Cinema à La Carte (Catálogo) - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2025)

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1895 (Revista) [=] 634 artigos {1} 18TH CENTURY MATERIAL CULTURE [=] Magic lanterns - Cameras obscura {2} 18TH CENTURY MATERIAL CULTURE [=] Projection lamps {2} 2000 MANIACOS 08-09 {2} 2000 MANIACOS 12 {2} 2000 MANIACOS 14-16 {2} 20TH CENTURY FOX CLOSE-UPS [=] v. 1, n. 8 (1937) {4} 24 CUADROS [=] 28 {3} 25 WATTS (Equador) [=] 3 {3} 2D ARTIST [=] A history of matte painting in movies {3} 30TH ANNUAL BLACK MARIA FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL (2011) {3} 5 Y ACCION (Venezuela) [=] 1-2 (2012) {2} ABAP [=] Manual de produção - III Forum da Produção Publicitária {2} ABBAS, Ackbar [=] Hong Kong - Culture and the politics of disappearance {2} ABBOTT, Jon [=] Irwin Allen television productions, 1964-1970 {2} ABBOTT, Megan [=] The street was mine {4} ABBOTT, Stacey [=] Celluloid vampires - Life after death {4} ABBOTT, Stacey [=] Falling in love again - Romantic comedy {4} ABDALA JUNIOR, Roberto [=] Cinema é uma outra história {2} ABEL, Marco [=] The Berlin school and its global contexts {4} ABEL, Marco [=] Violent affect - literature, cinema, and critique after representation {2} ABEL, Richard [=] Encyclopedia of early cinema {2} ABEL, Richard [=] Red rooster scare - Making cinema american {4} ABLAN, Dan [=] Digital cinematography and directing {2} ABLAN, Dan [=] Digital photography for 3D imaging and animation {2} ABRAMS, Jerold [=] Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick {2} ABRAMS, Nathan [=] Studying film {2}


ABREU, Nuno César de [=] Boca do Lixo - Cinema e classes populares {2} ABRIL, Gonzalo [=] Analisis critico de textos visuales {4} AB'SABER, Tales [=] Alegoria e cinema - a historia e seus limites {2} ABU DHABI FILM FESTIVAL 2010 {2} ACADEMIA - Revista del cine español (176) {2} ACASO, Maria [=] Lenguaje visual {2} ACCIÓN [=] 1608 {2} ACCRA CENTRAL FILM LIBRARY [=] Films from Ghana (1962) {2} ACENO [=] Políticas e poéticas do audiovisual na contemporaneidade {2} ACEVEDO, Luis Jimenez [=] Discapacidad en el cine en 363 peliculas {2} ACHAM, Christine [=] Revolution televised - prime time and the struggle... {2} ACKROYD, Peter [=] Charlie Chaplin {2} ACUÑA, Xoán [=] Chano Piñeiro - Unha historia do cinema galego {2} ADACHI, Masao [=] Messages in a bottle (interview) {2} ADAIR, Gene [=] Alfred Hitchcock - Filming our fears {2} ADAMOWICZ, Elza [=] Dada and beyond 1 {2} ADAMOWICZ, Elza [=] Un chien andalou (French film guides) {2} ADAMS, Ansel [=] The camera {2} ADAMS, Mike [=] Lee de Forest - King of radio, television and film {4} ADAMSON, Bruce [=] Best things ever said in the dark {2} ADAMSON, Joe [=] Tex Avery - King of cartoons {2} ADES, Dawn [=] Fotomontaje {2} ADLER, Tim [=] Mafia à Hollywood {2} ADORNO, Natalie [=] Identidad afrodescendiente dentro del cine colombiano {2} ADRIAN, Werner [=] Freaks - Cinema of the bizarre {2} AFT, Rob [=] Del guion a la pantalla - La importancia del derecho de autor {2} AFTER DARK (Anthology) {2} AGAMBEN, Giorgio [=] Cinéma de Guy Debord {2} AGEL, Henri [=] Qu'attendez-vous du cinéma {2} AGEL, Jerome [=] Making of Kubrick's 2001 {2} AGUDELO, Angie [=] Bucaramanga en la penumbra - La exhibicion cinematografica 1897-1950 {2} AGUDELO, Angie [=] Cinematografo - Comentarios y cronicas sobre cine en Santander {2}


