Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1936, p. 3 (2024)

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1936, p. 3 (3)

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rturost half ptouadzsc cottage rolls 25- wwi unit salmon 2fforlsc cefeto statu 27c 2 for lie soups 2 lor 19c pork sausage spareribs 15c 2 25c rump roasts lg fc hamburg steaks 25c prime ruf roasts 22c b frtd stewing lamb 2 25c goelph creamery butter 2 7 cooking apples fi is bananas 323c valencia oranges 22c 32c 43c we sell for cash c j buck we the georgetown herald wediirday evening august 5u 1936 p5 personals mr jaofc buck o owen sound ins home tor the holiday week end misses clartdge spent uw week end mr it- roulls spent um holkta reek and et ilwt carting k- mlsx deur lyons spent the holiday rlth friend at niagara orithelake mr and mrs- o m ryan of rio le janeiro taajttl are visitors toen t mr and mi angus duncan am holidaying at ftondeau fyowinctal park lake erie mr fand mrs- clarence carey and family lucent umt week end lq oode rich and uuowl mr aikj mr leltoy mcfatund of 101 dalhouiie spem sunday with mr and uu u j waldic mr jack harrison spent the tioll da week end in muskoka as gueal of mr ballon mtxauciuin ad mac c- bbaw of water- down were visitors at mr and mr maybank over the week and mra r huwm of at catherines iia rwtumed beat after spending two weeks with mm h- j aldie mokxra yvank weninee and weir held have returned home utter hott- daying idr two areefcs at port dover ula haael waldie and mis mar garet klumberstone art holiday in at bhadynook inn latmercier quebec mrs heerard kentner and marjorie imr- prank colo and master donald mcmurchy are holidaying at port dover uu jdorothy cleave apent the bou- lay in llstowel and attended the old boys and jtru reunion beta oew there l mr and mm j 1l pedlcy and children and mr j w pediey of humberside were- sunday visitors with mr and mra thomas lyona mrs henry uley and misses ann and ace lsley returned home alter attending the week end at the old boys ami girls hunlon kt listovel mrs a u orahdy of ottervlue who pmt last week at mm- h k harrisons left monday accompanied by mlu itaael harruni for a holiday ai wui beach 28 deliver local news pair oct- lod 3rd labor day u our next public tttuday ba uyotf galurday in the park acton vs oeorvetown torooto fcxhlhulort fanexui thre weeks from priday auf sath hlbway tratoc was csoepuonal- ly heavy over the holiday week end many fronl here aurnded the ptreaaeas conventiou fcl cmkvlue ou monday lava should be wnttea in jtualue unzuake but if this were done what would the lawyers dot do you vroodetf- where the word satan catee frotnr we think it h juit an ou nkk maeak or beuer cleaning of clotbesall la saue otattrts phone srs oeors- lown lfxweu prices kxkaranteed there are at feau two varleues of nlrht owbs one ikyt hoo boo i and the other lay hicl hicl the waa a lare altendance at the smlauon army anniversary cer vices held at crewsons comers hud sunday baseball playoffs urt saturday dont taals ueintf axtou and oeorbe- town wvwtte u out for the nnu with a knau oonxpares hl potsexloni with what his parents had a woetuu ootnpare them with what the he4h bor have it 1 thne to uairt fceuluft your tshlbiu redy tor oeoraetowu pair to be held priday and saturday oct 2nd and fed georgetown will celebrate uw otntennlal next lttlhr an old boys and fcirl reunion would be in order thrxl thrchin on kaany tarus to this ejiajrvh has conurtmofcd and wtd be in full iwuig iurln the net ioujife of weeks- t rvthemuw will be leued to receive by telephone or taall bk of you week end vultots tor the personal rolitwux oeors lulmworth of the to ronto maple leal hotkey club will usaptre at the benefit baseball gatae lokaorrow nlahi tne taeenbers of ualtod county council held their annual oilun trip la uoos kiead but week all who attended report having had a jolly fcood liiac the ontario oaaette aw the apnolnbnent of wuuau ii bry- tioot md of the town of bnuaptoo as chief coroner in and for the county of pl u it is real snappy bawhall yoa want to ue doat fortot the bene fit kmtae toknocrow ulaht la vaa park ouelph maple leau enlota vs ualtou county all