaps a deranged sorcerer obsessed with death, dæmonology, and witchcræft. Like most magicians, necromancers study ancient tomes and invoke the eldritch power of nether realms, but theirs is a forbidden craft filled with terrible pacts and damnable offenses. Some necromancers are reputed to supplicate dæmons and other wicked powers of Underborea, the outer planets, and strange, unmoored moons; ergo, it is not unusual for a necromancer to be referred to as a death priest. Of all the sorcerers in Hyperborea, the necromancer is amongst the most feared and loathed, particularly the scions of the fabled Isle of IX. Indeed, where the necromancer walks, folk are wise to accord an ample berth. Attribute Requirements: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9 Prime Attributes: Intelligence, Wisdom (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d4 Alignment: N, LE, CE Armour Allowed: None Shields Allowed: None Favoured Weapons: Dagger, dart, quarterstaff, sickle, sling, whip Saving Throw Modifiers: Death +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES ALCHEMY To practice the sorcery-science of alchemy. Apprentice necromancers learn how to identify potions by taste alone; albeit the practice is not always safe. At 7th level, a necromancer may concoct potions and/or poisons with the assistance of an alchemist. By 11th level, the assistance of an alchemist is no longer required. For more information, refer to Chapter 7: Sorcery, alchemy. 66
Necromancer (Amazon)
SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scrolls with spells that are included in the Necromancer Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 96), unless the scroll was created by an ecclesiastical sorcerer (one who casts cleric or druid spells).
Fighting Ability Turning Ability Casting Ability
Hit Dice
Experience Points
Table 36: Necromancer READ MAGIC The ability to decipher unintelligible magical inscriptions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer mark spell or other like methods.
Saving Throw
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Spells Cast Per Day
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 1 — — — — —
— — — — —
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— — —
— — —
— —
SCROLL WRITING 8 160,000 8d4 13 3 6 8 4 4 3 2 — — To scribe a known spell onto a 9 320,000 9d4 12 4 7 9 5 4 3 2 1 — scroll, creating a single-use mag4 8 10 5 4 4 3 2 — ical device at a cost of 500 gp + 10 480,000 9d4+1 12 100 gp per spell level. Materials 11 640,000 9d4+2 11 5 9 11 5 5 4 3 2 1 may include the finest vellum, pa- 12 800,000+ 9d4+3 11 5 10 12 5 5 4 4 3 2 per, or papyrus; a fresh quill; and COMMAND UNDEAD sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This involved At 3rd level, cause undead to submit and serve. Refer to process requires one week per spell level. the cleric class and Table 13 for rules regarding turn SORCERY undead, with special attention given to evil command Necromancers cast spells that they memof undead. At 3rd level, a necromancer has 1st-level orize from arcane tomes; they also gain turning ability (TA 1). Like the cleric, the necromandivine favour from dæmons, netherworldly cer must stand before the undead, within 30 feet, and beings, and ineffable powers. The number speak boldly a malefic commandment, whilst displayand levels of spells cast per day are charting a holy symbol (or a necromantic symbol/glyph of ed above (see Table 36), though necromandeath). All other rules and restrictions can be found at cers of high intelligence gain bonus spells the cleric’s aforementioned turn undead ability. cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, NEW WEAPON SKILL intelligence). For example, a 4th-level necromancer with 13 intelligence can cast four At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon level 1 spells and two level 2 spells per day. that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training The necromancer begins with a spell book and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). that contains three level 1 spells drawn from the Necromancer Spell List (see Chapter ENLIST HENCHMEN 7: Sorcery, Table 96). Through personal At 6th level, a necromancer may seek or be sought out research and unspeakable pacts, necroby one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typimancers develop one new spell at each level cally of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become gain; this spell is learnt automatically, with loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: no need of a qualification roll, but it must be Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. of a castable level (see Table 36 above). LORDSHIP Initial no. of spells known: ×3 At 9th level, a necromancer who builds or assumes No. of spells gained per level: ×1 control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Additional spells may be learnt outside of Appendix B. level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells).
NECROMANCER’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your necromancer may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on weapons and gear. Sickle, sling, bullets ×20, whip, backpack, winter blanket, chalk (piece), wooden holy symbol, ink and quill, hooded lantern, polished steel mirror, incendiary oil, lamp oil×2, parchment ×3, hard leather pouch, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), silk rope (50-ft.), small sack, tinderbox, wineskin (full), writing stick, spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
NECROMANCER’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level necromancers. Fighting ability (FA) improves every odd level, so at 3rd level a necromancer needs a modified 19 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 37: Necromancer’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 0) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) 9
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
k 68
d20 Result
Volume I: Player’s Manual
The pyromancer is a sorcerer who masters the control and manipulation of heat and fire. Through arcane studies and pacts made with forces elemental, dæmonic, or otherworldly, the pyromancer develops a spell book similar to that of a magician. Pyromancers may be guild magicians of an esoteric branch, or they might be members of a secret society whose aims are related to Chaos, fire, destruction, light, rebirth, the sun (Helios), volcanism, and war. Pyromancers garb themselves in robes of colours revealing their personal ethos: Chaotic Good pyromancers don red robes trimmed with orange and yellow; Chaotic Evil pyromancers wear black robes trimmed with red, orange, and yellow; and Neutral pyromancers vest themselves in green robes trimmed with red, orange, and yellow. Regardless of ethos, most pyromancers believe that fire and destruction will cleanse the realm of its impurities and usher in an anarchic age of unrestrained Chaos. Attribute Requirements: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9 Prime Attributes: Intelligence, Wisdom (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d4 Alignment: CG, N, CE Armour Allowed: None Shields Allowed: None Favoured Weapons: Dagger, dart, falcata, morning star, quarterstaff, scimitar (short, long) Saving Throw Modifiers: Device +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp Pyromancer (Esquimaux-Ixian) 69
Experience Points
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Casting Ability
ALCHEMY To practice the sorcery-science of alchemy. Apprentice pyromancers learn how to identify potions by taste alone; albeit the practice is not always safe. At 7th level, a pyromancer may concoct potions with the assistance of an alchemist. By 9th level, a pyromancer is taught the secret formula to incendiary oil. By 11th level, the assistance of an alchemist is no longer required. For more information, refer to Chapter 7: Sorcery, alchemy.
Table 38: Pyromancer
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Spells Cast Per Day L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
9 320,000 9d4 12 4 9 5 4 3 2 1 — CANDLE 10 480,000 9d4+1 12 4 10 5 4 4 3 2 — Once per day per level of experience, evoke a heatless, candle-like 11 640,000 9d4+2 11 5 11 5 5 4 3 2 1 flame to rise from the palm. Can12 800,000+ 9d4+3 11 5 12 5 5 4 4 3 2 dle sheds a 15-foot radius of light and can be placed on an object. This effect lasts 6 turns SORCERY (1 hour). Multiple candles can be placed concurrentPyromancers cast spells that they memorize from arly, restricted only by the pyromancer’s daily limit. cane tomes; they also gain favour from elemental forcWith a gesture, a pyromancer can cause one or more es and otherworldly beings associated with fire. The candles to singe, each causing 1 hp of damage to any number and levels of spells cast per day are charted creature on which it is directly placed, and possibly enabove (see Table 38), though pyromancers of high inkindling dry, combustible materials. Pyromancers are telligence gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter immune to the damaging effects of this cantrap. 3: Statistics, intelligence). For example, a 4th-level pyromancer with 13 intelligence can cast four level 1 FIRE / HEAT AFFINITY spells and two level 2 spells per day. +2 bonus to saving throws versus fire- and heat-related effects, cumulative with the fire resistance spell. The pyromancer begins with a spell book that contains three level 1 spells drawn from the Pyromancer Spell ICE / COLD VULNERABILITY List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 97). Through per−2 penalty to saving throws versus ice- and cold-resonal research and the patronage of elemental powers, lated effects. pyromancers develop one new spell at each level gain; this spell is learnt automatically, with no need of a READ MAGIC qualification roll, but it must be of a castable level (see The ability to decipher unintelligible magical inscripTable 38 above). tions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer Initial no. of spells known: ×3 mark spell or other like methods. No. of spells gained per level: ×1 SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scrolls with spells that are included in the Pyromancer Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 97), unless the scroll was created by an ecclesiastical sorcerer (one who casts cleric or druid spells). SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials may include the finest vellum, paper, or papyrus; a fresh quill; and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This involved process requires one week per spell level.
Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells). NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill).
Volume I: Player’s Manual
LORDSHIP At 9th level, a pyromancer who builds or assumes control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a pyromancer may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen.
PYROMANCER’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your pyromancer may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on weapons and gear. Darts ×4, quarterstaff, long scimitar, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, chalk (piece), ink and quill, incendiary oil, parchment ×5, hard leather pouch, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), hemp rope (50-ft.), small sack, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), writing stick, spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
PYROMANCER’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level pyromancers. Fighting ability (FA) improves every odd level, so at 3rd level a pyromancer needs a modified 19 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 39: Pyromancer’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 0) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
(Magician Subclass) Witches are sorcerers, usually female, who ensorcell the unwary, lay curses, and confer with dæmons. Witches are renowned for concocting poisons, potions, and philtres; consorting with peculiar animals; and enchanting brooms. Like necromancers, witches speak with the dead, and like druids, they commune with nature spirits. They sometimes form a coven, assembling on portentous nights to effect outcomes weird or nefarious. Witches utilize spell books as other magicians do; too, they are known to venerate dæmons, otherworldly beings, celestial objects, and death. They are regarded with fear and suspicion, so they oft live solitarily on the outskirts of society, or clandestinely within the walls of civilization. Desperate people oft seek the witch for advice and/or malefic favours, but lo, the price may be appalling. A male witch is somewhat rare and may be referred to as a wizard. Attribute Requirements: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Charisma 12 Prime Attributes: Intelligence, Charisma (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d4 Alignment: CG, N, CE Armour Allowed: None Shields Allowed: None Favoured Weapons: Blowgun, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, sling, whip Saving Throw Modifiers: Transformation +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES ALCHEMY To practice the sorcery-science of alchemy. Apprentice witches learn how to identify potions by taste alone; albeit the practice is not always safe. Apart from that, witches do not practice alchemy as magicians and other magician subclasses do; rather, they practice the brew decoction ability (see below). BREW DECOCTION To brew an hallucinogen, nauseate, opaakkigen, paralytic, philtre, poison, or soporific potion in a cauldron suspended over a fire. All witches begin with an iron cauldron. Replacing it costs 50 gp. A witch can brew decoction at the following schedule: Witch (Lapp) 72
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Experience Points
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Casting Ability
It takes 48 hours to brew a decoction. Each is boiled down in the cauldron, retaining a potency that is measured by the witch’s casting ability (CA). To prepare a decoction, the necessary ingredients (animal blood, organs and parts; roots, fungi, herbs, mosses, etc.) can be collected in the witch’s native land at no material cost (though gathering them may require 1d6 days). Elsewhere, ingredients must be purchased at 100 gp per CA of potion.
Table 40: Witch
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1st to 4th levels = ×1 decoction per month 5thto 8th levels = ×3 decoctions per month 9th to 12th levels = ×5 decoctions per month
4 Spells Cast Per Day L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
12 960,000+ 9d4+3 11 5 12 5 5 4 4 3 2 A brewed decoction must be imbibed by the victim. A successful death (poison) saving throw negates all effects, which FAMILIAR otherwise will take place 1 turn later. To summon an ancestral, animistic, dæmonic, or elemental spirit which inhabits the body of a small ani Hallucinogens cause confusion (as the spell) mal (bat, cat, owl, rat, raven, snake, etc.) and functions for 1 turn per CA. as a familiar (singular creature with uncanny connexion Nauseates sicken for 1 hour per CA; to the sorcerer). The witch’s familiar has 1d3+3 hp and natural 1 save results in death in 1d6 turns. is of uncanny intellect. To summon a familiar, the witch Opaakkigens cause blindness for 3 turns per must engage in a 24-hour ritual. To determine the reCA; natural 1 save results in permanence. sult, roll 2d8 on Table 10, located at the magician entry. Paralytics cause paralysis for 3 turns per CA. Philtres cause unremitting love for brewer Like the magician’s familiar, the witch’s familiar al(and brewer alone) for 1 year per CA unless ways attends and abides the will of its master, and it dispel magic or remove curse is cast. has a perfect morale score (ML 12); otherwise, the Poisons cause harm or kill the victim (see below). benefits differ. For the witch, they are as follows: Soporifics cause a sleep effect (as the spell) for The witch and familiar share a spiritual and 3 turns per CA. empathic bond of unlimited range. The potency of brewed poison depends upon the witch’s At any range, the witch can see and hear CA: through the animal; sight is narrowly focused, sounds reverberate metallically. CA 1 = brew ingestible I poison The following spells, if known, can be cast CA 5 = brew ingestible II poison through the familiar: detect evil, detect illusion, CA 9 = brew ingestible III poison detect magic, detect malady, detect undead, locate the dead; detect invisibility, detect silence, N.B.: See Chapter 7: Sorcery, find traps, locate object, perceive heartbeat. alchemy for poison results. Also, a witch may opt to brew a potion If the familiar is killed, the witch must make a death or poison of lesser potency if maxsaving throw. A failed saving throw results in 3d6 hp imum effectiveness is not desired. damage sustained; if the saving throw is failed by a margin of 5 or more, the witch must make a trauma survival check (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution) or die. Even if the witch survives, loss of a familiar is physically and emotionally draining; it takes 3d4 months before the witch can seek a new one.
HYPERBOREA READ MAGIC The ability to decipher unintelligible magical inscriptions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer mark spell or other like methods. SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scrolls with spells that are included in the Witch Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 98), unless the scroll was created by an ecclesiastical sorcerer (one who casts cleric or druid spells). SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials may include the finest vellum, paper, or papyrus; a fresh quill; and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This involved process requires one week per spell level. SORCERY Witches cast spells that they memorize from arcane tomes; they also gain divine favour from animistic spirits, dæmons, netherworldly beings, and celestial powers. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 40), though witches of high intelligence gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, intelligence). For example, a 4th-level witch with 13 intelligence can cast four level 1 spells and two level 2 spells per day. The witch begins with a spell book that contains three level 1 spells drawn from the Witch Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 98). Through personal research and unspeakable pacts, witches develop one new spell at each level gain; this spell is learnt automatically, with no need of a qualification roll, but it must be of a castable level (see Table 40 above). Initial no. of spells known: ×3 No. of spells gained per level: ×1
ing enchantment. A sorcery saving throw (made at a −1 penalty if fire is employed) negates the effects. The save also is modified by willpower adjustment (see Chapter 3: Statistics, wisdom), if applicable. Victims become entranced by the witch, first staring dumbfounded and then enthusiastically desiring to please the witch. Beguilement lasts as long as the witch remains visible. In one victim, the witch can plant a suggestion (as the spell), which the victim is compelled to obey; however, if the suggestion is unreasonable, the victim is allowed a second saving throw to shake off the cobwebs of his or her mind. EFFIGY At 5th level, create an effigy of an enemy human or humanoid. It is fashioned from clay, cloth, or wicker, averages 4–12 inches tall, and requires no more than a crude resemblance to the intended victim. It takes one week to complete the creation. Then, the effigy is enchanted by means of a 6-turn (1-hour) ritual that requires the handling of a personal item (or hair) taken from the intended victim. To activate the effigy, the witch must be within eyesight of the intended victim. A final incantation is spoken, and if the victim fails a sorcery saving throw (modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable), the witch can affect the victim through the effigy as follows: Control victim’s bodily movements, within reason, like a puppeteer. Stab the effigy once, wounding the victim for 3d8 hp damage. Pinprick the effigy, causing 1d2 hp damage for as many times as the witch has levels of experience. This effect can be spread out over days. At 12th-level, strangle the effigy; victim must make a death saving throw or die.
Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells).
If an effigy victim touches his or her own effigy, the effect is terminated, the spell broken. N.B.: A witch also can use this ability in conjunction with a clairvoyance spell or the like, manipulating or harming the victim from afar.
NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill).
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a witch may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen.
DANCE OF BEGUILEMENT At 5th level, the ability to perform an entrancing dance, moving in a rhythmic manner to entice a number of human and/or humanoid observers equal to the witch’s level of experience. The dance requires 1turn to perform, and victims are usually unaware of the underly-
ANIMATE BROOM At 7th level, transform a normal broom into a magic broom, following an exhausting 24-hour ritual that involves binding a dæmonic, ghostly, or animistic spirit. The broom is an intelligent item that can be
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commanded by the witch. If anyone but the witch attempts to ride it, the broom unceremoniously dumps the violator, unless the witch commands otherwise. The broom has 80 MV if it bears one person of 250 pounds or less; it can carry two persons whose total weight does not exceed 500 pounds at 60 MV. A witch can maintain but one magic broom. If it is destroyed, the witch suffers 3d6 hp damage. The broom is considered a creature of AC 3, HD 7 (hp 20), and is susceptible to fire (+1 hp per die of damage). It functions thrice per day, for a maximum period of 6 turns (1 hour) per use. It requires 1 turn to recharge between uses. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a witch who builds or assumes control of a stronghold becomes a lord and is eligible to attract troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
WITCH’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your witch may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on weapons and gear. Blowgun, blowgun needles ×10, silver dagger, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, beeswax candles ×2, brass censer, chalk (piece), incense sticks ×12, ink and quill, body paint (crock), parchment ×2, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), wooden rattle, hemp rope (50-ft.), small sack, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), wolfsbane, writing stick, spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
WITCH’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level witches. Fighting ability (FA) improves every odd level, so at 3rd level a witch needs a modified 19 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 41: Witch’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 0) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
DRUID (Cleric Subclass)
Druids are the spiritual and ofttimes temporal leaders of tribes and communities, both settled and nomadic, of typically Keltic and Pictish ancestry. They are sorcerous priests who obtain their abilities from ancestral, animistic, and elemental spirits. Druids also draw strength from celestial objects such as the sun, the moons, the stars, Saturn, and Saturn’s moons; too, some druids are said to derive their sorcerous gifts from Neutrality itself. A druid typically wears a helm capped with the head of a bear, tiger, or wolf, and/or affixed with the antlers of a stag. The motion of the heavens is of portentous concern to druids, whose hierarchic orders assemble during the most significant astronomical phenomena. Wise and philosophical, druids oft strike out on their own, but to their order they must answer when the call to assemble is issued. Attribute Requirements: Attribute Wisdom 9, Charisma 12 Prime Attributes: Wisdom, Charisma (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d8 Alignment: N Armour Allowed: Light, Medium Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Bow (short, long), club (light, war), dagger, dart, falcata, lasso, morning star, quarterstaff, scimitar (short, long), sickle, sling, spear (short, long), spiked staff, tonfa, trident (long), whip Saving Throw Modifiers: Death +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
Druid (Half-Blood Pict) 76
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Casting Ability
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SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scrolls with spells that are included in the Druid Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 100), unless the scroll was created by a thaumaturgical sorcerer (one who casts the spells of a magician or magician subclass). SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials may include stone tablets, bark, or parchment (the latter of which may be inscribed with ink mixed with animal blood). This involved process requires one week per spell level and must be completed in a sacred grove or henge. SORCERY Druids do not carry spell books, but they may grave runes of religious portent on clay tablets, oak bark, parchment, or other like media. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 42), though druids of high wisdom gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, wisdom). For example, a 4th-level druid with 13 wisdom can cast four level 1 spells and two level 2 spells per day. Druids begin with knowledge of three level 1 spells granted upon initiation into the druidic society. These spells are drawn from the Druid Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 100). Druids develop three new spells at each level gain. These spells are acquired via spiritual revelations gained through communion with ancestral, animistic, and elemental spirits. Such spells are learnt automatically, with no need of qualification rolls, but they must be of castable levels (see Table 42 above).
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
NATURAL IDENTIFICATIONS A spiritual connexion with nature provides recognition of potable water, the general classification of plant types (e.g., edible, poisonous, curative), and the general classification of animal types (e.g., carnivorous, herbivorous, diurnal, nocturnal, aggressive, docile, natural, unnatural).
Hit Dice
FIRE / HEAT AFFINITY +2 bonus to saving throws versus fire- and heat-related effects, cumulative with the fire resistance spell.
Experience Points
DRUIDIC TONGUE The secret language of the druids. It has its own runic alphabet; to scribe it, however, is forbidden to all save the highest-ranking druids (9th-level or greater).
Table 42: Druid Level
4 Spells Cast Per Day L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
Initial no. of spells known: ×3 No. of spells gained per level: ×3 Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells). TRAVERSE OVERGROWTH Negotiate natural overgrowth (e.g., briars, brush, tangles, thorns, vines) at normal movement rate (MV), without leaving a discernible trail (if so desired). NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). CHARM IMMUNITY At 5th level, immune to the supernatural charms of magical beasts that ensorcell and beguile (e.g., greater gorgon, harpy, man of Leng). This immunity does not apply to the charm spells of sorcerers. SHAPECHANGE At 5th level, the power to assume the form of a normal animal of Small size, once per day. Choices include amphibians, birds, fishes, mammals, and reptiles (e.g., frog or salamander; crow or eagle; carp or trout; raccoon or squirrel; snake or turtle). At 7th level, a Medium animal form can be adopted. Examples include bear (black), boar, deer (red or reindeer), dog (war), hyæna, mountain lion, snake (python), and wolf.
HYPERBOREA DRUIDIC HIERARCHY Druidic society has a strict and far-reaching structure. The druidic hierarchy in Hyperborea comprises nine 9th-level druids, seven 10th-level druids, five 11th-level druids, and three 12th-level druids (The Druidic Triumvirate). When a druid gains enough experience points (XP) to reach 9th level, he or she must seek out and challenge one who has already achieved that rank (unless a vacancy exists). A challenge is met at a sacred grove or henge during an astronomical or astrological event of significance, when members of the sect assemble. The druidic challenge can be one of matched weapons and/or of sorcery; in any case, rites are performed that bring to witness a deity such as Lunaqqua, Thaumagorga, or Yoon’Deh (or an agent thereof). The duel is not necessarily to the death, but loss of life is possible. A defeated but still living druid is reduced in experience to one experience point short of 9th level (255,999 XP) and must abide one year of waiting before issuing a new challenge or rematch. A victorious challenger is promoted to 9th level, awarded the appropriate abilities. This process is repeated in similar fashion at 10th, 11th, and 12th levels.
The druid assumes the creature’s armour class, movement, and tactile abilities (except venom, disease transmission, and other special attacks); however, personal hit point maximum and saving throw are retained. Upon shapechange, 50% of any prior hit point loss is regained. All clothing, armour, weapons, and items are transformed during the change; magic item enchantments cannot be accessed during the shapechange period, though the powers of a magic ring can be utilized if worn before transformation. Shapechange lasts indefinitely, though it is said a druid who maintains animal form for more than 28 days risks the loss of humanity.
LORDSHIP At 9th level, a druid who builds or assumes control of a shrine or temple becomes a lord and is eligible to attract followers and troops. More information is presented in Appendix B.
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a druid may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen.
LONGEVITY At 11th level, ageing process slows. For every 13 years (1 Hyperborean cycle), the druid effectively ages but 1 year.
DRUID’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your druid may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. Studded armour, short bow, arrows ×12, dagger, short spear, arrow quiver, backpack, bandages, wooden holy symbol, iron rations (1 week), body paint (crock), parchment ×3, soft leather pouch, small sack, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), wolfsbane, writing stick, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
DRUID’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level druids. Fighting ability (FA) improves at staggered levels (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th levels), so at 3rd level a druid needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 43: Druid’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result 78
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
(Cleric Subclass) The fighting monk is a priest and a warrior, an anchorite or ascetic dedicated to physical expertise, mental discipline, and self-mastery. A monk might be a cœnobite or friar serving a monastic order, a contemplative who abstains from speech in favour of meditation or prayer, a mendicant begging for alms in poverty-stricken streets, the initiate of a forbidden cult, or a mountaintop lama reincarnate. Monasteries typically are secluded, located atop mountain cliffs, within vast caves, or on remote islands; others might exist in urban environs or their cladestine underworlds. A monk’s monastery need not subscribe to a specific faith or deity; rather, it might advocate an ethos of Chaos, Law, or Neutrality. Monks do not cast spells; however, they channel their ka (Lemurians call it qi) to empower themselves in other ways. Many monks engage in lengthy walkabouts, expeditions through which they seek to expand their knowledge of the world and their own humanity. Attribute Requirements: Strength 9, Dexterity 9, Wisdom 9 Prime Attributes: Dexterity, Wisdom (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d8 Alignment: Any Armour Allowed: None Shields Allowed: None Favoured Weapons: Any, save the following: axe (great), hammer (great),, mace (great), pike, spear (great), scimitar (two-handed), sword (two-handed) Saving Throw Modifiers: Transformation +2, Avoidance +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
Monk (Mu) 79
Experience Points
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
AC Bonus
Empty Hand Damage
Table 44: Monk
800,000+ 9d8+6
11 12
CLASS ABILITIES BLOCK MISSILE Deflect a fired arrow, bolt, or bullet; likewise, a hurled axe, boomerang, dagger, dart, javelin, spear, or like weapon. Even spells such as flaming missile, magic ice dart, magic missile or acid arrow can be blocked. Siege missiles, giant-hurled boulders, and the like do not apply. To repel a missile, the monk must make an avoidance saving throw. The monk must drop anything held to use this ability, which can be attempted as many times per round as the monk has levels of experience. CELLULAR ADJUSTMENT Once per day, supernaturally alter cells to heal physical damage equal to 2 hp per level of experience. Alternatively, the monk may confer this healing onto an injured ally. Also, once per week the monk can purge him- or herself or another of disease or poison, per the spells cure disease or neutralize poison, though not lycanthropy. CONTROLLED FALL To retard descent of precipitous falls. For every level of experience, the monk can fall 10 feet and sustain no damage, so long as a wall or other stable surface is within a five-foot reach throughout the descent. For falls beyond the monk’s limit, normal rules are in force starting at the point at which the controlled fall no longer applies; e.g., a 5th-level monk plummets down a 90-foot pit and thus sustains 4d6 hp damage.
DEFENSIVE ABILITY To avoid and deflect blows and damage through physical, mental, and spiritual (ka/qi) mastery. The monk gains an AC bonus that increases as levels of experience are gained (see Table 44). DETECT SECRET DOORS Find a secret door on a base 3-in-6 chance. EMPTY HAND Master of the unarmed attack (hand, foot, knee, elbow, etc.). The monk enjoys the following benefits when fighting sans weapons: 2/1 attack rate; requires two free hands, attacks not exclusively by hand. Weapon-like damage (see Table 44). The monk may use cæstuses (leather thongs wrapped around the hands and weighted with iron or lead plates or spikes) for a +1 damage bonus. On a natural 20 attack roll, a stunning blow can be delivered. A Small or Medium creature must make a transformation saving throw or be stunned for 2d4 rounds. At 7th level, Large creatures can be stunned, but they are afforded a +4 bonus to the save. Does not affect undead, constructs, oozes, slimes, and the like. If the optional critical hits rule is used (see Chapter 9: Combat, critical hits and misses), the target is stunned in addition to any bonus damage inflicted. At 5th level, the empty hand attack (due to heightened ka/qi) is equivalent to a magical weapon; the monk gains a +1 “to hit” bonus. At 12th level, once per day, deliver a quivering palm death blow. The monk mystically vibrates the empty hand to match the rhythm of the target’s heart or other vital organ. If hit, the victim must make a death saving throw or die instantly; otherwise, normal damage applies. If the attack misses, subsequent attempts may be made, so long as the monk does nothing else but focus on the quivering palm attacks. Quivering palm has no effect on the undead, constructs, oozes, slimes, and the like. EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of dexterity (see Chapter 3: Statistics, dexterity). RUN To move as swiftly as a tiger. If unarmoured, achieve a movement rate of 50; at 7th level, this speed increases to a superhuman MV 60 for short bursts.
Volume I: Player’s Manual SUPERIOR WILLPOWER +2 bonus to saving throws versus any sorcery that would influence the mind, including illusions, charms, etc. This bonus is cumulative with willpower adjustment, if applicable (see Chapter 3: Statistics, wisdom).
PROGRESSIVE THIEF ABILITIES Monks practice a few thievish skills. The following thief abilities progress as the monk advances in levels of experience, comparable to the thief (see Table 16):
NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill).
CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear, as a thief of equal level. If vertical, the surface must be rough or cracked. At least one check must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure indicates the climber has slipped and fallen at about the midpoint of the check (however, see controlled fall ability).
SPEAK WITH NATURE At 4th level, speak with animals (as the spell) once per day; at 8th level, also speak with plants (as the spell) once per day.
DISCERN NOISE To hearken at a door and detect the faintest of noises on the other side, perceive the distant footfalls of a wandering monster, or distinguish a single voice in a crowd, as a thief of equal level. Six rounds (one minute) of concentrated listening are required.
SIMULATE DEATH At 5th level of experience, enter a deep trance in which the monk can feign a deathlike condition, as per the cataleptic state spell (q.v.).
HIDE To vanish into shadows, camouflage oneself, or flatten one’s body to a seemingly impossible degree—all whilst remaining still as a statue. This ability is performed as a thief of equal level. Only the slightest movement is permissible (e.g., unsheathing a blade, opening a pouch). Hiding is impossible in direct sunlight, or if the monk is observed.
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6 level, a monk may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. th
LORDSHIP At 9th level, a monk who builds or assumes control of a monastery becomes a lord and is eligible to attract followers. More information is presented in Appendix B.
MOVE SILENTLY To move with preternatural quiet, even across squeaky floorboards, dry leaves, loose debris, and the like, as a thief of equal level. This skill is executed at half the monk’s normal movement rate.
LONGEVITY At 11th level, ageing process slows. For every 13 years (1 cycle), the monk effectively ages but 1 year.
MONK’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your monk may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on weapons and gear. Cæstuses, silver dagger, halberd, hooked throwing knife, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, fishing hooks ×12, fishing string, incense sticks ×12, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), silk rope (50-ft.), small sack, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), writing stick, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
MONK’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level monks. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a monk needs a modified 19 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 45: Monk’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 0) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
PRIEST (Cleric Subclass)
The priest is an ecclesiastical sorcerer of limited martial skill but superior mystical capacity. Priests garb themselves in raiment from simple to elaborate as befits their belief systems. They dwell wherever mankind practices faith: a city-state where an otherworldly being such as Xathoqqua is worshipped; a simple village where the Sun (Helios) is revered; a fortified manor house where a goddess of the hunt (Yoon’Deh) is venerated; or perhaps an underworld guild of thieves who tithe to a god of trickery and luck (Rel). Some priests may dedicate their lives to the banishment of undead and dæmons; others may represent a holy order or mystery cult whose mission is scarcely understood. Throughout the realm, priests serve as paragons of faith and worship, functioning as spiritual and political advisors to knights, lords, and even kings; too, some priests aspire for and ascend to both religious and political supremacy. Attribute Requirements: Wisdom 9, Charisma 9 Prime Attributes: Wisdom, Charisma (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d4 Alignment: Any Armour Allowed: None Shields Allowed: None Favoured Weapons: Dagger, dart, quarterstaff, sling, whip Saving Throw Modifiers: Death +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scrolls with spells that are included in the Cleric Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99), unless the scroll was created by a thaumaturgical sorcerer (one who casts the spells of a magician or magician subclass). 82
Priest (Greek)
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— —
7 64,000 7d4 SORCERY Priests memorize and cast 8 128,000 8d4 cleric spells, but they do not 9 256,000 9d4 maintain spell books; rather, they might bear the scriptures 10 384,000 9d4+1 of their faiths in prayer books, 11 512,000 9d4+2 on sacred scrolls, or on graven 12 640,000+ 9d4+3 tablets. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 46), though priests of high wisdom gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, wisdom). For example, a 4th-level priest with 13 wisdom can cast five level 1 spells and three level 2 spells per day. Priests begin with knowledge of four level 1 spells, sacred mysteries revealed through initiation into a sect or cult devoted to an otherworldly power, deific being, or ethos. These spells are drawn from the Cleric Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99). Priests develop four new spells at each level gain. Typically, they are acquired via spiritual revelation, otherworldly favour, or the piecing together of abstract theologies. Such spells are learnt automatically, with no need of qualification rolls, but they must be of castable levels (see Table 46 above). Initial no. of spells known: ×4 No. of spells gained per level: ×4 Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells). TURN UNDEAD Like clerics, priests can exert control over the undead and some dæmonic beings, causing them to flee and/or cower. Evil priests can opt instead to compel the submission and service of these foul creatures. In either case, the cleric’s turn undead ability and Table 13 should be referenced for more information.
Casting Ability
Fighting Ability
Turning Ability
Saving Throw
Hit Dice
Experience Points
Table 46: Priest SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials vary: Some priests engrave thin tablets of stone, whereas others use vellum or 1 0 parchment, a fine quill, and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This 2 2,000 involved process requires one 3 4,000 week per spell level and must 4 8,000 be completed on consecrated ground, such as a shrine, fane, 5 16,000 or temple. 6 32,000
Spells Cast Per Day
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 2 — — — — —
NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a priest may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. DÆMONWRACK At 9th level, once per week, conduct a powerful ritual that dismisses or beckons a dæmon or other netherworldly being. This ability functions as the dismissal spell, except that it applies only to dæmons and their ilk. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a priest who builds or assumes control of a shrine or temple becomes a lord and is eligible to attract followers and troops. More information is presented in Appendix B. SPECIALIZED FAITH (Optional) Priests who elect to embrace a specialized faith develop supplementary abilities. Each ability is particular to and granted by the deity that the priest exclusively venerates, as noted in the below table. A breach of faith or alignment may result in the loss of these abilities, as best adjudicated by the referee. Priests of specialized faith oft are regarded as zealots; even practitioners of similar beliefs may judge them as eccentrics.
HYPERBOREA Table 47: Priest Abilities by Deity Deity Name / Priest Alignment
Priest Abilities
Apollo Lawful (Good or Evil)
1st Level: Proficient with all bows. N.B.: All longbows require a 9 ST or greater to pull. 9th Level: All arrows launched in sunlight ignite as flame arrows.
Artemis Lawful (Good or Evil)
1st Level: Track as barbarian (outdoors only). 9th Level: 1/per day conjure 4 blink dogs (if Good) or 2 hell hounds (if Evil), as summon animal I.
Aurorus Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st Level: 1/per day cast færie fire. 9th Level: 1/per day conjure four small meteors (outdoors only) as fire seed missiles.
Azathoth Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st Level: Insane; select or roll for a form of madness from Table 148 (see Chapter 9: Combat, special damage); +4 saves vs. mind-affecting sorcery. 9th Level: 1/per day cast shockwave.
Boetzu Lawful (Good or Evil)
1st Level: 1/per day cast dancing lights. 9th Level: 1/per day turn sticks to serpents.
Boreas Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st Level: 1/per day cast wall of vapours. 9th Level: 1/per day cast control winds.
Helios Neutral
1st Level: 1/per day cast influence normal fire. 9th Level: 1/per day surround himself with a red coronal field, as lesser globe of invulnerability.
Kraken Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st Level: 1/per day cast mirror image (one image only). 9th Level: 1/per day conjure 12 mauve, squid-like appendages that act as black tentacles.
Kthulhu Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st Level: 1/per day cast sleep on a single target of 5 HD or lower. 9th Level: 1/per day can cast confusion.
Krimmr Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st Level: Proficient with short swords, broad swords, and long swords. 9th Level: 1/per day cast transmute rock to lava.
Lunaqqua Neutral
1st Level: 1/per day cast reflexion. 9th Level: 1/per day cast moonlight.
Mordezzan Neutral
1st Level: 1/per day cast animate carrion. 9th Level: 1/per day cast animate dead II (ghoul only).
Raven Neutral
1st Level: 1/per day cast disguise self. 9th Level: 1/per day shapechange as druid to form of talking raven.
Rel Neutral
1st Level: 1/per day cast dash (self only). 9th Level: 1/per day cast fly (self only).
Thaumagorga 1st Level: 1/per day can cast sorcerous armour (self only). Evil (Lawful or Chaotic) 9th Level: 1/per week can cast beckon (reverse of dismissal). Tlakk-Nakka Neutral Ullr Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st level: Proficient with all shields. 9th level: 1/per day shapechange as druid to form of wolf.
Xathoqqua Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st Level: 1/per day cast ungovernable hideous laughter. 9th Level: 1/per day either cast summon bat swarm or summon 1 giant bat, as summon monster II.
Yig Lawful (Good or Evil)
1st Level: 1/per day cast befriend animals (reptiles only). 9th Level: 1/per day take form of giant spitting cobra, as transform to asp (with same risk).
Yikkorth Neutral Ymir Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st Level: 1/per day cast freezing hands. 9th Level: 1/per day can cast summon ice dæmon. 1st Level: Proficient with hand axes and battle axes. 9th Level: 1/per day cast ice storm (hailstones)
Yoon’Deh Neutral
1st Level: 1/per day cast pass without trace (self only). 9th Level: 1/per day (outdoors only) conjure 1 giant elk (white stag) of max. hp, as summon animal I.
Ythaqqa Neutral
1st Level: 1/per day cast chill touch. 9th Level: 1/per day cast ice storm (sleet).
Yug Chaotic (Good or Evil)
1st Level: 1/per day can cast spider climb. 9th Level: Manufacture poison as an assassin.
1st Level: 1/per day cast darkness. 9th Level: 1/per day conjure quasi-real shoggoth, as spawn shadow monsters.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
PRIEST’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your priest may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. If you elect to play a priest who is of specialized faith, you may want to check to see if your priest is proficient in the use of any off-list weapons (see Table 47 above); if so, you may want your priest to wield such a weapon instead of what is prearranged below. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on weapons and gear. Silver dagger, quarterstaff, whip, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, religious clothing, silver holy symbol, holy water, soft leather pouch, wooden prayer beads, iron rations (1 week), small sack, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), writing stick, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
PRIEST’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level priests. Fighting ability (FA) improves every odd level, so at 3rd level a priest needs a modified 19 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 48: Priest’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 0) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) 9
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
d20 Result
RUNEGRAVER (Cleric Subclass)
The runegraver is a mystic warrior who carves sorcerous runes on bone, metal, stone, and wood. Graving is a heritable craft taught to precocious young warriors. In Hyperborea, the craft and accompanying rune poems were originally a gift from the deity Ullr, bestowed upon a selection of the first Vikings to cross the North Wind, and it has been passed down ever since. In the Common Æra, rune graving no longer is exclusive to Vikings, though most practitioners still are of Nordic descent; notwithstanding, all pay homage to Ullr and Ymir regardless of ancestry. Runegravers also are known for their enchanted ales, prophetic divinations, and wicked curses. Runegravers are both celebrated and notorious adventurers, raiding with and fighting alongside berserkers and other swordsmen; indeed, poems and sagas oft are writ of their deeds as both warriors and sorcerers. Attribute Requirements: Strength 9, Wisdom 12 Prime Attributes: Strength, Wisdom (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d8 Alignment: CG, CE Armour Allowed: Light, Medium Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any Saving Throw Modifiers: Transformation +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of strength (see Chapter 3: Statistics, strength). GRAVE RUNES Runegravers grave runes on specific materials that are carved, smoothed, and shaped by the runegraver. Each rune emulates a specific spell, with no other material components required. The number and levels of rune spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 49). 49). 86
Runegraver (Viking)
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Runes are invoked (cast) much like a spell, except each invocation costs the runegraver a sacrifice of 1 hit point per spell level, pain coursing up the runegraver’s arms. So, casting a level 3 rune spell entails a loss of 3 hp, which can be recovered in the usual manner. Should the runegraver drop below 1 hp from evoking a rune, unconsciousness is staved off for 1 turn, pending an extraordinary feat of constitution. Each of the 16 runes may be invoked but once per day. The runes and the spells they mimic are as follows:
Fighting Ability
1 — — — — —
Casting Ability
Saving Throw
Hit Dice
Experience Points
Runes are enchanted when the runegrav- Table 49: Runegraver er cuts his or her palm (no damage at this time), drips blood on the rune, and then recites the appropriate poem. Much like spells memorized from books, when a rune spell is cast, the rune and its medium remain, but their sorcery is drained until the process is started anew. 1 0 1d8
4 Runes Cast Per Day L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
2 — — — — —
1 — — — —
2 — — — —
1 — — —
2 — — —
1 — —
2 — —
1 —
2 —
3 —
Level 1: giant–enlargement man–command riding–mount Level 2: constraint–hold person shower–black cloud wealth–fool’s gold Level 3: plenty–create food and water ulcer–inflict disease (reverse of cure disease) yew–twofold missile Level 4: hail–ice storm (hail) ice–freeze surface Tyr–dweomered weapon Level 5: god–true seeing sun–flame strike water–control water Level 6: birch–reincarnation
A runegraver begins with a single rune, a sacred mystery revealed by a master. It is either selected or randomly determined upon character creation (consult your referee). Runegravers unlock the secret of a new rune or runes at each level gain, at the following schedule:
1st level: ×1 level 1 rune 2nd level: ×1 level 1 rune 3rd level: ×1 level 1 rune; ×1 level 2 rune 4th level: ×1 level 2 rune 5th level: ×1 level 2 rune; ×1 level 3 rune 6th level: ×1 level 3 rune 7th level: ×1 level 3 rune; ×1 level 4 rune 8th level: ×1 level 4 rune 9th level: ×1 level 4 rune; ×1 level 5 rune 10th level: ×1 level 5 rune 11th level: ×1 level 5 rune 12th level: ×1 level 6 rune
New runes are acquired via spiritual revelation, the uncloaking of runic lore, or deific favour from Ullr. Each new rune is learnt automatically, with no need of a qualification roll. Runegravers do not learn new runes outside of level gains, but by 12th level, all 16 runes have been mastered.
HYPERBOREA Table 50: Runes Rune
Rune Name
Rune Poem* leafy twig and little tree and fresh young shrub grief of the bond-maid and state of oppression and toilsome work
Bone from aurochs, bear, mammoth, musk ox, or the like
torture of women and cliff-dweller and husband of a giantess
Diamond (min. 500-gp value)
aged Gautr and prince of Asgard and lord of Valhalla
River stone
bark of rivers and roof of the wave and destruction of the doomed
delight of man and augmentation of the earth and adorner of ships
boon to men and good summer and thriving crops
Horse or camel bone
Melee weapon of iron or steel
River stone
Smoothed gold coin
Longbow or short bow
cold grain and shower of sleet and sickness of serpents
joy of the horseman and speedy journey and toil of the steed lamentation of the clouds and ruin of the hay-harvest and abomination of the shepherd shield of the clouds and shining ray and destroyer of ice god with one hand and leavings of the wolf and prince of temples disease fatal to children and painful spot and abode of mortification eddying stream and broad geysir and land of the fish source of discord among kinsmen and fire of the sea and path of the serpent bent bow and brittle iron and giant of the arrow
* Translations by Bruce Dickins, Runic and Heroic Poems of the Old Teutonic Peoples, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1915).
ALE HORN An aurochs (or other bovine) drinking horn painstakingly etched in Nordic designs. Once per day, if the horn is filled with 12 ounces of fresh water, the runegraver can turn the water to enchanted ale that restores 2 hp per CA level when drunk. The ale can be shared, but once uncapped, the entire contents must be imbibed within 6 rounds. Once per week, three drops of honey added to the water-filled drinking horn produces magical mead that can cure disease (as the spell). CASTING OF LOTS At 5th level, a runegraver can gather 16 fresh twigs. The twigs must be smoothed and engraved, each incised with one of the 16 runes listed earlier. They are then placed in a leather pouch filled with powdered bone. To cast lots, the runegraver must engage in a 1-turn ritual, chanting, shaking the pouch, and finally dumping the twigs from the pouch. The runegraver then articulates a question, selects three bone dust– covered twigs, wipes them clean, and interprets their meaning. Casting of lots is otherwise equivalent to an augury spell. It can be performed once per day. ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a runegraver may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen.
Volume I: Player’s Manual NITHING POLE At 7th level, a runegraver can select a strong branch and carve it with all manner of signs, sigils, and execrations in the Old Norse language, amongst them the proper name of an enemy. The nithing pole must be staked into the ground and mounted with the head or skull of a goat, horse, sheep, or like animal. It must face in the direction of the named target’s abode, within a quarter mile. The effect is equivalent to a bestow curse spell (see reverse of remove curse), except the duration is permanent until the nithing pole is located and nullified with a remove curse or dispel magic spell. Physically destroying the pole will not lift the curse. A nithing pole can be created once per month.
LORDSHIP At 9th level, a runegraver who builds or assumes control of a wilderness fortress becomes a lord and is eligible to attract followers and troops, including a band of wild berserkers. More information is presented in Appendix B.
BERSERKER HORDE At 9th level, carve a rune of the berserker, venture into the savage wilderness, and then stab one’s palm with a knife for 1d4 hp damage. Whilst howling like a beast, the runegraver smears the fresh blood on the rune, attracting 50 wild berserkers of an alignment that roughly corresponds with that of the runegraver. These feral warriors will arrive over the course of 1d4 days. They will follow their runegraver lord until death, so long as their lives comprise violence, bloodshed, drink, and revelry. Providing food and shelter for the horde is the responsibility of the runegraver. Unless the referee permits otherwise, a berserker horde can be summoned but once every five years; furthermore, introducing these wild people to civilization can prove disastrous.
RUNEGRAVER’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your runegraver may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. Studded armour, battle axe, short bow, arrows ×12, silver arrows ×2, dagger, arrow quiver, backpack, bandages, chalk (piece), dice, wooden holy symbol, drinking horn (full), soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), tinderbox, torches ×2, waterskin, writing stick, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
RUNEGRAVER’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level runegravers. Fighting ability (FA) improves every level, so at 2nd level a runegraver needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 51: Runegraver’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
SHAMAN (Cleric Subclass)
The shaman (or witch doctor) doctor) commands the thaumturgical sorcery of a magician and the ecclesiastical sorcery of a priest—a tribal personage who communicates with transcendent dimensions where dwell ancestral, animistic, elemental, and otherworldly beings. Through these connexions the shaman can function as a spiritual sorcerer, healing, divining, and enchanting, as well as communicating with the dead. Shamans are not schooled as other sorcerers are. Rather, they answer an irrefutable calling from the spirit world; typically, this occurs at or before puberty. Shamans oft assume advisory roles to tribal leaders; sometimes they themselves function as both political and religious leaders. For many barbaric tribes and savage cultures, the shaman serves as the conduit between the temporal and spiritual worlds. And yet, it is not unusual for a shaman to wander the length and breadth of Hyperborea, seeking knowledge, wisdom, and adventure. Attribute Requirements: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 12 Prime Attributes: Intelligence, Wisdom (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d6 Alignment: CG, N, CE (necromantic shamans: N, CE) Armour Allowed: Light Shields Allowed: None Favoured Weapons: Axe (hand), blowgun, bola, boomerang, bow (short), chain whip, club (light, war), dagger, hooked throwing knife, quarterstaff, sling, spear (short, long), tonfa, trident (hand, long) Saving Throw Modifiers: Death +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
Shaman (Tlingit) 90
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Experience Points
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Turning Ability
Casting Ability
Table 52: Shaman
800,000+ 9d6+6
Table 53: Shaman Sorcery
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cleric/Druid Spells Cast Per Day
Magician/Necromancer Spells Cast Per Day
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 1 — — — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1 1 — — — — 1 — — — — — 1 1 — — — — 1 1 — — — — 1 1 1 — — — 1 1 — — — — 1 1 1 — — — 1 1 1 — — — 2 1 1 1 — — 1 1 1 — — — 2 1 1 1 — — 2 1 1 1 — — 2 2 1 1 1 — 2 1 1 1 — — 2 2 1 1 1 — 2 2 1 1 1 — 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 — 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1
CLASS ABILITIES DRAW POISON To draw and spit poison from a snakebite or another venomous wound, such as a scorpion sting or spider bite. The attempt must be made within 2 rounds of affliction for a 3-in-6 chance of success, within 4 rounds for a 2-in-6 chance of success, or within 6 rounds for a 1-in-6 chance of success. Success may revive one who has expired from poison, so long as a successful trauma survival check is made (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution). The deceased poison victim is restored to 0 hp, albeit at a price: permanent loss of 1 constitution point. For slower-acting venoms that do not prove immediately fatal, see also the medicine man ability. N.B.: Victims of envenomed blades or ingested poison are beyond the shaman’s aid.
HARVEST VENOM To extract venom sacs from snakes, spiders, giant insects, and the like, should the opportunity present and appropriate containers be available. Shamans learn to dissect venomous creatures in the field. This skill is performed at a base 9-in-12 chance of success. If a 12 is rolled, a mishap occurs, and the shaman is exposed (e.g., eyes, nose, skin) to the poisonous fluid. For more information on the extraction of venom, see Chapter 9: Combat, poison, venom harvesting. MAGIC ITEM USE Can utilize magic items normally restricted to clerics and magicians. MEDICINE MAN To bind wounds, set sprains or broken bones, and concoct cures and antidotes for diseases and natural poisons, so long as the shaman has access to the herbs, roots, and ritualistic devices (e.g., drum, rattle) that are integral to shamanism. Gathering ingredients can be a time-consuming process, depending on circumstances. The process works as follows: Treat 1 person per day (including shaman) per level of experience; e.g., a 3rd-level shaman can treat up to three people per day. Process takes 1 turn to complete per person. Treatment involves the use of herbs, roots, and ritualistic dancing/percussion. Recipients immediately regain 1d4 hp and are stabilized if unconscious. Recipients can receive treatment only once per day. Treating Poison/Disease: When treating a natural (plant or animal) poison or disease, the shaman has an 8-in-12 chance to devise an antidote if familiar with the affliction; if unfamiliar, chance of success is reduced to 4-in-12. In either case, the chance-in-twelve is increased by one (+1) if the shaman has 16+ wisdom. The shaman may attempt to treat a poison or disease but once per week. The process takes 1 turn to complete and is predicated on the intervention of an ancestral spirit. READ MAGIC The ability to decipher unintelligible magical inscriptions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer mark spell or other like methods. SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke ecclesiastical and thaumaturgical scrolls containing spells that correspond to the shaman’s chosen schools of sorcery, as included in the Cleric- or Druid Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99 or 100), and the Magician- or Necromancer Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 93 or 96).
HYPERBOREA SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials include the finest vellum, papyrus, rare bark, or animal skin; a fresh quill; and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia or the blood of a sacred animal. Alternatively, a shaman might sacrifice gems or jewellery of equal or greater value. Regardless, this involved process requires one week per spell level and must be completed on sacred ground. SORCERY During character creation, the player must decide which two schools of magic their shaman casts. One choice is between cleric and druid spells; the other choice is between magician and necromancer spells. These spells are drawn from the Cleric- or Druid Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99 or 100), and the Magician- or Necromancer Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 93 or 96). Spell school decisions are irreversible. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 53), though shamans of high intelligence and high wisdom gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, intelligence and wisdom). For example, a 4th-level shaman with 13 intelligence and 13 wisdom can cast two level 1 spells and one level 2 cleric/druid spells per day, and two level 1 spells and one level 2 magician/necromancer spells per day. Shamans begin with knowledge of one level 1 cleric (or druid) spell. They also begin with a spell book, which may be in the form of thin stone tablets, bark sheets, animal skins, or shells laced together. At 2nd level, the shaman develops a level 1 magician (or necromancer) spell. Shamans develop one or more new spells at each level gain at the following schedule: 1st level: ×1 cleric/druid spell 2nd level: ×1 magician/necromancer spell 3rd level: ×1 cleric/druid spell 4th level: ×1 magician/necromancer spell 5th level: ×1 cleric/druid spell 6th level: ×1 magician/necromancer spell 7th to 12th levels: ×1 cleric/druid spell; ×1 magician/necromancer spell These spells are learnt automatically, with no need of qualification rolls, but they must be of castable levels (see Table 53 above). Developing new spells may include bonfire dancing, bone tossing, drumming or rattling, ice water immersion, or ritual sacrifice, during which the shaman may become temporarily possessed by a guiding spirit. Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells).
TOTEM The sacred symbol of kinship that a clan, tribe, family shares with an animal, plant, or another natural object. Ofttimes the clan is named after the totem; e.g., Clan of the Wolf or the Frog Tribe. Totemic emblems are carved from stone, ivory, and other media. Once per week, the shaman may beseech the totem spirit for wisdom and guidance as per the contact otherworldly being spell, but requiring half the monetary sacrifice. A shaman might view a totem as a brother, guardian, or protector. Dualism is a distinct possibility; meaning it is possible that the totem is speaking and acting, not the shaman. A totem might be transferred from one person to another through elaborate ceremony, inheritance, or expropriation. TURN UNDEAD At 3rd level, exert control over the undead and some dæmonic beings, causing them to flee and/or cower. At 3rd level the shaman has 1st-level turning ability (TA 1). Evil shamans can opt instead to compel the submission and service of these foul creatures. In either case, the cleric’s turn undead ability and Table 13 should be referenced for more information. NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a shaman may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. In the case of a young shaman, it might be one whose totem has guided the adolescent to the shaman for learning. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a shaman who builds or assumes control of a wilderness fortress becomes a lord and is eligible to attract followers and troops. More information is presented in Appendix B. LONGEVITY At 11th level, ageing process slows. For every 13 years (1 Hyperborean cycle), the shaman effectively ages but 1 year.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
SHAMAN’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your shaman may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. Studded armour, war club, dagger, backpack, bandages, belladonna, brass censer, wooden holy symbol (totem), incense sticks ×12, wooden mask, soft leather pouch, wooden rattle, iron rations (1 week), hemp rope (50-ft.), small sack, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), bark sheet spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
SHAMAN’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level shamans. Fighting ability (FA) improves at staggered levels (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th levels), so at 3rd level a shaman needs a modified 19 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 54: Shaman’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 0) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) 9
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
d20 Result
ASSASSIN (Thief Subclass)
The assassin is a proficient killer and sometime bounty hunter, an adept instrument of death whose skills border on the uncanny. Most assassins are trained by the instructors of an assassins’ guild or a special branch of a thieves’ guild; others by an unaffiliated master of execution. An assassin may serve a nobleman or liege lord, or one might be an acolyte of a fanatical religious order. Assassins are viewed with disfavour or disdain even by those who employ them; hence, most lead solitary lives. Most assassins are remorselessly Evil; in sooth, even those who lack moral turpitude are of Neutral alignment at best and devoid of emotional and sentimental attachments. Assassins are capable of murder without compunction, whether it be a knife across the throat, poisoned wine, a meticulously arranged sniper shot, or some other means nefarious. Attribute Requirements: Strength 9, Dexterity 9, Intelligence 9 Prime Attributes: Dexterity, Intelligence (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d6 Alignment: N, LE, CE Armour Allowed: Light Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Axe (hand), blowgun, bow (short), chain whip, club (light), crossbow (light), dagger, dart, falcata, flail (horseman’s), hammer (horseman’s), hooked throwing knife, mace (horseman’s), pick (horseman’s), scimitar (short), sling, sword (short, broad, long), tonfa, trident (hand) Saving Throw Modifiers: Device +2, Avoidance +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
Assassin (Yakut) 94
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Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
CLASS ABILITIES AGILE +1 AC bonus when unarmoured and unencumbered (shield allowed). ASSASSINATE (BACKSTAB) A backstab (cf. the thief ability) attempt made with a class 1 or 2 melee weapon, with the intent to assassinate. The target must be unaware of the attack, which may be the result of hiding or moving silently. Also, the target must have vital organs (e.g., skeleton, zombie exempt) and a discernible “back” (e.g., green slime, purple worm exempt). If the requirements are met, the following benefits are derived: The attack roll is made at +4 “to hit.” If target is hit, a second d20 is rolled to verify assassination (see Table 56 below). If the second d20 roll meets the required target number or less, the target must make a death saving throw or die; however, if the original d20 attack roll was a natural 19 or 20, then no saving throw is allowed. Normal backstab damage rules per the thief class apply if the result is a hit but not an automatic assassination. Additional damage dice are rolled according to the assassin’s level of experience: 1st to 4th levels = ×2 5th to 8th levels = ×3 9th to 12th levels = ×4 Other damage modifiers (strength, sorcery, etc.) are added afterwards (e.g., a 5th-level assassin with 13 strength and a +1 short sword rolls 3d6+2).
Note that if an assassination attempt is made against an assassin of higher level, the chancein-twenty of success is reduced by one for every level of difference. Sniper Attack: Lastly, unlike the thief ’s backstab ability, the assassin also can make an assassination attempt with a missile weapon (such as a bow or thrown dagger) versus a human, humanoid, quasi-man, or giant. The attempt requires short range; the mark must be completely unaware of danger and not otherwise engaged in combat. The assassin’s comprehensive knowledge of anthropoid anatomy allows for this specialized termination attempt. Table 56: Assassination Level / HD of Target
Assassin Level
Hit Dice
Experience Points
Table 55: Assassin
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 11:20 12:20 13:20 14:20 15:20 16:20
4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 11:20 12:20 13:20 14:20 15:20
3:20 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 11:20 12:20 13:20 14:20
2:20 3:20 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 11:20 12:20 13:20
8–9 10–11 12+ 1:20 2:20 3:20 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 11:20 12:20
— 1:20 2:20 3:20 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 11:20
— — 1:20 2:20 3:20 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20
DETECT SECRET DOORS Find a secret door on a base 3-in-6 chance. EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of dexterity (see Chapter 3: Statistics, dexterity). DISGUISE To fashion a façade that simulates a particular race/ culture/social class, possibly making one appear a few inches taller or shorter and/or several pounds heavier or thinner (cf. the disguise self spell). The assassin also can appear as the opposite sex. This ruse may be accomplished through a combination of acting, makeup, apparel, and perhaps even subtle sorcery. The base chance of the disguise being discerned is 2-in-12, adjusted as the referee deems appropriate. If the assassin has a 16+ charisma, the base chance for being discerned is reduced to 1-in-12.
HYPERBOREA HARVEST VENOM To extract venom sacs from snakes, spiders, giant insects, and the like, should the opportunity present and appropriate containers be available. Assassins learn to dissect venomous creatures in the field. This skill is performed at a base 9-in-12 chance of success. If a 12 is rolled, a mishap occurs, and the assassin is exposed (e.g., eyes, nose, skin) to the poisonous fluid. For more information on the extraction of venom, see Chapter 9: Combat, poison, venom harvesting. POISON RESISTANCE Toxicological training and exposure to various poisons and toxins provide a +1 bonus on all saving throws versus poison, though not other death saving throws. POISON USE The employment of toxins to kill or assassinate. Some assassins’ guilds have in-house alchemists who concoct poisons and toxins potentially available for purchase. Consult your referee regarding availability. NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, an assassin may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. POISON MANUFACTURE At 9th level, eligible to train with a master alchemist/ toxicologist and learn how to concoct debilitating and deadly poisons. See Chapter 7: Sorcery, alchemy for more information. LORDSHIP At 9th level, an assassin who builds or assumes control of suitable headquarters becomes a lord and is eligible to attract a murderous band of thieves. More information is presented in Appendix B. PROGRESSIVE THIEF ABILITIES Assassins also practice almost all thievish skills. The following abilities improve as the assassin advances in levels of experience, comparable to the thief (see Table 16): CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear. If vertical, the surface must be rough or cracked. At least one check must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure indicates the climber has slipped and fallen at about the midpoint of the check. 96
DISCERN NOISE To hearken at a door and detect the faintest of noises on the other side, perceive the distant footfalls of a wandering monster, or distinguish a single voice in a crowd. Six rounds (one minute) of concentrated listening are required. HIDE To vanish into shadows, camouflage oneself, or flatten one’s body to a seemingly impossible degree—all whilst remaining still as a statue. Only the slightest movement is permissible (e.g., unsheathing a blade, opening a pouch). Hiding is impossible in direct sunlight, or if the assassin is observed. MANIPULATE TRAPS To find, remove, and reset traps both magical and mundane. Separate checks must be made to accomplish each facet of this skill: find, remove, reset. Failure by more than two, or if a natural 12 is rolled, may cause the trap to detonate on the assassin. Also, a new trap may be built if the mechanism is simple and the parts available; anything more complex requires the assistance of an engineer. Thieves’ tools are required when practicing this ability. MOVE SILENTLY To move with preternatural quiet, even across squeaky floorboards, dry leaves, loose debris, etc. This skill is executed at half the assassin’s normal movement rate. OPEN LOCKS To pick locks or disable latching mechanisms both magical and mundane. Thieves’ tools are required. Picking or dismantling a lock may be attempted but once; if the attempt fails, the thief cannot try again until he has gained a level of experience. Most locks require 1d4 minutes to pick; complex locks might necessitate 3d6 minutes.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
ASSASSIN’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your assassin may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. Leather armour, light crossbow, light bolts ×20, dagger, short sword, backpack, winter blanket, bolt case, disguise clothing, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), hemp rope (50-ft.), small sack, thieves’ tools, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
ASSASSIN’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level assassins. Fighting ability (FA) improves at staggered levels (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th levels), so at 3rd level an assassin needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 57: Assassin’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) 9
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
d20 Result
(Thief Subclass) The bard is a mystic thief with the martial versatility of a fighter, the dweomercræft of an ecclesiastical and thaumturgical sorcerer, and a plethora of esoteric skills. Through song, verse, or music, the bard opens windows to other dimensions and taps weird vibrations that permeate the illimitable Black Gulf. Cherished (or detested) by kings, knights, noblemen, and peasants alike, some bards use their preternatural gifts to craft poems and satires interwoven with sorcerous vibrations; others play musical instruments to effect similar results. A Viking bard is called a skald. A skald performs kennings (compound metaphorical poems laced with sorcery) and composes sagas of kingly deeds, blood feuds, and heroic battles. Bards oft roam with fellow adventure-seekers, composing new works based on their escapades of glory and derring-do. Attribute Requirements: Strength 9, Dexterity 9, Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Charisma 15 Prime Attributes: Dexterity, Charisma (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d8 Alignment: CG, N, CE Armour Allowed: Light, Medium Shields Allowed: Any Favoured Weapons: Any Saving Throw Modifiers: Device +2, Avoidance +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES COUNTERSONG To cognize songs of enchantment (from other bards, gorgons, harpies, etc.) and instantly (no initiative required) react with opposing melodies, poetics, and/or instrumentation that channels the horrible vibrations of the Black Gulf, at once muting or disrupting auditory sorceries. The base chance of success is 9-in12 for opponents of equal or lesser level/HD. For every level/HD greater than the bard’s, the chance-in-twelve is reduced by one, with 1-in-12 being the minimum chance of success. 98
Bard (Common)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Fighting Ability
Casting Ability
12 800,000+ 9d8+6
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
INSPIRIT ALLIES In the midst of battle, recite poems or sing verses that inspirit allies to fight with enhanced ferocity:
Experience Points
FOLKLORE To identify or recall a random fact or sliver of knowledge regarding ancient artefacts, legends, myths, folklore, and other oddities. Whether anything exists to be gleaned— as well as the extent and veracity of the information—is ultimately the purview of the referee, who should provide a chance-in-six for success, or possibly automatic success, if appropriate.
Table 58: Bard
EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of dexterity (see Chapter 3: Statistics, dexterity).
Allies gain +1 bonus “to hit” and damage in melee (not missile) combat Boon takes effect 2 rounds after the singing begins (i.e., on round 3 if the singing begins on round 1) Boon lasts as long as the bard continues performing, to a maximum of 1 turn (10 minutes) This ability can be used whilst engaged in battle, so long as the bard can continue to sing or recite; however, casting other spells or perform other like actions is not possible. This ability can be used once per day for every three levels of experience: 1st to 3rd levels = ×1 4th to 6th levels = ×2 7th to 9th levels = ×3 10th to 12th levels = ×4 MAGIC ITEM USE Can utilize magic items normally restricted to magicians and clerics.
Druid Spells Cast Per Day
Illusionist Spells Cast per Day
L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4 1 — — — — — — —
MESMERIZE Once per day recite a song or poem laced with weird vibrations that permeate the universe; alternatively, the bard might play a flute, panpipes or other wind instrument. Requirements, limitations, and effects are as follows: Can take no other action besides walking. Targets must be within 40 feet and of animal intelligence or greater; slimes, oozes, mindless automata, and some undead are immune. Allies and travelling companions are unaffected unless they have become hostile to the bard. Each target is allowed a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable (see Chapter 3: Statistics, wisdom). Those who fail are mesmerized for as long as the bard continues to perform for up to 1 turn (10 minutes). Mesmerized victims are considered stunned; however, mesmerize effects are broken once a subject is attacked. At 3rd level, a single victim’s mind can be imprinted with a suggestion (as the spell); however, a sorcery saving throw negates the suggestion and ends mesmerization for that one. At 9th level, a single victim’s mind can be infected with madness (as the inflict madness spell); however, the applicable sorcery saving throw negates madness and ends mesmerization.
HYPERBOREA READ MAGIC The ability to decipher unintelligible magical inscriptions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer mark spell or other like methods. SCROLL USE Decipher and invoke both thaumaturgical and ecclesiastical scroll spells as long they are included in the Illusionist- and Druid Spell Lists (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Tables 95 and 100). SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials may include the finest vellum, paper, or papyrus; a fresh quill; and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This involved process requires one week per spell level. SORCERY Bards memorize and cast spells by channeling animistic and elemental spirits and by studying arcane tomes. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 58), though bards of high intelligence and/or wisdom gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, intelligence and wisdom). For example, a 4th-level bard with 13 intelligence and 10 wisdom can cast one level 1 druid spell, one level 2 druid spell, two level 1 illusionist spells, and one level 2 illusionist spell per day. The bard’s druid spells are developed through the recital of sorcerous songs or kennings, or by the piping of a flute or like instrument. These spells are drawn from the Druid Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 100). The bard also begins with a spell book. At 2nd level, the bard develops a level 1 spell drawn from the Illusionist Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 95). Through mystical connexions (druid) and arcane studies (illusionist), the bard develops one or more new spells at each level gain. The schedule is as follows: 1st level: ×1 druid spell 2nd level: ×1 illusionist spell 3rd level: ×1 druid spell 4th level: ×1 illusionist spell 5th level: ×1 druid spell 6th level: ×1 illusionist spell 7th level: ×1 druid spell 8th level: ×1 illusionist spell 9th–12th levels: ×1 druid spell; ×1 illusionist spell These spells are learnt automatically, with no need of qualification rolls, but they must be of castable levels (see Table 58 above). Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells).
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a bard may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a bard who builds or assumes control of a college becomes a lord and is eligible to attract a band of bards. More information is presented in Appendix B. PROGRESSIVE THIEF ABILITIES Bards also practice thievish skills. The following abilities improve as the bard advances in levels of experience, comparable to the thief (see Table 16): DECIPHER SCRIPT To translate texts otherwise not understood. Maps can be interpreted, instructions decoded, and so forth. Ancient or alien languages, however, may remain unintelligible, lacking any basis for comparison. DISCERN NOISE To hearken at a door and detect the faintest of noises on the other side, perceive the distant footfalls of a wandering monster, or distinguish a single voice in a crowd. Six rounds (one minute) of concentrated listening are required. HIDE To vanish into shadows, camouflage oneself, or flatten one’s body to a seemingly impossible degree—all whilst remaining still as a statue. Only the slightest movement is permissible (e.g., unsheathing a blade, opening a pouch). Hiding is impossible in direct sunlight, or if the bard is observed. MOVE SILENTLY To move with preternatural quiet, even across squeaky floorboards, dry leaves, loose debris, and the like. This skill is executed at half the bard’s normal movement rate. BARD’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your bard may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. Studded armour, short bow, arrows ×12, daggers ×2, footman’s mace, arrow quiver, backpack, bandages, chalk (piece), flute, ink and quill, parchment ×3, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), hemp rope (50-ft.), large sack, tinderbox, torches ×2, wineskin (full), spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
BARD’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level bards. Fighting ability (FA) improves at staggered levels (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th levels), so at 3rd level a bard needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 59: Bard’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
The legerdemainist is a master of skulduggery, a specialist who practices the skills of a thief and the thaumaturgical sorcery of a magician. A legerdemainist might serve a powerful magician as both apprentice and appropriator of rare artefacts; or perhaps function as the resident sorcerer of a thieves’ guild; or maybe is a thief who secretly doubles as the apt pupil of a notorious hedge wizard. Legerdemainists who practice an illusionist’s sorcery are called mountebanks mountebanks;; those who practice a pyromancer’s sorcery are called fire thieves; thieves ; and those who practice a cryomancer’s sorcery are called ice thieves. thieves. Regardless of their sorcerous education, legerdemainists are notorious for combining thievish and sorcerous skills to rob or swindle the ignorant and foolhardy. There is little doubt that the sorcery, martial skills, and specialist skills of legerdemainists make them amongst the most versatile seekers in all of Hyperborea. Attribute Requirements: Dexterity 12, Intelligence 12 (and wisdom 12 for fire thieves and ice thieves) Prime Attributes: Dexterity, Intelligence (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d6 Alignment: CG, N, LE, CE (fire thieves: CG, N, CE) (ice thieves: N, LE) Armour Allowed: Light Shields Allowed: Small Favoured Weapons: Axe (hand), bow (short), club (light), crossbow (light), dagger, dart, falcata, flail (horseman’s), hammer (horseman’s), mace (horseman’s), pick (horseman’s), scimitar (short), sling, sword (short, broad, long), trident (hand) Saving Throw Modifiers: Avoidance +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp Legerdemainist (Common) 102
Volume I: Player’s Manual
DETECT SECRET DOORS Find a secret door on a base 3-in-6 chance. EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of dexterity (see Chapter 3: Statistics, dexterity). MAGIC ITEM USE Can utilize magic items normally restricted to magicians. READ MAGIC The ability to decipher unintelligible magical inscriptions or symbols placed on weapons, armour, items, doors, walls, and other media by means of the sorcerer mark spell or other like methods. SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scroll scrolls with spells that are included in the legerdemainist’s chosen school of sorcery: magician, cryomancer, illusionist, or pyromancer (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 93, 94, 95, or 97), unless the scroll was created by an ecclesiastical sorcerer (one who casts cleric or druid spells). SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials may include the finest vellum, paper, or papyrus; a fresh quill; and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This involved process requires one week per spell level.
— —
Saving Throw
Casting Ability
The attack roll is made at +4 “to hit.” Additional weapon damage dice are rolled according to the legerderdemainist’s level of experience: 1st to 4th levels = ×2 5th to 8th levels = ×3 9th to 12th levels = ×4 Other damage modifiers (strength, sorcery, etc.) are added afterwards (e.g., a 5th-level legerdemainist with 13 strength and a +1 short sword rolls 3d6+2).
Fighting Ability
BACKSTAB A backstab attempt with a class 1 or 2 melee weapon. The target must be unaware of the attack, which may be the result of hiding or moving silently. Also, the target must have vital organs (e.g., skeleton, zombie exempt) and a discernible “back” (e.g., green slime, purple worm exempt). If the requirements are met, the following benefits are derived:
Hit Dice
AGILE +1 AC bonus when unarmoured and unencumbered (small shield allowed).
Experience Points
Table 60: Legerdemainist Level
4 Spells Cast Per Day L1 L2 L3 1 — —
SORCERY Legerdemainists cast spells that they memorize from arcane tomes. At character creation, the player must select which school of magic his or her legerdemainst practices: that of the magician, cryomancer, illusionist, or pyromancer. This decision is irrevocable. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 60), though legerdemainists of high intelligence gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, intelligence). For example, a 4th-level legerdemainist with 13 intelligence can cast two level 1 spells and one level 2 spell per day. A legerdemainist begins with a spell book that contains one level 1 spell selected from the Magician-, Cryomancer-, Illusionist-, or Pyromancer Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 93, 94, 95, or 97), depending on which school of sorcery was selected at character creation. Through personal research, the legerdemainist develops one new spell at each level gain; each is learnt automatically, with no need of a qualification roll, but it must be of a castable level (see Table 60 above). Initial no. of spells known: ×1 No. of spells gained per level: ×1 Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells). THIEVES’ CANT The secret language of thieves, a strange pidgin in which some words may be unintelligible to an ignorant listener, whereas others might be common yet of alter-
HYPERBOREA native meaning. This covert tongue is used in conjunction with specific body language, hand gestures, and facial expressions. Two major dialects of Thieves’ Cant are used in Hyperborea: one by city thieves, the other by pirates; commonalities exist betwixt the two. NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a legerdemainist may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a legerdemainist who builds or assumes control of suitable headquarters becomes a lord and is eligible to attract a band of thieves. More information is presented in Appendix B. PROGRESSIVE THIEF ABILITIES Legerdemainists practice a full range of thievish skills. The following abilities improve as the legerdemainist advances in levels of experience, comparable to the thief (see Table 16): CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear. If vertical, the surface must be rough or cracked. At least one check must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure indicates the climber has slipped and fallen at about the midpoint of the check. DECIPHER SCRIPT To translate texts otherwise not understood. Maps can be interpreted, instructions decoded, and so forth. Ancient or alien languages, however, may remain unintelligible, lacking any basis for comparison. DISCERN NOISE To hearken at a door and detect the faintest of noises on the other side, perceive the distant footfalls of a wandering monster, or distinguish a single voice in a crowd. Six rounds (one minute) of concentrated listening are required. HIDE To vanish into shadows, camouflage oneself, or flatten one’s body to a seemingly impossible degree—all whilst remaining still as a statue. Only the slightest movement is permissible (e.g., unsheathing a blade, opening a pouch). Hiding is impossible in direct sunlight, or if the legerdemainist is observed. 104
MANIPULATE TRAPS To find, remove, and reset traps both magical and mundane. Separate checks must be made to accomplish each facet of this skill: find, remove, reset. Failure by more than two, or if a natural 12 is rolled, may cause the trap to detonate on the legerdemainist. Also, a new trap may be built if the mechanism is simple and the parts available; anything more complex requires the assistance of an engineer. Thieves’ tools are required when practicing this ability. MOVE SILENTLY To move with preternatural quiet, even across squeaky floorboards, dry leaves, loose debris, and the like. This skill is executed at half the legerdemainist’s normal movement rate. OPEN LOCKS To pick locks or disable latching mechanisms both magical and mundane. Thieves’ tools are required. Picking or dismantling a lock may be attempted but once; if the attempt fails, the legerdemainist cannot try again until he has gained a level of experience. Most locks require 1d4 minutes to pick; complex locks might necessitate 3d6 minutes. PICK POCKETS To filch items from a pocket, pouch, backpack, or garment using nimble fingers and distraction. Failure by a margin of 3 or greater indicates the attempt has been observed (though not necessarily by the victim). If the roll is successful, the referee must determine what has been procured. If a legerdemainist attempts to pick the pocket of a higher-level legerdemainist, thief, or purloiner, a penalty equal to the difference in levels must be applied to the check. This skill also covers the gamut of sleight-of-hand trickery a thief might employ to deceive onlookers. LEGERDEMAINIST’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your legerdemainist may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. Studded armour, small shield, daggers ×2, falcata, sling, bullets ×20, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, ink and quill, parchment, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), hemp rope (50-ft.), small sack, thieves’ tools, tinderbox, torches ×2, wineskin (full), spell book, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
LEGERDEMAINIST’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level legerdemainists. Fighting ability (FA) improves at staggered levels (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th levels), so at 3rd level a legerdemainist needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 61: Legerdemainist’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
PURLOINER (Thief Subclass)
The purloiner is a hallowed thief dedicated to dæmons, deities, and otherworldly beings associated with greed, larceny, subterfuge, trickery, and wealth. The purloiner is a spiritually endowed brigand who masters the myriad skills of a thief whilst forging unspeakable pacts and bargains with deific powers. Whether serving a mystery cult in appropriating (or misappropriating) funds and rare artefacts, or functioning as the spiritual mentor of an underworld thieves’ guild, or working as a rapacious freelance adventurer, the purloiner combines the remarkable expertise of a thief with the ecclesiastical powers of a cleric. In Hyperborea, most such thieving clerics serve Rel, but some will venerate Raven or Xathoqqua in place of or in addition to the infamous “God of Thieves.” Attribute Requirements: Dexterity 12, Wisdom 12 Prime Attributes: Dexterity, Wisdom (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d6 Alignment: CG, N, LE, CE Armour Allowed: Light Shields Allowed: Small Favoured Weapons: Axe (hand), bow (short), club (light), crossbow (light), dagger, dart, falcata, flail (horseman’s), hammer (horseman’s), mace (horseman’s), morning star, pick (horseman’s), scimitar (short), sling, sword (short, broad, long), trident (hand) Saving Throw Modifiers: Avoidance +2, Sorcery +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
Purloiner (Atlantean) 106
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
Turning Ability
Casting Ability
The attack roll is made at +4 “to hit.” Additional weapon damage dice are rolled according to the purloiner’s level of experience: 1st to 4th levels = ×2 5th to 8th levels = ×3 9th to 12th levels = ×4 Other damage modifiers (strength, sorcery, etc.) are added afterwards (e.g., a 5th-level purloiner with 13 strength and a +1 short sword rolls 3d6+2).
Hit Dice
BACKSTAB A backstab attempt with a class 1 or 2 melee weapon. The target must be unaware of the attack, which may be the result of hiding or moving silently. Also, the target must have vital organs (e.g., skeleton, zombie exempt) and a discernible “back” (e.g., green slime, purple worm exempt). If the requirements are met, the following benefits are derived:
Experience Points
AGILE +1 AC bonus when unarmoured and unencumbered (small shield allowed).
Table 62: Purloiner
DETECT SECRET DOORS Find a secret door on a base 3-in-6 chance. EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of dexterity (see Chapter 3: Statistics, dexterity). MAGIC ITEM USE Can utilize magic items normally restricted to clerics. SCROLL USE To decipher and invoke scrolls with spells that are included in the Cleric Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99), unless the scroll was created by a thaumaturgical sorcerer (one who casts the spells of a magician or magician subclass). SCROLL WRITING To scribe a known spell onto a scroll, creating a single-use magical device at a cost of 500 gp + 100 gp per spell level. Materials vary: Some purloiners engrave thin tablets of stone, whereas others use vellum or parchment, a fine quill, and sorcerer’s ink, such as sepia. This involved process requires one week per spell level and must be completed on consecrated ground, such as a shrine, fane, or temple. SORCERY Purloiners memorize and cast cleric spells, but they do not maintain spell books; rather, they might bear the scriptures of their faiths in prayer books, on sacred
Spells Cast Per Day L1 L2 L3
scrolls, or on graven tablets. The number and levels of spells cast per day are charted above (see Table 62), though purloiners of high wisdom gain bonus spells cast per day (see Chapter 3: Statistics, wisdom). For example, a 4th-level purloiner with 13 wisdom can cast two level 1 spells and one level 2 spell per day. Purloiners begin with knowledge of two level 1 spells, sacred mysteries revealed through initiation into a sect or cult devoted to an otherworldly power, deific being, or ethos. These spells are drawn from the Cleric Spell List (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, Table 99). Purloiners develop two new spells at each level gain. Typically, they are acquired via spiritual revelation, otherworldly favour, or the piecing together of abstract theologies. Such spells are learnt automatically, with no need of qualification rolls, but they must be of castable levels (see Table 62 above). Initial no. of spells known: ×2 No. of spells gained per level: ×2 Additional spells may be learnt outside of level training, but the process is more arduous (see Chapter 7: Sorcery, acquiring new spells). THIEVES’ CANT The secret language of thieves, a strange pidgin in which some words may be unintelligible to an ignorant listener, whereas others might be common yet of alternative meaning. This covert tongue is used in conjunction with specific body language, hand gestures, and facial expressions. Two major dialects of Thieves’ Cant are used in Hyperborea: one by city thieves, the other by pirates; commonalities exist betwixt the two. 107
HYPERBOREA TURN UNDEAD At 3rd level, exert control over the undead, causing them to flee and/or cower. Refer to Table 13 at the cleric class entry. At 3rd level the purloiner has 1st-level turning ability (TA 1); at 4th level, TA 2; and so on. The purloiner must stand before the undead and speak boldly a commandment of faith, displaying a holy symbol whilst so doing. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the character’s TA; however, the purloiner can make but one attempt per encounter. Evil purloiners may opt to command undead on a successful turn undead check. For more information, refer to evil command of undead in the turn undead cleric class ability. NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a purloiner may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a purloiner who builds or assumes control of suitable headquarters becomes a lord and is eligible to attract a band of reverent thieves. More information is presented in Appendix B. PROGRESSIVE THIEF ABILITIES
HIDE To vanish into shadows, camouflage oneself, or flatten one’s body to a seemingly impossible degree—all whilst remaining still as a statue. Only the slightest movement is permissible (e.g., unsheathing a blade, opening a pouch). Hiding is impossible in direct sunlight, or if the purloiner is observed. MANIPULATE TRAPS To find, remove, and reset traps both magical and mundane. Separate checks must be made to accomplish each facet of this skill: find, remove, reset. Failure by more than two, or if a natural 12 is rolled, may cause the trap to detonate on the purloiner. Also, a new trap may be built if the mechanism is simple and the parts available; anything more complex requires the assistance of an engineer. Thieves’ tools are required when practicing this ability. MOVE SILENTLY To move with preternatural quiet, even across squeaky floorboards, dry leaves, loose debris, and the like. This skill is executed at half the purloiner’s normal movement rate. OPEN LOCKS To pick locks or disable latching mechanisms both magical and mundane. Thieves’ tools are required. Picking or dismantling a lock may be attempted but once; if the attempt fails, the purloiner cannot try again until he has gained a level of experience. Most locks require 1d4 minutes to pick; complex locks might necessitate 3d6 minutes.
Purloiners practice a full range of thievish skills. The following abilities improve as the purloiner advances in levels of experience, comparable to the thief (see Table 16): CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear. If vertical, the surface must be rough or cracked. At least one check must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure indicates the climber has slipped and fallen at about the midpoint of the check. DECIPHER SCRIPT To translate texts otherwise not understood. Maps can be interpreted, instructions decoded, and so forth. Ancient or alien languages, however, may remain unintelligible, lacking any basis for comparison. DISCERN NOISE To hearken at a door and detect the faintest of noises on the other side, perceive the distant footfalls of a wandering monster, or distinguish a single voice in a crowd. Six rounds (one minute) of concentrated listening are required. 108
PICK POCKETS To filch items from a pocket, pouch, backpack, or garment using nimble fingers and distraction. Failure by a margin of 3 or greater indicates the attempt has been observed (though not necessarily by the victim). If the roll is successful, the referee must determine what has been procured. If a purloiner attempts to pick the pocket of a higher-level purloiner, thief, or legerdemainist, a penalty equal to the difference in levels must be applied to the check. This skill also covers the gamut of sleight-of-hand trickery a thief might employ to deceive onlookers.
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PURLOINER’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your purloiner may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. Leather armour, dagger, morning star, sling, bullets ×20, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, dice, wooden holy symbol, holy water, soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), small sack, thieves’ tools, tinderbox, torches ×2, wineskin (full), writing stick.
PURLOINER’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level purloiners. Fighting ability (FA) improves at staggered levels (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th levels), so at 3rd level a purloiner needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 63: Purloiner’s Initial Combat Matrix (FA 1) Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) 9
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
d20 Result
SCOUT (Thief Subclass)
The scout is a cunning explorer and reconnoitrer of castles, towers, and subterranean milieux. A scout might be retained by a merchant house or thieves’ guild investigating rare artefacts hidden in ancient ruins or dungeons deep; or may serve as a spy, gathering intelligence and identifying vulnerabilities. Some scouts seek their fortune with freebooters, brigands, or fellow adventurers, using their plethora of skills to sneak, explore, track, and infiltrate enemy defences. But the most celebrated scouts are those who explore and measure the depth and breadth of impossible dungeons. Swift of blade and fleet of foot, daring and guileful to the utmost, the scout can be an invaluable resource for any band of seekers, especially those who delve the awesome black depths and labyrinthine tunnels of Underborea, where gods and dæmons dwell. Attribute Requirements: Dexterity 9, Intelligence 9 Prime Attributes: Dexterity, Intelligence (10% XP bonus if both 16+) Hit Die Type: d6 Alignment: CG, N, LE, CE Armour Allowed: Light Shields Allowed: Small Favoured Weapons: Axe (hand), bow (short), club (light), crossbow (light), dagger, dart, falcata, flail (horseman’s), hammer (horseman’s), lasso, mace (horseman’s), pick (horseman’s), scimitar (short), sling, sword (short, broad, long), trident (hand) Saving Throw Modifiers: Device +2, Avoidance +2 Starting Money: 3d6×10 gp
CLASS ABILITIES AGILE +1 AC bonus when unarmoured and unencumbered (small shield allowed). ALERTNESS Reduces by one (−1) on a d6 roll the party’s chance to be surprized. BACKSTAB A backstab attempt with a class 1 or 2 melee weapon. The target must be unaware of the attack, which may be the result of hiding or moving silently. silently.
Scout (Oon)
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DETECT SECRET DOORS Find a secret door on a base 3-in-6 chance. DETERMINE DEPTH AND GRADE To ascertain the extent of a pit, chasm, or shaft by dropping a coin or pebble and listening; to determine the slope of dungeon passages, detecting even the shallowest of slants. The chance of success for determine depth and grade is as follows: 1st to 4th level = 2-in-6 5th to 8th level = 3-in-6 9th to 12th level = 4-in-6 If the roll is off by one or two, the estimate is off by 20%. For example, if a 2nd-level scout rolls a 4 when attempting to determine the depth of a 50-foot pit, he or she will believe the pit to be either 60 feet deep or 40 feet deep, as best decided by the referee. If the roll is off by more than 2, then the result is failure. DISGUISE To fashion a façade that simulates a particular race/ culture/social class, possibly making one appear a few inches taller or shorter and/or several pounds heavier or thinner (cf. the disguise self spell). The scout also can appear as the opposite sex. This ruse may be accomplished through a combination of acting, makeup, apparel, and perhaps even subtle sorcery. The base chance of the disguise being discerned is 2-in-12, adjusted as the referee deems appropriate. If the scout has a 16+ charisma, the base chance for being discerned is reduced to 1-in-12.