AGUIAR, Ana Lígia Leite e [=] Glauber em crítica e autocrítica {2} AGUIAR, Tiago [=] Godard polifônico - Genealogias do cinema moderno {2} AGUILAR, Carlos [=] Jess Franco - El sexo del terror {2} AGUILAR, Gonzalo [=] Other worlds - New argentine film {2} AGUILAR, Gonzalo [=] Otros mundos - ensayo sobre el nuevo cine argentino {2} AGUIRRE, Juan [=] Adaptaciones de obras del teatro español en el cine {2} AGUSTI, Adolfo Perez [=] 75 años del cine de ciencia-ficción {2} AHRENS, Jörn [=] Comics and the city {4} AINOUZ, Karim [=] Céu de Suely {2} AISTHESIS [=] 48 (Dossier - Cine y politica en latinoamerica) {2} AITKEN, Ian [=] British official film in South-East Asia {2} AITKEN, Ian [=] Concise Routledge encyclopedia of the documentary film {2} AITKEN, Ian [=] European film theory and cinema {2} AITKEN, Ian [=] Lukacsian film theory and cinema {4} AIXALA, Pep [=] Woody Allen (2001) {2} ALANIZ, José [=] Nature, illusion and excess in Sokurov's Mother and son {2} ALBANIAN FILM CENTER 2006-2010 {2} ALBANIAN NATIONAL CENTER OF CINEMATOGRAPHY [=] Film productions 2015-2017 {2} ALBANIAN NATIONAL CENTER OF CINEMATOGRAPHY {2} ALBER [=] Theatres d'ombres chinoises (1896) {2} ALBERA, François [=] Albatros, des russes à Paris (1919-1929) {2} ALBERA, François [=] Cinema beyond film {2} ALBERA, François [=] Lucien Rebatet, quatre ans de cinema (1940-1944) {2} ALBERA, François [=] Musée du cinéma - Esprit es-tu là {2} ALBERA, François [=] Paradigme cinématographique {2} ALBERA, François [=] Pour une épistémographie du montage {2} ALBERA, François [=] Présentation. Pourquoi Eisenstein dans le texte {2} ALBERSTAT, Philip [=] The insider's guide to film finance {2} ALBERTSON, Lillian [=] Motion picture acting {2} ALBILLA, Julian [=] Queering Buñuel: sexual dissidence and psychoanalysis in his mexican and spanish cinema {4} ALBUM GIGANTE [=] Destino à Lua (1951) {2} ALBURGER, James [=] Art of voice acting {2}


ALCALÁ, José Ramón [=] Ser digital {2} ALCALDE, Carlos [=] Invencion de la modernidad - Historia y melancolia en el relato del cine {2} ALCALDIA MAYOR DE BOGOTA [=] Bogotá filmica {2} ALCOVER, Agustin [=] Postproducción cinematográfica en la era digital {2} ALDAMA, Frederick [=] Critical approaches to the films of Robert Rodriguez {2} ALDGATE, Anthony [=] Best of British - Cinema and society from 1930 to the present {2} ALDGATE, Anthony [=] Censorship and the permissive society {4} ALDOUBY, Hava [=] Federico Fellini - painting in film, painting on film {2} ALEA, Tomás Gutierrez [=] Cine y la cultura {2} ALEA, Tomás Gutierrez [=] Dialectica del espectador (1983) {2} ALEISS, Angela [=] Making the white man's indian - Native americans and Hollywood movies {2} ALEMÃO, Márcio [=] Viva-voz (roteiro) {2} ALEXANDER, Bryan [=] New digital storytelling {2} ALFONSO, Ramon [=] Dario Argento, el celuloide teñido de rojo {2} ALFORD, Matthew [=] National security cinema {2} ALFORD, Matthew [=] Reel power - Hollywood cinema and american supremacy {2} ALLEN, Richard [=] Camera obscura, camera lucida {2} ALLEN, Richard [=] Film theory and philosophy {4} ALLEN, Robert [=] Film history - Theory and practice {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Annie Hall (roteiro) {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Complete prose of Woody Allen {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Cuca fundida {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Matchpoint (roteiro) {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Midnight in Paris (roteiro) {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Sueños de un seductor {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Vicky Cristina Barcelona (roteiro) {2} ALLMENDINGER, Blake [=] Imagining the african american west {4} ALLMER, Patricia [=] European nightmares - Horror cinema in Europe {4} ALLOT, Caetlin Benson- [=] Killer tapes and shattered screens {2} ALLRED, Jeff [=] American modernism and depression documentary {4} ALMEIDA, Claudio [=] Cinema brasileiro no Estado Novo {2} ALMEIDA, Marcia de [=] Afinal, o que é produção {2}