ttars with n orts being held in ueorcetown on ctvio holiday and acton and oakvllle oelnbratlons dimw- ine braje blimhrrs the town was a oulm plane in which to pend a reoful holiday a nuwbcr of uru la town have been kiven a coat of oil to lay the uixvt- tnere are u11 wne ureets that are conoanlly lued by the tao- torine public whion have not tecelv d their share yet oottjervuve of ualtoa county will hold a wkhjinolh plonlo at ueoretown in sepunber at which uon w karl uowe the newly chus- 6u leader of the provincial qonfaerv- uvea will attend and deliver an ad dress joe kane popular playing knan- aker of the qudph maple leaf bue- ball laaaa who you will teeoemberd played here hot year on july lit will brin ids comic oouuine atona and clown for the fans at the irvm oaawj but ukcn whetl playhiit ball jo u no clown a nuuber of cfwpulnu liav beett kvoelwid tkoss farsners prolae- ln ajtainu city and town folk tree- pata on their property in the tekh of rabblu etc parwi prtnerty is private property and the farmer tj- not be h i if thoe irniii hm are hailed uito court an esohanxw tells of a new racket on bsany rural mall boaes the nameji hav bec umwhat hkdistlnct ho the racketeers kwletw them and de mand a lee of hfty oents on the kround that the koeeroment rula lions all for dhxlnct labels the fant u uutt the twui has hot authortsed aikyone to do thb work tlte knodem treanulned handim on ooors of motor can will not ap pear in the itew nvodels now koine in to production at leam three of the tnsjor tabtor plants have made a quick change due to the many to- uancefi of terrible and painful tn- jurleti caiued by these sharply mould ed hahow por thc tlsj are too young lo r what horu blankou look ed like it nucht be explained that lltelr patterns kenerauy were similar to those of knenx tlorts this aumbser txceot tluu ue hone garb was usual ly a little more conservative sinninc pylons hue transpajr- ent llvtttlng tandads along the boulevards at the r kfcuonal exhibition will be eoulpped with radio again this year music will bi- uu aho from the ohandeuers a the ball room an arrancement to ikeceusjry because of time lac that mammoth dance hall uuddy values band will be heard throughout the fourteen days uiahli of the kjl a tonic glvtf vigor to nervous rundown people for hhrafhf kick ifeadafchbs and general weakness- dr hammonds brain and merve pius ode box three week treatment kcecom- mendrd by macoormacks drug store tie otuwm spodijh ouawa aug th theje are holl day daw at the capita and only a handful of mlnkxlecx are lefv la carry on the attau of stale the portloltps of thpft ministers now iversea are snrewd mdooi those iaml here aio wnen he or anoukev a the uvuer go away lur a lew oa uhi auuhmmuu oururu ns to be sumed uy one ul toe uve or six reuxauung ut ottawa tnus we lavc lion la kilmmi uto fubunaixeronh liai actutg as amiter oi aancui tuiw ae twve iiou mr liuey woo u otiuiri u ujuu lievenue 011 1m kumi w u tuner ion hu loot wfam to iuuaikll woeul iiil witen mr liicy 0 uumi to uw kmtuma lor a wy um tiiaumitu4up of ute wttcai iwuiumt pahsu ttioug u m jiuwt r itowt aii txas lo lcve ue tap uu lor k lew uat u u a oil dmu ii 14 citmikii t vim with mar many ojiuiiteri raway aualrs oou t m 1 laj anu um bvjt vital and im- oimultl ate put tvwt ll po- t1m foliowlng were vtdtors at the home of mr and mrs t a hlu king st during the past week hev dr and mrs oumour of london ont mhs marion hoy of avonston onl uds audrey poyser of austin iuil and mr and mrs w 1l hlu and daughters margaret and helen of brahtlord onl new ami tte magnificent new handthetl at the canadian na i tonal kshlhuion la beyond question the finest in the id the best features of band shells at the century of p ban dsego llouywood cleveland itadjo city amsterdam and karl sruhe have been embodied bo unique structure and numerous eg introduced fighting effects have been achieved with prompted illumi engineers to opine that half hour concert in color entirely without music could be given this entirety new feature of the ex will be one of the most popular in many yeart church news a benefit baseball game will be held in the park georgetown thurs day aug 6th at t pun- tul