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Fighting Ability
CONTROLLED FALL To retard descent of precipitous drops. For every level of experience, the scout can fall 10 feet and sustain no damage, so long as a wall or other stable surface is within a five-foot reach throughout the descent. For falls beyond the scout’s limit, normal rules are in force starting at the point at which the controlled fall no longer applies; e.g., a 5th-level scout plummets down a 90-foot pit and thus sustains 4d6 hp damage.
Experience Points
The attack roll is made at +4 “to hit.” Additional weapon damage dice are rolled according to the scout’s level of experience: 1st to 4th levels = ×2 5th to 8th levels = ×3 9th to 12th levels = ×4 Other damage modifiers (strength, sorcery, etc.) are added afterwards (e.g., a 5th-level scout with 13 strength and a +1 short sword rolls 3d6+2).
Table 64: Scout Level
Also, the target must have vital organs (e.g., skeleton, zombie exempt) and a discernible “back” (e.g., green slime, purple worm exempt). If the requirements are met, the following benefits are derived:
EXTRAORDINARY +8% chance to perform extraordinary feats of dexterity (see Chapter 3: Statistics, dexterity). RUN To move as swiftly as a hare; base 50 MV when lightly armoured or unarmoured. TRACK To stalk prey, tracing physical signs and discerning subtle clues. A scout can track at the below suggested probabilities: Wilderness: A base 7-in-12 chance to find, identify, and follow fresh tracks outdoors or in natural caverns. Non-Wilderness: A base 9-in-12 chance to discern tracks in a dungeon, castle, city street, or like setting. Furthermore, the scout can identify in general terms the species tracked if it is a known animal type (e.g., a large feline, a heavy bovine, a small canine). N.B.: The referee may adjust the chance-in-twelve to track based on prevailing circumstances. NEW WEAPON SKILL At 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, become skilled in a new weapon that is not included in the favoured weapons list (noted above). This new proficiency is dependent upon training and practice (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill).
HYPERBOREA HIDE To vanish into shadows, camouflage oneself, or flatten one’s body to a seemingly impossible degree—all whilst remaining still as a statue. Only the slightest movement is permissible (e.g., unsheathing a blade, opening a pouch). Hiding is impossible in direct sunlight, or if the scout is observed.
ENLIST HENCHMEN At 6th level, a scout may seek or be sought out by one or more henchmen, classed individuals (typically of similar class, race, and/or culture) who become loyal followers. For more information, see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen. LORDSHIP At 9th level, a scout who builds or assumes control of suitable headquarters becomes a lord and is eligible to attract a band of thieves. More information is presented in Appendix B.
MANIPULATE TRAPS To find, remove, and reset traps both magical and mundane. Separate checks must be made to accomplish each facet of this skill: find, remove, reset. Failure by more than two, or if a natural 12 is rolled, may cause the trap to detonate on the scout. Also, a new trap may be built if the mechanism is simple and the parts available; anything more complex requires the assistance of an engineer. Thieves’ tools are required when practicing this ability.
PROGRESSIVE THIEF ABILITIES Scouts also practice almost all thievish skills. The following abilities improve as the scout advances in levels of experience, comparable to the thief (see Table 16): CLIMB To ascend or descend sheer cliffs or walls without need of climbing gear. If vertical, the surface must be rough or cracked. At least one check must be made per 100 feet of climbing. Failure indicates the climber has slipped and fallen at about the midpoint of the check.
MOVE SILENTLY To move with preternatural quiet, even across squeaky floorboards, dry leaves, loose debris, and the like. This skill is executed at half the scout’s normal movement rate.
DISCERN NOISE To hearken at a door and detect the faintest of noises on the other side, perceive the distant footfalls of a wandering monster, or distinguish a single voice in a crowd. Six rounds (one minute) of concentrated listening are required.
OPEN LOCKS To pick locks or disable latching mechanisms both magical and mundane. Thieves’ tools are required. Picking or dismantling a lock may be attempted but once; if the attempt fails, the thief cannot try again until he has gained a level of experience. Most locks require 1d4 minutes to pick; complex locks might necessitate 3d6 minutes.
SCOUT’S STARTING PACK To expedite the character creation process, your scout may begin with the following gear in lieu of rolling for starting gold and shopping for gear. Regardless, refer to Chapter 6: Equipment for more information on armour, weapons, and gear. Padded armour, small shield, hand axes ×2, darts ×4, backpack, bandages, winter blanket, chalk (piece), disguise clothing, grappling hook, grease, marbles ×20, parchment, wooden pole (10-ft.), soft leather pouch, iron rations (1 week), hemp rope (50-ft.), small sack, thieves’ tools, tinderbox, torches ×3, wineskin (full), writing stick, and 1d4+1 gold pieces.
SCOUT’S INITIAL COMBAT MATRIX This chart shews the modified chance “to hit” for all 1st-level scouts. Fighting ability (FA) improves at staggered levels (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th levels), so at 3rd level a scout needs a modified 18 roll to hit AC 0, and so forth. Table 65: Scout’s Initial Combat Matrix Opponent’s Armour Class (AC) d20 Result
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9
Volume I: Player’s Manual
chapte hapter r5 BACKGROUND Character background comprises race, physique, alignment, languages, religion, and secondary skills. Of course, every player character must have a name, perhaps inspired by historical or fictional examples. Some players may invent names from whole cloth; others might create anagrams of their own names. If you wish to generate an authentic sounding name, refer to Appendix A: Hyperborea Name Generator. Depending on the style and preference of play, further information may be developed, including character history, personality, place of origin, general outlook, and attitude. Place of origin need not be specific; one might simply say “a small farming village” or “a busy port city,” and so forth.
In total, 24 races are reckoned to survive in Hyperborea. In sooth, even amongst the most accounted for races, ambiguities are widespread, and census numbers are lacking; i.e., none can say with any certainty how many Kimmerians live in the subterranean city of Krimmea, except for the Kimmerians themselves; likewise for the “Half-Blood” tribes sequestered in the rain forest deeps of the Savage Boreal Coast. In closing, other races unbeknownst to sages may hide in remote corners of the realm, whilst others might unexpectedly arrive in numbers small or large; such being the mystical nature of the boreas. GENERATING A RACIAL DERIVATION For purposes of game play, choosing a specific player character race is not necessary; when in doubt, simply select a “common” man or woman. For the aid of players and referees who might prefer to draw inspiration from the whims of the dice, race may be rolled randomly using a d%, and if the result is 96–00, a d12 roll follows. Table 66: Primary Races d% Result
Races in Hyperborea are cultural and ethnic groupings with shared physical traits, social characteristics (e.g., language, customs, dress), and common geographic origins—most of which can be traced back to Old Earth. The Hyperborean race is the autochthonous race of Hyperborea; other races crossed the veil at different times, oft contributing to diametrical cultural variance despite the relatively small size of the realm.
Twelve primary races with notable to diminishing populations are extant in Hyperborea. Nine are considered “pure” races; two are hybrid races; and one (the largest) is a mélange of indeterminate ancestries and/or racial admixtures. Twelve ancillary races are measured to be either less populous, on the brink of extinc-
tion, or not properly surveyed by the sages of Khromarium. Of these, ten are considered “pure” races; one is considered a somewhat recent hybridization; and one is deemed a consequence of otherworldly tampering.
Pict (Half-Blood)
See Table 67
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Table 67: Ancillary Races d12 Result
Carolingian Frank
Simply selecting a specific race in lieu of rolling for one also can be enjoyable. Maybe you would like to play a Kimmerian warlock, a Pict legerdemainist, or a Roman priest. You also might like to create a character whose backgound includes two or three ancestries. For example, the son of an Amazon woman and a Viking man can make for an interesting character. Remember that this is not possible for Atlanteans, Hyperboreans, and Oon. Furthermore, you may wish to determine the homeland of your character. Typical homelands are provided for each race, but choosing a homeland is not required; in fact, some players might prefer to be vague about such details perhaps best revealed through game play. COMMON People of mixed or indeterminate ancestry. Typical ancestries include Kelt, Kimmerian, Pict, and/or Viking blood, though almost any mix is possible, including less common races, such as Anglo-Saxons, Greeks, Lapps, Romans, and/or Yakuts. Note that two races (Atlanteans and Hyperboreans) are sexually incompatible with the rest of humanity, and one race (the Oon) is sterile, so their blood will not be mixed with common-blooded folk. Regardless, common folk are of variable height, build, complexion, hair colour, and eye colour. They can be found throughout Hyperborea. Typical homelands are as follows:
place, choked by the smoke of its factories. It is the largest centre of population in Hyperborea, and it boasts the greatest degree of cultural, racial, and religious diversity in the realm. Khromarium’s spiral towers of black gneiss are renowned throughout the realm as constructs of pre-human conception. Gal City: Small city that arose in the aftermath of the Green Death, a great plague that consumed Hyperborea long ago. Gal is largely populated by Kelts, but with a fair number of mixed-ancestry people. Port Zangerios: Oft called the “City of Masks,” this small, overcrowded port is regarded as wild, lawless, and corrupt. It is a haven for cutthroats, gamblers, lotus chewers, prostitutes, slavers, thieves, and traffickers of all ilk. The city’s mask-wearing tradition oft is regarded as eccentric and extravagant. Local customs, however, demand that one must be worn whenever out in public; to do elsewise is deemed obscene. AMAZON A race renowned for its matriarchal caste of warrior-women, tall and robust with light to olive complexion, black to auburn hair, and blue or hazel eyes. Amazon women are taller and more heavily thewed than Amazon men, who tend to gravitate toward sorcery and science. Amazons dwell at the remote corners of the world. The Hellenic roots of the Amazons can be traced to the Black Sea of Old Earth, where their gynarchic society reserved no small amount of contempt for the Scythians; correspondingly, the Amazons of Hyperborea despise the Ixians. Most Amazons adhere to a rigid lifestyle that embraces Law. Typical homelands are as follows:
City-State of Khromarium: Once known as “the jewel of the Kingdom of Hyperborea,” the City-State of Khromarium is a dismal, seedy
HYPERBOREA City in the Clouds: A metropolis of marble and glass on a mountain in the centre of the Floating Island of Paradoxon, a mystical isle that floats in the Black Gulf and is ruled by an iron-fisted queen. The city overlooks a jungle that teems with wildlife. City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Pandoros: The capital city of New Amazonia, a realm of lush islands at the Rim of the World and home to the gynarchic Amazon nation, where some of the finest ships of the realm are built. The Pandoros nation of Law is ruled by an autocratic queen. ANGLO-SAXON Tall, fair-haired (blond to sandy brown), fair-skinned, Germanic people, with grey, hazel, or blue eyes. Since the Green Death and its subsequent Dark Age, the Anglo-Saxon race has suffered severe decline; in sooth, most have been absorbed into the “common” race. Survivors trace their origins to Old Earth, where their ancestors were soldiers in the service of Hengist and Horsa, legendary brothers who warred with the Picts, working as mercenaries for Britain. Beyond Hadrian’s Wall, a son of Horsa led his charges through an impossible gateway that led to a mysterious realm with a giant red sun and two oddly shaped moons. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Gibbering Fields: Grasslands renowned for their poppy and lotus fields, steam vents, violent geysers, woolly mammoths, hyæna-man tribes, and restless spirits. ATLANTEAN Scattered remnants of a nearly extinct race whose origins trace back to Old Earth’s antediluvian Atlantis. In days of yore, the sorcerer-scientists of Atlantis were coevals of the Hyperboreans, much like the people of Lemuria and Mu. Atlanteans are of medium build, with jaundiced to glaucous complexion, black or blond hair, aquiline features, and pale grey or yellow eyes. Atlanteans are sexually incompatible with the other races, perhaps due to the development of aquatic traits: webbed digits, amphibious respiratory systems (including gill slits on their necks), and oily skin that dries painfully if not immersed in salt water periodically. Typical homelands are as follows: Atlantica: Trio of islands where the last concentration of Atlanteans struggle to endure. The Atlanteans of Atlantica live as humble fisherfolk and whalers. City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Port Zangerios (see “common” race)
CAROLINGIAN FRANK A race of medium to large people with fair skin, and variable hair and eye colour. In days of yore, Carolingian Franks dwelled in the Cape Calencia region, but they were nearly decimated by the Green Death. Their race is descended from warriors who served Charlemagne of Old Earth. They were at war with the Moors, whom they engaged in the Pyrenees Mountains. When the opposing legions met in a fertile mountain valley farmed by peasants, a strange being known as Tantugou engulfed both armies in a churning mist and whisked them away to far-flung Hyperborea. Most Carolingians have returned to the faith of their pagan roots, replacing Christ with Apollo. Typical homelands are as follows: Cape Calencia: A small, forested horn with massive redwood trees. In small family groups, Carolingians build on the ancient ruins of Hyperborean settlements. City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) ESQUIMAUX Squat, narrow-eyed tribesmen of jaundiced complexion. Most Esquimaux subsist off the sea, hunting seal and whale and fishing from their sealskin kayaks; others roam the tundra herding reindeer, raising sled dogs, and hunting mammoth. Esquimaux are renowned for their mammoth-hide dwellings framed by mammoth tusks. They are oft reputed to have conquered and absorbed the Lapps and Yakuts into their bloodline. Too, for many generations they warred with the Tlingit. Their roots trace to a singular Kthulhu-worshipping cult from Old Earth’s Greenland. The cult was shunned by other indigenous northerners for its blasphemous practices, but in Hyperborea they have prospered. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Esquimaux Bay: Coastal region settled by Esquimaux who subsist on fishing, clamming, whaling, and inland hunting. Plain of Leng: Frigid tundra inhabited by nomadic tribesmen who ice fish and follow the migrations of game on dogsleds. ESQUIMAUX-IXIAN Tall, broad-shouldered, dusky-skinned tribesmen with narrow eyes and square jaws. Esquimaux-Ixians are a hybrid race that is a consequence of serfdom and slavery. Incredibly resilient, these survivors have developed their own pidgin language that can be confounding to native speakers of the languages from which it is derived. Some Esquimaux-Ixians refer to themselves as the Allattaasitoqaq (“lies in half darkness” in the Coastal Esquimaux dialect). They largely identify with
Volume I: Player’s Manual their Esquimaux roots, though in places like Xambaala, neither Esquimaux nor Ixian will admit connexion with the tribesmen. Some have escaped their lives of servitude or have earned their freedom from foreign buyers, seeking new beginnings. Others embrace a more eccentric lifestyle—they file their teeth to points and practice cannibalism. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Port Zangerios (see “common” race) Xambaala: Large port town surrounded by desert. Half its population are Esquimaux-Ixian slaves. It is governed as a satrapy that is overseen by the City-State of Yithorium, where the Witch-Queen rules through terror and fear. GREEK Average physique people with dark hair (wavy or curly), dark eyes, fair to olive skin, and the characteristic Grecian nose. Greek populations have eroded away due to relations with the “common” race; as such, only pocket groups are extant, though clannish and seeking an ethnic rebound. Greeks trace their ancestry to Old Earth. Long before the ice sheets claimed Hyperborea, Greek nobles, priests, philosophers, and mathematicians journeyed to the fabled land beyond the North Wind to seek enlightenment from the golden race. Over time, these settlers began to suffer unspeakable maltreatment, so they fled to remote corners of the realm. Others sought the protection of the Amazons and thus were assimilated. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Port Zangerios (see “common” race) HYPERBOREAN Extremely tall, long-lived (200+ years) people of milkwhite skin, golden hair, and violet eyes; rare females shew silky, blue-black hair. Hyperboreans are slow of speech and violent of temperament. For ages they alone inhabited the polar continent Hyperborea of Old Earth. Then came the Ashen Worm and the unrelenting ice age. The Hyperboreans went dormant as the realm was mantled in ice and torn away from Earth. The other races, deemed as “savages,” “apes,” or “submen,” largely arrived during the ensuing millennia. The native Hyperboreans emerged from the deeps and reclaimed the jewel of their erstwhile empire, Khromarium, and for a time they lived in lotus dreams and decadence, but then came the Green Death, and all fell to ruin and decay. Hyperboreans are sexually incompatible with non-Hyperboreans, and most are reputed to be the descendants of renegades, outcasts, and expiators. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Port Zangerios (see “common” race)
IXIAN Tall, narrow-shouldered, hook-nosed men of dusky grey skin and beady black eyes; long, lean, raven-haired women with haunting emerald or hazel eyes. Ixians chiefly dwell at the Rim of the World on the sickle-shaped island of Scythium, where their malefic priests and necromancers study abominable sorceries; the most precocious individuals are sent to the fabled Isle of IX. Ixians are known to trade diamonds, spices, lotus leaves, and slaves in exchange for wood and other resources. Ixian roots may be traced to a lost race (or perhaps a select caste) of Egypt, Persia, and Scythia. Amazons and Kimmerians typically despise Ixians. Ixian absconders and outcasts oft go to great pains to hide their pedigree, fearful of persecution and apprehension by those who reserve no love for this oft despised race. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) City-State of Yithorium: Oasis city in the middle of the Zakath Desert. The city is renowned for its tower of alien stone where dwells the immortal Witch-Queen of Yithorium, who rules her domain with an iron fist. Fazzuum: Capital city of Scythium, renowned for its massive ziggurats. Fazzuum is ruled by a caste of priests and necromancers who pay homage to Yig, the snake god. Reputed to be dangerous for non-Ixians who stray from designated sanctuaries. KELT Barrel-chested men and hardy women of red, sandy brown, or auburn hair. They are of fair or rosy and oft-freckled complexion, and their eyes are blue, green, or hazel. The Kelts are of insular Old Earth ancestry, with Irish, Manx, and Scottish roots. They are amongst the most gregarious of races, mingling wherever they are welcome; indeed, nearly all people of common stock have Keltic blood in their veins. Pure Keltic clans dwell in the Gal Hills, farming and herding, whilst others are known to form tightknit communities in cities and towns. Many Kelts are guided by the wisdom of their ancient religious sect, the druids, who traverse the realm to tend their far-flung flock. Kelts are a passionate people, quick of temper and raucously mirthful. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Gal City (see “common” race) Port Zangerios (see “common” race) KIMMERIAN Large-boned men of fair to weather-bronzed skin, black hair, steely grey eyes, and thick, blue-black beards; raven-haired she-devils, fierce, battle-tested, intimidating, and beautiful. Kimmerian roots trace
HYPERBOREA to a foggy vale within the Caucasus Mountains of Old Earth, where the Ixians and Scythians drove them to no Earthly return. As such, most Kimmerians consider the Ixians their racial enemies. The Kimmerians are not an overly religious people, but they sometimes acknowledge Krimmr; his name oftest used as an expletive. Chiefly the Kimmerians are horsemen, drivers, and herders. Their cataphracts are feared and renowned, their artisans craft elaborate saddles, and their gold-chased plate armour is unmatched. One large faction of Kimmerians are catacomb dwellers, surviving in the stone-carven dungeon halls. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Kimmerian Steppe: Cold, grassy steppe region roamed by large herds of mammals, including some megafauna. Krimmea: Vast, underground city of Kimmerians where outsiders (even steppe Kimmerians) are not admitted. Absconders rarely are allowed re-admittance. KIMMERI-KELT Large-boned people, with variable skin tone, hair colour, and eye colour. Typically, the Kimmerian dark hair is a dominant trait; likewise the Keltic freckled complexion. Kimmeri-Kelts are the by-blows of Kimmerian and Keltic mergers during the Dark Age that followed the Green Death. When mankind was on the brink of extinction, displaced survivors of Kimmerian and Keltic pedigree formed their own tribes. Kimmeri-Kelts are fiercely independent nomads who resent the denigrations that their parent races oft reserve for them. As the tribes swell, they pose a greater threat to cities, for these barbarians reserve no small enmity for civilization; notwithstanding, this does not stop some from drifting into a city and never leaving. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Fields of Vol: Grassy plains that teem with wildlife. Nomadic tribes of Kimmeri-Kelts roam these grasslands chasing game, though the tribes are oft at war with one another over generations-old blood feuds. Gal City (see “common” race) LAPP Petite to medium-build people with fair to weathered complexions, light to dark hair, variable eye colour, and high-cheekbones. Lapps are renowned for their brilliantly dyed woolen clothes, hats, and scarves; many styles of which are considered exclusive, heritable traditions dating back to Old Earth. Surviving Lapps thrive in the most inhospitable environments, herding reindeer and hunting big game, but for generations they warred with Yakuts and Esquimaux, the latter of whom 118
nearly eradicated both opposing ethnicities. Nomadic survivors travel by dog sled and reindeer sled. They are at peace with the Yakuts, but they reserve no love for the Esquimaux. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Plain of Leng: Frigid tundra where musk ox, reindeer, woolly mammoths, and woolly rhinoceros roam. LEMURIAN Small people, averaging just over five feet in height, with lean bodies and long arms. Lemurian skin ranges from jaundiced to tan complexion, and their hair is straight and dark. The eyes of Lemurians are slanted and likewise dark. Men oft wear long moustaches, goatees or beards. Both sexes wear long, buttoned robes or jackets, oft over loose-fitting trousers. On Old Earth, Lemurians achieved unimagined scientific and sorcerous advancement. Their progress was second only to the Hyperboreans, to whom the Lemurians sent extravagant tributes. Like Atlantis and Mu, Lemuria sank beneath the waves, but some survived when part of their region, called the Lemurian Remnant, was swallowed by a mystical vortex and deposited through time and space into remote Hyperborea. The Green Death devastated the Lemurians, but they have recovered and now send expeditions all about Hyperborea. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Lemurian Remnant: Large island surrounded by a number of smaller keys which sit at the very edge of the world, cradled within a spatial anomaly: The Remnant seems to encompass an area no more than 24 miles across. However, to enter Lemurian waters, explorers find themselves in a tropical island region 180 miles across. Port Zangerios (see “common” race) MOOR Brown-skinned people of variable body types, variable eye colour (blue, brown, green, or hazel), and dark, wavy to curly hair. The men grow thick black beards that they oil, and the women are known to shade their eyes with brilliant ochres and woads. Moors trace their ancestry to a large Berber tribe of Old Earth. They were at war with the Carolingian Franks, whom they engaged in the Pyrenees Mountains of Old Earth. When the opposing legions met in a fertile valley farmed by peasants, a strange being known as Tantugou engulfed both armies in a churning mist and whisked them away to far-flung Hyperborea. Now, the scant Moors who have survived the Green Death typically inhabit arid environments. Once renowned for their architectural artistry, the Moors of Hyperborea today are largely nomadic. Typical homelands are as follows:
Volume I: Player’s Manual City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) City-State of Yithorium (see Ixian race) Zakath Desert: Windswept waste, dry and cracked, dotted with patches of scrub. Within scattered, spring-fed oases grow the finest pomegranates in the realm. MU Diminutive, ebony-skinned people with broad noses, slanting eyes, and straight black hair. A race in severe decline, the Mu typically garb themselves in long, dun-coloured smocks, and both sexes crop their hair identically. They are a reclusive people who speak a secret tongue (Muat, a language of 814 words) and are said to abide strange customs. The Mu originate from a lost continent of Old Earth that, like Atlantis and Lemuria, was swallowed by the waves. Prior to this, they had excelled in math, science, and sorcery, and thus impressed the Hyperboreans, who invited them to inhabit a group of islands in the Hyperborean Sea. That island was destroyed by a volcano, and later its remains were mantled in ice spawned by the Ashen Worm. Once a curious and outgoing people, the Mu now value privacy. This does not stop the occasional defector (usually an adolescent) from seeking a life beyond their tiny island. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Mu Minor: Tiny island located deep in the ocean, nestled in the centre of tempest belts known as the River Okeanos. Mu Minor is difficult to locate, and its people do not wish to be found. OON (Ghost-Man) A subterranean race enthralled by the otherworldly mi-go. Sometimes referred to as “ghost-men,” Oon are extremely pale of skin—to the point of transparency—with grey, sunken eyes and straight, black tresses. Discerning the differences betwixt two Oon is difficult—even males and females uncannily resemble one another. Through an alien form of synthetic fertilization, Oon are reproduced in laboratories and raised outside the womb with no maternal connexion. Throughout their lives they are fed an addictive concoction that suppresses sexuality, hormonal development, ambition, and individuality. If denied this elixir for more than two weeks, they initially go mad, but at length begin to develop hormonally: females swell of hip and breast; males grow facial hair, and their voices deepen. However, all remain sterile. In rare cases, when Oon escape, they become a blank canvas open to new vistas. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Trogos: Forest cut by deep slot canyons where streams and waterfalls flow. Ferns and stunted evergreens line the moist walls of these impossible gorges, whence rise rolling mists.
PICT Compact people with long torsos and short legs. Males are broad-shouldered, ruddily complexioned, and typically have green eyes and dense, wavy, orange-red hair. Females are usually petite, typically no taller than five feet, and fair skinned. Both sexes are heavily freckled and sunburn easily. It is rare but not unusual for a Pict to be born with black hair. Picts are known to paint and tattoo their skin, and their shamans lace their long, twisted hair with feathers. Pictish origins trace back to a sinister cult of Caledonia, which was bidden by its withered, white-bearded shaman (reputed still to endure) to commit unspeakable rites. Picts consider Romans to be their racial enemies. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Fidib: Capital city of New Pictland, a prominent island group across from the Savage Boreal Coast of mainland Hyperborea. The city is hostile to foreigners and is overlooked by a massive citadel of timber and stone where dwells the high king of the Pictish nation. Port Zangerios (see “common” race) PICT (Half-Blood) Light brown to swarthily complexioned people with straight or wavy black hair, brown or hazel eyes, and dark freckles. Rare examples shew orange-red hair. They are regarded as “Half-Bloods” because their paternal ancestors (Picts) conquered the kingdoms of their maternal ancestors (Tlingit) and then claimed Tlingit females as their wives after putting Tlingit males to the sword. This interbreeding gave rise to a new race of bloodthirsty savages who proved impossible for the Picts to control. Most Half-Bloods identify with their Tlingit ancestry, though Pictish language and many traditions are ingrained. Half-Blood mothers almost always bear twins; this fecundity has contributed to rapid population growth, mostly kept in check by tribal warfare. Regardless, this has led to a post-Green Death recovery unmatched by any other race. Some say Half-Blood Picts are destined to be the most populous race in all of Hyperborea. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Port Zangerios (see “common” race) Savage Boreal Coast: Temperate coastal region rich of firs, hemlocks, pines, and ancient redwoods. This perpetually foggy region experiences the greatest amount of precipitation in mainland Hyperborea. Warring tribes dwell in high-walled villages that shield them from both enemy tribes and carnivorous beasts.
HYPERBOREA ROMAN A fair- to olive-complexioned people of variable height. Most have thick, dark hair, but eye colour is variable: blue, brown, hazel, and grey. Most Romans are leanbuilt, though some are thick-boned. Although thinly populated, Romans are associated with an ongoing phenomenon—they are still materializing randomly throughout Hyperborea. Concerned about the preservation of their race, they oft seek one another, attempting to build strong family units with hopes of establishing their own autonomous kingdom. Roman origins trace back to Rome’s lost legion of Old Earth, Legio IX Hispana, a legion of the Imperial Roman Army tasked with infiltrating the Pictish nation north of Hadrian’s Wall, where rivers of supernatural conveyance energies were manipulated by Pictish sorcerers. Many had originated from Hispana (the Iberian Peninsula), though some centurions were directly from Rome. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Port Zangerios (see “common” race) TLINGIT Average to slightly less than average height people with light brown skin tone, some shewing warm red undertones. Tlingit have thick, straight, dark hair and variable eye colour. A race oft said to be extinct, supposedly eradicated by the Picts, some Tlingit family groups survive in the depths of the Barrier Mountains, hidden in cave lairs supported by totem pole columns. They live a strict, private life, hidden from the HalfBlood Picts of the Savage Boreal Coast below them, as well as their enemies of old, the Esquimaux and the Picts. The Tlingit reject all foreign visitations, including from Half-Bloods, and they live a rigid lifestyle that their elders believe preserves the purity of their moiety culture. However, is not unusual for an angst-consumed youth or star-crossed lovers to run away and explore life beyond the rigidity of the culture their elders enforce. Typical homelands are as follows: Barrier Mountains: Glaciated arm of the Spiral Mountain Array that rises sharply; peaks of 18–20,000 feet that separate the cold and dry Black Waste from the moist and teeming Savage Boreal Coast. City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) VIKING A fair-skinned race of blond- or red-haired people with blue to hazel eyes. Viking males typically are tall, broad-shouldered men who strike imposing figures. Viking females are likewise impressive—tall, lean, and strong-boned, many as physically gifted as the strongest Amazon women. Vikings build their longhouses about the mountainous coastal regions and glacially carved bays of Vikland and New Vinland. Outside of 120
their homelands, they tend to be sociable, so Viking blood is part of many “common” strains. Viking origins trace back to Iceland of Old Earth (specifically, the lost ships of Erik the Red’s fleet en route to the Eastern Settlement of Greenland). Their shipbuilding techniques are amongst the finest in all of Hyperborea; with their drekar (longships), they exact brutal raids all about Hyperborea, leaving a wake of pillage, destruction, and bastard sons. Vikings have many jarls (chieftains), all of whom accept tribute from family leaders; in turn, the jarls pay tribute to the Viking king in Erikssgard. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Erikssgard: Capital city of Vikland, where the Viking king rules from his mighty fortress of timber and stone. The city is 95% Viking stock and boasts the foremost shipbuilding facilities in Hyperborea. New Vinland: Cape and islands of rolling hills rich with wheat, elderberries, and blackberries. Each village in this Viking colony is its own petty kingdom owing fealty to the king in Erikssgard. Port Zangerios (see “common” race) YAKUT Tall people with fair to tan complexions, dark, slanted eyes, and straight hair ranging from sandy brown to black. Yakuts oft are reputed to be extinct. Ages ago, they waged war with Lapps and Tundra Esquimaux, but ultimately the Esquimaux were victorious. Then came the Green Death, and the Yakuts were all but gone. In the Plain of Leng, however, the remnants of several tribes united to form a single group. Yakut origins trace back to Siberia, where a cult of KhalkXu (Kraken) worshippers engaged in ritual sacrifices made to their extra-dimensional patron. Several hundred members of the cult were taken on a vision-quest by their witch-queen, and through a churning mirage they were swept away to far-flung Hyperborea. Nomadic, the surviving Yakuts travel by dog sled and reindeer sled. They are at peace with the Lapps but consider the Esquimaux a constant enemy. Typical homelands are as follows: City-State of Khromarium (see “common” race) Plain of Leng: Frigid tundra where musk ox, reindeer, woolly mammoths, and woolly rhinoceros roam. Other Races: With referee approval, other racial strains might exist in small numbers, arriving through the boreas from Earth’s past or future, or perhaps from other worlds. Likewise, it is not impossible for yet another large population race to cross the boreas and establish itself somewhere in the hoary reaches of Hyperborea.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
PHYSIQUE Physique encompasses your character’s gender, age, height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, and complexion—all of which can be randomly rolled for or simply selected; however, should a player select or dice for a specific race, physical traits should roughly correspond with heredity, but exceptions are not impossible. GENDER Players may choose or randomly determine character gender. AGE Most player characters begin play as young adults or adults. To randomly determine age, simply roll a d6 in which a result of 1–3 = young adult, and a result of 4–6 = adult. The player may select the precise age from the range indicated on the table below. Table 68: Age Groupings Age Grouping
Race Hyperborean All Others
Young Adult
As the character transitions to middle-aged and beyond, the referee is at liberty to impose a reduction to the attributes of strength, dexterity and/or constitution, whilst allowing for an increase to intelligence and/or wisdom. HEIGHT AND WEIGHT Height and weight may be selected or randomly rolled. You may have an exact idea about your character’s build, or you might enjoy the challenge of working with whatever fate the dice have in store for you. First, determine character height by rolling 3d6 on the table below. Height establishes average weight, which might be adjusted by a subsequent d10 roll (see below). Note that Table 69 assumes a character of “common” or mixed racial heritage; height and weight of specific races may vary (see below).
Table 69: Height and Weight Man 3d6 Average Result Height Weight 3 4′11″+1d3″ 120 lbs. 4 5′1″+1d3″ 130 lbs. 5 5′3″+1d3″ 140 lbs. 6 5′5″+1d3″ 150 lbs. 7–8 5′7″+1d3″ 160 lbs. 9–12 5′9″+1d3″ 170 lbs. 13–14 5′11″+1d3″ 180 lbs. ′ ″ ″ 15 6 1 +1d3 195 lbs. 16 6′3″+1d3″ 210 lbs. 17 6′5″+1d4″ 230 lbs. 18 6′8″+1d4″ 250 lbs.
5 Woman Average Height Weight 4′7″+1d3″ 85 lbs. 4′9″+1d3″ 95 lbs. 4′11″+1d3″ 105 lbs. 5′1″+1d3″ 115 lbs. 5′3″+1d3″ 125 lbs. 5′5″+1d3″ 135 lbs. 5′7″+1d3″ 145 lbs. ′ ″ ″ 5 9 +1d3 155 lbs. 5′11″+1d3″ 165 lbs. 6′1″+1d3″ 180 lbs. 6′3″+1d3″ 195 lbs.
Height Adjustments by Race: Amazon men: Use standard procedure. Amazon women: Reroll any 1s on the 3d6 height roll. Anglo-Saxons: Roll 4d6 for height and drop lowest die result. Atlanteans: Use standard procedure. Carolingian Franks: Use standard procedure. Esquimaux: Roll 4d6 for height and drop highest die result. Esquimaux-Ixians: Roll 4d6 for height and drop lowest die result. Greeks: Use the standard procedure. Hyperboreans: Use height results of 17 or 18 (roll 1d6: 1–2 = 17; 3–6 = 18). Weight is always less than average. Ixians: Roll 4d6 for height and drop lowest die result. Kelts: Use standard procedure. Kimmerians: Roll 4d6 for height and drop lowest die result. Kimmeri-Kelts: Use standard procedure. Lapps: Reroll any 6s on 3d6 height roll. Lemurians: Roll 4d6 for height and drop highest die result. Moors: Use standard procedure. Mu: Reroll any 6s on 3d6 height roll. Oon: Use average height (9–12 result) and average weight. Picts: Reroll any 6s on 3d6 height roll. Pict (Half-Blood): Reroll any 6s on 3d6 height roll. Romans: Use standard procedure. Tlingits: Roll 4d6 for height and drop highest die result. Vikings: Roll 4d6 for height and drop lowest die result. Yakuts: Roll 4d6 for height and drop lowest die result. For Weight Variability, roll a d10: 1–3: Less than average weight (−5% to −20%; roll 1d4×5) 4–7: Average weight 8–10: Above average weight (+10% to +40%; roll 1d4×10)
HYPERBOREA EYE COLOUR, HAIR COLOUR, AND COMPLEXION Physical traits such as eye colour, hair colour, and complexion can be selected or rolled for using the following table group. Specific dice mechanics apply to each race, as listed following this table grouping. Table 70-A: Eye Colour Result
Eye Colour
Green, Emerald
Table 70-B: Hair Colour Hair Colour
Auburn, Medium
Hazel, Dark
Auburn, Light
Hazel, Light
Red-Orange, Light
Dark brown
Yellow, Dark
Red-Orange, Medium
Medium brown
Yellow, Light
Red-Orange, Dark
Grey, Light
Light brown
Amber, Dark
Blond, Medium
Amber, Light
Blond, Light
Light brown
Brown, Dark
Brown, Light
Brown, Dark
Hazel, Dark
Brown, Medium
Hazel, Light
Brown, Light
Blue, Dark
Auburn, Dark
Blue, Light
Auburn, Medium
91–100 Fair
Green, Dark
Auburn, Light
Green, Light
Red, Dark
Blue, Dark
Red, Medium
Blue, Light
Red, Light
Grey, Dark
Blond, Dark
105–110 Grey, Light
Blond, Medium
111–112 Violet, Dark
Blond, Light
113–114 Violet, Light
Table 70-C: Complexion
Golden, Pale
Golden, Rich
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Eye Colour, Hair Colour, and Complexion by Race: Common: d100+10 eye colour, d100+20 hair colour, d30+70 complexion Amazon: d20+58 eye colour, d50+40 hair colour, d30+70 complexion Anglo-Saxon: d50+58 eye colour, d50+50 hair colour, d20+80 complexion Atlantean: d6+4 eye colour, d20+20 hair colour, d10 complexion Carolingian Frank: d50+58 eye colour, d50+50 hair colour, d20+80 complexion Esquimaux: d50+10 eye colour, d30+40 hair colour, jaundiced complexion Esquimaux-Ixian: d50+10 eye colour, black hair, dusky complexion Greek: d50+12 eye colour, d20+40 hair colour, d30+70 complexion Hyperborean: d4+110 eye colour (F/M), d12+120 hair colour (F), d10+122 hair colour (M), milky-white complexion (F/M) Ixian: d4 eye colour (F), black eyes (M), black hair (F/M), dusky complexion (F/M) Kelt: d30+58 eye colour, d30+66 hair colour, d20+80 complexion Kimmerian: dark grey eyes, black hair, d30+65 complexion Kimmeri-Kelt: d50+58 eye colour, d50+40 hair colour, d30+70 complexion Lapp: d50+58 eye colour, d50+65 hair colour, d30+65 complexion Lemurian: d50+10 eye colour, d20+40 hair colour, d20+40 complexion Moor: d50+34 eye colour, black hair, d20+10 complexion Mu: d30+12 eye colour, black hair, ebony complexion Oon: dark grey eyes, black hair, albino complexion Pict: d6+79 eye colour, d20 hair colour, d12+88 complexion (F), d12+80 complexion (M) Pict (Half-Blood): d50+10 eye colour, d10+18 hair colour, d10+45 complexion Roman: d50+58 eye colour, d20+40 hair colour, d30+70 complexion Tlingit: d50+10 eye colour, black hair, d10+30 complexion Viking: d20+58 eye colour, d30+90 hair colour, d20+80 complexion Yakut: d30+12 eye colour, d30+40 hair colour, d50+50 complexion –To generate a d50 result, simply roll a d%, divide by two, and round up any fractions. –To generate a d30 result (assuming a d30 is not available), roll a d10 and a d6 together: if d6 result is 1–2, add 0 to d10 roll; if d6 result is 3–4, add 10 to d10 roll; if d6 result is 5–6, add 20 to d10 roll.
OTHER PHYSICAL TRAITS Players may decide hair length, notable scars, birthmarks, and other characteristics and traits for their PCs.
ALIGNMENT Alignment is governed by the opposing forces of Law (civilization) and Chaos (barbarism). Law and Chaos are subdivided by the ethe of Good and Evil. The alignments Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, Chaotic Good, and Chaotic Evil define the world view of most intelligent beings, and Neutrality forms a nexus of behavioural indifference. Creatures of like alignment are typically acceptable to one another.
EVIL Alignment informs player character behaviour, ethics, principles, and viewpoint. A character class may have specific alignment restrictions, and violation of the alignment’s precepts can trigger severe consequences. The referee might impose an experience point penalty, and a repeat offender could lose a level of experience and/or be divested of character class; e.g., a paladin could become a fighter, though the special abilities unique to fighters may not be developed until after a year of training, if at all. 124
Volume I: Player’s Manual
LAWFUL GOOD (LG) To be just, honest, law-abiding, loyal, and trustworthy. Lawful Good creatures prefer to work with or for a group, order, or organization. They usually are responsive and obedient to a higher authority, help those in need, and refuse to perpetrate illegal activities in a just society. LAWFUL EVIL (LE) To believe the strong must ruthlessly dominate and control the weak. Lawful Evil creatures are usually true to their word, albeit to unjust or diabolical effect. They obey a higher authority (oft a dictator) and might serve as instruments of tyranny and oppression. Without mercy they smite the helpless, including unarmed foes. CHAOTIC GOOD (CG) To value freedom and unrestraint, so long as such pursuits do not inhibit the lives of other goodly folk. Independence and self-reliance are of the highest value. Chaotic Good creatures are honest with those whom they deem deserving (i.e., other Good creatures), but they are not necessarily law-abiding if laws prohibit them from effecting what they believe to be right.
CHAOTIC EVIL (CE) To be dishonest, traitorous, and unscrupulous, even with others of like alignment, unless some advantage is to be gained by behaving otherwise. Chaotic Evil creatures abide no laws and fail to recognize authority save that which is brutally enforced. They lie, cheat, and steal freely. They place little value on life, including their own, and their pleasures are oft abominable. NEUTRAL (N) To be indifferent to Law, Chaos, Good, and Evil. Neutral creatures typically focus on survival; hence, this alignment is oft associated with the animal kingdom. Intelligent creatures of this alignment are honest and trustworthy when it benefits them (or their cause), and generally they obey laws when it is to their advantage (or that of their cause); conversely, they embrace independence or even foment rebellion when it behoves them. Some adherents of so-called “True” Neutrality believe that a balance betwixt Law and Chaos, Good and Evil must be militantly preserved. Others may be Neutral yet exhibit the tendencies of another ethos (Law, Chaos, Good, or Evil); such a character’s alignment may be listed as Neutral (Good), Neutral (Evil), Neutral (Lawful), or Neutral (Chaotic). 125
LANGUAGE Despite its relatively diminutive size, Hyperborea boasts an unusual variety of languages that in and of themselves contain a surprising degree of dialects. This is owed to the fact that Hyperborea is peopled largely by races and ethnicities that crossed the veil known as the boreas, or North Wind, at different times of different eras. As such, language variations are notable. Every character begins play with knowledge of the Common tongue and possibly a native language if they are of a specific racial derivation. Almost every language includes a dialect. The dialects of a language group will have many commonalities and are generally intelligible to one another, but the written forms may exhibit significant differences. High intelligence grants the character bonus languages (see Chapter 4: Statistics, intelligence). If your character has one or more bonus languages, you may roll a d% on the table below to determine them (re-rolling repeats, if necessary). Or, with referee permission, you may simply select from the list.
COMMON Common tongue spoken in nearly all corners of the realm. Structurally, this language most resembles a proto-Helenic subsumed with Esquimaux, Keltic, Latin, and Old Norse elements. Written form utilizes the Old Greek alphabet of the Hellenic language. BERBER Rare language spoken by the Moors of the Zakath Desert and Yithorium. Written form is comprised of 13 consonants in the form of glyphs; the reader must infer the vowel sounds based on context. ESQUIMAUX (Coastal dialect) Esquimaux dialect spoken by the Esquimaux of the Esquimaux Bay region. Written form of Esquimaux (both dialects) is comprised of a runic alphabet. ESQUIMAUX (Tundra dialect) Esquimaux dialect spoken by the Esquimaux of the Plain of Leng. Written form of Esquimaux (both dialects) is comprised of a runic alphabet. ESQUIMAUX-IXIAN (pidgin) Esquimaux pidgin that contains some Thracian (Ixian dialect) and Common terms. No written form.
Table 71: Languages d% Result Language (Dialect) N/A
Typical Speakers
Esquimaux (Coastal dialect)
Esquimaux (coastal)
Esquimaux (Tundra dialect)
Esquimaux (inland)
Esquimaux-Ixian (pidgin)
Hellenic (Amazon dialect)
Hellenic (Atlantean dialect)
Hellenic (Greek dialect)
Hellenic (Hyperborean dialect)
Hellenic (Kimmerian dialect)
Kimmerians (plainsmen), Kimmeri-Kelts*
Keltic (Goidelic dialect)
Kelts, Kimmeri-Kelts*
Keltic (Pictish dialect)
Picts, most Half-Blood Picts
Romans, Carolingian Franks
Old Norse (Anglo-Saxon dialect)
Old Norse (Viking dialect)
Thracian (Ixian dialect)
Thracian (Kimmerian dialect)
Kimmerians (subterranean)
Uralic (Lapp dialect)
Uralic (Yakut dialect)
* Typical Kimmeri-Kelts speak either the Hellenic (Kimmerian) or Keltic (Goidelic) tongue, depending on tribe location and ancestry.
Volume I: Player’s Manual HELLENIC (Amazon dialect) Hellenic dialect spoken by the Amazons of New Amazonia and the Floating Island of Paradoxon. Written form of Hellenic (all dialects) utilizes the Old Greek alphabet of the Hellenic language. HELLENIC (Atlantean dialect) Dying Hellenic dialect spoken by the Atlanteans of Atlantica and other scattered Atlanteans. Written form of Hellenic (all dialects) utilizes the Old Greek alphabet of the Hellenic language. HELLENIC (Greek dialect) Nearly extinct form of Hellenic spoken by surviving Greeks; much of this language is now part of the common tongue. Written form of Hellenic (all dialects) utilizes the Old Greek alphabet of the Hellenic language. HELLENIC (Hyperborean dialect) Dying Hellenic dialect spoken by the scattered remnants of the Hyperborean race. Written form of Hellenic (all dialects) utilizes the Old Greek alphabet of the Hellenic language. HELLENIC (Kimmerian dialect) Hellenic dialect spoken by the Kimmerians of the Kimmerian Steppes and some Kimmeri-Kelts of the Fields of Vol. Written form of Hellenic (all dialects) utilizes the Old Greek alphabet of the Hellenic language. KELTIC (Goidelic dialect) Keltic dialect spoken by the Kelts of the Gal Hills and some Kimmeri-Kelts of the Fields of Vol. Written form of Keltic (both dialects) is comprised of a runic alphabet. KELTIC (Pictish dialect) Keltic dialect spoken by the Picts of New Pictland and the Half-Blood Picts of the Savage Boreal Coast; the latter containing several Tlingit terms. Written form of Keltic (both dialects) is comprised of a runic alphabet. LATIN Nearly extinct language spoken by Carolingian Franks, Romans, and select sages in Khromarium and elsewhere. Latin has its own unique alphabet that shares some features with the Hellenic alphabet. LEMURIAN Language spoken by the Lemurians of the Lemurian Remnant. Written form comprised of graceful characters and pictograms. MUAT 814-word language exclusively spoken by the people of Mu. Written form is comprised of strangely arranged lines and dots. OLD NORSE (Anglo-Saxon dialect) Germanic dialect spoken by the nearly extinct Anglo-Saxons roaming the Gibbering Fields and Khro-
marium. Written form of Old Norse (both dialects) is comprised of a runic alphabet. OLD NORSE (Viking dialect) Germanic dialect spoken by the Vikings of Vikland and New Vinland. Written form of Old Norse (both dialects) is comprised of a runic alphabet. OONAT Unique, limited language that has no marking of the interrogative status (of yes/no questions, etc.) by question particle, intonation, tone, or other method. Written form is comprised of a complex series of wedge-shaped characters and uncanny geometric shapes. THRACIAN (Ixian dialect) Thracian dialect spoken by the Ixians of Scythium. Written form of Thracian employs a pictographic (hieroglyphic) writing system, though several glyphs are unique to the Ixian dialect. THRACIAN (Kimmerian dialect) Thracian dialect spoken by the Kimmerians of the underground city of Krimmea. Written form of Thracian employs a pictographic (hieroglyphic) writing system, though several glyphs are unique to the the subterranean Kimmerians of Krimmea. TLINGIT Rare language spoken by the Tlingit of the Barrier Mountains. No written form. URALIC (Lapp dialect) Uralic dialect spoken by the Lapps of the Plain of Leng; nearly extinct. No written form. URALIC (Yakut dialet) Uralic dialect spoken by the Yakuts of the Plain of Leng; nearly extinct. No written form. RARE AND SECRET LANGUAGES Rare and secret languages are spoken and/or written in various corners of the realm. Amongst these are the secret tongue of druids, the secret cant of thieves, and the thaumaturgical scrivenery of magicians and several subclasses. Each of these is discussed in their respective class entries. One notable exception is Hyperborean Esoteric, the clandestine language of Hyperborean sages and sorcerers, who refuse to teach it to other people. It shares commonalities with no other language and may contain certain vocalizations that non-Hyperboreans are unable to duplicate. The written form of Hyperborean Esoteric is said to employ pictographs. With referee approval, a Hyperborean sorcerer may take Hyperborean Esoteric as a bonus language (if their intelligence is high enough).
RELIGION The people of Hyperborea are wont to glorify otherworldly beings, alien entities, animistic and ancestral spirits, and other mysterious forces of deific power. The Xathoqquan orthodoxy, originally introduced by the indigenous Hyperboreans, is doubtless the most prevalent faith, its practice transcending boundaries of species and race. Regardless, mankind typically serves powers that accord with the ethos of Law, Chaos, or Neutrality, oft beseeching or praying to deities that, in their perception, share their personal philosophy. However, many worship out of racial/cultural obligation or to appease that which they fear, so the alignment of the follower may not match the reckoned alignment of the deity. Many people supplicate one principal being of worship. Some venerate deity pairings, such as Apollo and Artemis, Xathoqqua and Kthulhu, or Ymir and Ullr. Others cry out to whatever powers they think will benefit them; others still have no tongue for any of it. Such is religion in Hyperborea. Selecting one or more of the 24 deities presented below is not required during character creation—even for clerics (and related subclasses). A character might develop a religious connexion through gameplay, or perhaps never. Except for the Oon, each race is noted as the “typical followers” of at least one deity, but a player character need not be typical. The Oon have no conception of the gods until they escape their alien masters. APOLLO Deity of Law associated with light, the sun, healing, archery, swordsmanship, music, and poetry. He is the twin brother of Artemis and oft manifests as a golden-haired young warrior. Typical Clergy: Clerics, paladins, priests Typical Followers: Any (esp. Carolingian Franks) ARTEMIS Deity of Law associated with hunting, forests, hills, chastity, fertility, and independence. The twin sister of Apollo, she is said to manifest as a regal warrior-woman. Typical Clergy: Clerics, paladins, priests Typical Followers: Any (esp. Amazons) AURORUS, “The Shining One” Deity of Chaos associated with auroræ, stars, meteor showers, comets, sorcery, and witchcræft. Aurorus is reputed to be a formless goddess who manifests as a swirling, sparkling mist. Typical Clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Hyperboreans) AZATHOTH Deity of Chaos associated with confusion, entropy, infinity, insatiable hunger, madness, vibrations, ceaselessly beating drums, and haunting flutes. It is reputed to manifest as a blasphemous, amorphous blight of bubbling Chaos. Typical Clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. bards)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
BOETZU, “The Celestial Serpent” Deity of Law associated with the sun, light, law, agriculture, society, protection, duty, enlightenment, and the circle of life. Boetzu is said to manifest in the guise of a gargantuan, serpentine dragon, or as a grizzled old sage. Typical Clergy: Clerics, monks, paladins, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Lemurians) BOREAS, “The North Wind” Deity of Chaos associated with arctic blasts, the North Wind, blizzards, and captivity. He manifests as a bearded, massively built warrior swathed in swirling winds and wielding a spear. Typical Clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Greeks) HELIOS, “The Sun” Deity of Neutrality who is quite literally the dying sun. Helios is associated with light, warmth, fire, rebirth, blood, and power. He oft is depicted as a scarlet-skinned giant with a beard of fire. Typical Clergy: Clerics, druids, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Greeks) KRAKEN (KHALK-XU), “The Dimensional Dweller” Deity of Chaos associated with extra-planar travel, outré dimensions, cosmic hunger, energy absorption, human sacrifice, time travel, illusion, duality, and reincarnation. He is said to manifest as a colossal octopus. Typical Clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Esquimaux, Vikings, Yakuts) KRIMMR Deity of Chaos associated with horses, volcanoes, smoke, ash, courage, bloodlust, iron, and steel. Krimmr is said to be a gigantic, bearded warrior with massive thews of stone and eyes that bleed lava. Kimmerians oft use his name as an expletive. Typical Clergy: Clerics, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Kimmerians, Kimmeri-Kelts, cataphracts) KTHULHU Deity of Chaos associated with sorcery, necromancy, deviltry, witchcræft, nightmares, madness, exhilaration, destruction, and havoc. He presents as a winged octopodous being, immense in size. Typical Clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Esquimaux, Esquimaux-Ixians) 129
HYPERBOREA LUNAQQUA Deity of Neutrality associated with moons, moths, cycles, time, tides, seafaring, lunacy, lycanthropy, and sorcery. Lunaqqua is said to manifest as a naked, voluptuous woman with glowing blue skin, yellow hair, and lambent white eyes; or, if enraged, as a colossal moth of frightening visage. Typical Clergy: Clerics, druids, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any MORDEZZAN Deity of Neutrality associated with death, graves, charnel houses, dogs, ghouls, hyænas, jackals, and carrion. He presents as a giant, emaciated, ghoul-like being with obsidian-coloured skin, eyes like burning coals, and elongated arms with skeletal talons. Typical Clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Ixians, Moors, death soldiers, necromancers) RAVEN Deity of Neutrality associated with trickery, creation, gluttony, healing, hunger, licentiousness, light, selfishness, sorcery, and transformation. He transforms frequently, but usually manifests as a giant raven. N.B.: Mu refer to Raven as Anansi. Typical Clergy: Clerics, priests, purloiners, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Lemurians, Mu, Picts [Half-Bloods], Tlingit) REL, “God of Thieves” Demigod of Neutrality associated with thievery, banditry, swindling, gambling, deception, backstabbing, ale, beer, luck, and gems and gold gained by means stealthy and nefarious. Rel is said to assume many faces, but usually presents as a swarthy, handsome man who wears a broad-brimmed hat and winged sandals. Hellenic folk aver Rel to be Hermes, whilst some Kelts claim he is Teutates. Typical Clergy: Clerics, priests, purloiners, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. thieves) THAUMAGORGA Deity of Evil associated with Hades, dæmonism, torture, slavery, violence, war, bellicosity, and bloodletting. He manifests as a massive, heavily armoured dæmon-warrior who wears a great horned helm and wields a flaming two-handed scimitar. Folk of Hellenic descent believe Thaumagorga is in fact Ares, the “God of War,” whilst some Keltic folk (especially druids) believe him to be Cernunnos, the “Horned One.” Typical Clergy: Clerics, druids, fell paladins, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Romans, death soldiers) 130
Volume I: Player’s Manual
TLAKK-NAKKA Deity of Neutrality associated with spiders, death, poison, predation, murder, witchcræft, dreams, and fate. She is said to manifest as an enormous spider with the head of a crowned, raven-haired woman shewing jewel-black eyes. Typical Clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical Followers: Any (esp. Ixians, Picts) ULLR Deity of Chaos associated with Viking longships, skis, shields, swordsmanship, bows of yew, rune sorcery, wolves, bears, sabre-tooths, piracy, and raiding. He usually presents as a Viking berserker. Typical clergy: Clerics, runegravers, shamans Typical followers: Any (esp. Anglo-Saxons, Vikings) XATHOQQUA Deity of Chaos associated with life, death, reincarnation, pestilence, disease, luck, misfortune, cruelty, savagery, mischievousness, and sardonicism. He is portrayed as a colossal, sloth-bodied toad covered in brown-black fur, with massive, membranous wings. Xathoqqua is the most widely worshipped deity of Hyperborea. Typical clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, purloiners, shamans Typical followers: Any (esp. common humans, Hyperboreans) YIG (APEP), “The Great Serpent” Deity of Law associated with snakes, reptiles, sorcery, necromancy, resurrection, and reincarnation. He is said to manifest as an enormous python. Typical clergy: Clerics, monks, priests Typical followers: Any (esp. Ixians, Lemurians, Moors, Mu) YIKKORTH “The Ashen Worm” Deity of Neutrality associated with glaciers, icebergs, and cataclysms. It is said to present as a gigantic, pale white worm. Typical clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical followers: Any (esp. cryomancers) YMIR Deity of Chaos associated with mountains, snow, ice, mists, blizzards, and unbridled rage. He is said to manifest as a blue-bearded frost giant with a tremendous axe of ice-blue steel. Typical clergy: Clerics, runegravers, shamans Typical followers: Any (esp. Ango-Saxons, Vikings)
HYPERBOREA YOON’DEH Deity of Neutrality associated with aurochs, elk, mammoths, migration, nature, wine, wild passion, and sacrifice (animal and human). She is said to manifest as an elk, a mammoth, or an antlered nymph. Some sages identify Yoon’Deh with Cybele, the ancient Phrygian mother goddess, or sometimes Demeter, the Greek goddess of grains. Typical clergy: Clerics, druids, monks, priests, shamans Typical followers: Any (esp. Kelts, Kimmeri-Kelts, Picts) YTHAQQA “The Wendigo” Deity of Neutrality associated with arctic winds, tundra, doom, ill fate, hopelessness, lost travellers, and misbegotten fools. It manifests as a gigantic, hairy, vaguely humanoid creature with glowing red eyes. Typical clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical followers: Any (esp. Esquimaux, Lapps, Tlingit, Yakuts) YUG (YOG) Deity of Chaos associated with darkness, void, cannibalism, shapeless spawn (oozes, slimes, jellies), and like mutable forms (moulds, spores, and other fungi). He manifests as a black, protean mass, a nebulous cloud of yellow-brown spores that can swallow worlds. Typical clergy: Clerics, monks, priests, shamans Typical followers: any (esp. Esquimaux-Ixians, Mu)
SECONDARY SKILLS Professional or trade skills typically are developed from childhood to adolescence. They may have little overlap with the character’s class, oft attributed to environment, upbringing, socio-economic status, and culture; e.g., the son of a potter likely is learned in the same craft, unless his father sent him to apprentice with his uncle, the saddler. So, a cleric may once have been a brewer of fine ales, a thief may have been a baker, a fighter may have served as a butcher’s apprentice, and a magician may have experience as a cobbler. On the table below roll a d6 (for the column), followed by a d20 (for the row), to determine a secondary skill randomly; or, with referee approval, simply select one. With referee approval, some characters may have a background in two secondary skills. This list hardly is representative of all professions possible, but it is suitable for game purposes. Specifics regarding a trade or profession may be developed: A miner might be a coal miner, copper miner, lead miner, or salt miner; an animal trainer might be a dog trainer, horse trainer, or mammoth trainer. Furthermore, if a result such as “limner/painter/sculptor” is generated, one might simply opt to have some background in sculpting, not necessarily in all three art forms.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Table 72: Secondary Skills d20 d6 Roll = 1–2 Result 1 animal trainer 2 armourer 3 atilliator 4 baker/cook 5 barber/dentist 6 bar-/innkeeper 7 black-/coin-/metalsmith 8 boat-/shipwright 9 bookbinder 10 bowyer/fletcher 11 brewer/vintner 12 butcher/salter 13 carpenter 14 cart-/wainwright 15 chandler 16 charcoaler/peatman 17 clothier/dyer 18 cobbler/shoemaker 19 cooper 20 engineer
d6 Roll = 3–4
d6 Roll = 5–6
farmer fisherman/whaler fuller furrier/skinner gaffer/glazier gaoler/turnkey gardener gem cutter/jeweller grocer guard/watchman herdsman/pack handler hunter/trapper labourer/yardman leatherworker/saddler/tanner limner/painter/sculptor linkboy/messenger locksmith logger/woodcutter mason/slater merchant/monger
miller miner minstrel/musician mortician navigator potter riverman/waterman roofer/thatcher roper sailor/seaman scribe/scrivener soldier/mercenary stabler stevedore sword-/weaponsmith tailor/weaver teamster tinker wheelwright wire drawer
chapte hapter r6
Ingots, bars, or “bricks” also may be used, which might have a value of 100 or more coins. Ingots are oblong in shape and usually worth their weight in coins; e.g., a three-pound silver ingot is worth 300 sp. STANDARD EXCHANGE RATE A suggested monetary exchange rate is supplied on the table below. Table 73: Monetary Exchange
EQUIPMENT This chapter describes money and lists armour, weapons, and gear available for purchase. Note that some classes have specific armours and shields allowed, and/or a favoured weapons list. Using your allowed character’s initial 30–180 gold pieces (3d6×10), you may equip your character, or you may opt to use the starting pack included with each character class. It generally is assumed that every character owns normal clothing, normal and/or winter boots or shoes, belt, and cloth (wool) cloak or heavy cloth (wool) coat.
MONEY Five major coin types are minted in Hyperborea: platinum piece (pp) gold piece (gp) electrum piece (ep) silver piece (sp) copper piece (cp) Minted coins typically are cast with the image of a deity, sovereign, or legendary figure; others might be stamped with a crest, rune, or other symbol. In the City-State of Khromarium, for example, the image of the toad god Xathoqqua graces many a gold coin. Other coins might be found throughout the realm, including bronze pieces (bp), which are equal in value to copper pieces COIN WEIGHT Most minted coins are between two- and threepennyweight size, so a single coin weighs about 1/100th of a pound. When considering coin stowage, 100 coins equal about one pound of weight. Note that heavy coins may have multiplied values. For example, a treble-weight gold piece would have a 3-gp value, and so on.
pp gp ep sp cp
1:1 5:1 10:1 50:1 250:1
1:5 1:1 2:1 10:1 50:1
1:10 1:2 1:1 5:1 25:1
1:50 1:10 1:5 1:1 5:1
1:250 1:50 1:25 1:5 1:1
Monetary Exchange Rates Explained: Using a gold piece (gp) as the standard for measuring the exchange rate, 50 copper pieces equal 1 gold piece, 10 silver pieces equal 1 gold piece, 2 electrum pieces equal 1 gold piece, and 5 gold pieces equal 1 platinum piece.
ARMOUR AND SHIELDS Armour is the defensive covering worn in battle by warriors. It is made from a variety of materials, including cloth, fur, leather, mail, and metal plates. A shield is a piece of armour that is used to deflect or intercept attacks ARMOUR Armour provides the base armour class of the character, which can be adjusted further by dexterity, shield, sorcery, and other modifiers. Armour also informs character movement rate. The armour types on Table 74 are presumed to include suitable limb protection and headgear (e.g., leather armour includes a reinforced leather cap; chain mail, a coif; plate mail a sallet; field or full plate, a great helm). Heavy armours include a gauntlet or demi-gauntlet of like material. Donning armour takes time: Light armour: 1–3 minutes (6–18 rounds) Medium armour: 1–6 minutes (6–36 rounds) Heavy armour: 10 minutes (1 turn) The above rates may be halved with assistance.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Weight Class
9 None — 8 Padded 10 gp 7 Leather 15 gp 6 Studded 25 gp 6 Scale Mail 50 gp 5 Chain Mail 75 gp 5 Laminated 75 gp 4 Banded Mail 150 gp 4 Splint Mail 150 gp 3 Plate Mail 350 gp 2 Field Plate 1,000 gp 1 Full Plate 2,000 gp
Armour Type
Table 74: Armour
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
— 10 15 20 25 30 30 35 35 40 50 60
— Light Light Light Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy
40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20
Armour Table Defined: AC: The base armour class imparted by the armour type. Armour condition can modify its class; for instance, partially corroded chain mail might be treated as AC 6. Type: The basic armour name, described hereafter. Cost: The usual cost in gold pieces. DR: Damage reduction.The number subtracted from damage rolls. This adjustment may reduce sustained damage to 0. Damage reduction applies to melee and missile attacks, but not traps, falling damage, poison, flaming oil, or most spells. Weight: The armour’s typical weight in pounds. Weight Class: The armour’s mass and bulkiness. MV: Movement. The number of feet per round (10 seconds) a character can move when wearing the respective armour type. This rate is doubled when running. Armour Descriptions: (AC 8) Padded (Quilted) Armour: Layers of cloth sewn together, with cotton or wool sandwiched between. Also known as a gambeson.
(AC 6) Studded Armour: Leather or heavy cloth armour studded with small metal plates. This construction is called ring mail when metal rings are sewn onto such a backing, or brigandine when scales are riveted betwixt two layers of soft leather, the rivets protruding from the exterior. Barbaric cultures might stud leather or hide armour with bone or horn. (AC 6) Scale Mail: Suit of small, overlapping metal scales (like those of a fish) sewn or riveted onto a padded or soft leather backing. Outland tribes might use mammoth hide or horn to derive similar armour. (AC 5) Chain Mail: Mesh suit or knee-length coat of small, interlocking metal rings. A layer of fabric or soft leather is worn underneath. (AC 5) Laminated Armour: Cuirass of segmented and hinged strips of steel riveted onto leather straps, laced together, and worn over a cloth undercoat. Leg protection may include a leather skirt studded with small metal plates, or mail of similar design. (AC 4) Banded Mail: Articulated metal bands worn over or laced through a suit of light chain mail. Felt or soft leather padding is worn underneath. (AC 4) Splint (Lamellar) Mail: Articulated metal splints of variable size laced together and worn over a soft leather or felt undercoat. (AC 3) Plate Mail: Chain mail reinforced with large metal plates that protect the trunk, arms, and legs. (AC 2) Field Plate: A knight’s harness; a suit of interlocking, laminated plates worn over a gambeson. Includes a great helm. (Limited availability.) (AC 1) Full Plate: A knight’s “full harness”; interlocking, articulated, riveted plate armour, sometimes ribbed to deflect blows. It includes a minimum of mail used to protect exposed areas (armpits, crooks of elbows and knees, groin) and is worn over a gambeson. Includes a great helm. (Limited availability availability.) .)
(AC 7) Leather Armour: Leather boiled in oil or water, shaped, and moulded; alternatively, leather scales sewn onto a cloth or soft leather backing. Outland tribes (barbarians) might fashion similar armour from the hides and furs of wild and exotic beasts beasts.
HYPERBOREA SHIELDS Shields improve AC versus blows and missiles. Most shields are of hardwood covered with leather or animal hide, bossed and edged with iron or steel; less commonly, some are crafted entirely of metal. Shields reduce (improve) AC; however, this bonus does not apply to attacks from the rear, per referee discretion. Table 75: Shields Type
Defence Modifier
5 gp
10 gp
Shields Table Defined: Type: The basic shield name, described hereafter. Cost: The usual cost in gold pieces. Weight: The shield’s typical weight in pounds. Defence Modifier: Shields provide AC bonuses, reducing (improving) AC. Shield Descriptions: Small Shield: A small kite, oval, rectangular, or round shield typically one to two feet in diameter; includes forearm straps. A small shield may be worn on the forearm whilst the character employs a bow. Large Shield: A large kite, oval, rectangular, or round shield typically two to three feet in diameter; includes a chest strap so that it may be slung over one’s back or shoulders.
WEAPONS Hand-to-hand combat is engaged with melee weapons, such as axes, daggers, hammers, maces, and swords. Hurled missile weapons are either melee weapons that are balanced well enough to be hurled, such as hand axes, horseman’s hammers, or short spears; or weapons that are built exclusively for hurling, such as boomerangs, darts, and hooked throwing knives. Missile launching weapons, such as bows, crossbows, and slings, fire projectiles at much greater range than most hurled weapons, but they require the use of ammunition. MELEE WEAPONS Hand-to-hand combat weapons. Those with a listed range value also can be hurled. Note that all melee weapons have a base atack rate of 1/1 (one attack per round). Melee Weapons Table Defined: Type: The basic weapon name, described hereafter. Weapon Class (WC): Accounts for the relative length and function of melee weapons. The largest weapon classes (5 and 6) oft prove unwieldy in tight quarters. Combatants must be within weapon reach to be able to attack: WC 0–3: within 5 feet WC 4–5: within 10 feet WC 6: within 15–20 feet Cost: The usual cost in gold pieces. Weight: The weapon’s typical weight in pounds. Range: Standard ranges for missile weapons (launched and hurled) are short (S), medium (M), and long (L). Each value represents the weapon’s effective range in feet indoors (e.g., dungeon, castle, cave) and yards outdoors (e.g., wilderness, sea). A minimum distance of six feet is required to fire any missile. Short-range shots: no penalties Medium-range shots: −2 “to hit” Long-range shots: −5 “to hit” Hurled Rate of Fire (ROF): Some melee can be effectively hurled. This value represents the ROF for such weapons. Note that weapon mastery (fighters and fighter subclasses only) may improve the ROF for hurled weapons. Damage: The hit points of damage a weapon inflicts. Some weapons have a second damage range noted in parentheses. If such a weapon is used with a shield or an off-hand weapon, the first damage range applies; used by itself (gripped with two hands), the parenthetical range applies. Hurled weapons always utilize the smaller damage range.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Table 76: Melee Weapons
Axe, Hand
5 gp
Range (S/M/L) 15/30/45
Axe, Battle
10 gp
1d8 (1d10)
Axe, Great (+ #)
20 gp
1 gp
Chain Whip (↵)
10 gp
Club, Light
1 gp
Club, War
3 gp
1d6 (1d8)
4 gp
Dagger, Silver
25 gp
10 gp
Flail, Horseman’s (↵)
5 gp
Flail, Footman’s (↵ +)
10 gp
Halberd (+ ^ #)
15 gp
Hammer, Horseman’s
5 gp
Hammer, War
10 gp
1d8 (1d10)
Hammer, Great (+ #)
20 gp
Hurled ROF 1/1
Damage 1d6
3 gp
1d4 (1d6)
Lance (^ ∇ o)
15 gp
Mace, Horseman’s
4 gp
Mace, Footman’s
10 gp
1d8 (1d10)
Mace, Great (+ #)
20 gp
Morning Star (Ω)
15 gp
1d8 (1d10)
Pick, Horseman’s (Ω)
5 gp
Pick, War (Ω)
15 gp
1d8 (1d10)
Pike (+ ^)
7 gp
Quarterstaff (↔)
5 gp
Scimitar, Short
10 gp
Scimitar, Long
20 gp
1d8 (1d10)
Scimitar, Two-handed (+)
40 gp
3 gp
Spear, Short (^)
4 gp
1d6 (1d8)
Spear, Long (^)
5 gp
1d6 (1d8)
Spear, Great (+ ^ ∇)
7 gp
Spiked Staff (+ ^ #)
15 gp
Sword, Short
10 gp
Sword, Broad
20 gp
1d8 (1d10)
Sword, Long
20 gp
1d8 (1d10)
Sword, Bastard
30 gp
1d8 (2d6)
Sword, Two-handed (+)
40 gp
Tonfa (↔)
2 gp
Trident, Hand (↔)
7 gp
Trident, Long (^)
10 gp
1d6 (1d8)
1 gp
Melee Weapons Table Annotations: (↵) = Ignores AC bonus provided by opponent’s shield (if any). (Ω) = +1 “to hit” opponents wearing plate mail, field plate, or full plate. (+) = A “true” two-handed melee weapon; must be wielded with two hands. (↔) = +1 AC bonus versus melee attacks; quarterstaff must be wielded with two hands; tonfa and hand trident must be dual wielded (one in each hand). (^) = Double damage dice (apply modifiers after) when set to receive a charge. (#) = Weapon has a 4-in-6 chance to dismount a rider on a natural 19 or 20 attack roll. (∇) = Double damage dice (apply modifiers after) when used from a charging mount. (o) = Base damage improves to 1d10 when mounted on a heavy warhorse.
HYPERBOREA Melee Weapon Descriptions: Axe: A single-edged chopping blade affixed to a haft of reinforced wood. Axe blades can be double-bitted or have a rear fluke or hammer, and many feature a head and/or butt spike. Hand axe: 1½-foot hafts, feature heavy convex heads with four-inch cutting edges, and are suitable for throwing; the hand axe is a fine horseman’s weapon. Battle axe: Heavier blade and longer haft (from two to three feet in length). Great axe: Haft of three feet or longer; requires two-hands. Cæstuses: Leather thongs wrapped around the hands and weighted with iron or lead plates or spikes. Cæstuses provide an enhancement (+1 damage bonus) to pummelling, a form of unarmed combat, and to a monk’s empty hand attack. Chain Whip: A six- to eight-foot whip made from metal bars linked by short lengths of chain. One end has a handle, and the opposite end has a heavy dart attached. The dart is used to slash or pierce the target. Though this weapon cannot be used to entangle like a normal whip, it bypasses enemy shield bonuses to AC by wrapping around the obstruction.
Club: A short, stout length of wood with a blunt head and narrow handle that might be drilled and fitted with a thong of leather. Some clubs are reinforced with strips of metal. Light club: Suitable for hurling and typically has a smooth, rounded head. War club: Heavier club, can be wielded one- or two-handed and may radiate spikes or nails from its wide head.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Dagger: A straight or curved blade, single- or double-edged, about one foot in length protruding from a hilt of five to six inches; may also include a guard and pommel. Daggers are used primarily in close-quarter fighting and are suitable for throwing. This weapon class includes all manner of knives (single-edged, no guard). Longer, heavier knives (10- to 15-inch blades) oft are used for hunting or chopping brush; they are unsuitable for throwing. A silver dagger is a dagger of iron or steel impregnated with bands of silver; these can be more delicate than a standard dagger. Falcata: Forwards-curving, single-edged short sword with blade edge on the concave side. The blade protrudes from a hook-shaped hilt of metal or wood. Rare examples are double-edged. Flail: A short rod or mace head linked by a chain or hinge to a shaft. Flails can bypass opponents’ shields, negating AC bonuses derived therefrom. Horseman’s flail: Lighter, more likely to be connected by a chain. Footman’s flail: Heavier, oft features a hinge. Halberd: A two-handed pole-arm with a six- to eightfoot, metal-banded haft, featuring a socketed, heavy axe blade opposed by a pointed fluke or hook, and headed with a spear point or sabre-like blade. For gaming purposes, the halberd as a weapon category subsumes other pole-arms and pole-axes, including bills, fauchards, gisarmes, and glaives. If the campaign calls for an alternative pole-arm, use halberd statistics; however, some pole-arms are more pike- or spear-like, so referee discretion is advised.
HYPERBOREA Hammer: An iron or steel head (flat, rounded, or spiked) mounted on a haft that oft is reinforced with metal. Many hammers feature top or butt spikes for thrusting and rear flukes or axe heads. Horseman’s hammer: Short haft (about one foot long) and may be thrown or wielded in melee; it is well suited to mounted combat. War hammer: Longer haft and may be used one- or two-handed. Great hammer: Haft of three to four feet in length and must be wielded with two hands. Javelin: A light spear of four- to six-foot length with a socketed, metal head. This category also includes the pilum, a short spear with a long, socketed, iron head of barbed or pyramidal point. Lance: A specialized form of the spear, frequently 12 feet or longer, weighted to be couched and wielded in one hand from horseback. Afoot it must be wielded in two hands, or else cut down to a manageable length. Mace: A stout haft bound with metal and/or topped with a metal head. The head may be rounded or cylindrical, and smooth, flanged, or spiked (cf. morning star), but its primary purpose is to deliver crushing blows. Horseman’s mace: Lighter head, has a haft about two feet long. Footman’s mace: Heavier head, has a haft about three feet long and can be used one- or two-handed. Great mace: Heavy head, has a haft three to four feet long and must be wielded with two hands.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Morning Star: A heavy mace with a round or cylindrical metal head, radiating numerous spikes well suited to penetrating plate armour. Morning stars have hafts three feet in length and can be used one- or two-handed. Sometimes referred to as a holy water sprinkler, a morning star may be forged to include a socket within which clerics might insert a phial of holy water. Pick: A curved or straight spike attached to a reinforced haft, designed to penetrate plate armour. Horseman’s pick: Haft of about two feet in length and is well suited to mounted combat. War pick: Haft of about three feet and can be used one- or two-handed. In some instances, the spike is divided into several prongs and may jut out of a hammer head; in other cases, spikes may protrude from the side of the head. Pike: An exceptionally long and heavy spear oft reinforced with metal bands. The short version is 15–18 feet in length, the longer version up to 24 feet; the latter may be termed the great pike. In dense formations pikes present an almost impenetrable forest of deadly spearheads, but in isolation they are of limited use. Quarterstaff: A thick shaft of wood typically five to seven feet in length, usually shod in iron, and possibly spiked at the ends. The quarterstaff is wielded with two hands: one hand gripping near the centre, the other hand at the “quarter” length. It is a superior parrying weapon due to its balance, length, and reinforcement.
HYPERBOREA Scimitar: Backwards-curving, single-edged long sword with the bladed edge on the convex side. The hilt is also curved. Sometimes referred to as a sabre. Short scimitar: Blade of 18–24 inches and hilt of 5–6 inches. Long Scimitar: Blade of 32–42 inches and a hilt of 5–9 inches. Two-handed scimitar: Four-foot blade, a hilt of 12 inches, and the blade edge on the convex side; sometimes referred to as a great scimitar. Sickle: A curved, semi-circular blade (smooth or serrated) mounted to a short handle of wood. The inside of the blade’s curve is the sharper. Sometimes referred to as a scythe or a reaping hook. Spear: A shaft of wood topped with a blade or spike of variable length and shape, sometimes exhibiting wings and a butt spike. Short spear: 5–7 feet in length; can be wielded in one or two hands, and is effective both as a melee and a missile weapon. Long spear: 7–10 feet in length; can be wielded one- or two-handed but not hurled. Great spear: 10–12 feet in length; must be wielded two-handed, and can prove unwieldy outside of armed formations. Spiked Staff: A combination of heavy war club and spear: a wooden shaft five feet in length, thicker at one end (four-inch diameter) and tapered at the other (twoinch diameter). The thicker end is shod in metal and topped with a heavy metal spike of 6- to 12-inch length. This weapon is well suited to dismounting riders.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Sword: A straight or undulating (flamberge) blade protruding from a hilt of wood or metal. A sword can be single- or double-edged, rounded or pointed; sometimes the blade is grooved to lighten and reinforce it. Hilts are of various sizes and configurations, and they may include pommels, quillons, and hand guards that range from simple to elaborate. Short sword: Double- or single-edged sword with a blade of 18–24 inches and hilt of 5–6 inches. Broad sword: Double-edged sword with blade of 32-42 inches, featuring a wider, heavier blade and a hilt of 5–9 inches.
Long sword: Double- or single-edged sword with blade of 32–42 inches and a hilt of 5–9 inches. Bastard sword: The hand-and-a-half sword is like the broad sword, except the hilt is longer (about 12 inches), allowing for superior two-handed use. Two-handed sword: Double-edged blade of four to five feet with a hilt of 12–15 inches; sometimes referred to as a great sword. N.B.: The distinction between a broad sword and a long sword is so trivial that some referees might allow for weapon mastery to encompass both.
HYPERBOREA Tonfa: This hardwood club features a perpendicular handle attached a third of the way down its length and is about 15–20 inches long. Typically wielded in pairs, the tonfa is an effective bludgeoning and parrying weapon. Trident: A three-pronged spearhead. Typically, the central prong is a winged spike, whilst the outer prongs are curved and often barbed for superior bloodletting. Hand trident: Also known as a sai, this threepronged thrusting dagger is typically wielded in pairs. Although not suitable for hurling, it is a superior parrying weapon. Long Trident: Three-pronged spearhead mounted on a reinforced shaft five to six feet in length. It may be wielded in one or two hands and is suitable for hurling. Whip: A 12- to 15-foot braided lash of leather that is thicker at the handle and tapers to a single cord at the end. Whips inflict pain, typically to bare skin, and the report they issue can frighten animals. A whip can be used to enwrap an opponent. A Small or Medium target may be completely enwrapped, whilst a Large target is likely entangled by a leg or two. To entangle, the following steps apply: For Small or Medium targets, exceed required score “to hit” by 3 or more. For Large targets, exceed required score “to hit” by 5. For all targets, a whip master need only hit the target AC to entangle. An entangled foe is prone unless an avoidance saving throw is made. The entangled may attempt to loosen the whip with a test of strength or slip free with a test of dexterity (either attempt takes 1d2 rounds to complete); alternatively, a small blade may be used to cut free (takes 1d4 rounds).
Volume I: Player’s Manual MISSILE WEAPONS Missile launching weapons and hurled missiles. A minimum distance of five feet is required to fire any missile. Note that unlike melee weapons, missile weapons have variable rates of fire (ROF). ROF improves with weapon mastery (see Chapter 9: Combat, weapon skill). Missile Weapons Table Defined:
Table 77: Missile Weapons Hurled Missile Type
Bola (⤢)
3 gp
Range (S/M/L) 15/30/45
Boomerang (⤢)
1 gp
Dart (⤢) Hooked Throwing Knife (↵ ⤢) Lasso
1 gp
20 gp
3 gp
20 feet
Weight ROF
Damage 1d2
Net, Fighting 5 gp 7 1/2 10 feet — Type: The basic weapon name, Stone (⤢) — 1 2/1 30/60/90 1 described hereafter. Range Launched Missile Type Cost Weight ROF Damage Cost: The usual cost in gold (S/M/L) pieces. Blowgun 5 gp 1 1/1 30/60/90 1 Weight: The weapon’s typical 60 gp 3 3/2 70/140/210 1d6 Bow, Long- (⤤) weight in pounds. ROF: The amount of missiles 3 3/2 80/160/240 1d6 Bow, Long-, Composite (⤤) 100 gp that can be fired per round. For Bow, Short 20 gp 2 3/2 50/100/150 1d6 more information on ROF and Bow, Short, Composite 50 gp 2 3/2 60/120/180 1d6 the effects of weapon mastery, refer to Chapter 9: Combat, Crossbow, Heavy 25 gp 10 1/2 80/160/240 1d6+2 weapon skill. Crossbow, Light 15 gp 5 1/1 60/120/180 1d6+1 Range: Standard ranges for Crossbow, Repeating 100 gp 6 3/1 50/100/150 1d6 missile weapons are short (S), medium (M), and long (L). 2 gp 1 1/1 50/100/150 1d4 Sling (⤢) Each value represents the Missile Weapons Table Annotations: weapon’s effective range in feet indoors (e.g., dungeon, castle, cave) and yards outdoors (↵) = Ignores AC bonus provided by opponent’s shield (e.g., wilderness, sea). (if any). Short-range shots: no penalty (⤢) = Strength damage adjustment applies. Medium-range shots: −2 “to hit” (⤤) = Strength damage adjustment applies only if draw Long-range shots: −5 “to hit” weight is adjusted for the archer. Damage: The hit points of damage a weapon inflicts. Table 78: Ammunition Ammunition Type
Arrow, Silver-tipped
10 gp
Arrows (×12)
5 gp
Bolt, Heavy or Light, Silver-tipped
10 gp
Bolts, Heavy (×10)
5 gp
Bolts, Light (×20)
5 gp
Bullet, Sling, Silver
2 gp
Bullets, Sling, Lead (×20)
5 sp
Note that arrow quivers and bolt cases must be purchased separately (see Table 79), but a score of bullets includes a small cloth pouch.
HYPERBOREA Missile Weapon Descriptions: Blowgun: A simple reed or wooden pipe used to propel small darts by blowing forcefully through one end. Blowgun darts do little damage alone and generally are used to deliver poisons from range. Bola: A set of strong cords weighted with spherical or ovoid balls of metal or stone. The cords are gripped together, forming a handle with which the user whirls the weapon above the head and casts it to subdue the target. Typically, this weapon does not damage opponents in heavy armour, but it can still knock them down. If the bola strikes a Small or Medium target, the victim is rendered prone unless an avoidance saving throw is made. If a natural 20 is scored, then no avoidance save is allowed; also, the target’s neck is struck, causing 1d3 hp strangulation damage per round, unless a great helm (included with all plate armours) is worn. A master bola hurler can achieve the same result on a natural 19 or 20. Breaking free of the bola requires 1d2 rounds, if using a test of strength or dexterity; alternatively, a small blade may be used to cut free (takes 1d4 rounds). Boomerang: A curved, flat piece of wood that functions as a light throwing club. If hurled by a skilled user, the boomerang will return to the thrower. Completing the circuit requires lateral movement of one to eight feet for a skilled user, though no lateral movement is required for a boomerang master. Boomerangs cannot be made to return if indoors (e.g., dungeon, castle, cave); some are not designed for return at all. Bow: A curved stave of wood, the ends of which are joined by a taut string. A bow made from a single piece of wood is called a self bow, and a bow composed of more than one material is called a composite bow. An arrow (feathered shaft of wood) is fit to the string by a notch, drawn to greater tension, and launched. Short bows: three- to four-footlong bows. Longbows: four- to five-foot-long bows. Composite bows: recurved bows, with staves of wood, sinew, and horn. The draw weight of longbows and composite longbows can be adjusted to match the strength of the shooter, thus allowing strength damage adjustment to apply. N.B.: One must have 9 strength or greater to pull a longbow (composite or self).
Volume I: Player’s Manual Crossbow: A bow of wood or metal mounted crosswise on a stock with trigger. The ends of the bow are fit with a taut string. Bolts (short, heavy arrows, sometimes called quarrels) are loaded by pulling the string back until it locks onto a nut on the stock. Heavy crossbow: Fires heavy bolts, require mechanisms such as windlasses or crannequins (though they might use goat’s foot levers, too). Light crossbow: Fires light bolts, typically loaded with two hands using a claw and belt or a goat’s foot (the latter more popular with horsemen). Repeating crossbow: Specialized form of light crossbow that shoots light bolts thrice per round. This rarely available crossbow is equipped with a magazine that holds 12 missiles. Repeating crossbows are highly unreliable; any attack roll of a natural 1–3 results in the mechanism jamming, requiring 1d3 rounds to repair. If the optional critical miss rules are used, a 1 result becomes a “fumble,” and 2–3 results in a jam. N.B.: A repeating crossbow’s rate of fire cannot be improved by sorcery such as the haste spell. Dart: Small, hand-hurled missile with a barbed metal head and a feathered shaft for stabilization.