ALMEIDA, Rodrigo [=] Cinema e seu testamento {2} ALMEIDA, Rodrigo [=] Rasgos culturais - Consumo cinéfilo e o prazer da raridade {2} ALMEIDA, Rogério de [=] Possibilidades formativas do cinema {2} ALMENDROS, Nestor [=] Dias de una camara {2} ALÓS, Anselmo [=] Figurações do imaginário cinematográfico na contemporaneidade {2} ALOVISIO, Silvio [=] Ceneri del tempo - Il cinema di Wong Kar Wai {2} ALOVISIO, Silvio [=] Occhio sensibile {2} ALTER, Nora [=] Chris Marker {4} ALTER, Nora [=] Essays on the essay film {4} ALTMAN, Charles [=] Psychoanalysis and cinema - The imaginary discourse {2} ALTMAN, Rick [=] Film genre {2} ALTMAN, Rick [=] Generos cinematograficos {2} ALTMANN, Eliska [=] Formação, campo e ocaso - registros da crítica cinematográfica na América Latina {2} ALTON, John [=] Painting with light {2} ALVARADO, Leonardo [=] 24 horas de consumo, notas sobre el cine pornográfico en internet {2} ALVARENGA, Clarisse [=] Cinema-processo de Vincent Carelli em 'Corumbiara' {2} ALVARENGA, Marcus [=] Cineastas e a formação da ANCINE (1999-2003) {2} ALVAREZ, Carlos [=] Sobre cine colombiano y latinoamericano {2} ALVAREZ, José Carlos [=] Breve historia del cine uruguayo {2} ALVAREZ, José Carlos [=] Historia del cine uruguayo {2} ALVAREZ, Luis Alvarez [=] Introduccion al cine {2} ALVAREZ, Pepe Gutierrez- [=] Bwana, bwana - Cine y colonialismo en Africa {2} ALVAREZ, Pepe Gutierrez- [=] Lo que aprendi del cine {2} ALVEAR, Miguel [=] Ecuador bajo tierra - Videografias en circulación paralela {2} ALVES, Cauê [=] Hélio Oiticica - Cinema e filosofia {2} ALVES, Giovanni [=] Cineclube, cinema & educação {2} ALVES, Vida [=] TV Tupi - Uma linda história de amor {2} AMABA, Roberto [=] Guy Maddin, viajero en el tiempo {2} AMÂNCIO, Cardes [=] Guia de cineclubismo {2} AMARAL, Cristina [=] O cinema, o afeto e a profissão da dúuvida {2} AMATEUR MOVIE MAKERS [=] 1-6 (1926-1927) {2} AMATEUR MOVIE MAKERS [=] 7-12 (1927) {2}


AMATO, Sara [=] Female anti-heroes in contemporary literature, film and television {2} AMAZONAS FILM FESTIVAL 2008 {2} AMAZONAS FILM FESTIVAL 2010 (clipping) {2} AMAZONAS FILM FESTIVAL 2011 (Clipping) {2} AMBULANTE (México) [=] 2010 {2} AMBULANTE (México) [=] 2012 {2} AMBULANTE (México) [=] 2013 {2} AMENABAR, Alejandro [=] Los otros (roteiro) {2} AMENGUAL, Barthelemy [=] Georg Wilhelm Pabst (francês) {2} AMERICA HOY [=] 2 (2013) {2} AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY OFFICIALS [=] Policy on drive-in theaters {2} AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER [=] 55 números {1} AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER MANUAL 1993 {2} AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS [=] A history of the american avant-garde cinema {2} AMERICAN FILM [=] v. 02, n. 03 {2} AMERICAN FILM [=] v. 07, n. 08 {2} AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE [=] 100 years, 100 movies {2} AMERICAN HUMANE [=] Guidelines for the safe use of animals in filmed media {2} AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY [=] 1914-1915 {2} AMERICAN PUBLISHING [=] Filmland favorites (1915) {2} AMERICAN ROAD [=] v. 13, n. 02 {2} AMES, Eric [=] Ferocious reality - Documentary according to Werner Herzog {2} AMES, Eric [=] Werner Herzog - Interviews {2} AMICO, Suso Cecchi [=] A la recherche du temps perdu {4} AMID, John [=] With the movie makers (1923) {2} AMIEL, Vincent [=] Estética da montagem {2} AMIEL, Vincent [=] Esthetique du montage {2} AMIN, Camron Michael [=] The making of the modern iranian woman {4} AMMASSA, Don d' [=] Encyclopedia of fantasy and horror fiction {2} AMORIM, Lara [=] Cinema e memória - O super-8 na Paraíba {2} AMPUERO, José [=] Su majestad el cine... (peça) {2} ANCINE [=] Anuário estatístico do cinema brasileiro (2012-2016) {1}