the quelpb maple leal senior ball team under the managership of joe kane popular playing manager who will be preent versuxhmltoti county league ail stars this is a picked team of all stars from the 1 county bawtbau league this pro mises to be the beat game of the base ball xeason in georgetown and for a worthy cause as a special attrac tion xenre oralniworui alar goalie of the toronto mapto leafs will um- ptcawhe game adsahsloa uo and los fcfc included laaw cwth u eight vwe with all buslnes wound up on sat urday delegates to the uth annual volunteer firemans convention don ned drea uniforms and p from the tire hall to- the fmp on oeorges square oakvllle and from thence to knox pvesbyterian cburch sunday afternoon led by the lome tunea scottish band of qeorgetowii the firemen paused at the cenotaph to place a wreath and to stand at attenlioti for two minutes while the lilt poa rang out the brief cere mony at oeorgefe square and the church service which louowed waa conducted by rpah the rev chair- les k nidou ujju pastor of knox churcli as proved to be the case during the sports on monday busi ness interfered with proceedings dur ing the church service a grass are in a wacre itay field owned by urs c 1 c giving stubborn re- siua before volunteers hastily called from church could gain the upper 4utnd- sunned by a strong breese lite fire burned over more titan even acres ueitej ckeeeh bervlem m tke sunday aug mb umehouse 11 am it- churchul 3 pju sx- olen wuliams 1so pjn dal speaker- mr arthur swackhamer pastor- rev o l rtrphwwt bjl oakatlea away serviced at crewons comers sun day next at 11 odock x service in oeorgetown at- 1 oclock tlsx suhjeot the light of the world bally jfejukhnwy a pretty wedding took place in ul anne anglican church torooto ualurday aiurnoon july sth when ulis anne uctcihlney daughter or ur and mrs john mcfcuunney was married to mjr llwafed a bally eldest son of mrs mary bauy and uie ute archibald ually hev q stocks curate of st aune otflcut- ed th bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown of white transparent velvet out on princess lines her veil was held by a wreath of orange iaosoms and extended to a train she carried a bouquet of pink row and lily of the valley uu kfdltli mckihlnney was her alstera bridesmaid and was very becoming in a dress of pastel green silk and pic ture hat and a bouquet of red ro ur p it bally was best man i uie ushers were ur norman bally and mr marshall uotahlnney mr adward uluea organist of st annev luayed ute wedding march and dur ing hie alerting of the kwgtster ae- cotpeuled ur s haidon tenor aolo- ut who sang because a reception was liekl at the home of the brfctew parents uargueretta stkeet brides mother teoelvtne in a gown of crepe in crwem and brown time with shoulder bouquet the grousa 1 ther wore navy with prtmraee oolor trimmings and flowers to ter a trip to bangor lodge and other points in muskoka the young couple will reside in toronto si ceerevw cfcswest rev woo thotaogvaon tebctor ninlh sunday alter tsinlty sunday school 10 ltal ma tins 11 ajn even song 1 pun hi alaws cksweja dew wustaam ninth sunday afur trinity holy communion m aju sunday school lom am kervsl preskytertaw ckareh service during august at hi5 am standard time hev u m coulter of brampton will preach bt jhna chwreh btewartduww ftth sunday after trinity august b 3 pm kvensong service in charge of rev w o jo thompson uwuw bervite union iervtooe of the preshyterian baptist and united church congrega tions will be held in the baptist churchman sunday aug mh at 1 1 aan and t uia the morning ser vice will be conducted by rev a v wtuon ba- of toronto and the evening service by the pastor rev k q baxter sunday acliools will be held in their respective churches oajcvill uck to noruialcy aftei fsresxseus couvriuoct oakvllle lapsed into normalcy again yesterday morning the visiting smoke- eaters having kept their promise to mayor jacobs and handed back the town to the cuhwns at midnight monday night in almost as good shape as when they received it from his worship hut priday tiie ith annual convention of uie ontario volunteer piremen haa ended and both the participants and the wi