Lasso: A looped rope, usually 20–30 feet long, designed to be thrown over a target within 20 feet and tightened when pulled. It is typically used to herd animals or to pull a person off a horse. The lasso is made of stiff or weighted rope so that the noose stays open when cast. The following steps apply: An attack roll must be made. If successful, the target is allowed an avoidance saving throw to escape. If the save fails, Small or Medium sized victims are prone for as long as the lassoer exerts pressure. Large creatures made prone only if the lassoer is on horseback or if some other significant leverage is enjoyed. If a lassoer rolls a natural 20, then no avoidance save is allowed, and the target is strangled for 1d3 damage per round. Great helm wearers (included with all plate armours) and other creatures (skeletons, zombies, automata, etc.) are not subject to strangulation. A master lassoer can achieve the same result on a natural 19 or 20. Breaking free requires 1d2 rounds if using an extraordinary feat of strength or dexterity; alternatively, a small blade may be used to cut free (takes 1d4 rounds).
Hooked Throwing Knife: A three-, four-, or fivepronged, metal hurling weapon, 12–18 inches in diameter. Each prong projects a single-edged, hooked or curved blade of four- to six-inches (though one prong might be bladeless, serving as the weapon’s primary handle). This missile can strike and curl over a defender’s shield, effectively bypassing it. Five-pronged versions (in which each prong supports a curved blade) have distinctive star shapes; some practitioners refer to this type as a glaive (not to be confused with the pole-arm of the same name).
HYPERBOREA Net, Fighting: A circular, 10-foot-diameter mesh net weighted at the ends with balls of lead. A drawstring rope loops through the circumference. Often used in conjunction with a trident, the net fighter wraps both ends of the drawstring rope around his or her casting arm, then lashes the net, attempting to enwrap a target within 10 feet, which must be of Small or Medium size. The following steps apply: An attack roll must be made. If successful, the target must roll an avoidance save or become enmeshed and prone. If the net user holds the drawstring taut, breaking free requires 1d2 rounds if using an extraordinary feat of strength or dexterity; alternatively, a small blade may be used to cut free (takes 2d4 rounds). If the drawstring rope is not held taut, intelligent targets can escape in 2d6 rounds, or 1d6 rounds for those of dexterity 13+.
Sling: A strap or loop of leather used to hurl stones or bullets (balls of iron, lead, or silver bonded with lead). If improvised stones are collected, missile range might be reduced to 40/80/120. Lastly, in a dungeon, castle, tower, or other indoor setting, shots are limited to short range unless roof height is 20 or more feet. AMMUNITION TRACKING It is incumbent on the player to keep track of ammunition. Referee discretion is advised, but a decent rule of thumb for ammunition recovery is a 3-in-6 chance for all missiles that miss their mark; however, sling bullets shot outdoors are impossible to locate. Too, missiles that strike their mark might be subject to breakage, per referee discretion.
GEAR The general equipment, clothing, provisions, and religious objects utilized by adventurers. Most such items are available for purchase in the larger centers of civilization, such as Erikssgard, Fazzuum, Fidb, Gal, Khromarium, Pandoros, Port Zangerios, and Yithorium. EQUIPMENT (General) Standard gear utilized by adventurers of all stripes. Table 79: Equipment (General)
Equipment Type
Arrow Quiver (leather; dozen capacity) Backpack (leather; 50-lb. capacity) Bandages, Gauze (10-ft. ball) Belladonna (dried bunch) (1:4 chance cures lycanthropy; 1:10 chance fatal pending death [poison] save) Blanket, Winter Block and Tackle Bolt Case (leather; score capacity) Book, Blank (leather cover, sewn binding, 50 parchment pages)
1 gp 5 gp 1 sp
1 2 —
30 gp
5 sp 5 gp 1 gp 50 gp
3 5 1 1
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Equipment Type
Bottle (glass or ceramic; 12-oz. capacity) Bow Case (leather; waterproof) Candle, Beeswax (8-hour burn time, 5-ft. radius of light) Candle, Tallow (2-hour burn time, 5-ft. radius of light) Case, Map or Scroll (brass) Case, Map or Scroll (leather) Chain, Iron, Heavy (½-inch thick) (gp cost = per ft.) Chain, Iron, Light (¼-inch thick) (gp cost = per ft.) Chalk (piece) Chisel (metal-, stone-, or wood-cutting) Cord, Sinew (100-ft. ball) Crampons (pair) (includes ice axe: WC 1, 1d3 hp damage) Dice, Ivory (pair) Fishing Hooks (×12) Fishing Net (10 × 10 ft.) Fishing String (100-ft. ball) Glue (1-qt. clay pot) (powdered; must add hot water) Grappling Hook (iron) Grease (1-qt. clay pot) Hammer, Small (iron) (WC 1, 1d2 hp damage) Helmet (normally included with armour purchase) Horn, Drinking Horn, Hunting Hourglass (brass) Ink and Quill Lantern, Bull’s-Eye (15-ft. radius of light, 60-ft. narrow beam) Lantern, Hooded (30-ft. radius of light) Marbles (×20) (glass or ceramic; in soft leather pouch) Mirror (polished steel; 3 × 5 inches) Mirror (silver; 3 × 5 inches) Nails (×20) (iron; 4-inch) Needle, Blowgun Needle, Sewing Oil, Incendiary (8-oz. flask) (Greek fire) Oil, Lamp (8-oz. flask) (6-hour burn time) Padlock and Key Parchment (sheet) Pole (wooden; 10-ft.) Pouch (hard leather; holds 6 potions or 3 scrolls; includes belt loops) Pouch (soft leather; holds 6–9 cubic inches of material; includes drawstring) Pry Bar (iron; 16-inch) Ring, Signet (pewter) Rope, Hemp (50-ft.) (½-inch) Rope, Silk (50-ft.) (¼-inch) Rope Ladder, Hemp (50-ft.) (2 parallel hemp ropes connected by short wooden crosspieces) Rope Ladder, Silk (50-ft.) (2 parallel silk ropes connected by short wooden crosspieces) Sack, Large (cloth or leather; 40-lb. capacity) Sack, Small (cloth or leather; 20-lb. capacity) Scabbard (leather; with baldric; normally included with sword purchase)
1 gp 10 gp 1 sp 1 cp 5 gp 2 gp 5 gp 3 gp 1 cp 5 sp 2 cp 2 gp 2 sp 5 sp 3 gp 1 cp 3 cp 15 gp 2 cp 5 sp 10 gp 1 sp 2 gp 25 gp 10 gp 10 gp 7 gp 2 sp 5 gp 20 gp 1 sp 1 sp 1 cp 35 gp 1 sp 10 gp 1 gp 3 sp 5 gp 7 cp 1 gp 5 gp 1 gp 15 gp 5 gp 50 gp 3 sp 1 sp 5 sp
— 1 — — — — 3 1 — 1 — 1 — — 3 — 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 — 2 2 — 1 1 — — — 1 1 1 — 5 — — 3 — 5 2 12 6 — — —
HYPERBOREA Equipment Type Scabbard (metal; with baldric) Sheath, Dagger (leather; normally included with dagger purchase) Skis (pair; includes poles) Soap (bar) Spikes, Iron (×4) (9-inch) Spyglass (×3 magnification) Stakes (×4) and Wooden Mallet Tent, 1-Person (canvas) Tent, 2-Person (canvas) Tent, 4-Person (canvas) Thieves’ Tools (file, oil dropper, picks, pincers, skeleton keys, small hammer, small saw, small wedge, wire) Tinderbox (contains flint and steel, paraffin, and wood powder) Torch (with oil- and resin-soaked rope wrap) (1- to 2-hour burn time, 30-ft. radius of light; 1d4 hp damage as single-use weapon) Water- / Wineskin (½-gallon capacity) Wax, Bees- (block) Wire (100-ft. spool) (50-lb. test) Wolfsbane (dried bunch) (2:6 chance to drive off lycanthropes if affixed to spear tip) Writing Stick (charcoal)
8 sp 3 sp 10 gp 5 sp 1 sp 750 gp 1 gp 5 gp 7 gp 12 gp 25 gp
1 — 8 1 1 1 2 5 7 10 3
2 gp 2 cp
1 1
1 gp 3 cp 3 gp 25 gp 1 sp
— 1 — — —
EQUIPMENT (Clothing) A typical character begins play with normal clothing, normal boots or shoes, belt, hat, and wool cloak, coat or robe. Adventuring can bring about the loss or ruination of such, thus necessitating new purchases. Table 80: Equipment (Clothing)
Clothing Type
Cost Weight
Belt (leather) Boots, Normal (leather buskins) Boots, Riding Cape (wool) Cape, Fine (fur, leather, silk) Cloak, Hooded (wool) Cloak, Hooded, Fine (fur, leather, silk) Clothing, Disguise (faux exotic outfit, beggar’s clothes, wig, small jar of ochre, small jar of soot) Clothing, Normal (pantaloons, shirt/tunic, underclothes) Clothing, Religious (surplice and cassock; gown; etc.) Clothing, Special (buckskin outfit; fancy clothes; wool/fur winter outfit) Coat, Hooded (fur) Coat, Hooded (wool) Gloves (fur) Gloves (leather) Hat or Cap (wool) Hat or Cap (fur) Leggings (fur) Robe (wool) Robe, Fine (fur, silk, velvet) Sandals (leather) Shoes (leather) Tabard (wool; sleeveless jerkin; emblazoned) Toga (wool)
2 sp 1 gp 3 gp 5 sp 25 gp 8 sp 50 gp 25 gp 1 gp 5 gp 15 gp 30 gp 1 gp 20 gp 1 gp 1 sp 10 gp 10 gp 1 gp 50 gp 1 sp 2 sp 1 gp 1 sp
— 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 — — — — — 2 2 — 1 — 1
Volume I: Player’s Manual EQUIPMENT (Provisions) Foodstuffs an adventurer may stow to promote survival. Table 81: Equipment (Provisions) Provisions Type
Cost Weight
Biscuits, Hard (bag) Cereal (bag; barley, corn, oats, wheat) Cheese (brick) Eggs (dozen; boxed) Flour (sack) Honey (crock) Horse Meal/Grains (sack) Nuts (bag) Rations, Iron (1 person, 1 week) (salted/smoked meat or fish; dried fruit) Rations, Standard (1 person, 1 week) (cooked meat or fish; fresh fruit) Salt (bag) Spices, Cooking (pouch) Sugar, Coarse (bag) Wine, Common (qt.)
1 sp 1 sp 3 sp 6 cp 1 sp 1 gp 5 sp 5 sp
1 3 3 1 20 5 25 1
5 gp
2 gp
1 sp 5 gp 3 sp 8 sp
1 — 1 2
EQUIPMENT (Religious) Religious items are available to all. Regarding masks, the lines between “religion” and “culture” are blurred in some societies, like Port Zangerios, where mask wearing is a social requirement. Similarly, Picts apply body paint for a plethora of religious and social occupations. Table 82: Equipment (Religious) Religious Equipment Type Bell, Small (brass) Censer (brass) Flute (wooden) Holy Oil/Water (8-oz. thin glass phial) Holy Symbol (wooden) Holy Symbol (silver) Holy Symbol (yellow ivory) Holy Symbol (gold) Incense Sticks (×12) Mask (dyed leather) Mask (wooden) Mask (wooden w/mother-of-pearl) Mask (silver) Mask (yellow ivory) Mask (gold) Paint, Body (crock; e.g., ochre, woad) Panpipes Prayer Beads (wooden) Prayer Beads (yellow ivory) Prayer Book (leather cover, sewn binding, 50 parchment pages) Rattle (wooden)
Cost Weight 5 sp 10 gp 1 sp 25 gp 5 sp 25 gp 60 gp 75 gp 5 gp 10 gp 10 gp 65 gp 75 gp 200 gp 250 gp 1 gp 5 sp 1 cp 5 gp
— 2 — — — — — — — — 1 1 1 1 1 3 — — —
100 gp
1 gp
LIVESTOCK, TACK & HARNESS Beasts of burden, of war, and for slaughter; equipment associated with some domesticated animals. LIVESTOCK Typical animals available for purchase. Table 83: Livestock Livestock Type Bull Camel, Bactrian Camel, Dromedary Chicken Cow Dog, Hunting Dog, Sled Dog, War Donkey or Mule Falcon, Trained Goat Horse, Draught Horse, Riding Horse, War-, Heavy Horse, War-, Light Leaper Camel* Mammoth, Trained Ox Pig Pony Sheep
Cost 20 gp 50 gp 100 gp 3 cp 12 gp 30 gp 30 gp 50 gp 20 gp 500 gp 2 gp 50 gp 75 gp 750 gp 250 gp 800 gp 2,000 gp 30 gp 3 gp 30 gp 2 gp
* Rarely available for purchase
Livestock Descriptions: The reader need not be told what a goat or chicken is, but for purposes of adventure, some details on the more pertinent beasts may prove useful. Camel, Bactrian: Two-humped pack or riding animal also used for its milk, meat, wool, and hide. This shaggy, large-boned camel can withstand the harsh Hyperborean clime. Camel, Dromedary: One-humped pack or riding animal, similar to the bactrian, though faster, lighter-boned, and less furry. Dog, Hunting: Hound or other canine that usually works in a pack to track by scent prey such as deer. Dog, Sled: Large, powerful, furry dog of high endurance able to work in teams of seven or more to pull sleds across snow and ice.
HYPERBOREA Dog, War: Large, powerful dog, such as a mastiff, trained to attack or to defend a person or place. Donkey or Mule: A donkey is a domesticated ass that stands about four feet at the shoulder and has thick, shaggy fur. Donkeys are renowned for their loud braying. A mule is a cross between a male donkey and a mare (female horse); these creatures are similar to donkeys, though generally hardier. Falcon, Trained: A hawk taught to capture small prey, or to circle above and/or flush out other game. Horse, Draught: Large, heavy-boned horse, strong and able to pull great burdens such as a loaded waggon or cart. Long, shaggy coat grows in winter years. Horse, Riding: Swift, light-boned horse ridden for its speed; prone to panic in the face of danger. Thick fur coat grows in winter years. Horse, War-, Heavy: A massive warhorse used for its power and for short bursts of speed; inured to the bedlam of combat. Long, shaggy coat grows in winter years. Horse, War-, Light: Strong horse used for its power and manœuvrability in battle; inured to the bedlam of combat. Thick fur coat grows in winter years. Leaper Camel: Kangaroo-like marsupial with powerful hind legs that it uses to spring. The leaper camel has white and grey shaggy fur and can endure the harshest Hyperborean winters. Riders must have 13+ strength and minimum six-foot height to control the beast. Mammoth, Trained: Enormous, furry elephant used in a team of two or four to pull a great wheeled waggon across the Hyperborean steppe; some might be trained for war and mounted with great saddles. Ox: A bovine related to the aurochs, though smaller and more easily domesticated. It is used as a draught animal to pull a cart, or raised for its meat and milk. Pony: A diminutive horse of approximately 12 hands height (about four feet at the shoulder), covered with shaggy fur. Ponies are of even temperament and can be led through cramped tunnels.
TACK AND HARNESS Typical equipment associated with equines. Barding is armour for horses; generally speaking, it corresponds to player character armour equivalents (e.g., chain barding is mesh links, just as chain mail). Table 84: Tack and Harness Tack and Harness Type Barding, Chain (AC 5/DR 1) Barding, Leather or Padded (AC 6) Barding, Plate (AC 3/DR 2) Barding, Scale (AC 6/DR 1) Bit and Bridle Harness, Single Animal Saddle and Tack, Pack/Riding Saddle and Tack, War (rings/ straps for barding, lance holster) Saddle Bags (pair; ea. 25-lb. cap.) Saddle Blanket Shoes, Horse (×4) (incl. shoeing) Spurs, Pair
1,000 gp 150 gp 2,000 gp 600 gp 15 sp 5 sp 10 gp
45 30 65 45 — — 30
25 gp
3 gp 3 sp 1 gp 2 sp
10 2 — —
TRANSPORTATION Conveyances include all manner of land vehicles, water vessels, and sea vessels available for purchase. VEHICLES These conveyances are typically available in most towns and cities where cartwrights and wainwrights dwell. Table 85: Vehicles Vehicle Type Cart, 2-Wheel Chariot Coach, 4-Wheel (8 passengers) Sedan Chair Sled, Dog (4 passengers) Waggon, 4-Wheel (open) Waggon, 4-Wheel (cloth-covered) Waggon, 4-Wheel (boxed) Waggon, Great Wheel (boxed)
Cost 65 gp 200 gp 500 gp 100 gp 75 gp 200 gp 250 gp 300 gp 750 gp
Vehicle Descriptions: Cart: An open, two-wheeled vehicle pulled by one or two horses or oxen, or two donkeys or mules. Chariot: A two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle used for war and sometimes sport. Coach: A large, covered, four-wheeled vehicle drawn by horses, with passenger seats within. Sedan Chair: A plush, elaborate, enclosed chair carried on horizontal poles borne by two or more porters.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Sled: A framework of boards wrapped in skins and mounted on runners that slide on snow and ice and are pulled by a team of dogs. Waggon: Open waggons are four-wheeled affairs pulled by two or more horses; boxed waggons are enclosed in wood; cloth-covered waggons have frames wrapped in canvas; and great wheel waggons are massive vehicles, pulled by mammoths, with wheels of 10-foot diameter. WATER AND SEA VESSELS Boats and ships available for purchase. Larger ports have most varieties available. N.B.: Waterborne Expeditions, including weaponry for warships and other sundries, are covered in Vol. II, Referee’s Manual, Appendix C. Table 86: Water and Sea Vessels Vessel Type Amazon Carrack Barge, River Boat, River, Sailing Canoe Canoe, War, Small Canoe, War, Large Coaster Cog Esquimaux Kayak Esquimaux Umiak Galley, Small Galley, Large Galley, War Lifeboat (of cog, galley, etc.) Raft Rowboat Viking Færing Viking Sexæring Viking Knarr Viking Longship, Small Viking Longship, Large
Cost 20,000 gp 500 gp 800 gp 150 gp 2,000 gp 8,000 gp 5,000 gp 8,000 gp 200 gp 350 gp 10,000 gp 20,000 gp 30,000 gp 100 gp 100 gp 100 gp 300 gp 900 gp 10,000 gp 12,000 gp 18,000 gp
Water Vessel Descriptions: Amazon Carrack: Large sailing ship of 90-foot length (70-foot keel), 20-foot hull width (25 feet with outriggers), and 20-foot depth from amidships rail to keel; double or triple mast, with lateen sails. It features a large aftcastle and a smaller forecastle, with a usual crew of 50–60 (40–50 sailors, 10 officers). A seaworthy vessel superior at tacking to windward, this is perhaps the most impressive presenting ship in all of Hyperborea, the pride of New Amazonia; it is rivalled only by the Viking drekar.
Boat, River, Sailing: Four- or six-person sailing boat used on rivers and lakes. Canoe: Narrow boat with no keel, propelled via paddles; typically built to convey 4–10 passengers. Canoe, War, Small: Tlingit-style canoe used for ocean-crossing raids. It seats 20 persons and is comparable to a snekke. Canoe, War, Large: Massive, Tlingit-style canoe used for waterborne expeditions and warfare. It seats 40 persons and generally is comparable to a drekar. Coaster: Small sailing ship with a single mast and square-rigged single sail, used to transport cargo along the coast, with a usual crew of 10 (9 sailors and 1 officer). Cog: Large sailing ship of 50-foot length (16-foot keel), 14-foot hull width, and a single mast with a squarerigged sail. It features a forecastle and an aftcastle, with a usual crew of 20 (18 sailors and 2 officers). The cog is able to make ocean journeys, though not as reliable as the carrack or longship. Esquimaux Kayak: Light wood- or bone-framed, watertight (decked) boat wrapped in skins (e.g., elk, mammoth, seal). It is usually piloted by a single rower who sits in a small hole, though kayaks for two are not uncommon. Esquimaux Umiak: Open boat made of skins (e.g., elk, mammoth, seal) wrapped around a wooden or bone frame; seats 8–10 persons. Galley, Small: Sailing ship that also can be propelled entirely by oarsmen; typical specifications are 90-foot length (60-foot keel), 15-foot hull width (18 feet with outriggers), and 18-foot depth from amidships rail to keel. It is equipped with 60 oars of about 18-foot length. This vessel is seaworthy, though limited to coastal expeditions. It features prominent forecastle and aftcastle and can be equipped with ballistæ, with a usual crew of 120 (75 rowers, 40 sailors, 5 officers). A small galley can be outfitted with a ram for an additional 2,500 gp. Galley, Large: Sailing ship that also can be propelled entirely by oarsmen; typical specifications are 120-foot length (90-foot keel), 25-foot hull width (30 feet with outriggers), and 30-foot depth from amidships rail to keel. It is equipped with 110 oars of about 20-foot length, with double rows at port and starboard. This vessel is seaworthy, though best suited for coastal expeditions because of cargo weight and low freeboard oar piercings. It features prominent forecastle and aftcastle and can be equipped with ballistæ, with a usual crew of 200 (130 rowers, 60 sailors, 10 officers). A large galley can be outfitted with a ram for an additional 5,000 gp.
Barge, River: Large, rectangular craft with flat bottom, used to transport freight on rivers. 153
HYPERBOREA Galley, War: Same as large galley, except with a reinforced hull and outfitted with a ram, two or three ballistæ, and one or two light catapults for firing rocks or flaming pitch. War galleys built with detachable masts. Lifeboat: Small boat kept on a cog, galley, or other large vessel; used for emergencies, though sometimes to convey goods to or from a shore sans docks. Raft: Small, rectangular craft with flat bottom used to convey freight along rivers; propelled by poles, oars, or sails. Oceangoing rafts, scarcely seen, are outfitted with single or double outriggers and single sails. Rowboat: Small, keeled boat used for paddling rivers, lakes, and swamps; typically two- or four-oared. Viking Færing: 14-foot-long, open rowboat with two pairs of oars, each end of the boat coming to a point. Usually crews 1–5 people. Some equipped with a small sail. Viking Sexæring: 17-foot-long, open rowboat with three pairs of oars, each end of the boat coming to a point. Usually crews 1–7 people. Some equipped with a small sail.
Viking Knarr: Single-mast cargo ship used for long journeys overseas (plural knörr). Typical size is 55-foot length and 15-foot beam (width). It can bear 24 tons of cargo, with a usual crew of 17 (15 oarsmen, 1 coxswain, 1 master). Viking Longship, Small (Snekke): Long, narrow, light ship with shallow-draught hull and 24 oars; double-ended with symmetrical bow and stern for superior manœuvrability. Shallow draught allows for beaching. Typical specifications include 48-foot length, 8-foot beam (width), and 1½-foot draught. It has a single rectangular sail used to replace or augment rowing power, with a usual crew of 26 (24 oarsmen, 1 coxswain, 1 master). Viking Longship, Large (Drekar): Long, narrow, light ship with shallow-draught hull and 42 oars; double-ended with single, rectangular sail. Typical specifications include 98-foot length, 12½-foot beam (width), and 2½-foot draught. Every drekar features a prominently carved prow. Usual crew includes 60 (54 oarsmen, 2 coxswains, 3 officers, 1 master).
Volume I: Player’s Manual
SERVICES General guidelines to a variety of available services, such as food and drink at an inn or tavern, room and board, and transportation over land and sea. FOOD AND DRINK The tavern and inn oft are frequented by adventuring parties. The following rates are typical of most civilized towns and cities in Hyperborea. Table 87: Food and Drink Food and Drink Type
Ale (pint) 2 sp Beer (pint) 1 sp Brandy (gill) 5 sp Mead (gill) 5 sp Meal, Common (includes beer or wine) 2 sp Meal, Fine (includes fine wine) 2 gp Milk (cow's or goat's; pint) 2 cp Soup (bowl) 1 sp Whisky (gill) 5 sp Wine, Common (gill) 1 sp Wine, Common (2-qt. pitcher) 2 gp Wine, Fine (bottle; currant, hawthorne, 5 gp rose hip, rowan) Wine, Very Fine (bottle; grape, pomegranate) 50 gp ROOM AND BOARD Typical short- and long-term lodge rates in places of civilization (towns, cities, and the like). Table 88: Room and Board Lodging Type
Lodging, Penny Rent (1 night) Lodging, Low Class (1 night) Lodging, Low Class (1 week) Lodging, Middle Class (1 night) Lodging, Middle Class (1 week) Lodging, High Class (1 night; includes dinner and private latrine) Lodging, High Class (1 week; includes dinner and private latrine) Rental, City, Low Class (1 month) Rental, City, Middle Class (1 month) Rental, City, High Class (1 month) Stabling, Horse/Camel (1 night) Stabling, Horse/Camel (1 week)
1 cp 1 sp 6 sp 8 sp 5 gp 3 gp 20 gp 1 gp 15 gp 75 gp 5 sp 3 gp
TRANSPORTATION SERVICES When adventurers seek to arrange passage over sea or land, the following rates are typical of most port towns and cities. Passage assumes the passenger(s) and the respective conveyance share a like destination. If the destination requires a special trip, or a rowboat dropoff at a remote coast, costs might increase. Table 89: Transportation Services Cost (per mile) Waggon (horse-drawn) 1 sp Waggon Train (woolly mammoth–drawn) 1 gp Water, First Class 2 gp Water, Second Class 5 sp Water, Third Class 1 sp
Passage Type
Transport Descriptions: Waggon: Horse-drawn covered waggon driven by teamster; waggons may accommodate multiple passengers. Waggon Train: Woolly mammoth–drawn waggon train driven by one or more teamsters; rate includes five cubic feet of cargo per passenger. Cargo (except for personal belongings) normally is stored on a separate waggon specifically designated for such. A waggon train typically has a small unit of guards to protect against banditry, monsters, and other threats. Water, First Class: The finest accommodations on a ship (providing such exists): a private cabin that sleeps four passengers. Ample storage space is provided in the cabin, with an additional 5–10 cubic feet in a cargo hold. Water, Second Class: Decent accommodations on a ship (providing such exists): a cabin typically with two to four sets of bunks shared by four to eight passengers. Storage space for belongings is provided in the cabin, or three cubic feet in a cargo hold. Water, Third Class: A seat (or standing room) on a ferry, raft, or small boat, or a bunk in the common passenger hold of a larger ship. Little storage space for belongings (e.g., backpack, sack) is provided; additional storage necessitates the purchase of another fare.
chapte hapter r7 SORCERY “I will repeat a subtle rune— And thronging suns of Otherwhere Shall blaze upon the blinded air, And spectres terrible and fair Shall wake the riven world at noon. The star that was mine empery In dust upon unwinnowed skies: But primal dreams have made me wise, And soon the shattered years shall rise To my remembered sorcery.” (Clark Ashton Smith, “Song of the Necromancer”)
ALCHEMY Alchemy involves the sorcery-science of potion and poison manufacture. True alchemists are professionals (see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen) who dedicate their lives to the laboratory; they are not adventurers. Magicians and magician subclasses also are its practitioners, though witches are somewhat of an outlier, practicing the brew decoction ability to devasting effect. Furthermore, assassins can rival the most diabolical necromancer in poison manufacture. POTIONS Apprentice magicians and magician subclasses learn how to identify potions by taste alone, though the practice is not always safe. By 7th level, magicians and magician subclasses (save for the witch) may concoct potions with the assistance of an alchemist, and by 11th level, the assistance of an alchemist is no longer required. Witches follow a similar path regarding potion tasting, but their unique form of potion creation is covered in their brew decoction ability. Alchemists: Alchemists brew ambrosias, balms, elixirs, philtres, potions, salves, simples, tonics, unguents, and more. They are experts with herbs, salts, and
A BRIEF HISTORY OF ALCHEMY IN HYPERBOREA The ancient art of alchemy traces back to Hyperborea’s snake-man æra. In those antediluvian times, when Hyperborea was part of Old Earth, the snake-men experimented with strange chemicals, salts, rare earths, precious metals, toxic plants, and myriad animal parts and fluids. They were the true masters of the ancient world, and alchemy was their creation. At length, the snake-man empire declined and fell. Lost were their arts, but not forever. It was the latter day Hyperboreans (the Xathoqquans), puissant sorcerer kings and witch queens, who uncovered the lost arts of the snake-men. During the height of their decadence, they brewed potions, elixirs, ambrosias, philtres, and poisons; they expanded on these arts for untold generations. But like their predecessors, the Hyperborean empire collapsed, claimed by the preternatural ice of a deific worm. Centuries later, the Hyperboreans made a brief return to Khromarium, the jewel of their erstwhile empire, and they resumed their ways—including alchemy—but eventually they, like the younger races of mankind, succumbed to the plague known as the Green Death; survivors were few, Khromarium left a ghost city. The presumptuousness of humanity knows no bounds; inevitably, surviving members of the younger races wandered into and populated untenanted Khromarium, where at length they unearthed the hazardous alchemy conducted by the Hyperboreans. No doubt the younger races have failed to achieve the heights realized by the Hyperboreans and the snake-men before, but ignorance rarely impedes the rash and foolhardy—that insatiable thirst for personal advancement, be it for weal or woe. Alchemy is practiced again in Hyperborea, and to dangerous effect.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
other biological components. Typically, the alchemist is cooped up in a laboratory, which contains a fireplace, workbench, brazier, and bellows—and of course alembics, apothecary jars, beakers, dishes, flasks, mortar and pestle, phials, and retorts. Without access to these, the science and sorcery of alchemy is futile.
Brewing Time: Brewing a batch of potions requires 1d6+6 weeks.
Alchemists research formulæ of complex and arcane sort. They study the properties of metal, stone, soil, clay, and gems, including reactions to activators and inhibitors. They also work with all manner of flora, including ferns, fungi, grasses, herbs, mosses, shrubs, trees, vines, and weeds.
Table 91: Potion Brewing Success
Laboratory: If a player character wishes to build a laboratory, the location must have a working fireplace and must be stocked with all manner of equipment as noted above. The initial cost is 1,000 gp, and upkeep is 100 gp per month. This expenditure covers fuel, supplies, replacement costs, and so on. As long as an alchemist is in the gainful employ of the player character (see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen), these expenses will recur; if they are not met, the alchemist cannot continue. Potion Ingredients: Alchemy involves rare and esoteric ingredients. Sometimes these can prove impossible to locate, even for the most learned of specialists with the best purchasing connexions. Potion Costs: To determine cost of a potion type, first determine the gp value of the potion type. Your referee has this information in the Referee's Manual and will decide which potions might be available for development. Once this is established/approved of, roll on the following table. Table 90: Potion Costs d6 Result
Actual Cost Per Potion
¼ of listed gp value
½ of listed gp value
¾ of listed gp value
Brewing Success: After determining ingredient availability, potion costs, and brewing time, the final consideration is potion efficacy.
Level of Sorcerer
Efficacy Efficacy of Potion of Potion (With Alchemist) (Without Alchemist)
9 –10
11 –12 th
Failed potions may be ineffective, cause headaches, induce nausea and vomiting, or (at worst) prove poisonous (5% chance, rolled in secret by referee). If the result is poison, an equivalent to ingestible I, II, or III occurs, as determined by a d3 roll (see Table 92 below). Lastly, some failed potions of healing and potions of extraordinary healing result in that magical placebo effect known as the potion of delusion. There is a 2-in-6 chance of this occurrence, which also must be determined in secret by the referee. POISONS Poison is usually concocted by alchemists (see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen), necromancers, witches, and assassins. It is derived from toxic roots, berries, spores, and blossoms; the deadly venom (or poisonous secretion) of amphibians, reptiles, and insects; and rare, radioactive materials. Toxicologists: Alchemists who delve into the sub-science of toxicology must be hired separately (see Chapter 8: Adventure, hirelings and henchmen). Their costs are the same as other alchemists, but the profession is considered a distinct specialty. Toxicologists often find themselves in the gainful
N.B.: If a sorcerer works without the assistance of an alchemist (must be 11th level), the cost per potion is 100% of the listed gp value. Next, determine how many potions are manufactured. Typically, batches of six potions are brewed; if this amount is unaffordable, then the player may reduce the number of potions brewed, but not the time required (see below).
HYPERBOREA employ of assassins’ guilds, and it is not unusual for an assassin (9th-level minimum) to become involved with the process, just as magicians may become involved with the brewing of potions. Necromancers: Starting at 7th level, necromancers are trained to brew poisons in the same manner that they and other magician subclasses learn to brew potions. Witches: Witches brew poisons in a unique way, outside of the laboratory, using their brew decoction ability. Assassins: At 9th level, an assassin can opt to abstain from the adventuring life for a time to learn the sorcery-science of toxicology. Training requires 1d20+10 weeks, at a cost of 2d4×1,000 gp. Of course, this assumes the availability of instructor, who is likely connected to an assassins’ guild. Brewing Poisons: The requirements and procedures for brewing poisons follow the same schedule as outlined for potions, including the noted benefits of having a hired master toxicologist on hand. These are as follows: Toxicologists (see above) Laboratory (see above) Potion Ingredients (see above) Potion Costs (see above) Brewing Time (see above) Brewing Success (see above) Use the prices noted on Table 92 to determine the costs of manufacturing poison. A failed attempt to brew poison results in a harmless concoction (but it may cause minor discomfort, fever, etc.). As with potion manufacture, the referee must determine these results in secret, so the poison brewer is unaware of success or failure until the poison is administered. If poison is allowed (and/or available for general purchase), the following general classifications are recommended: Table 92: Poison
Poison Type
Cost per Dose
Time of Onset
Ingestible I Ingestible II Ingestible III Ingestible IV Ingestible V Penetrative I Penetrative II Penetrative III Penetrative IV Penetrative V
25 gp 50 gp 100 gp 500 gp 1,000 gp 50 gp 100 gp 500 gp 1,000 gp 2,000 gp
1d8 rounds 1d6 rounds 1d4 rounds 1 round 1d6 turns 1d8 rounds 1d6 rounds 1d4 rounds 1 round instantaneous
Poison Table Defined: Poison Type: Ingestible types must be swallowed, usually mixed into food or wine. Penetrative types enter victims by means of envenomed blades, arrows, or crossbow bolts. Once the substance is smeared on the weapon, it must be used within 24 hours, or the poison’s efficacy expires. Cost per Dose: The usual cost in gold pieces for a volume of poison sufficient to affect one Medium creature. At the referee’s discretion, multiple doses may be required to produce similar results in Large creatures. Time of Onset: How long before the introduced poison takes effect. Passed/Failed Saving Throw: The damage sustained following a successful or unsuccessful saving throw. The poisons presented on Table 92 are those that injure or kill their victims. In rare circumstances, other poison types may become available: Curare: A resinous substance used on arrows, blades, or dart heads. It is prepared by boiling the bark of certain plants located deep in the forests of the Savage Boreal Coast. Once boiled, a dark, heavy paste is produced. Curare paralyzes a Medium creature for 1d2 turns unless a death (poison) saving throw is made. If the saving throw result is a natural 1, the victim dies. To impact a Large creature, multiple doses may be required. Curare typically costs 400 + 1d6×100 gp. INCENDIARY OIL Incendiary oil, or Greek fire, is a highly combustible formula whose secret is within the purview of pyromancers, who guard its secret steadfastly. If a proper laboratory has been established and all costs are met (see potions, above), starting at 9th level, a pyromancer can begin to produce 1 incendiary oil per CA per month at a material cost of 10 gp each. Each incendiary oil is sealed in a terracotta flask that combusts when hurled as a grenade (see Chapter 9: Combat, combat options).
Passsed Saving Throw 1d6 hp 2d6 hp 3d6 hp 4d6 hp 5d6 hp — — — — —
Failed Saving Throw 2d6 hp 4d6 hp 6d6 hp death death 2d6 hp 3d6 hp 4d6 hp death death
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Volume I: Player’s Manual
SPELLCRÆFT Casting magic spells is an integral component of the sword-and-sorcery milieu. Magicians and their respective subclasses practice thaumaturgical sorcery. They study arcane tomes, trace weird diagrams and geometric shapes, recite incantations and eldritch formulæ, and perform bizarre hand gestures that open conduits to planes of positive and negative energy. Clerics and their respective subclasses practice ecclesiastical sorcery. They study clandestine theologies, enter sacred pacts, perform rites and rituals, and supplicate otherworldly beings both benign and malefic. Some sorcerers are adventurers and even heroes; others succumb to darker paths, availing their esoteric powers to nefarious ends.
SPELL BOOKS Spell books usually are bound of rare or exotic leather or skin and reinforced with brass or iron hasps. They oft include supple leather bindings, sewn with the finest parchment or vellum pages. The spells within
are runes, diagrams, and formulæ penned in fine ink, such as the sepia of cuttlefish and squids, though some inks contain the blood of a beast, monster, or dæmon. A spell book weighs about three pounds and comprises 100 pages. Each spell scribed therein occupies one page per spell level. N.B.: Shamans’ spell books differ in media but not function. Examples include stone tablets, bark sheets, and animal skins. Replacing a Lost Spell Book: A lost spell book costs 300 gp to replace followed by 10 gp per spell level. Also, it takes one day per spell level to rewrite each lost spell. So, if a magician loses a spell book that contains five level 1 spells, four level 2 spells, and three level 3 spells, it is going to take 22 days to rewrite all the known spells, and it is going to cost 520 gp in materials.
STARTING SPELLS A magician begins play with a spell book containing three spells. A cleric begins play with the knowledge of three spells, but they are not contained in a spell book; rather, they are occult scriptures and secret mysteries in which the cleric is versed (but they may be writ in the pages of a prayer book). Spell-casting subclasses have a variety of similar allocations. Starting spells may be randomly rolled, chosen by the referee, selected by the player, or determined by way of player/referee collaboration.
HYPERBOREA ACQUIRING NEW SPELLS Every sorcerer seeks to expand their repertoire of spells. New spells usually are learnt during level training, but additional spells may be researched, acquired, or appropriated. Spell Development (Automatic): All spell casters enjoy the benefit of automatic spell development upon gaining levels of experience. Magicians: When a magician gains a level of experience, one new spell may be selected, but it must be of a level that the magician can cast. No qualifying roll is required; the new spell is gained automatically. It is the consummation of personal research, experimentation, and consultation with esoteric tomes. Clerics: When a cleric gains a level of experience, three new spells may be selected. These spells must be of levels the cleric can cast and are gained automatically; no qualifying rolls are required. These spells are the culmination of sacred rites, meditation, prayer and supplication, and wisdom granted by otherworldly beings, ancestral spirits, and other strange entities.
Spell-casting Subclasses: As spell development rules for spell-casting subclasses vary considerably, please refer to the sorcery ability of the respective subclass. Note that some classes (e.g., paladin, ranger) do not begin casting spells until later in their respective careers. Some classes (e.g., ranger, shaman) cast both thaumaturgical and ecclesiastical spells. Independent Spell Research (Extracurricular): A sorcerer may conduct extracurricular research to develop a new spell. A magician might study ancient tomes, conduct laboratory experiments, or consult a master. A cleric might observe ceremonial rituals, piece together mystic lore, or seek the wisdom of a mystery cult. Subclasses observe similar procedures, depending on the school or schools of sorcery they study. Regardless, requirements are as follows: Materials cost 500 gp per spell level. Requisite time is one week per spell level. Next, a qualifying roll must be made. For thaumaturgical spells, roll a magician’s chance to learn new spell. For ecclesiastical spells, roll a cleric’s chance to learn new spell. Thus, a level 4 spell costs 2,000 gp and requires four weeks to research. For an extra 500 gp per spell level, the sorcerer can increase the chance of success by +5%, to a maximum chance of 99%. If the result is failure, the sorcerer is ineligible to learn the spell in question for one year, or until gaining the next level of experience, whichever comes first. Copying Spells: Magician and magician subclass spells (i.e., thaumaturgical spells) can be copied from one spell book to another, so long as the spell is part of the sorcerer’s spell list. To copy a spell, the following steps must be taken: Examine the spell using the read magic ability; requires 15 minutes per spell level. Make a magician’s chance to learn new spell roll to determine comprehension. If understood, replication requires three days per spell level. A spell that is not understood cannot be copied. This applies to spells that are not included in the sorcerer’s list of spells and spells that are of higher spell level than the sorcerer is capable of casting. However, write spell is a clever override to such restrictions.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Failure to learn a particular spell means the sorcerer must wait one year or until a new level of experience is gained, whichever comes first, before trying again. Spells can be shared between friendly magicians, so long as these guidelines are met, though many a sorcerer is reluctant—or even unwilling—to share. N.B.: Not all magician and magician subclass spells are common to one another; hence, a witch can copy a sleep spell from a magician’s book (and vice versa, because the spell can be cast by both classes), but not a magic missile spell (because this spell is not on the witch list). Appropriating a New Spell Book (Magicians): One of the most convenient means by which a magician may build their spell repertoire is through the acquisition of spell books, usually seized whilst adventuring. The following steps must be observed: Examine each spell using the read magic ability; requires 15 minutes per spell level. Make a magician’s chance to learn new spell roll to determine comprehension. If understood, time required to learn each spell is one day per spell level. If a newly acquired spell book is used as a resource for copying spells into an existing book, refer to copying spells above. Appropriating a New Prayer Book (Clerics): A cleric or other ecclesiastical spell caster may attempt to learn the mystic lore and arcane rites contained in another prayer book if the spell is part of their spell list (i.e., cleric or druid). The following steps must be followed: Review the prayers, rites, and incantations for 15 minutes per spell level to identify the spells. Make a cleric’s chance to learn new spell roll to determine comprehension. If understood, the time required to learn each spell is three days per spell level. N.B.: Many clerics pay obeisance to a multitude of deities, dæmons, spirits, and otherworldly beings. Others may worship a deity pairing (e.g., Ullr and Ymir, Apollo and Artemis). And other clerics (especially priests) dedicate themselves exclusively to the patronage of a singular power. The latter two types risk suffering a curse, madness, or loss of sorcerous endowment if they utilize the prayer book of one whose faith does not accord with their own. Using a Scroll to Research a New Spell: Scroll spells cannot be copied directly into a spell book (for magicians), or simply learnt through prayer and recitation (for clerics). Scrolls are considered single-use magical devices, and the way they are scribed is not the same as that in which the spells of
a spell book or prayer book are penned. However, a scroll can be used as a tool for researching a new spell (see independent spell research), thus reducing the research cost by half (250 gp per spell level). Of course, a magician (or associated subclass) must make a magician’s chance to learn new spell roll at the end of the effort; likewise, a cleric (or associated subclass) must make a cleric’s chance to learn new spell roll. For an extra 500 gp per spell level, the sorcerer can increase his or her chance of success by +5%. Whether success or failure is met, the scroll will be destroyed in the process. SPELL MEMORIZATION Sorcerers memorize spells. Magicians and other thaumaturgical spell casters must study their spell books, and clerics and other ecclesiastical spell casters must meditate, pray, speak in tongues, and perform rituals. Spell-casting subclasses typically follow one methodology or the other (though in some case, both!). Once memorized, the magical formulæ are imprinted in the mind of the sorcerer, the final incantations of which release the spell. Once a spell is discharged, it is erased from the sorcerer’s memory and cannot be used again until the next day (unless, of course, the same spell is memorized twice). In order to regain the spell for future use, the sorcerer must rememorize it. To memorize a spell, the sorcerer must be well rested (as from a good night’s sleep; i.e., six to eight hours). Afterwards, about 10 minutes per spell level must be spent preparing. So, a sorcerer who is memorizing three level 1 spells, two level 2 spells, and one level 3 spell requires 1 hour and 40 minutes of preparation time after the requisite rest period has been taken. SPELL CASTING Magician and other thaumaturgical spells require both verbal incantations and complicated hand gestures. Sorcerers who are prevented from speaking or moving their hands are unable to cast spells. Weapons must be sheathed, shields shouldered, and other handheld items dropped or stowed (though a staff may be gathered between upper arm and body). The sorcery of clerics is less restrictive because it is almost exclusively verbal; thus, clerics can maintain their weapons and shields whilst casting. If a spell caster is struck before their spell fires, the spell is disrupted, unless the optional concentration check rule (see below) is used. Unless otherwise indicated, spells cannot be cast whilst performing other actions, including walking, running, or fighting. A sorcerer may move before casting a spell, however (see Chapter 9: Combat, combat overview). Oftentimes the target of a spell will be afforded a saving throw to resist, negate, or reduce a spell’s efficacy.
HYPERBOREA Concentration Check (Optional): Some referees might allow a concentration check when a sorcerer is struck for damage whilst casting a spell. If so, the following procedure applies: Determine which attribute you are rolling against. Magician, cryomancer, illusionist, necromancer, pyromancer, and witch spells are associated with intelligence. Cleric and druid spells are associated with wisdom. Roll 3d6 and add the sustained damage total to the roll (3d6 + sustained damage). If the total is equal to or less than the associated attribute (intelligence or wisdom), concentration is maintained, and the spell is not disrupted. If the total is greater than the associated attribute, concentration is disrupted, and the spell is lost. For example, a magician about to cast a sleep spell is struck for 3 hp damage. The player rolls 3d6, scores a 12, and then adds 3 (the damage total) for a total of 15. Since the magician has 14 intelligence, the spell fails. CASTING A SCROLL SPELL Scrolls may be crafted by magicians, clerics, and several subclasses. These devices are created using thaumaturgical sorcery (magician, cryomancer, illusionist, necromancer, pyromancer, or witch spells), or ecclesiastical sorcery (cleric or druid spells). Scroll spells are painstakingly crafted to facilitate instant detonation; the sorcerer need only vocalize a specific phrase and/or trace a specific symbol to trigger the effect. Once invoked, the scroll, or that portion containing the invoked spell, is destroyed. Scroll Casting Requirements: The spell must be on the sorcerer’s spell list and it must be of a spell level that the caster is able to cast. If the sorcerer attempts to invoke a scroll of a spell level not yet achieved, a risk of failure is assumed: 5% for each spell level greater than the sorcerer can cast. For example, if a 5th-level magician attempts to invoke a level 5 scroll spell, then he or she risks a 10% chance of spell failure. If such an attempt does fail, the chance of a reversal effect, backfire, or other deleterious outcome is 1-in-6. SPELL STACKING In most cases, spells that have duplicate effects are not allowed to “stack.” For example, one may not cast protection from evil twice on the same character to double the effects of the spell. Likewise, different spells that provide attack bonuses, damage bonuses, or saving throw bonuses cannot be combined for a cumulative effect with other like spells. However, a spell can augment the effects of a magical weapon or device, or increase a creature’s inherent special ability.
REVERSED SPELLS Some spells have reverse forms. These spells are italicized in the spell lists. When a spell is cast, the sorcerer may arbitrarily decide whether to cast the spell’s standard or reversed form. This is executed through an inversion of the final incantation. SPELL DEFINITIONS All spells have a level, range, and duration; some have an area of effect, and some require components. Lvl = Level: School of sorcery and spell level. Note that some spells may be of different spell levels for different schools. School abbreviations are arranged in order of thaumaturgical followed by ecclesiatical. They are as follows: mag = magician cry = cryomancer ill= illusionist nec = necromancer pyr = pyromancer wch = witch clr = cleric drd = druid Rng = Range: How many feet a spell can extend from the sorcerer. A range of “0” indicates that the spell can be used on the caster only, personally affecting or emanating from the sorcerer. A range of “touch” indicates that the sorcerer must lay a hand on the target for the spell to discharge. Unless otherwise noted (e.g., shocking grasp spell), armour and shield protect against touch attacks. If a touch attack misses, the sorcerer may continue attempting to touch the intended victim (unless otherwise noted), the spell effectively discharging on a successful touch. Should the sorcerer decide to take some other action (e.g., casting a different spell, using an item, drawing a weapon), the touch spell is lost. Dur = Duration: The measure of how long spells last. Duration may be measured in rounds (10-second increments), turns (10-minute increments), hours, or even days. Some spells are instantaneous, effecting their magic in the blink of an eye, whereas others are permanent (unless dispelled). Area of Effect: Some spells note an area of effect in the spell description, demarcating the maximum space affected by the spell. This area may be indicated by square or cubic feet, radius or diameter, or a cone effect in which the base of the cone is narrow and the terminus is wider. Components: Some spells may require components of esoteric nature and/or monetary cost. Components can be used but once; i.e., once the spell is cast, the components are consumed by the sorcery. Where applicable, such components are denoted in the spell description.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
SPELL LISTS Spell lists are arranged in order of thaumaturgical spells (magician, cryomancer, illusionist, necromancer, pyromancer, witch) and ecclesiastical spells (cleric, druid). Spells are arranged by level, and each is assigned an uncover %. This can be used by players to randomly determine new spells automatically learnt, or by referees to determine the contents of a spell scroll. Some referees may require some or all starting spells to be randomly generated. Table 93: Magician Spell List MAGICIAN SPELLS Level 1 (uncover %)
Level 2 (uncover %)
Level 3 (uncover %)
Alarm (01–03)
Acid Arrow (01–03)
Black Cloud (01–03)
Burning Hands (04–06)
Auditory Glamour (04–06)
Blink (04–06)
Charm Person (07–09)
Continuous Light (07–09)
Cataleptic State (07–10)
Dancing Lights (10–12)
Cool Metal (10–12)
Clairaudience (11–13)
Dash (13–15)
Darkness (13–15)
Clairvoyance (14–16)
Decipher Language (16–18)
Detect Evil (16–18)
Dispel Magic (17–20)
Detect Magic (19–21)
Detect Illusion (19–21)
Explosive Runes (21–23)
Enlargement (22–24)
Detect Invisibility (22–24)
Fireball (24–26)
Feather Fall (25–27)
Detect Silence (25–27)
Flame Arrow (27–30)
Floating Disc (28–30)
Extra-dimensional Pocket (28–30)
Fly (31–33)
Friends (31–33)
Extrasensory Perception (31–33)
Haste (34–36)
Grease (34–36)
Flaming Sphere (34–36)
Hold Person (37–40)
Hold Portal (37–39)
Fool’s Gold (37–39)
Infrared Vision (41–43)
Identify (40–42)
Glitterdust (40–42)
Invisibility Hemisphere (44–46)
Influence Normal Fire (43–45)
Gust of Wind (43–45)
Lightning Bolt (47–50)
Jump (46–48)
Invisibility (46–48)
Phantasm (51–53)
Light (49–51)
Knock (49–51)
Protection from Evil, 15΄ r. (54–56)
Magic Missile (52–54)
Levitate (52–54)
Protection from Ordinary Missiles (57–60)
Melt Ice (55–57)
Locate Object (55–57)
Rope Trick (61–63)
Mending (58–60)
Magic Mouth (58–60)
Secret Page (64–66)
Message (61–63)
Mind Blank (61–63)
Sepia Snake Sigil (67–70)
Mount (64–66)
Mirror Image (64–66)
Shadow Sending (71–73)
Protection from Evil (67–69)
Pyrotechnics (67–69)
Slow (74–76)
Shield (70–72)
Ray of Enfeeblement (70–72)
Suggestion (77–80)
Shocking Grasp (73–75)
Scare (73–75)
Summon Monster I (81–83)
Shove (76–78)
Shatter (76–78)
Tiny Hut (84–86)
Sleep (79–81)
Sorcerer Lock (79–82)
Tongues (87–90)
Sorcerer Mark (82–85)
Stinking Cloud (83–85)
Twofold Missile (91–93)
Sorcerous Armour (86–88)
Strengthen (86–88)
Water Breathing (94–96)
Spider Climb (89–91)
Summon Dæmon I (89–91)
Wind Wall (97–00)
Unseen Servant (92–94)
Ungovernable Hideous Laughter (92–94)
Ventriloquism (95–97)
Wall of Shadow (95–97)
Write Spell (98–00)
Web (98–00)
N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
HYPERBOREA Table 93 (continued): Magician Spell List MAGICIAN SPELLS Level 4 (uncover d%)
Level 5 (uncover d%)
Level 6 (uncover d%)
Black Tentacles (01–03)
Air-like Water (01–03)
Anti-Magic Field (01-05)
Charm Monster (04–06)
Animate Dead (04–07)
Chain Lightning (06-09)
Confusion (07–10)
Cloudkill (08–11)
Control Water (10-13)
Dig Hole (11–13)
Cone of Cold (12–15)
Control Weather (14-18)
Dimension Door (14–16)
Contact Otherworldly Being (16–19)
Controlled Blast Fireball (19-22)
Dweomered Weapon (17–20)
Dismissal (20–23)
Death (23-26)
Extend Spell I (21–23)
Ecstasy of Shadow (24–27)
Disintegrate (27-31)
Fear (24–26)
Extend Spell II (28–31)
Extend Spell III (32-35)
Fire Shield (27–30)
Fabricate (32–34)
Forceful Hand (36-39)
Fire Trap (31–33)
Faithful Hound (35–38)
Freezing Sphere (40–44)
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser (34–36)
Feeblemind (39–42)
Geas (45–48)
Hallucinatory Terrain (37–40)
Hold Monster (43–46)
Globe of Invulnerability, Greater (49–52)
Ice Javelin (41–43)
Interposing Hand (47–50)
Guards and Wards (53–57)
Ice Storm (44–46)
Magic Jar (51–54)
Legend Lore (58–61)
Mass Treemorph (47–50)
Passwall (55–58)
Move Earth (62–65)
Mirror, Mirror (51–53)
Secret Chest (59–62)
Project Image (66–70)
Mnemonic Enhancer (54–56)
Sending (63–65)
Reincarnation (71–74)
Plant Growth (57–60)
Stone Shape (66–69)
Repulsion (75–78)
Polymorph Other (61–63)
Summon Elemental (70–73)
Stone to Flesh (79–83)
Polymorph Self (64–66)
Summon Monster III (74–77)
Summon Dæmon III (84–87)
Remove Curse (67–70)
Telekinesis (78–81)
Summon Invisible Stalker (88–91)
Resilient Sphere (71–73)
Teleport (82–85)
Summon Monster IV (92–96)
Secure Shelter (74–76)
Transmute Rock to Mud (86–89)
Transformation (97–00)
Shout (77–80)
Wall of Force (90–92)
Sorcerer Eye (81–83)
Wall of Iron (93–96)
Stoneskin (84–86)
Wall of Stone (97–00)
Summon Dæmon II (87–90) Summon Monster II (91–93) Wall of Fire (94–96) Wall of Ice (97–00) N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Table 94: Cryomancer (Magician) Spell List CRYOMANCER SPELLS Level 1 (uncover d%)
Level 2 (uncover d%)
Level 3 (uncover d%)
Chill Touch (01–06)
Cool Metal (01–06)
Black Cloud (01–06)
Cold Resistance (07–11)
Continuous Light (07–12)
Cold Protection (07–12)
Decipher Language (12–16)
Darkness (13–18)
Cryonic State (13–18)
Detect Magic (17–22)
Detect Body Heat (19–25)
Dispel Magic (19–25)
Freezing Hands (23–28)
Frost Sphere (26–31)
Dissipate Gas (26–31)
Hold Portal (29–33)
Glitterdust (32–37)
Freeze Surface (32–37)
Identify (34–39)
Gust of Wind (38–43)
Hold Person (38–43)
Light (40–44)
Ice Armour (44–50)
Inner Eye (44–50)
Magic Ice Dart (45–50)
Ice Axe (51–56)
Lightning Bolt (51–56)
Melt Ice (51–55)
Infrared Vision (57–62)
Protection from Evil, 15΄ r. (57–62)
Precipitate (56–61)
Invisibility (63–68)
Secret Page (63–68)
Protection from Evil (62–67)
Levitate (69–75)
Slow (69–75)
Shield (68–72)
Obscure (76–81)
Tiny Hut (76–81)
Shocking Grasp (73–78)
Ray of Enfeeblement (82–87)
Tongues (82–87)
Shove (79–84)
Shatter (88–93)
Water Breathing (88–93)
Sorcerer Mark (85–89)
Wall of Vapours (94–00)
Wind Wall (94–00)
Level 4 (uncover d%)
Level 5 (uncover d%)
Level 6 (uncover d%)
Change Temperature (01–07)
Breathe Frost (01–08)
Chain Lightning (01–08)
Cone of Cold (08–15)
Contact Otherworldly Being (09–16)
Chill of Death (09–16)
Extend Spell I (16–23)
Control Winds (17–25)
Control Weather (17–25)
Fire Shield (24–31)
Dismissal (26–33)
Disintegrate (26–33)
Ice Javelin (32–38)
Extend Spell II (34–41)
Extend Spell III (34–41)
Ice Storm (39–46)
Hold Monster (42–50)
Freezing Sphere (42–50)
Igloo (47–54)
Ice Bridge (51–58)
Geas (51–58)
Resilient Sphere (55–62)
Passwall (59–66)
Iceberg (59–66)
Shout (63–69)
Sending (67–75)
Legend Lore (67–75)
Solid Fog (70–77)
Telekinesis (76–83)
Summon Aerial Minion (76–83)
Sorcerer Eye (78–85)
Teleport (84–91)
Summon Ice Dæmon (84–91)
Squall (86–93)
Transform to Winter Wolf (92–00)
Transformation (92–00)
Unseen Servant (90–94) Write Spell (95–00)
Wall of Ice (94–00) N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
HYPERBOREA Table 95: Illusionist (Magician) Spell List ILLUSIONIST SPELLS Level 1 (uncover d%)
Level 2 (uncover d%)
Level 3 (uncover d%)
Auditory Glamour (01–04)
Alter Self (01–04)
Allay Exhaustion (01–04)
Colour Spray (05–08)
Blur (05–09)
Continuous Darkness (05–09)
Dancing Lights (09–12)
Captivate (10–14)
Deceive (10–14)
Darkness (13–16)
Cause Blindness (15–19)
Dispel Phantasm (15–19)
Decipher Language (17–20)
Cause Deafness (20–23)
Fear (20–23)
Detect Illusion (21–24)
Chameleon (24–28)
Hallucinatory Terrain (24–28)
Detect Invisibility (25–28)
Continuous Light (29–33)
Illusory Script (29–33)
Detect Magic (29–32)
Fog Cloud (34–38)
Illusory Wall of Fire (34–38)
Detect Silence (33–36)
Fool’s Gold (39–43)
Invisibility Hemisphere (39–43)
Disguise Self (37–40)
Glitterdust (44–47)
Non–Detection (44–47)
Hypnotism (41–44)
Hypnotic Pattern (48–52)
Paralyze (48–52)
Identify (45–48)
Improved Phantasm (53–57)
Phantasmal Wind (53–57)
Light (49–52)
Invisibility (58–62)
Phantom Steed (58–62)
Mending (53–56)
Magic Mouth (63–67)
Rainbow Bridge (63–67)
Mirror Gaze (57–60)
Misdirection (68–71)
Secret Page (68–71)
Mirror Image (61–64)
Phantasmal Armour (72–76)
Shadow Sending (72–76)
Phantasm (65–68)
Rope Trick (77–81)
Spectral Phantasm (77–81)
Prismatic Orb (69–72)
Ultraviolet Vision (82–86)
Suggestion (82–86)
Reflexion (73–76)
Wall of Shadow (87–91)
Tongues (87–91)
Sorcerer Mark (77–80)
Whispering Wind (92–95)
Wraithshape (92–95)
Terrify (81–84)
Wyvern Warden (96–00)
Zombie Visage (96–00)
Level 4 (uncover d%)
Level 5 (uncover d%)
Level 6 (uncover d%)
Blinding Light (01–06)
Advanced Hypnotism (01–07)
Acid Fog (01–07)
Confusion (07–12)
Advanced Spectral Phantasm (08–14)
Demi-Shadow Sorcery (08–14)
Dispel Magic (13–18)
Incite Chaos (15–21)
Geas (15–21)
Emotion (19–25)
Inflict Madness (22–28)
Guards and Wards (22–28)
Faithful Hound (26–31)
Major Creation (29–35)
Mass Suggestion (29–35)
False Vacancy (32–37)
Maze (36–42)
Mirage Arcana (36–42)
Illusory Wall (38–43)
Mirror, Mirror (43–50)
Mislead (43–50)
Improved Invisibility (44–50)
Phantasmal Door (51–57)
Permanent Phantasm (51–57)
Mass Treemorph (51–56)
Prismatic Wall (58–64)
Phantasmagorical Precipitousness (58–64)
Minor Creation (57–62)
Project Image (65–71)
Prismatic Sphere (65–71)
Phantasmal Killer (63–68)
Shadow Conjuration (72–78)
Programmed Phantasm (72–78)
Prismatic Spray (69–75)
Shadow Sorcery (79–85)
Spawn Shades (79–85)
Rainbow Pattern (76–81)
Spawn Demi-Shadow Monsters (86–92) True Seeing (86–92)
Solid Fog (82–87)
Temporal Acceleration (93–00)
Unseen Servant (85–88) Ventriloquism (89–92) Wall of Vapours (93–96) Write Spell (97–00)
Sorcerer Eye (88–93) Spawn Shadow Monsters (94–00) 168
N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
Veil (93–00)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Table 96: Necromancer (Magician) Spell List NECROMANCER SPELLS Level 1 (uncover d%)
Level 2 (uncover d%)
Level 3 (uncover d%)
Animate Carrion (01–05)
Cause Blindness (01–05)
Agonizing Touch (01–05)
Black Hand (06–10)
Cause Deafness (06–10)
Animate Carrion II (06–10)
Chill Touch (11–15)
Cold Resistance (11–15)
Cataleptic State (11–15)
Command (16–20)
Cudgel of Bone (16–20)
Cure Disease (16–20)
Decipher Language (21–25)
Danse Macabre (21–25)
Death Masque (21–25)
Detect Magic (26–30)
Darkness (26–30)
Dispel Magic (26–30)
Detect Malady (31–35)
Forest of Bones (31–35)
Exploding Skull (31–35)
Detect Undead (36–40)
Ghoul Touch (36–40)
Explosive Runes (36–40)
Extermination (41–45)
Infernal Tongues (41–45)
Floating Skull (41–45)
Identify (46–50)
Mummification (46–50)
Hold Person (46–50)
Invisibility to Undead (51–55)
Perceive Heartbeat (51–55)
Infrared Vision (51–55)
Locate the Dead (56–60)
Ray of Enfeeblement (56–60)
Lightning Bolt (56–60)
Necromantic Ventriloquism (61–65) Scythe of the Reaper (61–65)
Protection from Evil, 15΄ r. (61–65)
Protection from Evil (66–70)
Skeletal Hands (66–70)
Sepia Snake Sigil (66–70)
Scare (71–75)
Speak with Dead (71–75)
Slow (71–75)
Serpent Charm (76–80)
Spectral Hand (76–80)
Strangle (76–80)
Shocking Grasp (81–85)
Summon Dæmon I (81–85)
Summon Toad Swarm (81–85)
Skeletal Servant (86–90)
Visualize Death (86–90)
Tongues (86–90)
Sorcerer Mark (91–95)
Wyvern Warden (91–95)
Vampiric Touch (91–95)
Write Spell (96–00)
Zombie Visage (96–00)
Wraithshape (96–00)
Level 4 (uncover d%)
Level 5 (uncover d%)
Level 6 (uncover d%)
Animate Dead (01–06)
Animate Carrion III (01–07)
Animate Dead II (01–07)
Black Tentacles (07–11)
Brink of Death (08–14)
Chain Lightning (08–15)
Brain Death (12–16)
Cloudkill (15–20)
Disintegrate (16–23)
Contagion (17–22)
Cone of Cold (21–27)
Finger of Death (24–31)
Dimension Door (23–28)
Death (28–34)
Freezing Sphere (32–38)
Ecstasy of Shadow (29–33)
Dismissal (35–40)
Geas (39–46)
Enervation (34–39)
Faithful Hound (41–47)
Raise Dead (47–54)
Fear (40–44)
Feeblemind (48–54)
Repulsion (55–62)
Inflict Madness (45–50)
Gelatinize Bones (55–60)
Stone to Flesh (63–69)
Inner Eye (51–56)
Hold Monster (61–67)
Summon Dæmon III (70–77)
Mirror, Mirror (57–61)
Insect Plague (68–74)
Summon Invisible Stalker (78–85)
Polymorph Other (62–66)
Magic Jar (75–80)
Transform to Asp (86–93)
Remove Curse (67–72)
Plague Rats (81–87)
White Hand of Death (94–00)
Shroud of Fear (73–78)
Shadow Conjuration (88–94)
Sorcerer Eye (79–84)
Summon Bat Swarm (95–00)
Summon Dæmon II (85–89) Transfer Wounds (90–94) Turn Sticks to Serpents (95–00) N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
HYPERBOREA Table 97: Pyromancer (Magician) Spell List PYROMANCER SPELLS Level 1 (uncover d%)
Level 2 (uncover d%)
Level 3 (uncover d%)
Burning Hands (01–06)
Continuous Light (01–06)
Blinding Light (01–06)
Dancing Lights (07–11)
Cure Light Burns (07–12)
Dispel Magic (07–12)
Decipher Language (12–16)
Darkness (13–18)
Explosive Runes (13–18)
Detect Magic (17–22)
Detect Body Heat (19–25)
Fire Protection (19–25)
Færie Fire (23–28)
Fire Web (26–31)
Fire Staff (26–31)
Fire Resistance (29–33)
Flame Blade (32–37)
Fireball (32–37)
Flaming Missile (34–39)
Flaming Sphere (38–43)
Flame Arrow (38–43)
Flash (40–44)
Glitterdust (44–50)
Haste (44–50)
Identify (45–50)
Gust of Wind (51–56)
Illusory Wall of Fire (51–56)
Influence Normal Fire (51–56)
Heat Metal (57–62)
Incinerate Normal Missiles (57–62)
Light (57–61)
Infrared Vision (63–68)
Protection from Evil, 15΄ r. (63–68)
Melt Ice (62–66)
Invisibility (69–75)
Secret Page (69–75)
Protection from Evil (67–72)
Levitate (76–81)
Strengthen (76–81)
Smoke Cloud (73–78)
Produce Flame (82–87)
Tongues (82–87)
Sorcerer Mark (79–84)
Pyrotechnics (88–93)
Wind Wall (88–93)
Sorcerous Armour (85–89)
Ray of Enfeeblement (94–00)
Witch Fire (94–00)
Level 4 (uncover d%)
Level 5 (uncover d%)
Level 6 (uncover d%)
Boil (01–07)
Breathe Fire (01–08)
Death Ray of Immolation (01–08)
Change Temperature (08–15)
Contact Otherworldly Being (09–16)
Disintegrate (09–16)
Controlled Blast Fireball (16–23)
Death Smoke Cloud (17–25)
Extend Spell III (17–25)
Cure Serious Burns (24–31)
Dismissal (26–33)
Fire Seeds (26–33)
Dimension Door (32–38)
Extend Spell II (34–41)
Geas (34–41)
Extend Spell I (39–46)
Flame Strike (42–50)
Legend Lore (42–50)
Fire Shield (47–54)
Passwall (51–58)
Project Image (51–58)
Fire Trap (55–62)
Sending (59–66)
Reincarnation (59–66)
Produce Bonfire (63–69)
Summon Firefly Swarm (67–75)
Repulsion (67–75)
Resilient Sphere (70–77)
Telekinesis (76–83)
Summon Fire Elemental (76–83)
Shout (78–85)
Teleport (84–91)
Transformation (84–91)
Sorcerer Eye (86–93)
Transform to Hell Hound (92–00)
Transmute Rock to Lava (92–00)
Unseen Servant (90–94) Write Spell (95–00)
Wall of Fire (94–00) N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Table 98: Witch (Magician) Spell List WITCH SPELLS Level 1 (uncover d%)
Level 2 (uncover d%)
Level 3 (uncover d%)
Alter Self (01–04)
Befriend Animals (01–04)
Barkskin (01–04)
Charm Person (05–07)
Bless (05–07)
Black Cloud (05–07)
Decipher Language (08–11)
Cause Blindness (08–11)
Clairaudience (08–11)
Detect Evil (12–14)
Cause Deafness (12–14)
Clairvoyance (12–14)
Detect Illusion (15–18)
Darkness (15–18)
Continuous Darkness (15–18)
Detect Magic (19–21)
Detect Invisibility (19–21)
Continuous Light (19–21)
Detect Malady (22–25)
Detect Silence (22–25)
Cure Disease (22–25)
Detect Undead (26–29)
Extrasensory Perception (26–29)
Delay Poison (26–29)
Enlargement (30–32)
Find Traps (30–32)
Dispel Magic (30–32)
Færie Fire (33–36)
Ghoul Touch (33–36)
Dissipate Gas (33–36)
Feather Fall (37–40)
Goodberry (37–40)
Exploding Skull (37–40)
Friends (41–43)
Hold Person (41–43)
Explosive Runes (41–43)
Hold Portal (44–47)
Hypnotism (44–47)
Inner Eye (44–47)
Influence Normal Fire (48–50)
Identify (48–50)
Phantasm (48–50)
Light (51–53)
Infernal Tongues (51–53)
Protection from Evil, 15΄ r. (51–53)
Locate the Dead (54–56)
Levitate (54–56)
Remove Curse (54–56)
Mending (57–60)
Locate Object (57–60)
Remove Paralysis (57–60)
Message (61–63)
Magic Mouth (61–63)
Sepia Snake Sigil (61–63)
Protection from Evil (64–67)
Mind Blank (64–67)
Slow (64–67)
Reflexion (68–71)
Obscure (68–71)
Speak with Dead (68–71)
Scare (72–74)
Perceive Heartbeat (72–74)
Starlight (72–74)
Shocking Grasp (75–78)
Placate (75–78)
Summon Dæmon I (75–78)
Sleep (79–82)
Purify Food and Drink (79–82)
Summon Insect Swarm (79–82)
Sorcerer Mark (83–85)
Ray of Enfeeblement (83–85)
Summon Toad Swarm (83–85)
Spider Climb (86–89)
Shatter (86–89)
Tongues (86–89)
Unseen Servant (90–92)
Speak with Animals (90–92)
Vampiric Touch (90–92)
Ventriloquism (93–96)
Ungovernable Hideous Laughter (93–96) Wind Wall (93–96)
Write Spell (97–00)
Witch Fire (97–00)
Wraithshape (97–00)
N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
HYPERBOREA Table 98 (continued): Witch (Magician) Spell List WITCH SPELLS Level 4 (uncover d%)
Level 5 (uncover d%)
Level 6 (uncover d%)
Black Tentacles (01–06)
Animate Dead (01–07)
Animate Objects (01–07)
Charm Monster (07–11)
Anti-Magic Field (08–14)
Control Lycanthrope (08–15)
Contagion (12–16)
Cause Lycanthropy (15–20)
Control Weather (16–23)
Freeze Surface (17–22)
Control Winds (21–27)
Disintegrate (24–31)
Glyph of Warding (23–28)
Dismissal (28–34)
Finger of Death (32–38)
Hallucinatory Terrain (29–33)
Enervation (35–40)
Freezing Sphere (39–46)
Mirror, Mirror (34–39)
Inoculate (41–47)
Geas (47–54)
Moonlight (40–44)
Lifeglobe (48–54)
Gelatinize Bones (55–62)
Neutralize Poison (45–50)
Magic Jar (55–60)
Raise Dead (63–69)
Plant Growth (51–56)
Produce Bonfire (61–67)
Reincarnation (70–77)
Polymorph Other (57–61)
Shadow Conjuration (68–74)
See (78–85)
Polymorph Self (62–66)
Sleep Everlasting (75–80)
Summon Invisible Stalker (86–93)
Shockwave (67–72)
Summon Bat Swarm (81–87)
Transfer Youthfulness (94–00)
Sorcerer Eye (73–78)
Summon Dæmon III (88–94)
Strangle (79–83)
Summon Elemental (95–00)
Summon Dæmon II (84–89) Transfer Wounds (90–94) Turn Sticks to Serpents (95–00) N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Table 99: Cleric Spell List CLERIC SPELLS Level 1 (uncover d%)
Level 2 (uncover d%)
Level 3 (uncover d%)
Bless (01–05)
Aid (01–06)
Animate Dead (01–06)
Bless Oil or Water (06–10)
Augury (07–11)
Continuous Light (07–12)
Ceremony of Consecration (11–15)
Cure Moderate Wounds (12–16)
Create Food and Water (13–18)
Cold Resistance (16–20)
Darkness (17–22)
Cure Blindness (19–25)
Command (21–25)
Delay Poison (23–28)
Cure Deafness (26–31)
Create Water (26–30)
Detect Silence (29–33)
Cure Disease (32–37)
Cure Light Wounds (31–35)
Distinguish Alignment (34–39)
Dispel Magic (38–43)
Detect Evil (36–40)
Enthral (40–44)
Glyph of Warding (44–50)
Detect Magic (41–45)
Find Traps (45–50)
Locate Object (51–56)
Detect Malady (46–50)
Fire Resistance (51–56)
Magic Vestment (57–62)
Detect Venom (51–55)
Hold Person (57–61)
Meld into Stone (63–68)
Light (56–60)
Incantation (62–66)
Prayer (69–75)
Magic Stone (61–65)
Invisibility to Undead (67–72)
Remove Curse (76–81)
Omen (66–70)
Serpent Charm (73–78)
Remove Paralysis (82–87)
Perceive Disguise (71–75)
Silence (79–83)
Speak with Dead (88–93)
Precipitate (76–80)
Speak with Animals (84–89)
Water Walk (94–00)
Protection from Evil (81–85)
Weird War Hammer (90–94)
Purify Food and Drink (86–90)
Wyvern Warden (95–00)
Remove Fear (91–95) Sanctuary (96–00) Level 4 (uncover d%)
Level 5 (uncover d%)
Level 6 (uncover d%)
Brink of Death (01–06)
Air Walk (01–08)
Animate Objects (01–08)
Control Water (07–12)
Atonement (09–15)
Blade Barrier (09–15)
Cure Serious Wounds (13–18)
Commune (16–22)
Communicate with Monsters (16–22)
Discern Lie (19–25)
Cure Critical Wounds (23–29)
Control Weather (23–29)
Divination (26–31)
Cure Madness (30–36)
Feeblemind (30–36)
Imbue with Spell Ability (32–37)
Dispel Evil (37–43)
Find the Path (36–43)
Neutralize Poison (38–43)
Finger of Death (44–50)
Forbiddance (44–50)
Perform Exorcism (44–50)
Flame Strike (51–58)
Heal (51–58)
Protection from Evil, 15΄ r. (51–56)
Inoculate (59–65)
Heroes’ Feast (59–65)
Scrying Font (57–62)
Insect Plague (66–72)
Restoration (66–72)
Shroud of Fear (63–68)
Plane Shift (73–79)
Stone Tell (73–79)
Speak with Plants (69–75)
Quest (80–86)
Summon Aerial Minion (80–86)
Spike Growth (76–81)
Raise Dead (87–93)
Summon Animal I (87–93)
Them (82–87)
True Seeing (94–00)
Word of Recall (94–00)
Tongues (88–93) Turn Sticks to Serpents (94–00) N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
HYPERBOREA Table 100: Druid (Cleric) Spell List DRUID SPELLS Level 1 (uncover d%)
Level 2 (uncover d%)
Level 3 (uncover d%)
Befriend Animals (01–05)
Barkskin (01–06)
Black Cloud (01–06)
Create Firewood (06–10)
Charm Person or Beast (07–11)
Call Lightning (07–11)
Detect Magic (11–15)
Continuous Light (12–16)
Chameleon (12–16)
Detect Snares and Pits (16–20)
Create Water (17–22)
Cure Disease (17–22)
Detect Venom (21–25)
Cure Light Wounds (23–28)
Cure Moderate Wounds (23–28)
Entangle (26–30)
Delay Poison (29–33)
Fire Protection (29–33)
Færie Fire (31–35)
Detect Neutrality (34–39)
Hold Animal (34–39)
Fire Resistance (36–40)
Find Plants (40–44)
Meld into Stone (40–44)
Goodberry (41–45)
Find Traps (45–50)
Neutralize Poison (45–50)
Influence Normal Fire (46–50)
Fire Trap (51–56)
Pass without Trace, 15΄ r. (51–56)
Light (51–55)
Flame Blade (57–61)
Plant Growth (57–61)
Locate Ordinary Animal (56–60)
Flaming Sphere (62–66)
Pyrotechnics (62–66)
Magic Stone (61–65)
Gust of Wind (67–72)
Spike Growth (67–72)
Messenger Bird (66–70)
Heat Metal (73–78)
Starlight (73–78)
Pass without Trace (71–75)
Melt Ice (79–83)
Stone Shape (79–83)
Precipitate (76–80)
Obscure (84–89)
Summon Insect Swarm (84–89)
Purify Food and Drink (81–85)
Produce Flame (90–94)
Tree Shape (90–94)
Sanctuary from Animals (86–90)
Warp Wood (95–00)
Water Breathing (95–00)
Level 4 (uncover d%)
Level 5 (uncover d%)
Level 6 (uncover d%)
Boil (01–06)
Animal Growth (01–07)
Anti-Beast Shell (01–07)
Change Temperature (07–11)
Anti-Plant Shell (08–14)
Control Weather (08–14)
Cure Serious Wounds (12–16)
Breathe Fire (15–20)
Cure Critical Wounds (15–20)
Dispel Magic (17–22)
Commune with Nature (21–27)
Feeblemind (21–27)
Hallucinatory Terrain (23–28)
Control Winds (28–34)
Finger of Death (28–34)
Hold Vegetation (29–33)
Flame Strike (35–40)
Fire Seeds (35–40)
Insect Plague (34–39)
Igloo (40–47)
Liveoak (40–47)
Lifeglobe (40–44)
Pass Tree (48–54)
Regeneration (48–54)
Lightning Protection (45–50)
Summon Animal II (55–60)
Reincarnation (55–60)
Mass Treemorph (51–56)
Summon Bat Swarm (61–67)
Repel Wood (61–67)
Moonlight (57–61)
Summon Firefly Swarm (68–74)
Stone Tell (68–74)
Plant Portal (62–66)
Transmute Rock to Mud (75–80)
Summon Animal III (75–80)
Produce Bonfire (67–72)
Turn Sticks to Serpents (81–87)
Summon Fire Elemental (81–87)
Speak with Plants (73–78)
Wall of Fire (88–94)
Transport via Plants (88–94)
Summon Animal I (79–83)
Wall of Thorns (95–00)
True Seeing (95–00)
Shillelagh (91–95) Speak with Animals (96–00)
Them (84–89) Ward Off Insects (90–94) Wind Wall (95–00) N.B.: Italicized spells have reverse forms.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
SPELLS Acid Arrow Lvl: mag 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: special A magic arrow darts from the finger of the caster. On a successful attack roll (dexterity modifier applies), the acid arrow strikes for 1d4+1 hp physical damage, plus an additional 2d4 hp acid damage in the same round. Magicians (but not other sorcerers) enjoy a +1 bonus to the attack roll for every 2 CA levels (CA 3–4 = +2, CA 5–6 = +3, and so forth). Acid damage will persist for higher level sorcerers:
of being ensorcelled and is subject to a posthypnotic suggestion. The trigger is determined by the sorcerer; it may be something seen or a spoken word. The player must inform the referee what the specific trigger is, and the referee must judge if it is appropriate. Once triggered, a suggestion (q.v.) is effected. The spell is broken after this suggestion is triggered and acted on, which might be hours, days, months, or even years later.
1 extra round for CA 4–6 2 extra rounds for CA 7–9 3 extra rounds for CA 10 or greater. For example, an acid arrow fired by a CA 12 sorcerer on round 1 would inflict 1d4+1 hp base damage plus 2d4 hp acid damage on round 1, 2d4 hp acid damage on round 2, 2d4 hp acid damage on round 3, and a final 2d4 hp acid damage on round 4. The acid may ruin armour or clothing per referee discretion. N.B.: If using the optional critical hits and misses rules, acid arrow is subject to critical success or failure; however, magicians should use the “fighter” column in each such instance. Also, any multiplied damage that results from a critical hit or critical miss applies strictly to the arrow’s physical damage, not the acid. Acid Fog Lvl: ill 6 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) Creates a caustic miasma as large as 10 feet thick, 30 feet long, and 30 feet high. Only 35 mph or greater wind will disperse acid fog; even a gust of wind spell is ineffective. Acid fog burns all within its confines and is particularly deadly to vegetation, killing small plants and grass at once. Humans, monsters, and other fauna are harmed as well, the acid blistering their skin, eyes, throat, and lungs. Such creatures sustain 1 hp damage on the 1st round, 2 hp on the 2nd, 4 hp on the 3rd, 8 hp on the 4th, 10 hp on the 5th, and 12 hp on the 6th; vegetal creatures suffer 150% of these damage figures. Any creature caught within or attempting to traverse acid fog is slowed by the fog’s opacity to a maximum rate of 10 MV. Normal sight cannot penetrate acid fog, and infrared vision is unavailing. Potent fire spells such as fireball, flame strike, or wall of fire will burn off acid fog in 1 round. Advanced Hypnotism Lvl: ill 5 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: special To hypnotize a single target. To resist, the target is granted a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Hostile or aggressive creatures gain +1 to +3 bonuses on their saves, as judged by the referee. A failed save indicates the victim is unaware
Advanced Spectral Phantasm Lvl: ill 5 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: permanent A visual illusion is created, a projected image of nearly anything the caster can imagine, as large as 50 × 50 × 50 feet in area. Victims must be living creatures of animal intelligence or greater; undead, constructs, oozes, and the like are unaffected. Advanced spectral phantasm can be used to create an attacking monster or another damaging hazard. The illusion can be of sight, sound, smell, and/or temperature. The auditory component might include a shout, a roar, or a sentence of no more than nine words in length (not including articles a, an, and the). Once cast, this spell will persist infinitely, with no need of concentration unless the caster wishes to manipulate the movements of the illusion; such manœuvres require full concentration, though the sorcerer can walk at half speed and maintain control. The illusion is broken if struck for 1 hp damage or more, or it can be terminated via a dispel phantasm spell. An advanced spectral phantasmal monster is AC 6 and will disappear if hit; otherwise, it can continue to attack without caster direction. Advanced spectral phantasm targets are not allowed saving throws unless the referee feels the illusion is unbelievable to its viewers, in which case sorcery saving throws should be rolled, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. With sight, sound, smell, and/or temperature, credibility is rarely an issue with this spell; if such a case arises, and the save is made, the disbeliever will see the advanced spectral phantasm as a flawed and flickering transparent image. An intelligent disbeliever may then alert allies, whose saves are made at a bonus of +4. Otherwise, this illusion can inflict real physical damage: 1d8 hp per CA level per round to each victim. Such damage remains even if the spell is subsequently broken.
HYPERBOREA Air-like Water Lvl: mag 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Transforms a 30-foot-diameter sphere of fresh or salt water into a magical, bubbling solution that can be inhaled safely by air-breathing creatures; furthermore, underwater pressure is negated. The spell can be cast as the sorcerer enters the water or after submerging, the air-like water moving with the caster. Water-breathing creatures will instinctively avoid the sphere, as they cannot respire within its confines, but this general eschewal does not preclude certain predators of the deep from attempting to snatch prey from the air-like water.
Agonizing Touch Lvl: nec 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous When touched by the sorcerer, a searing pain runs through the victim’s nervous system; no saving throw applies. Damage inflicted is 1d4 hp, but the intense pain impairs the victim for 1d4+1 rounds: The victim’s attack rolls, armour class, and saving throws are each at a −2 penalty; movement is halved; and spells or innate sorcerous abilities stand a 3-in-6 chance of failure (the optional concentration rule does not apply). Aid Lvl: clr 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn A single recipient gains a +1 bonus on any saving throw versus fear effects (whether sorcery or device), a +1 bonus on all attack rolls, and a temporary 1d8 hit point boost. These hit points may exceed the recipient’s normal hp maximum. Any subsequent damage is drawn from the temporary hp first, the remainder disappearing when the spell ends. Lastly, if cast upon an NPC ally (henchman, hireling, etc.), the recipient gains a +1 bonus on any morale (ML) check. Air Walk Lvl: clr 5 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) The sorcerer can walk on air as though it were solid ground and lead up to one recipient per CA level to do the same. Each recipient must be touched and be willing. In a straight, single-file line (such as over a chasm, ravine, or trench), the sorcerer can lead recipients to walk (but not run) at normal movement rate. Air walkers also can walk up or down at a 45° angle, as though ascending or descending stairs, at one-half normal walking speed. Too, they can ascend or descend vertically, as though climbing a sheer cliff with ample handholds and toeholds, at one-fourth normal walking speed. Any recipients that stray from the caster’s path will fall and take damage.