ANCINE [=] Anuário estatístico do cinema brasileiro 2017 {4} ANCINE [=] Brazilian film statistical yearbook 2013 {1} ANCINE [=] Cinema Brasil (2004-2008) {1} ANCINE [=] Emprego no setor audiovisual (Estudo anual 2017) {1} ANCINE [=] Funcionamento e passo a passo básicos na linha de produção para TV {1} ANCINE [=] Glossário de termos técnicos do cinema e do audiovisual utilizados pela Ancine {1} ANCINE [=] Gráficos e tabelas - Informe de produção 2013 {1} ANCINE [=] Gráficos e tabelas - Informe de produção 2014 {1} ANCINE [=] Informe de acompanhamento de mercado 2010 {1} ANCINE [=] Informe de acompanhento do mercado - Exibição (2011-2015) {1} ANCINE [=] Lançamentos (1995-2018) {4} ANCINE [=] Manual do produtor {1} ANCINE [=] Plano de diretrizes e metas para o audiovisual {1} ANCINE [=] Produção de longa metragens 2013 {1} ANCINE [=] Produção de longa metragens 2014 {1} ANCINE [=] TV aberta - Mapeamento (2010) {1} ANCINE [=] TV aberta no Brasil (2015) {1} ANCINE [=] TV por assinatura no Brasil (2015) {1} ANDERER, Paul [=] Kurosawa's 'Rashomon' {4} ANDERMANN, Jens [=] New argentine and brazilian cinema {4} ANDERSEN, Christopher [=] Barbra - The way she is {4} ANDERSEN, Robin [=] Battleground - The media {2} ANDERSON, Gillian [=] Presentation of silent films, or, Music as anaesthesia {2} ANDERSON, Jack [=] Shooting movies - Without shooting yourself in the foot {2} ANDERSON, Lindsay [=] Making a film - The story of 'Secret people' {2} ANDERSSON, Lars [=] A history of swedish experimental film culture {2} ANDERST, Leah [=] The films of Eric Rohmer {4} ANDRADE, João Batista de [=] Homem que virou suco {2} ANDRADE, João Batista de [=] Liberdade de imprensa (roteiro) {2} ANDRADE, João Batista de [=] Vlado - 30 anos depois {2} ANDRADE, Regina [=] A sombra de uma estrela - Carla Civelli {2} ANDREU, Cristina [=] Guia de creación audiovisual - De la idea a la pantalla {2}


ANDREU, Cristina [=] Guide de création audiovisuelle {2} ANDREW, Dudley [=] A companion to François Truffaut {2} ANDREW, Dudley [=] Concepts in film theory {4} ANDREW, Dudley [=] Film in the aura of art {2} ANDREW, Dudley [=] Opening Bazin - Postwar film theory and its afterlife {2} ANDREW, Dudley [=] Principais teorias do cinema {2} ANDREW, Dudley [=] Principales teorias cinematograficas {2} ANDREW, Dudley [=] What cinema is {4} ANDREW, Geoff [=] Ten (Abbas Kiarostami) {2} ANDREWS, Bart [=] From The Blob to Star Wars {2} ANDREWS, Chris Meigh- [=] A history of video art {2} ANDREWS, Cyril [=] Theatre, the cinema and ourselves {2} ANDREWS, Ian Wojcik- [=] Children's films {4} ANDRIOPOULOS, Stefan [=] Possessed - Hypnotic crimes, corporate fiction, and the invention of cinema {2} ANGELL, Dale [=] Pro tools for film and video {2} ANGELUCCI, Daniela [=] Deleuze e i concetti del cinema {2} ANGER, Kenneth [=] Hollywood Babilonia {2} ANGER, Kenneth [=] Hollywood Babylon (1-2) {2} ANGULO, Jesus [=] Kenji Mizoguchi, el hombre que amaba las gheisas {2} ANIMA FORUM 2013 [=] Relatório {2} ANIMA MUNDI [=] 1993-1999 / 2002-2012 {1} ANIMA MUNDI 2013 {2} ANIMA MUNDI 2017 {2} ANIMATION MAGAZINE [=] 165 {2} ANIMATION MAGAZINE [=] 168 (2007) {2} ANIMATOR (Polônia) [=] 2015 {2} ANKER, Steve [=] Radical light - alternative film & video in the San Francisco Bay area {2} ANKERICH, Michael [=] Mae Murray - The girl with the bee-stung lips {2} ANNAN, David [=] Ape - The kingdom of Kong {2} ANNAN, David [=] Catastrophe - The end of the cinema {2} ANNAN, David [=] Cinefantastic - Beyond the dream machine {2} ANNUNZIO, Gabrielle D' [=] Cabiria (1914) (roteiro) {2}