have voted u an unqualified mri tit* climax of the fourday fcniilmi came mo when m brigades paraded from victoria park to tra falgar park wltere a program of sports was run off it was uta larg est parade in the luuory of ute or ganisation far surpassing other ef forts both in r4 and shw the marchers taking threequarters of an itour to pass a given point and ute entire parade being estimated at more than a mile in wngth- order of parade oakvllle cltlsens band uerritton jarvls whitby maple suverthoru ftorf credit georgetown brigade and lome rlhw scottish band islinaton thomkl south humbercrwu burlington bri gade and band dunnvuie stamtord uilton palls vley dundas brigade and band new toronto long branch alderwood welland brigade i band bowmanvlue humber bay pw trolia brigade and band lmhton muu caledonia horth york co ma 1 clinton brigade and pipe to almlra mount dennis st mary port ooihorne brigade and h- palrbank olenco swansea brmmp- von brigade and band the lnt eonventlon will be held in georgetown vila sfatters u settle but uw ale two or three ltungs wsbcn knjlt be sottieu l once uiciudntg uie ioouer pruoen in w- teiil caiuuw and lue r poce of wneax wincn if lo prevail tor liie uexi lew w the govemmeut has been giving done attention to uw lulles 1 tj regnuauon o the utiemptoyed and tike isuhclung ol ncma u relieve uie jobleas are vkmj uuilters wluch cannot walt progicss h beuig made in thai lied also luere are now said to be totxooo oatue in alberta and a lata od- uonai number in uasxatchewan for winch some help will be necessary unless finns oome immediately and assist the feed- situation alter a compleu canvas d the situation uiere ate lour alternatives tat destroy a large number as is done hi uie unit ed state taking the culls out of course and the government compen- katlng uie i armors lb have the cahhers and other inferior animals taken out and processed for sale with the assistance of the packing liouses lei move feed from areas where it u plentiful to where ll is scarce and d wove cattle from drought areas 16 vastem canada cr some other region where lis leed is more plentiful the first altemauve has been ruled out wiui some finality by the govern ment but it is almou certain that all of the other three will be employ ed to some extent there is aome dif ficulty in finding adequate feed sup plies close at hand the usual sur plus of hay in northern alberta is said not to be available this veer the fr companies have offered to assist in processing up to 100000 the thinner cattle if gainst w in the transao while this would be a big pro- it would only touch the fringe there is uill a hope of dis posing of some cattle to russia in ex change lor oil and other products palmers hi ontario have in many some surpluses of feed but they cannot carry many cattle over the winter their shelter in most cases being only su for thetr owil needs copious rains in the drought belt any time up to the loth or 15th of august r would materially alter the whole yeed ryphvtftn but if they do not come the least uist can be ald is that a very serious state will prevail and all resources of province dominion railways and private indus try will be needed to avert a costly loss of livestock that uhlm prlee the federal government is not dis posed to do anything final about the minimum price of wheat lor the forthcoming year until at lealt they liave reports from their ministers now overseas a statement is being made from winnipeg concerning what will be done between the be ginning of the new crop year aug ust 1st and such time as a decision can be made with current prices soaring above last years ml it is quite possible that the govesmasent will reel that its duty will be done u it repeats last year price there ts however pressure being brought lo bear by some wratern organisations to raise the minimum some schools of utought on the other hand are disposed to advocate that the mini mum price should be dropped alto- getlter the act which created uie board does not give them any option in tins matter however they must set a minimum price but this price in turn must be approved by the ministry at ottawa the national employment commis