Alarm Lvl: mag 1 | Rng: 10 feet per CA level | Dur: 12 turns (2 hours) per CA level Cast upon as many doors, gates, portals, or other point of ingress/egress that are within the caster’s range. This spell is triggered by the passage of any living creature larger than a rat (3+ lbs.), evoking a sound not unlike bells pealing. Undead, constructs, and other non-living entities will not activate the alarm spell; neither will incorporeal beings, though invisible creatures will set off the spell. Allay Exhaustion Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Creates the illusion of healing, wellness, energy, and stamina. Allay exhaustion allows one to persevere without sleep when thoroughly exhausted, as though an extraordinary feat of constitution had been achieved. As well, any previous hit point loss is temporarily healed by 50%. The exact number should be recorded, for when the spell’s duration elapses, this illusory hit point boon is lost. Once the illusion ends, the recipient must rest for 12 turns (2 hours) or suffer −4 penalties to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Unwilling recipients are allowed sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Alter Self Lvl: ill 2, wch 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1d6 turns The sorcerer’s form is mutated to something or someone no more than 50% smaller or larger, lighter or heavier. The new form has quasi-actuality. For example, if the new form has wings, the caster is allowed minimal flight, moving at no greater than 50% of the actual creature’s speed; if the creature has gills, the caster can breathe underwater; and so on. The altered form is limited to humans, humanoids, or other bipedal species with which the caster is familiar. This spell does not grant any special abilities beyond locomotion and respiration—no innate magical abilities, no enhanced acuity. The duration of the spell should be rolled in secret by the referee.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Animal Growth (reversible) Lvl: drd 5 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) per CA level Causes as many as six normal beasts (amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, or reptiles; not humans, humanoids, or monsters) to double in size. The effect results in doubled hit dice, doubled damage dice, and whatever else the referee deems appropriate. The reverse of this spell, animal reduction, shrinks as many as six animals to half their normal size, resulting in halved hit dice and halved damage on attacks. No saving throw is permitted for either form of this spell. Animate Carrion Lvl: nec 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent Raised are the bones or carrion of Small animals: amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles of natural sort. The small undead animals will obey the simple instructions of the caster (essentially one-word commands) and follow the sorcerer unless slain or turned; the dispel magic spell also nullifies the connexion between the sorcerer and the undead animal. The caster can animate and maintain no more than 1 HD of undead animals per CA level. Animated carrion loses any special abilities possessed in life (e.g., flight, musk, venom). Animate Carrion II Lvl: nec 3 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent Raised are the bones or carrion of Medium animals: amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles of natural sort. The medium undead animals will obey the simple instructions of the caster (essentially one-word commands) and follow the sorcerer unless slain or turned; the dispel magic spell also nullifies the connexion betwixt the sorcerer and the undead animal. The caster can animate and maintain no more than 2 HD of undead animals per CA level. Animated carrion loses any special abilities possessed in life (e.g., flight, musk, venom). Animate Carrion III Lvl: nec 5 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent Raised are the bones or carrion of Large animals: amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles of natural sort. The large undead animals will obey the simple instructions of the caster (essentially one-word commands) and follow the sorcerer unless slain or turned; the dispel magic spell also nullifies the connexion betwixt the sorcerer and the undead animal. The caster can animate and maintain no more than 3 HD of undead animals per CA level. Animated carrion loses any special abilities possessed in life (e.g., flight, musk, venom). Animate Dead Lvl: mag 5, nec 4, wch 5; clr 3 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent Skeletons or zombies are created from the bones and cadavers of dead humans or humanoids. The undead will obey the commands of the caster, following, attack-
ing, or standing guard as directed. They will continue to serve until slain or turned; the dispel magic spell also nullifies the connexion betwixt the sorcerer and the undead. Through this necromancy the sorcerer can animate and maintain 1 skeleton or zombie per CA level. If suitable remains are at hand, the sorcerer can opt to raise 1 large skeleton per 3 CA levels, or 1 giant skeleton per 6 CA levels, though zombies may only be created from the whole corpses of humans. Animate Dead II Lvl: nec 6 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent Unspeakable rites and forbidden incantations raise ghouls from the fresh graves of humans. The selected graves must be no older than one week and dug properly. The ghouls will claw out from the earth to obey the commands of the sorcerer, following, attacking, or standing guard as directed. They will continue to serve until either slain or turned; the dispel magic spell also nullifies the connexion betwixt the sorcerer and the undead. Through this necromancy the sorcerer can animate and maintain 1 ghoul for every 2 CA levels. If a 12th-level sorcerer casts this spell, the sixth ghoul will emerge as a ghast. Animate Objects Lvl: wch 6; clr 6 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Enchants non-magical articles to rouse and do the sorcerer’s bidding, affecting one or more objects of total weight not exceeding 400 pounds. The referee should determine movement rate, hit points, attacks, and damage delivered by the animated objects. Consider the following guidelines: Boulder, Round (250 lbs.): MV 20; DX 5; AC 4; HD 5; #A 1/1 (rolling smash); D 1d10 Chest, Iron: MV 10; DX 4; AC 5; HD 3; #A 1/1 (bite); D 1d8 Statue, Stone: MV 20; DX 6; AC 1; HD 6; #A 1/1 (strike); D 2d8 Table, Wooden: MV 30; DX 4; AC 7; HD 2; #A 2/1 (legs); D 1d6/1d6 Animated objects use the fighting ability (FA) of the caster and make saving throws according to their item category; morale (ML) does not apply. Anti-Beast Shell Lvl: drd 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Creates an invisible, 10-foot-radius, hemispherical field around the sorcerer. The barrier prevents any animal from breaching the anti-beast shell or attacking those within. This spell does not affect magical beasts or “monsters”; only natural beasts of the animal kingdom are hedged out: amphibians, arachnids, birds, fish, insects, mammals, and reptiles, including giant-sized species. Those afforded the protection of this spell cannot attack or otherwise harm any animal outside the shell, or the spell will terminate. 177
HYPERBOREA Anti-Magic Field Lvl: mag 6, wch 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 12 rounds (2 minutes) Evokes a magical energy shield to surround the sorcerer at a radius of one foot per CA level. The anti-magic field repels any spell or sorcerous effect (as from a ring, staff, wand, etc.); however, just as no spell or spell effect can enter the shell, no spell or spell effect can exit it, either. Anti-Plant Shell Lvl: drd 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Creates an invisible, 10-foot-radius, hemispherical field that encircles the sorcerer. The barrier prevents any plant from breaching the anti-plant shell or attacking him, including vegetal monsters such as green slime, mustard mould, shambling mounds, and tree-men. Those afforded the protection of this spell cannot attack or otherwise harm any plant creature outside the shell, or the spell will terminate. Atonement Lvl: clr 5 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent Usually cast on those of similar religion and/or like alignment, this spell takes 1 hour to cast, following prayer, cogitation, and incense burning. It removes the onus of misdeeds that are unknowingly, unintentionally, or unwillingly committed; also, this spell can undo the effects of magical alignment change. If the recipient has exercised poor judgment and consequently violated the precepts of faith and/or alignment, this spell can remove the burden or penalties accorded if the character is truly repentant. Ultimately, the subject’s contrition must be judged by the referee. One cannot atone for deliberate misdeeds. The recipient of the atonement spell might be charged with a quest (q.v.) to complete his reparations. Auditory Glamour Lvl: mag 2, ill 1 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 1 turn A hallucination of sound is created, that of voices, calls, or cries (human, humanoid, animal, or monster); footfalls; or other like noises. The sounds of 1d4 creatures can be invented thus for each CA level of the sorcerer. However, if a sound is of significant volume, the referee must decide on the number of voices and their collective volume (e.g., the roar of one lion may be equal to the shouts of five people). Augury Lvl: clr 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: special Through communion with otherworldly agents, the sorcerer learns whether an action in the near future (within 3 turns) will be advantageous or disadvantageous. The caster must clearly and concisely articulate the considered action (or inaction, as it were) through prayer and cogitation over a 1-turn period. The referee then informs the player if the proposed action is for weal, for woe, or inconsequential. The chance to suc178
cessfully divine the future is 7-in-10, which should be rolled secretly by the referee; a failed result yields an inaccurate augury. Barkskin Lvl: wch 3; drd 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn + 1 turn per CA level Toughens the recipient’s flesh to the strength of oak bark, providing an armour class equivalent to chain mail (AC 5, DR 1), or +1 AC if other armour is worn. Barkskin does not encumber the recipient in any way. Befriend Animals Lvl: wch 2; drd 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent The sorcerer enchants normal animals. The subjects must be Neutral, non-magical creatures of ordinary sort: amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, or reptiles. The sorcerer can control 1 HD of animals per CA level. Each such animal is granted a sorcery saving throw. Torpid or non-hostile animals make normal saving throws, but attacking animals save at +2. Animals that fail their saves are mesmerized and will follow the sorcerer to the best of their ability; those that make their saving throws will wander away or attack the caster, depending on the animal’s nature. An enchanted animal can be taught three tricks on par with what a trained dog or cat might learn, depending on its intelligence and capability. Each trick requires about a week of uninterrupted training; i.e., not during the course of adventure. Black Cloud Lvl: mag 3, cry 3, wch 3; drd 3 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 1 turn A small raincloud appears 30–60 feet above the intended target area. It releases a torrent of rain that forms a cylinder, showering a 30-foot-diameter area. If this spell is cast in an area of subfreezing temperature, the precipitation instead will be heavy snow; or, if the temperature is just at the freezing point, sleet and freezing rain results. All attack rolls made whilst under a black cloud are at −4 “to hit” penalties. Normal fires will be extinguished; magical fires will be temporarily snuffed, their dweomers rekindling 1 turn after the spell terminates (unless their durations elapse). Black cloud can also be used as a protective measure, for if a fireball, flaming sphere, or similar effect strikes the deluged area, the fire spell will be extinguished, and the rain vaporized to a cloud of steam. Black Hand Lvl: nec 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 3 rounds + 1 round per CA level The sorcerer’s right hand turns dark as pitch and emits tiny motes of black and violet. The black hand enhances touch spells of harmful intent, such as inflict
Volume I: Player’s Manual disease, ghoul touch, and shocking grasp. These subsequent touch attacks are made at +1 “to hit” for every 4 CA levels: CA 1–4 = +1 CA 5–8 = +2 CA 9–12 = +3 The black hand spell does not expire after a touch spell is successfully delivered; it persists for the full duration noted above. Black Tentacles Lvl: mag 4, nec 4, wch 4 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level Black, squid-like tentacles erupt in a 30-foot-diameter area, one such tentacle per CA level of the sorcerer. Each thick and slimy tentacle is 10 feet long, AC 4, and equal in hit points to the sorcerer at full health. Any creature within range of a black tentacle is subject to attack; if a tentacle has more than one potential target, the referee should assign equal chances via random die roll.
Blade Barrier Lvl: clr 6 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn The sorcerer conjures a 12-foot wall of whirling, keenedged blades that spin and flash around a selected point, fencing in an area as small as 5 × 5 feet to as large as 50 × 50 feet. Any creature that attempts to pass through the blade barrier will be assailed by the whirling blades, sustaining 8d8 hp damage. When this spell is cast, targeted creatures are entitled to an avoidance saving throw to escape harm; however, there is a 3-in-6 chance that they escape within the blade barrier, not without.
Each victim must make a sorcery saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds, the tentacle lashes the target for 1d6 hp damage before disappearing. If the saving throw fails, the tentacle lash delivers 1d6 hp damage, as well as constricting and rending the victim for a further 2d6 hp damage per round until the spell ends or the tentacle is destroyed. As the tentacles have no intelligence, they will continue to squeeze a dead body and might on occasion be fooled into constricting a barrel, statue, tree, or like object.
Bless (reversible) Lvl: wch 2; clr 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 3 turns All allies within 25 feet of the caster are sanctified by this spell, gaining a +1 to any saving throw versus fear effects (whether sorcery or device), and a +1 bonus on all attack rolls. Furthermore, NPCs (henchmen, hirelings, etc.) each gain a +1 bonus on any morale (ML) check. The reverse form of this spell, blight, curses all hostile creatures within 25 feet of the caster, effecting −1 morale, −1 on saving throws versus fear effects, and a −1 penalty on all attack rolls. N.B.: Either form of this spell affects only those within range at the moment the spell is cast; i.e., subsequently moving into or out of range has no bearing on the spell’s effects.
HYPERBOREA Bless Oil or Water Lvl: clr 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent This 6-turn (1-hour) ritual is performed exclusively by sorcerers of Good alignment. A holy benediction is placed on an eight-ounce vessel of vegetable oil or fresh water, thus creating a dose of holy oil or holy water. Sorcerers of CA 1–4 can cast this spell but once per month; those of CA 5–8 can cast this spell twice per month; and those of CA 9–12 can cast this spell thrice per month. Bless oil or water must be cast on hallowed ground, or on that which has been sanctified by a ceremony of consecration spell. A glass vessel of holy oil/water thrown as a missile at an undead target delivers 1d8 hp damage per round for 2 rounds if a hit is scored. Hurling a vessel of holy oil/water is executed by use of the flask hurling rules (see Chapter 9: Combat, combat options). Blinding Light Lvl: ill 4, pyr 3 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: instantaneous Evokes a flashing, 20-foot-diameter sphere of brilliant white radiance. Creatures within the area of effect are subject to blindness unless they make sorcery saving throws (or unless their eyes are closed). Creatures of 3 HD or fewer are permanently blinded if they fail their saves; creatures of 4–6 HD are blinded for 2d4 rounds; and creatures of 7 HD or greater are blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. Blinded creatures always lose initiative and suffer −4 penalties on attack rolls, armour class, and saving throws. Creatures not within the radius of the spell, and those that make their saves, will see spots for 1d6 turns. Blink Lvl: mag 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level Randomly the sorcerer “blinks” in and out of existence, making short (2d4-foot) planar jumps through the Æther and back. The caster may attack whilst blinking (if within range), but at a −4 “to hit” penalty. If the caster wins initiative, all melee and missile attacks against him or her will automatically miss. If the caster loses initiative, he or she is subject to attack, though only once from each attacker. The caster can be targeted by area effect spells such as fireball or web, or by breath weapons, if the original position and the blink location are both within the area of effect. The direction of the blink is determined by a d8 roll: 1 = north, 2 = northeast, 3 = east, 4 = southeast 5 = south, 6 = southwest, 7 = west, 8 = northwest If a solid object blocks the blink location, the sorcerer will be displaced as far as 15 feet in the determined direction in order to reappear. If solid matter still blocks re-emergence, the sorcerer will be trapped in another dimension, perhaps the plane where dwells Kraken.
Blur Lvl: ill 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1d4+4 rounds The sorcerer becomes vague, hazy, and nebulous. For the duration of the spell, the caster gains a +2 bonus to armour class and device saving throws (e.g., rods, staves, wands, some rings). Boil Lvl: pyr 4; drd 4 | Rng: 60 | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) Causes up to two gallons of any liquid to boil. Examples include water, oil, wine, ale, and blood. Up to 16 flasks (8 oz. each) of liquid can be transformed into boiling flasks if they are abutting when the spell is cast. Such a vessel may be hurled as a grenade (flask hurling rules apply; see Chapter 9: Combat, combat options) for 1d4 damage per vessel for the duration of the spell. Note that if a flask of incendiary oil is exposed to boil, it will detonate straight away. Starting at CA 7, this spell may be cast at one Small or Medium living creature. The target must make a death (poison) saving throw or suffer 2d6 damage per round for the duration of the spell. Most victims suffer a horrible, blood-boiling death. A dispel magic spell or ice water immersion cancels the effects of boil. Brain Death Lvl: nec 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent Kills a small portion of the victim’s neural region related to memory. The target must be touched and is allowed a death saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If the saving throw is successful, the target will be aware that foul sorcery had been attempted, though resisted. If the saving throw fails, the victim will have no inkling that a spell was cast. The sorcerer must then describe the memory to be terminated. The memory is limited to a specific event, person, place, thing, conversation, or the like. This spell cannot be used to eradicate an ability; e.g., a farmer cannot be made to forget how to raise crops, a cleric cannot be made to forget how to cast spells. If the target rolls a natural 1 on the saving throw, a full year of memories and 1 point of intelligence are lost; this blank is far more noticeable by the victim’s associates. In either case, a throbbing headache follows the failed saving throw. Breathe Fire Lvl: pyr 5; drd 5 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: special The lips of the sorcerer must be pursed after speaking the final incantation of this spell, for the next time the sorcerer’s mouth is opened, a jet of flames 10 feet long and 5 feet wide at its terminus is released. Victims in this path sustain 3d8+3 hp damage, though they can attempt avoidance saving throws for half damage. The sorcerer’s mouth may be opened at will to release this spell, perhaps during combat or other like activities; however, other spells may not be cast. If breathe fire is not released within 1 turn (10 minutes), the sorcerer
Volume I: Player’s Manual immolates, sustaining maximum damage (27 hp) with no saving throw applicable. (This spell can be dangerous if the caster is forgetful and speaks to an ally or another person.) Breathe Frost Lvl: cry 5 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: special The lips of the sorcerer must be pursed after speaking the final incantation of this spell, for the next time the sorcerer’s mouth is opened, a billowing jet of frost 10 feet long and 5 feet wide at its terminus is released. Victims in this path sustain 3d8+3 hp damage, though they can attempt avoidance saving throws for half damage. The sorcerer’s mouth may be opened at will to release this spell, perhaps during combat or other like activities; however, other spells may not be cast. If breathe frost is not released within 1 turn (10 minutes), the sorcerer internally freezes, sustaining maximum damage (27 hp) with no saving throw applicable. (This spell can be dangerous if the caster is forgetful and speaks to an ally or another person.) Brink of Death Lvl: nec 5; clr 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Revives a just-killed human or other creature, providing the spell is cast within 6 rounds (1 minute) of expiry. The subject must make a trauma survival check (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution) and furthermore suffers a permanent loss of 1 point of constitution. Brink of death also can be used to bring back a living but unconscious subject from a negative hit point total. The subject is immediately restored to consciousness (at 1 hp). Casting the spell in this manner entails neither a trauma survival check nor constitution loss. Burning Hands Lvl: mag 1, pyr 1 | Rng: 5 feet | Dur: instantaneous Jets of thin, multihued flames spring from the fingertips of the caster’s enveloped-in-flames hands, fanning out in a 120° horizontal arc and causing 2 hp damage per CA level, with no saving throw allowed. Combustible materials (e.g., cloth, paper, dry wood) are likely ignited if exposed to burning hands.
Call Lightning Lvl: drd 3 | Rng: 360 feet | Dur: 12 rounds (2 minutes) per CA level Requiring 1 turn to evoke, this spell is cast outdoors and is contingent on the presence of a thunderstorm, rainstorm, or significantly cloudy conditions. The sorcerer can then call lightning to strike a target within 360 feet. The lightning inflicts 2d8 hp base damage plus 1d8 hp per CA level (e.g., a CA 5 caster calls a 7d8 hp lightning bolt) to the target and any other creature within a 10-foot radius. A successful sorcery saving throw reduces damage by half. The sorcerer may continue to call down another lightning bolt every 12 rounds (2 minutes) until the spell’s duration elapses (i.e., one bolt per CA level) without need of concentration; the sorcerer can cast other spells, move, engage in melee, and so forth. Captivate Lvl: ill 2 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: special The sorcerer fascinates the subject of this spell if it fails its sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The captivated creature sees the caster as pleasing, desirable, or ideal. The sorcerer can direct the captivated one, who will trust, follow, and obey the caster. However, every time a new request is made, no matter how small or large, the victim of the spell rolls 3d6. If the total exceeds the caster’s charisma score, the spell is broken. Furthermore, if the request is unreasonable or potentially harmful to the victim, the roll may be made with a bonus of +1 to +3, as judged by the referee. If the spell is broken, the subject will be filled with unbridled rage, attacking the caster at +2 “to hit” and damage rolls. Normal animals also are subject to the captivate spell and will follow the caster for 1d4 days. If the animal is of a sort that might be tamed, and if it has been fed and treated well, it becomes a loyal ally if a 3d6 roll does not exceed the caster’s charisma score. It will, however, resent other animal companions. Cataleptic State Lvl: mag 3, nec 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) + 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level This spell allows the caster to feign death in a way indistinguishable from actual mortification. The sorcerer’s invisible spirit can float up to six feet above their “dead” physical body. The caster can see, hear, smell, and perceive surrounding events; meanwhile, no pulse is discernible on the cataleptic body, no breath appears to be drawn, and flesh is cold to the touch. One can willingly emerge from the cataleptic state at any time but needs 1 full turn before being able to walk and talk as normal.
HYPERBOREA Cause Blindness Lvl: ill 2, nec 2, wch 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: permanent The subject is blinded unless a sorcery saving throw is successful. The afflicted sees grey and nothing more, the tone of which depends on how much light is present. This spell is permanent unless dismissed by the caster. It can be negated by the spells cure blindness or dispel magic. Blind creatures always lose initiative and suffer −4 penalties on attack rolls, armour class, and saving throws. Cause Deafness Lvl: ill 2, nec 2, wch 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: permanent The subject is deafened unless a sorcery saving throw is successful. This spell is permanent unless dismissed by the caster. It can be negated by the spells cure deafness or dispel magic. A deaf creature is surprized on a base 4-in-6 chance and suffers an individual initiative penalty of −2 (i.e., the deaf creature may lose initiative, despite its allies winning). Other penalties may apply, at the referee’s discretion. Cause Lycanthropy Lvl: wch 5 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent This 24-hour ritual must be timed to coincide with a full moon’s zenith (Phobos or Selene). The victim must be bound to a tree or stone slab, suffering diabolical rites that culminate with the sorcerer tracing a six-pointed star on the victim’s breast with an ember-ended stick. The change manifests in 3d8 days, and until that time the victim will feel ill, suffering terrifying nightmares that are impossible to recall; even the ritual endured is but a vague memory. Ultimately, the victim is cursed with lycanthropy and becomes a werewolf. The creature cannot be controlled; however, it will not bring harm to the caster. A cure disease spell cast by a 9th-level or greater cleric, priest, shaman, or witch can end this affliction. Ceremony of Consecration (reversible) Lvl: clr 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent Sanctifies a square area with sides no more than 10 feet long per CA level (e.g., a CA 9 sorcerer can consecrate a 90 × 90-foot temple). The consecration hallows the area to whatever deities, otherworldly powers, or alignment the sorcerer serves. Once consecrated, creatures opposed to the caster’s faith suffer penalty of −1 saving throw and morale penalties whilst in the consecrated area. The reverse of this spell, ceremony of desecration, negates consecration by another sorcerer of equal or lower CA; e.g., a shrine consecrated by a 7th-level cleric cannot be desecrated by a 3rd-level priest. Either ritual requires 6 turns (1 hour) to complete and requires a sacrifice of blood and gems valued at 500 gp per 10-foot length of the area consecrated/desecrated (e.g., a 90 × 90-foot temple requires a sacrifice of 4,500 gp in gems). 182
Chain Lightning Lvl: mag 6, cry 6, nec 6 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: instantaneous Discharging from the fingertips of the sorcerer is an arcing bolt of lightning. It strikes a designated target for 1d6 hp damage per CA level (e.g., a CA 12 caster discharges a 12d6 hp bolt). The target is afforded a sorcery saving throw for half damage. Chain lightning will go on to strike the next closest object (within the range of the spell), gravitating to metal if present (e.g., an iron gate or a mail-clad warrior). The spell does not distinguish betwixt the caster’s enemies and inanimate objects; i.e., it will strike a keg of ale before it strikes a monster if the keg is closer to the primary target. Each time the lightning strikes another target, it delivers one fewer die of damage. So, if a CA 12 sorcerer discharges a 12d6 hp bolt, the second target (human, monster, or object) sustains 11d6 hp damage. Each subsequent target also gets a saving throw. Chain lightning will continue to strike as many objects as the caster has CA levels. It can strike each target only once, and it always stays within the range of the spell. If it strikes a large tree, iron rod, or other like attractor, the lightning will be diffused. This spell is potentially dangerous to the caster: It can arc back and strike the caster if no other targets are in range, or if the caster is perilously close to the primary target. Example: A CA 12 sorcerer discharges chain lightning at a group of 7 orcs standing by an oak tree 100 feet away. The first orc is struck for 12d6 hp, the second for 11d6hp, and the third for 10d6 hp, but the next closest target is the tree, which diffuses the bolt. If the tree were not present, the bolt would strike all 7 orcs and then arc back to the caster for 5d6 hp damage. Of course, a save can reduce each strike to half damage. Chameleon Lvl: ill 2; drd 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 2 turns Cloaks the recipient with semi-transparency that blends with the colour and texture of the recipient’s surroundings for the spell’s duration. Chameleon extends to the clothes/armour worn and gear carried by the spell’s recipient, but a rope or other lengthy item will become visible beyond five feet. If the subject removes an object, that object will no longer blend with its surroundings. An undetected chameleon subject gains a 2-in-6 bonus to surprize opponents and gains +2 “to hit” for all initial attack rolls (i.e., first attack for each encounter). Furthermore, if perfectly still and not in direct sunlight, the subject can successfully hide as a thief, with automatic success. Chameleon recipients can be revealed via infrared vision or detect invisibility.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Change Temperature Lvl: cry 4, pyr 4; drd 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) + 3 turns per CA level The sorcerer raises or lowers the temperature in a 10-foot radius by as much as 50°F. The caster can then move as normal, surrounded by the effect. The druidic version of this spell requires a sprig of mistletoe as a component. Charm Monster Lvl: mag 4, wch 4 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: special The primary target of this spell (any living creature) must make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If the primary target has 3 HD or fewer, additional targets (also of 3 HD or fewer) may be affected, starting with those closest to the primary target. In total, 3d6 individuals of 3 HD or fewer can be charmed by this spell, so long as they are within range. Each target is allowed a sorcery saving throw, as noted above. If the save fails, the sorcerer is at once regarded as an ally to be trusted and protected. If communication is possible, the ensorcelled creature(s) might carry out chores, instructions, or requests of reasonable nature. The spell dispel magic can cancel this spell. Otherwise, each charmed creature is allowed a weekly chance to break the enchantment: Victims of 1–2 levels/HD have a 1-in-6 chance Victims of 3–4 levels/HD have a 2-in-6 chance Victims of 5–6 levels/HD have a 3-in-6 chance Victims of 7–8 levels/HD have a 4-in-6 chance Victims of 9+ levels/HD have a 5-in-6 chance Charm Person Lvl: mag 1, wch 1 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: special The target of this spell (human, humanoid, or giant) must make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If the save fails, the victim views the caster as a close and trusted comrade to be protected and defended for the duration of the spell. If the ensorcelled victim understands the caster’s language, the caster can “suggest” the victim perform various tasks, so long as they are not diametrically opposite to the victim’s nature. The spell dispel magic can cancel this spell. Otherwise, additional sorcery saving throws (willpower adjustment applies) are allowed to break the spell at a time predicated on the targets intelligence (IN) score.: 13–18 IN = new save every 6 turns 9–12 IN = new save every 24 hours 3–8 IN = new save once per week
Charm Person or Beast Lvl: drd 2 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: special The target of this spell (human, humanoid, giant, or normal animal [mammals only]) must make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If the save fails, the victim views the caster as a close and trusted comrade to be protected and defended for the duration of the spell. If the ensorcelled victim understands the caster’s language, the caster can “suggest” the victim perform various tasks, so long as they are not diametrically opposite to the victim’s nature. The spell dispel magic can cancel this spell. Otherwise, additional sorcery saving throws (willpower adjustment applies) are allowed to break the spell at a time predicated on the targets intelligence (IN) score.: 13–18 IN = new save every hour (6 turns) 9–12 IN = new save every 24 hours 3–8 IN = new save once per week The spell does not impart linguistic ability, so communication is limited if cast on an animal. Chill of Death Lvl: cry 6 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: instantaneous The sorcerer points at a target and utters an incantation of death frost. The target must make a death saving throw or suffer a frozen heart (or another vital organ). For every point of difference between the sorcerer’s CA and the target’s level/HD, the saving throw is modified by ±1. So, if a CA 12 sorcerer casts this spell against a 13-HD monster, the monster gains a +1 bonus to its saving throw; if the target is an 8-HD monster, the saving throw is rolled at a −4 penalty. If the target lacks vital organs (e.g., automaton, skeleton, zombie), this spell is ineffective. Chill Touch Lvl: cry 1, nec 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn A violet glow emanates from the hands of the sorcerer. The next foe struck (bare hand or a melee weapon) sustains an additional 1d4 hp of energy-sapping damage, followed by a sorcery saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the victim is weakened, suffering penalties of −1 on attack and damage rolls for the spell’s duration. The dweomer fades if the caster does not strike a foe before the spell expires. Clairaudience Lvl: mag 3, wch 3 | Rng: special | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) per CA level The caster envisions a known or familiar location and can “hear” any sounds within 60 feet of the location’s epicentre. Range is not a factor when casting this spell, so long as the caster is on the same planet, plane of existence, and dimension as the targeted location. As a few examples, a familiar location may be construed as
HYPERBOREA behind a door before which the caster stands, within a cave entrance the caster views, or in a patch of brush the caster spies from a precipice above. If clairaudience is used to listen in on one who is 10 HD or greater, the target may make a sorcery save to cognize the effect; otherwise, they are ignorant. Lastly, if used in conjunction with the clairvoyance spell, the sorcerer both hears and sees the envisioned location. Clairvoyance Lvl: mag 3, wch 3 | Rng: special | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) per CA level The caster envisions a known or familiar location and can “see” anything within 60 feet of the location’s epicentre, beyond which all sight becomes blurred; if the area is cloaked in darkness, visibility is limited to 10 feet. Range is not a factor when casting this spell, so long as the caster is on the same planet, plane of existence, and dimension as the targeted location. If clairvoyance is used to view one who is 10 HD or greater, the target may make a sorcery save to cognize the effect; otherwise, they are ignorant. Lastly, if used in conjunction with clairaudience, the sorcerer both hears and sees the envisioned location. Cloudkill Lvl: mag 5, nec 5 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level A 30-foot-diameter, 20-foot-high cloud of poisonous, green-yellow vapours is evoked by the sorcerer. The cloud is heavy and clings low to the ground, much like fog, rolling at 30 MV in a direction pointed by the caster. Once the sorcerer points, the cloud’s momentum cannot be altered unless significant wind, which always prevails over the will of the sorcerer, exists. Unusually strong winds may disperse the cloud entirely. The cloudkill spell slays any creature in its path with fewer than 5 HD; creatures of 5 HD or more must roll death (poison) saving throws or suffer 3d6 hp damage. Cold Protection Lvl: cry 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: special Shelters the caster or other recipient from any damage related to normal cold for one hour per CA level. Against magical cold (e.g., cone of cold, freezing sphere, a winter wolf ’s breath), the sorcerer gains immunity from a single attack before the spell is broken; a recipient of this spell other than the sorcerer simply gains a +4 saving throw bonus versus magical cold attacks. Cold Resistance Lvl: cry 1, nec 2; clr 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Inures the subject’s body to the effects of cold. Even unclothed the subject can withstand temperatures as low as −15°F without suffering ill effects. Against magical cold attacks (e.g., cone of cold, a winter wolf ’s breath), the recipient enjoys a +2 saving throw bonus. 184
Colour Spray Lvl: ill 1 | Rng: 20 feet | Dur: instantaneous From the sorcerer’s hands emerges a rainbow of colours, forming a wedge 5 feet wide at its base, 20 feet long, and 20 feet wide at its terminus. Colour spray affects 1d6 creatures within this area of effect, beginning with those closest to the caster. Targets are allowed sorcery saving throws. Victims of 5 HD or fewer that fail their save are stricken unconscious for 2d4 rounds. Victims of 6 HD or more that fail their saving throws are blinded for 1d4 rounds. Blind creatures always lose initiative and suffer −4 penalties on attack rolls, armour class, and saving throws. N.B.: Undead, constructs, and blind or sightless creatures are unaffected by this spell. Command Lvl: nec 1; clr 1 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) The caster ensorcells the target of this spell with a single word of command, a word the victim is compelled to obey. The caster and victim must understand the same language, and the command must be clear. Typical commands include “Die!”, “Fall!”, “Flee!”, “Jump!”, “Sit!”, “Sleep!”, and “Stop!” The victim will not actually die if commanded to do so but may fall and enter a state of unconsciousness, unless disturbed. Creatures of above-average intelligence (13+) are allowed a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Targets of 7 HD or more, undead creatures, and other mindless constructs are unaffected by this spell. The spell fails if the caster mistakenly speaks a command of more than one word and is broken if the subject is harmed or disturbed. Commune Lvl: clr 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: special The faithful servant of a deity, otherworldly being, or alien power must pray and meditate for 3 turns to cast this spell. The ritual must coincide with the burning of incense and the handling of a holy symbol and prayer beads. Other ritualistic sacrifices are open to interpretation. Once the ritual is complete, the caster may ask the deific patron as many as three questions. The patron will answer correctly with a straightforward “yes “or “no.” Ambiguous or convoluted questions will be ignored, but still count against the three-question limit. This spell can be cast but once per adventure or once per month, as the referee deems appropriate. Commune with Nature Lvl: drd 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: special The sorcerer communicates with an elemental, animistic, or ancestral spirit. The sorcerer must pray and meditate for 3 turns to cast this spell. The ritual must coincide with the burning of incense and the handling of a carved wooden effigy. Other ritualistic sacrifices are open to interpretation.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Once the ritual is complete, the caster may ask the patron spirit as many as three questions. The spirit will answer correctly with a straightforward “yes “or “no.” Ambiguous or convoluted questions will be ignored, but still count against the three-question limit. This spell can be cast but once per adventure or once per month, as the referee deems appropriate. Communicate with Monsters Lvl: clr 6 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) per CA level Allows the sorcerer to speak with any creature that possesses even the most rudimentary communicational ability. The monster will understand the intent of the sorcerer’s words if not the precise language. Monsters of the same species as the initial target will likewise understand the message. Of course, such communication is also contingent on the creature wishing to converse with the caster; instead, it may prefer to eat the sorcerer. Cone of Cold Lvl: mag 5, cry 4, nec 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: instantaneous With hands extended, the sorcerer releases a heat-draining cone 30 feet long and 10 feet wide at its terminus. For those in its area of effect, the cone of cold drains 1d4+1 hp per CA level, so a 10th-level magician unleashes a cone of cold that inflicts 10d4+10 hp damage. Victims are allowed sorcery saving throws for half damage. Confusion Lvl: mag 4, ill 4 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level Bewilders the spell’s victims, who thereafter behave unexpectedly as determined on the table below. The spell affects 2d6 creatures in a 50-foot-diameter area of effect, including allies. Creatures of 2 HD or fewer are automatically affected for the duration of the spell. Creatures of 3 HD or more are allowed sorcery saving throws to ignore the effects, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The referee should determine the actions of each confusion victim: Table 101: Confusion Spell d10 Confused Action Result 1 Wander away for 1 turn 2–6 Stand idle, drooling and confused 7–9 Physically attack closest creature 0 Physically attack spell caster Once affected, victims need not remain in the spell’s area of effect; the damage is done. Contact Otherworldly Being Lvl: mag 5, cry 5, pyr 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: special This ritualistic spell requires 1 turn to cast and necessitates the sacrifice of 500 gp, or gems of equal value. The sorcerer must sit before a fire and chant in tongues
without being spoken to or interrupted. If these requisites are met, the sorcerer contacts and seeks guidance from an otherworldly being such as a spirit, dæmon, deity, or demigod. As many as three questions may be asked. The more questions asked, the more information can be gleaned; however, the more questions asked, the greater the chance of becoming insane for daring to engage such beings. Consult the following table after deciding how many questions to ask. Your referee will secretly determine and inform you of the results. Table 102: Contact Otherworldly Being Spell Number of Veracity Chance of Questions of Answer Insanity 1 3:6 — 2 4:6 1:6 3 5:6 2:6 Each question should be checked individually. Responses will be simple, one-word answers: “Yes,” or “No,” or “Maybe,” being the most common, though “Futile,” or “Inconceivable,” or “Irrelevant,” or “Foolish,” might also be the response. If two or three questions are asked, and the second d6 roll so indicates, the caster is driven mad within 1 turn. The insane sorcerer will rant and rave incoherently, is unable to properly care for himself or herself, and may prove combative and self-destructive. Insanity will persist for as many weeks as the number of questions asked. A cure madness or remove curse spell can alleviate the insanity. Contagion Lvl: nec 4, wch 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent By the sorcerer’s wicked touch, the target of this spell is weakened and diseased unless a sorcery saving throw is made. If the save fails, the victim is at once overcome by a wet cough, skin boils and lesions, loss of hair, and fatigue. The statistical repercussions include 2 lost points of strength, dexterity, and constitution. (For ease of game play, an afflicted enemy creature— human, humanoid, animal, or monster—may suffer penalties of −1 on attack rolls, −1 damage, −1 AC, and −1 hp per HD.) The condition persists unless cure disease is administered, or until natural healing overcomes the affliction. Following 4 weeks of bed rest, another saving throw is permitted. If the victim succeeds, the path to wellness begins, which requires another 2 weeks before symptoms and attribute losses are healed. Natural healing, if the first attempt fails, may be attempted again after 8 weeks and 12 weeks of bed rest. Beyond 12 weeks, the condition is terminal, and the victim will die of the contagion within 1d4 years.
HYPERBOREA Continuous Darkness Lvl: ill 3, wch 3 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: special Creates a 60-foot-diameter sphere of gloom as black as pitch. It cannot be cast on a single target or object, but rather on an area. Torch and lantern light are rendered ineffective, and infrared vision is futile. The effect is permanent (unless dispelled), so long as the caster remains within 10 miles; otherwise, the dweomer begins to dissipate in subtle degrees, ending in a number of months equal to the sorcerer’s CA. Continuous darkness can counter continuous light and light. Continuous Light Lvl: mag 2, cry 2, ill 2, pyr 2, wch 3; clr 3, drd 2 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: special Creates a 60-foot-diameter sphere of lambent light, the subtle hue of which may be selected by the caster. It cannot be cast on a single target or object, but rather on an area. The effect is permanent (unless dispelled), so long as the caster remains within 10 miles; otherwise, the dweomer begins to dissipate in subtle degrees, ending in a number of months equal to the sorcerer’s CA. Continuous light can counter continuous darkness and darkness. Control Lycanthrope Lvl: wch 6 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The sorcerer controls the actions of a single lycanthrope, commanding the cursed beast. No saving throw is allowed. The lycanthrope views the caster as a trusted master to be protected and defended throughout the duration of the spell. If caster and lycanthrope speak the same language, the caster can direct the beast to perform various tasks, so long as they are not diametrically opposite to the creature’s nature; if such becomes the case, the beast is allowed a sorcery saving throw to break the control. Control Water Lvl: mag 6; clr 4 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 1d6 turns This spell requires the sacrifice of an opal or pearl valued at 100 gp or more. It has three separate functions; the sorcerer may choose whichever version to be cast: Lower Water: The water of a river, pond, small lake, or similar body is lowered to 50% of its normal volume. Rivers will flow at half their normal capacity, lakes and pools will diminish, and so on. Part Water: Divides a body of water to a length and depth of 100 feet, creating a 10-foot-wide corridor with walls of water. Raise Water: The water of a river, pond, small lake, or similar body is increased by 50% of its normal volume, causing floods, rushing tides, and other like effects.
Control Weather Lvl: mag 6, cry 6, wch 6; clr 6, drd 6 | Rng: 900 feet Dur: special This spell is cast outdoors, requiring 2 turns (20 minutes) to take effect in a 2d6-square-mile area. The sorcerer can stand within the epicentre of the effect, or 300 yards outside its verge, and can control weather for as long as he or she concentrates. Possibilities include: Rain: Visibility compromised; missile attacks at −2 “to hit,” movement reduced to half. Snow: Visibility reduced to 20 feet, with snow collecting at 2 inches per hour: −10 MV at 6 inches; −20 MV at 12 inches. Fog: Visibility reduced to 20 feet. Clear/Partly Cloudy Skies: Cancels the effects of stormy weather. Blistering Heat: Temperature rises to 100°F. Frigid Cold: Temperature drops to 0°F. High Winds: Gale winds (40–50 mph) prevent missile fire and can drive flying creatures to the ground; this bluster can benefit sailing ships (at the lower range of gale power), increasing vessel speed by 50% or more. Hail: Hail batters all in the area, reducing movement by half and damaging roofs and other structures. Tornado: A thunderhead manifests under which a powerful whirlwind forms. The tornado is 500 feet in diameter and moves as directed by the sorcerer. Creatures of 1–2 HD in its path must make avoidance saves or be swept away, suffering 3d8 hp damage, being hurled 1d10×10 feet in the air, and falling for another 1d6 hp damage per 10 feet. Creatures of 3 HD or more must make avoidance saves or sustain 3d8 hp damage, but are not hurled in the air. This form of control weather persists only 1 round per CA level. Control Winds Lvl: cry 5, wch 5; drd 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level This spell is cast outdoors, taking effect 1 turn after being incanted. A minute or so before the effect manifests, winds begin to swirl around the caster, rotating in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. The sorcerer stands at the 15-foot-radius epicentre of the effect, where the air remains calm. Once the spell takes full effect, the winds develop into a strong gale, or a 60-mph average; the caster may designate a less potent wind force if desired. These winds extend in a 240-foot hemispherical radius around the caster, damaging buildings, bending or even uprooting trees, driving away flying creatures, and affecting sailed movement. The sorcerer can walk after casting
Volume I: Player’s Manual the spell and need not concentrate on it; the epicentre of the winds moves with him or her. The caster can use this spell to control otherwise prevailing winds (natural or not) and can end the effect at will. Controlled Blast Fireball Lvl: mag 6, pyr 4 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: instantaneous This specialized fireball spell allows the sorcerer to increase or decrease the blast diameter by 10-foot increments. From the palm of the sorcerer’s hand shoots a fiery missile which explodes into a sphere of flames at a target determined by the caster. Damage is 1d6 hp per CA level to all within the area of effect unless sorcery saving throws are made for half damage. A standard blast is 40 feet in diameter, but the diameter of a controlled blast fireball can be reduced to 30 feet, 20 feet, or as little as 10 feet without decreasing the potency of the blast. To increase blast size, one die of damage is sacrificed for every 10 feet of diameter added, to a maximum possible diameter of 80 feet. So, a CA 7 sorcerer can fire a standard 7d6 hp fireball that encompasses a 40-foot-diameter area, or elect to cast a 50-foot-diameter fireball for 6d6 hp damage, or a 60-foot-diameter fireball for 5d6 hp damage, and so on. Cool Metal Lvl: mag 2, cry 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 9 rounds Freezes metallic objects to blistering temperatures. For every CA level of the sorcerer, as much as five square feet of metal can be affected, equivalent to one Small creature per CA level, or one Medium creature per 2 CA levels; e.g., a CA 6 sorcerer can affect three adjacent armoured humans. For larger creatures, the referee must determine a reasonable number of potential targets using the above guidelines (e.g., a mailclad giant may be considered the equivalent of four fighters). Cool metal is quick to cool, freeze, and then blister; likewise, it is quick to warm. The dweomer persists for 9 rounds, with metal treated thusly if in contact with skin: Round 1: Metal becomes cold, uncomfortable to the touch Rounds 2–4: Metal freezes, biting for 1d4 hp damage per round Round 5: Metal blisters for 2d4 hp damage Rounds 6–8: Metal warms to freezing, biting for 1d4 hp damage per round Round 9: Metal warms to cold Metal affected by blistering cold (round 5 of the spell) is subject to brittleness. If affected normal (nonmagical) armour is struck, it may shatter. The same applies to a normal sword, axe blade, etc. Cold protection and cold resistance negate the harmful effects of this spell.
Create Firewood Lvl: drd 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: special Dry, seasoned, split firewood is conjured, a stack measuring 2 × 2 × 4 feet. At CA 5, this amount increases to 2 × 2 × 8 feet of stacked, split wood. The wood appears on solid ground 10 feet in front of the caster’s outstretched hands. If the firewood is not utilized within 48 hours, it disappears from whence it came. Create Food and Water Lvl: clr 3 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent Nourishing food and water are created by the sorcerer, enough to feed one person per CA level. (For the purpose of this spell, consider a horse or camel equivalent to three people.) The conjured food is always fresh (not dried or preserved) and thus subject to spoilage unless purify food and drink is also cast. Create Water (reversible) Lvl: clr 1, drd 2 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent The sorcerer conjures as much as three gallons of water per CA level. The water is fresh, clean, and potable. It can be placed within one or more appropriate containers so long as they are touching, or it can be evoked to appear in the air within the spell’s range. The reverse of this spell, destroy water, vaporizes a like amount of water. If used offensively (e.g., several gallons of water dropped on the head of an enemy), the target is allowed an avoidance saving throw. Cryonic State Lvl: cry 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 day + 1 day per CA level The caster or other willing recipient is cooled to sub-zero temperatures, effectively frozen solid and preserved. The recipient of this spell enters a coma from which it cannot be revived until the spell’s duration is met. Furthermore, the recipient appears dead, frozen by natural or sorcerous means, with no discernible pulse. Thawing begins about four hours before the spell’s termination. When the spell ends, the recipient (if intelligent) requires 1d6 turns before it can begin walking and talking as normal. Cryonic state can be used to preserve one who is about to die of poison, blood loss, etc. Too, this spell may be cast on an unwilling target that is sleeping. The target is allowed a sorcery saving throw to negate the effect and abruptly awaken; otherwise, it suffers the effects described above. Cudgel of Bone Lvl: nec 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer casts this spell upon the femur of a human, humanoid, or Medium animal to create a +1 war club (1d6+1 hp damage, or 1d8+1 hp if wielded two-handed), whether or not the sorcerer is skilled with such a weapon; i.e., no unskilled weapon attack penalty applies. The club is more effective versus un-
HYPERBOREA dead, functioning as a +2war club (1d6+2 or 1d8+2 hp damage). The sorcerer cannot attack with the cudgel of bone on the same round the spell is cast; neither can it be used by another individual. Upon the spell’s termination, the cudgel of bone reverts to a normal thighbone. Cure Blindness (reversible) Lvl: clr 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent Remedies nearly all forms of impaired vision unless the eyes themselves have been destroyed. The reverse of this spell, inflict blindness, renders its victim sightless unless a sorcery saving throw is made. Blind creatures always lose initiative and suffer −4 penalties on attack rolls, armour class, and saving throws. Cure Critical Wounds (reversible) Lvl: clr 5, drd 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Heals a living creature for 4d8 hp of damage previously sustained. The reverse of this spell, inflict critical wounds, is used to harm a living creature for 4d8 hp damage upon a successful touch attack. Cure Deafness (reversible) Lvl: clr 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent Remedies nearly all forms of hearing loss unless the eardrums themselves have been destroyed. The reverse of this spell, inflict deafness, renders its victim unable to hear unless a sorcery saving throw is made. A deaf creature is surprized on a base 4-in-6 chance and suffers an individual initiative penalty of −2 (i.e., the deaf creature may lose initiative, despite its allies winning). Other penalties may apply at the referee’s discretion. Cure Disease (reversible) Lvl: nec 3, wch 3; clr 3, drd 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent Remedies nearly all forms of illness. The subject is alleviated of all debilitating effects within 1d6 rounds. The reverse of this spell, inflict disease, delivers a malady that drains the strength and vitality of its victim if a sorcery saving throw is not made. The disease manifests in 1d6 turns; once it does, the afflicted lose 1 hp per turn and 1 point of strength per hour until total hit points are reduced to one-tenth of normal and strength is reduced to one-third of normal. If the afflicted is not cured within three weeks, a loss of 1 constitution point per day is suffered until that attribute is reduced to one-third of normal. If untreated, the victim will likely die within a year. Cure Light Burns (reversible) Lvl: pyr 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Heals a living creature for 1d8 hp of burn damage, as caused by acid, electricity, fire, or heat; it does not apply to other wounds. The reverse of this spell, inflict light burns, is used to burn a living creature for 1d8 hp damage upon a successful touch attack.
Cure Light Wounds (reversible) Lvl: clr 1, drd 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Heals a living creature for 1d8 hp of damage previously sustained. The reverse of this spell, inflict light wounds, is used to harm a living creature for 1d8 hp damage upon a successful touch attack. Cure Madness (reversible) Lvl: clr 5 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Remedies all forms of insanity, whether magically induced or naturally occurring. For the reverse version of this spell (an evil act if cast), see inflict madness. Cure Moderate Wounds (reversible) Lvl: clr 2, drd 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Heals a living creature for 2d8 hp of damage previously sustained. The reverse of this spell, inflict moderate wounds, is used to harm a living creature for 2d8 hp damage upon a successful touch attack. Cure Serious Burns (reversible) Lvl: pyr 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Heals a living creature for 3d8 hp of burn damage, as caused by acid, electricity, fire, or heat; it does not apply to other wounds. The reverse of this spell, inflict serious burns, is used to burn a living creature for 3d8 hp damage upon a successful touch attack. Cure Serious Wounds (reversible) Lvl: clr 4, drd 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Heals a living creature for 3d8 hp of damage previously sustained. The reverse of this spell, inflict serious wounds, is used to harm a living creature for 3d8 hp damage upon a successful touch attack. Dancing Lights Lvl: mag 1, ill 1, pyr 1 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 1 turn Effects 1d4+2 bouncing flames that simulate a marching group of torch-bearing patrollers. With a word, the caster can direct the dancing lights to move, even around corners, though only within the range of the spell; if guided otherwise, they will disappear. Directing a dancing lights spell does not require continued concentration, but simply a flick of the hand or finger. Danse Macabre Lvl: nec 2 | Rng: 180 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The corpse of a human or humanoid is animated to undeath and thenceforth controlled like a marionette by the sorcerer’s waving fingers. The corpse can be directed to move, pick up objects, or even attack. The creature functions as a skeleton or zombie, depending on the stats of the corpse, though the latter lacks the zombiism disease. This spell requires the constant chanting and gesticulating of the caster. Once the caster ceases to direct, or when the spell’s duration elapses, the corpse will crumple to the ground.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
HYPERBOREA Darkness Lvl: mag 2, cry 2, ill 1, nec 2, pyr 2, wch 2; clr 2 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Evokes magical blackness to consume a 15-foot radius from its selected target point. Torch and lantern light are rendered ineffective, and infrared vision is futile. If darkness is cast on an unwilling creature, a sorcery saving throw is allowed to negate the spell. Creatures affected by darkness suffer effects similar to blindness: automatic loss of initiative and −4 penalties on attack rolls, armour class, and saving throws. Darkness can counter continuous light and light. Dash Lvl: mag 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1d4+2 hours The movement rate of this spell’s recipient is increased by +20 (maximum 70 MV) for the duration of the spell; e.g., a character with 40 MV can move at 60 MV (120 feet per round running). The secondary effect of this spell is marathon-like endurance: The runner can dash for 1d4+2 hours before the spell ends, unless terminated earlier by the caster or a dispel magic spell. At CA 4, the caster can empower two runners, and three runners at CA 7. A dasher will be fatigued once the spell ends and must rest for double the time spent dashing, or the effects of exhaustion are suffered. This variable penalty must be determined by the referee, based on the constitution (CN) of the character in question, the character’s class, and other factors; e.g., the referee might impose a −2 “to hit” and damage penalty. Death Lvl: mag 6, nec 5 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: instantaneous In a 60 × 60-foot area, slays 2d8 living creatures of 6 HD or less, starting with the lowest-HD creatures first. Subjects are allowed death saving throws. If they fail, their internal organs rupture, spelling instant death. If they make their saving throws, they instead suffer 3d6 hp damage each. Death Masque Lvl: nec 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 day per CA level Using a small blade, the sorcerer begins chanting this spell whilst excising the face of a deceased human or humanoid, providing the subject has died within the hour (6 turns). Continuing these baleful incantations, the dead skin mask is applied to the face of the sorcerer or to a willing recipient. The necromantic graft duplicates the deceased creature’s face with macabre exactitude. Death masque thus requires 2 turns to cast. It can be discerned with true seeing, and it can be terminated via dispel magic. When the spell’s duration expires, the dead face will rot and peel painfully off the recipient’s face, causing 1d6 hp damage.
Death Ray of Immolation Lvl: pyr 6 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: instantaneous The sorcerer points at a target and utters an incantation of fire. The target must make a death saving throw or explode into flames, suffering instant death. For every point of difference between the sorcerer’s CA and his target’s level/HD, the saving throw is modified by ±1. So, if a CA 11 sorcerer casts this spell against a 12th-level fighter, the fighter gains a +1 saving throw bonus; if the target is a 7th-level fighter, the saving throw is rolled at a −4 penalty; and so forth. Death Smoke Cloud Lvl: pyr 5 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer evokes a 60-foot-diameter, 20-foot-high cloud of hot black smoke; those within suffer intense burning. Any creature 4 HD or fewer sustains 6d6 hp damage, with no saving throw allowed. Creatures of 5 HD or greater are allowed sorcery saving throws for half damage. The damaging effects of this cloud are instantaneous; i.e., they occur on the round the spell is cast. Afterwards, the cloud remains for as many rounds as the caster has CA levels. The remaining cloud induces mild coughing, irritates the eyes, and obstructs the vision of those within its confines. Missiles may be fired 10 feet into the cloud at a −4 penalty, but longer ranges are impossible; melee within the cloud is likewise at −4 “to hit” penalty. N.B.: If this spell is cast in an area too small to confine its size, then the sorcerer too may be subject to its effects. Deceive Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Allows the sorcerer to copy the alignment aura of another creature within 30 feet. If the spell distinguish alignment is targeted at the deceive caster, the sorcerer will radiate the copied alignment for the duration of the deceive spell. However, this spell cannot prevent the cleric’s version of true seeing from revealing the truth. Decipher Language Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, ill 1, nec 1, pyr 1, wch 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Allows the caster to construe script that is otherwise unintelligible (except magical writing). Treasure maps and secret symbols may also be decoded. Delay Poison Lvl: wch 3; clr 2, drd 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Suspends the deleterious effects of any toxin to which the subject has been exposed. This spell does not eliminate poison effects as neutralize poison does; as its title suggests, it but delays poison. Poisons that have an immediate impact cannot be delayed; however, poisons that have continuous or secondary effects are delayed.
Volume I: Player’s Manual And if a poison has a delayed onset, it too is further delayed. Once the spell has ended, the poison’s effects resume as normal. Note that if the poison affliction is the result of a venomous bite or sting, this spell can be used in conjunction with draw poison ability of barbarians and shamans. With the poison magically suspended in the victim’s system, a barbarian or shaman can draw poison on a 5-in-6 chance of success for the duration of the spell. Lastly, delay poison may also revive one who has expired from poison, so long as the spell is cast within 12 rounds (2 minutes) of death and a successful trauma survival check is made (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution). The deceased poison victim is restored to 0 hp, albeit at a permanent loss of 1 constitution point. Demi-Shadow Sorcery Lvl: ill 6 | Rng: special | Dur: special Gathers negative energy from the Black Gulf to mimic three spells typically associated with magicians. Each variation manifests uniquely; the effects, however, are somewhat reduced due to their quasi-reality. The caster may choose the variation at the time of casting: Cone of Cold: as the spell, except that it drains 1d4 hp damage per CA level, so a CA 12 caster unleashes a cone that delivers 12d4 hp damage. The cone is jet black. Fire Shield: as the spell, except that successful melee attacks against the sorcerer cause the attacker to sustain ×1.5 the amount of damage inflicted. The cold-resistant form is midnight blue, and the fire-resistant form is blood red. Wall of Fire: as the spell, except that the wall inflicts 3d4 hp damage, +1 hp per CA level, versus creatures of 4 HD or greater. Undead sustain 5d4 hp damage, +1 hp per CA level. The flames are violet-black. Detect Body Heat Lvl: cry 2, pyr 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA The sorcerer perceives the presence of warm-blooded creatures within 60 feet, including their sizes and number. The sorcerer must stand stationary and concentrate; movement disrupts the spell. Detect body heat is obstructed by metal of one-inch thickness, stone of six-inch thickness, or wood of one-foot thickness; lead completely foils the spell. Undead are not detected by this spell, and cold-blooded creatures are detected only if they have recently warmed themselves in the sun or otherwise. Detection of other monster types is at the discretion of the referee, who must decide whether they are warm-blooded.
Detect Evil (reversible) Lvl: mag 2, wch 1; clr 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn The sorcerer detects potent emanations of Evil in a 60-foot-long, 10-foot-wide path. Sources of Evil emanations might include Evil artefacts, dæmons, or the undead. Detect evil will not discern the alignment of other characters, even if they are Evil, unless the subject is of a pure and intense Evil (empowered by dæmons, for example) or is about to commit a most vile act. Clerics must brandish their holy symbols to cast this spell. From a stationary position the caster can slowly rotate, covering 360° before the spell ends. Detect evil is obstructed by metal of one-inch thickness, stone of six-inch thickness, or wood of one-foot thickness; lead completely foils the spell. Evil sorcerers cast the reverse version of this spell, detect good, which functions the same way with regard to emanations of Good. Detect Illusion Lvl: mag 2, ill 1, wch 1 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn Allows the caster to perceive phantasms for what they are. Illusions and phantasms within a 30-foot radius of the caster appear translucent. This spell requires minimal concentration; the caster can move and continue to detect illusion, but cannot run, fight, or perform other like actions. Detect Invisibility Lvl: mag 2, ill 1, wch 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn Allows the caster to discern the presence of any invisible objects, persons, or monsters within a 30-foot radius; also reveals those who exercise the hide ability (thieves, rangers, assassins, et al.). This spell requires minimal concentration; the caster can move and continue to detect invisibility, but cannot run, fight, or perform other like actions. Detect Magic Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, ill 1, nec 1, pyr 1, wch 1; clr 1, drd 1 Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1turn Allows the caster to sense the presence of magic items or other dweomered persons, places, or things (e.g., an enchanted treasure chest, a sorcerer locked door). The dweomered items will glow before the eyes of the caster in a path of detection 60feet long and 10 feet wide. From a stationary position the caster can slowly rotate, covering 360° before the spell ends. Detect magic is obstructed by metal of one-inch thickness, stone of six-inch thickness, or wood of one-foot thickness; lead always masks the presence of magic. Detect Malady Lvl: nec 1, wch 1; clr 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous By laying hands on the afflicted, the sorcerer detects the presence of a curse, disease, or poison. The type of malady and its exact nature are revealed (e.g., the caster will discern poison and differentiate between a spider’s venom and an alchemical concoction). 191
HYPERBOREA Detect Neutrality Lvl: drd 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn Allows the sorcerer to sense whether an observed person, place, or thing is balanced with Neutrality of alignment, tainted neither with Good nor Evil, Law nor Chaos. If the subject of this observation is anything but Neutral, the caster will perceive the imbalance. The caster cannot discern the exact alignment of any non-Neutral person, place, or thing, but merely that the absence of Neutrality is present. Detect Silence Lvl: mag 2, ill 1, wch 2; clr 2 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Allows the caster to hear that which is magically silenced or moving silently (thieves, barbarians, assassins, et al.) in a 120-foot radius. The spell attunes the caster to subtleties of sound otherwise imperceptible, such as a whisper behind a closed door. If the caster enters a deep trance, detect silence can also be used to perceive noises made in parallel dimensions. Detect Snares and Pits Lvl: drd 1 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The caster notices outdoor traps, including deadfalls, pits, snares, and spring traps; even natural hazards may be discerned. The path of detection is 30 feet long and 10 feet wide. The sorcerer must continue to concentrate, with hands spread wide. Walking is permitted, but no jogging, running, or the like. Except for pits, snares, and other simple traps as noted above, this spell will not detect the sort of complex mechanical or magical traps typically found in dungeons. Detect Undead Lvl: nec 1, wch 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn In a 60-foot-long, 10-foot-wide path, the caster discerns the presence of lesser undead creatures (Undead Types 0–5). Casters of CA 7 or greater will detect any undead creature. The detected abominations will glow a putrid green before the eyes of the caster. From a stationary position the caster can slowly rotate, covering 360° before the spell ends. Detect undead is obstructed by metal of one-inch thickness, stone of six-inch thickness, or wood of one-foot thickness; lead completely foils the spell. Detect Venom Lvl: clr 1, drd 1 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn This spell has two functions: First, it reveals if an ailing person suffers the effects of poison, whether from a trap, snakebite, spider venom, or the like. The second function determines if a creature is venomous, or if an object is laced or trapped with poison. The creature or object in question must be viewed by the caster; obstructions will preclude the spell from functioning. From a stationary position the caster can slowly rotate, covering 360° before the spell ends. 192
Dig Hole Lvl: mag 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level Causes the caster’s hands to transform into enormous, outwards-turning paws with long nails; meantime, the head elongates and becomes pointed like that of a mole, whilst the legs become short and thick. At once the sorcerer may begin to excavate earth, sand, or mud, scooping 125 cubic feet (5 × 5 × 5 feet) of earth per round, using their oversized paws. Any creature that approaches the hole’s edge must make an avoidance saving throw or fall in. Tunnels that are dug just below the surface of the earth are noted by the raised mound/roof caused by the displacement of earth (not unlike the mound of an ant hole). Dimension Door Lvl: mag 4, nec 4, pyr 4 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: instantaneous The caster or one other creature is transported to a specified location within 360 feet. If the caster is unaware of the destination, a distance and direction (e.g., “50 feet south”) may be designated; however, if the destination is not a safe place on which the transported creature would have firm footing, or if the destination is solid material (such as a wall or tree), then the spell will fail to function. An unwilling target is allowed a sorcery saving throw to negate the spell’s effects. Discern Lie (reversible) Lvl: clr 4 | Rng: 50 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA The sorcerer casts this subtle spell by pinching 1 gp worth of gold dust betwixt the thumb and forefinger; this may be done behind the back or within the folds of his or her robes. (The casting likely goes unnoticed by those who are present.) Once the spell is cast, the sorcerer can detect whether those within range speak truthfully or not. The detection is perceived in degrees: Horrible lies produce magnified discernment, whilst simple exaggerations give off faint signals. The reverse of this spell, indiscernible lie, not only counters the effects of discern lie, but also allows the caster or other willing subject to stretch the truth or even tell bald-faced lies that sound reasonable to any within range who fail a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Disguise Self Lvl: ill 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1d6 turns Illusion is used to transform the sorcerer’s appearance (including garb and gear) to something or someone else of similar size and shape. One can appear up to one foot taller or shorter and/or 25% heavier or lighter. The sorcerer can also assume the general look and shape of any familiar human or humanoid, though not of a specific being. The variable duration of the spell should be rolled secretly by the referee, the glamour ending abruptly upon the spell’s termination.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Disintegrate Lvl: mag 6, cry 6, nec 6, pyr 6, wch 6 | Rng: 60 feet Dur: instantaneous Causes one creature or non-magical object to be reduced to dust. As much as a 10×10× 10-foot cube of material is subject to disintegration. Creatures can make death saving throws to resist this spell; items are allowed Class 5 item saving throws, per referee discretion. Dismissal (reversible) Lvl: mag 5, cry 5, nec 5, pyr 5, wch 5 | Rng: 10 feet Dur: instantaneous Banishes a creature of otherworldly, netherworldly, or extra-dimensional origin. The common name of the creature type must be known by the sorcerer; if the creature has a proper name (such as a dæmon), then this too must be known by the sorcerer or the spell cannot be cast successfully. Some such creatures have sorcery resistance, so this must be checked first. Next, the target is allowed a sorcery saving throw (unless it does not seek to resist). If the spell is successful, the victim is swept away, usually to its realm of origin, though on a 2-in-10 chance it is sent to some other random place. The reverse of this spell, beckon, calls forth a creature from another world or dimension, if its type and proper name (if applicable) are known by the sorcerer. The same sorcery resistance and saving throw method as described above should be used. The beckoned creature materializes 10 feet before the sorcerer and may not be pleased about being ripped so rudely from its home. Some sorcerers seek to protect themselves from the beckoned by staying within a candlelit magic circle. N.B.: Neither form of this spell functions on creatures native to the world or dimension in which the spell is cast. Dispel Evil (reversible) Lvl: clr 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn In a 30-foot radius, banishes Evil creatures summoned, conjured, or enchanted by another sorcerer. Even creatures of Neutrality can be banished if they were conjured by an Evil sorcerer. Possible candidates include dæmons, elementals, invisible stalkers, and the undead. Each is allowed a sorcery saving throw to resist the spell’s effect. Even if they make their saving throws, they will vacate the area of effect for as long as the sorcerer continues to chant. Alternatively, dispel evil can be used as a touch spell on a single opponent, in which case the saving throw is made at a −2 penalty. The reverse of this spell, dispel good, is used by wicked sorcerers to the same effect, albeit versus Good-aligned subjects and other creatures controlled by agents of Good. Dispel Magic Lvl: mag 3, cry 3, ill 4, nec 3, pyr 3, wch 3; clr 3, drd 4 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: instantaneous Sorcery and its effects are negated and removed in an area of 20 × 20 × 20 feet. The spell does not negate
magic items but can undo a sorcerous effect created by one. It does not, however, negate illusions/phantasms. If dispel magic is used against a spell cast by a sorcerer of higher CA, the chance of failure is 1-in-20 per level difference. For instance, if a CA 6 caster attempts to dispel the levitate spell of a CA 10 sorcerer, there is a 4-in-20 chance of failure. Dispel Phantasm Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: instantaneous Automatically negates any illusions/phantasms. However, if used against the illusion/phantasm spell of a superior illusionist, the chance of failure is 1-in-20 per CA level difference. For instance, if a CA 6 bard attempts to dispel phantasm against the spectral phantasm of a CA 10 illusionist, then the bard stands a 4-in-20 chance of failure. Dissipate Gas Lvl: cry 3, wch 3 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: instantaneous Disperses a cloud, gas, mist, smoke, or vapour effect. Creatures of gasiform nature, including air elementals and those that have assumed temporary gaseous forms, must make death saving throws or die. Distinguish Alignment Lvl: clr 2 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) Allows the sorcerer to determine the exact alignment of the selected individual(s). One round is required for each person scanned, so six creatures can be scrutinized if all are within range. The caster must remain stationary, staring at each subject. No saving throw is allowed for this spell, and if the sorcerer exercises discretion, the spell’s casting might go unnoticed. Divination Lvl: clr 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: special Upon 1 turn of prayer and cogitation, the sorcerer implores the wisdom of otherworldly powers. The focus of the divination is an area: a small woodland (not exceeding 1 square mile), a large building or tower, a section of a dungeon, the top of a mountain, or the like. Note that this spell cannot be used to ask direct questions of a yes or no nature; such enquiries are covered by the commune spell. Here follow some suggestions of what may be divined: The relative weakness or strength of potential enemies The potential amount of treasure to be won within (scant, moderate, rich) The chance of being confronted by enemies if the area in question is intruded The presence of a dæmon or otherworldly being The presence of potent sorcery at work After the player states what his or her character attempts to divine, the referee must make a secret d10 roll. The sorcerer has a 7-in-10 chance of successfully 193
HYPERBOREA divining the sought-after information (if the request is reasonable). If the reading is successful, the referee will inform the player of the result, providing valuable, albeit general, information. If the reading is unsuccessful, false or misleading information may be revealed. Casting this spell might entail consequences: The otherworldly power invoked might charge the sorcerer with a quest (q.v.). Dweomered Weapon Lvl: mag 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn per CA Temporarily enchants any mundane weapon, granting a +1 “to hit” and +1 damage bonus to a single weapon or three missiles (arrows or quarrels) for CA 7–8 casters, +2/+2 for CA 9–10 casters, and +3/+3 for CA 11–12 casters. This spell does not function on magical weapons unless the bonus granted supersedes the weapon’s current enchantment. Ecstasy of Shadow Lvl: mag 5, nec 4 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level A 20 × 20-foot rippling shadow emerges within 10 feet of the caster, floating at 20 MV in any direction chosen until concentration ceases or the duration is met. Any intelligent or quasi-intelligent creature of 2 HD or fewer in the shadowed area directly falls to the ground in spasms of necrophiliac ecstasy with lifeless shadow beings for 2d6 rounds. Victims are unable to take any other actions (effectively prone). Creatures of 3 HD or more must make sorcery saving throws (modified by willpower adjustment) or fall into a similar state for 1d6 rounds. The sorcerer can affect 3 HD of creatures per CA level. This spell can bring great shame and dishonour to paladins and cataphracts who comport themselves to a code of gentility; atonement may be required. Emotion Lvl: ill 4 | Rng: 180 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA Elicits an irrational response from all human and quasi-man victims in a 30-foot-diameter area unless they make sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. (No save is necessary if the subjects are willing.) Emotion has three applications, one of which is selected by the sorcerer at the time of casting: Despair: A feeling of hopelessness and gloom. The affected will turn back, surrender, and submit to the demands of the sorcerer, so long as said demands are not completely contrary to their nature. Fear: Complete fear, in which the affected panic and flee; however, if fleeing is not possible, they will cower and grovel. Saving throws for this variation are made at −2 penalties.
Furious Hatred: Targets become subject to battle lust. Attacks are made at +1 on attack rolls and +3 damage, but with a −4 AC penalty. Recipients of this effect refuse to surrender and continue to fight no matter the cost. (Does not stack with a berserker’s berserk rage.) This spell persists for its maximum duration, but the sorcerer must concentrate throughout (standing still, no other actions taken), or the spell will terminate immediately. Enervation Lvl: nec 4, wch 5 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level From outstretched hands, the sorcerer releases a black bolt of negative energy called forth from the impossible depths of the Black Gulf. The target must make a sorcery saving throw or suffer a temporary draining of energy and vitality. The victim loses 2d8 hp and suffers penalties of −2 “to hit,” −2 damage, and −2 AC. Lastly, the victim is beset by a stiffness of the limbs not unlike rigour mortis, preventing movement any faster than normal walking speed (no running or charging). Enlargement (reversible) Lvl: mag 1, wch 1 | Rng: 5 feet per CA level | Dur: 1 turn Induces unnatural growth in a single object or creature, augmenting ×1.5 the size and mass of organic matter, or augmenting ×2 the size and mass of inorganic matter. Enlarged creatures gain a +50% damage bonus to all attacks (attack damage totalled and then multiplied ×1.5). For objects, the area of effect is limited to 10 cubic feet per CA level; e.g., a CA 10 caster can double the size of an earthen mound not exceeding 100 cubic feet in initial volume. This spell will not increase the magical nature of any object: A portcullis can be swollen shut, a dagger can be doubled to a short sword, but an enlarged potion of healing does not become the equivalent of two potions. The reverse of this spell, reduction, halves the size and mass of a creature or object (no more than 10 cubic feet per CA level). Affected creatures suffer a −50% damage penalty on all attacks (attack damage totalled and then halved). Unwilling creatures are allowed transformation saving throws to resist enlargement or reduction. Entangle Lvl: drd 1 | Rng: 80 feet | Dur: 1 turn Plants and underbrush are enchanted to entwine and entrap all creatures that fail an avoidance saving throw within a 20-foot radius of the target point. Any creature that subsequently enters the enchanted area during the spell’s duration is likewise subject to its effects. Bushes, grasses, shrubs, and even small trees spring to life, ensnaring and twisting about the victims; if these are scant or nonexistent, then the spell is ineffective. Those who make the save may move at half MV to negotiate a
Volume I: Player’s Manual path out from the enchanted flora. Exceptionally large or robust creatures save at +4, or they might be unaffected by this spell, as judged by the referee. Entangled spell casters may be required to make an extraordinary feat of dexterity in order to cast a spell. Enthral Lvl: clr 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: special The sorcerer orates, preaches, or sermonizes; hence, the listeners must comprehend the language of the speaker and listen for at least two minutes. Then, with clever imperceptibility, the spell is laid. The caster may enthral an audience whose members have 4 HD or fewer unless they make sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If the audience is not of the caster’s species (humanoids or giants, for example), or if they are otherwise unfriendly towards the caster’s particular background, the saving throw is made at a +1 to +4 bonus (as judged by the referee). For a large audience, similar HD listeners may be grouped together. Enthralled creatures will continue to listen to the expounding sorcerer, viewing the orator as having 18 charisma. Those who make the save may have an unfavorable reaction, seeing the orator as boring, offensive, foolish, and/or disgusting. Once the sorcerer ceases evangelizing, the spell will terminate, but effects remain for 1 turn. Exploding Skull Lvl: nec 3, wch 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: special On the clean skull of a human or humanoid, the sorcerer places a ward that persists for 1 turn or until touched by another living creature. If the skull is touched by someone other than the caster, or at the end of the spell’s duration in any case, it explodes with waves of negative energy from the Black Gulf. The blast affects a 25-foot radius. Any creature within range of the blast suffers 1d6 hp damage per CA level of the sorcerer unless a sorcery saving throw is made for half damage. The exploding skull can be hurled as a grenade to equal effect, the skull detonating upon impact. This is executed by use of the flask hurling rules (see Chapter 9: Combat, combat options). Explosive Runes Lvl: mag 3, nec 3, pyr 3, wch 3 | Rng: touch Dur: permanent (until triggered) Sorcerous symbols are inscribed on the surface of a book, manual, map, note, scroll, tome, or other written work. The explosive runes protect the volume’s content so that only the sorcerer who inscribed the runes may access the material safely. If the reader is not the caster, the runes will explode for 5d6 hp damage. The reader is permitted no saving throw, but those within 10 feet are allowed sorcery saving throws for half damage. Sorcerers who carefully inspect the volume (before simply reading it) have a 1-in-20 chance per CA level of
discovering the explosive runes. Explosive runes can be removed at any time by the caster or the dispel magic spell. Detonation effectively destroys the material. Extend Spell I Lvl: mag 4, cry 4, pyr 4 | Rng: special | Dur: special The sorcerer must cast this spell 1 round after casting a level 1–3 spell. Doing so extends the duration of the previous spell by 50%; e.g., a levitate spell can be made to last 1½ turns (15 minutes) per CA level, instead of 1 turn per CA level. Extend Spell II Lvl: mag 5, cry 5, pyr 5 | Rng: special | Dur: special The sorcerer must cast this spell 1 round after casting a level 1–4 spell. Doing so doubles the duration of level 1–4 spells; e.g., an extrasensory perception spell can be made to last 2 rounds per CA level instead of 1. Extend Spell III Lvl: mag 6, cry 6, pyr 6 | Rng: special | Dur: special The sorcerer must cast this spell 1 round after casting a level 1–5 spell. Doing so triples the duration of the spell; e.g., a fire shield spell can be made to last 3 rounds per CA level instead of 1 round per CA level. Extermination Lvl: nec 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: instantaneous Eradicates rodents and vermin in a 1 × 1 × 1 foot area per CA level (e.g., a CA 5 sorcerer can affect a 5 × 5 × 5-foot area). Flies, mosquitoes, mice, ordinary beetles, centipedes, and spiders instantly are killed by this spell; Small animals of ¼HD (e.g., bats, rats, small birds) are allowed death saving throws. Extermination slays two Small animals (¼ HD apiece) per CA level, so a CA 2 sorcerer may slay 4 bats upon uttering this spell. Extra-dimensional Pocket Lvl: mag 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 24 hours This dweomer is placed on the pocket of a cloak, coat, robe, shirt, tunic, vest, or like garment. The pocket can have a mouth no greater than six inches wide. Such a pocket, which may normally bear about 5 pounds, can instead bear 100 pounds via an extra-dimensional space, and at CA 7, 200 pounds may be borne. Too, the wearer does not feel the weight of the magical pocket’s contents. Note that the extra-dimensional pocket’s mouth remains unchanged, so only coins or other small items can fit inside. If the pocket is torn, ripped, burnt, or otherwise damaged, the contents will be ejected into another dimension. If the spell’s duration ends and the pocket holds more items than the garment could normally contain, the items will eject from the garment in a five-foot fountain of coins, gems, and whatnot. However, if cast once per day, on or just before the same hour, the effects of this spell can be endlessly enjoyed.
HYPERBOREA Extrasensory Perception Lvl: mag 2, wch 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level Allows the caster, who must pinch a copper coin betwixt thumb and forefinger, to detect the vague surface thoughts (not precise words) of any creature within the spell’s range, so long as the creature has thoughts. (Most undead and constructs, for example, do not.) Extrasensory perception targets a single creature; once selected, another cannot be targeted. No saving throw is allowed unless the target is of 6 HD or greater. If so, a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable, must be made. When reading the surface thoughts of a lower-order creature, only its most basic instincts will be revealed. The spell also can be used to determine if a monster lurks behind a door or down a dark tunnel (so long as the monster is within range). The spell can penetrate one inch of metal, six inches of stone, or one foot of wood; however, the thinnest sheet of lead will obstruct it. Fabricate Lvl: mag 5 | Rng: 10 feet per CA level | Dur: permanent Converts local materials into a desired shape or function. A bridge may be built from stones, a house from sticks and mud, or a raft from logs. Imagination is the limit, though each such construction must be crude and uncomplicated. The sorcerer can convert 10 cubic feet of material per CA level; e.g., a CA 10 magician could erect a bridge 1 foot thick, 5 feet wide, and 20 feet long. Completing this spell requires 1 round per 10 cubic feet. Færie Fire Lvl: pyr 1, wch 1; drd 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Suffuses the area of effect in a lambent glow, the colour of which may be chosen by the caster. Ten square feet per CA level can be affected thus; or, one Medium creature or two Small creatures per CA level, no saving throw allowed. For larger creatures, the referee must determine a reasonable number of potential targets using the above guidelines (e.g., a mountain ape may be considered the equivalent of two people). Illumed creatures suffer −1 AC penalties. Faithful Hound Lvl: mag 5, ill 4, nec 5 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level From the nether reaches of the Black Gulf is conjured a phantom watchdog seen only by the caster. The creature can be commanded to guard a door, gate, hall, room, or the like. The sorcerer cannot move more than 30 feet from the location of the faithful hound or the spell will be broken. The faithful hound immediately begins to bark and howl when anything larger than a rat approaches.
The hound can detect invisible, inaudible, and even extra-dimensional creatures, so it makes for an astonishingly perspicacious guardian. If an intruder turns its back on the faithful hound, the watchdog will make a single bite attack as an FA 10 creature, inflicting 3d6 hp damage. The hound itself cannot be attacked, though it can be destroyed via the dispel magic spell. False Vacancy Lvl: ill 4 | Rng: 10 feet per CA level | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Creates a potent illusion that causes an area to appear empty, unoccupied, and/or neglected. The affected area can be 10 feet in diameter per CA level. False vacancy is a combination of invisibility and phantasm, but it cannot mask living creatures. The details of false vacancy are up to the sorcerer. Observers might, for example, see a treasure room as a dusty, cobweb-filled chamber containing a few broken pieces of furniture. If a group passes through the dweomered area, the illusion will adapt to their passage: Cobwebs will float, dusty footprints will be left in their wake, and so forth. Unless a masked object is touched by an investigating creature, the area will seem empty of what it actually contains. If the real contents of the masked area are forcibly shaken or handled roughly, the creature doing so may make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If successful, the illusion will begin to shimmer, and the invisible object is revealed. If the saving throw fails, the subject believes that contact was made with an invisible object. Note that casual and careful touching of masked objects is not cause for a saving throw because the illusion cannot be disrupted unless handled with force. Dispel phantasm can break this spell, revealing that which is concealed by the illusion, but dispel magic and detect invisibility are ineffective. Fear Lvl: mag 4, ill 3, nec 4 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level The eyes of the sorcerer assume kaleidoscopic aspect as they emit an invisible cone 5 feet wide at its base and 30 feet wide at its terminus. Within this area of effect, creatures of 5 HD or fewer must make sorcery saving throws or flee in panic for the duration of the spell; if they have nowhere to flee, they will cower in a corner. Creatures of 6 HD or more save at +4. Saving throws are modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Fear victims drop anything they hold on a 3-in-6 chance. Feather Fall Lvl: mag 1, wch 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn Causes the caster or other willing recipient to assume the mass and weight of a feather so that a precipitous fall causes no damage (at least for the duration of the spell). This spell does not work on unwilling recipients.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Feeblemind Lvl: mag 5, nec 5; clr 6, drd 6 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: permanent This enchantment affects humans or other creatures who cast spells. Creatures with innate spell-like abilities do not qualify unless they too are spell casters. The target must make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If the target is of higher CA than the caster, the save is made at a +1 bonus per level difference; conversely, if the target is of lesser CA than the caster, the save is made at a −1 penalty per level difference. If the save fails, the victim becomes a drooling idiot, an invalid incapable of coherent speech or thought and likewise incapable of controlling bodily functions. Feeblemind is negated by dispel magic or cured by a heal spell. Find Plants Lvl: drd 2 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Allows the sorcerer to locate any sought-after plant or plant type, providing it is available. Specific plants with which the caster is familiar may be sought, including roots, fruits and berries, and fungi. Only one species or type can be selected when the spell is cast. The radius of detection is 240 feet from the caster, who may move as normal (though not run) throughout the duration of the spell. Full concentration is not necessary, but the effect is lost if another spell or ability is used. Find the Path (reversible) Lvl: clr 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 turns + 1 turn per CA level The sorcerer names a specific place upon uttering this spell; the direction of that place, whether visited before, is known throughout the duration of the spell. Furthermore, the sorcerer will, through otherworldly guidance, apprehend the most efficient way to achieve the location, retaining this information even after the spell’s duration has elapsed. For example, if a crevasse presents an obstacle, the sorcerer will understand the best way around it, even comprehending the existence of a secret door that must be accessed in order to reach the chosen place. Even traps may be avoided. If, for example, Saturn is sought, the location of a rocket ship or teleportation device might be gleaned. Once the spell’s duration has elapsed, the sorcerer retains a general idea of what must be done; however, any attempt to map, record, or otherwise disclose this data to others will cause the path to be forgotten. The reverse of this spell, forget the path, is a touch spell that causes its victim to become lost and wander aimlessly for the duration of the spell unless they make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable.
Find Traps Lvl: wch 2; clr 2, drd 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn per 2 CA levels The sorcerer detects the presence of any magical or mundane traps within range. The path of detection is 30 feet long and 10 feet wide. The sorcerer must continue to concentrate, hands spread wide, though walking (no jogging or running) is allowed. Finger of Death Lvl: nec 6, wch 6; clr 5, drd 6 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: instantaneous The sorcerer points at a target and utters a baleful incantation; from the sorcerer’s finger emits a death ray. The target must make a death saving throw or die. For every point of difference between the sorcerer’s CA and the target’s level/HD, the saving throw is modified by ±1. So, if a CA 11 sorcerer casts this spell against a 12th-level fighter, the fighter gains a +1 bonus to the saving throw; if the target is a 7th-level fighter, the saving throw is rolled at a −4 penalty. This sorcery is associated with dæmonism, so if not already Evil, the caster will likely gravitate to that ethos through its indiscriminate use; for clerics and druids, excommunication may result. Fire Protection Lvl: pyr 3; drd 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: special Shelters the caster or other recipient from any damage related to normal fire for one hour per CA level. Against magical fire (e.g., fireball, a hell hound’s breath, a flame tongue sword), the sorcerer gains immunity from a single attack before the spell is broken; a recipient of this spell other than the sorcerer simply gains a +4 saving throw bonus versus magical fire attacks. Fire Resistance Lvl: pyr 1; clr 2, drd 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Inures the subject’s body to the effects of intense heat. Even clad in full armour, the recipient can withstand temperatures as high as 120°F without suffering any ill effects. Fire and magical fire attacks are saved against with a +2 bonus. Fire Seeds Lvl: pyr 6; drd 6 | Rng: 40 feet | Dur: special This dweomer is laid on six small nuts (acorn, walnut, etc.) or six small berries (blueberry, holly, etc.), each type effecting a different result. A nut becomes a fire seed missile, and a berry becomes a fire seed bomb. Fire Seed Nut: A nut (fire seed missile) can be thrown as a grenade at a target within 40 feet. This is executed by use of the flask hurling rules (see Chapter 9: Combat, combat options). A miss indicates the missile was ineffective, the nut lost. If a hit is scored, the fire seed explodes
HYPERBOREA in a burst of flame, delivering 2d8+4 hp damage to all within 10 feet of the target. The stricken target is not allowed a saving throw, but those within 10 feet are permitted sorcery saving throws for half damage. Fire Seed Berry: Berries (fire seed bombs) must be placed within the spell’s range (though not necessarily by the caster). The caster designates a spoken word that detonates the berries, each one bursting into a 10-foot-diameter gout of flame that causes 1d8+4 hp damage. The berries can be piled together for a cumulative effect or spread out as the sorcerer desires (perhaps creating a wall of flames). Victims are allowed sorcery saving throws for half damage.
closed (e.g., book, bottle, box, chest, door, shutter). If the object is opened, a blast of fire explodes in a fivefoot radius per CA level, causing 1d4 hp damage per CA level to any creature within the blast radius. A sorcery saving throw can be made for half damage. The fire trapped item is never affected by the spell; neither is the original caster. A sorcerer may maintain as many undischarged fire traps as he or she has CA levels.
Regardless of the type created, fire seeds are of limited duration if not discharged: They remain enchanted for 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level, and their dweomer vanishes if they go unused.
Fire Web Lvl: pyr 2 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 3 rounds From the sorcerer’s fingertips shoots a flaming web that ensnares and burns one Medium or smaller creature for 3d4 hp damage. The victim is allowed an avoidance saving throw. If the save is successful, the victim suffers half damage and is not ensnared; i.e., the target is merely grazed, and the fire web collapses into a small ball for the duration of the spell. If the save fails, the target is trapped in the burning web for the spell’s duration (i.e., prone), and subsequent damage is sustained: 2d4 hp on round 2, and 1d4 hp on round 3. Furthermore, any flammable clothing or gear is likely destroyed (cloaks smoulder, cloth sacks burn and spill their contents, and so forth). The dispel magic spell extinguishes this dweomer.
Fire Shield Lvl: mag 4, cry 4, pyr 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level Blue-green wisps of flame radiate from the caster’s body, emitting 15 feet of light. The sorcerer is thus protected against cold-based spells/effects and gains a +2 saving throw bonus versus such attacks, sustaining no damage if the save is made and no more than half damage if the save fails. Alternatively, violet-blue flames radiate from the caster, protecting the sorcerer from fire-based attacks instead (+2 saves, no damage if save is made, half damage if save fails). No matter which variation is cast, melee attacks that strike the caster cause the assailant twice as many hit points of damage as inflicted in the form of a fiery backlash. Fire Staff Lvl: pyr 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per 2 CA levels A quarterstaff must be gripped in the outstretched hands of the sorcerer. Upon speaking the incantation, the ends of the staff emit bright orange flames, effecting light in a 60-foot radius. The quarterstaff becomes a temporary magical weapon (+1 “to hit”) and inflicting 2d6 hp damage per hit (1d6 hp staff damage, 1d6 hp fire damage); undead suffer an additional 1d6 hp fire damage (3d6 hp total). Too, bonus damage for high strength may be applied. By gripping it with two hands and speaking a command, the caster may also use the fire staff to fly at a rate of 60 MV. N.B.: If this spell is cast on a quarterstaff that is already enchanted, the +1 “to hit” bonus is not cumulative. Fire Trap Lvl: mag 4, pyr 4; drd 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent (until triggered) This dweomer is placed on any article that can be
Note that a knock spell can open a fire trapped portal, yet the spell is not triggered until a person manually opens it. Fire trap can be discovered and removed via a thief ’s manipulate traps ability, though failure to disarm the trap automatically detonates it. It can also be removed by a dispel magic spell.