ANÔNIMO [=] 1916-1937 - El cine silente o la Colombia idealizada {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Almeria - una historia de cine {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Breve história del cine chileno {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Breve historia del cine mexicano (Los setenta) {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Buster's odyssey - From Hollywood to the White House to the curb {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Camera assistant tools & equipment {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Cine por el cambio (Madrid) {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Cinema - its present position and future possibilities (1917) {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Ese algo cinematografico incipiente en Guatemala {2} ANÔNIMO [=] French film score composers {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Future of ethiopian film (2008) {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Hollywood Canteen {2} ANÔNIMO [=] No te vayas, mamá - Las 100 mejores películas de madres fuertes {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Processo de tombamento do Cine Belas Artes {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Revised list of high class original films 1908 {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Story of Rin-Tin-Tin (1927) {2} ANÔNIMO [=] The silent films of Laurel & Hardy {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Vocabulaire de l'audiovisuel et de la communication {2} ANÔNIMO [=] Who's who in research - Film studies {2} ANTONELLIS, Raffaella de [=] No purgatório do cinema - O banheiro público como espaço fílmico {2} ANTONIONI, Michelangelo [=] Architecture of vision {2} ANTONIONI, Michelangelo [=] Este cuerpo de barro {2} ANTONIONI, Michelangelo [=] Una busqueda en lo profundo {2} ANUÁRIO ESTADÍSTICO DE CINE MEXICANO 2010-2015 {2} ANUARIO ESTADISTICO DE CINE MEXICANO 2016 {4} ANUARIO ESTADISTICO DE CINE MEXICANO 2017 {4} ANYMATION (Veneza) [=] 2012 {2} ANZUATEGUI, Sabina [=] Desmundo (roteiro) {2} APARICI, Roberto [=] Imagen, analisis y representacion de la realidad {2} APOLINARIO, Sugey [=] Extraño mundo de Tim Burton {2} APREA, Gustavo [=] Cine y politicas en Argentina {2} AQUILA, Richard [=] The sagebrush trail {4}


AQUINO, Maria de [=] Censura, imprensa, Estado autoritário (1968-1978) {2} ARABISCH FILM FESTIVAL (Bruxelas) [=] 2008 {2} ARAGAY, Mireia [=] Books in motion - Adaptation, intertextuality, authorship {4} ARAÚJO, Ana Ziller de [=] Cineastas indígenas - Um outro olhar {2} ARAÚJO, Inácio [=] Casa de meninas (roteiro) {2} ARAUJO, Inacio [=] Cinema de boca em boca {2} ARAUJO, Luciana [=] Humor, divas e outros colossos do cinema silencioso italiano {2} ARAÚJO, Mauro de [=] Cinema ativista de Jorge Bodanzky {2} ARAY, Edmundo [=] Mérida - 100 años de cine (1894-1994) {2} ARBELAEZ, Ramiro [=] Entrevista con el director Guillermo Ribon Alba {2} ARCADIA [=] 01 (1970) {2} ARCELLA, Ismael [=] Chaplin {4} ARCELLA, Ismael [=] Luchino Visconti {2} ARCHIVO NACIONAL DE TEATRO Y CINE DEL ATENEO PUERTORRIQUEÑO [=] Boletin 3 {2} ARCONADA, Andrés [=] Rodajes al borde de un ataque de nervios {2} ARCY, Chantal D' [=] Cine británico de la era Thatcher {2} ARDMORE, Jane [=] The self-enchanted - Mae Murray {2} ARENILLAS, María [=] Latin american documentary film in the new millenium {4} ARESTE, Jose Maria [=] Cine te quiero, las 100 mejores peliculas romanticas {2} ARGENTINA [=] Anuario de la industria de cine (2009-2015) {2} ARGENTINA [=] Archivo filmico pedagogico {2} ARGENTO, Dario [=] Terrore profondo [OCR] {2} ARGYRIOU, Vasileios [=] Image, video and 3D data registration {2} ARIJON, Daniel [=] ABC della regia (1-2) {2} ARIJON, Daniel [=] Grammaire du language filmé {2} ARIJON, Daniel [=] Grammar of the film language {2} ARISS, Ibrahim Al- [=] Salah Abou Seif - Portrait of a director {2} ARISTARCO, Guido [=] Cine italiano durante el fascismo {2} ARKADIN - Estudios sobre cine y artes audiovisuales [=] 1 (2005) {2} ARLEQUIN (Argentina) [=] 5 (2012) {2} ARMATAGE, Kay [=] Gendering the nation - Canadian women's cinema {4} ARMES, Roy [=] African filmmaking - North and South of the Sahara {2}


ARMES, Roy [=] Arab filmmakers of the Middle East - A dictionary {2} ARMES, Roy [=] Dictionary of african filmmakers {2} ARMES, Roy [=] On video {2} ARMITAGE, John [=] Virilio and visual culture {2} ARNHEIM, Rudolf [=] Art and visual perception {2} ARNHEIM, Rudolf [=] Arte y percepcion visual {2} ARNHEIM, Rudolf [=] Cinema est un art {2} ARNHEIM, Rudolf [=] El cine como arte {2} ARNHEIM, Rudolf [=] Film as art {2} ARNHEIM, Rudolf [=] Pensamiento visual {2} ARNHEIM, Rudolf [=] Visual thinking {2} ARNOLD, Alan [=] Valentino {2} ARNOLD, Gordon [=] Conspiracy theory in film, television and politics {4} ARONCHI, José Carlos [=] Debate - televisão, gêneros e linguagens {2} ARONOVICH, Tristan [=] Filmmaker, manual prático para cinema independente {2} ARONSON, Linda [=] The 21st century screenplay {4} ARONSON, Michael [=] Nickelodeon city, Pittsburgh at the movies, 1905-1929 {4} ARRAES, Guel [=] Subvertendo as formulas, reinventando os formatos {2} ARSLAN, Savas [=] Cinema in Turkey {2} ART CINEMATOGRAPHIQUE [=] 1 (1926) {2} ART CINEMATOGRAPHIQUE [=] 2 (1927) {2} ART OF THE MATRIX {2} ARTAL, Noemi [=] Una cronología del cine palestino {2} ARTE MUTA [=] 1 (1916) {2} ARTICLE 19 [=] Unveiled - Art and censorship in Iran {2} ARTIS, Anthony [=] Shut up and shoot - Documentary guide {2} ARTIST, THE (Production notes) {2} ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Album de figurinhas (1951) {2} ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN [=] Film as film - Formal experiment in film 1910-1975 {2} ARVIDSON, Linda [=] When the movies were young (1925) {2} ASCHEID, Antje [=] Hitler's heroines - Stardom and womanhood in nazi cinema {2} ASHBROOK, John [=] The crime time filmbook {4}