sion is holding meetings working on s census of the unemployed and tudylng a large number of plans put forward by individuals aymlw firms and organ last ions calculated to provide work hiwtt- and lowi moan maxjr iho weathwr ms rations nrg f tlfa boo uw prvwaure are llll lrtaui to i be weaiker maa uo u- ed ht- nwe bar u whlea u 1vtrumtil ln welghlag lr b run rr at gui waaer ta a o iuoiil wr lrtii ealer le rtln ur railing a ralllag barometer lrwxrlrv ital ihr air ebmil u l berooilng l- i li tr- ibal ma taib j iuluiltaihv uuur likely a mitres u u ll- wy tu- old bsrta- bermuelr but be rrwod wril lotto a uuiusb la ibe ittlotgo tvflmtoe m- i u tiw walkr kumti u rmitm mdvlarr amtw v wjh and low prvurv r ewr un ike noe uvr k- uirnrv nf lb eartb ttswe tnownxnih ir i be rau-t- f wiikim bd the win u rihiitled wllb tllr rartura eocb as lihniumi d buullillly bring abthii tl httwhrl h-lurb- aocr imfis nwt t iwea- peralurv itmim wind rtuas of air preeur suv air rurrvtfia air eurieou ahin wo t bleb ead iww sir tmwwur- all rii n wr rooiblol la mv way or euutbv- to rreatl cbaroxea and bat k of the vrbulr ot ural bubliirex of tke vnltuh r i be rays r tbe sua totly dm t nahtoa ef wblk raacb tbe earth rufus reid lotvea baxm and scexiong crop asnpkssbsaa m trmcemi ancient fo u ttull irw of etupmttlmom uad reptlwa traclag ibrlr twiowot a tbe aidvm fall rwvrda t the urarit tlaw mad a metectlim of latuat hf skeleton of typtral rvtllmti are shown jit sa esblml mm iluaeum natural ifuliry ti- tb rpuutt tsailh irw uiniwa tbst vxlatlag mtuljlbih mud rru n til but a mkamll rviuiunil or tbe lrret aunbrra ahlcli d uruk il in tlte taet t1t oral umiuill umm- aturlwi buadrrdj mllllt un of yimtm ugti uke ikr rvftllui taw dhlhrl grvetly a mln- pnnii has sornl in thf form or mtlmhiuihure hhtl blll msrlmllsed fri4 itefitilm re trarn frni tlvf uov- imlr m ikr of of r i l- virnl it llltrl inuij hhlnr ullli uiuttira of ikotf llvlnt ui bmluuu ibe mltltaal wiirl i ml htul hmm moitw alimty hxe btlllltiti sir ugik miring htmt mirtd lite hnti ulniu utnl iu iuiuimu rr est kl fn iti t v rv iium mlid tlwlr orlgluj are trjed od tbu tmimlly tree eably lndav afotnin hi ftt lktrs llgsl mjiuins an early morning alarm brought farmers of um elghui line dislrtct south of iicorgetowii to uie aid of rufus held and hl daugjoer miss louise reid about 3 o clock sunday morning ru of unknown origin oe- storyed their big barn all uw ea- tons crop of liay and wlteat and a quanuty of grain carried over from last veer itunnlng out in lur nlghtclouwc sfus iteld dajird into uir burning barn and rrscurd a prhw bull i sis cows ipie untied the bull and hooking her niurri in a ring unougt its ooje pulled uie animal out aj burning raiun irll nuoul lirr tlie bam and l nonuntt valued at slodoo l- utld to be u total lov aiul partly rovrrtd hy in- uinbe the kdw rufue jwd bi el years of age contenu laudcd 1 30 buiiwl of oats 0 sons jruuiy 3d hrns 1 load of wlieat aimfwllie summer supply of ice v driving louve dslry and several tmall butbullding srr drttroyel by lhe but um family lioue was safe -rtm- oorelowii lire drart- nvrnl was not caued um- blase be- ln too far advattrvd when it uus discovered to be suprd by chemical ntr- equipoittit flumw from tii burning buiwnui- rtk1 aglow on tli ijky which could br jen lor miles around f the last chance for real bargains 3 groceries dutch ouucr 2 for 14c jar rings steel 15c dor ginger 19c lb ovaltine 75c fry cocoa vi 18c lux small 3 for 20c salt vi ll uxx 5c keens mustard s 39c bahkve corn syrup 15c ckipso 17c snap 2 for 15c simiiky patterns 15c 20c 25c aftnl b 1anun cucancxs and btng rr j 1 1 1 r svuetie uakt a hdbu u usually gtvew credit for the bret wrsvir toeaadra- rval laasp of praethm valua after is bstkatbe of experibmollag be discovered tk carbualsed col too buwaeeiu abd ikrodoced a lamt to bare eft bemra oa kdnlhr 31 lsta otbrr laveolora were working at tkle ties on a blailur proj ect tkartlcularly jopb 3 swatt la ttglaad tbe brilaaace clslau tbat la 1hu0 swaa produced an auctric lamp wllb a carbaa ttlasaeat by a teethed aubataatully tbe aai as kdlaoaa bsethod la lfimt atolber aasaricau l- otor alaeee a rartwr le 1s50 la eated aa euctrte