Fireball Lvl: mag 3, pyr 3 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: instantaneous From the palm of the sorcerer’s hand shoots a fiery missile that explodes into a 40-foot-diameter sphere of flames when it strikes a target designated by the caster. Damage is 1d6 hp per CA level to all within the area of effect; e.g., a CA 5 sorcerer creates a 5d6 hp fireball. Targets may make sorcery saves for half damage. N.B.: The fireball must occupy its full volume (~33,500 cubic feet); if cast in an enclosed area smaller than the 40-foot diameter sphere, the flames expand as necessary into halls, tunnels, closets, through windows, etc. Flame Arrow Lvl: mag 3, pyr 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 round per CA level Enchants one arrow or crossbow bolt per round for as many rounds as the sorcerer has CA levels. The caster must touch each missile, which then must be fired (presumably by an ally) within 1 round of the sorcerer’s touch. Once a flame arrow is launched, it ignites, causing an extra 1d6 hp fire damage if it strikes its intended target. Each enchanted missile is considered a magical weapon, though it has no attack bonus.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Flame Blade Lvl: pyr 2; drd 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer must grip a bladeless hilt (of any sword or dagger) to cast this spell. Upon reciting a sibilant incantation, a flame blade in the shape of a long scimitar springs from the bladeless hilt. The flame blade may be wielded as though it were a magical scimitar, whether or not the sorcerer is skilled with such a weapon; i.e., no unskilled weapon attack penalty applies. The flame blade functions at +2 “to hit” and inflicts 1d8+2 hp damage (1d10+2 hp if held in two hands), with an additional +2 damage bonus versus undead (1d8+4 or 1d10+4 hp total). Fire-resistant creatures, however, are afforded their standard resistance (usually half damage). Flame blade also can be used to ignite oil and other combustibles (e.g., cloth, paper, parchment, wood). Flame Strike Lvl: pyr 5; clr 5, drd 5 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: instantaneous Evokes a column of roaring fire to descend from the air, perhaps immolating a sacrifice to whatever power or otherworldly being the sorcerer serves. The flame strike is 50 feet high and 10 feet in diameter. Any creature in the area of effect suffers 6d8 hp damage, with a sorcery saving throw allowed for half damage. This spell is popular with druids who sacrifice victims (often criminals) via wicker man effigy.
Flaming Missile Lvl: pyr 1 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: instantaneous A fiery dart shoots from the caster’s pointed forefinger, automatically striking any visible target for 1d4+1 hp damage (1d6+1 hp versus undead). At CA 3, two darts can be fired; three darts at CA 5; four darts at CA 7; and so on. Flaming missiles can be divided amongst multiple targets, so long as they are all within range.
barriers and other obstructions up to five feet high. Combustibles are set ablaze by the flaming sphere, and struck creatures suffer 2d4 hp damage unless sorcery saving throws are successful. As long as the caster concentrates and points, the flaming sphere can be directed for 1 round per CA level; otherwise, it remains stationary until the duration elapses. Flash Lvl: pyr 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 24 hours Requires one hour to cast, using the bladder of an ungulate such as a cow, goat, or sheep. The spell creates five small capsules of densely packed powder, each of which can be hurled at a single creature. This is executed by use of the flask hurling rules (see Chapter 9: Combat, combat options). If a hit is scored, the capsule explodes in a blinding flash, and the victim is blinded for 1d4 rounds; a miss indicates failure, a small, ineffective puff of smoke. Blind creatures always lose initiative and suffer −4 penalties on attack rolls, armour class, and saving throws. Floating Disc Lvl: mag 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 12 turns (2 hours) per CA level Causes a flat, shield-sized disc to materialize behind the caster. The floating disc glides horizontally and follows the caster at about waist level, remaining 6–10 feet behind and moving at the caster’s MV rate. The disc can bear 500 pounds; anything greater will ground it. When the spell ends, the floating disc disappears, and anything it bore falls to the ground. Floating Skull Lvl: nec 3 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Imbues the clean skull of a human or humanoid with sorcerous power. The floating skull emanates a soft, violet glow as it floats over the caster’s shoulder, where it continues to hover for the duration of the spell, following the sorcerer’s every move. If the caster stops, closes his or her eyes, and concentrates, the floating skull may be sent forth to serve as new set of “eyes,” so to speak. The skull floats at 30 MV to as far as 120 feet away from the stationary sorcerer. The floating skull can see 30 feet away and does so with infrared vision (q.v.) if exploring in the dark. If attacked, the skull is AC 7 and is destroyed by a single hit.
Flaming Sphere Lvl: mag 2, pyr 2; drd 2 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level A burning globe of six-foot diameter is evoked by the caster. This flaming sphere begins rotating at a rate of 10 MV in the direction the caster points, rolling over 199
HYPERBOREA Fly Lvl: mag 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns + 1 turn per CA level The caster or a touched ally gains the ability to fly at a maximum rate of 60 MV. Any direction of movement is allowed; likewise, the flyer may stop in mid-flight, hovering similar to the levitate spell. Combat whilst flying is without penalties, as is spell casting from a stationary, mid-air position. Maximum fly weight is 300 pounds. Fog Cloud Lvl: ill 2 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 4 rounds + 1 round per CA level A thick mass of green-hued, foul-smelling vapour is evoked by the caster, the cloud being 40 × 20 × 20 feet in volume. The fog cloud travels away from the caster at a rate of 10 MV until the spell’s duration ends, moving in a direction pointed by the caster; or it can be left to remain stationary. Once the sorcerer points, the cloud’s momentum cannot be altered unless significant wind exists, which always prevails over the will of the sorcerer. Those who are consumed by the fog cloud can see no farther than five feet, and the range of infrared vision is halved. Fool’s Gold Lvl: mag 2, ill 2 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Temporarily transforms baser coins to gold, affecting 100 coins per CA level. Laying this dweomer requires one gold coin per 100 coins to be altered. The component coin must be ground to dust and sprinkled over the coins to be transmuted. To the unwary, the coins have the look, feel, and weight of gold; to the canny, they may be identified as counterfeits. Sorcery saving throws may be made by those who handle the fool’s gold. The saving throws are modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable; magicians, thieves, and some professionals (e.g., jewellers, shrewd merchants or barkeeps) gain +3 save bonuses. Forbiddance Lvl: clr 6 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: permanent Enforces a ceremony of consecration spell. Laying this dweomer requires a 12-turn (2-hour) ritual. Holy oil/water must be sprinkled about the perimeter of the consecrated area whilst casting this spell. Creatures of like alignment and/or faith as the caster might be instructed in a special prayer or password to enter the forbidden area. Without knowledge of the prayer/password, entry is impossible unless sorcery saving throws are made, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Creatures whose alignment and/or faith are in opposition to the caster’s cannot enter— even if they know the prayer/password—unless they make sorcery saving throws. If the saves fail, interlopers each suffer 4d6 hp damage, as well as a painful wracking of the body for every turn that they remain in 200
the forbidden area. Otherwise, trespassers who make their saves feel sickened and nauseous whilst within the forbidden area. Forceful Hand Lvl: mag 6 | Rng: 10 feet per CA level | Dur: 1 round per CA level A giant disembodied hand appears between the sorcerer and a selected opponent. The forceful hand presents a constant obstruction, remaining betwixt the two, whilst the sorcerer can go on to cast subsequent spells or perform other actions. The forceful hand is aggressive, pushing back the target at a rate of 10 MV to the maximum range of the spell, unless the target weighs more than 500 pounds; if such is the case, the hand effectively functions as an interposing hand spell (q.v.), slowing the approach of the enemy to 10 MV. If the hand pushes an enemy to a wall or other obstruction, it will hold the victim there until the spell ends or the sorcerous hand is destroyed. The forceful hand is AC 0 and has as many hit points as the sorcerer at full health. Otherwise, only an extraordinary feat of strength allows one to escape. This may require the referee to dice for a monster’s strength on the spot, using 3d6 for an average creature, 4d6 drop low for a more robust creature, 4d6 drop high for a Small creature—or simply assign a reasonable strength score. Forest of Bones Lvl: nec 2 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 1 turn Skeletal hands and claws emerge from the earth, grabbing and clutching at all within this spell’s 40-foot-diameter area of effect. Those that fail avoidance saving throws are held fast for the duration of the spell. Those that succeed can negotiate through at half their normal movement rates. Any creature that subsequently enters the enchanted area during the spell’s duration is likewise subject to its effects. Giant humanoids, monsters, or robust animals save at +4, or they might be unaffected by this spell, as judged by the referee.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Confined victims can attempt an extraordinary feat of strength to break free. Confined spell casters may be required to make an extraordinary feat of dexterity in order to cast a spell. Note that turn undead does not affect the forest of bones. Freeze Surface Lvl: cry 3, wch 4 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: special Solidifies water to eight-inch thickness in a 420 × 420foot area. The frozen surface can be safely traversed if anchored to land; otherwise, it will float. Freeze surface can be enchanted to be rough or mirror smooth, the latter of which can be quite slippery. The sorcerer can end this spell with a flick of his hand, or the ice will melt naturally, as determined by the climate. Freezing Hands Lvl: cry 1 | Rng: 5 feet | Dur: instantaneous Plumes of thin, blue-white frost spring from the fingertips of the caster, fanning out in a 120° horizontal arc and causing 2 hp damage per CA level, with no saving throw allowed. Small fires can be extinguished by freezing hands. Modest quantities of water, wine, or ale can be frozen, but liquids of higher alcohol content will be unaffected. Freezing Sphere Lvl: mag 6, cry 6, nec 6, wch 6 | Rng: special | Dur: special This dweomer requires the sacrifice of a 500-gp sapphire. It evokes a two-inch-diameter sphere of bluewhite ice that appears in the palm of the caster and can be implemented in three different manners: Ice Bullet: The sphere can be hurled using the flask hurling rules (see Chapter 9: Combat, combat options) or launched from a sling as an ice bullet. Wherever it strikes, the ice bullet bursts, delivering 6d6 hp cold damage to all within a 20-foot radius of the blast. A sorcery saving throw is permitted for half damage. Ice Sheet: The sphere can be tossed into a body of water such as a lake, pond, or river, effecting an ice sheet on the surface six inches in depth and covering 100 square feet per CA level. The ice sheet persists for as long as logic dictates, based on prevailing weather. Ray of Cold: The sorcerer can pinch the sphere, releasing a thin ray of cold that extends 10 feet per CA level. The aimed ray of cold moves in a straight line and passes through all in its path, inflicting 4 hp damage per CA level. All damage is negated if sorcery saving throws are made. The freezing sphere can be held by the caster for 1 turn per CA level. If the caster does not use the sphere before then, it explodes as an ice bullet with no saving throw allowed.
Friends Lvl: mag 1, wch 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn The caster’s charisma score is improved by 2d4 points (to 18 maximum). Creatures who speak with the caster must make immediate reaction rolls, modified by the reaction/loyalty adjustment of the sorcerer’s improved charisma score. If the result is favourable (score of 9+), the caster is at once viewed as a charming and impressive person worthy of help, consideration, and support. The caster is convincing to those who are affected, so long as he or she is not overly abrasive. Once the spell’s duration has expired, those who were influenced by the caster will realize they were ensorcelled. Frost Sphere Lvl: cry 2 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level A swirling frost globe of six-foot diameter is evoked by the caster. This sphere begins rotating at a rate of 10 MV in the direction the caster points, rolling over barriers and other obstructions up to five feet high. Water is frozen by the frost sphere, small fires are snuffed, and struck creatures suffer 2d4 hp damage unless sorcery saving throws are successful, which end the spell. As long as the caster concentrates and points, the frost sphere can be directed for 1 round per CA level; otherwise, it remains stationary until the duration elapses. Geas (reversible) Lvl: mag 6, cry 6, ill 6, nec 6, pyr 6, wch 6 | Rng: 30 feet Dur: special Compels the victim (human, humanoid, or giant) to complete a service or task. To resist the spell, the target may make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The task must be reasonably achievable and not a blatant death sentence, or the spell breaks after one or two weeks. (One cannot be directed to fall on his sword, but if geased by a sorcerer high atop Mount Vhuurmithadon, a fighting man might be commanded to find and offer himself to Xathoqqua.) If the geased individual fails or refuses to carry out the appointed task, the individual suffers weakness and will die after one or two weeks. Geas cannot be broken by dispel magic or remove curse. Only the reverse of this spell, remove geas, can break the effects of a geas; too, it can negate a quest spell. Gelatinize Bones Lvl: nec 5, wch 6 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: permanent Causes the victim’s skeleton to become viscous. Unless a transformation saving throw is made, the victim collapses to a blubbery glob of flesh, still breathing but unable to move and hardly able to eat or drink unless assisted. The victim cannot manipulate objects, speech is limited to grunts and groans, and breathing is a terrible labour. Death is inevitable, usually transpiring within two to four weeks, though some victims have been known to survive for months or even years if provided constant care. Means do exist by which this 201
HYPERBOREA curse can be undone: the spells heal or regeneration, but the process is painful, causing 3d6 hp damage and requiring a trauma survival check to survive the ordeal (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution).
Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Lvl: mag 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level An invisible field surrounds the sorcerer in a three-foot radius, protecting against all level 1–5 spells except dispel magic, which negates the effect. The sorcerer can cast spells from within the globe. The globe does not negate the sorcery of devices (magic rods, staves, wands, rings, etc.). Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser Lvl: mag 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level An invisible field surrounds the sorcerer in a three-foot radius, protecting against all level 1–3 spells except dispel magic, which negates the effect. The sorcerer can cast spells from within the globe. The globe does not negate the sorcery of devices (magic rods, staves, wands, rings, etc.).
Ghoul Touch (reversible) Lvl: nec 2, wch 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: 2d4 rounds The sorcerer’s touch becomes like that of a ghoul. The first person touched must make a death saving throw or become locked in rigid paralysis. The reverse of this spell, reverse ghoul touch, removes such paralysis, as well as that caused by actual ghouls; it is ineffective versus paralysis from other sources, such as the hold person spell. Glitterdust Lvl: mag 2, cry 2, ill 2, pyr 2 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 1d4+1 rounds The sorcerer must have 25 gp of gold dust to cast this spell, which may be in the form of gold ground with a file or stone. The sorcerer effects a 20-foot cube of glitterdust that explodes within the spell’s range, covering its victims from head to toe in sparkling gold dust. The cloud itself is no more than a flash, so this spell’s duration is not for the cloud, but rather its sorcerous effect. Those within the cloud must make sorcery saving throws or be blinded for the spell’s duration. Blind creatures always lose initiative and suffer −4 penalties on attack rolls, armour class, and saving throws. This spell also reveals invisible creatures, as the glitterdust clings to and sparkles on them for its duration. 202
Glyph of Warding Lvl: wch 4; clr 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent (until triggered) Protects a box, chest, door, gate, portcullis, or another portal from unauthorized entry. This spell requires the use of crushed gem of at least 100-gp value. The sorcerer needs 2 turns to trace the glyph, which becomes invisible upon completion. The glyph can be discovered by spells such as detect invisibility or detect magic, or possibly by a thief searching for traps. The dweomer is placed with a code word that prevents it from discharging. The caster may supply allies with this code word, which must be spoken before the warded portal is opened or passed through. If an unauthorized creature triggers the glyph, one of the following effects occurs, selected by the sorcerer at the time of casting: 1d4 hp damage per CA level of cold, fire, or electrical damage (a blast effect) inflict blindness (reversed form of cure blindness [q.v.]) inflict deafness (reversed form of cure deafness [q.v.]) cause paralysis (reversed form of remove paralysis [q.v.]) Each effect detonates in a five-foot radius per CA level. A successful sorcery saving throw negates each cause/inflict effect and reduces the three blast effects (cold, fire, electricity) to half damage. Goodberry (reversible) Lvl: wch 2; drd 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 day + 1 day per CA level This dweomer is placed upon a handful of fresh berries, 2d4 of which are enchanted to goodberries. The berries must be no more than 5 days removed from the branch, and they must be stored in a cool, dry place.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Only the caster knows which berries are enchanted, though detect magic can also reveal them. A single goodberry can nourish a person for a day or cure 1 hp of damage; the choice a sort of mini-wish made by the consumer. However, only eight healing berries can be consumed by one person in a 24-hour period. The reverse of this spell, badberry, must be cast on spoilt or rotten berries. It makes them appear fresh. These berries deliver mild poison to the consumer for 1 hp damage each, negated by a death (poison) saving throw. If multiple badberries are consumed at the same time, only one saving throw is allowed, though the same maximum of eight badberries are effective (thus 8 hp damage). Grease Lvl: mag 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent A fatty, unctuous film coats an area of effect equal to 2 × 2 feet per CA level (e.g., a CA 10 sorcerer affects an area not exceeding 20 × 20 feet). Any creature that steps on the greased area will slip and fall unless it makes an avoidance saving throw. A fallen victim is momentarily prone. Grease is not limited to flooring; it can be used to lubricate a rope, a chair, or other objects. If the spell is cast on something an enemy holds or wears, a sorcery saving throw negates the effects. Guards and Wards Lvl: mag 6, ill 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level The sorcerer uses this dweomer to protect a tower or other stronghold. The warded area can be a cube with sides as large as 10 feet per CA level; e.g., a CA 12 sorcerer can affect an area as large as 120 × 120 × 120 feet. The effects are as follows: Pale green mist fills corridors, limiting visibility to 10 feet. All doors/gates are sorcerer locked (q.v.). One door per CA level is covered by a phantasm (q.v.) to appear as a wall. Stairs are filled with webs (q.v.). Intersections and forks invoke a minor form of the confusion spell in which the intruder turns in a direction he did not intend. The sorcerer can also select one of the following optional effects: Dancing lights (q.v.) in as many as four corridors Magic mouths (q.v.) placed in two locations Stinking clouds (q.v.) placed in two locations Suggestion (q.v.) placed in one location If detect magic is cast, the entire area of effect radiates potent magic. Each effect of this spell should be considered a separate dweomer for dispel magic attempts.
Gust of Wind Lvl: mag 2, cry 2, pyr 2; drd 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round A breeze blows from the caster (in the direction the sorcerer faces) in a 10-foot-wide path that is 5 feet long per CA level; e.g., a CA 6 sorcerer can evoke a gust of wind that is 10 feet wide and 30 feet long. Gust of wind extinguishes small fires, though it fans and excites the flames of larger blazes; too, it disperses and thus dispels magical clouds, fogs, and smoke, such as cloudkill, fog cloud, and stinking cloud. At its greatest effectiveness, this spell can belly the sail of a small craft. Hallucinatory Terrain Lvl: mag 4, ill 3, wch 4; drd 4 | Rng: 300 feet | Dur: permanent (untilcontacted) Conjures an illusory landscape that conceals the actual topography. A meadow, for instance, might be made to appear as a forest, a hill, a river, a swamp, or the like. The maximum size of the illusion is a cube with sides five feet long per CA level; e.g., a CA 8 sorcerer can effect a 40 × 40 × 40-foot illusion. The hallucinatory terrain persists until some portion of it is forcibly shaken or struck by an intelligent creature, or unless dispel phantasm is cast. Haste Lvl: mag 3, pyr 3 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 18 rounds (3 minutes) Doubled are the attack and movement rates of this spell’s recipients; unwilling targets are allowed sorcery saving throws. The caster selects a target point and hastens a number of creatures equal to his or her CA level in a 15-foot radius. Those closest to the centre of the circle are affected first, potentially including the sorcerer’s enemies; however, the caster can limit the radius of the spell, shrinking it as desired. Hastened creatures can move at double their normal rates and make twice as many attacks per combat round: 1/1 attack rate becomes 2/1 3/2 attack rate becomes 3/1 2/1 attack rate becomes 4/1 5/2 attack rate becomes 5/1 3/1 attack rate becomes 6/1 Sorcery (spells and magical devices) is not hastened in any way. This spell cannot be “stacked” with other spells or magic items that increase speed. Once the duration is met, recipients of haste are aged by one year as a result of this spell, unless a transformation saving throw is made. Haste counteracts the slow spell, but this usage does not bring about the ageing side effect. Heal (reversible) Lvl: clr 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Cures diseases and mends the injuries of a living recipient. The sorcerer’s touch alleviates ailments such as blindness, deafness, disease, madness (including
HYPERBOREA feeblemind), and all hit point loss, save 1d4 hp. The reverse form of this spell, harm, afflicts the victim with a horrific, ulcerative skin disease that causes a loss of all hit points, save 1d4. The victim must be touched, but no saving throw is allowed. Heat Metal Lvl: pyr 2; drd 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 9 rounds Heats metallic objects to searing temperatures. For every CA level of the sorcerer, five square feet of metal can be affected, equivalent to one Small creature per CA level, or one Medium creature per 2 CA levels; e.g., a CA 6 sorcerer can affect three adjacent armoured people. For larger creatures, the referee must determine a reasonable number of potential targets using the above guidelines (e.g., a mountain ape may be considered the equivalent of two people). Heat metal is quick to warm, burn, and then sear; likewise, it is quick to cool. The dweomer persists for 9 rounds, with metal treated thusly if in contact with skin: Round 1: Metal becomes hot, uncomfortable to the touch Rounds 2–4: Metal becomes extremely hot, burning for 1d4 hp damage per round Round 5: Metal sears for 2d4 hp damage Rounds 6–8: Metal cools to extremely hot, burning for 1d4 hp damage per round Round 9: Metal cools to hot Materials such as cloth, leather, or wood in touch with searing metal are subject to smouldering or even combusting, as per the referee’s judgment. Fire protection and fire resistance negate the harmful effects of this spell. Heroes’ Feast Lvl: clr 6 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Conjures a grand banquet that feeds a number of people equal to the sorcerer’s CA. Casting this spell requires the use of a holy symbol, prayer beads, and/or incense. The heroes’ feast appears on a great table surrounded by as many chairs as needed. The feast’s main course might be roasted pig, stuffed pheasant, butter and dill fried cod, boiled lobster, or the like; it also includes appetizers, side dishes, greens, legumes, beer, wine, and more. The courses are served by a half-dozen unseen servants (q.v.), though they perform in no other capacity than to serve the feast. Consuming the meal requires one hour. Thereafter, the feasters experience a mild ambrosial effect by which they are immune to poison, disease, and sorcerous fear for 12 hours; too, they are healed of 1d8+4 hp damage, and they enjoy the effects of a bless spell (q.v.) for 1d8 hours. If the feast is interrupted, however, no benefits will be realized.
Hold Animal Lvl: drd 3 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Freezes still (i.e., motionless, paralyzed) up to six Medium animals (amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, and reptiles). The enchantment affects mundane animals only, not magical or supernatural beasts. It can be cast at a single animal or a group of animals, so long as they are within a 20-foot radius of the primary target, which must be selected by the caster. Large and Small animals may be held, too. Three Small animals may be considered equivalent to one Medium animal, and one Large animal may be considered equivalent to three Medium animals. When cast at a group, the spell affects those animals closest to the primary target selected by the caster. Each beast is allowed a sorcery saving throw to resist the spell, but if the spell is focused on a single animal, its saving throw is made at a −2 penalty. Hold Monster Lvl: mag 5, cry 5, nec 5 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Freezes still (i.e., motionless, paralyzed) any living creature, save the undead and mindless constructs. It can be cast at a single opponent or a group of individuals, so long as they are within a 10-foot radius of the spell’s primary target. When cast at a group, as many as four individuals may be affected, beginning with those closest to the primary target. Each target is allowed a sorcery saving throw to resist the spell; if but a single target is selected, its saving throw is made at a −2 penalty. The saving throws are modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Hold Person Lvl: mag 3, cry 3, nec 3, wch 2; clr 2 | Rng: 120 feet Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Hold person victims are frozen still, motionless, paralyzed. This enchantment affects humans, humanoids, and giants. It can be cast at a single opponent or a group of individuals, so long as they are within a 10-foot radius of the spell’s primary target. When cast at a group, as many as four individuals may be affected, beginning with those closest to the primary target. Each target is allowed a sorcery saving throw to resist the spell; if but a single target is selected, its saving throw is made at a −2 penalty. Any targets of 9 HD or greater gain a +4 saving throw bonus. Saving throws are modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Hold Portal Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, wch 1 | Rng: 25 feet | Dur: 2d6 turns Magically secures a door, gate, or the like. A dispel magic spell negates it, a knock spell opens it, or a strong person or monster might break it down: 1-in-12 chance for 17 ST, 1-in-6 chance for 18 ST. Too, a character with the open locks special ability can attempt to disrupt the hold portal spell using thieves’ tools; however, the chance-in-twelve of success is reduced by 2. Lastly, hold portal can be bypassed by any magician (or magician subclass) whose CA is at least 3 levels greater than the one who placed the dweomer. The duration of the spell should be rolled in secret by the referee. Hold Vegetation Lvl: drd 4 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Causes ambulatory plants (natural and supernatural) to cease movement and freeze; likewise, it prevents enchanted plants from entangling, and it prevents flora from being moved by other forces, such as wind or rain. As much as 40 × 40 feet of vegetation can be so held. Hold vegetation also affects plant-like monsters, such as violet fungi, green slimes, mustard moulds, shambling mounds, and tree-men. It can be cast at a single plant monster or a group of monsters, so long as they are within a 20-foot radius of the spell’s primary target. When cast at a group, as many as four plant monsters may be affected, beginning with those closest to the primary target. Each target is allowed a sorcery saving throw to resist the spell; if but a single target is selected, its saving throw is made at a −2 penalty. Hypnotic Pattern Lvl: ill 2 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: special With precise gestures the sorcerer creates waves of polychromatic, zigzagging lines that fill the air in a 30-foot-diameter circle. The spell affects no more than 24 HD of creatures, each of which is entitled to a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Hypnotic pattern affects those of the lowest HD first, though not blind or unseeing creatures. The ensorcelled become mesmerized imbeciles, staring at the colours until the spell terminates. The spell persists as long as the caster continues to gesticulate, plus 1d4 rounds thereafter. Hypnotism Lvl: ill 1, wch 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn The sorcerer’s eyes become kaleidoscopic as he or she makes weird, mesmerizing gestures and speaks in low, reverberating tones. The sorcerer can hypnotize 1d6 selected creatures. Targets are allowed sorcery saving throws to resist; the saves are modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Hostile (i.e., already on the attack) creatures gain a +2 bonus on their saving throws. Hypnotized creatures might be convinced
to take some simple course of action (uttered by the sorcerer in a brief sentence), but it cannot be a self-destructive action or the connexion will be broken. The caster may utter this proposition at any time after the hypnosis takes effect, though before the spell’s duration elapses; once the spell ends, all effects terminate. Ice Armour Lvl: cry 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn + 1 turn per CA level A suit of frozen laminated armour clads the sorcerer. Ice armour is formed of dense blue ice that is cold to the touch for all but the caster. It provides AC 5 and DR 1. Ice armour is so perfectly articulated and lightweight that it does not impinge the sorcerer’s spell casting in any way, though the standard 30 MV applies. Ice armour is vaporized by magical fire (neutralizing a single magical fire attack), but normal fire has minimal impact. When the spell ends, ice armour crumbles to a thousand shards of ice. Ice Axe Lvl: cry 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer must grip a 1½-foot haft of wood to cast this dweomer. Upon incanting the spell, an axe blade composed of steely-blue ice forms at the end of the haft. The ice axe can be wielded as though it were a magical hand axe; it functions at a +2 “to hit” and delivers 1d6+2 hp damage. If hurled (90-foot range), the ice axe automatically strikes its target for 1d6+4 hp damage, but this attack ends the spell. Ice Bridge Lvl: cry 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level A blast of crystalline blue frost explodes from the sorcerer’s down-stretched hands, creating a 2½-foot-wide, six-inch-thick plane of ice underfoot. With full concentration, the sorcerer continues to animate the ice, riding on it as it forms a constant slide or viaduct, propelling the caster forwards at a rate of 40 MV. The ice bridge can form in a straight line, up or down at a maximum 45° angle, and/or curved to a 45° angle. The ice bridge need not stay affixed to its point of origin—in fact, it oft crumbles away behind the sorcerer—but if the sorcerer does not connect to stable ground by the end of the spell, or if concentration is disrupted, falling is unavoidable. An ally can hold onto the sorcerer’s waist and catch a ride on the ice bridge if the sorcerer is of at least average (9–12) strength; two riders may be conveyed if the sorcerer is of above-average (13+) strength. Ice Javelin Lvl: mag 4, cry 4 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: special Conjures a blue ice javelin from the frozen depths of Hyperborea’s glaciated interior. The weapon manifests in the hand of the caster, who at once hurls it at a target within 240 feet, whether or not the sorcerer is skilled with such a weapon; i.e., no unskilled weapon attack penalty applies. The ice javelin is +3 “to hit” and 205
HYPERBOREA inflicts 6d6 hp damage (dexterity attack modifier and strength damage adjustment both apply). On contact, the ice javelin can also freeze its victim in an inch-thick sheen of ice unless a sorcery saving throw is made. The ice does not harm the victim and in fact slows all bodily processes. The ice is negated by dispel magic; also, heat or fire (magical or mundane) will thaw it. If the ice javelin misses its target, it is destroyed on a 3-in-6 chance; otherwise, the caster may recall it to the hand, but this takes one round. If anyone else attempts to touch the ice javelin, in a flash it will melt. N.B.: If using the optional critical hits and misses rules, each ice javelin is subject to critical success or failure. Ice Storm Lvl: mag 4, cry 4 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: instantaneous Fist-sized hailstones pound down with great force, causing 3d10 hp damage to all within the 30 × 30-foot area of effect, no saving throws allowed. The damage is the result of blunt force, not cold, so spells such as cold resistance offer no defence. Alternatively, the sorcerer can use this spell to create a 90 × 90-foot area of driving sleet that effectively snow-blinds its victims and halves their movement. Any attempt to run through such an area is subject to an avoidance saving throw, or the subject will slip and fall. Iceberg Lvl: cry 6 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 day per CA level The sorcerer conducts a 6-turn (1-hour) ritual that requires the sacrifice of 1,000 gp in gold or gems and the proximity of a significant body of water. Conjured ice rises from the water, forming a small, pinnacle-shaped iceberg that functions as a three-storey shelter with a 30 × 30-foot “ground” floor (below water level), a 20 × 20-foot first floor, and a 10 × 10-foot second floor. The iceberg can be fashioned to have transparent ice windows, a solid gate (usually at the first floor), a chimney, and other simple effects that are composed of ice: a table, chairs, and bunkbeds, if so desired. The magic iceberg enjoys other enchantments as well: Impervious to normal fire and missiles (arrows and quarrels). Can withstand gale-force winds and remain buoyant. Its gate has a sorcerer lock (q.v.), and each window has the strength of iron. Contains three unseen servants (one at each storey) with the sole functions of maintaining the cleanliness of the place and assisting with cooking, stoking the fire, and so forth. From the second-floor window, the sorcerer can direct the iceberg to float 60 feet per round, or 24 miles per day. The iceberg will begin to crumble when the spell’s duration elapses, so bringing a raft or canoe is always wise. An expiring iceberg can be preserved if the spell is recast and the requisite sacrifice met again. 206
Identify Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, ill 1, nec 1, pyr 1, wch 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level This ritual requires 6 turns (1 hour) to cast in a peaceful environment and necessitates the sacrifice of 100 gp worth of treasure (e.g., gold, gems) per item identified. The spell enables the caster to perceive the magical properties of one magic item per CA level, each item requiring 1 turn to properly identify. Note that whereas the properties of a magic item can be identified, the charges of a wand or like item may not be reckoned, and the exact description of such magical properties is always at the referee’s discretion. This ritual is exhausting; consequently, the caster will suffer a temporary 8-point constitution drain until appropriate rest is taken. One point of constitution is restored per hour. If the constitution loss results in a score of 3 or less, the caster will fall unconscious for 24 hours. Igloo Lvl: cry 4; drd 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 12 turns (2 hours) per CA level An igloo is evoked, surrounding the caster and providing suitable shelter for as many as six companions. It is 15 feet in base diameter, with walls that arch to an apex 7½ feet high. It has a snowy white exterior, but from the inside the walls appear transparent, allowing its inhabitants to see the outdoors with perfect clarity. A lambent light emanates from the interior ceiling upon the will of the caster. The interior temperature is cool but comfortable. The igloo can withstand heavy winds, rain, sleet, hail, snow, and temperatures as high as 90℉ before slowly beginning to melt. If struck, the igloo can sustain 36 hp damage before it is destroyed. Whilst the caster’s companions are free to enter and exit, once the caster leaves, the igloo will crumble. Illusory Script Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent A message, instructions, or a map is penned in a script that only the sorcerer and the desired recipient(s) can read and understand. Another illusionist (or associated subclass) will cognize the illusory script for what it is but will be unable to comprehend it. Any attempt to read the script requires a sorcery saving throw, or else the reader becomes confused (as the confusion spell [q.v.]) for 1d6 rounds. The saving throw is modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. This spell breaks if the source material (e.g., book, parchment, scroll) is physically destroyed or if dispel phantasm is cast on it. Illusory Wall Lvl: ill 4 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: permanent This spell requires a sacrifice of gold or gems valued at 300 gp or more. The sorcerer creates an illusion of a wall, floor, ceiling, or another surface. The illusory wall can be as large as 1 × 10 × 10 feet and is con-
Volume I: Player’s Manual vincingly realistic. The surface can be made to look as though it were of brick, stone, wood, or like material. An illusory wall might be used to create the appearance of a dead end, or perhaps to cover a pit, in which case only careful searching will reveal the deception. The surface can be passed through, but such transit will not terminate it. The spell is permanent unless dispel phantasm is cast. Illusory Wall of Fire Lvl: ill 3, pyr 3 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Creates a phantasm of a flaming barricade. The illusory wall of fire can be as large as 1× 10 × 10 feet and is realistic to the eyes and ears, but it does not emit actual heat; the thermal properties of this spell are purely deceptive. The illusory wall of fire can be passed through, but such transit will not terminate it. The spell persists for its duration unless dispel phantasm is cast. Creatures that pass through the illusory wall of fire must make sorcery saving throws (modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable) or suffer 2d6 hp damage (manifesting actual burn wounds). If a creature becomes aware of the deception and gives warning, allies can attempt to pass through with +4 bonuses to their saves. Creatures of an innately fiery nature (such as fire elementals) are never fooled by this spell. Imbue with Spell Ability Lvl: clr 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: special The sorcerer imprints into the mind of a willing subject as many as three memorized spells. The recipient must have a minimum wisdom score of 9, or the spell will fail. The recipient will then be able to cast these spells at a time of their choosing, just as the sorcerer would. Like the sorcerer’s memorization, the conferred spells remain burnt in the recipient’s mind until they are cast. No more than two level 1 spells and one level 2 spell can be conferred. Once a recipient is thus imbued, the sorcerer cannot rememorize a transferred spell level until the recipient casts the spell. So, if a sorcerer grants a cure light wounds spell to an ally, then the sorcerer can rememorize one fewer level 1 spell until the ally casts that spell. Of course, the sorcerer cannot confer more spells than he or she can memorize. Improved Invisibility Lvl: ill 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: 4 rounds + 1 round per CA level Functions as the invisibility spell (q.v.), except that its recipient (human, humanoid, or giant) can attack or cast harmful spells at enemies without reappearing in exchange for a more limited spell duration. The invisible person’s attacks, however, cause a slight shimmer or vibration in the air around them, allowing enemies to distinguish their approximate whereabouts; hence enemies can counterattack, though the invisible person enjoys a +4 AC bonus.
Improved Phantasm Lvl: ill 2 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: special A visual illusion is created, a projected image of nearly anything the caster can imagine, as large as 30 × 30 × 30 feet in area. Victims must be living creatures of animal intelligence or greater; undead, constructs, oozes, and the like are unaffected. Improved phantasm can be used to create an attacking monster or another damaging hazard, but the illusion is strictly of sight and sound, not of smell or temperature. The auditory component of an improved phantasm cannot consist of precisely spoken words, but the semblance of garbled speech, mumbling, shouting, and so forth are possible. These sounds can create the opportunity for more believable illusions than those generated by the phantasm spell. Once cast, this spell persists as long as the caster concentrates and for 2 rounds thereafter, unless the illusion is struck for 1 hp of damage or more, or unless it is terminated via a dispel phantasm spell. An improved phantasmal monster is AC 8 and will disappear if hit; otherwise, it can continue to attack as manipulated by the caster. The caster can direct the illusion to move anywhere within the spell’s range; such manœuvres require his full attention, though he can walk at half speed and maintain control. Improved phantasm targets are not allowed saving throws unless the referee feels the illusion is unbelievable to its viewers, in which case sorcery saving throws should be rolled, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Credibility may come into question because of the illusion’s lack of scent or thermal properties. To the eyes of the disbeliever, the improved phantasm will become a flawed and flickering transparent image. An intelligent disbeliever may then alert allies, whose saves are made at a bonus of +4. Otherwise, this illusion can inflict real physical damage: 1d4 hp per CA level per round to each victim. Such damage remains even if the spell is subsequently broken. Incantation Lvl: clr 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: special The sorcerer chants eldritch invocations that effect a potent benison to allies—and a malison to enemies— within a 25-foot radius. Allies gain +1 “to hit” and +1 to saving throws; enemies are penalized −1 “to hit” and −1 saving throws. The bonuses/penalties persist as long as the caster continues to chant and remains perfectly stationary (no dexterity bonuses applicable). Dispel magic or silence can break this spell.
HYPERBOREA Incinerate Normal Missiles Lvl: pyr 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The sorcerer is protected from projectiles with shafts of wood. Arrows, bolts, javelins, and spears launched at the caster will incinerate within 10 feet of the sorcerer. Magical missiles are less likely to be affected: +1 missiles will incinerate on a 3-in-6 chance, +2 missiles on a 2-in-6 chance, and +3 missiles on a 1-in-6 chance; missiles greater than +3 are unaffected. The same chance applies to mundane missiles fired from a magical launcher (e.g., if a +2 short bow fires a normal arrow, the arrow will incinerate on a 2-in-6 chance). Incite Chaos Lvl: ill 5 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Incites the spell’s victims, who thereafter behave madly as determined on the table below. The spell affects 2d6 creatures in a 50-foot-diameter area of effect, including allies. Creatures of 2 HD or fewer are automatically affected for the duration of the spell. Creatures of 3 HD or more are allowed sorcery saving throws at a −4 penalty to ignore the effects, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The referee should determine the actions of each chaos victim: Table 104: Incite Chaos Spell d10 Incited Action Result 1 Sprint away, flailing wildly, howling 2–4 Claw madly at the ground, walls, etc. 5–9 Physically attack closest creature 0 Physically attack spell caster Once affected, victims need not remain in the spell’s area of effect; the damage is done. Infernal Tongues Lvl: nec 2, wch 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The sorcerer’s tongue becomes long, forked, and black. The sorcerer then speaks in the language of netherworldly dæmons. Such infernal tongues are known to raise the hackles of ordinary animals of 3 HD or fewer, causing them to flee the presence of the sorcerer if they fail sorcery saving throws. Any number of animals can be affected, but they must be within 30 feet of the sorcerer. Animals that make their saving throws have a 2-in-6 chance of becoming enraged and attacking the caster at a +2 bonus. Of course, humans may be quite frightened as well; hence, the referee might impose morale (ML) checks for common folk, and even classed individuals, in certain situations. Inflict Madness Lvl: ill 5, nec 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent When cast by a cleric or necromancer, this evil curse brings insanity to its victim (human or humanoid). When cast by an illusionist, the spell effects a phantasmal nightmare that produces madness. In either case, 208
the target must make a sorcery saving throw or suffer a random form of madness (consult your referee for specific results). The saving throw is modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. A remove curse spell ends the madness if the spell was cast by a cleric or necromancer; dispel phantasm can exorcize madness caused by illusionists (cf. cure madness). Influence Normal Fire Lvl: mag 1, pyr 1, wch 1; drd 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level Allows the caster to affect non-magical fires from as small as a torch to as large as a three-foot-diameter bonfire. With a wave of the hand, a fire may be doubled or shrunk to the size of a lit match. The fire’s fuel consumption is influenced by the spell, but heat output is not. Normal fire causes 1d4 damage per round to those who are directly exposed to the flames. If, for example, a bonfire is doubled, and enemies are huddled around it, each may make an avoidance save to escape harm. Infrared Vision Lvl: mag 3, cry 2, nec 3, pyr 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: 2 hours + 1 hour per CA level The caster or other recipient can perceive light in the infrared spectrum, effectively seeing in the dark to a range of 60 feet. All subtle differences of heat radiation are defined before the eyes of the recipient so that a warm-blooded creature stands out against the cool walls of a dungeon chamber. Fire or other notable heat in the proximity of the viewer can be a hindrance (e.g., lantern, torch) or a complete obstruction (e.g., bonfire, lava). This spell does not reveal invisible objects or creatures. Inner Eye Lvl: mag 3, nec 4, wch 3 | Rng: 10 feet per CA level Dur: 1 round per CA level This spell, usable only in combat, allows the player to ask the referee, once per round during action declaration, about the immediate intentions of a selected creature. The referee must answer honestly (possibly by passing a note to the player and leaving it to the player’s discretion to describe). In effect, the caster can see what the creature intends to do next. The caster must choose a target creature within the spell’s range. Then, with eyes closed tight, the caster becomes attuned to mystical strings that permeate the Black Gulf. As long as the caster’s eyes remain closed, what is seen with the inner eye can be verbalized. In effect, the caster grants party members a bonus to rolls specifically related to the creature’s action. This advantage can take the form of +2 “to hit,” +2 AC, or a +2 saving throw bonus, as selected by the sorcerer (e.g., a caster who uses this spell to see that a mountain ape will swing at the thief—and announces that vision aloud—could grant +2 to the thief ’s AC, or perhaps +2 to the thief ’s counterattack).
Volume I: Player’s Manual Once a target is selected, the caster must keep his or her eyes closed, or the spell ends. If the selected creature is killed or otherwise subdued, the caster may switch focus to the next closest enemy, blinking their eyes open for a second for targeting purposes. Otherwise, the caster is effectively blind throughout the duration (−4 penalties to AC and saving throws). Inoculate Lvl: wch 5; clr 5 | Rng: touch | Dur: 24 hours The recipient is immune to disease and poison for the duration of the spell if within one mile of the caster. Too, the recipient recovers double hit points from natural healing if proper rest is taken. Insect Plague Lvl: nec 5; clr 5, drd 4 | Rng: 360 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The sorcerer summons a vast swarm of flying insects (usually a combination of bees, beetles, cicadas, locusts, and mosquitoes) 30 feet high and 60 feet in diameter. Vision is reduced to 10 feet for those victims caught within the swarm, and the shrill droning of the cicadas is maddening and disorienting. For every round spent within the swarm, victims sustain 1 hp damage from stings and bites. Animals or monsters of 2 HD or less almost always will be driven away in panic. Heavy smoke or a roaring fire drives away the insect plague; otherwise, it remains stationary until the spell’s duration elapses. Interposing Hand Lvl: mag 5 | Rng: 10 feet per CA level | Dur: 1 round per CA level A giant disembodied hand appears between the sorcerer and a selected enemy, floating and providing cover. The interposing hand presents a constant obstruction, remaining betwixt the two, whilst the sorcerer can go on to cast other spells or perform other actions. The interposing hand pushes against an approaching enemy, effectively limiting movement to a maximum rate of 10 MV. The interposing hand is AC 0 and has as many hit points as the sorcerer at full health. Invisibility Lvl: mag 2, cry 2, ill 2, pyr 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: 12 turns (2 hours) per CA level Renders the spell’s recipient (human, humanoid, or giant) invisible until the spell is cancelled or dispelled, or if the subject directly causes harm (i.e., damages or forces a saving throw roll) to another creature, or if the duration has elapsed. Invisibility recipients cannot be seen by detect magic or infrared vision, but detect invisibility will reveal them. The following guidelines apply: Invisibility extends to the clothes/armour worn and gear carried by the subject. A rope or other lengthy item becomes visible beyond five feet of the subject.
If an item is picked up after the spell was cast, that item will not become invisible. If an item is removed from the persons of an invisibility recipient, that object becomes visible. If the invisible person bears a light source (e.g., lantern, torch) before the spell is cast, the light source becomes invisible, but light still radiates. In bright sunlight, an invisible form casts a faint shadow. Invisibility recipients see themselves and the objects they carry as faint outlines. Invisibility recipients attack at +4 “to hit.” If an invisible creature’s attack attempt is a miss, invisibility is not broken. +4 AC whilst invisible, and any attacker must have an idea of the invisible target’s whereabouts; otherwise, the attack is futile. 10 HD or greater creatures may make a sorcery saving throw when an invisible creature approaches within 30 feet of them. If successful, they clearly discern the invisible creature as a translucent figure. What constitutes harm: “Harm” is defined as any action (melee, missile, spell, item use, etc.) that would directly damage another creature; i.e., cause hit point (hp) loss or cause the target to roll a saving throw. Damaging objects does not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly to another creature does not break the spell. Casting a spell that does not allow for a saving throw and does not physically harm the target will not break the spell (a convenient loophole, if you would). Thus, without breaking the spell, an invisible person can force open a door, lift a portcullis, steal a coin purse, pick a lock, cast a cure light wounds spell, cast a protection from evil spell, and even cast a summon monster spell (harm caused by summoned monster is indirect). One can set aflame the wooden tower of a vampire and not break the spell, even if the undead beast burns, but if one throws a fireball at the same vampire, that is direct harm. Set a deadfall trap with a boulder to crush the skull of a giant weasel? Invisibility does not break. Shoot the same beast with a heavy crossbow? Invisibility breaks. Sleep spell causes no harm and typically involves no saving throw, so it will not break invisibility. Of course, the referee should be the final arbiter of all such cases. Invisibility Hemisphere Lvl: mag 3, ill 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 12 turns (2 hours) per CA level Functions much as the invisibility spell (q.v.), except that it extends in a 10-foot-radius hemisphere from the primary recipient, potentially causing other creatures in the spell’s radius to become invisible. The invisibility hemisphere moves with the primary recipient.
HYPERBOREA Those within 10 feet at the time of casting (including animal companions, undead minions, etc.) become invisible, but they can see one another as translucent figures. If a beneficiary of this spell steps out from its radius, that one will become visible, unable to resume invisibility unless the spell is recast. If the primary recipient causes damage (hp loss) to another creature, or causes another creature to roll a saving throw, the entire spell is negated; however, if one of the spell’s other recipients causes damage (or forces a saving throw) to an opponent, only that actor becomes visible. For more examples of what constitutes harm, see the invisibility spell. Invisibility to Undead Lvl: nec 1; clr 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: 12 turns (2 hours) per CA level Causes undead to completely ignore the subject; living creatures are unaffected. The recipient remains invisible to undead until the spell is cancelled or dispelled, or if the subject harms another creature—be it undead or not. (In this instance, “harm” is defined as any action that would directly cause damage to another creature.) The recipient of this spell cannot turn undead. Intelligent undead creatures of 10 or more HD can make sorcery saving throws if the spell’s recipient approaches within 30 feet; if successful, they will discern the spell’s recipient as an apparition of sorts. Jump Lvl: mag 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn Allows the recipient to leap 40 feet forwards (with a 10-foot apex), 10 feet backwards, or 20 feet straight up. For every additional 3 CA levels of the sorcerer, the affected can make another jump; thus, a CA 4 sorcerer can empower two such jumps, a CA 7 sorcerer can empower three, and a CA 10 sorcerer four, so long as all jumps occur before the spell’s expiration. Knock Lvl: mag 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: instantaneous Automatically opens any stuck or locked door, gate, or other portal, including a locked box, chest, coffin, set of manacles, or even a secret door within the range of the spell. Even a sorcerer locked door can be opened by this spell, though but temporarily (resumes after 1 turn). Of course, this spell does not disarm trapped portals. Legend Lore Lvl: mag 6, cry 6, pyr 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: special Provides knowledge of some fabled artefact or locale. The referee must judge whether the thing or place is sufficiently legendary to qualify; if not, the spell fails. If the subject is indeed legendary, the information will be gleaned via a dream or vision some 1d10 days later, as secretly determined by the referee. The lore revealed by this spell is oft cryptic in nature and may be learnt in the form of a picture, poem, riddle, sign, or symbol. 210
Levitate Lvl: mag 2, cry 2, pyr 2, wch 2 | Rng: 20 feet per CA level | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The caster or other recipient floats up or down in the air at a rate of 10 MV. Maximum levitation weight is 300 pounds. Horizontal movement is impossible unless some surface such as a ceiling is reached, in which case the levitated person can use his hands and feet to travel at 10 MV. One can cast spells whilst floating, but combat (melee and missiles) is more difficult, the levitate recipient suffering −2 “to hit” on attack rolls and losing any DX bonus to AC. If this spell is cast on another person, the sorcerer must concentrate on directing the target, levitating him a maximum distance of 20 feet per CA level. If levitate is cast on an unwilling subject, it is allowed a sorcery saving throw to resist the effect, and if its HD is greater than the sorcerer’s, the saving throw is rolled with a +4 bonus. The spell can be cancelled at a time of the caster’s choosing. Lifeglobe Lvl: wch 5; drd 4 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level The caster speaks an incantation whilst tossing a piece of freshly picked green vegetation into the air. The vegetation immediately transforms into a 10-inch-diameter, glowing green sphere that hovers no more than 10 feet away from the caster. Until the sphere dissipates, any living creature touching it—friend and foe alike—will gain one of the following benefits (chosen by the one touching the sphere): Heal 1 hit die (roll HD type) modified by constitution hit point adjustment (if applicable) Recover from one physical ailment (e.g., blindness, deafness, disease), though not poison Gain 1d4 days of nourishment and hydration Note that each recipient may derive the benefits of the lifeglobe but once from the same casting. The lifeglobe can be destroyed if struck. It may be considered AC 6 and is allowed an item saving throw (as wood, thin).
Volume I: Player’s Manual Light Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, ill 1, pyr 1, wch 1; clr 1, drd 1 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Effects a 30-foot-diameter sphere of soft, lambent illuminance, somewhat dimmer than full daylight. The spell can be centred on an object, on a person, or in the air. If light is centred on the visual organs of a creature, and it fails a sorcery saving throw, the victim is partially blinded for the duration of the spell, suffering −2 “to hit,” −2 AC, and −2 saving throws. This spell can be ended at will by the caster. A light spell can counter a darkness spell, and vice versa, but not continuous darkness. Lightning Bolt Lvl: mag 3, cry 3, nec 3 | Rng: 180 feet | Dur: instantaneous A bolt of lightning 5 feet wide and 60 feet long erupts from the outstretched hands of the sorcerer, striking all within its path until it reaches maximum range. Struck creatures suffer 1d6 hp damage per CA level, with sorcery saving throws allowed for half damage. The lightning bolt will travel its full range of 180 feet before ceasing; if it strikes a wall or another solid surface before reaching its 180-foot range, it will rebound, potentially striking again those within its path—and possibly the caster. For example, if a CA 9 sorcerer casts this spell whilst in the doorway of a 70 × 70-foot room, the bolt will strike its targets for 9d6 hp damage, strike the far wall, bounce back, hit the targets again (they get another saving throw for half damage), strike the caster, and then travel another 40 feet before dissipating. Lightning Protection Lvl: drd 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: special Shelters the caster or other recipient from any damage related to normal electricity for one hour per CA level. If cast on oneself, the sorcerer gains immunity from a single magical lightning/electricity attack (e.g., lightning bolt, shocking grasp, a behir’s breath) before the spell is broken. A recipient of this spell other than the sorcerer simply gains a +4 saving throw bonus versus a single magical lightning/electricity attack before the spell is broken. Liveoak Lvl: drd 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 day per CA level Usually cast on an oak tree, though any hardwood can be used, so long as it is at least 18 feet in height. The tree animates, transforming to a 16-HD tree-man, whose function is to protect a person, place, or thing as prescribed by the sorcerer. This animation triggers when a specific condition, set by the caster, is met; e.g., “If any creature comes within 30 feet of this camp, animate!” The liveoak attacks as a normal tree-man, except it can go no farther than 120 feet from its original location and cannot summon other tree-men. This spell can be negated by a dispel magic spell, or the caster may end it at will.
Locate Object Lvl: mag 2, wch 2; clr 3 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The caster announces an object to be found; it might be a lost sword, a bronze door, or the like. The object must be well known by the caster: its colour, texture, size, and so forth. Someone describing the item to the caster is insufficient, though a detailed picture may suffice. If the object is within range, the caster will know which direction to seek, but not the precise distance. Locate Ordinary Animal Lvl: drd 1 | Rng: 300 feet | Dur: 2 turns The sorcerer selects a known animal type to be found (e.g., bear, eagle, wolf). The type must be well known by the caster; another person describing the animal type is insufficient (though a detailed picture may suffice), and magical or supernatural creatures do not qualify. If an animal of the stated type is indeed within range of the spell, the caster will know which direction to seek, but not the precise distance. Locate the Dead Lvl: nec 1, wch 1 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn Detects the presence of deceased creatures in a 30-foot radius. The caster walks at half speed, chanting, gesticulating, and attuning to the presence of death. Although locate the dead can detect the presence of undead creatures, it does not distinguish between death and undeath. This spell penetrates 10 feet of packed earth, five feet of wood, three feet of stone, or one inch of metal (except lead). Locate the dead also can be used to seek a specific dead person or creature; however, the caster must possess a personal item or memento of the sought-after corpse. Magic Ice Dart Lvl: cry 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: instantaneous Cyan-glowing icicles form in the hand of the caster and fire at single target for 1d6+1 hp damage. For every CA level, the sorcerer can fire an equal amount of magic ice darts (i.e., one at CA 1, two at CA 2, three at CA 3, and so forth). All missiles are fired at once, though each requires a separate attack roll, modified by dexterity attack modifier, if applicable. Cryomancers (but not other sorcerers) gain +1 “to hit” for every 2 CA levels (i.e., CA 1–2 = +1, CA 3–4 = +2, and so forth). N.B.: If using the optional critical hits and misses rules, each magic ice dart is subject to critical success or failure. Magic Jar Lvl: mag 5, nec 5, wch 5 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: special The sorcerer’s life force is placed in a small, inanimate object. If it remains within 30 feet of the sorcerer’s physical body, an attempt to possess another living creature within 120 feet may be made. If the target fails its sorcery saving throw (modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable), it will be possessed by the sorcerer. 211
HYPERBOREA A possessed body can be controlled like a puppet, performing normal actions and using all its special abilities (including spells), though not the possessor’s original abilities or spells. Fragmentary memories of the possessed might be accessed by the possessor; the details should be nebulous, provided by the referee. Note the potential consequences of this spell: If the body of the possessed is destroyed, the spirit of the sorcerer returns to the magic jar. The sorcerer’s spirit may then attempt to possess another or return to its own body. If the sorcerer’s body is destroyed whilst its spirit is without, then the spirit must forever remain in the body it presently possesses; or, if the spirit is in the magic jar, it may possess another, but permanently. If the magic jar is destroyed whilst the sorcerer’s spirit is inside it, the sorcerer’s physical body will die, and his or her spirit is forever lost. If the magic jar is destroyed whilst the sorcerer’s spirit possesses another, the spirit must forever remain in the body of the possessed. Possession is prevented by a protection from evil spell. It can be terminated by a remove curse spell, sending the sorcerer’s spirit back to the magic jar. Casting a magic jar spell may be considered an act of Evil, depending on the circumstances. Magic Missile Lvl: mag 1 | Rng: 150 feet | Dur: instantaneous A glowing arrow shoots from the pointed forefinger of the caster, automatically striking any visible target for 1d4+1 hp damage. At CA 3, two missiles are fired; three missiles at CA 5; four missiles at CA 7; and so on. Magic missiles can be divided amongst multiple targets, so long as they are all within range. Magic Mouth Lvl: mag 2, ill 2, wch 2 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: permanent (until triggered) Once activated, this enchantment causes a two-footwide illusory mouth to manifest. The magic mouth appears where the caster places the spell. It might be triggered by movement within 10 feet of it, or by other conditions as the caster prescribes, though the trigger range can be no greater than 10 feet. (For instance, placed upon a door, the magic mouth might only appear if the door is rapped on.) Once triggered, the magic mouth speaks a message that may not exceed 25 words. It might speak in a sibilant tongue, a commanding tone, a kind voice, or any like variation, though only in a language known by the caster. Dispel magic terminates this enchantment.
Magic Stone Lvl: clr 1, drd 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn Enchants a stone that functions at +1 “to hit” and damage (i.e., 2 hp if thrown, or 1d4+1 hp if fired from a sling). Each stone issues a sharp report upon impact. For every 3 CA levels one stone is enchanted: Table 103: Magic Stone Spell CA Level
No. of Stones
Magic stones can be launched with a sling or hurled as normal stones by the caster or an ally. Only one stone can be hurled at a time unless the target is no more than 10 feet away, in which case multiple stones may be hurled. Once a magic stone is tossed, its enchantment is lost, whether it strikes its intended target or not. If a sorcerer is struck by a magic stone whilst casting a spell, the spell is disrupted, even if the optional concentration check is in play, and spell loss is automatic.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Magic Vestment Lvl: clr 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn + 1 turn per CA level Conjures a translucent suit of chain mail (AC 5, DR 1) to bedeck the sorcerer or another willing recipient. The armour has no weight, though it rattles like ghostly chains whenever the recipient moves. Magic vestment cannot be “stacked” with other armour, though the wearer can bear a shield or enjoy other forms of magical protection. Major Creation Lvl: ill 5 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Effects the creation of an object composed of metal, stone, or wood. The object can be no greater than one cubic foot in size per CA level. To create the item, the sorcerer must have some piece of the material to be produced; i.e., if the sorcerer wishes to generate a block of granite, then a small piece of granite must be possessed; if the sorcerer wishes to fashion an iron anchor, then a fragment of iron must be possessed. Note that objects fashioned of wood enjoy double duration. The item will disappear when the spell ends, as will the component. Mass Suggestion Lvl: ill 6 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level This enchantment affects as many creatures as the caster has CA levels, and each may be selected by the caster, so long as they are within range. Targets must make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable, or be compelled to carry out a suggestion (q.v.) spoken by the sorcerer. Should the caster wish to target but one creature, its sorcery saving throw will be at a −4 penalty. Suggestions should be neither overly complex nor longer than one or two sentences, though each victim may attempt to act upon such urgings for the duration of the spell, if physically possible. Suggesting an obviously self-destructive action breaks the spell on a 5-in-6 chance. Of course, this spell is useless if sorcerer and ensorcelled do not speak the same language. Mass Treemorph Lvl: mag 4, ill 4; drd 4 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level As many as 100 willing humans or humanoids can be concealed by this spell. The recipients appear as trees (i.e., a small orchard or grove) so long as they remain still. Creatures can move through and even touch the “trees” without being aware of their true form; however, if a “tree” is attacked, it will bleed. If any recipient of this spell moves, he or she will reappear as normal; if the caster moves, the spell is broken. True seeing reveals the “trees” for what they are, and dispel magic cancels the spell. Maze Lvl: ill 5 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: special Creates an extra-dimensional space where the victim is forced to wander a shifting labyrinth of energy planes.
No saving throw is allowed. The victim is entrapped thus for a period dependent on its intelligence: Table 105: Maze Spell Intelligence Score
3–5 6–8 9–12 13–16 17–18
1d4 turns 1 turn 1d8 minutes 1d6 minutes 1d4 minutes
The referee may assign or roll (3d6) the intelligence of monsters and NPCs. Scores of 3–5 should be assigned to animals and semi-intelligent creatures; scores of 6–8 should be assigned to creatures of less than average intelligence; scores of 9–12 should be considered average; scores of 13–16 should be considered above average; and scores of 17–18 should be considered high intelligence. Meld into Stone Lvl: clr 3, drd 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn The sorcerer or other willing recipient melds into a large stone. The subject can carry no more than 100 pounds of inanimate gear, and the stone must be of equal or greater size as the recipient, or the spell will fail. The subject may step out of the stone at any time. If the subject does not exit the stone before the spell terminates, he or she must make a transformation save or remain forever trapped, their face and upper torso vaguely distinguishable in the stone’s form. If the saving throw succeeds, it must be rolled once per additional turn spent within the stone. A trapped victim can be saved by a stone to flesh spell, their body tearing out from a sort of fleshy egg, or by a dispel magic spell. Melt Ice Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, pyr 1; drd 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: special Causes ice or hard-packed snow to thaw, liquescing a volume equal to 10 cubic feet per CA level. Each 10 cubic feet of ice requires 1 round to melt. So, a 5th-level sorcerer can thaw a sheet of ice that measures 50 × 1 × 1 feet, or 25 × 2 × 1 feet, and it would take 5 rounds to complete. If melt ice is cast under the feet of an opponent, the victim is allowed an avoidance saving throw to elude the melting area. Mending Lvl: mag 1, ill 1, wch 1 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: instantaneous Repairs small breaks or tears in objects. The spell can weld a broken metallic article, such as a chain link, dagger, or knife; stitch a torn cloth, a frayed or severed rope, or perforated leather; fuse the shards of a broken bottle; and so forth. At CA 7, larger breaks or tears can be repaired, subject to referee approval. Mending cannot be used to repair magical devices.
HYPERBOREA Message Lvl: mag 1, wch 1 | Rng: 1 mile | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer points at the recipient and whispers a message that is heard as though the two stood side by side. The recipient can then reply if the spell’s duration has not elapsed. The caster and the recipient must be able to see each other. If the spell is cast at an unwilling target, a sorcery saving throw can be made to block the audibility of the spell. Messenger Bird Lvl: drd 1 | Rng: 1 mile | Dur: 1 day per CA level Casting this spell requires 1 turn. The sorcerer must whistle an incantation, thus calling forth a tiny bird such as a finch, sparrow, or titmouse. The arriving bird is afforded a sorcery saving throw (17 or greater roll required; 18 if the sorcerer’s charisma is 13+). If the save succeeds, the bird flies away; if it fails, the bird will perch on the hand or shoulder of the sorcerer and remain for the duration of the spell, acting on the caster’s behalf. The caster can assign it a simple task or affix to its leg a small note to be delivered; the recipient cannot use the messenger bird to reply. This spell does not confer the ability to converse with the summoned bird, but uncannily it understands the wishes of the caster, forming a picture in its mind of the recipient and location; however, the task cannot be overly complex. Time, not distance, is the limiting factor, as the bird can fly at about 80 MV (48 miles per day). Once the spell terminates, the bird will resume its normal activity. Mind Blank Lvl: mag 2, wch 2 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: permanent Causes victims to forget the last minute of their lives prior to and including the casting of this spell. The targets may make sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. One to four persons, chosen by the caster, can be affected, but the greater the number of targets, the less potent the spell: Two targets each receive a +1 bonus to their saving throws, three targets each receive a +2 bonus, and four targets each receive a +3 bonus. This spell will not negate the effects of other enchantments such as charm person or geas. Lost memories can be restored via a heal spell. Minor Creation Lvl: ill 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Effects the creation of an object no denser than hardwood (ash, beech, oak, etc.); stone and metal objects are unachievable. The object can be no greater than one cubic foot in size per CA level. To create the item, the sorcerer must have some piece of the material to be produced: If generating a 50-foot hemp rope, a small thread of hemp must be held; if the sorcerer wishes to create a small raft of beech, a splinter of beech wood is required. The item disappears when the spell ends, as will the component.
Mirage Arcana Lvl: ill 6 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level The sorcerer creates a phantasm that duplicates a familiar area; this familiarity allows the caster to conjure the details with great precision. The area of effect is a 10-foot radius per CA level; e.g., a CA 12 sorcerer effects an illusion of no more than 120-foot radius. A vacant chamber might be made to appear as elaborately furnished, a muddy pond might appear as a swath of grass, a desert might appear to have a small oasis, and so forth. The actual contents within the illusion are masked. The illusion has all the properties of quasi-reality: It has sight, sound, smell, and touch—even taste, should one pick an apple from an illusory tree. However, the caster and any allies cannot make use of mirage arcana to have a comfortable place to sleep, for instance, because they do not truly believe in it. If the real contents of the illusion are forcibly shaken or handled roughly, the creature doing so may make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If successful, the illusion begins to shimmer, and the invisible object is revealed. If the saving throw fails, the subject merely believes that contact was made with an invisible object. Note that casual and careful touching of masked objects is not cause for a saving throw, because the illusion cannot be disrupted unless handled with force. Dispel phantasm can break this spell, revealing that which is concealed by the illusion, but dispel magic and detect invisibility are ineffective. Mirror Gaze Lvl: ill 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn A round, shimmering mirror appears before the caster, reflecting the gaze of any creature that uses its eyes to attack or beguile. Such gaze attacks are reflected at the gazer, and if the gazer does not make a saving throw (sorcery or transformation, as the case may be), it becomes a victim of its own devices. If the sorcerer’s CA is 5 or more, a subtler version of the spell may be cast: Sometimes called mirror eyes, this alternative form causes the caster’s eyes to become mirrored for the duration of the spell. Mirror Image Lvl: mag 2, ill 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 2 rounds per CA level Evokes 1d4+1 illusory duplicates of the sorcerer. Each mirror image is indistinguishable from the caster. Each is AC 9, modified by the defence adjustment of the caster, if applicable; each dissipates if struck. When the caster is attacked, the referee must assign a probability by which the mirror images have an equal chance to be targeted. For example, if two images appear, a d6 may be used: 1–2 = the caster; 3–4 = image one; 5–6 = image two. The images dupli-
Volume I: Player’s Manual cate the movements of the caster and appear to switch places with one another, so even in melee the caster is indistinguishable from the duplicates.
Mirror, Mirror Lvl: mag 4, ill 5, nec 4, wch 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 round per CA level Enchants a polished silver mirror to become a temporary scrying device. The sorcerer may then view a known subject (human or monster) over any distance, so long as both are on the same plane of existence. The extent of familiarity dictates the probability of success: Table 106: Mirror, Mirror Spell Familiarity
Chance of Locating
Very familiar Somewhat familiar Seen in a picture or sketch Item or garment in possession Described by another person
5:6 4:6 3:6 2:6 1:6
The subject can be observed for the duration of the spell, which will also depict anyone or anything within 30 feet; if the subject is in complete darkness, the caster will see only vague details. Creatures with intelligence of 13 or higher have a 1-in-6 chance of cognizing they are being watched by means sorcerous. Too, if mirror, mirror is used to view one who is 10 HD or greater, the subject may make a sorcery save to cognize the effect; otherwise, he or she remains ignorant. Misdirection Lvl: ill 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Counteracts detection spells, including detect magic, detect snares and pits, detect illusion, detect invisibility, distinguish alignment, and other like sorceries in a 25-foot-diameter area. However, this spell cannot prevent the cleric’s version of true seeing from revealing the truth. This spell creates an opposite reading for detection sorcery users (spells, items, supernatural abilities). For example, a magic statue can appear mundane to a detect magic caster, but perhaps a nearby mundane rope appears to have a magical aura.
Mislead Lvl: ill 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 rounds per CA level This spell is cast whilst moving. An illusory duplicate of the sorcerer is created at the same instant that the caster becomes invisible (see invisibility spell, albeit for only as long as the mislead spell lasts). The caster is then at liberty to move elsewhere as the illusory double continues forth. Through a continuous mental connexion, the sorcerer can command the image to speak; likewise, it will mimic the caster’s manner of walking, body language, facial expressions, and so forth. The phantasm will leave footprints and other physical signs of passage. If attacked it will appear to dodge, block, or shimmer as though some protective sorcery were in effect. It can be disrupted by dispel phantasm; otherwise, it will persist until the duration expires. No saving throw is permitted to disbelieve this illusion. Mnemonic Enhancer Lvl: mag 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 24 hours Casting this ritual requires 1 turn and the sacrifice of a gem of 100-gp value or greater. Once cast, the sorcerer can memorize or rememorize additional spell levels, selecting one of the following four allotments: Four level 1 spells Two level 1 spells, one level 2 spell Two level 2 spells One level 1 spell, one level 3 spell If the memorize option is cast, the additional spells are at the sorcerer’s disposal for a 24-hour period, after which they fade from memory. If the rememorize option is cast, the sorcerer recalls spells already cast that day. The rememorized spells must be cast within 24 hours or they will fade from memory. Moonlight Lvl: wch 4; drd 4 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Illumes a 25-foot-diameter area with a moonbeam, the luminosity of which rivals that of a full moon; the effect is not unlike a spotlight. Soft light extends in a 25-foot radius beyond the spell’s area, so the entire effect (75-foot diameter in total) appears quite natural (when outdoors, of course). This spell does not interfere with infrared vision, though it can enhance ultraviolet vision. Mount Lvl: mag 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level A tame riding horse or camel (caster’s choice) is summoned, the beast serving the caster for the duration (unless killed) before disappearing whence it came. On a 2-in-6 chance, the creature arrives with saddle and harness; in such cases, a distinct possibility exists that
HYPERBOREA a rider somewhere in Hyperborea has been temporarily deprived of his or her steed. Dead or alive, the mount will return whence it came. Rolled in secret by the referee, there exists a 1% chance that the owner of a stolen mount may have the means and/or wherewithal to divine the identity of the “borrower.” Move Earth Lvl: mag 6 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Requires 1 turn to cast. The sorcerer causes dirt (but never solid rock) to move. A hill can be formed or a trench excavated. The dirt is moved at 60 feet per turn. The sorcerer is able to manipulate a volume of earth equal to a cube with sides 10 feet long per CA level; e.g., a CA 12 sorcerer can affect a 120 × 120 × 120-foot area. Once the spell ends, the effect is permanent. Mummification Lvl: nec 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent This ritual requires 12 turns (2 hours) to complete. By handling a fresh corpse and speaking baleful incantations, the sorcerer infuses the corpse with enchanted preservative spices (requires 10 gp in herbs). Then the caster evokes violet-charged cloth wraps to take form. The enchanted wraps spin and weave about the corpse, covering and preserving it from decomposition. If the caster later attempts to animate the corpse to a zombie, flesh automaton, or similar form, it will gain +2 hp per HD. This spell can also preserve a fallen comrade from decomposition, should allies seek to convey the fallen elsewhere for interment or sorcerous revival. Necromantic Ventriloquism Lvl: nec 1 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level The voice of the sorcerer is thrown from the corpse of a dead human, skeleton, or zombie that is within range. The thrown voice is not that of the caster, but simulates that which a dead or undead creature might issue; i.e., a cold, raspy skeletal timbre, or a gurgling, maggot-infested resonance. Neutralize Poison (reversible) Lvl: wch 4; clr 4, drd 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Detoxifies a poisoned victim. If used within 6 rounds (1 minute) on a creature killed by poison, the victim will be revived to 0 hp, pending a trauma survival check (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution). This spell can also detoxify a venomous creature (snake, spider, etc.) with a successful touch attack. The creature is afforded a sorcery saving throw to negate the effect (and, given sufficient time, will eventually regenerate its venom sacs). Neutralize poison can likewise purify other poisonous or poisoned objects such as food, plants, and the like. The reverse of this spell, poison, is delivered via a touch attack. The victim is allowed a death (poison) saving throw. If the saving throw is successful, the vic-
tim sustains 2d6 hp damage; if the saving throw fails, the victim falls deathly ill, suffering fever and delirium within 1 turn, paralysis after 6 turns (1 hour), and death in 48 hours. Non-Detection Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 24 hours The sorcerer and anyone with whom he or she joins hands (at the time of casting) become invisible to spells that would scry their location for the duration of the spell, including clairaudience, clairvoyance, and extrasensory perception, and likewise any spells that detect or discern. Furthermore, any scrying devices such as crystal balls, wands of magic detection, and the like are ineffective. Obscure Lvl: cry 2, wch 2; drd 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn Swirling, misty vapours surround the caster in a cubic area with sides up to 10 feet per CA level, as chosen by the caster; e.g., a CA 6 sorcerer obscures up to a 60 × 60 × 60-foot area. Within the obscured area, visibility is reduced to five feet, and spells such as infrared vision are ineffective. A strong wind reduces the duration of obscure by 90%; i.e., the 10-minute (1-turn) duration will be reduced to 1 minute (6 rounds). Omen Lvl: clr 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The sorcerer or other recipient receives an omen regarding the near future. The next time the recipient rolls to attack or for a saving throw, three rolls may be made and the best result selected. This supersedure can be done but once, and if the omen is not utilized before the spell’s duration has passed, the dweomer is lost. Paralyze Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: 180 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The illusion of immobilization overcomes the minds of those victims who fail their sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The caster can affect 2 HD of opponents for every CA level, targeting a single individual or a 20 × 20-foot area; when used in an area of effect, the lowest HD creatures are always affected first. Should the caster wish to target but one creature, its sorcery saving throw is at a −2 penalty. This spell can be negated by dispel magic, dispel phantasm, or remove paralysis. Pass Tree Lvl: drd 5 | Rng: 300 feet | Dur: special Creates a mystical portal in the trunk of a tree with a diameter of at least 2½ feet. The sorcerer and comrades (one per CA level) may then pass through the tree, exiting from another tree of similar size within 300 feet, as chosen by the caster. The portal is 2 × 5 feet and remains open for as long as the caster desires, to a maximum of 1 turn per CA level. If passing
Volume I: Player’s Manual through alone, the sorcerer may choose to delay exiting, remaining within the initial or destination tree, but if the duration elapses, painfully will the sorcerer be ejected for 3d6 hp damage. Whilst dwelling within the confines of a tree, the sorcerer may observe what transpires without, undetectable unless true seeing is cast. Pass without Trace Lvl: drd 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The recipient of this spell can move through wilderness terrain—be it forest, desert, or snowy mountainside— without leaving a footprint, a scent, or other trace, regardless of armour worn. A tracker has no chance to find a trail; however, should one cast detect magic, a faint trail of magical footprints will be discerned, enduring for 6 turns (1 hour) after the spell’s recipient has passed. Pass without Trace, 15΄ r. Lvl: drd 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The recipient of this spell and all within 15 feet can move through wilderness terrain—be it forest, desert, or snowy mountainside—without leaving a footprint, a scent, or other trace, regardless of armour worn. A tracker has no chance to find a trail; however, should one cast detect magic, a faint trail of magical footprints will be discerned, enduring for 6 turns (1 hour) after the spell’s recipients have passed. Passwall Lvl: mag 5, cry 5, pyr 5 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 3 turns per CA level Opens a temporary 6-foot-diameter, 10-foot-deep passage in any wall, be it of wood, stone, or any other material. The spell can be ended by its caster at will.
Perceive Disguise Lvl: clr 1 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 round Allows the caster to determine if one creature per CA level within range pretends to be something it is not, whether via sorcery or artifice. The spell will not reveal the exact nature of the creature; neither will it detect alignment or allow the caster to glean any additional information, but merely that the target is not what it feigns to be. Targets of this subtle spell are almost always unaware that sorcery is at work. Each, however, is allowed a sorcery saving throw to resist the spell. Perceive Heartbeat Lvl: nec 2, wch 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn Undisturbed the sorcerer must meditate for five minutes before casting this spell from a nigh-trancelike state. During this preparatory phase, the caster “tunes out” the sound of his or her own heartbeat (and those of any allies). Once the spell is cast, the sorcerer can hear the heartbeats of all other living creatures within 60 feet. The strength or speed of each heartbeat may be determined; however, if many heartbeats (10+) are heard, they become difficult to discern from one another. This spell penetrates 10 feet of packed earth, two feet of wood, one foot of stone, or one inch of metal, but even the thinnest sheet of lead can mask a heartbeat. Perform Exorcism Lvl: clr 4 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: instantaneous By means of this potent ritual, which requires 6d10 turns to complete, the sorcerer exorcizes a dæmon or another supernatural force from possession of a person or object. This spell can negate dæmonic possession, a magic jar spell, or any of the enchantments or charms that compel one to behave as they otherwise would not, such as charm person and suggestion. If a possessed person is the subject of this spell, the exorcized dæmon or force is banished to the netherworld whence it came. If a possessed object is the subject of this spell, the possessing dæmon or force is not necessarily banished; it will attempt to possess a nearby creature (possibly the caster of this spell). The referee must randomly determine whom the dæmon or force will seek. It may be one that the dæmon feels it can conquer easily, one of little willpower, such as a child, or a person weak of body and mind. The potential victim is granted a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable, or they suffer the effects of possession. The victim may be unaware of the possession until such subtle signs as uncharacteristic behaviour and memory loss present. Permanent Phantasm Lvl: ill 6 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: permanent A visual illusion is created, a projected image of nearly anything the caster can imagine, as large as 60 × 60 × 60 feet in area. Victims must be living crea217
HYPERBOREA tures of animal intelligence or greater; undead, constructs, oozes, and the like are unaffected. Permanent phantasm can be used to create an attacking monster or another damaging hazard. The illusion can be of sight, sound, smell, and/or temperature. The auditory component might include a shout, a roar, or a sentence of no more than nine words in length (not including articles a, an, and the). Once cast, this spell persists infinitely, with no need of concentration unless the caster wishes to manipulate the movements of the illusion; such manœuvres require full attention, though the sorcerer can walk at half speed and maintain control. The illusion is broken if struck for 1 hp of damage or greater, or it can be terminated via a dispel phantasm spell. A permanent phantasmal monster is AC 3 and disappears if hit; otherwise, it can continue to attack without caster direction. Permanent phantasm targets are not allowed saving throws unless the referee feels the illusion is unbelievable, in which case sorcery saving throws may be rolled, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. With sight, sound, smell, and/or temperature, credibility is rarely an issue with this spell; if such a case arises, and the save is made, the disbeliever will see the permanent phantasm as a flawed and flickering transparent image. An intelligent disbeliever may then alert allies, whose saves are made at a bonus of +4. Otherwise, this illusion can inflict real physical damage: 1d8 hp per CA level per round to each victim. Such damage will remain even if the spell is subsequently broken. Phantasm Lvl: mag 3, ill 1, wch 3 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: special A visual illusion is created, a projected image of nearly anything the caster can imagine, as large as 20 × 20 × 20 feet in area. Victims must be living creatures of animal intelligence or greater; undead, constructs, oozes, and the like are unaffected. Phantasm can be used to create an attacking monster or another damaging hazard, but the illusion is strictly of sight, not of sound, smell, or temperature. Once cast, this spell persists as long as the caster concentrates, unless the illusion is touched or terminated via a dispel phantasm spell. A phantasmal monster is AC 9 and will disappear if hit; otherwise, it can continue to attack as manipulated by the caster. The caster can direct the illusion to move anywhere within the spell’s range; such manœuvres require complete concentration, and no movement is allowed. Phantasm targets are not allowed saving throws unless the referee feels the illusion is unbelievable to the viewers, in which case sorcery saving throws should be rolled, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Credibility may come into question because
of the soundlessness of the illusion (e.g., a charging mammoth); in other instances, such as a phantasm of fire, a lack of thermal properties can create suspicion. To the eyes of the disbeliever, the phantasm becomes a flawed and flickering transparent image. An intelligent disbeliever may then alert allies, whose saves are made at a bonus of +4. Otherwise, this illusion can inflict real physical damage: 1d4 hp base damage, +1 hp damage per CA level, per round to each victim. Such damage remains even if the spell is subsequently broken. Phantasmagorical Precipitousness Lvl: ill 6 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) per CA level This potent phantasm relates to the effects of falling, sliding, or rushing water. Phantasmagorical precipitousness is a programmed illusion triggered by some predetermined event such as opening a door, falling in a pit, descending stairs, and so forth. The sorcerer can effect an illusion that is as large as 90 × 90 feet in area. Those exposed to the spell are allowed sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If they fail, they believe what they see; hence, the spell’s effects are real for its victims. For example, if an orc that falls down a 10-foot pit believes it is falling 70 feet, then it will indeed sustain damage as though it had fallen 70 feet; if another orc believes the stairs it was descending have turned into a slide, then it will indeed slide to some unknown fate; and if an orc opening a heavy iron door believes it is being swept away by water, then it will indeed be swept away. This spell is open to the caster’s imagination, but must always be associated with falling, sliding, or rushing water. Phantasmal Armour Lvl: ill 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 2 turns A quasi-real suit of dull black plate mail clads the sorcerer. The armour is formed of shadow material conjured from the Black Gulf; it provides AC 3 and DR 2. Phantasmal armour is weightless; it does not affect movement as normal plate mail does. Except for shields, this spell does not combine or “stack” with other armour. Phantasmal armour can be terminated by dispel phantasm. Phantasmal Door Lvl: ill 5 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) per CA level The sorcerer creates an illusion of an unremarkable portal. At a time of the caster’s choosing (within the spell’s duration), the sorcerer will appear to enter the door and close it behind him or her. The sorcerer has in fact stepped away in a state of invisibility, which persists as long as this spell lasts. If the phantasmal door is opened, it reveals a 10 × 10foot room that appears vacant and presents no egress.
Volume I: Player’s Manual The room has quasi-actuality; if entered, it is truly there, but once the spell ends it will eject its occupants. No saving throw can resist the effects of this spell; however, dispel phantasm can disrupt it. Phantasmal Killer Lvl: ill 4 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level This cerebral phantasm preys on the most horrific fears of its victims, who must be of animal intelligence or greater. A nightmarish beast is seen only by the sorcerer and the target. The beast attacks as an FA 4 creature. If it hits, the victim is allowed a death saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The target’s saving throw might also be modified by any of the following conditions: Surprize: If the target is surprized, a −2 penalty on the saving throw. Target Has Previous Experience: If the target has been subject to the wiles of such an illusion before, +2 bonus to the saving throw. Target is an Illusionist: If the target is an illusionist, +2 bonus to the saving throw, in addition to the perceive illusion ability unique to that class. If the saving throw fails, the victim is slain by the phantasmal killer. If the saving throw is successful, the target has disbelieved the phantasm, and a backlash effect strikes the caster unconscious for 1d10 rounds, unless a sorcery saving throw is made, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Phantasmal Wind Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: 180 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Invokes from the Black Gulf a gust of phantom wind that is neither seen nor felt, yet can extinguish torches, fan flames, rustle flags, or disperse spells such as cloudkill and fog cloud. Phantasmal wind blows in the direction the caster points, wafting at 30 MV from the time it is cast and petering out at the spell’s maximum range. At its greatest effectiveness, this dweomer can belly the sail of a small craft. Phantom Steed Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 12 hours Formed from the shadow-stuff of the Black Gulf is a quasi-real, equine mount for the caster or other recipient. Requiring 1 turn to materialize, the beast is smoky grey to black in colour, with pale white eyes. The phantom steed makes no sound as it moves, and its shadowy hooves never touch the ground. If the caster has CA 8 or greater, the phantom steed can cross muddy, sandy, or swampy terrain uninhibited; at CA 10 or greater, it can pass over water as though it were solid ground; and at CA 12, the phantom steed can walk on air (though not fly, per se), able to cross a chasm or crevasse as though a solid bridge were present.