ASHLEY, Walter [=] Cinema and the public (1934) {2} ASIAN CULT CINEMA 13-15 {2} ASIAN CULT CINEMA 26 {2} ASIAN TRASH CINEMA (1-6) {2} ASIAN TRASH CINEMA 09 {2} ASKWITH, Robin [=] Confessions of Robin Askwith {2} ASLEYWORTH, Thomas [=] Broadway to Hollywood {2} ASSAYAS, Olivier [=] Assayas par Assayas {4} ASSIS, Vanessa de [=] Do romance gótico ao filme de terror {2} ASSIS, Wagner de [=] Cartomante (roteiro) {2} ASSIS, Wagner de [=] Ilka Soares {2} ASSIS, Wagner de [=] Reginaldo Faria {2} ASSIS, Wagner de [=] Renata Fronzi {2} ASSOCIAÇÃO de Investigadores da Imagem em Movimento [=] Encontro anual 2014 {2} ASSOCIATED EXHIBITORS INC. [=] Statement of purpose and policy (1920) {2} ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS [=] Box office records 1937-1938 {4} ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS [=] Box office records 1939-1940 {4} ASSOCIATION OF DOCUMENTARY FILM PRODUCERS [=] Living films (1940) {2} ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL ADVERTISERS [=] Dollars and sense of business films {2} ASTA, Monica dall' [=] Researching women in silent cinema {2} ASTRUC, Alexandre [=] Le feu et la glace (1952) {2} ATALANTE 06-07 {2} ATALANTE 12 {2} ATALANTE 18 {2} ATALANTE 20-24 {2} ATHENS INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL FILM FESTIVAL 2014 {2} ATKINSON, John [=] The Oscars [The pocket essential] {2} ATKINSON, Michael [=] Exile cinema - Filmmakers at work beyond Hollywood {2} ATTOLINI, Cesare [=] Cinema mon amour {2} ATTWOOD, Lynne [=] Red women on the silver screen - Soviet women and cinema {4} AUB, Max [=] Conversaciones con Buñuel {2} AUERBACH, Jonathan [=] Body shots - Early cinema's incarnations {2}


AUERBACH, Nina [=] Our vampires, ourselves {4} AUFDERHEIDE, Patricia [=] Documentary film - A very short introduction {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Amnesies - Fictions du cinéma d'après Jean-Luc Godard {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Analise do filme {4} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Analisis del film {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Analyse des films {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Dicionario teorico e critico de cinema {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Du visage au cinema {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Estetica del cine {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Estética do filme {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Estetica hoy {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Esthétique du film {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Herencia del teatro (El cine y la puesta en escena) {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Histoire du cinéma n'existe pas {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Imagem {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Imagen {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Objet cinématographique et la chose filmique {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Ojo interminable - cine y pintura {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Olho interminavel {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Point de vue {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Teorias de los cineastas {2} AUMONT, Jacques [=] Teorias dos cineastas {2} AURIOL, Jean-George [=] Whither the french cinema (1929) {2} AUSTERLITZ, Saul [=] Another fine mess - A history of american film comedy {4} AUSTIN, Guy [=] Claude Chabrol {2} AUSTIN, Guy [=] Stars in modern french film {2} AUSTIN, John [=] Tales of Hollywood the bizarre {2} AUSTIN, Thomas [=] Contemporary Hollywood stardom {2} AUSTIN, Thomas [=] Rethinking documentary {2} AUTRAN, Arthur [=] Bibliografia basica sobre cinema brasileiro {2} AUTRAN, Arthur [=] Cinema brasileiro contemporaneo diante do publico {2} AUTRAN, Arthur [=] Montagem no cinema brasileiro (1919-1989) {2}