lucabdeaee leup for ilchtiag ue bouee it conslatml of strip af akeet platlauaa operauag la air sunday recreation what do you do on sundayst we liope you go to church for it ts good lor your body as well as your soui but what about the rest of the day apparently we have but one idea we jump into our car or somebody elsef drive as fast and as far as we can pick up an indigestible gulp-and- run lunch at some roadside stand en route lose our lempers over tin baa manners of all uie other motoiists fret ourselves over endless delays at main murecuous inhale t fumes inuead of exhilarating country air and get back alter midnight tir ed iirilable all keyed up and de pressed ibecause we diunt beat the previous sundays record what a start for uie week we try to crowd into one hectic day what our sngilsh cousins take a long uireeday week end to accomp lish much could be learnt from the viennese or use germans they put on uielr hiking nvhirrwit and sally forth from the vues by train or tram saturday noon or sunday morning they go uist dstanoe outwhich will permit them by easy walking to fret back sunday night by crossing country they dodge uie ruineladwn highways ate hi uie open all ute time ru at guest houses en route and arrive home pliylcally tired but mentally relaxed and rrrlid what a contrast to our ai dashing abouurour day of real true our suburban countryside is dotted wlut no trespassers signs and our country roads sadly lack cinder pauis but thee diftlcpltua could be overcome if our people real ly tried in montreal and ottawa skiers do entrain out and ski back hi uie winter an excellent arrange ment but the eustom sliould be more widely practiced for aift u well as winter recreation uost centres- have woodland ooen suburbs where one can walk far from the maddenhig crowd and in unison with use spirit of nature h is good to feel grass and moss under foot to smell twv mown hay and to drink h ue cool fragrance of uie woods try locking your car up some sun day or if you must use it to get to uie open spaces park it as soon you can and strike out oa foot optimism u often a greater hand cap than pwrtlmhm the peulmu at least doeont count his chickens and insist on thawing the money be fore utey ah hatched hw wslb c iu ni u bo kaows boa v bltauu got its ibiet sihtw raiy it ibeauii wblle lua day uaptlauui and ctiohrwuttlaas used to be coadkeon on tbat day abd white rob wri tbervrorv uvutlful anotber tbcory ts tluit tbv nuioe originate from tbe old custom of giving tlw poor what wre called ablte seekt oiretiaga such as tallk aud chaea it la also claimed tbat wbliaua got its aabse fmcuu the while velbwali worn by prtniia wbsa clbrauag rsiu at tbls rsl tbe watbr at wbltsua baa boawtlau been wblie tbe beavuet tall of snow recordtml la tbls eouatry at vv bit sua occurred in ibbh pearaoav weekly lower school defsartmentl exaitiprtatjon reaulu the results of umv loarr hclmol departmeiital lxamination in counly ure now publloird eughl h rnral schools sent up tallldau4 from uielr plftli porm for thrw m- amlnatlons and uie rviuli generally f e highly credluble tht cundt- dates listed bcloa mv juccwful in tlie suhjects named s u no 1 nasiageafis maruurft j hruce llrlt- history clwiuruiun art teexlier mu man c dniglu s s no 0 nehdllrne colling 1 ihithii hhtnry art botany jkaii richardson art bcitany rvacher i 2 mlis hesur itesdhead s s no 10 nelsaiy hunvj millar 5 iusiograiili nanrj talor iu1- 5 llsh o rammer tvaclicr ml marion 5 o ooodhrand s s not f trafalgar xi lid rwl hal ley kiiglldi o rammer uit hhtory oeography helen curidire knglui z orammer brh hhinry geography z ruby peaoock ivngllsli grammar s british history tvachrr mio z gladys r mccleary i z s a no 11 trafalgar lome z taylor agriculture i ruth talor british history geograpliy art agriculture f teacher miss marion cuulngham 8 h no 14 traralgarray- cla- ridg british ttlstory oeograpliy agriculture x jan rvalherstone british history geography art agri culture i ralph prauieraone bri tish history geography art agricul ture i tvaclmr mhs jesje jamk- son mcbean co stoite 1ileu tii rgsoas arrknon xt hum pihsnfc i yti bktuvcic gbosuiexown mn public is invited to inspect rexall million