Normal animals may shew uneasiness in the phantom steed’s presence. The phantom steed is incapable of combat, but it can be attacked. Its relevant statistics are: MV 60; AC 7; HD 2; #A 0; D —; SV 16. It cannot be healed if injured and will disappear at 0 hp. Placate Lvl: wch 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn + 1 turn per CA level Causes 1d4 creatures of 5 HD or fewer to cease hostilities, pending a failed sorcery saving throw for each target, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The spell affects hostile targets in a 20-foot-radius area of effect, save for the undead, constructs, and like mindless creatures. The affected will cease combat, their desire for bloodshed quelled, their anger pacified. Placated creatures will not harm the sorcerer or any allies for the duration of this spell and may present as somewhat confused or introspective. If a placated creature is attacked, the spell is broken. Plague Rats Lvl: nec 5 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: special Conjures forth 1d6 plague-infested black rats. The rats must be directed by the caster to attack a victim. The rats attack on the next round and continue to do so until slain or until their victim is dead. The caster is free to perform other actions whilst this occurs. Plague rats carry a contagious and deadly disease. Bite victims must make a death (poison) saving throw or suffer plague (as inflict disease, the reverse form of cure disease [q.v.]). This variation of the disease, however, is contagious; anyone who comes in contact with the victim must also make a death (poison) saving throw or suffer the same malady. The plague is aggressive and airborne; within one week of affliction, the victim will develop a cough that might, per the referee’s discretion, affect others through proximity or physical contact with infected objects (e.g., door handles, food, tools). The disease is likely to kill its victims within four months, not one year as inflict disease suggests. Plane Shift Lvl: clr 5 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous The sorcerer and as many as six allies (all holding hands) shift to another plane of existence: a realm unseen, a place of shadows, smoke, death, and destruction, where all is ruin and where dwell forlorn spirits, shadowy beasts, and other nameless horrors endure. Those transported by plane shift are cursed to forever remain in this realm of despair unless brought back by the sorcerer or some other agent. Encounters in this shadowy realm are entirely possible, as the referee will determine, and frequent visitors are more likely to garner attention. If this spell is used offensively to banish an opponent, the target must be of 6 HD or fewer and is allowed a sorcery saving throw to resist its effects. 219
HYPERBOREA Plant Growth Lvl: mag 4, wch 4; drd 3 | Rng: 160 feet | Dur: permanent Causes normal vegetation to flourish and expand to form a jungle-like thicket. The affected area is 20 × 20 feet per CA level, and it must be vegetated already, containing bushes, creepers, shrubs, trees, vines, or the like. The exact dimensions may be chosen by the caster but should generally be rectangular. People attempting to pass through the affected area must hack it away with heavy knives or like blades, advancing at no greater than 10 MV whilst so doing (20 MV for Large creatures). Plant Portal Lvl: drd 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: special Opens a magical passageway in trees, vines, or thick underbrush, no matter how impenetrable they appear. Even enchanted plant growth is affected by this spell. The portal is as large as 3 feet wide, 7 feet high, and 100 feet long, and it remains open for 1 turn. After this spell is cast, those companions who are touched by the sorcerer (one per CA level) can pass through as well, though they must stay behind the caster. Alternatively, the sorcerer alone can use this spell enter a tree and remain within it for no longer than 9 turns, hiding within the trunk and observing what transpires without. If the sorcerer does not exit the tree before the spell’s termination, a successful transformation saving throw must be rolled or the sorcerer is forever trapped; if the save succeeds the sorcerer is ejected. Detect magic will not reveal the sorcerer’s presence in the tree, but the true seeing spell will. Polymorph Other Lvl: mag 4, nec 4, wch 4 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: special Transmogrifies one creature into another type of creature (though not a specific individual) unless a transformation saving throw is made. Unlike polymorph self, the affected creature becomes the new form in all ways, including all attacks and special abilities. The victim also assumes the behaviour and tendencies of the new form. For example, a person turned into an ass will think and behave as an ass; his personality will be buried. Note that the victim cannot be transformed into any creature more than 5 HD greater than the original form; also, the former hit point total remains the same, so a 22-hp fighter transformed into a toad becomes a 22-hp toad. This spell is broken only if the victim dies, or if dispel magic is cast; in the latter case, the victim must make a trauma survival check to survive the transformation (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution); otherwise, their innards are turned inside out. Polymorph Self Lvl: mag 4, wch 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The sorcerer transforms into any living creature of equal or lesser HD (though not a specific individual), 220
from as small as a mouse to as large as a mammoth, so long as the caster is familiar with the desired shape. Upon transforming, the caster retains armour class, hit points, fighting ability, and saving throws. All possessions are melded with the new form, and the caster no longer realizes the benefits of any magical items, except for magical rings. The sorcerer acquires the natural physical abilities of the new form (e.g., a bear’s claw/claw/bite attacks, a falcon’s flight, a shark’s undersea breathing), but not special attacks (e.g., a snake’s venom, an eel’s electric shock) or defences (e.g., a dæmon’s sorcery resistance, a lycanthrope’s immunity to normal weapons). Unlike polymorph other victims, the caster retains his or her mental capacity, though is unable to speak as normal or cast other spells if the form is not humanoid. The sorcerer can terminate the spell at will without need of a trauma survival check; when the spell ends, the caster heals 2d6hp of damage sustained (if applicable). If killed whilst polymorphed, the sorcerer’s true form will be revealed. Prayer Lvl: clr 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: special The sorcerer chants eldritch invocations that effect a potent benison to allies—and a malison to enemies— within a 25-foot radius. Allies gain +1 “to hit,” +1 damage, and +1 to saving throws; enemies are penalized −1 “to hit,” −1 damage, and −1 saving throws. The bonuses/penalties persist as long as the caster continues to chant and 3 rounds after ceasing to chant. Dispel magic or silence can break this spell. Precipitate Lvl: cry 1; clr 1, drd 1 | Rng: special | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Cast outdoors under an at least partly cloudy sky, this spell involves a chanting ritual that requires 1 turn to complete. The spell invokes the clouds to release their water vapour for the duration of the spell. The heaviness and consistency of the rain depend on the cloud cover and the prevailing temperature; hence, precipitation could be sleet if the temperature is at or near freezing, or snow if below freezing. Prismatic Orb Lvl:ill 1 |Rng:0 |Dur:instantaneous The illusionist creates a glowing, palm-sized sphere of energy based on one of the seven colours of the visible spectrum. Theprismatic orbmay be hurled up to 30 feet at a single foe. This functions as a missile attack roll with a bonus +2 “to hit” against the target’s armour class. The colour oforbconjured is determined randomly by a d8; a result of 8 indicates a specialorbthat cycles rapidly between two colours, delivering the effects of both colours.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Table 107: Prismatic Orb Effects d8 Prismatic Orb Effect Result 1
Redorb thatinflicts 1 hp of burning damage per CA level.
Orange orb that inflicts 2 hp burning damage per CA level.
Yellow orb that partially blinds the visual organs of the target as per alight spell (−2 “to hit,” −2 AC, and −2 saving throws; sorcery saving throw negates); duration is 1d2 + CA level in rounds.
Greenorb that sickens target for 2d4 rounds unless a death (poison) saveis made; –2 “to hit” and saving throws.
Blueorb that inflicts effects similar to a chill touch spell;sorcery saving throwor victim suffers 1d4 hp of energy-sapping damage and is penalized –1 “to hit” and damage rolls for 1d2 + CA level in rounds.
Indigo orb that causes the target to wander about confused for 1d6 rounds;sorcerysaving throw modified by willpower adjustment (if applicable) negates the spell.
Violet orb that shoves the target with 10 pounds of force per CA level (cf. shove spell)unless a sorcery save is made.
Two colours: Roll twice, ignoring results of 8.
A prismatic orbmay not be hurled through barriers and will return to the caster’s palm up to three times if it misses its intended target; however, each time it returns to the caster’s palm, a (possibly) new colour(s) takes form; i.e., a d8 must be rolled again. A returned orb must be hurled on the next round or it disappears. Prismatic Sphere Lvl: ill 6 |Rng: 0 |Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) per CA level The illusionist creates a semi-opaque globe through which all seven colours of the visible spectrum shimmer rapidly. The caster stands at the center of the sphere, which is 20 feet in diameter; the lower half of the sphere will be obscured by the floor or ground the caster stands upon (unless flying or levitating). Movement of 10 feet per round is possible, the sphere staying centered around the caster, but if the caster moves too quickly the spell is terminated. An ally may leave the sphere without affecting the spell but cannot reenter as per the violet colour of the sphere (see below). Prismatic sphere provides several protective effects. They are as follows:
Red stops all non-magical missiles Orange stops all magical missiles; e.g., flaming missile, magic ice dart, magic missile, acid arrow Yellow stops all poisons and gases from entering the sphere Green repels all breath weapons and petrifaction effects Blue prevents all detection or location magic from penetrating the sphere Indigo negates the effects of all rods, staves, and wands Violet repels any creature from entering the sphere from outside, friend or foe alike; targets hurled backward 2d6 feet andstunnedfor 3d4 rounds; sorcery saving throw negates A prismatic spheremay be destroyed by a dispel phantasm spell or by use ofdispel magic; for the latter, however, one such spell is required for each colour in succession: red, orange, etc. Prismatic Spray Lvl:ill 4 |Rng:50 feet |Dur:instantaneous From the illusionist’s outstretched fingertips springs a twisting, fan-shaped array of all seven colours of the visible spectrum, forming a wedge 5 feet wide at its base, 50 feet long, and 20 feet wide at its terminus. Any creature within the area of effect will be struck by one or more of these rays; roll a d8 to determine which: Table 108: Prismatic Spray Effects d8 Prismatic Spray Effect Result 1
Red ray inflicts 2 hp of burning damage per CA level.
Orange ray that inflicts 3 hp of burning damage per CA level.
Yellow ray that permanently blinds the target unless a sorcery save is made; blind creatures always lose initiative and suffer −4 “to hit,” −4 AC, and −4 saving throws.
Green ray that poisons the victim; death (poison) saving throw or immediate death.
Blue ray that paralyzes the victim for 3d4 turns unless a death saving throw is made.
Indigo ray causes the target to suffer intense hallucinations for 1d6 turns per the madness rules (see Table 148) unless a sorcery save is made, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable.
Violet ray stuns the target for 3d4 rounds; sorcery saving throw negates.
Struck by two rays; roll twice, ignoring results of 8.
HYPERBOREA Prismatic Wall Lvl:ill 5 |Rng:10 feet |Dur:6 rounds (1 minute) per CA level The illusionist creates a semi-opaque wall in which all seven colours of the visible spectrum move and scintillate in rotating bands. The wall may be as large as 60 feet long and 20 feet high or may form a circle 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet high. Prismatic wallis immobile; only the caster may pass through itwithout suffering harm; any other creature that attempts to pass through is affected by two or more colours. Roll a d8 twice to determine which colours affect the victim— possibly three rolls if an 8 is one of the results.
ment stand no chance of survival. The reverse of this spell, quench bonfire, extinguishes any normal fire within the spell’s range and area of effect.
Table 109: Prismatic Wall Results
The sorcerer can opt to hurl the flame within 30 feet as a ranged attack using the flask hurling rules (see Chapter 9: Combat, combat options). The flame bursts in a five-foot diameter if it strikes, igniting combustibles and causing 1d4 hp damage, +1 hp per CA level (e.g., a CA 5 sorcerer can hurl a produced flame that inflicts 1d4+5 hp damage). A sorcery saving throw reduces damage by half.
d8 Prismatic Wall Effect Result
Red band inflicts 2 hp of burning damage per CA level.
Orange band that inflicts 3 hp of burning damage per CA level.
Yellow band that permanently blinds the target unless a sorcery save is made; blind creatures always lose initiative and suffer −4 “to hit,” −4 AC, and −4 saving throws.
Green band that poisons the victim; death (poison) saving throw or immediate death.
Blue band that paralyzes the victim for 3d4 turns unless a death saving throw is made.
Indigo band causes the target to suffer intense hallucinations for 1d6 turns per the madness rules (see Table 148) unless a sorcery save is made.
Violet band that throws target backward 2d6 feet andstuns the creature for 3d4 rounds; sorcery saving throw negates.
Struck by three colours; roll three times, ignoring results of 8.
Produce Flame Lvl: pyr 2; drd 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level A small, torch-like flame ignites in the palm of the sorcerer, creating a 40-foot radius of light. The flame does not harm the caster. It remains in effect for the spell’s duration, so long as no other spells are cast. The sorcerer can terminate the spell by closing his or her hand to a fist.
Programmed Phantasm Lvl: ill 6 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: special Creates a spectral phantasm spell (q.v.) that activates when a precondition is met, or by a command word from the caster. The trigger might be when a particular door is opened, when a passage is entered, when a gate is approached, or the like. Once activated, its duration and other effects are exactly as the spectral phantasm spell. Until it is activated, the caster can cast one fewer level six spell unless programmed phantasm is cancelled.
Aprismatic wallmay be destroyed by a dispel phantasm spell or by use ofdispel magic; for the latter, however, one such spell is required for each colour in succession: red, orange, etc.
Project Image Lvl: mag 6, ill 5, pyr 6 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) A duplicate likeness of the sorcerer is created within 240 feet. The image remains without need of concentration. The sorcerer can then cast subsequent spells through the projected image. The sorcerer can see through the eyes of the projected image, but only if the eyes of the actual body remain shut. The image is unaffected by spells, save dispel phantasm; however, it disappears if struck for damage by a melee or missile weapon.
Produce Bonfire (reversible) Lvl: pyr 4, wch 5; drd 4 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: special Causes a fire to ignite magically, a full, roaring blaze as large as 12 feet in diameter. If cast upon an appropriate pile of wood, the bonfire can persist for one day per CA level; if made to spring from thin air, it lasts but 1 turn per CA level. Creatures in the area of effect suffer 1d4 hp damage unless they make an avoidance saving throw. Any combustibles worn by the victims (e.g., cotton, linen, wool) might be damaged or destroyed by the produce bonfire spell; certainly, paper and parch-
Protection from Evil (reversible) Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, nec 1, pyr 1, wch 1; clr 1 | Rng: 0 Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) A pale circle of light surrounds the caster, preventing summoned creatures (e.g., dæmons, elementals) from attacking. Against other Evil creatures, the sorcerer enjoys a +1 bonus to AC, DR, and saving throws versus their attacks. The reverse of this spell, protection from good, can be cast only by Evil or Neutral sorcerers; it functions the same way, except versus creatures of Good alignment.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Protection from Evil, 15΄ r. (reversible) Lvl: mag 3, cry 3, nec 3, pyr 3, wch 3; clr 4 | Rng: 0 Dur: 12 turns (2 hours) A pale, 15-foot-diameter circle of light surrounds the caster, preventing summoned creatures (e.g., dæmons, elementals) from attacking the sorcerer or any allies who are within. Against other Evil creatures, the sorcerer and allies enjoy a +1 bonus to AC, DR, and saving throws versus their attacks. As the caster moves, so too does the protection circle. The reverse of this spell, protection from good, 15΄ r., is cast by Evil or Neutral sorcerers; it functions the same way, except versus creatures of Good alignment. Protection from Ordinary Missiles Lvl: mag 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Grants the recipient complete immunity to normal, non-magical missiles, including arrows, bolts (quarrels), and sling bullets/stones. Siege engine missiles or hurled boulders are unaffected. Purify Food and Drink (reversible) Lvl: wch 2; clr 1, drd 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: instantaneous Decontaminates one cubic foot of spoilt or rotten foodstuffs per CA level. Even poisonous food is made pure by this spell. The reverse of this spell, putrefy food and drink, spoils and rots an equal amount of food and drink; it cannot make food “poisonous,” but putrefied food may well sicken a consumer. Pyrotechnics Lvl: mag 2, pyr 2; drd 3 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 2 rounds per CA level Uses an existing flame (e.g., brazier, campfire, torch) to create a great, fiery spectacle of flashing colours and luminous lights. Alternatively, a thick, rolling smoke can be produced, clouding a 20-foot-diameter area around the blaze. Once created, the pyrotechnics persist until the spell duration is met or the source is extinguished. Quest (reversible) Lvl: clr 5 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: special Compels the victim (human, humanoid, or giant) to carry out some service or task until it is completed. To resist the spell, the target may make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The task must be reasonably achievable and not a blatant death sentence, or the spell breaks after one or two weeks. (One cannot be directed to jump off a cliff, but one may be charged with a quest to climb a dangerous cliff.) Failure results in a curse as charged by the sorcerer who laid the quest spell. When cast by a player character, the resulting curse is up to the imagination of the player (with referee approval). When cast by a non-player character, the PC is at the mercy of the referee’s de-
vice. The reverse of this spell, remove quest, can cancel its effects or those of a geas spell, but dispel magic is ineffective. If cursed by failure to complete the quest, a remove curse spell also can negate the curse. Rainbow Bridge Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 2 turns per CA level Evokes a misty, arching rainbow to take form. It can be used to bridge a chasm, pit, lava pool, or other hazard. The rainbow bridge is 10 feet wide and can span 15 feet per CA level. The arch has an apex equal to one-half its length. Rainbow bridge can be traversed as though it were solid ground at normal walking speed, but running will cause the crosser to fall through. This spell can be negated by dispel phantasm. The sorcerer cannot end the spell prematurely; i.e., once cast it persists until its duration expires. Rainbow Pattern Lvl: ill 4 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: special The sorcerer’s weird gesticulations evoke a pattern of rainbow-hued, interweaving colours in a 30-foot-diameter area. The sorcerer can direct the rainbow pattern to travel at 30 MV to the limit of its range. The spell affects no more than 24 HD of seeing creatures; i.e., it does not affect blind or sightless creatures. Those who fail their sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable, doltishly follow the interplaying colours. If the rainbow pattern leads its victims off a cliff or another hazard, each victim is allowed a second save to resist effecting their potential demise. The spell lasts for as long as the caster continues to gesticulate, plus 1d4 rounds thereafter. Raise Dead Lvl: nec 6, wch 6; clr 5 | Rng: 30 feet | Dura: instantaneous Enables the sorcerer to restore a recently deceased human or quasi-man to life. This powerful necromantic spell entails ritual chanting, burning incense, and flourishing a holy symbol over a period of 6 turns (1 hour). The cadaver must be whole and intact; any missing parts will remain missing, but wounds, burns, and other injuries will be healed (though leaving notable scars). The time limit betwixt death and resurrection is seven days, plus one day per CA level. Once the spell is complete, the deceased subject must roll a trauma survival check (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution). If this roll succeeds, the victim is raised, but is aged three years and permanently loses 1 point of constitution; furthermore, the subject requires one week of complete bed rest before engaging in rigorous activity. If the trauma survival check fails, the person is truly dead and cannot be raised.
HYPERBOREA Ray of Enfeeblement Lvl: mag 2, cry 2, nec 2, pyr 2, wch 2 | Rng: 30 feet Dur: 1 round per CA level From the hand of the caster springs a silvery flash of light that automatically strikes its intended target, sapping the victim of 4 strength points. A sorcery saving throw negates this spell. If a monster is affected, the referee should reduce damage dice: d20 reduced to d12; d12 to d10; d10 to d8; d8 to d6; d6to d4; d4 to d3; d3 to d2; d2 to 1. Bonuses to damage dice should also be proportionately reduced, so a creature that normally inflicts 1d8+2 hp damage should inflict 1d6+1 hp damage, and so on.
Next, roll a d12 or d8 (depending on table determination result) to confirm the new incarnation. The reincarnated typically return as the same gender; if reincarnation of a female results in an abominable snow-man, a reroll is required as no females of that species exist.
Reflexion Lvl: ill 1, wch 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Evokes an image to appear on any mirrored surface. The reflexion is still as a picture but can be as vague or detailed as the sorcerer wishes.
Table 110-A: Reincarnation Spell (d10, 1–3)
Regeneration Lvl: drd 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent Causes dismembered limbs (arms, legs, tails), or parts of limbs (fingers, toes, hands, feet), to grow back. The regeneration spell can also apply to shattered bones or subtracted organs. Casting this spell takes 6 rounds (1 minute) if the severed parts are present and touching the subject at the site of dismemberment; otherwise, it takes 6 turns for this process to complete. Note that in cases of decapitation, the original head must be present; otherwise, it is not enough to save the hopelessly beheaded, for it but causes the creation of a mindless, drooling imbecile. Regeneration also repairs up to 1d10+10 hp of damage. The material component of this spell is the tail of a lizard or the arm of a starfish. Reincarnation Lvl: mag 6, pyr 6; drd 6; wch 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Provides a new body for a human who has been dead as long one week, plus one week per CA level. Casting this spell requires 6 turns (1 hour), culminating in the formation of a new, mature body; unlike raise dead, no trauma survival check is required. A portion of the dead person’s corpse must be touched by the sorcerer, even if all that remains are ashes. Within 1d6 rounds after the ritual is completed, the dead will be reincarnated as a different race or as a quasi-man. Roll a d10: If the result is 1–3, refer to Table 110-A If the result is 4–6, refer to Table 110-B If the result is 7–8, refer to Table 110-C If the result is 9–10, refer to Table 110-D
The reincarnated will retain the faculties of their erstwhile mind; i.e., class and experience are preserved, as well as most memories. If reincarnation results in anything other than a human, however, a PC must abide a −25% XP penalty for the remainder of his or her new life.
d12 Result New Incarnation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Human, Common* Human, Amazon Human, Anglo-Saxon Human, Atlantean Human, Carolingian Frank Human, Esquimaux Human, Esquimaux-Ixian Human, Greek Human, Hyperborean Human, Ixian Human, Kelt Human, Kimmeri-Kelt
Table 110-B: Reincarnation Spell (d10, 4–6) d12 Result New Incarnation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Human, Kimmerian Human, Lapp Human, Lemurian Human, Moor Human, Mu Human, Oon Human, Pict Human, Pict (Half-Blood) Human, Roman Human, Tlingit Human, Viking Human, Yakut
* For “common” people, the player may roll once or twice more on this table to determine racial traits or heredity; e.g., a common person who shews traces of Pict and Esquimaux. However, because Atlanteans and Hyperboreans have evolved to sexual incompatibility with the other races, common people shew no such traits; reroll, if desired.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Table 110-C: Reincarnation Spell (d10: 7–8) d8 New Incarnation Result
Attribute Scores**
ST Abominable 13–18 Snow-Man (Yeti) Ape, Albino 13–18 (White Ape) Ape, Mountain (Ogre) 17–18
Bandogg (Dog-Man)
Bird-Man Cave-Man (Neanderthal) Dwarf
1 2
7 8
13–18 —
10–18 13–18
13–18 15–18 13–18
— 13–18
17–18 13–18 17–18
Table 110-D: Reincarnation Spell (d10, 9–10) d8 New Incarnation Result
Attribute Scores** ST
Hyæna-Man (Gnoll)
Orc (Dæmon-Pict)
Troglodyte (Trog) Vhuurmis (Beast-Man) Worm of Ymir (Worm of the Dirt)
7 8
13–18 13–18 16–18 13–18 —
10–18 13–18
** Some quasi-men possess exceptional physical attributes. If the reincarnated subject’s score for each attribute was outside of the listed range, then accordingly it is increased (or decreased) to the stated minimum or maximum. Remove Curse (reversible) Lvl: mag 4, nec 4, wch 3; clr 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: special Permanently wipes away a malediction suffered by a human or another creature, though not the cursed enchantments of swords, shields, armour, and the like. The reverse of this spell, bestow curse, is not of permanent duration; rather, its duration is 1 turn per CA level. The victim of bestow curse is allowed a sorcery saving throw to avoid affliction. Typical curses include: 50% chance per round to drop held items All attack rolls at −4 “to hit” All saving throws at –4 penalty Armour class penalized (increased) by 2 One attribute reduced to a score of 3 Some other minor effect can be imagined by the player with referee approval. The effect must be reasonable. For example, the victim cannot be turned into a toad; that outcome must be accomplished via the polymorph
other spell. They might, however, be cursed to grow the snout of a pig, or be covered head to toe with warts. Remove Fear (reversible) Lvl: clr 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: special Grants the recipient steely resolve against the effects of sorcerous fright. Cast as a preparatory spell, any fearbased saving throws are made at +4 for 1 turn + 1 turn per CA level. Cast on one who already suffers the effects of fear, a new saving throw is allowed at a +2 bonus. The reverse of this spell, cause fear, requires a touch attack. If the target is struck and fails its sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable, it must flee from the caster at maximum MV for 1 round per CA level (or simply cower if cornered). Cause fear is broken if the victim is attacked. Remove Paralysis (reversible) Lvl: wch 3; clr 3 | Rng: special | Dur: special Via a touch, this spell can free an afflicted victim from the effects of ghoul touch, hold person, paralyze, or similar spells. The reverse of this spell, cause paralysis, is a 30-foot ranged spell. The caster must point at the victim and speak a baleful incantation. If the target fails its death saving throw, it will fall limp, unable to move for 1 turn per CA level. Repel Wood Lvl: drd 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level Causes successive waves of force to roll forth in the direction the sorcerer faces. Any wooden objects of no more than six-inch thickness in this path (e.g., tables, chairs, spear shafts, weapon hafts, arrows, wooden shields) are forced away from the caster; if something holds onto such an object, it either will be dragged back with the object, or the object bursts into splinters and will move as this sorcery dictates (i.e., a person might be pulled by their axe, whereas a door might burst from its hinges). The wave of force is 60 feet wide and travels at 40 MV to a distance of 20 feet per CA level. Repulsion Lvl: mag 6, nec 6, pyr 6 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) The sorcerer creates a path that is 10 feet wide and extends 30 feet. All creatures in this path suffer repulsion and are compelled to flee from the sorcerer at 30 MV until they are beyond the 120-foot spell range. Victims gain no saving throws if they are of 6 HD or fewer; creatures of 7 HD or more are allowed sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable, to resist repulsion. The caster can walk at half speed, concentrating to maintain this dweomer until the duration is met. Those affected can do nothing but flee for the duration of the spell. If a repulsed creature is attacked whilst fleeing, the effect is broken for that creature.
HYPERBOREA Resilient Sphere Lvl: mag 4, cry 4, pyr 4 | Rng: 20 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level A shimmering globe of force encapsulates the subject of this spell, which must be of Small or Medium size. The subject must make a sorcery saving throw or be trapped within the confines of the resilient sphere until the spell’s duration elapses. Inside the sphere, the air is breathable. If the subject struggles for freedom, the only result will be a slight movement of the sphere; in fact, those who are outside the sphere may roll it, should they so choose. The sphere is immune to physical harm, but can be negated by a dispel magic spell, a disintegrate spell, or magic items that produce similar results.
Similarly, if the spell expires, those within the extra-dimensional space precipitate to the ground. Sanctuary Lvl: clr 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn Persuades opponents to ignore the caster if they fail their sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The caster can move about freely, taking other inoffensive actions until the spell’s duration terminates. However, sanctuary provides no special protection if the caster happens to be in the area of effect of an enemy sorcerer’s spell (e.g., entangle, fireball), such as when a nearby ally is targeted. Any offensive actions taken by the caster (physical attacks, harmful spells, or the like) break the spell.
Restoration Lvl: clr 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous Restores drained energy or physical/mental life force (attributes, abilities, etc.); also reverses the effects of supernatural ageing. The spell must be cast within one month per CA level since the time of the drain in order for the restoration to be effective; e.g., a CA 11 sorcerer has 11 months to restore a CN-drained character.
Sanctuary from Animals Lvl: drd 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn Persuades animals to ignore the caster completely if they fail their sorcery saving throws. The caster can move about freely, taking other inoffensive actions until the spell’s duration terminates. However, sanctuary from animals provides no special protection if the caster happens to be in the area of effect of an animal’s special attack (e.g., a giant ferret’s musk), such as when a nearby ally is targeted. Any offensive actions taken by the caster (physical attacks, harmful spells, or the like) break the spell.
Rope Trick Lvl: mag 3, ill 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 2 turns per CA level The sorcerer casts skyward a rope of 5- to 25-foot length. The rope stands rigid and upright; it then may be climbed. At the apex, the caster and as many as five allies can enter and hide in a small extra-dimensional space. This pocket dimension is a grey, opaque, featureless cube of 20 × 20 × 20 feet, illumed dimly within, the air breathable. The rope remains hanging; if pulled, the hiders will fall out, spilling to the ground.
Scare Lvl: mag 2, nec 1, wch 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 2d6 rounds A spell to frighten an opponent. The caster can direct the spell at but one creature, which is allowed a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if ap-
Volume I: Player’s Manual plicable. If the save fails, the victim enters a state of utter fear, at once cowering and trembling uncontrollably. If attacked or cornered, however, the frightened creature will fight back, though at a −1 “to hit” until the spell ends. Undead and other creatures devoid of emotion are unaffected by this spell. Scrying Font Lvl: clr 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 round per CA level Enchants a font (e.g., a basin or bowl) that contains no less than 24 ounces of holy water to become a temporary scrying device. The sorcerer may then view a known subject (human or monster) over any distance, so long as both are on the same plane of existence. The extent of familiarity dictates the probability of success: Table 111: Scrying Font Spell Familiarity
Chance of Locating
Very familiar Somewhat familiar Seen in a picture or sketch Item or garment in possession Described by another person
5:6 4:6 3:6 2:6 1:6
The subject can be observed for the duration of the spell, including anything or anyone within 30 feet; if the subject is in complete darkness, the caster will see only vague details. Creatures with intelligence of 13 or higher have a 1-in-6 chance of cognizing they are being watched by means sorcerous. Too, if scrying font is used to view one who is 10 HD or greater, the subject may make a sorcery save to cognize the effect; otherwise, the spell is undetected. The holy water will evaporate as the spell’s duration elapses until naught remains at the spell’s conclusion. Scythe of the Reaper Lvl: nec 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level Summons a scythe, surrounded by black motes of negative energy, to materialize in the air. The floating weapon can be directed to attack any opponent within the spell’s range. The scythe of the reaper strikes with a fighting ability (FA) equal to that of the caster, for a base 1d8 hp damage. For necromancers only, the weapon is +1 “to hit” and damage for every 3 CA levels: CA 1–3 = +1 CA 4–6 = +2 CA 7–9 = +3 CA 10–12 = +4 For other casters, the bonus damage for every three CA levels applies, but not the “to hit” bonus. Hence, a CA 5 necromancer can summon a scythe of the reaper that strikes at +2 “to hit” and inflicts 1d8+2 hp damage. The caster can cast spells and take other actions whilst continuing to direct the scythe at will. Dispel magic terminates this spell.
Secret Chest Lvl: mag 5 | Rng: touch | Dur: 120 days A popular dweomer used to sequester spell books and magic items. The sorcerer must first have a 2 × 2 × 3-foot chest built by a master craftsman. Furthermore, a tiny replica of that same chest must be crafted, about the size of a ring box. The total cost can be no less than 2,000 gp, as the materials used might include the rarest wood, mammoth ivory, gold hinges, and the like. The sorcerer then enchants the chest and its tiny replica by way of a 1-turn ritual. The larger chest can contain one cubic foot of material per CA level, regardless of its actual size, but living creatures ruin the spell if placed within. Upon completion of the spell, the larger chest disappears to some nether realm within the Black Gulf. So long as the miniature replica chest is kept safe, the larger one may be recalled by the sorcerer at any time. If the secret chest is not recalled before the duration elapses, it is permanently lost to the illimitable depths of the Black Gulf. Once the spell expires, a new set of chests must be crafted before casting this spell again. A sorcerer cannot maintain more than one secret chest. Secret Page Lvl: mag 3, cry 3, ill 3, pyr 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent Alters the contents of a sheet of paper to appear as something else: A map might be changed to a poem, an arcane formula to a recipe for soup, and so forth. With a command word the caster can view the contents at any time and then allow the dweomer to resume as before. A secret page cannot be revealed through a decipher language spell, but detect magic reveals its magic, and dispel magic or dispel phantasm can nullify the dweomer; however, if the dispel attempt fails, the secret page will be destroyed. Note that explosive runes or a sepia snake sigil may also be inscribed on a secret page. A sorcerer can maintain as many secret pages as he or she has CA levels. Secure Shelter Lvl: mag 4 | Rng: 20 feet | Dur: 12 turns (2 hours) per CA level The sorcerer conducts a 6-turn (1-hour) ritual that requires the sacrifice of 500 gp in gold or gems. A hut or lodge is then conjured from materials natural to the area where the spell is cast (e.g., sod, stones, timbers, wattle and daub). The material rises to form a single-storey shelter with floor space of 30 × 30 feet. It may be fashioned to have windows, a door, a chimney, and other simple features—even a table, chairs, and bunk beds, if so desired. The secure shelter enjoys other enchantments as well: Impervious to normal fire and normal missiles (arrows and quarrels) (continued) 227
HYPERBOREA Can withstand winds not exceeding 75 mph Door(s) has a sorcerer lock (q.v.) Each door and window is alarmed (q.v.) Contains an unseen servant (q.v.) that maintains cleanliness and assists with cooking, stoking the fire, etc. See Lvl: wch 6 | Rng: 5 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) This spell requires 1 turn to cast. The sorcerer uses a reflective surface to see any single creature—at any distance—including a five-foot radius around the subject. At first the surface clouds, and then slowly resolves to reveal the subject (unless the attempt fails), much like a crystal ball. The attempt to see the subject is not without chance of failure. The following table lists the chance-in-twelve of success: Table 112: See Spell Chance of Success Subject is well known by caster 11:12 Subject is somewhat known by caster 9:12 Well-drawn picture of subject available 7:12 Crudely drawn picture of subject available 5:12 Acquaintance with Subject
The chance-in-twelve of success might be modified by the following factors: Belonging of subject in possession of caster: +1 Well-informed description of subject: +1 Subject on different world/dimension: −3 Subject is dead: −5 For every turn of seeing, the subject has a cumulative 1-in-6 chance to intuit being watched; i.e., 1-in-6 on turn 1, 2-in-6 on turn 2, and so on. Barbarians’ and shamans’ chances are doubled. By turn 6 any subject will suspect they are being watched by means sorcerous. Sending Lvl: mag 5, cry 5, pyr 5 | Rng: special | Dur: instantaneous The sorcerer conveys a message to familiar person (i.e., one whose name and appearance the sorcerer knows). Range is not a factor, so long as the subject inhabits the same world/dimension as the caster. The sorcerer can send one word per CA level (not including articles a, an, and the). The message is heard and understood by any intelligent recipient but does not compel obeisance. A message can be sent once with no save allowed. If an unwilling recipient is subjected to more than one sending within the same week, a sorcery saving throw is permitted to reject subsequent sendings.
Sepia Snake Sigil Lvl: mag 3, nec 3, wch 3 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: special The casting of this spell requires snake scales and powdered amber of 100-gp value. The spell may be executed via one of three methods: 1. Glowing sigil drawn in the air and directed at a target 2. Grey-brown sigil inscribed upon an object that, if studied or touched, activates the dweomer 3. Small character inscribed into a book or scroll that, if studied or touched, activates the dweomer Whichever the method, a brown, serpentine force is evoked to strike its nearest victim. It attacks at a fighting ability (FA) equal to the sorcerer’s casting ability (CA). If the sepia snake sigil hits its target, the victim is imprisoned and paralyzed within a shimmering amber force field. This lasts until the caster releases the victim, the caster dies, or dispel magic is cast. No saving throw is allowed for creatures of 8 HD or less; however, a sorcery saving throw is allowed for creatures of 9 HD or greater. Nothing can approach an entrapped victim; all attempts are rebuffed by the force field. The imprisoned will not age, sleep, nor grow hungry; neither will it be aware of what transpires without. If the sepia snake sigil misses its target, it disappears in a puff of brown smoke. Serpent Charm Lvl: nec 1; clr 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn By piping a flute, hypnotize as many as 2 HD of snakes as the sorcerer has CA levels. The snakes stare at the caster, some (usually cobras) posturing themselves erect and swaying side to side. Slowly, the caster and any allies can move away whilst the snakes remain thus, though any violent or sudden movement will jar them from the charm. The effectiveness of this spell is predicated on the circumstances: An approaching snake—even one with intent to attack—or a torpid or otherwise unsuspecting snake is not allowed a saving throw; the effects are automatic. Snakes that are already engaged in combat are allowed sorcery saving throws to resist. Shadow Conjuration Lvl: ill 5, nec 5, wch 5 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 round + 1 round per CA level Conjures 1d4 incorporeal creatures composed of negative energy. Each shadow is under the caster’s control. These hateful monsters hunger for life energy; they will attack or defend as commanded and will continue to do so until destroyed or until the spell expires.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Shadow Sending Lvl: mag 3, ill 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level By sacrificing a piece of obsidian (volcanic glass) whilst sitting cross-legged before a fire, the sorcerer’s own shadow is infused with the negative energy of the Black Gulf. Once the spell is cast, the sorcerer’s shadow elongates in any direction (up or down, left or right) to a length of 90 feet per round; so, a CA 5 sorcerer can send a shadow forth 450 feet (150 yards) in 5 rounds. The caster can hear and see through the shadow (even in natural darkness), but touch is impossible. The shadow is silent, and for the vigilant it is noticed on a 1-in-10 chance unless under direct sunlight (5-in-10 chance). It is AC 9 (plus the caster’s defence adjustment, if applicable) and has 9 hp; however, it is harmed only by spells, or by silver or magical weapons. If the shadow is struck, the sorcerer also sustains like damage. Shadow Sorcery Lvl: ill 5 | Rng: special | Dur: instantaneous The sorcerer gathers negative energy from the Black Gulf to mimic one of three different battle-magic spells commonly used by magicians. Each variation manifests uniquely; their effects, however, are slightly reduced due to their quasi-reality. The caster may choose the variation at the time of casting: Fireball: As the spell, except inflicts 1d6−1 hp damage (min. 1) per CA level; explodes with violet-blue flames Lightning Bolt: As the spell, except inflicts 1d6−1 hp damage (min. 1) per CA level; erupts as a dead black bolt of energy limned in blue Magic Missile: As the spell, except each inflicts 1d4 hp damage per CA level; unleash as black bolts that leave a wake of purple fire Shatter Lvl: mag 2, cry 2, wch 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: instantaneous Causes all non-magical objects of baked clay, ceramic, crystal, earthenware, glass, porcelain, or other like material to splinter into hundreds of shards. The spell is released in a 60-foot-long, 10-foot-wide path of destruction. Objects weighing more than 10 pounds are not subject to this spell. Shield Lvl: mag 1, cry 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 2 turns A magical barrier surrounds the caster and provides protection equivalent to plate mail armour versus missile attacks (AC 3, DR 2) and chain mail armour versus melee attacks (AC 5, DR 1). This spell will block an acid arrow, flaming missile, magic ice dart, magic missile spell, but such an attack effectively destroys the shield.
Shillelagh Lvl: drd 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 2 turns Transforms the sorcerer’s oaken club or unshod staff into a magical weapon that is +1 “to hit” and inflicts 2d4+1 hp damage. Only the caster may effectively wield the shillelagh. If another should attempt to use it, it is effective for one successful hit before crumbling to wood chips. Shocking Grasp Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, nec 1, wch 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous The sorcerer touches a target, unleashing a jolt of electricity that delivers 1d8 hp damage, +1 hp per CA level (so a CA 3 sorcerer delivers 1d8+3 hp damage). The sorcerer must be able to touch the victim or a reasonable conductor in contact with the victim. If the sorcerer’s attack is a miss, subsequent attempts may be made in the following rounds of combat, but any action other than half movement breaks the spell. N.B.: Metal armour is ignored when calculating the victim’s armour class, if applicable. Shockwave Lvl: wch 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: instantaneous A burning, concussive wave of electromagnetic force emanates from the sorcerer, radiating 30 feet and causing 4d8 hp damage to all within range. A sorcery saving throw is allowed for half damage. Shout Lvl: mag 4, cry 4, pyr 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: instantaneous Endows the sorcerer with astonishing vocal power that releases in an ear-splitting sonic cone. The cone is 30 feet long and 10 feet wide at its terminus. Those who are within the area of effect must make sorcery saving throws or suffer 3d6 hp damage; victims are also deafened for a like number of rounds. A deaf creature is surprized on a base 4-in-6 chance and suffers an individual initiative penalty of −2 (i.e., the deaf creature may lose initiative, despite its allies winning). Targets that make their saves sustain half damage and do not suffer deafness. Brittle objects, including glass and clay, might be shattered by the sonic blast. Even a wall of ice spell can be exploded by this spell. Shout can be used no more than once per day, or the caster’s vocal cords are damaged (no voice beyond a grating whisper; no spells can be cast) for 2d4 weeks. Shove Lvl: mag 1, cry 1 | Rng: 50 feet | Dur: instantaneous Evokes an invisible force to push a creature or object. The caster discharges 10 pounds of force per CA level. Inanimate objects do not gain saving throws but might not be affected depending on their weight and mass, as judged by the referee. A targeted creature is allowed a sorcery saving throw to negate the effects of this spell. An affected target is pushed five feet, plus 229
HYPERBOREA one foot per CA level. Generally, 20–30 pounds of force will push a Small creature, 40–60 pounds of force will push a Medium creature, and 70+ pounds of force will push a Large creature. Of course, common sense must prevail; e.g., an albino ape may be pushed back by 90 pounds of force, but woolly mammoths and other huge creatures are unlikely to be moved. Shroud of Fear Lvl: nec 4; clr 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn The sorcerer radiates a personal aura of fear in a three-foot radius upon uttering this spell, manifesting as a ghostly, nearly imperceptible death shroud. Any creature (friend or foe) that intrudes on this space must make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable, or run away in terror for 6 rounds (1 minute). This spell has no effect against the undead or mindless constructs. Silence Lvl: clr 2 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) Evokes a field of absolute soundlessness that radiates 15 feet from a selected point. Creatures may move from the spell’s area of effect, but within the silenced field, all noise and speech are snuffed, and spells cannot be cast. If targeted directly at an opponent, the subject is allowed a sorcery saving throw to negate the spell; otherwise, the subject suffers utter silence. Spell casters gain +1 bonuses to their saving throws for every 2 CA levels they possess. Skeletal Hands Lvl: nec 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn A pair of bony members materialize, floating before the sorcerer and aglow with crimson lambency. The sorcerer manipulates the skeletal hands by gesticulating. Always the hands must be kept together, and if the caster ceases to concentrate and gesticulate, the hands will disappear. The hands can perform simple tasks such as lifting things, opening doors, and retrieving items. Each hand can hold five pounds of weight individually, or 15 pounds when working together. Skeletal hands can also be used to attack with the following statistics: MV 20; DX (as caster); AC 5; HD 1 (hp 2); #A 2/1 (claw/claw); D1d4/1d4; SV (as caster). The hands can also be terminated via dispel magic or turn undead (Undead Type 0). Skeletal Servant Lvl: nec 1 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) This ritual requires 1 turn to cast, using the complete skeleton of a human or humanoid. The skeleton is animated to an undead creature of limited means. This skeletal servant will attend the caster; it can clean, fetch/carry a 10-pound item (or drag a 20-pound item), tie a simple knot, mend a torn cloth or sack, open an unlocked door, or perform other menial tasks throughout the duration of the spell, so long as it remains 230
within 240 feet of the sorcerer. The creature cannot fight. Its relevant statistics are: AL CE; SZ M; MV 30; AC 7; HD ½; #A 0; D —; SV 17. Special: Immune to sleep, charm, and cold magic. Edged and piercing weapons inflict ½ damage. Turned as Undead Type 0. Sleep Lvl: mag 1, wch 1 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 2d8 turns Induces victims of 4 HD or fewer to slumber, with no saving throws possible. This enchantment encompasses a 30-foot-diameter area and affects 2d8 HD of creatures, starting with the lowest HD creatures first. Note that any “+” to hit dice should be ignored when determining the HD value of affected targets (e.g., a 3+1 HD creature counts as 3 HD, though a 3 HD creature will be ensorcelled before a 3+1 HD creature). Alternatively, this spell can be targeted at a single creature of 5 HD or fewer. Sleeping victims will not awaken from normal noise, though they will rouse if shaken or slapped. Undead and constructs are unaffected by this spell. Sleep Everlasting Lvl: wch 5 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent The sorcerer touches a single victim, causing sleep. A sorcery saving throw is allowed only if the victim is of greater HD/level than the sorcerer. The effect is permanent unless dispel magic or remove curse is cast. The enchanted victim’s bodily processes slow such that the victim will not starve, dehydrate, or age. Slow Lvl: mag 3, cry 3, nec 3, wch 3 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 3 rounds + 1 round per CA level Halved are the attack and movement rates of this spell’s victims who fail their sorcery saving throws. The caster selects a target point and slows a number of creatures equal to his or her CA level in a 15-foot radius. Those closest to the centre of the circle are affected first, potentially including the sorcerer’s allies; however, the caster can limit the radius of the spell, shrinking it as desired. Slowed creatures move at half their normal rates, lose any dexterity defence adjustment to armour class, and make half as many attacks per combat round: 1/1 attack rate becomes 1/2 3/2 attack rate becomes 3/4 (1 attack, 1 attack, no attack, 1 attack) 2/1 attack rate becomes 1/1 5/2 attack rate becomes 5/4 (1attack, 1 attack, 1 attack, 2 attacks) 3/1 attack rate becomes 3/2 (1 attack, 2 attacks) 4/1 attack rate becomes 2/1 Slow eliminates the use of the (optional) combat action two-weapon fighting. Sorcery (spells and magical devices) is not slowed in any way. Slow counteracts the haste spell.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Smoke Cloud Lvl: pyr 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1d6+4 rounds A dense cloud of smoke forms, occupying an area of 8,000 cubic feet (e.g., a 20 × 20 × 20-foot room, a 10 × 10 × 80-foot passage). The sorcerer can stand in the centre of the smoke cloud, casting the spell in such a way that it extends in all directions, but any movement will place the sorcerer in the smoke. The cloud induces mild coughing and irritates the eyes of those within its confines. Smoke cloud also obstructs vision: Missiles may be fired 10 feet into it at a −4 penalty, but longer ranges are impossible; melee within the smoke cloud is likewise at −4 “to hit.” Solid Fog Lvl: cry 4, ill 4 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 12 rounds (2 minutes) Creates a cloud as large as 10 feet thick, 30 feet long, and 30 feet high. Only a gale-force wind (35 mph or greater) disperses this spell; even a gust of wind spell is insufficient. Any creature within or attempting to traverse the solid fog is slowed by the fog’s density to a maximum rate of 10 MV. Normal sight cannot penetrate solid fog, and infrared vision is unavailing. Potent fire spells such as fireball, flame strike, or wall of fire burn away solid fog in 1 round. Sorcerer Eye Lvl: mag 4, cry 4, ill 4, nec 4, pyr 4, wch 4 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level An invisible oculus is conjured and sent forth to “see” for the sorcerer, providing visual sensory information. The sorcerer eye drifts at 30 MV and can see 60 feet ahead of itself if light is present; lacking illuminance, the eye sees with infrared vision to a range of 30 feet and can float in any direction as dictated by the sorcerer, who must sit cross-legged with eyes closed, concentrating. The spell ends when the sorcerer’s eyes open, or when the duration expires. Sorcerer Lock Lvl: mag 2 | Rng: 15 feet | Dur: permanent Magically secures a door, a gate, a portal, or the like. A dispel magic spell negates it, a knock spell opens it, or a strong person or monster might break it down: 1-in-12 chance for 17 ST, 1-in-6 chance for 18 ST. Too, a character with the open locks special ability can attempt to disrupt the sorcerer lock spell using thieves’ tools; however, the chance-in-twelve of success is reduced by 4. Lastly, sorcerer lock can be bypassed by any magician (or magician subclass) whose CA is at least 3 levels greater than the one who placed the dweomer.
Sorcerer Mark Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, ill 1, nec 1, pyr 1, wch 1 | Rng: touch Dur: permanent The sorcerer etches a magical rune on a surface such as leather, paper, wood, stone, or even metal. The rune can be the personal symbol of the caster, or the sorcerer can effect a magical inscription of no more than seven words, plus one word per CA level; this lettering may be read by one who can read magic. Alternatively, the sorcerer can scribe an invisible sorcerer mark or inscription, but such is revealed by detect magic or detect invisibility. Sorcerous Armour Lvl: mag 1, pyr 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: special A sorcerous force field equivalent to leather armour (AC 7) surrounds the beneficiary of this enchantment. The spell has no effect on an armoured recipient, but a creature with natural AC 7 or better gains a +1 AC bonus. This spell persists until dispelled, or until the recipient sustains cumulative damage totalling 10 hp, +1 hp per CA level. Spawn Demi-Shadow Monsters Lvl: ill 5 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level As the spawn shadow monsters spell (q.v.), except each monster is AC 7 and uses d6 for hit dice. Spawn Shades Lvl: ill 6 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level As the spawn shadow monsters spell (q.v.), except each monster is AC 5 and uses d8 for hit dice. Spawn Shadow Monsters Lvl: ill 4 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level From the impossible depths of the Black Gulf, the sorcerer extracts negative energy to generate quasi-real shadow monsters. The sorcerer can create a single monster or multiple monsters, so long as their HD total does not exceed the sorcerer’s CA level. If multiple monsters are created, they must all be of the same creature type. The shadow monsters all are AC 9 and use d4 for hit dice, regardless of their type. Shadow monsters cannot use special abilities; they strictly make physical attacks. A shadow cave bear, for example, can make its normal claw/claw/bite attack, but a shadow giant scorpion has no venom in its sting. A shadow monster can be struck only by silver or magical weapons, the former of which inflict double damage; too, any creature of 6 HD or greater can strike a shadow monster. Spells that deliver physical damage also can affect them. A shadow monster can be dispersed by dispel phantasm.
HYPERBOREA Speak with Animals Lvl: wch 2; clr 2, drd 1 | Rng: 20 feet | Dur: 1 turn Allows the sorcerer to communicate with any normal sort of animal (not magical beasts, monsters, or other supernatural creatures). The animals will reply in kind; such responses are usually limited to brief one- or twoword statements predicated on the intelligence of the animal, at the referee’s discretion. Friendly animals might be convinced to perform some minor service. Speak with Dead Lvl: nec 2, wch 3; clr 3 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: special Allows the sorcerer to converse with a dead human, quasi-man, humanoid, or giant, providing they speak (or spoke, as it were) the same language. The spell can be cast on an incomplete corpse or skeleton, so long as at least the skull remains. The sorcerer may ask as many as three direct questions (i.e., neither ambiguous nor multipart questions). The deceased will then answer, rasping its reply in a fashion and degree of truthfulness as best determined by the referee. This spell cannot be cast on the same subject more than once; neither does it function on the undead. Speak with Plants Lvl: clr 4, drd 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level Establish rudimentary communication with vegetal life that surrounds the sorcerer in a 30-foot radius. Casting this spell requires 1 turn of meditation. Once complete, the caster can ask a simple question, such as whether a creature passed through the area of effect. The reply is via an empathic feeling conveyed by the plants. The caster may also assert a modicum of control over the area of effect, asking grasses or shrubs to part, even beseeching vines or hanging branches to hinder the progress of a pursuer. This effect should not be confused with the entangle spell, however; the plants are simply nudged to a limited course of action. Spectral Hand Lvl: nec 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn A translucent, sickly yellow hand surges forth, its shape like that of the caster’s. This spell is used in conjunction with a single subsequent touch spell, delivering the touch spell as a ranged attack at +2 “to hit.” This spell can be cast in advance of a combat situation; the hand will hover before the caster until it successfully delivers a touch spell, or the spell’s duration is met. The spectral hand is incorporeal and cannot be damaged unless the attacker utilizes a spell or magical weapon; if attacked thusly, it may be considered AC 7 with 4 hp. It can also be broken by dispel magic. Spectral Phantasm Lvl: ill 3 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: special A visual illusion is created, a projected image of nearly anything the caster can imagine, as large as 40 × 40 × 40 feet in area. Victims must be living creatures of animal 232
intelligence or greater; undead, constructs, oozes, and the like are unaffected. Spectral phantasm can be used to create an attacking monster or another damaging hazard. The illusion can be of sight, sound, smell, and/or temperature. The auditory component might include a shout, a roar, or a sentence of no more than nine words in length (not including articles a, an, and the). Once cast, this spell persists as long as the caster concentrates and for 5 rounds thereafter unless the illusion is struck for at least 1 hp of damage or is terminated via a dispel phantasm spell. A spectral phantasmal monster is AC 7 and will disappear if hit; otherwise, it can continue to attack as manipulated by the caster. The illusion can be directed to move anywhere within the spell’s range; such manœuvres require the full attention of the caster, who can walk at half speed and maintain control. Spectral phantasm targets are not allowed saving throws unless the referee feels the illusion is unbelievable to the viewers, in which case sorcery saving throws should be rolled, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. With sight, sound, smell, and/or temperature, credibility is rarely an issue with this spell; if such a case arises, and the save is made, the disbeliever will see the spectral phantasm as a flawed and flickering transparent image. An intelligent disbeliever may then alert allies, whose saves are made at a bonus of +4. Otherwise, this illusion can inflict real physical damage: 1d6 hp per CA level per round to each victim. Such damage remains even if the spell is subsequently broken. Spider Climb Lvl: mag 1, wch 1 | Rng: touch | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Allows the spell’s recipient to scale sheer or vertical surfaces, including those that are smooth and polished, like marble. The fingertips and toes of the climber become sticky, like those of a spider, with magical cilia providing adhesion. A spider climb recipient can climb up walls and move along ceilings at one-half their normal movement rate. Whilst climbing, the recipient cannot manipulate objects that weigh less than one pound because such objects will cling to the hands. Spell casters cannot cast other spells, but they can trigger magical devices. N.B.: Gauntlets and heavy footwear must be removed to benefit from this spell. Spike Growth Lvl: clr 4, drd 3 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level This spell only functions amidst vegetation of at least moderate thickness. It creates within the foliage and roots a plethora of small, bristly growths in an area as large as 10 × 10 feet (100 square feet) per CA level. These spikes may be discerned via detect snares and pits, detect traps, or true seeing; otherwise, all seems
Volume I: Player’s Manual perfectly natural until the enchanted area is traversed. For every 10 feet of affected area negotiated, the subject(s) must make an avoidance saving throw or suffer 1d4 hp damage. The caster can dismiss this spell at will. Squall Lvl: cry 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round A snowy blast of arctic wind blows from the caster (in the direction faced) in a path that is always 10 feet wide but with variable length depending on the caster: 5 feet of length may be added for each CA level the sorcerer possesses; e.g., a CA 7 sorcerer can evoke a squall that is 10 feet wide by 35 feet long. Squall temporarily blinds victims in its path for 1d4 rounds. Blinded creatures automatically lose initiative and suffer −4 penalties on attack rolls, armour class, and saving throws. Squall extinguishes natural bonfires and can even snuff a wall of fire; too, it disperses and thus negates magical clouds, fogs, and smoke, such as cloudkill, fog cloud, solid fog, and stinking cloud. Starlight Lvl: wch 3; drd 3 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Illumes as large as a 60-foot-diameter area as though it were under the clearest, brightest starlight. In an area of utter darkness, visibility will become clear within the spell’s 60-foot diameter and dim for another 30 feet (so a 120-foot diameter of effectiveness). Stars will appear to twinkle and shine above the area of effect, be it a 10-foothigh chamber ceiling or a 60-foot-high cavern roof. Stinking Cloud Lvl: mag 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level Evokes a swirl of nauseous vapours in a 20 × 20 × 20foot area. Any breathing creatures caught in the stinking cloud must make death (poison) saving throws or suffer nauseating effects: coughing, gasping, and choking for 1d6 rounds, with their ears, eyes, and throat burning; effectively, they are stunned. Those who make their saving throws are temporarily resistant to the deleterious effects of the stinking cloud but must exit it within 1 round or save again. At minimum (i.e., with a successful saving throw), the stinking cloud is an uncomfortable irritation. Stone Shape Lvl: mag 5; drd 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: Instantaneous Stone is reshaped to fit sorcerer’s purposes. The sorcerer can manipulate a cubic area with sides of onefoot length per CA level; e.g., a CA 9 sorcerer can affect a 9 × 9 × 9-foot area. The stone shape is limited only by the caster’s imagination. Examples include a stone chair, club, coffer, door, or statue. The details of any stone shape lack refinement and are crude by all accounts. Note that any stone shape with moving parts stands a 3-in-10 chance of not functioning; e.g., the lid of a stone coffer might not open.
Stone Tell Lvl: clr 6, drd 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn Imbues a rock or rocky surface with the ability to communicate the name and/or type of any creature that has touched it. The stone can also divulge what is behind it or what it conceals, and provide a full visual description as required by the sorcerer. However, the entire effect is empathic; no words are spoken. Stone to Flesh (reversible) Lvl: mag 6, nec 6 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: Instantaneous Transmutes rock to soft tissue. If cast on a person who was petrified by a monster, they will be restored, along with all carried possessions; however, the recipient first must make a trauma survival check to determine whether the transformation is survived (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution). If cast on raw stone, such as the wall of a dungeon, this spell transforms as much as a 10 × 10 × 10-foot cube of rock into flesh. The reverse of this spell, flesh to stone, causes a single creature to petrify if a transformation saving throw fails. Stoneskin Lvl: mag 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: special By sacrificing a diamond of 500-gp value or greater, the sorcerer imbues oneself or another with flesh as hard as diamond. For every CA level of the sorcerer, the recipient gains immunity to one physical attack (melee or missile), even from a magical weapon. The recipient does not, however, gain immunity to spells or other sorcerous effects; e.g., a magic missile spell causes normal damage and does not count as a “hit” against the spell’s duration—only the magic stone spell is effective in this latter regard. The sorcerer cannot place this spell on more than one recipient at a time; any attempt to do so results in the sorcerer suffering petrifaction (no save). Strangle Lvl: nec 3, wch 4 | Rng: 50 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level From the outstretched hands of the caster emerge a pair of invisible members which reach for the throat of a human or humanoid target. The target must make a sorcery saving throw to negate the effects of this spell. If the save fails, the victim will choke and gag, suffering 1d4 hp damage per round. The victim furthermore will fight at −2 “to hit” and damage rolls and may be unable to cast spells (3-in-6 chance of failure). Too, movement is halved for the victim. The strangling hands might be wrenched free via a test of strength. If the victim has not escaped after 3 rounds of strangulation, then a test of constitution is required or the victim passes out; damage continues throughout the duration of the spell. In addition to the test of strength, escaping strangle could be done by moving out of range of the caster; also, dispel magic can break this spell.
HYPERBOREA Strengthen Lvl: mag 2, pyr 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn Enhances the brawn of a human. A fighter’s strength score is increased by 2d4 points, a cleric’s or thief ’s by 1d6, and a magician’s by 1d4, all to a maximum of 18. (A classless “commoner” may gain 1d4 points.) If this spell is cast on one whose strength score is already 18, that one will gain an additional +1 “to hit,” and extraordinary feats of strength will be improved by +8%. Suggestion Lvl: mag 3, ill 3 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 24 hours This enchantment affects one creature. The target must make a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable, or be compelled to carry out a suggestion spoken by the sorcerer. Suggestions should be neither overly complex nor longer than one or two sentences, though the victim may attempt to act upon such urgings for the duration of the spell, if physically possible. Suggesting an obviously selfdestructive action breaks the spell on a 5-in-6 chance. Of course, this spell is useless if sorcerer and ensorcelled do not speak the same language. Summon Aerial Minion Lvl: cry 6; clr 6 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 day per CA level The sorcerer calls an extra-dimensional aerial minion to serve him. The creature is naturally invisible and arrives 1 round after being summoned. Before casting, the sorcerer must etch with chalk a magic circle and then sit cross-legged within its candlelit confines; otherwise, the creature will attack. An aerial minion is not summoned to fight; rather, its function is to find and retrieve an object or creature as described and located by the caster. If the aerial minion cannot complete its task by the time the spell’s duration expires, it will return to slay the sorcerer. Summon Animal I Lvl: clr 6, drd 4 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: special Allows the sorcerer to call upon the aid of one or more beasts. The summoned animal type must be specified. In Hyperborea, these animals may include 1 brown bear, 2 mountain lions, or 4 wolves. Rudely the animals are conjured to a location within the spell’s range. At once the caster must charge the animals with a simple, one-sentence task. The animals will hear, understand, and be compelled to obey. The task might be to fight, guard, work, or the like. Once the task is complete, the spell is ended, and the animals will disappear whence they came. Summon Animal II Lvl: drd 5 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: special Allows the sorcerer to call upon the aid of one or more robust beasts. The summoned animal type must be specified. In Hyperborea, these animals may include 1 polar bear, 1 tiger, or 3 dire wolves. Rudely the 234
animals are conjured to a location within the spell’s range. At once the caster must charge the animals with a simple, one-sentence task. The animals will hear, understand, and be compelled to obey. The task might be to fight, guard, work, or the like. Once the task is complete the spell is ended, and the animals will disappear whence they came. Summon Animal III Lvl: drd 6 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: special Allows the sorcerer to call upon the aid of one or more powerful beasts. The summoned animal type must be specified. In Hyperborea, these animals may include 1 cave bear, 1 sabre-tooth, or 2 winter wolves. Rudely the animals are conjured to a location within the spell’s range. At once the caster must charge the animals with a simple, one-sentence task. The animals will hear, understand, and be compelled to obey. The task might be to fight, guard, work, or the like. Once the task is complete the spell is ended, and the animals will disappear whence they came. Summon Bat Swarm Lvl: nec 5, wch 5; drd 5 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level A rabid cloud of tiny bats is summoned, manifesting all about the sorcerer, whose arms are spread wide. The bat swarm will attack 1 round after being summoned, surging forth as directed by the sorcerer. As long as the caster concentrates and points at the target, the victim suffers 5 hp damage per round. Whilst engulfed, the victim cannot cast spells, missile attacks are impossible, and melee attacks are at a −4 “to hit” penalty. Other actions such as drinking a potion, activating a magic item, using a magic ability, etc. are subject to a 3-in-6 chance of failure. Too, a swarm victim suffers a −4 AC penalty. Fleeing the swarm may be the victim’s only recourse, for it can harass only to the limit of the spell’s range. A swarm can be directed to move to another opponent within range, but 1 round will elapse for every 30 feet between the targets. After being attacked, victims must make death (poison) saves or suffer pain and burning from the multitudinous sites of infection, followed by headaches, muscle spasms, and difficulty swallowing. Death will ensue in 2d6 days unless cure disease is cast. Summon Dæmon I Lvl: mag 2, nec 2, wch 3 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) or special Sorcery transports one or more lesser dæmons from Underborea as selected by the sorcerer, depending on need. The dæmons will arrive 1 round after the spell is cast and will perform their designated task, after which, dead or alive, they will either disappear or turn on the caster and/or any allies (see below). When casting this spell, the sorcerer must explicitly state the summoned type: “defender,” “illuminator,” or “seeker.”
Volume I: Player’s Manual Defender: Summons a random dæmon or dæmons to assault the sorcerer’s enemies as directed for no longer than 6 rounds. The target(s) must be pointed out straight away, or else the dæmon will attack the sorcerer and/or any allies. If the stated target(s) is defeated, the standard chance of betrayal applies. Table 113: Summon Dæmon I Spell
sorcerer must explicitly state the summoned type: “defender,” “illuminator,” or “seeker.” Defender: Summons a random dæmon to assault the sorcerer’s enemies as directed for no longer than 6 rounds. The target(s) must be pointed out straight away, or else the dæmon will attack the sorcerer and/or any allies. If the stated target(s) is defeated, the standard chance of betrayal applies.
d6 Result
Defender(s) Summoned
Dæmon, Lesser, Class i (1d2)
Dæmon, Lesser, Class ii (1d2)
d6 Result
Defender Summoned
Dæmon, Lesser, Class iii (1)
Dæmon, Lesser, Class vi (1)
Dæmon, Lesser, Class vii (1)
Dæmon, Lesser, Class viii (1)
Illuminator: Summons a single class iv lesser dæmon. When the illuminator type is designated, the corpse or bones of a dead human or humanoid must be present and obvious, or else the dæmon will attack the sorcerer and/or any allies. The questioning of the dead will then commence, with as many as three questions asked, as explained by the sorcerer to the dæmon. Once this process is complete, the standard chance of betrayal applies. Seeker: Summons a single class v lesser dæmon to search and destroy. When the seeker type is designated, the sorcerer also must describe the prey (name, species, and so forth). The dæmon then will track its quarry until it is found and killed, after which the standard chance of betrayal applies. If no trail is found within 6 rounds, the dæmon will attack the sorcerer and/or any allies. If called upon to face an enemy that it cannot hunt, it will turn on the sorcerer. Betrayal: Dæmons are infamous for betrayal. Upon completing their prescribed task, they may turn on the sorcerer and/or any allies on a 1-in-6 chance. Dæmons are, however, subject to morale checks during the entire summon dæmon process. Those that fail will attempt to flee (if possible), now permanent inhabitants of Hyperborea that may one day seek revenge. Wise sorcerers are known to take sanctuary within the confines of a candlelit magic circle whilst casting and maintaining this spell; of course, the magic circle will only protect the sorcerer, not allies. Summon Dæmon II Lvl: mag 4, nec 4, wch 4 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) or special Sorcery transports a lesser dæmon from Underborea as selected by the sorcerer, depending on need. The dæmon will arrive 1 round after the spell is cast and will perform its designated task, after which, dead or alive, it will either disappear or turn on the caster and/ or any allies (see below). When casting this spell, the
Table 114: Summon Dæmon II Spell
* A witch may summon this dæmon for the purpose of an unspeakable union.
Illuminator: Summons a single class ix lesser dæmon. The beast will use its special legend lore ability to determine the whereabouts of a subterranean artefact, of which it will then inform the caster and spend no more than 1 turn attempting to locate. If the artefact does not exist or is not underground, the beast will attack the sorcerer and/or any comrades. Even if the treasure location is revealed successfully, this dæmon will demand a blood sacrifice before returning to Underborea; if the sacrifice is deemed unsuitable (at the referee’s discretion), the dæmon will attack. Regardless, even after such a sacrifice is accepted, the standard chance of betrayal applies. Seeker: Summons a single class x lesser dæmon to search and destroy. When the seeker type is designated, the sorcerer also must describe the prey (name, species, and so forth). The dæmon then will track its quarry until it is found and killed, after which the standard chance of betrayal applies. If no trail is found within 6 rounds, the dæmon will attack the sorcerer and/or any allies. If called upon to face an enemy that it cannot hunt, it likewise will turn on the sorcerer. Betrayal: Dæmons are infamous for betrayal. See summon dæmon I for more information. Summon Dæmon III Lvl: mag 6, nec 6, wch 5 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) or special Sorcery transports a lesser dæmon from Underborea as selected by the sorcerer, depending on need. The dæmon will arrive 1 round after the spell is cast and will perform its designated task, after which, dead 235
HYPERBOREA or alive, it will either disappear or turn on the caster and/or any allies (see below). When casting this spell, the sorcerer must explicitly state the summoned type: “defender,” “illuminator,” or “seeker.” Defender: Summons a random dæmon to assault the sorcerer’s enemies as directed for no longer than 6 rounds. The target(s) must be pointed out straight away, or else the dæmon will attack the sorcerer and/or any allies. If the stated target(s) is defeated, the standard chance of betrayal applies. Table 115: Summon Dæmon III Spell d6 Result
Defender Summoned
Dæmon, Lesser, Class xi (1)
Dæmon, Lesser, Class xii (1)
Dæmon, Lesser, Class xiii (1)
Illuminator: Summons a single class xiv lesser dæmon. The beast can use its special legend lore ability to determine the whereabouts of an artefact, of which it will then inform the caster. If the artefact does not exist, the beast will attack the sorcerer and/or any comrades. Alternatively, it can be called upon to use its tongues ability to converse with any intelligent creature present. Lastly, it instead can grant wisdom by use of its contact otherworldly being ability, with no risk of insanity. No matter the case, once the dæmon has completed its service, the standard chance of betrayal applies; however, in the latter case (contact otherworldly being), each question beyond the first increases the dæmon’s chance of betrayal by 1-in-6. Seeker: Summons a single class xv lesser dæmon to search and destroy. When the seeker type is designated, the sorcerer also must describe the prey (name, species, and so forth). The dæmon then will teleport itself and the sorcerer before said prey and attempt to slay it, after which the standard chance of betrayal applies. If no prey exists, the dæmon will attack the sorcerer and/or any comrades. Alternatively, this dæmon can be asked to plane shift the sorcerer and as many as five allies. This act of utter desperation cannot be undone by the same or another lesser dæmon; it is permanent, barring some other means of translocation. The dæmon then either will disappear (laughing all the while) or will turn on the sorcerer and any allies (q.v.). Betrayal: Dæmons are infamous for betrayal. See summon dæmon I for more information.
Summon Elemental Lvl: mag 5, wch 5 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level This conjuration requires 1 turn to cast and may be performed but once per day. The sorcerer summons a class I air, earth, fire, or water elemental. The conjured elemental will obey the bidding of the caster, performing all actions, including labour or combat, to the best of its ability. The sorcerer must maintain constant concentration on the elemental. If the sorcerer casts another spell, enters combat, or does anything else that is sufficient to interrupt concentration, the elemental will break free and attempt to kill the sorcerer and/or any allies. Wise sorcerers are known to take sanctuary within the confines of a candlelit magic circle whilst casting and maintaining this spell; of course, the magic circle will only protect the sorcerer, not allies. The sorcerer can dismiss the elemental at will, but not after concentration has been disrupted. Summon Fire Elemental Lvl: pyr 6; drd 6 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level This conjuration requires 1 turn to cast and may be performed but once per day. The sorcerer summons a class II fire elemental to serve. On a 1-in-6 chance, this spell instead conjures 2fire salamanders. A conjured creature will obey the bidding of the caster, performing all actions, including labour or combat, to the best of its ability,. The sorcerer need not main-
Volume I: Player’s Manual tain concentration on the creature’s activity; other tasks (e.g., fighting or casting other spells) may be performed whilst the creature continues to heed the caster’s will. The sorcerer requires not the protection of a magic circle, for the summoned creature will not turn against him or her. The caster may not be aware of this fact, however. Summon Firefly Swarm Lvl: pyr 5; drd 5 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer summons 5d4 fist-sized fireflies, infernal insects sheathed in green flames, which attack on command. Each firefly has the following statistics: MV 0 (fly50); AC 7; HD ½ (hp 1). The firefly swarm will attack 1 round after being summoned. The victim suffers 2 hp damage (3 hp for undead) per firefly per round, as long as the caster concentrates and points at the target. Whilst engulfed, the victim cannot cast spells, missile attacks are impossible, and melee attacks are at a −4 “to hit” penalty. Other actions such as drinking a potion, activating a magic item, using a magic ability, etc. are subject to a 3-in-6 chance of failure. Too, a swarm victim suffers a −4 AC penalty. Fleeing the swarm may be the victim’s only recourse, for it can harass only to the limit of the spell’s range. A swarm can be directed to move to another opponent within range, but 1 round will elapse for every 30 feet between the targets. Summon Ice Dæmon Lvl: cry 6 | Rng: 240 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level This conjuration requires 1 turn to cast and may be performed but once per day. The sorcerer summons a gnoph-yikk, a dæmon of the ice. The conjured dæmon will obey the bidding of the caster, performing all actions, including labour or combat, to the best of its ability. Concentration on the dæmon’s activity need not be maintained; the sorcerer can go about performing other tasks (e.g., fighting or casting other spells) whilst the ice dæmon continues to heed the summoner’s will. Nonetheless, on a 1-in-6 chance per turn, the ice dæmon will attack its master and/or any comrades; however, it cannot breach a candlelit magic circle. Summon Insect Swarm Lvl: wch 3; drd 3 | Rng: 50 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level An angry horde of insects are summoned, manifesting on the caster’s person, that one’s arms spread wide. They are flying insects 7-in-10 times; otherwise, they are crawling. Flying insects, per the referee’s determination, might be bees, biting flies, hornets, or wasps; crawling insects might include biting ants, beetles, or non-venomous centipedes. (If this spell is cast underground, crawling insects will instead be 1d4 giant ants, which will attack normally at the sorcerer’s will.) The
insect swarm will attack 1 round after being summoned. The standard swarm (not the giant ants) will surge forth as directed by the sorcerer. As long as the caster concentrates and points at the target, the victim suffers 2 hp damage per round. Whilst engulfed, the victim cannot cast spells, missile attacks are impossible, and melee attacks are at a −4 “to hit” penalty. Other actions such as drinking a potion, activating a magic item, using a magic ability, etc. are subject to a 3-in-6 chance of failure. Too, a standard swarm victim suffers a −4 AC penalty. Fleeing the swarm may be the victim’s only recourse, for it can harass only to the limit of the spell’s range. A swarm can be directed to move to another opponent within range, but 1 round will elapse for every 30 feet between the targets. Summon Invisible Stalker Lvl: mag 6, nec 6, wch 6 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: special Conjures an indiscernible, eight-foot-tall, extra-dimensional being to perform a task or service, which might be guardianship, combat, or the like. The invisible stalker is a flawless tracker, able to follow any trail not more than two weeks old. It is intelligent and oft possessed of hatred and loathing. It resents lengthy missions or assignments (i.e., those that last a week or more), and it will seek to follow the letter of the command whilst perverting the spirit or intent. An invisible stalker serves until its mission is completed, or until it is destroyed physically or by a dispel magic spell. Summon Monster I Lvl: mag 3 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Sorcery transports 1d4 monsters of 1 HD as determined by rolling on the below table. The monsters will arrive 1 round after the spell is cast and will defend the duration of the spell, after which, dead or alive, they disappear. The monsters will attack the caster’s enemies as directed; if no enemies are present, they may perform other simple tasks as commanded, intuiting the sorcerer’s intent. Table 116: Summon Monster I Spell d8 Result
Monster Summoned
Beetle, Giant Fire
Human, Wild Berserker
Worm of Ymir
HYPERBOREA Summon Monster II Lvl: mag 4 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Sorcery transports 1d4 monsters of 2 HD as determined by rolling on the below table. The monsters will arrive 1 round after the spell is cast and will defend the caster for the duration of the spell, after which, dead or alive, they disappear. The monsters will attack the caster’s enemies as directed; if no enemies are present, they may perform other simple tasks as commanded, intuiting the sorcerer’s intent.
Summon Monster IV Lvl: mag 6 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Sorcery transports 1d4 monsters of 4 HD as determined by rolling on the below table. The monsters will arrive 1 round after the spell is cast and will defend the caster for the duration of the spell, after which, dead or alive, they disappear. The monsters will attack the caster’s enemies as directed; if no enemies are present, they may perform other simple tasks as commanded, intuiting the sorcerer’s intent.
Table 117: Summon Monster II Spell
Table 119: Summon Monster IV Spell
d10 Result
Monster Summoned
d12 Result
Monster Summoned
Bat, Giant
Abominable Snow-Man
Ape, Albino
Dog, War
Ape, Mountain
Spider, Giant Crab
Lizard, Giant Draco
Scorpion, Giant
Weasel, Giant
Wolf, Dire
Summon Monster III Lvl: mag 5 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Sorcery transports 1d4 monsters of 3 HD as determined by rolling on the below table. The monsters will arrive 1 round after the spell is cast and will defend the caster for the duration of the spell, after which, dead or alive, they disappear. The monsters will attack the caster’s enemies as directed; if no enemies are present, they may perform other simple tasks as commanded, intuiting the sorcerer’s intent. Table 118: Summon Monster III Spell d12 Result
Monster Summoned
Frog, Giant
Lycanthrope, Wererat
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Ogre-faced
Spider, Giant Trapdoor
Tick, Giant
Toad, Giant
* Sans laser rifle
Summon Toad Swarm Lvl: nec 3, wch 3 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level A summoned horde of fat, warty toads manifest around the sorcerer. The toad swarm will attack 1 round after being summoned, surging forth as directed. The toads will pursue their target (at 30 MV) to the spell’s range limit. As long as the caster concentrates and points at the target, the victim will be assailed by the swarm, knocked down and overborne by hundreds of amphibians, unless an avoidance saving throw is made. An overborne victim is crushed by the unusual weight of the swarm, sustaining 1d4 hp damage, +1 for each CA level of the caster per round. For example, a 5th-level magician’s toad swarm inflicts 1d4+5 hp damage per round. One may attempt an extraordinary feat of strength to break free (the referee may need to dice for the strength score on the spot, using 3d6 or 4d6 drop low); otherwise, the victim remains prone, unable to take any other actions. Other methods of escape must be adjudicated by the referee on a case-by-case basis. A toad swarm can be directed to hop to another opponent within range, but 1 round will elapse for every 30 feet between targets.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Telekinesis Lvl: mag 5, cry 5, pyr 5 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 rounds (1 minute) Standing stationary and using sorcery to empower the mind, the caster lifts an object and moves it vertically and/or horizontally at 10 MV; also, minor manipulation (e.g., twists, turns) is possible. The weight of the object is limited to 25 pounds per CA level. If a living creature is targeted (presuming it is within the weight limit), a sorcery saving throw can be made to resist the effect. Teleport Lvl: mag 5, cry 5, pyr 5 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 1 round The sorcerer or another recipient is instantaneously transported with all gear intact to any unoccupied space on the same world/dimension. Distance is irrelevant. An unwilling recipient may make a sorcery saving throw to resist the spell (and see below). Teleportation is dangerous sorcery. The less familiar with the destination the caster is, the greater the risk of error and, potentially, injury or death. Roll a d20 to determine the results of the teleport spell: Table 120: Teleport Spell Familiarity with Destination Very Somewhat Vaguely Result Familiar Familiar Familiar of Spell d20 Result d20 Result d20 Result 1–18 1–15 1–10 Success 19 16–18 11–15 1d10×10 ft high 20 19–20 16–20 1d10×10 ft low The three degrees of familiarity are defined as follow: Very Familiar: The sorcerer has frequented the location many times and knows it well. Somewhat Familiar: The sorcerer has been to the location only a few times. (An unwilling subject sent to a somewhat familiar location gains a +2 saving throw bonus.) Vaguely Familiar: The sorcerer has been there only once and did not stay for more than a brief time. (An unwilling subject sent to a vaguely familiar location get a +4 saving throw bonus.) Success indicates the desired location has been achieved without error. Teleporting too high may result in a fall, in which case 1d6 hp damage should be rolled for every 10 feet fallen. Teleporting too low might cause one to appear in solid ground, in which case death is instantaneous. (Teleporting the subject to an occupied space cannot be intentional; the destination must be an unoccupied location on solid ground.) Exceptions can apply. For example, a sorcerer who attempts to teleport to the ground floor of a two-storey building might end up 20 feet too high, in which case he appears on the roof.
Temporal Acceleration Lvl: ill 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 24 turns (4 hours) This illusion affects the minds of all within a 10-foot radius, including the caster. Unwilling subjects are allowed sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. The affected believe the passage of time is accelerated, the illusion being so powerful that it becomes reality for all involved. For every 1 turn spent within the temporal acceleration area of effect, time passes as though it were 6 turns; i.e., every 10 minutes effects a one-hour passage of time. One hour is as six, four hours as twenty-four, and so on. As a result, all bodily functions of the affected are hastened; indeed, they must eat, drink, sleep, and so forth at the accelerated rate. The durations of spells and innate abilities are likewise quickened. Temporal acceleration allows for rest, sleep, recovery of hit points, and renewal of spells. Dispel phantasm disrupts this spell; the sorcerer may also terminate it at any time. Terrify Lvl: ill 1 | Rng: 10 feet | Dur: 2 rounds + 1 round per CA level The fears of the subject (human, humanoid, or giant only) are exploited by this enchantment. Eye contact must be established, and a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable, allows one to resist the spell’s effects. A subject who fails the saving throw imagines the caster as something that is poignantly malefic in a personal way. This menace could be the monster of childhood nightmares, or some other horror from the subject’s past—something that compels a phobic reaction. The caster must pretend to approach the victim in a deliberate and threatening manner despite not knowing what the victim imagines. The terrified will flee for the duration of the spell, and if cornered, will simply cringe in fear; if a cowering subject is attacked, the spell is broken. Them Lvl: clr 4, drd 4 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 2 rounds per CA level Transforms one or more ants into giant radioactive ants that at once begin to issue a loud, warbling whistle. The number depends on the sorcerer’s casting ability: 2 ants at CA 7, 3 ants at CA 9, and 4 ants at CA 11. The giant ants can act 1 round after transformation. They will not harm the caster and will obey simple commands such as “Attack!”, “Defend!”, “Lift!”, and so forth. If the giant ants are not otherwise instructed, they will attack the nearest creature (not differentiating between and betwixt allies and enemies).
HYPERBOREA Tiny Hut Lvl: mag 3, cry 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 12 turns (2 hours) per CA level A hemispherical globe of force is evoked, surrounding the sorcerer and providing suitable shelter for as many as six companions. The tiny hut is 15 feet in base diameter, with walls that arch to an apex 7½ feet high. It has an opaque exterior, but from the inside the walls appear transparent, allowing its inhabitants to see the outdoors with perfect clarity, unless the caster wills it to opacity. The tiny hut interior temperature is mild and comfortable (about 70°F). This condition is maintained so long as the temperature without is no warmer than 110°F and no colder than −10°F; for every degree warmer or colder, the interior temperature of the tiny hut will rise or drop accordingly. A lambent light emanates from the interior ceiling upon the command of the caster. The tiny hut can survive strong winds, rain, sleet, hail, and snow, but it is vulnerable to attack: If struck, it can sustain only 6 hp damage before it is destroyed. Whereas the caster’s companions are free to enter and exit the tiny hut, once the caster leaves, the spell terminates. Tongues (reversible) Lvl: mag 3, cry 3, ill 3, nec 3, pyr 3, wch 3; clr 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn Enables the sorcerer to speak the language of any intelligent creature within 50 feet, including secret languages such as Druidic or Thieves’ Cant. Once the spell’s duration ends, the caster retains no knowledge or memory of otherwise unknown languages. The reverse of this spell, gibberish, confuses and jumbles the words of all speakers within 50 feet (except those of the caster), pending individual sorcery saving throws, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Spells may also be jumbled to ineffectiveness, but this allows for a second sorcery saving throw, with +1 for every CA level of the opposing caster.
bathed in moonlight. The victim must be of the same gender as the sorcerer and aged 25 or younger. Upon the culmination of a 6-turn (1-hour) ritual of nameless rites and incantations, which also requires the sacrifice of 1,000 gp worth of gems, the sorcerer lays hands on the victim, draining him or her of youthfulness. The sorcerer becomes young, whilst the victim must make a death saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the victim withers and dies; if the save succeeds, the victim becomes elderly and senile. Only a restoration spell can restore the victim to their true age, pending a trauma survival check (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution); otherwise, they die. A sorcerer who has used this spell is sometimes revealed by their shadow, which never reflects a young person, but an elderly wizard or hag. Transform to Asp Lvl: nec 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: special A popular spell amongst the most accomplished Ixian necromancers, this 1-turn ritual culminates in the shedding of the sorcerer’s human skin (and any other effects) to assume the form of a giant asp, a dark, narrow-hooded cobra of about 12-foot length. This transmogrification includes all physical and special abilities, and it heals all damage previously suffered. True seeing reveals the asp for its actual shape. Transform to asp persists for as long as the caster wishes, unless the transformed individual is reduced to 0hp or fewer, in which case the true form is revealed, naked and unconscious. Those who remain in asp form for more than one week risk losing their humanity. This spell can be broken by dispel magic. Transform to Hell Hound Lvl: pyr 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level The sorcerer transforms into a hell hound. Upon metamorphosis, the sorcerer is subject to the following benefits and restrictions:
Transfer Wounds Lvl: nec 4, wch 4 | Rng: touch | Dur: instantaneous A spell that can transfer wounds from a willing subject to another willing recipient, which may be the spell caster. A maximum of 20 hp damage can be transferred. The process involves a 1-turn ritual in which the wounds, by way of hands firmly grasped, pass from the subject to the recipient. If a recipient other than the sorcerer is involved, both must be touched by the caster. The one who absorbs the damage may be drained to no lower than 0 hp; e.g., someone with 16 hp can absorb 1–16 hp of damage from the subject.
Physical (AC, FA) and special abilities of the hell hound are gained, including breathe fire. The previous hit point total and saving throws of the caster are retained. Possessions are melded with the new form; the caster no longer realizes their benefits, except for magic rings. Mental capacity is retained, though the sorcerer is unable to cast other spells; speech changes to the infernal tongue spoken by hell hounds and other netherworldly species.
Transfer Youthfulness Lvl: wch 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: permanent This Evil spell must be cast under a full moon (Phobos or Selene), the victim lashed to a stone table and
The sorcerer can terminate the spell at will or await its expiration. When the spell ends, the caster reverts to his or her normal form and is healed of 2d6 hp damage (if applicable). If killed whilst in hell hound form, the sorcerer’s true appearance is revealed.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
HYPERBOREA Transform to Winter Wolf Lvl: cry 5 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level The sorcerer transforms into a winter wolf. Upon metamorphosis, the sorcerer is subject to the following benefits and restrictions: Physical (AC, FA) and special abilities of the winter wolf are gained, including frost blast, immunity to cold damage, and fire vulnerability. The previous hit point total and saving throws of the caster are retained. Possessions are melded with the new form; the caster no longer realizes their benefits, except for magic rings. Mental capacity is retained, though the sorcerer is unable to cast other spells; speech changes to the uncanny language spoken by winter wolves. The sorcerer can terminate the spell at will or await its expiration. When the spell ends, the caster reverts to normal form and is healed of 2d6 hp damage (if applicable). If killed whilst in winter wolf form, the sorcerer’s true appearance is revealed. Transformation Lvl: mag 6, cry 6, pyr 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer must quaff a potion of heroic action or potion of super-heroic action to cast this spell. After imbibing and speaking the incantation, the sorcerer increases in size and strength to herculean proportions. Indeed, the sorcerer takes the aspect of a berserk killing machine! Note the following changes: Hit points doubled; subsequent damage is subtracted from the “false total” first +4 AC Fighting ability of a fighter of equal level (i.e., FA equal to CA) 3/2 melee attack rate Attacks at 18 strength; i.e., +2 “to hit” and +3 damage Intense battle lust; will not stop attacking enemies until they are dead, the sorcerer is dead, or the spell ends N.B.: Other spells cannot be cast whilst the transformation spell is in effect. Transmute Rock to Lava (reversible) Lvl: pyr 6 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Changes earth, gravel, rock, or sand into hot lava. The sorcerer affects an area as large as 40 × 40 feet and 1 foot deep. If this spell takes effect under the feet of an enemy, this foe will die a horrible, liquifying death unless an avoidance save is made, in which case 5d6 hp damage is suffered. Movement through the lava is at 10 MV, with a save required for each round of exposure.
When the spell’s duration elapses, the lava dries to light, porous rock, potentially trapping victims (avoidance save to escape); those so trapped require extraordinary feats of strength to break free. The reverse of this spell, transmute lava to rock, hardens lava into solid stone, affecting a 10 × 10 × 10-foot area per CA level. Transmute Rock to Mud (reversible) Lvl: mag 5; drd 5 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 3d6 days This dweomer takes effect 1 turn after casting, changing earth, gravel, rock, or sand into mud. The sorcerer is able to affect a cubic area with sides one foot long per CA level; e.g., a CA 10 sorcerer can affect a 10 × 10 × 10-foot area. When the spell’s duration elapses, the mud dries to dirt. If this spell takes effect under the feet of an enemy, this foe may make an avoidance saving throw to escape the muddy ground. Creatures that enter the transmuted area move but five feet per turn, so long as they are able to keep their heads above the mud. If the depth of the mud is greater than their height, they must make transformation saving throws or be sucked in and die, as with quicksand. The reverse of this spell, transmute mud to rock, hardens muddy ground into solid stone. Creatures mired in the muddy area must make transformation saving throws or become trapped in solid stone (likely a fatal outcome). Transport via Plants Lvl: drd 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: special The sorcerer or other recipient can step within any large plant and pass almost any distance to another plant of like size and species. This transference is effected in but 1 round, regardless of distance. The traveler need not be familiar with the precise destination plant; indeed, only direction and distance are required. The dweomer will then transport the spell’s subject to the closest available specimen. (Of course, it can be many miles away from the desired location, depending on circumstances.) Upon arrival, the subject need not step out from the destination plant immediately; one may remain within, observing with all normal senses and those of the plant itself. Egress can be delayed for up to 24 hours, but if the plant is not stepped out from within that time, the subject will be ejected violently for 6d6 hp damage. Tree Shape Lvl: drd 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level The sorcerer and all gear assume the form of a small tree, a shrub, or even a log or stump. Whilst in this form, a caster can observe all that transpires in a 75foot radius unless obstructions are present. This spell can be ended at will. Only true seeing reveals the tree shape for what it is.