AUTRAN, Arthur [=] Noção de ciclo regional na historiografia do cinema brasileiro {2} AUTRAN, Arthur [=] Paulo Emilio e a constituição das bases da pesquisa {2} AUTRAN, Arthur [=] Pensamento industrial cinematografico brasileiro {2} AUTRAN, Arthur [=] Sonhos industriais - O cinema dos estúdios na Argentina e no Brasil nos anos 1930 {2} AVANCINI, Atilio [=] Antologia da critica cinematografica em 'Vidas Secas' {2} AVANT-SCENE CINEMA [=] Bela Tarr {2} AVELLAR, José Carlos [=] Chão da palavra {2} AVELLAR, José Carlos [=] Guion para la imaginacion {2} AVELLAR, José Carlos [=] Napoleão a cavalo (A ponte clandestina) {2} AVELLAR, José Carlos [=] O cego às avessas {4} AVERY, Dwayne [=] Unhomely cinema {2} AVGERAKIS, George [=] Digital animation bible {2} AVILA, Beatriz [=] De Buñuel a Santo - Guanajuato, un lugar de cine {2} AVILA, Catalina Acuña [=] Fotografia cinematografica (1-2) {2} AVILA, Jacqueline [=] Sonidos del cine, cinematic music in mexican film {4} AVIÑA, Rafael [=] Filmoteca UNAM - 50 años {2} AVN [=] 2011-04 {2} AWESOME [=] Scream queens {2} AWESOME 03 {2} AWESOME 11 {2} AWESOME 13 {2} AYNSLEY, Jeremy [=] Pioneers of modern graphic design {2} AYUSO, Lorenzo [=] Evil dead - Historia de una trilogia {2} AZEREDO, Ely [=] Jorge Ileli {2} AZEVEDO, Ana de [=] Intervalo II - Entre geografias e cinemas {2} AZEVEDO, Ana Luiza [=] Antes que o mundo acabe {2} AZIZ, Jamaluddin [=] Transgressing women - Space and the body in... {2} AZUMA, Hiroki [=] Otaku - Japan's database animals {2} BABY, Sady [=] Entrevista ao site VICE {2} BABY, Yvonne [=] Serge Silberman, cinémascopie {2} BACCARO, Adrian [=] Cine y sus lenguajes {2} BACH, Staven [=] Final cut - Dreams and disaster in the making of Heaven's gate {2}


BACKER, Ron [=] Classic horror films and the literature that inspired them {2} BACON, Henry [=] Visconti, explorations of beauty and decay {2} BADIOU, Alain [=] Articles sur le cinéma {4} BADIOU, Alain [=] Cinema (inglês) {4} BADLEY, Linda [=] Film, horror and the body fantastic {2} BADLEY, Linda [=] Traditions in world cinema {2} BADMINGTON, Neil [=] Hitchcock's magic {4} BAECQUE, Antoine de [=] Cahiers du Cinema - Histoire d'une revue 1 {2} BAECQUE, Antoine de [=] Cahiers du cinéma 2 {4} BAECQUE, Antoine de [=] Cinema and its ghosts - An interview with Jacques Derrida {4} BAECQUE, Antoine de [=] Cinéphilie ou l'invention d'une culture {2} BAECQUE, Antoine de [=] Cinephilie, invention d'un regard {4} BAECQUE, Antoine de [=] Éric Rohmer - A biography {4} BAECQUE, Antoine de [=] François Truffaut (fr) {2} BAECQUE, Antoine de [=] Teoria y critica del cine - Avatares de una cinefilia {2} BAER, William [=] Classic american films {2} BAETENS, Jan [=] Dis-moi comment tu filmes - et comment tu montes {2} BAEZ, Marcelo [=] Gabinete del doctor Cineman {2} BAFICI [=] Kiju Yoshida - El cine como destruccion {4} BAFICI [=] Peter Bogdanovich - El ultimo testigo {2} BAFICI 2013 [=] Area profesional (guia) {2} BAGH, Peter von [=] Allan Dwan, the noble primitive {2} BAHIA, 100 ANOS DE CINEMA {2} BAHIA, Lia [=] Discursos, políticas e ações - processos de industrialização do campo cinematográfico brasileiro {2} BAHIANA, Ana Maria [=] Como ver um filme {2} BAHN, Paul [=] Archaeology of Hollywood {4} BAILÉN, Amparo Huertas [=] Audiencias juveniles y cultura digital {2} BAINBRIDGE, Caroline [=] A feminine cinematics - Luce Irigaray {4} BAINBRIDGE, Caroline [=] Cinema of Lars von Trier {2} BAINBRIDGE, Caroline [=] Media and the inner world - Psycho-cultural approaches {2} BAKER JR., Houston [=] Black british cultural studies {2} BAKER, Aaron [=] A companion to Martin Scorsese {4}