dollar train whea if come into ib acnon on it 29000bslie lour of the country fr cossooasf tbe united dng coes- psnvs mluson dollar iteaall trata will be throw o opea to pwbhc lnspecuoei of its four exhlblnoa cars the craln l specialry built or coo- veodooa of tteaiall drugatsts scope will be fcnd in 1 so odea md towos la which 1 09 coo veniloas wdlbeheld board the train- r- new advertisem*nts sevan roommf lioui to wnt on uarkt st alt ewiwnlncc apnl st herald otoce it hus cu juuuy skj u castronox stomach powder om aeie at maecwwaaekm bewg kieee tku train will oe on cxiutsttioa in toronto on august 13th uid 14ti get your tickets wlttcli entitle you to free inspection at robbs drug store the tlxmjl sinsttat hson 76 we deliver georgetown ye beat lloue to rent on murdock street occuiioncy july ihli apply to jas uallanune gforgetown tf tw kent occupancy july 5th bve room liouse wiui batli remodelled and nealy decorated very attracuve cor- iler of main and kennedy su ap luy jas dallantine evenings phone as r is or call uu k- barber main st n tf tw steal loaer lislf of duplex house on king st next to marshalls slore ore plmce and garage poisesion immediately amji to james ballantine tptkone 65 r is georgetown u trucking cartage all kinds of lutuung done utorougb- ly and rtiohably 1 c whitmee plione m1 n itc1 aus cethaa the clllugu in ibti luttdhwat af juavtice building wvre tuaile by uaclug imrtlcu of coloivd asud iu pi ale con crete tbr are the ami uwuilc cll lags eir ilaalgned in arcbllkftutal coa- cretv tbe seven doors of tbe building couinriae about 23 sera a itblu the bullulag are about two telle of cors ridorsea prlnctpel stalraaya and hi alevmliarg un tbe sevtutb floor utib jaatlce building taay b ound tbe worlds nnast crime laboratory hvre keeping tab on tbe criminal popuulloa aflb tlldtcd utat- uncle b3ni main talus rootas for ble of caore tbau 40uyuu0 flagrnriuta 3bsulml u dhkslvlag la aouur oiin itiujoiu of our cousv try is found what u couiaoul celled ibt suskiktbuah- travlra arv often deceived by lb blulsb grea brunela ablca frsitd olttteoce aiv taully tul- islva far tlw sssoke af a ruaip hrv a aoufwbat sluiluir bush hi found in sew tuauol but ib tblu caiw i in tiuah ceiisa tbe ulatsat lrnn uuuuiati wtd tu appear d ited with gruslng auhi it u tbe huumta uluoi lutlir kauun to tba aatlvv an ilu sgtable fassas cm rats la akbagtsai arlington t uui 1 rlluull tbe aetate or cn link n iv i j la uow tbe fliuil rvhlliu i t or miv ma aoldlirs including ibf btrmu ut tbi llaliu and about n mji luru r tbe itevolullotuiry uar m 1 m i hi fuuwus bmo arv umtrulr l rl un iviuik wright aud iiwiiii aud admlrabi llaalth htlvokty ttie following is uie report of com rounlcahle tilma by uie uoii to uenrgtmoam hoard of healui for july iftm diphtheria 0 scarltrt rvvr 0 clilcksnpox 0 utsw 1 oennan meajs 0 mumps 0 htfanule paralyos 0 tynluiid rvvr 0 wliooplngcough 5 cnrebosplnal klenlngltu 0 uls life is not getting but serving tuwl ghdng nut fulsome feigning but iiresent hour living life ts not strahilng but freeing and flowing not fulsome fjnlng but lore bver flowing orenvlue klehr it costs a girl a lot of money to ook heauufu while uff bt behtg courted hut slie gets even alfer slie is married hominiorl stokks ll uited t1tie smui vsms hhlt lor aukuii 61k ttk ui mk shortening m x 47 boneless chicken so 19 ouahket cbocolitc vamlls uiple strawberry ice cream mix cora flakes 3z mandarin oranges eo kosjt tea yi si lui classovs pu svlu orange marmalade 3i sealers sm uei isr h1ncs huunr iki s wc ju 20 bulk vinegar mustard cuuiiuuuul ib son parowax ltlx pickl1nc spice willie t certo tot jw tender leaf tea 7os i ijn ilih 27 47 maple leaf soap flakes 23 olives club house slulle1 uanunilul c rayside i urtch owii 4 caltes many flowers soap icke fairy 2t fxtita mfoiai sss celery scsbik crisp celery hearts 15c choict uim bananas us ssedoz new polalaes iy scrrs 2d grap juice 16ox hot saltktj peanuts io dominion stores



Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1936, p. 3 (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

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Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.