Volume I: Player’s Manual True Seeing Lvl: ill 6; clr 5, drd 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer perceives things for what they really are. A diamond of 500-gp value or greater must be sacrificed to cast this spell. Upon speaking the incantation, invisible creatures or objects are revealed; phantasms and like illusions are exposed; mundane and magical disguises are penetrated; secret doors are made obvious. Even the subjects of spells such as polymorph (other or self), stone shape, or tree shape are shewn by true seeing. For those sorcerers casting the clerical/ druidic version of this spell, alignment is also cognized by means of a projected aura, so Good, Evil, and Neutrality are distinguished, as well as Law and Chaos. The sorcerer can move (but not run) after casting this spell, fully concentrating. Any other actions (combat, other spells, item use, etc.) will break the spell. Turn Sticks to Serpents (reversible) Lvl: nec 4, wch 4; clr 4, drd 5 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 2 rounds per CA level Through incantations the sorcerer transforms sticks into snakes, in numbers not exceeding the caster’s CA level, if sufficient sticks are within range. Each stick becomes a three-foot viper that obeys the sorcerer’s will. The reverse of this spell, turn serpents to sticks, transforms a snake or snakes into sticks. As many HD worth of snakes can be affected as the sorcerer has CA levels. Twofold Missile Lvl: mag 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 3 rounds The sorcerer must touch a personal missile launcher to lay this dweomer (usually a bow, crossbow, or sling; siege weapons do not qualify). On the next round, the missile launcher will shoot twofold missiles; i.e., when a missile is fired, sorcery causes the missile to split into two identical missiles. Only one attack roll is made per twofold missile: A hit indicates both missiles strike; a miss indicates both missiles fail to connect. This spell will duplicate a magically enchanted missile (e.g., a +1 arrow will become two +1 arrows), but in all cases, only one missile can possibly be recovered, the duplicate disappearing. Ultraviolet Vision Lvl: ill 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 3 turns per CA level The caster’s eyes emit ultraviolet radiation in a 60-footlong cone that is 30 feet wide at its terminus. For the spell’s duration, the sorcerer can perceive the ultraviolet spectrum in varying shades of blue, violet, and white; effectively, the caster sees in the dark. This spell does not allow one to detect invisible objects or creatures. Ungovernable Hideous Laughter Lvl: mag 2, wch 2 | Rng: 50 feet | Dur: 4 rounds The target of this spell (must be intelligent; see note below) perceives everything seen and heard as hilari-
ous unless they make a successful sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. If the save fails, the victim will begin to chuckle and giggle. On the next round they will collapse to the ground, howling and shrieking with ungovernable hideous laughter (effectively prone). This condition persists for 3 rounds (again, the first round was chuckling and giggling). Even after the spell ends, the victim of this enchantment must spend 1 round recovering (no attacks allowed, though no longer considered prone). This spell functions solely on creatures with a sense of humour (humans, humanoids, giants, intelligent monsters, and so forth); it does not work on animals or otherwise unintelligent creatures. Unseen Servant Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, ill 1, pyr 1, wch 1 | Rng: 120 feet Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) This spell requires 1 turn to cast and necessitates the sacrifice of a 50-gp gem. It summons an invisible entity of limited means. The unseen servant can clean, fetch and carry a 10-pound item (or drag a 20-pound item), tie a simple knot, mend a torn cloth or sack, open an unlocked door, or perform other menial tasks throughout the duration of the spell. The entity cannot fight, though it is not easy to kill: Magical weapons or spells must be used. The unseen servant has the following statistics: MV 30 (but it cannot run); AC 5; HD 1 (hp 6); #A 0; D —; SV 17. If the caster moves farther than 120 feet away from the unseen servant, it will disappear. Vampiric Touch Lvl: nec 3, wch 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: special With a touch the sorcerer drains a victim of 1d6 hp for every 2 CA levels, to a maximum of 6d6 hp at CA 12. The sapped hit points are transferred to the sorcerer. Temporary hit points are added to the caster’s present total and will remain for 6 turns (1 hour). During this period, any damage sustained by the caster is first subtracted from the temporary total. The temporary hit points can exceed the caster’s normal maximum hit point allotment. N.B.: Even if the victim is sapped beyond death, the same hp are transferred; however, withering and decay accelerate disturbingly. Veil Lvl: ill 6 | Rnge: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Makes the caster and allies appear as something they are not. The sorcerer can affect allies in a 40-foot radius, but they must be willing participants. Veil can make them look as though they were inanimate objects such as boxes or kegs, small trees or shrubs; or perhaps dogs, orcs, or anything else imagined by the caster, so long as it is something with which the caster is familiar. Exact features cannot be duplicated. For example, whilst a band of guards who wear black chain mail and red capes may be imitated, the face of their captain cannot. 243
HYPERBOREA Ventriloquism Lvl: mag 1, ill 1, wch 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sound of the sorcerer’s voice and very words are made to issue from something, someplace, or someone else. Examples may include a painting or statue, or simply from behind a door. If cast on an unwilling subject, the effect can be negated by a sorcery saving throw, modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable. Visualize Death Lvl: nec 2 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn By handling the corpse, carcass, or skeletal remains of an expired creature, the sorcerer enters a trance and visualizes the last 10 minutes (1 turn) of the deceased’s life, as seen through their eyes. Naturally, this revelation requires a full 10 minutes, for not a moment is missed. At the spell’s conclusion, the sorcerer will emerge from the trance exhausted and emotionally troubled/withdrawn for 1d6 turns. Wall of Fire Lvl: mag 4, pyr 4; drd 5 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: special Evokes an opaque, shimmering barrier of violet-red flames to spring from the ground. The wall of fire can be as large as 60 feet long and 20 feet high, or a circle of flames 30 feet in diameter and 20 feet high; both variations are six inches thick. The sorcerer can adjust the size if so desired, but not the shape. The spell persists for as long as the sorcerer concentrates, plus 1 round per CA level thereafter. Creatures 3HD and fewer cannot pass through the wall of fire; they are repelled. Creatures of 4 HD or greater can pass through, but they sustain 3d6 hp damage, +1 hp per CA level (so a CA 9 sorcerer’s wall of fire inflicts 3d6+9 hp damage). Undead suffer two extra damage dice: 5d6 hp, +1 hp per CA level. Wall of Force Lvl: mag 5 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 turn Evokes an invisible, immoveable barrier that is impervious to most spells, including dispel magic; however, a disintegrate spell will destroy it. Weapons, missiles, breath weapons, cold, fire, and acid attacks cannot penetrate the wall of force. The wall of force can be created to be as large as 20 feet high and 50 feet long; or it can be a 20-foot-diameter hemisphere with a 10foot apex, the latter form serving as protection for the sorcerer, if so desired. Wall of Ice Lvl: mag 4, cry 4 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 6 turns + 1 turn per CA level Evokes an opaque, blue-white, rimy barricade to spring from the ground. The wall of ice can be as large as 60 feet long and 20 feet high, or a circle 30 feet in diameter and 20 feet high; both variations are six inches thick. 244
The sorcerer can adjust the size if so desired, but not the shape. The wall negates most spells and powers related to fire, unless the magical fire wielder is of greater CA (or HD) than the sorcerer who conjured the wall of ice. Wall of ice repels all creatures of 3 HD or fewer. Creatures of 4 HD or greater can attempt to break through with extraordinary feats of strength; this endeavour requires 1d6 turns and assumes the use of heavy hammers, axes, picks, or the like. (For many monsters, the referee will need to assign a reasonable strength score based on the creature’s HD, size, and mass.) Most unintelligent creatures will see the wall as an impenetrable barrier and will not consider breaking through it. Smashing through causes 2d6 hp damage for most creatures (due to collapsing ice); creatures of or related to heat or fire suffer 3d6 hp damage. Wall of Iron Lvl: mag 5 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: permanent Evokes a vertical metal partition to rise from the ground, typically to seal off a passage or wall breach. The wall of iron must have appropriate anchor points and cannot be made to stand in open space. The wall is three inches thick and covers an area as large as 600 square feet (e.g., 20 feet high and 30 feet long, 10 feet high and 60 feet long). A wall of iron can be destroyed by a dispel magic spell; it is otherwise permanent unless battered down. Wall of Shadow Lvl: mag 2, ill 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer conjures from the Black Gulf a barrier of darkness. The wall of shadow must be 10 feet thick and 10 feet high; only the length is malleable, allow for 10 feet per CA level (e.g., a CA 7 sorcerer may create a 10 × 10-foot wall that is 70 feet long). The wall can be straight or form a semicircle. The wall of shadow is not impenetrable; persons and objects can be seen through it, but they are vague, hazy, and nebulous. Missile fire directed at a person beyond the wall is at a −2 penalty. Other benefits might be derived from this spell; e.g., a thief attempting to hide might gain a bonus to his chance-in-twelve, or perhaps even automatic success, at the referee’s discretion. Wall of Stone Lvl: mag 5 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: permanent Evokes a granite barricade to spring from the ground. The wall of stone can be made to stand vertically or lie horizontally, per the will of the sorcerer. The wall is two feet thick and covers an area as large as 1,000 square feet (e.g., 20 feet high and 50 feet long; 10 feet high and 100 feet long). A wall of stone can be destroyed by a dispel magic spell. It is otherwise permanent unless broken down or chipped away.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Wall of Thorns Lvl: drd 5 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Evokes a giant mass of gnarly, resilient, pliable brush to take form. These thick, tangled vines bristle with dagger-like thorns of three- to five-inch length. The sorcerer may shape the barrier as desired, as large as 1,000 cubic feet per CA level; for instance, a CA 10 sorcerer may create a wall of thorns 50 feet long, 20 feet deep, and 10 feet high. Creatures caught in the spell’s designated area of effect suffer 1d10+10hp damage. If one attempts to push through the wall of thorns or otherwise comes into abrupt contact with it, similar damage is sustained and repeated for every 10 feet of movement within the mass. To avoid additional damage, one can chop through with a stout blade, such as a sword, axe, or heavy knife. Cutting through 10 feet of this enchanted barrier requires 1 turn. Mundane fire will not harm the wall of thorns, as the vines are coated with an oily enzyme; magical fire will burn the wall of thorns within 1 turn of contact, effecting a wall of fire spell that blazes for a single turn. Wall of Vapours Lvl: cry 2, ill 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: 1 turn Evokes a hedge of Æthereal mists as large as 10 × 30 × 30 feet in volume. These vapours are opaque and normal sight cannot penetrate them; likewise, infrared vision is blocked. The wall of vapours, however, is easily dispersed. A gust of wind spell, or any natural wind of 10 mph or greater, will diffuse the effect. The cryomancer version of this spell generates a mist of ice crystals. Ward Off Insects Lvl: drd 4 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Evokes an invisible barrier to form around the caster in a 10-foot radius, repelling all normal insect life. Giant insects are allowed sorcery saving throws. Successful saves allow the creatures to behave as normal, though they suffer 1d6 hp damage for entering the field; failed saves cause the insects to flee in fear. This spell does not affect spiders and centipedes. Warp Wood Lvl: drd 2 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: permanent Beams, shafts, or planks of wood no more than two inches thick are altered by this spell. The caster can bow a three-foot length of wood per CA level, so a CA 4 sorcerer may warp two six-foot spears or six twofoot arrows. The planks of a boat or a door can also be buckled. Magical wood can be affected by sorcerers of CA 6 or greater.
Water Breathing (reversible) Lvl: mag 3, cry 3; drd 3 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) per CA level Allows the recipient to breathe fresh or salt water as easily as air. The reverse form of this spell, air breathing, allows a water-breathing creature to respire aerially. Water Walk Lvl: clr 3 | Rng: touch | Dur: 1 turn + 1 turn per CA level Allows the sorcerer and one companion per CA level to ambulate across fluid surfaces. A horse or camel equates to three companions; such a beast can water walk whilst bearing a single rider and/or gear no heavier than 300 pounds. Web Lvl: mag 2 | Rng: 5 feet per CA level | Dur: 2 turns per CA level Thick, sticky strands of webbing stream from the caster’s fingertips, covering a target area no greater than 10 × 10 × 20 feet. Targets are allowed avoidance saving throws to evade contact with the web. Those who make the save can carefully make their way out, moving at half speed. Those who failed the save can attempt to break free one round later: ST 3–8 = trapped until spell expires ST 9–12 = 2d6 rounds to break free ST 13–18 = 1d6 rounds to break free A flame tongue sword wielder can slash through in but 1 round. If the webs are set ablaze with a torch or other fire source, they will catch quickly, the entire mass burning in 2 rounds. Those trapped within the conflagration suffer 1d6 hp damage per round (1d8 hp vs. undead), and any flammable clothing or gear is subject to burning and ruination. Weird War Hammer Lvl: clr 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 1 round per CA level Conjures a brilliant war hammer composed of positive energy. The floating weapon can be directed to attack any opponent within the spell’s range. The caster need not focus on it; other actions (e.g., fighting or casting other spells) can be taken whilst directing the weird war hammer at will. The hammer strikes with a fighting ability (FA) equal to the sorcerer. For every 4 CA levels, the weapon is +1 “to hit” and damage: CA 1–4 = +1 CA 5–8 = +2 CA 9–12 = +3 Hence, a CA 5 sorcerer can conjure a weird war hammer that strikes at +2 “to hit” and inflicts 1d8+2 hp damage. Dispel magic terminates this spell.
HYPERBOREA Whispering Wind Lvl: ill 2 | Rng: 5 miles per CA level | Dur: special Evokes a gentle breeze to whirl around the sorcerer and then depart, taking with it a spoken message no more than 12 words (not including articles a, an, and the). The message will be conveyed to a familiar recipient within the spell’s range, so long as no insurmountable obstacles prevent delivery. If the caster and the subject are both outdoors, the spell is almost always successful; however, if one or the other is in a dungeon or inside a building, obstructions (e.g., walls, closed doors) can preclude the spell from functioning as desired. When the whispering wind reaches its objective, it swirls about the recipient creature and softly murmurs its message. White Hand of Death Lvl: nec 6 | Rng: touch | Dur: special By the sorcerer’s touch, a death spell is delivered. The target must make a death saving throw or receive the spell’s mark and die. The victim of this spell is left with a pale handprint on their chest (the mark concealed unless the chest is bare). The white hand of death imprint remains burnt on the victim’s chest for nine days. Unless the body is incinerated, any creature who touches the body must also make a death save or die, branded with their own pale white handprint—and so spreads the contagion known as the white death. Wind Wall Lvl: mag 3, cry 3, pyr 3, wch 3; drd 4 | Rng: 120 feet | Dur: 1 turn per CA level Evoked is a barrier of wind 10 feet thick, 20 feet long, and up to 50 feet high. The wind gushes upwards, sending any light materials skywards, including loose objects or unsecured creatures (birds, small animals, and the like) weighing no more than 25 pounds. Wind wall can disperse spells such as cloudkill and stinking cloud. Witch Fire Lvl: pyr 3, wch 2 | Rng: 90 feet | Dur: 6 turns (1 hour) Creates fist-sized balls of phosphorescent light, in numbers equal to the caster’s CA level. The colours of the balls may be chosen by the sorcerer. The lights follow the caster and illume a 5-foot diameter area. Each ball of witch fire can be sent to cover one Medium creature or two Small creatures within the spell’s range, engulfing the target in a phosphorescent glow, and causing each to suffer a −1 AC penalty. For Large creatures, the referee must determine a reasonable size equivalent; e.g., two, three, or four balls of witch fire may be necessary to affect a giant. Word of Recall Lvl: clr 6 | Rng: 0 | Dur: instantaneous The chanting sorcerer transports to a place that they hallowed with the ceremony of consecration spell, with no chance of error; no distance or subterranean 246
depth is too great. The sorcerer may bring 25 pounds of material per CA level; this excess may comprise gear, treasure, or even a living creature, so long as the weight restriction is observed. Wraithshape Lvl: ill 3, nec 3, wch 3 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 turn per CA level The sorcerer and all gear assume a smoke-grey, incorporeal form. Whilst in wraithshape, the undead (except vampires and liches) will ignore the caster, believing him or her to be one of their own abysmal kind. The sorcerer can squeeze under doors or through small holes or cracks, and he can float in the air at 15 MV. Only magical weapons or spells can harm such a sorcerer. The sorcerer cannot, however, make any attacks unless confronted by a creature in a like state. Dispel magic breaks the spell; otherwise, the sorcerer can terminate it at will. Write Spell Lvl: mag 1, cry 1, ill 1, nec 1, pyr 1, wch 1 | Rng: 0 | Dur: permanent Allows the sorcerer to transfer a spell from one spell book to another. The caster need not comprehend the spell being transferred, but it must be a spell from the sorcerer’s respective spell list. Once a spell is transferred, it disappears from its original volume. Completing this spell requires 6 turns (1 hour) per spell level and necessitates sorcerer’s ink (such as sepia), a fine quill, and a crushed gem of 100-gp value or greater. Upon completing the transfer, the sorcerer must make a sorcery saving throw or suffer 1d4 hp damage and be knocked unconscious for 1d4 turns. If the sorcerer is disrupted whilst performing this ritual, the transferred spell will be lost, ruined. Wyvern Warden Lvl: ill 2, nec 2; clr 2 | Rng: 30 feet | Dur: 8 hours Taps the unspeakable power of the Black Gulf, conjuring a billowing black haze that assumes the vague shape of a wyvern: a large, two-legged dragon with a long, barbed tail. The wyvern warden is assigned a task of guardianship over a person, place, or thing. An approaching creature will not see the wyvern warden in the dark unless detect magic is cast. In naturally lit conditions, however, a wary approaching creature might discern the hazy, monstrous form. If anyone or anything approaches within 20 feet of the curling mass (except designated allies who were present and identified as such when the spell was cast), the wyvern warden lashes with its tail, striking without error. The victim must make a death saving throw or remain rigid for 1 round per CA level of the sorcerer. The wyvern warden will then disappear in a puff of black smoke, able to attack but one victim.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Zombie Visage Lvl: ill 3, nec 2 | Rng: 0 | Dur: 1 round per CA level The sorcerer’s face and hands become like those of a zombie, accompanied by a conspicuous fœtor and an aura of undeath, allowing one to pass amongst unintelligent undead without notice. This mien is merely a
necromantic illusion, however. Ordinary animals that glimpse the sorcerer must make morale checks at −2 or flee in terror for 1d4 rounds. Zombie visage is broken by dispel magic or dispel phantasm; a turn undead attempt versus Undead Type 2, if successful, will cause the face to crumble and fall away from the sorcerer.
chapte hapter r8 ADVENTURE Once the players have created their characters, they are ready to begin play—ready to seek adventure! The adventure might occur in the nameless depths of a dungeon, inside a haunted mansion, amidst an ancient forest, or perhaps within a ruined city. The referee describes the background and other pertinent information, which might include a quest for treasure and riches, a rescue attempt, the liberation of a small village from some oppressive horror, a mission of intrigue, or perhaps the recovery (or destruction) of a legendary artefact. Some of the most enjoyable forays are merely adventures for adventure’s sake, such as the exploration of a mad magician’s castle and mega-dungeon complex. The referee might utilize a published adventure or create one from “whole cloth,” including notes, maps, encounters, notable NPCs, and so forth.
ADVENTURING PARTY A typical adventuring party comprises from four to six player characters (PCs) managed by a like number of players. Some games might include a dozen or more players; others, but one player and the referee. Normally, each player manages one PC, but exceptions are possible. A well-rounded PC party should include at least one fighter, one magician, one cleric, and one thief, if possible. Together, the four principal classes are suited to face a variety of challenges.
BASE OF OPERATIONS Most adventuring parties will meet at and maintain a base of operations in a town or city, such as the CityState of Khromarium. This is where the adventurers can equip themselves with arms, armour, and adven-
turing gear. The tavern or inn is a popular place for adventurers to assemble; here they may learn rumours and legends that could lead to future adventures. Magicians and thieves may have guild contacts in a city, clerics may have temples of worship (or clandestine societies, mystery cults, and the like), and fighters may have contacts with military and/or mercenary outfits. The base of operations is also where the party might contract hirelings; sell off gems, jewellery, and other treasures; and, if injured or diseased, obtain the healing services of a temple—for a proper donation, naturally. Lastly, the base of operations is where all manner of characters may train to develop skills and abilities associated with level advancement.
ADVENTURE PREPARATION Players should prepare and coordinate their characters. Typically, this planning is arranged before the adventure begins, though sometimes necessity dictates it be done whilst the adventure is in progress. Here follow some typical adventure preparations: Itinerary: Discuss when and how to go about the adventure. Equipment: Determine what special gear might be needed. Hirelings: Consider hiring a mercenary or specialist. Spells: Select spells best memorized for the start of the adventure. Marching Order: Establish marching order for both wilderness and dungeon. Standard Tactics: Devise standard strategies if confronted by a particular situation. For example, swordsmen stepping forth with blades drawn and shields raised after archers and sorcerers fire their respective missiles and spells. Tactics might also include having a thief scout ahead and search for traps, a cleric stepping to the fore if undead approach, and so on. Caller: Player who communicates the group’s plan to the referee. Having a caller can reduce the chaos of several voices speaking at once. Mapper: Player uses a sheet of graph paper to map the party’s explorations. It is assumed that the mapper’s character has the benefit of perhaps a writing stick and parchment. With practice, a skilled mapper will be able to sketch out the dimensions of a dungeon labyrinth as communicated by the referee.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
HIRELINGS AND HENCHMEN Hirelings might be employed to fill out the adventuring party. Hirelings are non-player characters (NPCs) who, ideally, do not “hog the spotlight” or take the focus away from the PCs; rather, they are support personnel. Typically, they do not gain a share of the party’s experience points, do not advance in levels, and are paid a modest wage. Hirelings may be managed by one or more players (typically the player whose character has hired them), or by the referee. The charisma attribute affects contracting hirelings and maintaining hireling loyalty. Henchmen are classed individuals who seek or are sought by 6th level characters and become their loyal followers. Typically, they are of similar class, race, or culture, and they take a more active role than hirelings do because they are more than just hired hands. EMPLOYING A HIRELING If the referee deems appropriate, hirelings may be subject to reaction rolls when offered employment. If so, roll 2d6, modified by reaction/loyalty adjustment, if applicable, and consult the following table: Table 121: Hireling Reaction to Offer 2d6 Hireling Reaction Result 2 or less Spurns offer; offended and outraged 3 Rejects offer 4–5 Sceptical; not inclined to accept Neutral reaction; 6–8 further negotiation required* 9–10 Interested in offer; likely to accept 11 Accepts offer Enthusiastically accepts; 12 or more flattered and impressed * If further negotiation is engaged, the referee may require a reroll.
COMMON HIRELINGS Here follow some common hirelings who may serve a PC or PC party during or betwixt adventures. Some may work for a day or less; others might be contracted for long-term service. In either case, food and shelter are expected to be provided. Note that this list is not exhaustive; other common hirelings might be hired for short- or long-term work. Table 122: Common Hirelings Daily Hireling Type Cost Armourbearer 3 sp Guide 3 sp Linkboy 2 cp Messenger 2 cp Pack Handler 2 sp Porter/Bearer 2 sp Stevedore 2 sp Teamster 5 sp
Monthly Cost 8 gp 8 gp 1 gp 1 gp 5 gp 5 gp 5 gp 12 gp
Common Hireling Descriptions: Armourbearer: Carries weapons and armour; a dungeon armourbearer works for 1 gp per day. Guide: Has specialty knowledge of places and locations (urban and wilderness). Linkboy: Torch/lamp bearer; a dungeon linkboy works for 1 gp per day. Messenger: Delivers messages within a city or betwixt neighbouring villages. Pack Handler: Attends donkeys, mules, camels, horses, etc.; also loads/unloads as required. Porter/Bearer: Carries belongings to and from locations within a town or city. Stevedore: Conveys cargo to and from a ship. Teamster: Drives a cart or waggon; also loads/unloads, assist passengers, etc.
The referee is at liberty to provide a bonus or penalty to the 2d6 reaction roll. For example, if a fighter lord (9th level) has established a stronghold and is of fine reputation, the referee might apply a +2 bonus to the roll. Conversely, if a cleric of Apollo attempts to sway the opinions of a tavern full of Xathoqquans, a −2 penalty may apply.
HYPERBOREA MERCENARIES (HIRELINGS) These are 0th-level free lances hired to provide martial support. Typically, they charge by the month. Mercenaries are paid up front, and they expect to be fed and sheltered for their service. If called upon to do more than their function suggests, they may require an equal share of party profits or some other agreedon compensation. Mercenaries do not gain a share of experience points, and they do not advance in levels unless the referee deems it appropriate. Table 123: Mercenaries Mercenary Type Archer, Longbowman Archer, Shortbowman Artillerist Cavalryman, Archer Cavalryman, Heavy Cavalryman, Light Crossbowman, Heavy Crossbowman, Light Halberdier Infantryman, Heavy Infantryman, Light Infantryman, Medium Marine (fighting seaman) Pikeman Slinger
Monthly Cost 12 gp 8 gp 5 gp 30 gp 30 gp 20 gp 10 gp 6 gp 6 gp 12 gp 4 gp 6 gp 10 gp 8 gp 5 gp
Mercenary Descriptions: Archer, Longbowman: Outfitted with leather armour, short sword, and longbow. Archer, Shortbowman: Outfitted with leather armour, hand axe, and short bow. Artillerist: Operates a siege engine; outfitted with leather armour and short sword. Cavalryman, Archer: Outfitted with scale mail, horseman’s mace, and composite short bow (or light crossbow); light warhorse. Cavalryman, Heavy: Outfitted with chain mail, horseman’s pick, long scimitar, and lance; heavy warhorse. Cavalryman, Light: Outfitted with leather armour, horseman’s flail, and lance; light warhorse. Crossbowman, Heavy: Outfitted with studded armour, short sword, and heavy crossbow. Crossbowman, Light: Outfitted with leather armour, dagger, and light crossbow. Halberdier: Outfitted with chain mail, short sword, and halberd. Infantryman, Heavy: Outfitted with plate mail, large shield, long sword, and long spear. Infantryman, Light: Outfitted with leather armour, small shield, short sword, and short spear. 250
Infantryman, Medium: Outfitted with chain mail, large shield, long sword, and short spear. Marine (fighting seaman): Outfitted with dagger and short scimitar. Pikeman: Outfitted with scale mail, short sword, and pike. Slinger: Outfitted with padded armour, dagger, and sling. Each mercenary type is considered a 0th-level fighter with 1d8 hp. Higher-level mercenaries, such as a serjeant (1st-level), lieutenant (2nd-level), or captain (5th-level) wil cost ×2, ×5, and ×10, respectively. Such individuals might have weapon mastery with two or more weapons. SPECIALISTS (HIRELINGS) Some specialists may be difficult or even impossible to hire; others, like seamen, are commonly available in port cities and towns. Assassins, priests, and scouts can be of variable experience level, but a typical sailor is a 0th-level fighter. Note that this list is not exhaustive; other specialists might be hired.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Table 124: Specialists Specialist Alchemist Animal Trainer Armourer Assassin (thief subclass) Blacksmith/Metalsmith Cartographer Engineer Locksmith Priest (cleric subclass) Sage Scout (thief subclass) Scribe/Scrivener Seaman, Captain/Master Seaman, Navigator Seaman, Rower Seaman, Sailor Steward Swordsmith/Weaponsmith
Monthly Cost 2,000 gp 500 gp 100 gp Special 30 gp 100 gp 500 gp 500 gp* 500 gp** 1,000 gp 100 gp** 100 gp 250 gp 100 gp 5 gp 10 gp 500 gp 100 gp
* Per 2 levels of open locks ability ** Per level of experience Specialist Descriptions: Alchemist: A brewer of potions. An alchemist might brew a particular potion type exclusively. Alchemists might be able to duplicate potions found by the party. This work is typically predicated on the acquisition of rare and nigh impossible-to-locate ingredients. Some alchemists specialize in the manufacture of poisons. These specialists are called toxicologists, and they must be hired separately. The hiring of alchemists, if allowed by the referee at all, should be uncommon. For more information, see Chapter 7: Sorcery, alchemy. Animal Trainer: Trains horses (for war) or dogs (for war and/or hunting). Others train hawks, mammoths, thew waggons, and even leaper camels. Armourer: Can be contracted to create a superior suit of armour. Can also manage the armour repair of 50 warriors per month with the assistance of two apprentices. Material costs may be additional. Assassin (thief subclass): Costs 500 gp per level of experience, plus 500 gp per level/HD of the victim contracted to kill. If a long-term assassination (e.g., poison over weeks or months) is desired, the assassin’s fees might be as much as five times more costly.
Blacksmith/Metalsmith: Forges horseshoes, nails, and tools, as well as arrow- and spear heads. Some smiths work with precious metals; these might be coinsmiths and/or goldsmiths. Cartographer: Creates detailed maps. Supplies must be provided (parchment, ink and quill). Engineer: Designs and builds dwellings, strongholds, temples, or other structures. Some develop siege weapons; others oversee underground excavations and dungeon design. Locksmith: Expertise in the open locks ability. Locksmiths supply themselves with all manner of implements (equivalent to thieves’ tools). Their skills are commensurate to that of a thief. Many have connexions with or work for a thieves’ guild. Some can build locks, too. Priest (cleric subclass): Hiring a priest costs 500 gp per level per month unless some different accord is struck between the priest and the party. The religion of the priest is determined by the referee, unless a specific religion is sought. Sage: Learned in a particular field of study (e.g., folklore, geography, history, linguistics, politics/law). A sage is difficult to find; even so, they are usually absorbed by their own work and unlikely to become involved with adventurers. Scout (thief subclass): Can be hired to obtain information on a person, place, or thing. Scribe/Scrivener: Can record most non-magical documents. Seaman: Rowers, sailors, navigators, and captains (or ship masters) hired to man a ship owned by the party. Abilities will vary: A captain, for example, may function as a fighter of from 3rd to 5th level, whereas most common seamen are considered 0th-level fighters. N.B.: Some rowers are slaves, debtors, or prisoners. They are unpaid and sometimes (particularly on Ixian vessels) chained to their oars. Steward: Handles the ownership and responsibility of land, property, and business. Duties may entail banking, investments, and the sale of jewellery, gems, sculptures, paintings, tapestries, and so forth. In addition to monthly salary, a steward who manages the sale of valuables may also demand 10% of the proceeds. Swordsmith/Weaponsmith: Perform the creation of a superior weapon. Also, weapons repair for up to 50 warriors per month with the assistance of two apprentices. Material costs may be additional. This specialist type subsumes other weapon makers such as atilliators (crossbow makers) and bowyers (bow makers). Material costs may be additional.
HYPERBOREA HENCHMEN A henchman is a classed individual attracted or compelled to serve a higher-level character (usually 6th level or greater), oft of similar class, race, and culture, though exceptions are possible. Henchmen begin at 1st level, unless the PC is 9th level or greater, in which case a henchman of 2nd or 3rd level is possible. Typically, they are given a fair wage by the PC, perhaps a share of loot gained through adventure. They also should earn a portion of the experience points, though this is oft a reduced share as best determined by the referee. Most henchmen possess high morale. They are not simply hired hands, but followers, in a sense. Because of this nature, the charisma attribute limits the number of henchmen a character may retain. Henchmen are neither automatically attracted nor guaranteed; they might be drawn to the service of a PC due to that one’s heroic deeds or reputation, or if the PC has established a suitable stronghold. Sometimes a hireling can become a henchman if circumstances are appropriate. Furthermore, in the event of a PC’s death, or if the PC is otherwise disposed and not available to adventure, a henchman may be used temporarily or even permanently as a replacement PC. HENCHMAN AND HIRELING LOYALTY The steadfastness of NPC hirelings and henchmen (collectively, retainers) is challenged in times of adventure and battle. Loyalty is influenced by the charisma of the employing PC. Morale measures NPC reactions to extremely adverse circumstances; e.g., those that involve death, dismemberment, incarceration, great personal loss, and the like. The referee can assign hireling loyalty (typically 6–8) or use the below table to establish it randomly. Roll 2d6 on the table below, modified by the controlling PC’s reaction/loyalty adjustment. Ideally, loyalty scores are known by the referee alone. Table 125: Henchman and Hireling Loyalty 2d6 Loyalty Result Traitorous: will abandon or betray 2 or less employer at any time Untrustworthy: will not remain faithful to 3 employer 4–5 Unreliable: may fail employer at times 6–8 Fair: usually upholds employer directives 9–10 Trustworthy: attempts to please employer 11 Loyal: always strives to honour employer 12 or Unwavering: always goes beyond the call more of duty When a henchman or hireling’s loyalty to their employer is put to the test or pushed to its (potential) limit, a loyalty check must be rolled using 2d6. If the result is greater than the retainer’s loyalty score, then the retainer will
abandon, betray, or (at worst) attack the character, as determined by the referee. Over the course of the campaign, the referee is at liberty to upgrade or downgrade the base value of henchman and hireling loyalty. HENCHMAN AND HIRELING MORALE The referee can assign an NPC’s morale score (typically 6–8) or use the below table to establish it randomly. If in the course of battle (or otherwise) the referee judges that circumstances demand a morale check, refer to Chapter 9: Combat, morale. Over the course of the campaign, the referee is at liberty to upgrade or downgrade the base value of henchman and hireling morale. Table 126: Henchman and Hireling Morale 2d6 Morale Result 2 Cowardly: flees at the first sign of danger Half-hearted: lacks courage and determi3 nation 4–5 Timid: reacts poorly in the face of danger Level-headed: knows when to fight and 6–8 when to run 9–10 Brave: not easily rattled 11 Valiant: boldly will confront danger 12 Fearless: will face impossible odds Interpreting Henchman and Hireling Loyalty and Morale: Referee discretion is advised when judging hireling behaviour. For instance, how can a trustworthy hireling also be half-hearted? He is not prone to lie, cheat, or steal, and in general he has his employer’s back in times of duress, but if he were asked to take point in the marching order when entering a cave mouth lined with dead soldiers, he may lack the courage to do as asked; this cowardice does not make him any less trustworthy, per se.
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ADVENTURE ACTIONS AND PROCEDURES Standard actions and procedures, whether the campaign takes place in the depths of the underworld, a hoary wilderness, or a lost temple. Naturally, these do not cover the gamut of possible actions the PCs may undertake; rather, they provide guidelines from which other rulings may be extrapolated (cf. Nonstandard Actions). CLIMBING Any character can climb trees, hills, mountains, and the like, so long as sufficient footholds and handholds are available. If the referee determines a chance of failure, a climbing check may be required. Per referee judgment, failure may not imply the character has fallen; it could mean an impasse has been reached. Armour worn can impact climbing success or failure. As an example, consider the ascent of a sharp, craggy slope: A warrior clad in leather armour = 5-in-6 chance A warrior clad in chain mail = 4-in-6 chance A warrior clad in plate mail = 3-in-6 chance This method conforms to d6 task resolution (see Nonstandard Actions, d6 task resolution). N.B.: Thieves (and some subclasses) scale vertical surfaces with nigh preternatural capacity, requiring minimal handholds. Other characters cannot do so without appropriate gear: ropes, grappling hooks, pitons, crampons, and so forth. DOORS Doors are oft encountered when exploring dungeons, castles, towers, and the like. They are sometimes stuck, locked, or cleverly hidden. Concealed Doors: Obstructed doors; e.g., behind a bookshelf, a tapestry, or a stack of barrels. Found as secret doors, unless a player specifically states that their character is looking behind the noted obstruction, in which case the concealed door is revealed automatically. Locked Doors: A locked door can be picked open using thieves’ tools. Any character can attempt to pick a lock, though the chance of success should never be greater than 1-in-6, even with the appropriate tools. A thief, however, begins with slightly better open locks odds, which progress as the thief gains levels of experience. For attempts to break down a locked door, see stuck doors hereafter.
Secret Doors: Any character can search for and locate a secret door on a 2-in-6 chance. Some classes are better suited to detection, such as the thief, who enjoys a base 3-in-6 chance of success. Such checks should be rolled secretly by the referee. Searching for a secret door typically requires 1 turn (10 minutes) per 10 × 10-foot area to ensure a thorough examination. A hurried attempt may yield a decreased chance-in-six. Stuck Doors: A door may be swollen from moisture or partially blocked, or it may hold a simple locking mechanism like a drop-bar or latch. (Note that breaking down a locked door is much noisier than picking it open.) A stuck door requires a test of strength to force open; at the referee’s discretion, the chance-in-six might be improved by one (+1) if a pry bar is used. A heavily barred or magically sealed door cannot be broken down by anyone whose strength is less than 17 (at a 1-in-12 chance) or 18 (at a 1-in-6 chance).
HYPERBOREA LIGHT Illuminance is always a concern in typical sword-andsorcery fare, for adventuring parties often explore subterranean depths, dense forests, or under the cloak of night. The following values apply: Table 127: Light Sources Light Source
Area of Effect
Bonfire Campfire Candle Continuous Light spell Lantern, Bull’s-Eye Lantern, Hooded Light spell Torch
c. 60-ft. radius c. 40-ft. radius 5-ft. radius 30-ft. radius 15-ft. radius, 60-ft. beam 30-ft. radius 15-ft. radius 30-ft. radius
LISTENING Any character can attempt to hearken at a door, distinguish a sound in the forest, eavesdrop on a conversation, or the like. Such efforts are executed at a base 1-in-6 chance of success, modified by the referee as befits the circumstances. If the noise is obvious, the chance might be 2-in-6 or greater (or automatically successful); but if, for example, the referee determines that listening is particularly difficult, or if the sound is unrecognizable, he might declare a 1-in-8 chance of success. Thieves (and some subclasses) can discern noise with superior perspicacity, using a progressive chance-in-twelve probability scale. On a failed listening check, the referee might provide false or erroneous information, or he may simply say, “You hear nothing.” SLEEP / REST The average group is fit to adventure for about 8–12 hours per day. This time typically includes one or two respites of about 3–6 turns (30–60 minutes) each, leaving about 12 hours for rest. Of course a healthy person need not sleep 12 hours; he can function well enough with 6–8 hours of repose, but a typical 12-hour rest period allows for members of a party to take turns on watch. This time also allows for preparing a shelter, building a fire, eating, evacuation, and conducting whatever other activities are appropriate to the situation. Sleeping and resting also contribute to the nursing of injuries (see Chapter 9: Combat, damage and death, healing). TRAPS Arrow traps, collapsing ceilings, fire traps, gas traps, jaw traps, pits (open or covered), scything blades, and so many more. Some traps are triggered automatically when a predetermined condition is met; others might be activated on a 2-in-6 chance. Damage usually is automatic once a trap has been discharged, though some may allow for avoidance saving throws (see Chapter 9: Combat, saving throw) to reduce or negate damage.
Any adventurer may search for a mundane trap at a base 1-in-6 chance of success. Thieves are superior trap finders; they can also detect magical traps. Searching a 10 × 10-foot area requires about 1 turn (10 minutes). The roll should be made in secret by the referee. With the referee shewing his or her best deadpan expression, a failed result might be described thusly: “You are absolutely confident that the ironbound door is not trapped.” SPECIAL ABILITIES Every character class has a list of special abilities. Some of these abilities are shared by several classes, and others are proprietary. Generally speaking, any character can attempt any action within the framework of these rules, but no character should be as skilled as the lowest level professional. For example, say a thief wants to draw poison from her ally, a barbarian who has been felled by the bite of a giant spider. She has seen this very barbarian draw poison himself, more than once. The referee decides to give the player a 1-in-6 chance to succeed. If, however, the character has never seen this done before and is attempting to do so having only heard of the technique, perhaps a 1-in-12 chance of success is more appropriate. N.B.: Allied characters with identical abilities generally cannot “stack” their probabilities for success. For example, two thieves cannot combine their chances-intwelve to open locks whilst attempting to pick the lock of an ancient treasure chest. Of course, the referee is at liberty to introduce other “team effort” benefits, such as reduced time to perform a task, or, if deemed appropriate, a small bonus to an ability check.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
NONSTANDARD ACTIONS Players oft wish their characters to perform actions not covered by the rules. Since attempting to craft a rule for every specific situation would be a fool’s errand, consider d6 task resolution and/or the attribute check. d6 TASK RESOLUTION When a nonstandard action is attempted, the referee may call for d6 task resolution. The referee must consider the action and factor in character class, applicable abilities, secondary skills, and experience. Thus informed, the referee then assigns a d6 chance of success. Table 128: d6 Task Resolution Estimated Difficulty Simple Moderate Challenging Difficult Very Difficult
Probability of Success 5:6 4:6 3:6 2:6 1:6
For instance, suppose the party chances upon a subterranean temple dedicated to a deity worshipped centuries ago. The player of the cleric asks if his character knows anything about the dæmon idol rising from the temple dais. The referee assigns a 4-in-6 chance (difficulty: moderate) that some general or specific information is recalled. As another example, suppose that a ranger leads a score of refugees across unfamiliar marshy terrain. In the near distance he spies a patch of lotuses nodding their heads in the gentle breeze. The player of said ranger understands that certain species of Hyperborean lotus can release deadly spores, so he asks the referee if his character knows anything about these plants. The referee considers the ranger’s experience, intelligence, and wisdom, but also that this is a foreign land, and thus assigns a 3-in-6 chance (difficulty: challenging) for the ranger to identify the lotuses as harmful or not. And for one more example, suppose the PC party enters a small library in a remote tower. Two shelves of old, dusty books lie before them, so naturally the players want to know if they can figure out what subjects the books cover and what languages they’re written in. The referee reveals that they all appear to be written in a strange, curvilinear language that does not match any of the languages that their characters understand. But then the player of the monk says that her character has the bookbinding secondary skill. She wants to know if she can deduce where the books were made. The referee might ask for the character’s wisdom. The monk has a decent wisdom (13), so between that and the secondary skill, the referee assigns a 4-in-6
chance (difficulty: moderate) that the monk can determine that the books were made in Port Zangerios, where they employ a specific binding style. ATTRIBUTE CHECK (PHYSICAL) If a purely physical action stands a chance of failure, the referee may call for a test or extraordinary feat of the relevant attribute: strength, dexterity, or constitution. A test challenges the respective physical attribute, whereas an extraordinary feat is a heroic challenge, one that defies normal odds. Examples are as follows: Attribute Check Example #1 (strength): A battle-hardened barbarian is bound by old, rusty manacles. He wishes to break free, so the referee calls for a test of strength. However, if the manacles are not rusty and are composed of sturdy Keltic iron, the referee may call for an extraordinary feat of strength. Attribute Check Example #2 (dexterity): A mail-clad cleric bearing weapons, a shield, and a full backpack traverses a narrow ledge, her back to the wall, toes hanging over the edge. The referee calls for a test of dexterity to determine success. However, if that same ledge is slick with mould or algæ, and rain is falling, the referee may call for an extraordinary feat of dexterity. Attribute Check Example #3 (constitution): After a long day of adventure, the party’s fighter volunteers to stoke the campfire and keep a vigil. Come morning, travel resumes. The referee requires the fighter to make a test of constitution. However, if the party traverse a cold, wind-blasted desert, and rations are low, the referee may call for an extraordinary feat of constitution. In either case, failure would indicate that at some point the fighter’s legs would fail him. The referee may adjust tests of strength, dexterity, and constitution by ±1 or more based on circumstance, character ability, or other factors. Likewise, extraordinary feats may be adjusted by ±8% or more, as deemed appropriate. N.B.: Attribute checks should not be used to resolve challenges associated with specific class abilities. If a character attempts an action that is clearly the province of another class, d6 task resolution is recommended, usually at odds no better than 1-in-6 (or perhaps 1-in-8). For instance, a fighter or magician might be allowed to pick pockets at a 1-in-6 chance of success. ATTRIBUTE CHECK (MENTAL) If an attempted action does not correspond to a physical attribute, the referee should call for a d6 task resolution. Probabilities for mental tests and extraordinary feats are not listed with those associated attributes (intelligence, wisdom, and charisma) because (in this author’s opinion), there are too many other factors involved. 255
HYPERBOREA For example, say an ancient Keltic song is heard in a Khromarium tavern, performed by a drunken bard. The song describes a race of diabolical Fomorians thriving at the outskirts of the Gal Hills, harassing the good villagers, stealing children and eating goats. The party wants to know if they’ve ever heard anything about this tale before. So, the referee decides it is wisdom related, perhaps a base 1-in-6 chance of being known for anyone with an above average (13+) wisdom score. But then the referee asks, “Are any of these ‘wise’ PCs Kelts?” If yes, that changes it to a 2-in-6 chance. Is the Kelt from the Gal Hills? If so, now it’s a 3-in-6 chance. Is the Kelt a bard? If so, now it's a 5-in-6 chance. Perhaps even 11-in-12.
TIME Game time is measured in rounds and turns. A round measures time during battle; also, it measures the duration of some spells, abilities, and other effects. A turn measures dungeon or wilderness movement and exploration; likewise, the duration of some spells, abilities, and other effects. 1 round = 10 seconds (6 rounds = 1 minute) 1 turn = 10 minutes (6 turns = 1 hour) It is incumbent on the referee to track the passage of days and months in the adventure campaign. Rest leads to hit point recovery; new spell research and scroll creation can require weeks or even months; even the simple act of travelling (by land or sea) consumes time. When time is tracked, the referee can establish greater verisimilitude. The passage of time has extreme effects in Hyperborea, and this is corroborated by the 13-year calendar, in which there is one year of midnight sun and one year of polar night. Likewise, it is incumbent on the player to track the passage of time as pertains to the accounting of certain abilities. For example, if a witch is going to use the ability brew decoction, the player should know the date in the campaign so that eligibility to brew a future decoction (a month later) is appropriately accounted for. Likewise, if a monk uses the ability cellular adjustment in order to cure disease, the date in the campaign should be noted because the monk will not be eligible to do so again for one week.
MOVEMENT Movement (MV) is the measure of distance one can travel during battle, when negotiating labyrinthine depths, or whilst traversing icy tundra. The three basic types of movement are combat movement, dungeon movement,
and wilderness movement. This section deals with the latter two. For information on combat movement, refer to Chapter 9: Combat, combat overview. Movement is affected by armour worn and (optionally) by encumbrance (see below). Generally, most characters will fall under the following movement rates, though exceptions (e.g., barbarian, monk) do apply: Unarmoured or light armour: 40 MV Medium armour: 30 MV Heavy armour: 20 MV ENCUMBRANCE Characters bearing weight of any sort are assumed to be equipped with stowage devices such as backpacks, pouches, and sacks. Common sense should be exercised, and players must be realistic in terms of what their characters can carry. When a character has exceeded a reasonable amount of personal gear, the referee may inform the player that their character is in one of the following states: Encumbered (−10 MV and −1 AC penalties) Heavily encumbered (−20 MV, −2 AC) DUNGEON MOVEMENT Any PC, armoured or not, can cover about 120 feet per turn (10minutes) when cautiously navigating dark dungeon passages or subterranean caverns. This rate accounts for mapping, listening, inspecting, moving stealthily, and so forth. Dungeon movement rate also applies to adventurers in castles, towers, buildings, alleys, and the like. WILDERNESS MOVEMENT In the wilderness, a healthy person (lightly armoured or unarmoured; i.e., 40 MV) can walk about 1 league (c. 3 miles) per hour, or about 24 miles per day (in optimal conditions). This pace accounts for about 10 hours of travel (8 hours of actual movement, interrupted by a total of 2 hours of rest, eating, drinking, evacuation, and so forth). Adventurers clad in medium or heavy armour also can walk about 1 league (c. 3 miles) per hour, but they require longer periods of rest and recuperation, so the total miles achieved per day is lessened. Note that extended overland travel can be quite taxing; hence, the referee is at liberty to require a test of constitution, with failure indicating a loss of MV rate and −2 penalties to AC and saving throws. In any case, the following formula is used to calculate miles travelled per day: (MV ÷ 10) × 6 = miles per day
Volume I: Player’s Manual For instance, a chain mail-clad cleric with 30 MV traverses (30 ÷ 10) × 6 = 18 miles per day. The following table illustrates typical results: Table 129: Overland Travel Movement (MV)
Miles per Day
TERRAIN Wilderness movement occurs over three basic terrain types: smooth, rugged, and very rugged. Terrain MV penalties are cumulative with those for encumbrance. Table 130: Terrain Effects on Movement Movement (MV) Terrain Type Modifier Smooth — Rugged −10 MV Very Rugged −20 MV Terrain Types Defined: Smooth: desert (steppe), forest (light), hills (low), plains, snow (light), tundra, watercourses (small) Rugged: desert (sandy), forest (moderate), hills (steep), plateau/ridge, snow (moderate), watercourses (moderate) Very Rugged: forest (heavy), hills (bluffs), icy/glaciated terrain, mountains, rainforest, snow (heavy), tar pits, watercourses (large), wetlands
TRANSPORT A person may ride a beast or drive a vehicle drawn by a beast or team of beasts. Typically, a waggon or cart is drawn by one or more draught horses, and a sled is drawn by a team of seven or more dogs. So long as the burden pulled is manageable, the typical miles covered per day should remain as normal; these figures assume the use of roadways or smooth terrain. If the referee deems the load unusually cumbersome, then he can apply the encumbrance penalties discussed earlier. Table 131: Transport Transport Method
Camel, Bactrian Camel, Dromedary Camel, Leaper* Cart, Donkeys or Mules (2) Cart, Horses or Oxen (1–2) Chariot (per horse) Coach or Waggon, 4-Wheel (per horse)
0–450 lbs. 0–350 lbs. 0–500 lbs.
40 60 60
Miles per Day 24 36 36
0–1,000 lbs.
0–750 lbs. ea.
0–300 lbs. ea.
0–750 lbs. ea.
40 20 40 20 60 30 40 20 60 30 40 20 40 20 40 20 50 20 10
24 12 24 12 36 18 24 12 36 18 24 12 24 12 24 12 30 12 6
0–150 lbs. 151–250 lbs. 0–400 lbs. Horse, Draught 401–600 lbs. 0–250 lbs. Horse, Riding 251–350 lbs. 0–300 lbs. Horse, War, Heavy** 301–450 lbs. 0–200 lbs. Horse, War, Light** 201–300 lbs. 0–2,000 lbs. Mammoth, Trained 2,001–4,000 lbs. 0–200 lbs. Mule 201–300 lbs. 0–250 lbs. Pony 251–350 lbs. Sled, Dogs (7 or more) 0–50 lbs. ea. 0–2,000 lbs. Thew Waggon*** 2,001–4,000 lbs. Waggon, Great Wheel 0–6,000 lbs. (mammoth-drawn)
* Will bear a rider (and gear) only, no harness. ** −3 miles per day in scale or chain barding; −6 miles per day in plate barding. *** Does not suffer a MV penalty in wetlands.
HYPERBOREA BECOMING LOST Losing one’s way in the wilderness is a common occurrence in Hyperborea, particularly because of the position of the sun, ever clinging to and wheeling around the horizon. Typically, disorientation does not occur when the party follows an accurate map, travels a road or river, crosses familiar territory, or has a knowledgeable guide. But when the party traverses lands unfamiliar, they may become lost. Once per day of travel, the referee may roll a d6* to see if the party becomes lost. The referee also is at liberty to abstain from rolling and simply choose a becoming lost outcome. Course Deviation: If indeed the party loses their way, the referee should roll another d6 to determine deviation from the intended course. This can go on for up to 1d6 hours. Table 132: Becoming Lost Terrain Type desert (steppe), forest (light), hills (low), plains, snow (light) forest (moderate), hills (steep/bluffs), icy/glaciated terrain, mountains, snow (moderate), tundra desert (sandy), forest (heavy), snow (heavy), wetlands
Lost Chance* 1:6
* If the party includes a barbarian, huntsman, ranger, or scout, or one who has a relevant background, roll a d8 instead.
Table 133: Course Deviation d6 Result Deviation 1 90° left 2–3 45° left 4–5 45° right 6 90° right
Volume I: Player’s Manual
chapter chapte r9
and 12th levels (see below). In short, nothing precludes a magician from eventually wielding a long sword with proficiency. If, however, a newly acquired weapon is used without adequate practice and training, the wielder will be disadvantaged; the degree to which depends on character class. Table 134: Unskilled Weapon Attack Penalty Character Class
COMBAT Combat! When swords flash, missiles fly, and spells fire. In HYPERBOREA, combat is a dynamic abstraction that seeks to evoke the brutal, fast-paced action of pulp fiction sword-and-sorcery tales. Typically, players declare their characters’ actions, and the referee resolves events in accordance with character capability, the actions or reactions of the opposition, and dice. The rules provide a structure by which these elements are resolved. Combat involves several actors: player characters (PCs), non-player characters (NPCs), and monsters. Some referees might use miniatures on a battle mat to guide the flow of movement and positioning, whilst other referees eschew the use of visual aids, preferring to maintain the action in the collective imagination of the game’s participants.
WEAPON SKILL Weapon skill should be reviewed for all weapon-wielding combatants. Each character class entry includes a list of favoured weapons. Fighters, fighter subclasses (barbarians, berserkers, cataphracts, huntsmen, paladins, rangers, warlocks), runegravers (a cleric subclass), and bards (a thief subclass) may take up any weapon and wield it with adequate confidence and proficiency, though berserkers shun missile launching weapons unless hunting. Regardless, this adaptability stems from training in a variety of weapon combat styles. Other classes have a more limited favoured weapons list. This does not mean that they are barred from the use of any weapon; rather, they are proficient with a selection of weapons that may expand over time, for new weapon skills may be developed at 4th, 8th,
Magician Cryomancer Illusionist Necromancer Pyromancer Witch Cleric Druid Monk Priest Shaman Thief Assassin Legerdemainist Purloiner Scout
Attack Penalty −4 −4 −4 −4 −4 −4 −2 −2 −2 −4 −4 −2 −2 −2 −2 −2
ACQUIRING NEW WEAPON SKILLS As noted, each character class begins play with a selection of favoured weapon skills, the weapons with which the character is proficient. For character classes whose favoured weapons are not “Any,” weapon skills may be added at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels. Learning a new weapon skill is dependent upon training and practice. A player can defer the development of a new weapon skill (or the referee might impose a delay) if proper practice and training are not possible. Classes whose favoured weapons are “Any” need not concern themselves with the addition of new weapon skills unless they are exposed to weird or alien weapons outside the human experience. WEAPON MASTERY Fighters and their subclasses are eligible for weapon mastery. The fighter and cataphract begin play with two mastered weapons; other fighter subclasses begin play with one mastered weapon. Weapon mastery is specific to an individual weapon type. For example, mastery of the battle axe does not imply that one is also a master hand axe wielder.
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ATTACK RATE / MISSILE RATES OF FIRE In combat, every melee weapon has a standard attack rate, but missile weapons (hurled and launched) have variable rates of fire (ROF). Attack rate and missile rates of fire are defined on the table below.
Rate of Fire (Master 7th–12th)
Grand Mastery: Fighters (but not their subclasses) may opt to forgo one of their additional mastered weapons at 4th, 8th, or 12th level in favour of further training with a single, previously mastered weapon. These grand masters receive an additional +1 “to hit” and +1 damage with the specified weapon. Their attack rates remain the same as with mastery; thus, a 4th-level fighter with grand mastery of the longbow would attack twice per round at +2 “to hit” and +2 damage (or +3 “to hit” and +2 damage at point-blank range).
Rate of Fire (Master 1st–6th)
+1 “to hit” bonus +1 damage bonus Increased attack rate Bow and crossbow masters gain an additional +1 “to hit” at point-blank range (for +2 total) Bow point-blank range = 6–30 feet Crossbow point-blank range = 6–50 feet
Table 136: Missile Rates of Fire (ROF) Rate of Fire (Base)
Weapon mastery is conditional upon training and experience. Eligibility for additional specializations occurs at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels, unless the player elects to delay such training. Mastery requires an intense regimen and might be accomplished under the tutelage of one who has already mastered the weapon, or perhaps by personal training, combat, and adventure. Weapon mastery confers the following benefits:
Boomerang Bow, Long(self and composite) Bow, Short (self and composite) Crossbow, Heavy
Crossbow, Light
Crossbow, Repeating
Dart Hooked Throwing Knife Lasso
Net, Fighting
Stone (hurled) Other Hurled Melee Weapons**
Missile Weapon
** Hand axe, light club, horsemen’s hammer, javelin, short spear, trident (long).
Table 135: Melee Attack Rate Melee Combat
Attack Rate (Base)
Attack Rate (Master 1st–6th)
Attack Rate (Master 7th–12th)
Melee Weapon (Close-Quarter)
* At 7th level, fighters and their subclasses improve to 3/2.
Attack Rates Defined: Attack rates for all melee weapons and rates of fire for all missile weapons are as follows: 1/2 = one attack every other round 1/1 = one attack per round 3/2 = one attack one round, two attacks the next 2/1 = two attacks per round 5/2 = two attacks one round, three attacks the next 3/1 3/1 = three attacks per round
An encounter occurs when the party chances on people or monsters whose motives and ambitions do not accord with their own. An encounter can be as simple as meeting NPCs in a tavern, or as fraught as coming face to face with some unspeakable horror in the depths of a yawning labyrinth.
Combat typically entails melee, missiles, magic, and/or movement. These activities are measured by the round (a 10-second increment).
REACTION Not every encounter is hostile. When the party encounters a person or (intelligent) monster, and parley occurs, the speaker’s charisma score can influence the outcome. The referee rolls 2d6, applies reaction/loyalty adjustment (if applicable), and then consults the following table: Table 137: Reaction 2d6 Reaction Result 2 or less Violent: immediate attack 3 Hostile: antagonistic; attack likely 4–5 Unfriendly: negative inclination 6–8 Neutral: disinterested or uncertain* 9–10 Friendly: considers ideas / proposals 11 Agreeable: willing and helpful 12 or more Affable: extremely accommodating * Reroll; if result is the same, neutrality (disinterest/uncertainty) persists.
The above table presumes the speaker attempts to gain a favourable reaction. If the speaker taunts or belittles the subject, no roll is needed; the referee must judge reactions accordingly. The table is most useful when the referee feels a random result is appropriate; otherwise, it is within the purview of the referee to deduce the attitude of the subject as seen fit. Other factors can modify the roll, per referee discretion. Does flattery impress or disgust? Is the subject open to bribery? Insulted by it? Indifferent? EVASION The party may attempt to flee a hostile situation. If the party is faster than the opposition, escape can be assumed. If some or all the party members are not as fleet as the enemy, they may intentionally drop an item to distract greedy or dim-witted creatures—just to ensure escape. Conversely, if the enemy flees the party, the party must decide whether to pursue or not. If the party catches up, the enemy may turn and fight, or surrender, as judged by the referee. When diplomacy and negotiations fail (or never take place to begin with), and fleeing is not an option, combat, a staple of fantasy role-playing games, is oft unavoidable.
MELEE Strike blows with a handheld weapon, such as an axe, spear, or sword. Melee also includes monster attacks, such as claws, bites, horns, and stings. Weapon wielders must be within weapon reach, which is accounted for by weapon class (WC): 5 feet for WC 0–3 weapons 10 feet for WC 4–5 weapons 15–20 feet for WC 6 weapons MISSILES Discharge missile launchers, such as bows, crossbows, and slings; hurl handheld weapons, such as daggers, darts, hand axes, and javelins. All missile weapons are listed with three ranges—short (S), medium (M), and long (L)—reckoned by feet indoors and yards outdoors. Short range shots have no modifier Medium range shots are at −2 “to hit” Long range shots are at −5 “to hit” MAGIC Spells fired by magicians, clerics, and the like; special abilities exercised, such as turn undead and the many supernatural and spell-like powers of monsters; invoked magical devices, such as rods, staves, wands, rings, and scrolls. MOVEMENT To advance, run, or charge during combat. Each combatant has a movement rate (MV) that is typically determined by armour worn. In general, movement during combat can be exercised as follows: Cautious advance: full MV in feet per round (no engagement) Double move (running): double MV in feet per round (no engagement) Half move and engage: half MV in feet per round, followed by engagement (melee, missile, magic, etc.). Charge attack: run up to full MV in feet per round and make a charge attack (+2 damage, –2 AC) N.B.: If using the optional last strike rule, a melee combatant may take a full move and attack once at the end of the round, or take a double move and charge attack (+2 damage, –2 AC) at the end of the round. Combatants who act at the end of the round have sacrificed their position in the initiative order.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Table 138: Combat Movement Standard Move MV Double Move (running) (cautious advance) 60 60 ft. (½ move = 30 ft.) 120 ft. (½ move = 60 ft.) 50 50 ft. (½ move = 25 ft.) 100 ft. (½ move = 50 ft.) 40 40 ft. (½ move = 20 ft.) 80 ft. (½ move = 40 ft.) 30 30 ft. (½ move = 15 ft.) 60 ft. (½ move = 30 ft.) 20 20 ft. (½ move = 10 ft.) 40 ft. (½ move = 20 ft.) 10 10 ft. (½ move = 5 ft.) 20 ft. (½ move = 10 ft.) OTHER COMBAT ACTIONS A plethora of other actions are possible, limited only by the imagination of the game’s participants. Some examples are as follows: Bind an ally’s wounds Broach a keg Cut open a straw cot Drag a heavy chest Drop a torch down a pit Douse an object with oil
Force open a door Hammer a spike into a wall Hide Jump over an obstacle Light a torch (may require 1–3 rounds) Roll up a tapestry Sheathe a weapon, draw another weapon Tie a knot Topple a marble statue Toss a rope across a chasm Further actions are less clear and oft require referee adjudication. For instance, a character who attempts to retrieve a ring of fire resistance from a pouch full of silver and gold coins might fish for 1d4 rounds before the ring is found, but a potion of invisibility stored in a lightly packed backpack may require but 1 round to retrieve before it can be quaffed. Lastly, some actions may be considered negligible: dropping a backpack or a torch, shouting a warning or instructions of brief sort, and so forth.
ATTACK ROLL A d20 roll that determines whether an attack hits or misses. Almost every combatant has a chance to strike an opponent. Many attack rolls are modified by attributes such as strength and dexterity, special abilities, sorcery, and other factors. N.B.: If the referee deems it appropriate, all natural 20 rolls automatically hit, and all natural 1 rolls automatically miss; or the optional critical hits and misses rules may be used. ATTACK MODIFIERS In combat, many circumstances necessitate modification of the d20 attack roll and/or the defender’s armour class. These modifications are oft noted as a bonus or penalty “to hit.” Obvious (and oft standard) modifiers are attribute-related, such as dexterity modifying a missile attack or strength modifying a melee attack. Other modifiers are class-related, such as a fighter’s weapon mastery or a thief ’s backstab ability. In most cases, conditional modifiers do not “stack.” For instance, one cannot take a cumulative +3 “to hit” for a rear attack from higher ground; such an attack is at +2 “to hit.” Table 139: Attack Roll Modifiers Combat Condition (Attackers) Attacker is Blind Attacker is Flanking Attacker is Invisible Attacker on Higher Ground Missile Fire, Long Range Missile Fire, Medium Range Missile Target Engaged with Ally Rear Attack
“To Hit” Modifier −4 +1 +4 +1 −5 −2 −2 +2
Attack Roll Modifiers Table Defined: Attacker is blind: Blind or unseeing attackers. Attacker is flanking: Three or more melee combatants engage a single opponent, able to surround or triangulate the defender. Attacker is invisible: Invisible combatants. Attacker on higher ground: Melee attacks from an elevated position (e.g., slope, stairs, hilltop), or a mounted warrior versus a footman. Missile fire, long range: Long range missiles (feet indoors, yards outdoors). Missile fire, medium range: Medium range missiles (feet indoors, yards outdoors). Missile target engaged with ally: Short range only; otherwise, equal chances for allies and enemies to be hit. A hurler/shooter can fire at enemy engaged in melee with an ally (short range). However, in addition to the noted “to hit” penalty, if the attack roll is a natural 1–3, and this result qualifies as a miss, then the ally is targeted instead (randomly determined if more than one). The hurler/shooter
must make a new d20 attack roll using all applicable modifiers to see if the ally is struck. N.B. If the optional critical misses rule is used, a natural 1 result becomes a “fumble,” which may still result in an ally being struck. Rear attack: Melee attacks from a rear position; generally assumes the target aware of attack yet has its back turned to the attacker (fleeing, attempting to access a nearby item, etc.). If target is oblivious, refer to defender is prone (see Table 140). Note that the rear attack bonus is not cumulative with attacker is flanking, a thief ’s backstab ability, etc.
Table 140: Armour Class Modifiers Combat Condition (Defenders) Defender is Defenceless Defender is Encumbered Defender is Heavily Encumbered Defender is Fleeing Defender is Hindered Defender is Prone Defender is Stunned Defender on Higher Ground Missile Target Mostly Concealed Missile Target Partially Concealed
AC Modifier Automatic Hit −1 −2 −2 −2 −4 −4 +1 +5 +2
Armour Class Modifiers Table Defined: Defender is defenceless: Target at the mercy of enemy (e.g., bound, paralyzed, sleeping, unconscious); can be struck automatically without need of a qualifying attack roll, or slain outright if desired. Defender is encumbered: Referee judges that the defender bears too much weight. Defender is heavily encumbered: Referee judges that the defender bears an abundance of extra weight. Defender is fleeing: Target flees from melee. Adjacent opponents each gain a free and immediate attack, which does not count against their normal attacks per round; indeed, it is a free parting shot. Defender is hindered: Target is held by one leg or in an otherwise off-balance or awkwardly inconvenient position (such as spell casting). Defender is prone: Target lies on the ground, is trapped, bound, or otherwise oblivious to attack. Defender is stunned: Defender dazed and bewildered; can do nothing save stagger at half movement. Defender on higher ground: Target defending against melee attacks that come from a lower position (e.g., slope, stairs, ditch); or a mounted warrior attacked by a footman. Missile target mostly concealed: Target takes cover behind an arrow slit, a merlon, thick trees, or the like. Missile target partially concealed: Target takes cover behind a rock, tree, low wall, or the like.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
COMBAT MATRIX The combat matrix charts the modified chance “to hit” for all combatants. To use the combat matrix, players should observe the following steps: Make a d20 attack roll Apply any modifiers Cross reference fighting ability (FA) Inform referee of AC struck The referee is not obliged to inform the player what a target’s AC is, but clever players might deduce this score as the battle progresses. Conversely, players must inform the referee of their character’s AC when required so. Table 141: Combat Matrix
Fighting Ability (FA) of Attacker
Armour Class (AC) of Defender 9
How to use combat matrix: 1) Reference your character's fighting ability (FA). 2) Roll a d20 attack roll and add any applicable modifiers. 3) Consult the above matrix (or the one on your character sheet) and inform the referee of what AC you hit. For example, if your FA 4 character has +2 "to hit" with her light crossbow, and you roll a 9, your character has struck an AC 5.
Combat Matrix Table Defined: Fighting Ability (FA) of Attacker: FA is the measure of a character’s or monster’s ability to fight, as compared with the fighter class. Most monsters attack at a fighting ability that equals their HD (unless otherwise noted). Creatures with less than 1 HD (½ or ¼ HD) are considered FA 0 combatants. Creatures with bonus hit points use their base HD figures; e.g., a monster with 5+5 HD is an FA 5 combatant. FA 12 is the highest fighting ability possible. Armour Class (AC) of Defender: The defensive capability of the combatant. For most characters, base armour class is determined by armour worn and then adjusted by dexterity, special abilities, sorcery, and more.
COMBAT STEPS Consider the following checklist a guideline intended to help the referee coordinate and adjudicate each round of combat. With experience, these steps will become second nature. 1. Determine surprize (round 1 only, per referee discretion) 2. Declare actions 3. Roll initiative 4. Resolve actions 5. Check morale (per referee discretion) With Step 1 occurring only on round 1 (per referee discretion), and Step 5 being situational (also per referee discretion), most combat rounds only comprise Steps 2–4. Basically, declare actions, roll initiative, and resolve actions. 265
(Step 1 of Combat Steps) Surprize occurs per referee discretion when two or more parties meet abruptly, and one or more is caught off guard. A d6 is rolled, a 1 or 2 indicating surprize. Typical surprize distance is as follows: 1d3 × 10 feet indoors 1d3 × 10 yards outdoors Of course, darkness or obstructions will limit encounter distance accordingly, as judged best by the game referee. A surprized party can take no actions against a non-surprized party during round 1 of combat (which may be termed the surprize round). A surprized party may be considered prone (see attack modifiers) if caught completely unawares (e.g., sleeping, eating, reading). So, if the PC party surprize a group of monsters, they can attack, cast spells, or even flee for 1 round before the monsters react. If both sides are surprized, the effects are nullified, each group momentarily taken aback. The referee is at liberty to dispense with a surprize check if circumstances dictate obvious surprize or non-surprize; e.g., a pair of woolly mammoths tramping across the open tundra will not surprize the party. N.B.: Some monsters surprize more often than 2-in-6; conversely, certain subclasses (e.g., rangers) reduce surprize chances by 1-in-6.
(Step 2 of Combat Steps) Before initiative is determined, each player must state his or her character’s intent (e.g., move, attack, cast a spell); alternatively, the caller announces each character’s actions. If a spell is to be cast, the player must name the specific spell. Meantime, the impartial referee silently decides the actions of the opposition.
(Step 3 of Combat Steps) Initiative order is determined with opposed d6 rolls. The side with the highest score acts first. Ties may be resolved in order of dexterity scores (highest to lowest) or considered simultaneous action. Using dexterity to break initiative ties can create interesting results, with some party members possibly acting before the monsters and some after. If the initiative throws result in a tie, and dexterity scores are the same, then truly the action is simultaneous. In some cases, the referee may need to assign enemy dexterity scores or dice for them using 3d6 or 4d6 (drop low); 4d6 (drop high) may be used for slow creatures.
DELAY ACTION Winning initiative does not necessarily mean a combatant must act straight away. One may hold an action, in effect waiting to see what the other side does, or perhaps waiting for a specific circumstance. For example, if a minotaur is charging to engage the party, an archer may delay shooting until the monster enters short range. When a player dithers too long and the referee requires immediate reactions, the referee is at liberty to impose a delay action on the part of the player; young or inexperienced players may be pardoned, of course. FIRST STRIKE (Optional) Optionally, per referee discretion, when two weapon-wielding melee combatants first clash, the one with the longer-reach weapon strikes first, regardless of initiative results. Reference the applicable weapon class (WC) for each weapon. If the difference is 2 or greater, the combatant with the higher WC attacks first. This rule applies strictly to the initial clash of melee weapon wielders. It does not transpire on subsequent rounds and does not apply to missiles, spells, devices, and the like; neither does it pertain to the natural attacks of monsters (e.g., claws, horns, teeth). LAST STRIKE (Optional) Optionally, per referee discretion, a melee combatant can move full MV (normally half) in the combat round and still take a single attack. However, the character is going to act last in the combat round, regardless of initiative results. For example, if a cataphract has 30 MV, he can move up to his full movement (30 feet) and still stab with his spear, but he is going to attack last, even if his side won initiative. This option also applies to charge attacks. For example, if a scout has 40 MV, and she wishes to make a charge attack (+2 damage, −2 AC penalty) with her short sword, she can run up to double her movement (80 feet) and drive her sword at her enemy, but she will attack last, even if her side won intitiative. N.B.: If multiple combatants are utilizing last strike, initiative order applies to that subset.
(Step 4 of Combat Steps) Combat includes a broad selection of combat actions, which are resolved by use of the combat sequence. Typically, each round of combat comprises the following basic actions in order: Melee (hand-to-hand combat) Missiles (hurled, launched) Magic (spells, magic items, special abilities) Movement (move, run/charge) When an adventuring party is large, dexterity may be used to reckon PC order from highest to lowest DX. Otherwise, the combat sequence should be followed.
Volume I: Player’s Manual COMBAT SEQUENCE Each side takes turns according to initiative results, which are diced for each round using a d6. The internal order of a side is shewn in the below sequence. For example, if the PCs win initiative, the PCs will act in order of melee, missiles, magic, movement, and other actions. The losing side, a group of monsters for example, will then act in order of melee, missiles, magic, movement, and other actions. 1. MELEE (from stationary position) 2. MISSILES (from stationary position) 3. MAGIC (from stationary position; includes spells, magic abilities, magic items, etc.) 4. MOVEMENT a. Move (standard movement rate or double movement rate [run]) b. Move and Melee (move ½ and attack or move full and charge attack; optionally, move full and attack at end of round or move double and charge attack at end of round, regardless of initiative order. c. Move and Missile (move ½ and fire) d. Move and Magic (move ½ and cast spell [or use magic ability, etc.]) 5. OTHER ACTIONS (bind an ally’s wounds, toss a rope, spike a door, etc.) Combat Sequence Notes: PC ORDER: Two characters on the same side, taking the same basic action (both melee, for example) may go in order of dexterity (DX), or however the players choose. INITIATIVE TIES: A tie on the initiative roll signifies that all combatants from all sides go in order of their individual dexterity (DX) scores, regardless of the combat sequence. DX ties imply true simultaneousness. STATIONARY POSITION: Stationary (melee, missiles, magic) combatants are not statue-still; they may move up to 5 feet before taking their action. Example #1: An archer steps forward 5 feet before shooting. Example #2: A spell caster steps 3 feet to the left before casting burning hands. MULTIPLE ATTACKS: Multiple attacks may be made together. Example: A dagger-wielding fighter with two attacks has won initiative against a tridentwielding lizard-man, so the fighter may take both attacks before the monster goes (unless it is the first round of combat and the optional first strike rule is being used, in which case the lizard-man goes first).
DELAY ACTION: A combatant can delay to the end of the initiative order or even the end of the round. Example #1: A spell caster wants to cast a command spell after all the caster’s allies have taken their actions. (A delay to the end of the initiative order.) Example #2: An axe hurler awaits the enemy’s advance, even though the axe hurler’s side won initiative. (A delay to the end of the round.) CHANGE ACTION: Changing an action requires referee approval. Switching a weapon is typically fine, but going from casting a spell to moving and firing a missile is not (in this author’s opinion). Likewise, changing an action based on initiative results is discouraged. If your character is on the winning initiative side and you have already declared that you were casting a spell (stationary), then asking to move up 15 feet before casting, just because you know the initiative results, is in poor taste. But the referee is the final arbiter in all such cases.
(Step 5 of Combat Steps) Morale measures the confidence, discipline, and courage of monsters and NPCs. It is tested with a morale check when the referee judges that one or more monsters and/or NPCs might break ranks and flee a hostile situation. Some referees may elect to adjudicate morale by fiat in lieu of a roll. Monsters and NPCs are presented with morale (ML) scores that range from 2 to 12. Creatures of the lowest morale (2) scarcely will fight, whereas creatures of the highest morale (12) never surrender. Morale is tested when the referee deems the situation appropriate. Suggestions include the following: Leader killed 50% of force defeated (with few enemy casualties) Terrible sorcery released (frightens animals or primitive/superstitious humans or humanoids) Outnumbered footmen face a mounted charge Enemy holds a fortified, nigh impenetrable position Enemy comprises uncontested fliers Enemy seems impervious to harm Significant hit point loss How to Make a Morale Check: To make a morale check, roll 2d6. If result is equal to or less than subject’s ML score, it continues to fight. If result is greater than subject’s ML score, it attempts to retreat/surrender.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
COMBAT OPTIONS The following combat options should be announced during action declaration, before dicing for initiative. Once intent is declared and the order of events established, action resolution may commence. CHARGE ATTACK A running attack (thus, full movement allowed) made by a human or humanoid armed with a melee weapon. This action is a single attack (1/1) that supersedes standard attack rates; thus, a 3/2 melee attack rate fighter can perform a charge attack and then go into a normal attack rate of 1 attack the next round and 2 attacks the following round. Charge attacks must be reasonably straight, with a minimum distance of 15 feet. A charge attack cannot be across unreasonable terrain, per referee discretion. Modifiers for charging are as follows: +2 damage bonus −2 AC penalty for one round N.B.: If the optional last strike rule is used, a combatant’s charging distance can be doubled; however, the charge attack occurs at the end of the round, regardless of initiative results. FIGHTING WITHDRAWAL A melee combatant can backpedal at ½ movement and continue to fight and defend; or backpedal at full movement and simply defend. Enemies may pursue a withdrawer, but movement rates should be compared. Example #1: A huntsman is engaged with a bog mummy. The huntsman is heavily wounded and decides to backpedal. The bog mummy wins initiative and so attacks first, swinging its fist. The huntsman deflects the blow with his shield. He then begins to withdraw whilst thrusting his spear at the pursuing bog mummy. He hits the undead creature and manages to backpedal 20 feet (half his MV). Meantime, the bog mummy manages to pursue only 10 feet (half its MV). Example #2: A cleric is engaged with an axe-wielding minotaur. The cleric decides to make a full withdrawal. The cleric’s side has won initiative, so the cleric (wearing plate mail) withdraws her full 20 MV. But the minotaur pursues and attacks because the beast needs only move half (full MV 40). The cleric remains subject to attack, but perhaps she has drawn the monster into a trap where her thief ally hides, ready to backstab. N.B.: If an attempt is made to run away (double MV) from engagement, the combatant will suffer a −2 AC penalty, and any adjacent enemies gain a free and immediate attack. If chase is given, movement rates should be compared.
FLASK HURLING / OIL BURNING Flaming oil can be hurled as a grenade. Likewise, holy oil/water can be hurled as a grenade against the undead. To strike a target with a hurled flask (or other grenade), a d20 must be rolled and compared to the following table: Table 142: Flask (Grenade) Hurling Target Size and Position Stationary target (e.g., unaware person) Large (over 8 ft.) Medium (about 4–8 ft.) Small (under 4 ft.)
d20 Score Needed 7 9 11 13
Other flask (grenade) hurling adjustments: Dexterity attack modifier of hurler applies. Range (of typical grenade): 10/20/30 (short/medium/long). Medium range is at −2 “to hit” Long range at −5 “to hit” Note that ranges are reckoned in feet indoors and yards outdoors. Further referee adjustment may be necessary. For instance, if a cluster of humans or humanoids is targeted, the referee might require an 8 to hit a random target in the crowd. If a Medium target runs amongst trees and shrubs, a 12 or even a 14 might be required. Holy Oil/Water: A phial of holy oil or holy water can be hurled as a grenade against undead or dæmonic adversaries. Holy oil/water causes 1d8 hp damage per round for 2 rounds. If the target is missed by a score of 2 or less, a splash delivers 1d4 hp damage for 1 round. Incendiary Oil: A flask of incendiary oil (such as Greek fire) can be hurled as a grenade-like missile. If hurled at an enemy, and a hit is scored, the container bursts and the oil combusts spontaneously, causing 1d8 hp damage per round for 2 rounds. If the target is missed by a score of 2 or less, a splash delivers 1d4 hp damage for 1 round. Lamp Oil: A flask of lamp oil can be hurled as a grenade, but it is not nearly as effective as incendiary oil. A flask of lamp oil must be lit with a cloth or wick, which takes 1d2 rounds to complete. This grenade causes 1d4 hp damage per round for 2 rounds. A flask of lamp oil can also be spread as a pool (3-foot diameter) and lit. The oil will burn for 1 turn. Any creature passing through the flames will sustain 1d4 hp damage.
Hand axe, horseman’s flail, horseman’s hammer, horseman’s mace, horseman’s pick, lance, short scimitar, long scimitar, short spear, long spear, great spear Attacking a Small or Medium opponent from the saddle is considered higher ground, so a +1 “to hit” bonus is granted. However, this bonus is negated if the mounted combatant wields a weapon not suited to fighting from the saddle. Similarly, a horseman gains a +1 AC bonus versus footmen.
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MOUNTED CHARGE: A horseman can make a mounted charge if the target is at least 60 feet away and the path is relatively straight. The ground must be level and free of obstructions. A mounted charge cannot be performed in difficult terrain types, per referee discretion. Mounted charge modifiers are as follows: +1 “to hit” (vs. Small and Medium opponents) +2 damage bonus −2 AC penalty for one round (−1 vs. footman) If the mounted charger wields a lance or couches a great spear, weapon damage dice are doubled (tripled for cataphracts) in lieu of the +2 damage bonus; other modifiers are added after damage dice are rolled. Subsequent mounted charge attacks require 2 rounds to prepare; i.e., a mounted charge may be made every 3rd round if conditions are appropriate.
MOUNTED COMBAT The province of skilled horsemen (typically fighters, barbarians, cataphracts, paladins, and rangers). The following weapons are suited to mounted combat:
Volume I: Player’s Manual UNARMED COMBAT To engage in melee without a weapon. Presented hereafter are four basic unarmed combat forms. If using the optional first strike rules, unarmed attacks are considered weapon class 0 (WC 0). GRAPPLE: An attempt to wrestle an opponent. A d20 attack roll is made, with strength attack modifier applicable. If the grappler is clad in heavy armour, a −4 “to hit” penalty applies. Upon a successful attack roll, the target is allowed an avoidance saving throw to escape the hold. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the grappler can choke the target for 1d2−1 hp damage per round, plus strength damage adjustment, if applicable. A grappled victim is considered hindered and suffers a −2 AC penalty. A grappled victim can break free with a successful test of strength or an extraordinary feat of strength versus an 18 ST assailant. In either case, three such attempts may be made. If the grappler or grapple victim has no published strength rating, the referee must either assign a score or dice for it (3d6, or 4d6 drop low). A grappled victim may attempt to use a WC 0–2 weapon at −2 “to hit.” OVERBEAR: An attempt to tackle and pin or restrain an opponent. A d20 attack roll is made, with strength attack modifier applicable. Upon a successful attack roll, the victim is allowed an avoidance saving throw to dodge. A target with more than two legs gains a +1 saving throw bonus per leg in excess of two. For every additional overbear hit beyond the first in the same round, the target is penalized by 1 on the saving throw. An overborne victim is considered prone (−4 AC penalty).
An overborne victim can escape via a test of strength, or via an extraordinary feat of strength when multiple successful attackers are involved, or if a single attacker is significantly heavier. PUMMEL: An unarmed strike (e.g., punch, kick, knee, elbow). A d20 attack roll is made, with strength attack modifier applicable. A hit causes 1d2−1 hp damage, plus strength damage adjustment (if applicable). Metal gauntlets or cæstuses grant a +1 damage bonus; i.e., 1d2 hp damage, plus strength damage adjustment (if applicable). In a match of fisticuffs, any hit that exceeds the target’s AC by 7 or more (or a natural 20 in any case) may result in a knockout, pending a transformation saving throw. If the save fails, the victim is stunned for 1d4 rounds. PUSH: An attempt to shove and/or knock down one’s opponent with hands, shoulder, or shield. A d20 attack roll is made, with strength attack modifier applicable. Upon a successful attack roll, the victim is pushed back 1d6+4 feet and must make an avoidance saving throw or be knocked down for 1 round. A target with more than two legs gains a +1 saving throw bonus per leg in excess of two. A target that is of a larger size category than the attacker gains a +4 bonus on the saving throw. A knocked-down combatant is considered hindered and suffers a −2 AC penalty.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
ADVANCED COMBAT ACTIONS (Optional) Advanced combat actions comprise 26 manœuvres, tactics, and techniques intended for more nuanced play. Referee approval is required. Each advanced combat action includes modifiers and sub-rules that may require review (not unlike many spells). Advanced combat actions must be declared before initiative is rolled; otherwise, the referee may decline their use. Several advanced combat actions have prerequisites related to attributes, class, weapon mastery, or other conditions. Table 143: Advanced Combat Actions Advanced Combat Action
Arrow Setting Conservative Fighting Disarm Dodge Double Arrow Shot Double Feint Firing March
Preparation time — — — Weapon mastery (bow) — Fighter (or subclass) only Weapon mastery Indirect Fire (bow or sling) Off-Hand Weapon Parry — Parry and Block — Pommel Strike Surprize Ready Shooter — Reckless Fighting — Recumbent Fire — Running Dodge 40 MV or greater Saddle Casting Mount walking Fighter (or subclass) Saddle Fire only; training required Shield Bash Shields allowed by class Shield Bind Shields allowed by class Shield Cover for Ally Shields allowed by class Shield Splitter Weapon mastery (axe) 3+ combatants Shield Wall with large shields Spear Charge — Spear Setting — Throw and Attack Fighter (or subclass) only Two-Weapon Fighting 13+ dexterity ARROW SETTING The archer spikes arrows in the ground, angled to gain a faster rate of fire (ROF); preparation time is thus required. With the arrows so arrayed, ROF improves as follows: 3/2 ROF improves to 2/1 2/1 ROF improves to 5/2 5/2 ROF improves to 3/1 Use of this technique precludes movement during combat. Suitable ground conditions required; i.e., a ground type in which arrows can be spiked.
CONSERVATIVE FIGHTING A combatant may fight conservatively, gaining a +1 AC bonus in exchange for a −2 “to hit” penalty. N.B.: Berserkers cannot use this technique in conjunction with berserk rage. DISARM The combatant sacrifices one attack to attempt to disarm an opponent. The disarm roll is a d20 attack roll against the defender’s AC, modified according to the attacker’s weapon: −4 “to hit” for most weapons −3 “to hit” for an axe, halberd, or pick −2 “to hit” for a flail −1 “to hit” for a chain whip, fighting net, or whip A further −2 “to hit” penalty applies if the target’s weapon is gripped with two hands. All penalties considered, if a hit is scored, the target must make a test of strength or drop their weapon which goes 2d6 feet in a random direction (d8 roll; 1= north, 2 = south, 3 = east, 4 = west, 5 = northeast, 6 northwest, 7 = southeast, 8 = southwest). The referee may need to assign or dice for the strength scores of some monsters and NPCs (3d6, or 4d6 drop low). DODGE The combatant forfeits any attack(s) in order to focus on evasion. Dodging grants a +2 AC bonus. This action can be used in conjunction with a cautious (½ move) fighting withdrawal. DOUBLE ARROW SHOT A master archer nocks and shoot two arrows at the same time. The target must be within 6–30 feet (pointblank range). One attack roll is made at a −2 penalty (effectively negating the +2 “to hit” bonus associated with point-blank shooting). If the result is a hit, both arrows hit; if a miss, both arrows miss. This manœuvre can be used but once per round. DOUBLE FEINT A melee combatant feints two convincing blows so that an opponent becomes more susceptible to a third actual blow. The attacker must roll 2d6 modified by dexterity attack modifier and charisma reaction adjustment. If the result is 10 or greater, the actual attack roll may be made at +2 “to hit”; otherwise, an attack is lost. N.B.: This technique may not work against the same foe more than once, per referee discretion; too, the bonus applies to a single attack. 273
HYPERBOREA FIRING MARCH This technique is available to fighters and their subclasses. It allows a missile shooter to fire missiles whilst making a ½ move. Lesser combatants (non-fighters) need to stop and set their feet. Furthermore, if the optional last strike rule is used, a qualified missile shooter (fighters and fighter subclasses only) may take a full move and fire a single shot at the end of the round. INDIRECT FIRE This option is available to master bowmen and slingers, but not to crossbowmen. The shooter may be positioned behind cover, or the shooter have other obstacles to contend with. In either case, an arching shot is fired at −2 “to hit” (or greater, depending on the size of the obstruction, per referee discretion). Indirect fire is a good way for archers and slingers to avoid possibly shooting allies, so long as those allies are not actively engaged in melee with the target; otherwise, firing into melee rules apply. OFF-HAND WEAPON PARRY The combatant wields an off-hand weapon (WC 1) to parry melee weapon attacks (but not missiles). This technique provides a +1 AC bonus. The combatant can continue to attack with the primary weapon as normal and without penalty, but the off-hand weapon (except for the tonfa and hand trident) cannot be used to attack on the same round it is used to parry (cf. two-weapon fighting). PARRY AND BLOCK A combatant armed with a melee weapon or shield forgoes attacking to focus on deflecting enemy blows. A melee weapon cannot be used to defend against missile attacks, though a shield can be. This technique provides a base +2 AC bonus, adjusted by the defender’s strength attack modifier, if applicable; e.g., 18 strength yields a +4 AC bonus, whereas 3 strength provides no defence whatsoever. If the assailant scores a natural 20, the defender’s weapon or shield is broken, unless it is magical; magical parrying devices have a 1-in-6 chance to withstand breakage for every “plus,” so a +3 long sword stands a 3-in-6 chance to survive. Note that this natural 20 breakage rule effectively replaces critical hits, if used. Parry and block can be used in conjunction with a cautious (½ move) fighting withdrawal. POMMEL STRIKE To knock out an unsuspecting opponent using the pommel of one’s weapon (or a like object). This manœuvre is used against an unaware human or humanoid opponent lacking headgear. The surprize attack is at a +4 “to hit” bonus, as the unaware target is considered prone. If the target's AC is beaten by 5 or more, the victim is knocked senseless (stunned) for 1d6 rounds unless
a transformation saving throw is made. Regardless, the hit delivers 1d2 hp damage, plus strength damage adjustment (if applicable). READY SHOOTER If a shooter enters combat with crossbow cocked, arrow nocked, or wand aimed, then the weapon can be discharge before any other actions are taken, regardless of initiative results. If more than one side has a ready shooter, the results are determined in order of highest dexterity (or simultaneous). After this advanced combat action is executed, the standard combat sequence is followed with no cost to the participating characters. This manœuvre is available prior to the first round of combat alone and cannot be performed by surprized shooters. N.B.: Although a crossbowman can walk about the dungeon labyrinths with weapon cocked and loaded, a bow will be ruined if constantly drawn taut (not to mention how exhausting this practice can be). RECKLESS FIGHTING A melee combatant elects to fight recklessly, with less regard for personal safety, gaining a +1 “to hit” bonus in exchange for a −2 AC penalty. N.B.: Berserkers cannot use this technique in conjunction with berserk rage. RECUMBENT FIRE The shooter lies flat on his or her back or chest and fires a single shot. An archer must shoot off to the left (if right-handed), but a crossbowman suffers no such restriction. Whilst lying flat, all recumbent shooters gain a +2 AC bonus versus enemy missile fire, but their own bow shots are fired at a −4 “to hit” penalty, and their own crossbow shots are fired at a −2 “to hit” penalty. Note that master archers suffer mere −2 “to hit” penalties, and master crossbowmen suffer mere −1 “to hit” penalties. Should an enemy come upon a recumbent shooter, he or she is considered prone. Terrain can inhibit or even prohibit this technique’s application. RUNNING DODGE A combatant whose movement rate (MV) is 40 or greater can gain a +2 AC bonus versus enemy missile fire by ducking, zigzagging, and generally moving erratically. The running dodger loses half of their total running movement distance, and no other actions may be taken: no attacks, item use, or the like. Example: A lightly armoured fighter (40 MV) will not cover a total distance of 80 feet (normal running distance for 40 MV) during a running dodge but instead will achieve 40 feet. SADDLE CASTING A sorcerer can cast a spell from the saddle of a moving camel, horse, or similar beast of burden. Regardless of the mount’s movement rate, this technique is best employed when the mount is walking (½ MV). To fire the spell, the sorcerer must roll 4d6 against the spell’s
Volume I: Player’s Manual
associated attribute (intelligence for magician spells, wisdom for cleric spells, etc.). If the score is equal to or less than the associated attribute, the spell fires as normal. If the score is greater than the associated attribute, the spell is lost, concentration ruined. Optionally, if the mount is moving any quicker than walking, the referee may allow for a chance to fire a spell, rolling 6d6 against the spell’s associated attribute. SADDLE FIRE Shooting from the saddle, a technique practiced by horsemen (typically fighters, barbarians, cataphracts, paladins, and rangers). The horse archer or mounted crossbowman shoots a bow (short, composite short, or composite long) or a crossbow (light or repeating) whilst the horse moves. From a walking mount (½ MV) or slower, no penalty is incurred. A trot (base MV) causes a −2 “to hit”; a canter (×2 base MV) causes −4 “to hit”; and a gallop (×3 base MV) causes −6 “to hit” penalty. N.B.: A cataphract suffers no penalty when firing whilst trotting or slower, and the canter and gallop penalties are halved. SHIELD BASH A combatant bearing a shield may opt to use his or her shield as a blunt weapon. A small shield inflicts 1d2 hp of damage, whilst a large shield inflicts 1d3 hp of damage. Strength modifiers to attacks and damage apply. When using a shield as an offensive weapon, the combatant no longer gains the AC bonus that it normally provides. N.B.: Although the defence bonus of magical shields improves AC, it does not apply to attacks or damage; however, the shield may be considered a magical weapon for combating creatures immune to mundane weaponry. SHIELD BIND A combatant gambles an attack by using his or her shield to constrain an opponent’s shield. On a 3-in-6 chance of success for clerics and thieves, or a 4-in-6 chance for fighters, the shield binder pins an opponent’s shield, effectively eliminating both combatants’ AC bonuses derived from shields. If successful, the binder can take an immediate attack; otherwise, no other actions may be taken for the round. The shield bind can be held for as many rounds as the combatant has FA levels. If the defender backpedals, however, the binder may pursue to maintain the hold, but movement rates should be compared. SHIELD COVER FOR ALLY A combatant bearing a shield can defend an adjacent missile-shooting or spell-casting ally from return fire. The defender thus provides his or her shield’s AC bonus and defence adjustment (DX bonus to AC), if applicable, to the ally; of course, the shield bearer loses these
bonuses for himself or herself. Shield cover for ally can be used in conjunction with a cautious (½ move) fighting withdrawal, assuming the shield bearer and ally are withdrawing together. SHIELD SPLITTER A master hand axe hurler can intentionally destroy an opponent’s shield on a short-range throw if the attack roll exceeds the target’s AC by four. If the hand axe is hurled at a magical shield, only a natural 20 can split it. This manœuvre may be combined with the throw and attack technique. A master battle axe or great axe wielder can perform the same feat as a melee attack, but the weapon must be gripped with two hands. SHIELD WALL When three or more large shield users overlap their shields in close order, they each gain a +4 AC bonus (normally +2) versus all attacks. The shield wall can advance at ½ movement whilst in formation. The shield bearers also can attack with spears, long tridents, or other one-handed piercing weapons of WC 2 or greater (within reason). If the shield wall forms the first rank of a phalanx, then a second rank of halberdiers, pikemen, or spearmen (long or great) enjoys the same AC bonuses, but attacks at a −2 penalty. The second rank, however, cannot outnumber the first rank; e.g., a shield wall of four warriors in the first rank can provide cover for no more than four halberdiers.
HYPERBOREA SPEAR CHARGE A charge attack with a halberd, lance, pike, spear, spiked staff, long trident, or any other spear-like weapon. As with any foot charge, the charger must cover at least 15 feet and run in a relatively straight line. Furthermore, the charge cannot be performed if the terrain type is unsuitable, per referee discretion. If the spear charger scores a natural 19 or 20 attack roll, and such an attack roll also qualifies as a hit, damage dice are doubled (in effect replacing the standard +2 damage bonus associated with charge attacks). If the attack roll is less than 19, but still qualifies as a hit, then the standard +2 damage bonus applies. Always note that any charger suffers a −2 AC penalty. N.B.: If the optional critical hits rules are used, and a natural 20 is rolled, fighters (and fighter subclasses) have a 2-in-6 chance of scoring triple damage instead of double damage, clerics and thieves (and their respective subclasses) have a 1-in-6 chance, but magicians (and magician subclasses) can do no more than double damage. SPEAR SETTING A non-surprized defender who wins initiative can set a halberd, lance, pike, spear, spiked staff, long trident, or any other spear-like weapon against a charging enemy. The butt of the weapon is fixed firmly in the ground as the defender braces it with a foot or knee. If the defender hits the charger, damage dice are doubled (modifiers rolled afterwards). If the optional first strike rule is used, the spear setter may go before the charger, even if initiative was lost. This manœuvre may be used against charging monsters if the referee feels the circumstances are appropriate. For example, a warrior may brace a long spear to meet the rush of an enraged musk ox. If initiative is lost, the defender can still use the spear or spear-like weapon to make a regular attack.
THROW AND ATTACK A fighter (or fighter subclass) who enters combat already wielding a hurling weapon (e.g., hand axe, bola, boomerang, light club, dagger, dart, horseman’s hammer, javelin, short spear, long trident) in hand and cocked can hurl the weapon and close to attack with a readily accessible melee weapon (within a ½ move) or charge to attack (within a full move; +2 damage bonus, −2 AC penalty). This manœuvre functions as a sort of free attack before distance closes, but if initiative is lost and enemies close in on the hurler first, the opportunity is gone. N.B.: This advanced combat action also may be used in conjunction with a spear charge; e.g., one may throw a hand axe and charge with a short spear to devastating effect. Also, if the optional last stike rule is used, the melee attack can be made within a full move or a double move (if charging), though at the end of the round, regardless of initiative results. TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING A combatant with 13 or greater dexterity fights with a weapon in each hand in order to gain one extra attack per round. The following rules apply: The player must designate a primary weapon and a secondary weapon Neither weapon may be larger than WC 2 If both weapons are WC 1: All attacks are at −2 “to hit” If one weapon is WC 1 and the other is WC 2: All attacks are at −3 “to hit” If both weapons are WC 2: All attacks are at −4 “to hit” Two-weapon fighting may be attempted by characters who already enjoy multiple attacks per round, except for monks using the empty hand ability (which in effect, already is a form of two-weapon fighting). Consider the following adjustments: A combatant with 1 attack now has 2 attacks (primary, secondary) A combatant with 2 attacks now has 3 attacks (primary, secondary, primary) A combatant with 3 attacks now has 4 attacks (primary, primary, secondary, primary) In all such permutations, the secondary (offhand) weapon is utilized but once.
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CRITICAL HITS AND MISSES (Optional) An optional method that provides more extreme results for when a natural 20 or a natural 1 attack roll is made. CRITICAL HITS A critical hit is a natural 20 attack roll that results in bonus damage. These blows are considered powerful, perfectly timed and placed, and sometimes lucky. Critical hits (or “crits”) can eliminate the attrition associated with round-to-round hit point loss because they enable almost any combatant to potentially fell a foe with a single, telling blow. Powerful monsters can be slain more easily; conversely, the mortality rate for PCs increases, for indeed, monsters deliver critical hits as well. Simply put, crits kill.
Table 144: Critical Hit Results
Any creature that can be hit and damaged by a physical blow is subject to a critical hit; i.e., crits do not conform to the same restrictions as a thief ’s backstab ability, because they do not specifically target vital areas. To qualify for a critical hit, the combatant must first score
a natural 20 attack roll. Once this criterion has been established, a d6 is rolled, the result of which is cross-referenced with the appropriate column on Table 144. Note that the four principal classes (fighter, magician, cleric, thief) subsume their respective subclasses.
Combatant Type
d6 Result
1 2 3 4 5 6
+2 damage +2 damage ×2 damage ×2 damage ×3 damage ×3 damage
Cleric, Thief, Monster +1 damage +2 damage +2 damage ×2 damage ×2 damage ×3 damage
Magician +1 damage +1 damage +2 damage +2 damage ×2 damage ×2 damage
CALCULATING CRITICAL HIT DAMAGE Multiplied damage (×2 or ×3) applies to damage dice only; bonus damage is applied after all damage dice are rolled. For example, a 16-strength cleric with a +1 morning star delivers a critical hit to an ape-man for ×2 damage. The morning star now inflicts a base 2d8 hp damage, followed by +1 for the magical bonus and +1 for the cleric’s strength bonus. MULTIPLYING ALREADY MULTIPLIED DAMAGE When damage dice are already doubled or trebled, do not double or treble the multiplied damage; instead, add one factor for double damage, or two factors for treble damage. For example, if a thief backstabs an enemy for ×3 damage and scores a ×2 damage critical hit, then ×4 damage dice are rolled, followed by any modifiers; if the thief ’s crit is for ×3 damage, then ×5 damage dice are rolled. RESTRICTIONS Critical hits apply to physical blows only: They do not pertain to other attack forms such as acid, cold, electricity, fire, or poison. Very few exceptions exist in which a spell might qualify for a crit. Acid arrow and magic ice dart, for example, can inflict critical damage; however, only the arrow itself does critical damage for the former. The same principal applies to a combatant with an envenomed dagger; if a crit is scored, the dagger damage is modified, but the poison damage is not.
HYPERBOREA CRITICAL MISSES Sometimes referred to as “Xathoqqua’s Woe,” a critical miss is a natural 1 attack roll that might result in the attacker suffering something untoward. Such a “fumble” can occur at the most inopportune moments; blunders that can lead to embarrassment, defeat, or death. Like critical hits, critical misses infuse the game with greater danger and thus greater tension. Note that if a result does not suit the situation, the referee is instructed to shift to the preceding result. For example, if a monk is attacking with his fists and the critical miss result is “drop weapon,” simply select the “bad miss” result. Table 145: Critical Miss Results Combatant Type
d12 Result
bad miss
Cleric, Thief, Monster bad miss
bad miss
bad miss
bad miss
bad miss
bad miss
drop weapon
bad miss
bad miss
drop weapon
bad miss
drop weapon
bad miss
drop weapon
drop weapon
drop weapon
hit ally
hit ally
hit ally
hit ally
hit self
hit self
hit self
hit self
Magician bad miss
Critical Misses Defined: Bad Miss: An embarrassing attempt worthy of ridicule; attack routine may continue. Drop Weapon: Weapon pitches 1d6+4 feet in random direction (d6, 1–3 = forward, 4 = left, 5 = right, 6 = backward). A wall or other obstacle may limit the distance a weapon propels.
Stumble: Awkward stumble. One adjacent enemy (if applicable) gets one free attack. No further attacks possible for the rest of the round. Trip/Fall: Prone (–4 AC, no shield bonus, no DX bonus) for remainder of round and until next available action (i.e., status of being prone in the next round is initiative dependent). Hit Ally: Complete blunder results in an ally (closest for melee attacks, closest to the intended target for ranged attacks) being struck for normal damage. No further attacks possible for the rest of the round, if applicable. If combatant type is fighter, roll a d8 to determine if critical damage is inflicted to ally. If a 1 is scored, refer to Table 144. If combatant type is cleric, thief, or monster, roll a d8 to determine if critical damage is inflicted to ally. If a 1–2 is scored, refer to Table 144. If combatant type is magician, roll a d8 to determine if critical damage is inflicted to ally. If a 1–3 is scored, refer to Table 144. Hit Self: Complete attack mishap results in normal damage inflicted to self. No further attacks possible for the rest of the round, if applicable. If combatant type is fighter, roll a d8 to determine if critical damage is inflicted to self. If a 1 is scored, refer to Table 144. If combatant type is cleric, thief, or monster, roll a d8 to determine if critical damage is inflicted to self. If a 1–2 is scored, refer to Table 144. If combatant type is magician, roll a d8 to determine if critical damage is inflicted to self. If a 1–3 is scored, refer to Table 144.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
SAVING THROW (SV) A saving throw represents one’s chance to avoid, resist, or reduce harmful effects. Attributes, class, divine favour, experience, fate, luck, and sorcery all can affect a saving throw attempt. The base saving throw is the same for each character class and reaches peak potential at 11th level. Monsters peak at 17 HD. Except for some humanoids, monsters do not qualify for class and attribute modifiers. Table 146: Saving Throw Level/Hit Dice (HD)
Saving Throw (SV)
HOW TO ROLL A SAVING THROW A successful saving throw requires a d20 roll that meets or exceeds the given target number. A failed saving throw indicates that the maximum effect is incurred. A natural 1 roll always fails, regardless of magical protections or other boons, and a natural 20 always succeeds, regardless of penalties. Saving throws are categorized as follows: DEATH: death magic, death ray, paralysis, poison, radiation TRANSFORMATION: petrifaction, polymorph DEVICE: magical rings, rods, staves, wands AVOIDANCE: breath weapons, ray guns, some spells, some traps SORCERY: spells, scroll spells, innate/supernatural/spell-like abilities
9–10 11–12 13–14 15–16 12
Table 147: Item Saving Throws Harmful Effect
Referee Stipulations: Providing an ad hoc bonus or penalty to any saving throw is within the referee’s purview. For instance, if the target of a cone of cold spell enjoys the benefit of hard cover, the referee might allow a +2 or even +5 bonus on the saving throw, depending on circumstances. Furthermore, the referee might rule that only a natural 20 succeeds, or that a successful save that normally halves an effect instead negates it.
Cold, Freezing
Fall Impact
Bone/Ivory Ceramic/Pottery Cloth/Wool/Rope Crystal/Phial Glass Leather Metal, Hard (iron, steel) Metal, Soft (gold, silver) Paper/Parchment Stone/Gem Wood, Thick Wood, Thin
Blow, Normal
Item Material
Blow, Crushing
Magical Modifiers: Various magic items (rings, cloaks, etc.) and spells provide saving throw bonuses.
Class Modifiers: Each character class and subclass has bonuses to certain saving throw categories (e.g., a thief gains a +2 saving throw bonus to device and avoidance saves).
ITEM SAVING THROWS Sometimes a saving throw may be needed for an inanimate object. Perhaps the party attempts to burn down an oaken door in a dungeon, or maybe a cleric holding a potion of healing is blasted by a lightning bolt. In general, if a character makes a saving throw versus some damaging effect, his or her items will remain undamaged. However, if the character fails a saving throw, and the referee feels one or more items might be at risk, an item saving throw may be necessary. If the item in question is magical, it gains a +2 bonus on the saving throw; furthermore, for each “plus” the item has, the saving throw is made with an additional +1 bonus (e.g., a +2 long sword gains a +4 bonus on its save).
Attribute Modifiers: Dexterity, constitution, and wisdom can affect saving throws. Dexterity can modify avoidance saving throws. Constitution can modify poison and radiation saving throws (though not all death saving throws). Wisdom can modify saving throws versus sorcery and devices that involve willpower (i.e., any effect that compels a subject to act abnormally or perceive something that does not exist).
11 4 12 6 5 10
16 18 6 19 20 4
10 12 3 14 15 2
2 4 2 7 6 3
20 19 20 20 20 20
8 2 18 15 17 13
6 11 — 13 14 2
13 4 18 8 9 10
21 21 21 21 21 21
2 17 11 2
4 21
13 14 9
2 19 16 4 16 21
16 3 8 9
2 2 2 2
11 17 10 13
6 7 3 6
20 18 19 20
20 14 12 10
— 4 7 8
21 5 9 13
21 20 21 21
HYPERBOREA Item Saving Throw Effects Defined: Acid: Corrosive acid in which the item is immersed. Blow, Crushing: A blow of tremendous force, such as a falling boulder. Blow, Normal: A blow from a moderately heavy object, such as a weapon. Cold, Freezing: Cold and ice magic (e.g., cone of cold, ice storm) or incredible natural cold. Disintegration: The spell disintegrate and like effects. Electricity: Lightning, sorcerous electricity (e.g., call lightning, lightning bolt). Fall Impact: Item falls 25 or more feet and strikes a hard surface (stone). Fire: Fire, sorcerous fire (e.g., fireball, wall of fire), monster’s breath weapon. Lava: Molten rock erupted from a volcano or fissure; subsurface magma. The integers shewn in the preceding table indicate the sum that must be rolled on a d20 (with modifiers, if applicable) for an item to resist the stated effect. A “—” entry reflects that no save is necessary. A natural 20 is always a success unless the required results on Table 147 are greater than 20. If such is the case, this item saving throw can be achieved only with bonuses. A natural 1 is always a failure.
DAMAGE AND DEATH Unlike many modern descendants of the world’s most popular role-playing game, damage and death are harsh realities in HYPERBOREA. Here there are no multiple layers of opportunity to survive an otherwise grievous wound. Death is final, and confronting its harsh reality can be unpleasant. Referees are discouraged from coddling and cossetting players for sake of mercy or leniency, and players should gird themselves for the inevitability of character death. It should be understood, as a general thing, that the rash and foolhardy always receive their just desserts, but sometimes the dice gods are cruel, and bad luck can effect the untimely demise of a cherished PC. So it goes. DAMAGE Damage is apportioned via hit point (hp) loss. Hit points, as previously noted, are an abstract evaluation of one’s ability to absorb and minimize damage through a combination of experience, fitness, physicality, skill, luck, and perhaps divine favour. Typically, damage is sustained by means of combat, spells, and other circumstances. Each time a combatant is struck, hit points are lowered; however, damage reduction (DR) can mitigate results. Unless damage reduction is in effect, a successful melee or missile hit should always inflict at 280
least 1 hp damage. Some attacks result in multiple damage dice, such as a horseman’s mounted charge, or a thief ’s backstab. Modifiers always are added after damage dice are rolled. FALLING DAMAGE When a creature falls an appreciable distance—whether down a pit, off a cliff, or from a tree—it sustains damage, typically 1d6 hp per 10 feet of descent. Sometimes an avoidance saving throw might be allowed to halve falling damage. For example, if one falls from a tree lush with foliage, an attempt may be made to grab branches on the way down to slow the descent. Falling damage, per referee discretion, might also include leg, arm, back, head, or neck injuries of variable significance. Lastly, exposed delicate items may require item saving throws, per referee discretion. HEALING The natural restoration of hit point loss. If a wounded character takes proper rest (minimum six to eight hours per day), hit point recovery is rolled using the character’s HD type; this roll is modified by constitution hit point adjustment (if applicable) with a minimum of 1 hp per day. For example, a wounded thief of 13 constitution gains 1d6+1 hp of healing per day, because the HD type is d6 and the hit point adjustment is +1. This natural healing may be accrued once per day. Complete Bed Rest: Optimal rest and relaxation for 24 hours. This recuperation provides maximum hit point recovery, so the above 13 CN thief would gain a full 7 hp (the maximum result of 1d6+1). Complete bed rest necessitates no physical exertion and a peaceful setting (e.g., comfortable bed, water, nourishment).
Volume I: Player’s Manual
DEATH AND DYING When a person, animal, or monster is reduced to 0 hp or less, death transpires as follows: Beasts/Humanoids/Monsters: Dead at 0 hp Common (0th level) NPCs: Dead at −3 hp PCs/NPCs: Dead at −10 hp Upon being reduced to 0 hp or less, the following guidelines apply to PCs and NPCs: 0 hp: The character is unconscious. Spirits (brandy, gin, rum, whiskey, etc.) can revive one to consciousness, allowing him or her to talk and move slowly, but fighting or casting spells is not possible. −1 to −3 hp: The character is seriously injured, though relatively stable. −4 to −9 hp: The character is in critical condition and suffers convulsions and/or blood loss at a rate of 1 hp per round, unless properly stabilized by an ally (e.g., binding wounds, resuscitation, sorcerous healing). −10 hp: The character is dead, though the referee might allow a dying hero to open their eyes and utter a brief, final sentence before passing. RESURRECTION AND REINCARNATION Circumstances may arise in which a dead character can be resurrected or reincarnated. Unless otherwise noted, resurrection always should entail a trauma survival check (see Chapter 3: Statistics, constitution). Furthermore, the resurrection may have other ramifications, such as permanent loss of a constitution point, or perhaps mystical effects from experiencing death. Reincarnation does not require a trauma survival check, but there is a decent likelihood of other life-changing consequences. 281
SPECIAL DAMAGE Damage in HYPERBOREA is not limited to physical blows. An ill-starred adventurer could be drained by a spectre, receive the poisonous kiss of a giant black widow, suffer the werewolf ’s curse, or succumb to utter delirium upon seeing The Thing That Should Not Be. The rules and guidelines that follow are presented to adjudicate such effects that transcend mere hit point loss. LYCANTHROPY Lycanthropy is both a curse and a disease. It can be developed via the cause lycanthropy spell or contracted when one is bitten by a lycanthrope, such as a werewolf. Regardless, the change will manifest after 3d8 days. Until that time the victim will feel rather ill and suffer terrifying nightmares. Once the affliction fully manifests, a PC becomes an NPC to be run by the referee; alternatively, the referee might provide private instructions to the player, possibly duping others in the party. In rare cases, the referee might allow play to resume as normal with a PC lycanthrope, a sort of Jekyll-and-Hyde experience. Immunity to Disease: No character is immune to lycanthropy; even paladins are subject to the effects of this dreadful condition. Curing Lycanthropy: Curing lycanthropy is difficult, yet possible. A CA 9 sorcerer casting cure disease can eliminate the curse; similar class abilities possessed by monks and paladins likewise must be exercised by a 9th-level character. If such means are unavailable, a dried bunch of belladonna may be ingested, granting a 1-in-4 chance of successful cure—though carrying a 1-in-10 chance of fatality if a death (poison) save is failed.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
MADNESS Some otherworldly monsters instill madness in those who behold them, men and women’s fragile minds flummoxed by exposure to these alien horrors. Sorcery can effect similar results, as can a bard’s mesmerize ability. In some cases, the nature of the resulting madness is predetermined, but when random determination is desired, the following forms of madness are suggested on the table below. The referee must adjudicate the development of madness in NPCs. When a PC suffers such an affliction, this calls for superior role-play in which the madness is developed by the player. Certainly, no player wishes to have their beloved character commit suicide or suffer hazardous hallucinations; however, some forms of insanity might be fun to roleplay. Imagine, if you would, a kleptomaniacal thief! To generate a random form of madness, roll a d20 on the following table: Table 148: Madness d20 Form of Madness Result
Madness Description
Abnormal, repetitive movement or activity; or (1-in-6), catalepsy, complete lack of movement.
Idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that contradict accepted reality.
Alcoholism in which the victim is prone to drinking until passing out.
Experiencing the perception of things that are not actually present.
Disordered thoughts and emotions; hallucinatory perceptions and bizarre behaviour.
Homicidal Mania
Pathological and uncontrollable obsession with killing and murder.
Recurrent urge to steal for the sake of stealing, not for want or need.
Eccentric, foolish, violent, or irrational behaviour, manifesting oftest at the full moon.
Periods of great excitement, euphoria, delusion, and hyperactivity.
Manic Depression
Wild, alternating periods of elation followed by melancholy and despair.
Obsession with power and domination; delusion about one’s importance.
Deep and persistent sadness and gloom, marked by hopelessness and unfounded fears.
Obsessive enthusiasm or preoccupation with one thing or purpose.
Delusions of persecution; unwarranted suspicion and mistrust of others.
Pathological Gambling Recurrent compulsion to wager at the highest possible stakes.
Pathological Lying
Recurrent compulsion to deceive about even the most mundane matters.
Deriving unhealthy pleasure from the pain of oneself and/or others.
Emotional aloofness, detachment, and solitary behaviour.
Withdrawal from reality and into delusion, marked by mental fragmentation.
Suicidal Mania
Deep depression and unhappiness culminating in self-destruction.
HYPERBOREA Venom Harvesting: Collecting venom from a toxic creature (scorpions, snakes, spiders, etc.) is the province of assassins, huntsmen, and shamans (see harvest venom ability at the respective class entry). The untrained are far less adept at harvesting venom; in fact, they are more likely to fail and possibly injure themselves. The chance of success for the untrained is 1-in-6. If a 6 is rolled, a mishap occurs, and the character is exposed (e.g., eyes, nose, skin) to the venom.
Poison used to assassinate is typically penetrative or ingestible, though it might be encountered as a gas, powder, or spore. Some poisons are slow acting, whereas others are rapid. Poison can cause blindness, death, madness, nerve damage (intense pain), paralysis, or other serious harm. Effects can be reduced or negated by death (poison) saving throws, which may be modified by constitution. For more information on poison, refer to Chapter 7: Sorcery, alchemy.
In general, a Small venomous creature yields 1d4 doses, a Medium venomous creature yields 2d4 doses, and a Large venomous creature yields 3d4 doses. The venom must be saved in a sealed container; otherwise, it will lose its efficacy in short order. If a dose of venom is smeared on a weapon, it becomes a single-use item that loses its efficacy after 24 hours if sheathed; if unsheathed, it loses its efficacy in 2d6 turns. The applied venom may duplicate the original effect of the venomous beast, or it might have a lesser effect, per referee discretion.
k 284
POISON Poison acquisition can be difficult, and its use by intelligent creatures is almost always an act of Evil, the antithesis of weal. Of course, exceptions may apply: When a barbarian skewers toxic fruit on the end of his spear and stabs a ferocious forest dragon in its open maw, alignment has no bearing, for this is an act of survival. Notwithstanding, a paladin must never use poison, no matter the circumstances.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
APPENDIX A: NAME GENERATOR Players who wish to furnish their characters with authentic sounding names may use this resource. Of course, players may invent their characters’ names or select names from the following lists, but some players might wish to see what kind of moniker might be generated through the randomness of dice throws.
COMMON NAMES The names of common folk are incredibly varied, oft mixing influences from multiple cultures. It would not be unusual, for example, for the son of a Keltic mother and Viking father to possess a name such as Ciaran Snorrason. In other instances, people of common blood name their children using the cultural names of ethnicities they do not even share. In some locations (Khromarium, Port Zangerios), the cultural melting pot has been so extensive for such a long period of time that common names have developed into their own forms and bear little resemblance to the cultures that contributed to them. To generate such a common name, first roll a d6 on Table 149 to determine the number of elements in the name. Then roll a d% (once or twice) on Table 150 to determine the specific elements. Table 149: Common Name Number of Elements d6 Result
Number of Elements
For female names, modify the ending by adding -a, -esta, or -ia to the end as desired. Male names are not modified, but extra consonants may be dropped. Examples: A roll of 40 for a single-element male name gives the name Qill. Rolls of 59 and 27 give Samm and Marr which can be combined as Sammarr, Sammar, Samarr, or Samar. The female version of Samarr could be Samarra, Samaresta, or Samarria.
Table 150: Common Name Elements d% Name d% Name d% Name d% Name d% Name Result Element Result Element Result Element Result Element Result Element
01 Cai
21 Kamm
41 Qull
61 Tai
81 Vunn
02 Cair
22 Kell
42 Rai
62 Tain
82 Xai
03 Conn
23 Koll
43 Rall
63 Tair
83 Xall
04 Dai
24 Konn
44 Ramm
64 Tann
84 Xann
05 Dail
25 Korr
45 Rann
65 Tarr
85 Xarr
06 Dain
26 Kull
46 Rell
66 Tenn
86 Xell
07 Dall
27 Marr
47 Renn
67 Torr
87 Xenn
08 Darr
28 Morr
48 Rhai
68 Tull
88 Xill
09 Denn
29 Nai
49 Rhal
69 Vai
89 Xonn
10 Dill
30 Nain
50 Rhan
70 Vair
90 Xull
11 Dunn
31 Nall
51 Rhel
71 Vall
91 Yann
12 Fell
32 Narr
52 Rhen
72 Vann
92 Zai
13 Fenn
33 Nill
53 Rhil
73 Varr
93 Zall
14 Gann
34 Pai
54 Rhul
74 Vell
94 Zann
15 Garr
35 Parr
55 Rhun
75 Venn
95 Zarr
16 Gill
36 Penn
56 Rill
76 Vill
96 Zell
17 Goll
37 Qann
57 Rull
77 Voll
97 Zenn
18 Gunn
38 Qarr
58 Sai
78 Vonn
98 Zill
19 Kai
39 Qell
59 Samm
79 Vorr
99 Zonn
20 Kain
40 Qill
60 Sarr
80 Vull
00 Zul
Volume I: Player’s Manual Common Family Names: Most common surnames developed over time are family names handed down across generations. These are typically male ancestral names and are generated just like common personal names above. In some locations, such as Khromarium, the ancestral male name is modified by adding -os, -tos, or -tose to the end, all of which mean, “Of the Family.” To generate a surname, roll a d6 on Table 151.
a Table 151: Common Surname Suffix d6 Result
Example: From Khromarium, Qill, of the Samarr family, would be called Qill Samarros.
AMAZON NAMES Amazon names reflect the matriarchal nature of their society. Female names reflect strength, heroism, and lineage, whilst male names are all but bereft of descriptors indicating strength, valor, or skill at arms. To generate an Amazon personal name, roll a d% on Table 152 for females and a d20 on Table 153 males. Next, roll a d% on Table 152 to determine the root matronymic, and Table 154 for its modification. Table 152: Amazon Personal Names – Female d% Personal Result Name
d% Personal Result Name
d% Personal Result Name
d% Personal Result Name
d% Personal Result Name
01–02 Adrasteia
21–22 Althaia
41–42 Eudoxia
61–62 Helene
81–82 Photine
03–04 Aella
23–24 Ambrosia
43–44 Eugeneia
63–64 Hypatia
83–84 Ptolemais
05–06 Agathe
25–26 Andromeda
45–46 Eulalia
65–66 Iphigeneia
85–86 Sophia
07–08 Agaue
27–28 Aristomache
47–48 Eunike
67–68 Kallisto
87–88 Sostrate
09–10 Aglaia
29–30 Artemisia
49–50 Euphemia
69–70 Kallistrate
89–90 Theodora
11–12 Akantha
31–32 Astraia
51–52 Euphrasia
71–72 Kleio
91–92 Theodosia
13–14 Alekto
33–34 Athanasia
53–54 Eupraxia
73–74 Lysistrate
93–94 Xanthe
15–16 Alexandra
35–36 Athanais
55–56 Eutropia
75–76 Pelagia
95–96 Xanthippe
17–18 Alexia
37–38 Demetria
57–58 Gaiane
77–78 Pherenike
97–98 Zenais
19–20 Alkippe
39–40 Demostrate
59–60 Galene
79–80 Phoibe
99–00 Zosime
Table 153: Amazon Personal Names – Male d20 Personal Result Name
d20 Personal Result Name
1 Agapios
11 Hesperos
2 Agathon
12 Kallias
3 Apollonios
13 Linos
4 Argyros
14 Lysandros
5 Bion
15 Photios
6 Chrysanthos
16 Simonides
7 Demetrios
17 Thales
8 Dionysios
18 Theodosios
9 Euphranor
19 Zenobios
10 Galenos
20 Zenon
Amazon Matronymics: Amazon society uses the name of the mother as a matronymic, modifying it with -doros (“gift of ”). The mother’s name is modified in the matronym based on its ending, as follows: Table 154: Amazon Matronymic Modifications
Ending -dra -e -ia -o
Modification -doros -edoros -idoros -odoros
Examples: Eunike, daughter of Alekto, would be Eunike Alektodoros. Argyros, son of Alexandra, would be Argyros Alexandoros. Hypatia, daughter of Theodosia, would be Hypatia Theodosidoros.
ANGLO-SAXON NAMES Anglo-Saxons in Hyperborea do not use patronymics or other surnames, though some might use epithets (e.g., “Osgifu the Bloody” or “Wulfnoth the Reckless”; see Table 194 for more ideas). To generate an Anglo-Saxon name, roll a d4, followed by a d10. Table 155-A: Anglo-Saxon Personal Names – Female (d4, 1) d10 Name Result
d10 Name Result
Table 155-C: Anglo-Saxon Personal Names – Female (d4, 3) d10 Name Result
Table 155-D Anglo-Saxon Personal Names – Female (d4, 4) d10 Name Result
Thurgifu Thurhild
Table 156-A: Anglo-Saxon Personal Names – Male (d4, 1) d10 Name Result
Table 155-B: Anglo-Saxon Personal Names – Female (d4, 2)
Table 156-B: Anglo-Saxon Personal Names – Male (d4, 2) d10 Name Result
Table 156-C: Anglo-Saxon Personal Names – Male (d4, 3) d10 Name Result
Table 156-D: Anglo-Saxon Personal Names – Male (d4, 4) d10 Name Result
Volume I: Player’s Manual
ATLANTEAN NAMES Atlanteans name their children with traditional Hellenic names. To generate an Atlantean personal name, roll a d6, followed by a d20. Next, generate a clan name on Table 159. Table 157-A: Atlantean Personal Names – Female (d6, 1–3) d20 Name Result
Table 157-B: Atlantean Personal Names – Female (d6, 4–6) d20 Name Result
Table 158-A: Atlantean Personal Names – Male (d6, 1–2) d20 Name Result
Table 158-B: Atlantean Personal Names – Male (d6, 3–4) d20 Name Result
Table 158-C: Atlantean Personal Names – Male (d6, 5–6) d20 Name Result
d20 Name Result
1 Lysandros
11 Solon
2 Paramonos
12 Sophokles
3 Pelagios
13 Sophos
4 Phaidros
14 Sosigenes
5 Philon
15 Straton
6 Phoibos
16 Themistokles
7 Photios
17 Theron
8 Platon
18 Timon
9 Praxiteles
19 Tychon
10 Ptolemaios
20 Zephyros
Atlantean Clan Names: Rather than use the normal Hellenic patronymics and matronymics, Atlanteans employ clan names—all based on ancient sea gods—as their surnames. Roll a d12 to generate a clan name. Table 159: Atlantean Clan Names d12 Name Result
d12 Name Result
1 Amphitrite
7 Phorkys
2 Eurybia
8 Pontos
3 Glaukos
9 Poseidon
4 Kymopoleia
10 Proteos
5 Nereos
11 Thalassa
6 Okeanos
12 Triton
Example: Pamphilos of the Nereos clan would introduce himself as Pamphilos Nereos.
CAROLINGIAN FRANKISH NAMES Carolingian Franks do not use patronymics or other surnames, although they might use epithets (e.g., “Clotild the Clever” or “Gunderic the Bald”; see Table 194 for more ideas). To generate a Carolingian Frankish name, roll a d%. Table 160: Carolingian Frankish Names – Female d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–04 Audofleda
21–24 Berthegund
41–44 Fredegunde
61–64 Lanthechilde
81–84 Marcovefa
05–08 Audovera
25–28 Chlodosind
45–48 Galswinth
65–68 Leubast
85–88 Radegund
09–12 Austrechild
29–32 Chlothsinda
49–52 Goiswinth
69–72 Leubovera
89–92 Rigunth
13–16 Beretrude
33–36 Clotild
53–56 Ingitrude
73–76 Magnatrude
93–96 Ultrogotha
17–20 Berthefled
37–40 Faileuba
57–60 Ingunde
77–80 Marcatrude
97–00 Vuldretrada
Table 161: Carolingian Frankish Names – Male d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–02 Ageric
21–22 Badegisel
41–42 Eberulf
61–62 Huneric
81–82 Rathar
03–04 Alaric
23–24 Berthar
43–44 Ebregisel
63–64 Imnachar
83–84 Reccared
05–06 Amalaric
25–26 Bertram
45–46 Euric
65–66 Ingomer
85–86 Sichar
07–08 Andica
27–28 Bisinus
47–48 Garivald
67–68 Leudast
87–88 Sigeric
09–10 Ansovald
29–30 Charibert
49–50 Godomar
69–70 Leuvigild
89–90 Sigibert
11–12 Arnegisel
31–32 Childebert
51–52 Gunderic
71–72 Lothar
91–92 Sunnegisil
13–14 Athanaric
33–34 Childeric
53–54 Gunthar
73–74 Magneric
93–94 Theudebald
15–16 Audovald
35–36 Chlodomer
55–56 Guntram
75–76 Merovech
95–96 Theuderic
17–18 Austregisel
37–38 Clovis
57–58 Hermangild
77–78 Munderic
97–98 Vulfoliac
19–20 Authari
39–40 Dagobert
59–60 Herminafrid
79–80 Ragnachar
99–00 Willichar
ESQUIMAUX NAMES Esquimaux names are genderless, reflecting their original cult belief that all are equally unworthy in the eyes of Kthulhu. To generate an Esquimaux name, roll a d%. Table 162: Esquimaux Names d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–02 Aguta
21–22 Kakortok
41–42 Ningakpok
61–62 Shila
81–82 Tikaani
03–04 Akiak
23–24 Karpok
43–44 Nukilik
63–64 Siku
83–84 Tonrar
05–06 Arjalinerk
25–26 Kesuk
45–46 Olikpok
65–66 Sirmiq
85–86 Tornuaq
07–08 Arrluk
27–28 Kinaktok
47–48 Piktaungitok
67–68 Sitiyok
87–88 Tulugaq
09–10 Assiminik
29–30 Kinapak
49–50 Pukulria
69–70 Sos
89–90 Tulukaruk
11–12 Aukaneck
31–32 Krernertok
51–52 Qigiq
71–72 Suka
91–92 Tungulria
13–14 Chulyin
33–34 Kussuyok
53–54 Saghani
73–74 Taliriktug
93–94 Tuluwaq
15–16 Cikuq
35–36 Maguyuk
55–56 Salaksartok
75–76 Taqukaq
95–96 Tuwawi
17–18 Iluq
37–38 Maniitok
57–58 Sangilak
77–78 Tartok
97–98 Ulva
19–20 Issumatar
39–40 Nauja
59–60 Saomik
79–80 Tiglikte
99–00 Yakone
Volume I: Player’s Manual
ESQUIMAUX-IXIAN NAMES This recent hybrid race primarily uses the naming conventions of its Esquimaux forebears; however, many are known to use only the first syllable of a name, so Tonrar may simply be Ton, and Yakone may be Yak, and so forth.
GREEK NAMES In Hyperborea, Greek men and unmarried women use their father’s unmodified name as a patronymic. Married women use their husband’s name instead. To generate a Greek name, roll a d%. Table 163: Greek Names – Female d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–02 Agaue
21–22 Arete
41–42 Galatea
61–62 Laodike
81–82 Phyllis
03–04 Airope
23–24 Artemidora
43–44 Gorgo
63–64 Ligeia
83–84 Polydamna
05–06 Aithra
25–26 Auge
45–46 Halia
65–66 Marpessa
85–86 Polyxena
07–08 Alkestis
27–28 Charikleia
47–48 Harmodios
67–68 Megæra
87–88 Rhoxane
09–10 Alkippe
29–30 Deianeira
49–50 Iphimedeia
69–70 Olympias
89–90 Sostrate
11–12 Alkmene
31–32 Diomede
51–52 Kalypso
71–72 Pasiphæ
91–92 Telephassa
13–14 Amphithoe
33–34 Dorothea
53–54 Kharmion
73–74 Perialla
93–94 Xanthe
15–16 Amphitrite
35–36 Dynamene
55–56 Khryseis
75–76 Phaidra
95–96 Xanthippe
17–18 Antheia
37–38 Eidothea
57–58 Khyrse
77–78 Pherenike
97–98 Xene
19–20 Antiochis
39–40 Eunike
59–60 Klymene
79–80 Philomela
99–00 Zosime
Table 164: Greek Names – Male d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–02 Agathokles
21–22 Daphnis
41–42 Heron
61–62 Menekrates
81–82 Ptolemaios
03–04 Agenor
23–24 Demoleon
43–44 Hippasos
63–64 Nikandros
83–84 Sophokles
05–06 Aietes
25–26 Epaphroditos
45–46 Iason
65–66 Onesimos
85–86 Telamon
07–08 Akrisios
27–28 Eudoxos
47–48 Isagoras
67–68 Orsilochos
87–88 Telesphoros
09–10 Antichares
29–30 Eugammon
49–50 Kleitos
69–70 Panetios
89–90 Thales
11–12 Antiochos
31–32 Eumastas
51–52 Kleomenes
71–72 Phalanthos
91–92 Theognis
13–14 Antisthenes
33–34 Eumenes
53–54 Kynægeiros
73–74 Phegeus
93–94 Thrasyboulos
15–16 Bion
35–36 Euonomos
55–56 Leukippos
75–76 Philokles
95–96 Tros
17–18 Chrestos
37–38 Euthydemos
57–58 Lycophron
77–78 Philon
97–98 Xenokrates
19–20 Damoetas
39–40 Galenos
59–60 Melas
79–80 Polyneikes
99–00 Zotikos
HYPERBOREAN NAMES Despite their use of the Hellenic tongue, Hyperboreans use personal and family names that are distinct from those of the other races, a point of pride in the eyes of these haughty people. Hyperborean personal names follow a strict pattern of Element-vowel-Element, with the connecting vowels being restricted to a, i, o, and u. Adult female names are differentiated solely by adding the prefix Sha- to the name, meaning “Lady.” Examples: The elements Mor and Kol can be combined to give the names Morakol, Morikol, Morokol, or Morukol. For a Hyperborean woman, the names would be Shamorakol, Shamorikol, etc. To generate a Hyperborean personal name, roll a d6, followed by a d20, then another d6, followed by another d20. Then determine the connecting vowel by rolling a d4. Next, for adult female personal names, add the prefix Sha-. Table 165-A: Hyperborean Personal Name Elements (d6, 1–2)
Table 165-B: Hyperborean Personal Name Elements (d6, 3–4)
Table 165-C: Hyperborean Personal Name Elements (d6, 5–6)
d20 Result
d20 Result
d20 Result
d4 Result
Connecting Vowel
Hyperborean Family Names: Of the great Hyperborean families of antiquity, only sixteen are said to remain, hotbeds of intrigue and rivalry tenuously united only by their sense of superiority to the “sub-men.” To generate a Hyperborean family name, roll a d6 followed by a d8.
Table 166: Hyperborean Personal Name Connecting Vowel
Table 167-A: Hyperborean Family Names (d6, 1–3) d8 Result
Family Name
Table 167-B: Hyperborean Family Names (d6, 4–6) d8 Result
Family Name
Volume I: Player’s Manual
IXIAN NAMES Ixian female names can be traced to the ancient Scythians and Egyptians of Old Earth, but Ixian male names are derived primarily from the Scythians. Ixians are known to present only a personal name when outside of Scythium, but when in Scythium they identify themselves by use of proper patronymics, especially in social situations. To generate an Ixian female name, roll a d4, followed by a d8. To generate an Ixian male name, roll a d%. Table 168-A: Ixian Personal Names – Female (d4, 1) d8 Name Result
Table 168-B: Ixian Personal Names – Female (d4, 2) d8 Name Result
Table 168-C: Ixian Personal Names – Female (d4, 3)
Table 168-D: Ixian Personal Names – Female (d4, 4)
d8 Name Result
d8 Name Result
Table 169: Ixian Personal Names – Male d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–02 Abragos
21–22 Badagos
41–42 Iôdas
61–62 Medosaccos
81–82 Phoros
03–04 Akasas
23–24 Baxagos
43–44 Irganos
63–64 Mêthakos
83–84 Rassogos
05–06 Andranakos
25–26 Bistês
45–46 Kainaxarthos
65–66 Mordos
85–86 Saraxazos
07–08 Ardaros
27–28 Bôrakos
47–48 Karaxstos
67–68 Nabazos
87–88 Siranos
09–10 Asanos
29–30 Chodainos
49–50 Karsas
69–70 Olgasos
89–90 Spakos
11–12 Aspakos
31–32 Chodekios
51–52 Katokas
71–72 Ourgios
91–92 Spithamês
13–14 Aspamitharês
33–34 Gadikios
53–54 Kopharnos
73–74 Oustanos
93–94 Sturanos
15–16 Aurazakos
35–36 Gaos
55–56 Kossas
75–76 Pagos
95–96 Xarthanos
17–18 Azos
37–38 Gosôn
57–58 Madakos
77–78 Pêrakos
97–98 Xobas
19–20 Aziagos
39–40 Iazadagos
59–60 Mastas
79–80 Pharnagos
99–00 Zabandos
Ixian Patronymics – Female: On the island of Scythium, Ixian females follow their personal name with a patronymic based on the name of their father (if unmarried) or husband (if married). gunê: “wife of ”
thugatêr: “daughter of ”
Example: Storanê thugatêr Gaos is Storanê, daughter of Gaos, but when she marries her betrothed, the merchant Abragos Siranos, she becomes Storanê gunê Abragos. Outside of Scythium, she is simply Storanê. Ixian Patronymics – Male: Male Ixians simply use their father’s unmodified name as a patronymic. Example: Abragos is the son of Siranos, so his proper name is Abragos Siranos. 294
d% Name Result
Volume I: Player’s Manual
KELTIC NAMES Kelts typically go by their full names, including patronymics, but some go by their personal names alone. Roll a d% to determine a personal name, followed by a second d% for the patrynomic. Table 170: Keltic Personal Names – Female d% Name Result 01–02 Áine
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
21–22 Echna
41–42 Luiseach
61–62 Mùirne
81–82 Saraid
43–44 Malamhìn
63–64 Neacht
83–84 Scoth
05–06 Banbha
23–24 Eithne 25–26 Étaín
45–46 Meadhbh
65–66 Neasa
85–86 Searc
07–08 Brianag
27–28 Fionúir
47–48 Meallá
87–88 Sidheag
09–10 Bríghid
29–30 Geiléis
49–50 Mòr
67–68 Niamh 69–70 Órlaith
11–12 Ceana
31–32 Gràinne
51–52 Mòrag
71–72 Osnait
91–92 Slàinte
13–14 Ceara
33–34 Laoise
53–54 Mordag
73–74 Ríona
93–94 Sorcha
15–16 Ciar
35–36 Líadan
55–56 Muireall
75–76 Róinseach
95–96 Treasa
17–18 Dáirine
37–38 Liamhain
57–58 Muireann
77–78 Róisín
19–20 Ealadha
39–40 Líobhan
59–60 Muirín
79–80 Ròs
97–98 Tuathla 99–00 Úna
03–04 Ana
89–90 Síomha
Table 171: Keltic Personal Names – Male d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–02 Ailill
21–22 Camran
41–42 Curnán
61–62 Lachlann
81–82 Orthanach
03–04 Aodh
23–24 Cassair
43–44 Deaglán
63–64 Lasair
83–84 Ríordán
05–06 Artagan
25–26 Cathal
45–46 Donnan
65–66 Lonán
85–86 Rònan
07–08 Artair
27–28 Cian
47–48 Dubhagan
67–68 Maon
87–88 Ross
09–10 Bardán
29–30 Cillian
49–50 Dùghall
69–70 Mochta
89–90 Ruarc
11–12 Bearach
31–32 Conall
51–52 Finnean
71–72 Morann
91–92 Scannlán
13–14 Bran
33–34 Conan
53–54 Fionn
73–74 Muireach
93–94 Seanán
15–16 Brion
35–36 Conn
55–56 Flann
95–96 Sionn
17–18 Brocc
37–38 Corc
57–58 Gòrdan
75–76 Niall 77–78 Ógán
19–20 Brógán
39–40 Cormac
59–60 Gormal
79–80 Onchú
99–00 Torcán
97–98 Taran
Keltic Patronymics: Kelts use their father’s or grandfather’s name as a patronymic, preceding it with Macc (son) or Inghean (daughter), depending on gender. To generate a patronymic, roll a d% using the Keltic male names list above. Examples: Morann Macc Bran indicates that Morann is the son or grandson of Bran. Mòrag Inghean Neasán is the daughter or granddaughter of Neasán.
KIMMERIAN NAMES The Kimmerians of the steppes came to use the Hellenic tongue as their own, and with it the use of Hellenic names in place of those traditional to their people. Believing that people stand on their own merits, they do not use patronymics or matronymics, but they do use appropriate epithets as marks of distinction (e.g., “Agape the Clever” or “Agathon the Beardless”; see Table 194 for more ideas). To generate a Kimmerian name, roll a d6 followed by a d20. If the Kimmerian is from the subterranean city of Krimmea, refer to the subsequent tables. Table 172-A: Kimmerian Personal Names – Female (d6, 1–3) d20 Name Result
Table 172-B: Kimmerian Personal Names – Female (d6, 4–6) d20 Name Result
Table 173-A: Kimmerian Personal Names – Male (d6, 1–3) d20 Name Result
Table 173-B: Kimmerian Personal Names – Male (d6, 4–6) d20 Name Result
KIMMERIAN (KRIMMEAN) NAMES The subterranean Kimmerians of Krimmea still use their ancestral names, though by the time the Scythian ancestors of the Ixians had driven them into the Caucasus Mountains, Hellenic elements had already entered their tongue. Like the Hellenic-named steppe Kimmerians, they use epithets instead of patronymics. To generate a Krimmean Kimmerian name, roll a d20.
Volume I: Player’s Manual Table 174: Kimmerian (Krimmean) Personal Names – Female d20 Personal Result Name
Table 175: Kimmerian (Krimmean) Personal Names – Male
d20 Personal Result Name
d20 Personal Result Name
d20 Personal Result Name
1 Alda
11 Nihmukos
1 Bryzos
11 Kersés
2 Amachis
12 Rhaskusucu
2 Byzés
12 Mukos
3 Aritucu
13 Sarakos
3 Dentupés
13 Mukakenthos
4 Dentusucu
14 Sarukê
4 Diaskenthos
14 Pytros
5 Dizasokos
15 Storanê
5 Diazenis
15 Rhaskos
6 Epleimeiê
16 Surasokos
6 Dizapés
16 Rhésos
7 Eptésuchis
17 Tamuros
7 Dizazelmis
17 Skaris
8 Kersésuchis
18 Tarma
8 Drenis
18 Tarutinos
9 Madakos
19 Tarusucu
9 Ezbenis
19 Zilés
10 Mokasokos
20 Tirgatos
10 Gaidrés
20 Zipyros
KIMMERI-KELT NAMES Because the traditional tongue of their Kimmerian forebears fell into disuse everywhere save in the subterranean realm of Krimmea, most Kimmeri-Kelt tribes have long adopted Keltic names. A few tribes, however, use Hellenic names much as the steppe-dwelling Kimmerians do.
LAPP NAMES Lapps are said to be in such decline that there may be more common folk using their names than the Lapps themselves. To generate a personal name, roll a d20. Then roll a d4 to determine clan name. Table 176: Lapp Personal Names – Female d20 Name Result 1 Ádá
d20 Name Result
2 Aliissá
12 Meret
3 Amándá 4 Ásta 5 Elle
11 Inger
Table 177: Lapp Personal Names – Male d20 Name Result 1 Ággi
d20 Name Result 11 Hugo 12 Ivvar
13 Mimmi
2 Ámmon 3 Ávgos
14 Niná
4 Bihto
14 Lágon
15 Olgá
5 Dávgon
15 Morte
6 Evá
16 Ristiinna
6 Duomis
16 Niikko
7 Florá
17 Sonjá
7 Einár
17 Otto
8 Gunná
18 Sussu
8 Guivi
18 Sabba
9 Helená
19 Unni
9 Hegon
19 Viktor
20 Venlá
10 Holger
10 Helgá
Lapp Clan Names: Lapps were once divided into several clans that spread across the plains and tundra. In the aftermath of wars with the Esquimaux and Yakuts, and the devastation of the Green Death, only four clans remained. The names of these clans became surnames for the survivors, who banded together in remote corners of the realm. To determine a clan name, roll d4.
13 Jonás
20 Volbmar
Table 178: Lapp Clan Names d4 Result
Clan Name
Example: Sussu of the Wolf Clan
LEMURIAN NAMES Most Lemurians have family names dating back many centuries, whilst prominent nobles might list their lineage for millennia, to the times before the collapse. Because Lemurians put family before self (culturally though perhaps not always in practice), family names are listed first, followed by personal names. Outcasts, outlaws, felons, and other criminals, as well as their families, are oft stripped of their familial names as a punishment and simply have a personal name. To determine a Lemurian name, roll a d6 and a d20 to determine a family name, then a d8 and a d20 according to gender. Example: Chang of the Baba family is called Baba Chang. Table 179: Lemurian Family Names
Table 180: Lemurian Personal Names – Female
d20 Result
d6 Result (1-2)
d6 Result (3-4)
d6 Result (5-6)
d20 Result
d8 Result (1–2)
d8 Result (3–4)
d8 Result (5–6)
d8 Result (7–8)
d8 Result (7–8)
d20 Result
d8 Result (1–2)
Table 181: Lemurian Personal Names – Male
d20 Result
d8 Result (1–2)
d8 Result (3–4)
d8 Result (5–6)
d8 Result (3–4)
d8 Result (5–6)
d8 Result (7–8)
Volume I: Player’s Manual
MOORISH NAMES Moorish names are largely derived from various Berber tribes of Old Earth’s North African region. To determine a female personal name, roll a d%, and to determine a male personal name, roll a d6 followed by a d10. Like many other cultures, Moors use a patronymic when greeted by fellow Moors; otherwise, they go by their personal names. Table 182: Moorish Personal Names – Female
Table 183: Moorish Personal Names – Male
d% Result
d30 Name Result
1 Ahmedu
11 Dassin
21 Munatas
2 Amergiw
12 Ehenkouen
22 Sidi
3 Antal
13 Ehenu
23 Sufian
4 Asmil
14 Idir
24 Tariq
5 Azawakh
15 Ilou
25 Udad
6 Aziouel
16 Izil
26 Wagguten
7 Baragsen
17 Khyar
27 Yabdas
8 Beddis
18 Lamine
28 Yuba
9. Bekketa
19 Masgaba
29 Yugerten
10 Brahim
20 Massena
30 Ziri
d30 Name Result
MU NAMES Mu names originate from a time before they adopted their current 814-word language. Their names are genderless, except for unmarried females. To generate a Mu name, roll a d6 followed by a d20. Unmarried females whose names end in the vowel “a” are given a suffix of -sha. If their name ends in another vowel or any consonant, the suffix of -asha is added. Upon marrying, or when an adult female denounces such attachments in favour of unwedded life, the suffix is removed at a renaming ceremony. Examples: Bora will be called Borasha; Genzebo will be called Genzeboasha.
Moorish Patronymics: Moors use the unmodified name of their father as a patronymic, preceded by either ult- (daughter of) or ag- (son of). Examples: Thula, daughter of Yuba, would be called Thula ult-Yuba, and Ziri, son of Tariq, would be called Ziri ag-Tariq.
d30 Name Result
Table 184-A: Mu Names (d6, 1–2) d20 Name Result
d20 Name Result
1 Batu
11 Darbu
2 Bagada
12 Dubano
3 Bahareko
13 Dzogoshi
4 Baijata
14 Gabata
5 Baliti
15 Gasani
6 Bisku
16 Gatifan
7 Bora
17 Ged-ahini
8 Bortegana
18 Genzebo
9 Dangata
19 Guri
10 Darbohanshati
20 Gurlu
Volume I: Player’s Manual Table 184-B: Mu Names (d6, 3–4) d20 Name Result 1 Habura
Table 184-C: Mu Names (d6, 5–6)
d20 Name Result
d20 Name Result
11 Kulugmat
1 Nuh-ni
d20 Name Result 11 Tin-ako
2 Hadzi
12 Kushta
2 Okuhnti
12 Tinteganzabu
3 Kaibiri
13 Lakha-ta
3 Ramun-auni
13 Tirgɑtɑ
4 Kalati
14 Lambano
4 Shida
14 To-ra
5 Kashin
15 Mangatinuh
5 Sho-kaia
15 Toko-na
6 Kidzi
16 Mertematakalbano
6 Shuaxota
16 Tshoma
7 Kitshaki
17 Mizgita
7 Shuo
17 Tso-nakau
8 Kiwak
18 Mogatooti
8 Ta-mita
18 Tukahe-da
9 Kokaodi
19 Munatenorma
9 Tæhata
19 Wu-rakatubat
10 Korumi
20 Nagaikota
10 Tashana
20 Zilanka
OON NAMES Oon begin their lives as slaves to the mi-go and are not provided names; rather, they are assigned a numerical designation that typically consists of nine digits. Upon liberation, Oon will take up a name that is popular in the area they settle. Sometimes they select the name of the first person to treat them kindly. Rare is the Oon who retains their numerical designation as an actual name.
PICTISH NAMES Picts utilize several traditional names and modified names (with traditional elements) in post-Green Death New Pictland. To generate a Pictish female name, roll a d20. To generate a Pictish male name, roll a d6 followed by a d20. Males sometimes use a patronymic, whilst females do not. Table 185: Pictish Personal Names – Female d20 Name Result
d20 Name Result
Table 186-A: Pictish Personal Names – Male (d6, 1–3) d20 Name Result
d20 Name Result
1 Barita
11 Huctia
1 Argentocoxos
11 Cintusmos
2 Bodicca
12 Liggagh
2 Arviragos
12 Cogidubnos
3 Cartimandua
13 Luann
3 Bodiccios
13 Commios
4 Cobblaith
14 Luncetta
4 Brigomaglos
14 Crotos
5 Cunoarda
15 Nectudagh
5 Cacumattos
15 Cunittos
6 Cunovinda
16 Scáthagh
6 Calgacos
16 Cunobarros
7 Drusstic
17 Tea
7 Caratacos
17 Cunobelinos
8 Elpia
18 Ventissa
8 Catavignos
18 Cunopectos
9 Eithni
19 Verctissa
9 Ceanatis
19 Cunovindos
10 Eurgeinn
20 Verica
10 Cingetorix
20 Dubnovellaunos
HYPERBOREA Table 186-B: Pictish Personal Names – Male (d6, 4–6) d20 Name Result
d20 Name Result
1 Enestinos
11 Saccios
Pictish Patronymics: Although Pictish inheritance is traced through the mother’s line, Pictish men oft use a patronymic based on their oldest uncle’s name. nepos: “nephew of ”
2 Ivomagos
12 Segovax
3 Litugenos
13 Senorix
4 Lugotorix
14 Setibogios
5 Mandubracios
15 Tancorix
6 Matugenos
16 Taximagulos
7 Morirex
17 Togodumnos
8 Motios
18 Uepogenos
19 Venutios
20 Vindex
9 Nectovelios 10 Rianorix
The uncle’s name is modified in the patronym based on its ending, as follows: Table 187: Pictish Patronymic Modifications
Example: Cunovindos, nephew of Lugotorix, might introduce himself as Cunovindos nepos Lugotorigis, or simply Cunovindos when outside of his culture.
PICT (Half-Blood) NAMES As the Half-Blood Picts rejected their Pictish masters (and consequently their paternal ancestry), they began to rediscover their maternal Tlingit heritage. Thus, they adopted Tlingit names and moieties. Now, only a few HalfBlood loyalists continue to use Pictish names. Half-Blood Picts should refer to the Tlingit list in almost all cases; otherwise, they might use the Pict list.
ROMAN NAMES The full three-part Roman name, which is by no means universally used, is known as the tria nomina. It consists of a prænomen (personal name), nomen (family name), and perhaps a cognomen (nickname). On Old Earth the cognomen was sometimes hereditary within families (referring to the deeds or appearance of an illustrious ancestor), but in Hyperborea, the cognomen is always a personal nickname. Due to the disordered state of Roman society and family bonds in Hyperborea, many Romans there are known only by a prænomen, or in extreme cases, only by a cognomen. Roman women are sometimes known only by their nomen, with terms such as “Major” and “Minor” used to distinguish between sisters of different ages, but this is not a universal practice either. Given the lack of consistency amongst Hyperborean Romans, the player or referee could reasonably generate only a prænomen for a character of either gender. To generate a Roman name, roll a d% for the prænomen, and a d% for the nomen. Table 188: Roman Female/Male Prænomen (personal name) d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–04 Appia/Appius
37–40 Marcia/Marcus
69–72 Quinta/Quintus
05–08 Aula/Aulus
41–44 Mettia/Mettius
73–76 Septima/Septimus
09–12 Decima/Decimus
45–48 Nona/Nonus
77–80 Servia/Servius
13–16 Fausta/Faustus
49–52 Numeria/Numerius
81–84 Statia/Statius
17–20 Gaia/Gaius
53–56 Octavia/Octavius
85–88 Tiberia/Tiberius
21–24 Gnæa/Gnæus
57–60 Paulla/Paullus
89–92 Tulla/Tullus
25–28 Hosta/Hostus
61–64 Procula/Proculus
93–96 Vibia/Vibius
29–32 Lucia/Lucius
65–68 Publia/Publius
97–00 Vopisca/Vopiscus
33–36 Mania/Manius
d% Name Result
Volume I: Player’s Manual
Table 189: Roman Female/Male Nomen (family name) d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–04 Acilia/Acilius
37–40 Gabinia/Gabinius
69–72 Ovidia/Ovidius
05–08 Æmilia/Æmilius
41–44 Geminia/Geminius
73–76 Petronia/Petronius
09–12 Calpurnia/Calpurnius
45–48 Horatia/Horatius
77–80 Pontia/Pontius
13–16 Claudia/Claudius
49–52 Hortensia/Hortensius
81–84 Rubellia/Rubellius
17–20 Didia/Didius
53–56 Iulia/Iulius
85–88 Sextia/Sextius
21–24 Domitia/Domitius
57–60 Licinia/Licinius
89–92 Titinia/Titinius
25–28 Equitia/Equitius
61–64 Maria/Marius
93–96 Ulpia/Ulpius
29–32 Fabia/Fabius
65–68 Numicia/Numicius
97–00 Valeria/Valerius
33–36 Flavia/Flavius Roman Cognomen: Ideally, the player or referee should choose a character’s cognomen, perhaps based on a secondary skill or a physical characteristic such as hair color, but this can also be randomized. If the female cognomen differs from the male, it is given in parentheses. Roll a d% for the cognomen. Table 190: Roman Cognomen (nickname) d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01–02 Aculeo – “surly”
51–52 Flavus (Flava) – “yellow haired”
03–04 Agricola – “farmer”
53–54 Fullo – “fuller”
05–06 Albinus (Albina) – “pale”
55–56 Gemellus (Gemella) – “twin sibling”
07–08 Albus (Alba) – “fair skinned”
57–58 Helva – “brown haired”
09–10 Aquilinus (Aquilina) – “like an eagle”
59–60 Laterensis – “lives in the hills”
11–12 Arvina – “fat”
61–62 Longus (Longa) – “tall”
13–14 Asina – “like an ass”
63–64 Lupus (Lupa) – “like a wolf ”
15–16 Atellus (Atella) – “dark haired”
65–66 Lurco – “glutton”
17–18 Bassus (Bassa) – “plump”
67–68 Macer (Macra) – “thin”
19–20 Bestia – “like an animal”
69–70 Mergus (Merga) – “like a gull”
21–22 Bibulus (Bibula) – “drunk”
71–72 Mus – “like a mouse”
23–24 Brutus (Bruta) – “stupid”
73–74 Naso – “big nosed”
25–26 Bubulcus (Bubulca) – “cattle drover”
75–76 Natta – “artisan”
27–28 Bucco – “fool”
77–78 Niger (Nigra) – “dark haired”
29–30 Buteo – “like a vulture”
79–80 Pavo – “like a peacock”
31–32 Cæpio – “grocer”
81–82 Pictor (Pictrix) – “painter”
33–34 Calidus (Calida) – “hot headed”
83–84 Pulcher (Pulchra) – “good looking”
35–36 Calvus (Calva) – “bald”
85–86 Purpureo – “purplish complexion”
37–38 Caninus (Canina) – “like a dog”
87–88 Quadratus (Quadrata) – “stocky”
39–40 Canus (Cana) – “light haired”
89–90 Rufus (Rufa) – “red haired”
41–42 Celsus (Celsa) – “tall”
91–92 Salinator (Salinatrix) – “salt miner”
43–44 Corvinus (Corvina) – “like a crow”
93–94 Taurus (Taura) – “like a bull”
45–46 Crassus (Crassa) – “fat”
95–96 Varus (Vara) – “bow-legged”
47–48 Crispus (Crispa) – “curly haired”
97–98 Verres – “like a pig”
49–50 Figulus (Figula) – “potter”
99–00 Vitulus (Vitula) – “like a cow”
TLINGIT NAMES Traditionally, the Tlingit (and Half-Blood Picts by extension) belong in one of two moieties (social groupings): G̱ooch (Wolf) or Yéil (Raven). These moieties also function as surnames. Following tradition, these matrilineal groups require marriages to be between opposite moieties. To determine a Tlingit or Half-Blood Pict name, first roll a d6 to determine moiety (1–3 = G̱ooch; 4–6 = Yéil). Next, for personal names, roll a d6 followed by a d20. Personal names are considered genderless. Examples: Cháatl G̱ooch, Kóon Yéil. Table 191-A: Tlingit Personal Names (d6, 1–3) d20 Name Result
d20 Name Result
d20 Name Result
1 Chʼáak
11 Góon
1 Taan
11 X̱aay
2 Chʼaal
12 Kéet
2 Tax̱ʼ
12 Xʼátgu
3 Cháatl
13 Kóon
3 Tleilu
13 Xeitl
4 Ch’eet
14 Kʼóox
4 Tóos
14 X̱ík
5 Chéx̱ʼi
15 L’ook
5 Tsiskʼw
15 Xíxchʼi
6 Dís
16 Sʼáx
6 Tukká
16 Xóots
7 G̱agaan
17 Sʼeek
7 Wéix̱
8 G̱aÿéis
18 Shaa
8 X’aan
17 Ÿaaw 18 Ÿaaÿ
9 Gijook
19 Shisʼg̱i
9 Xaas
19 Yéik
10 Xáatl
20 Yéil
10 G̱ooch
d20 Name Result
Table 191-B: Tlingit Personal Names (d6, 4–6)
20 Sitʼ
Volume I: Player’s Manual
VIKING NAMES Vikings are more likely to go by their full name, including the patronymic, especially when dealing with other Vikings; however, many are known to go by an epithet (see Table 194) in place of a patronymic. To generate a Viking name, roll a d%. (*) Note that all Viking personal names that begin with “Ull” (honoring Ullr) should be replaced with “Thor” when creating an outcast Viking from the Isles of Thur. Table 192: Viking Personal Names – Female d% Name Result 01 Álfhildr
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
26 Gíslaug
51 Hildigerdr
76 Ragnfrídr
02 Arnbjörg
27 Gróa
52 Hildigunnr
77 Ragnhildr
03 Arndís
28 Gunna
53 Hildr
78 Rannveig
04 Arnfridr
29 Gunnfrídr
54 Hlíf
79 Sigbjörg
05 Arngerdr
30 Gunnheidr
55 Hlífhildr
80 Signý
06 Arngunnr
31 Gunnhildr
56 Hólmfrídr
81 Sigrídr
07 Arnlaug 08 Ásbjörg
32 Gunnlaug
57 Hólmgerdr
82 Sigrún
33 Gunnvör
58 Hólmlaug
83 Sigthrúdr
09 Ásfrídr 10 Ásgerdr
34 Gyda
59 Hrefna
84 Snælaug
35 Halla
60 Inga
85 Steinbjörg
11 Ásgunnr 12 Ásný
36 Hallbera
61 Ingibjörg
86 Steinfrídr
37 Hallbjörg
62 Ingigerdr
87 Thúrídr
13 Ástrídr
38 Halldís
63 Ingileif
14 Dís
39 Hallfrídr
64 Ingirídr
88 Thyri 89 Úlfhildr
15 Eybjörg
40 Hallgerdr
65 Jófrídr
90 Ulla(*)
16 Eydís
41 Hallthóra
66 Jórunn
91 Ullgerdr(*)
17 Freydís
42 Hallveig
67 Ketillaug
92 Ullgunnr(*)
18 Freygerdr
43 Heimlaug
68 Ketilrídr
93 Ullhildr(*)
19 Freygunnr
44 Helga
69 Mær
94 Ullunn(*)
20 Frída
45 Herdís
70 Magnhildr
95 Ullvé(*)
21 Geira
46 Herfrídr
71 Mundgerdr
96 Ullvör(*)
22 Geirbjörg
47 Hergerdr
72 Oddbjörg
97 Unna
23 Geirhildr
48 Hergunnr
73 Oddfridr
98 Unnr
24 Geirlaug
49 Herthrúdr
74 Oddný
99 Véfrídr
25 Geirrídr
50 Hildibjörg
75 Ragnbjörg
00 Végerdr
HYPERBOREA Table 193: Viking Personal Names – Male d% Name Result
d% Name Result
d% Name Result
01 Aghi
26 Björn
51 Grímkell
02 Alfarr
27 Björnkell
52 Grímr
76 Oddi 77 Óleifr
03 Arnfastr
28 Brandr
53 Gunnr
78 Orri
04 Arngrímr
29 Brandulfr
54 Gunnkell
79 Ragnarr
05 Arnhallr
30 Broddr
55 Gunnleifr
80 Rúni
06 Arnhvatr
31 Brúnkell
56 Gunnvidr
81 Sigmundr
07 Arnkell
32 Dagr
57 Hafr
82 Sigtryggr
08 Arnsteinn
33 Dagvidr
58 Haki
83 Sigurdr
09 Arnvidr 10 Ásbrandr
34 Einarr
59 Hákon
84 Snæbjörn
35 Eiríkr
60 Hallbjörn
85 Snorri
11 Ásgeirr 12 Áskell
36 Eldgrímr
61 Hallgrímr
86 Sölvi
37 Eybjörn
62 Hallr
87 Steinn
13 Ásmarr 14 Ásulfr
38 Fastmundr
63 Haukr
88 Stigr
39 Fastulfr
64 Helgi
15 Audbjörn
40 Fjölmódr
65 Hermundr
89 Sunnvidr 90 Úlfr
16 Audgrímr
41 Frakki
66 Hólmfastr
91 Ullbjörn (*)
17 Audkell
42 Freygeirr
67 Hólmkell
92 Ullbrandr (*)
18 Audulfr
43 Freyrikr
68 Hrólfr
93 Ulldr (*)
19 Audsteinn
44 Freyvidr
94 Ullfredr (*)
20 Audvidr
45 Fródi
69 Ingi 70 Ívarr
21 Baggi
46 Gedda
71 Jöfurr
96 Ullgrímr (*)
22 Balli
47 Geirfastr
72 Ketill
97 Ullir (*)
23 Bergr
48 Geirleifr
73 Knútr
98 Ullvaldr (*)
24 Bersi
49 Geirmodr
74 Lodinn
99 Vedr
25 Bjartr
50 Geirr
75 Magnus
00 Vígmadr
Viking Patronymics: Both male and female Vikings use a patronymic based on their father’s name, adding -son (son) or –dóttir (daughter) respectively. The father’s name is modified slightly, however, depending on its ending as follows: Table 194: Viking Patronymic Modifications
Ending -björn -dr -i -ir -ll -nn -rr -r
d% Name Result
Modification -biarnar -ar -a -is -ls -ns -rs -s
95 Ullgeirr (*)
Examples: Einarr, son of Hallr, would be Einarr Hallsson. Ástrídr, daughter of Kvígbjörn, would be Ástrídr Kvígbiarnardóttir. Hergrímr, son of Geirmundr, would be Hergrímr Geirmunarson.
Volume I: Player’s Manual
YAKUT NAMES Yakut names can be traced to Khalk-Xu (Kraken) cultist ancestors of Old Earth, who modified their traditional names and invented new ones to match the precepts of their faith. Yakuts of Hyperborea do not use surnames. To generate a name, roll a d12. Table 195: Yakut Personal Names – Female d12 Result
Table 196: Yakut Personal Names – Male d12 Result
EPITHETS The Anglo-Saxons, Carolingian Franks, Kimmerians, and Vikings of Hyperborea oft apply epithets in place of patronymics or matronymics; on other occasions, an individual may earn an epithet through his or her behavior, appearance, or reputation. Whilst a player or referee may invent an appropriate epithet, the below table offers descriptors determined by the throw of dice. To follow the latter path, roll d66 (2d6, but instead of adding the results, place them side by side). For example, a 3 and a 1 yields 31, “the Learned.” Table 197: Epithets d66 Epithet Result
d66 Epithet Result
d66 Epithet Result
11 the Ravenous
31 the Learned
51 Star-Blessed
12 the Unyielding
32 Oathbreaker
52 the Cautious
13 the Hideous
33 the Callous
53 the Resilient
14 the Volcanic
34 Beast-Friend
54 the Pale
15 the Mesmerizing
35 the Shattered
55 the Even-Handed
16 the Undaunted
36 the Steadfast
56 the Gruesome
21 the Blooded
41 the Passionate
61 the Matchless
22 the Ageless
42 the Prophet
62 the Unnatural
23 the Toothsome
43 the Ill-Tempered
63 the Keen
24 the Apt
44 Wind-Born
64 Bone-Breaker
25 the Lusty
45 the Ungainly
65 the Shiftless
26 the Coward
46 the Vengeful
66 the Sacred
N.B.: Although an epithet may appear derogatory, the truth may be otherwise. A tremendously brave warrior might be jokingly called “coward” by his compatriots after a significant battle; because the term is so opposite the truth, it sticks. Thus, Rúni “the Coward” is an extremely bold and fearless combatant. Ingunde “the Shattered” may have had both arms broken by thieves, but now she’s the most accurate archer in her tribe. A player or character might relish such ironic naming. 307
APPENDIX B: LORDSHIP AND STRONGHOLDS Any character with proper funds can arrange for the construction of a castle, fortified manor, tower, wilderness fortress, or the like. Without sufficient experience and reputation, however, one may lack the right to build and the wherewithal to resist opposition. With sufficient experience, resources, and commitment, a character can become a lord, oversee the construction of a stronghold (or take one, possibly by force), and attract the service of dedicated followers. In alternative instances, a character might usurp control of an existing stronghold. Depending on the circumstances, this arrogation could lead to angry villagers or even a local revolt—though if the inhabitants had been oppressed, abused, or heavily taxed by the former regime, they might well embrace new leadership.
LORDSHIP Upon attaining the 9th level of experience, characters are considered lords eligible for feudal superiority and the right to dominion. The politics, rights, and military responsibilities involved with attaining this eligibility are oft determined through role-play. For example, land and title might be granted to lower-level adventurers should they complete a quest or deed, but their reputations as lords usually will not occur until 9th level is achieved. Other instances may arise in which a lord whose reputation is established in a city such as Khromarium or Port Zangerios might be granted a city block within which a tower or fortified manor house is built or taken. As a lord granted land and title within the confines of the city, or perhaps outside the walls yet within its domain, certain rights and privileges may be granted. This contract is a form of feudal tenure in which the landholder is granted knighthood or barony, which may or may not include heritable rights but almost always includes military responsibility. If a stronghold is taken or built in the hostile wilderness, the lord is not necessarily subject to local approval. Beyond the borderlands, in the savage wilds, one may become an independent lord, perhaps choosing to be referred to as “king,” or “queen,” or whatever title suits him or her. In Hyperborea, however, wilderness strong-
holds are oft beset by bestial horrors and countless other threats—some of otherworldly or netherworldly origin. Regardless, once the stronghold is established, the lord must assert control over his or her dominion. Control can be established militarily, politically, spiritually, through sorcery, or some combination of these factors, typically reckoned by the expectations of the lord’s alignment and character class. Once control is established, additional personnel are automatically attracted to serve. 0th-level NPCs: Several references are made to 0th-level characters serving the lord of the stronghold. Such characters will always have a lower hp range than the norm for their developing class. This total is replaced by a new hp total at 1st level, should the character advance. 0th-level characters will always have a fighting ability (FA) of no greater than zero, and their saving throw (SV) is always a base 17.
Volume I: Player’s Manual With referee approval, 0th-level characters may have a smattering of nascent abilities indicative of their developing class. For example, a 0th-level longbowman (fighter) may be in the early stages of longbow weapon mastery, and so gains +1 “to hit” but not +1 damage; a 0th-level thief may have developed the skills hide and pick pockets, but all other abilities remain in the early stages of development; a 0th-level monk may have developed the skills block missile and controlled fall, but all other abilities remain in progress; and so forth. FIGHTER LORD At 9th level, a fighter lord who builds or assumes control of a castle, citadel, fortified manor, or fortress becomes eligible to attract a body of men-at-arms, 0th-level fighters of 1d8 hp each. Here follows a typical troop: 40 longbowmen (studded armour, longbows, short swords) 20 cavalrymen (chain mail, lances, light crossbows, horseman’s flails; light warhorses) 40 light crossbowmen (chain mail, small shields, light crossbows, long spears, short swords) 40 halberdiers/pikemen (splint mail, halberds or pikes, hand axes) Attracted units include one officer, a 5th-level fighter. If the reputation of the lord is favourable, further troops may be attracted. Men-at-arms receive 10 gp per month for their service, plus 100 gp for the officer. In general, the common inhabitants of the fighter’s domain are expected to provide 5 sp (or an equivalent value in trade goods) in taxes per person per month. MAGICIAN LORD At 9th level, a magician who builds or assumes control of a castle, dungeon, fortified manor, or tower becomes eligible to attract a body of men-at-arms, 0th-level fighters of 1d8 hp each. Here follows a typical troop: 15 longbowmen (studded armour, longbows, short swords) 15 light crossbowmen (chain mail, small shields, light crossbows, long spears, short swords) 10 halberdiers/pikemen (splint mail, halberds or pikes, hand axes) Attracted units include one officer, a 5th-level fighter, magician, or warlock. If the reputation of the lord is favourable, further troops may be attracted. Men-atarms receive 10 gp per month for their service, plus 100 gp for the officer. In general, common inhabitants of the magician’s domain will provide 5 sp (or an equivalent value in trade goods) in taxes per person per month.
CLERIC LORD At 9th level, a cleric who builds or assumes control of a shrine or temple will attract followers, commoners who support the cleric’s cause. If the temple is part of a castle or fortified manor, the cleric also becomes eligible to attract a body of men-at-arms, 0th-level fighters of 1d8 hp each. Here follows a typical troop: 12 longbowmen (studded armour, longbows, short swords) 12 cavalrymen (chain mail, lances, light crossbows, horseman’s flails; light warhorses) 12 light crossbowmen (chain mail, small shields, light crossbows, long spears, short swords) 12 halberdiers/pikemen (splint mail, halberds or pikes, hand axes) Attracted units include one officer, a 5th-level fighter or cleric (of like faith). If the reputation of the lord is favourable, further troops may be attracted. Men-atarms receive 10 gp per month for their service, plus 100 gp for the officer. In general, common inhabitants of the cleric’s domain will provide 5 sp (or an equivalent value in trade goods) in taxes per person per month. THIEF LORD At 9th level, a thief who builds or assumes control of a suitable headquarters (e.g., fortified manor, dungeon, tower) will attract a band of reprobates: 1d2+12 thieves of 0th level and 1d4 hp each. They will serve without pay; in fact, they will remunerate 50% of their earnings to the thief lord. The thief also becomes eligible to attract a body of men-at-arms, 0th-level fighters of 1d8 hp each. Here follows a typical troop: 10 shortbowmen (studded armour, short bows, short swords) 10 light crossbowmen (chain mail, small shields, light crossbows, long spears, short swords) 10 halberdiers/pikemen (splint mail, halberds or pikes, hand axes) Attracted units include one officer, a 5th-level fighter or thief. If the reputation of the lord is favourable, further troops may be attracted. Men-at-arms receive 10 gp per month for their service, plus 100 gp for the officer. In general, common inhabitants of the thief ’s domain will provide 5 sp (or an equivalent value in trade goods) in taxes per person per month. N.B.: If the thief lord’s headquarters are established in the vicinity of a thieves’ guild, and an agreed percentage of all earnings is not being paid to said guild, then the thief lord is guilty of subversion; repercussions are likely.
HYPERBOREA BARBARIAN LORD (Fighter Subclass) At 9th level, a barbarian lord who builds or assumes control of a wilderness fortress becomes eligible to attract a body of tribesmen, 0th-level fighters and/or barbarians of 1d8 hp each. Here follows a typical troop: 40 longbo