BAKER, Brian [=] Masculinity in fiction and film {4} BAKER, Deborah [=] American cinema and the southern imaginary {2} BAKER, Kage [=] Ancient rockets - Treasures and train wrecks of the silent screen {4} BAKER, Maxine [=] Documentary in the digital age {2} BAKER, Robin [=] At a cinema near you {2} BAKKER, Freek [=] The challenge of the silver screen {4} BAKKER, Gerben [=] Decline and fall of the european film industry {2} BAKKER, Gerben [=] Entertainment industrialised - The emergence of the international film industry {2} BALADI, Mauro [=] Filmes brasileiros - Índice cronológico (1909-2010) {2} BALAZS, Bela [=] Early film theory {2} BALAZS, Bela [=] Esprit du cinéma {2} BALAZS, Bela [=] Theory of the film {2} BALBO, Lucas [=] Obsession, the films of Jess Franco {2} BALDELLI, Pio [=] Cine de Visconti {2} BALDERSTON, Daniel [=] Encyclopedia of latin american and caribbean literature 1900-2003 {2} BALDUCCI, Anthony [=] Funny parts, a history of film comedy {4} BALESTRIERI, Matteo [=] Vero come la finzione - La psicopatologia al cinema (1-2) {2} BALIO, Tino [=] Foreign film - Renaissance on american screens 1946-1973 {2} BALIO, Tino [=] History of the american cinema 5 (1930-1939) {2} BALIO, Tino [=] The american film industry {4} BALIO, Tino [=] United Artists 1 (1918-1950) {2} BALIO, Tino [=] United Artists 2 (1951-1978) {4} BALL, Anna [=] Palestinian literature and film {4} BALLÓ, Jordi [=] Semilla inmortal - Los argumentos universales en el cine {2} BALLON, Rachel [=] Blueprint for screenwriting {2} BALLOU, Glenn [=] Handbook for sound engineers {4} BALMAIN, Colette [=] Introduction to japanese horror film {2} BALSOM, Erika [=] Exhibiting cinema in contemporary art {2} BALTODANO, Andrés [=] Palabras fantasmas, pantallas voraces {2} BALTRUSCHAT, Doris [=] Independent filmmaking around the globe {2} BALUN, Chas [=] Connoisseur's guide to contemporary horror film {4} BALUN, Chas [=] Lucio Fulci - Beyond the gates {4}


BALUN, Chas [=] More gore score {4} BALUN, Chas. [=] The deep red horror handbook {2} BAMBA, Mahomed [=] Cinema e recepções transnacionais {2} BAMBA, Mahomed [=] Filmes da África e da diáspora {2} BAMBA, Mahomed [=] Recepção cinematografica {2} BANDA, Daniel [=] Avant le cinema {4} BANDYOPADHYAY, Samik [=] Indian cinema - Contemporary perceptions from the thirties {2} BANKER, Ashok [=] Bollywood (The pocket essential) {2} BANKS, Marcus [=] Made to be seen - Perspectives on the history of visual anthropology {4} BAO, Weihong [=] Fiery cinema {2} BARBAS, Samantha [=] First lady of Hollywood - A biography of Louella Parsons {2} BARBER, Stephen [=] Abandoned images - Film and film's end {4} BARBER, Stephen [=] Hijikata - Revolt of the body {4} BARBER, Stephen [=] Projected cities {4} BARBOSA, Neusa [=] Fernanda Montenegro {2} BARBOSA, Neusa [=] John Herbert {2} BARBOSA, Neusa [=] Rodolfo Nanni {2} BARBOZA, Nelson [=] Cinema - Arte, cultura, historia {4} BARCINSKI, Philippe [=] Não por acaso {2} BARDECHE, Maurice [=] The history of motion pictures (1938) {2} BARDEM, Juan Antonio [=] Cine a codazos {2} BAREFOOT, Guy [=] Trash cinema - The lure of the low {4} BARIC, Stephanie [=] Yugoslav war cinema {2} BARKER, Jennifer [=] Tactile eye - Touch and the cinematic experience {2} BARKER, Martin [=] Alien audiences - Remembering and evaluating a classic movie {2} BARLOWE, Wayne [=] Barlowe's guide to extra-terrestrials {2} BARNES, H. F. [=] Edison Mazda lamp for motion-picture projection {2} BARNES, Randall [=] Collaboration and integration 1-2 {2} BARNET, Boris [=] Écrits, documents, études, filmographie {2} BARNETT, Daniel [=] Movement as meaning in experimental film {2} BARNOUW, Erik [=] Documental - Historia y estilo {2} BARON, Anne-Marie [=] Shoah en la pantalla {2}


BARONE, João Guilherme [=] Legião dos rejeitados {2} BAROT, Emmanuel [=] Camera politica, dialectique du realisme {2} BARRADAS, Igor [=] Mate com Angu - 10 anos {2} BARRANCE, Tom [=] Using film in schools - a practical guide {2} BARRENECHE, Juan [=] Cine {2} BARRIER, Michael [=] Animated man - A life of Walt Disney {4} BARRIER, Michael [=] Hollywood cartoons - American animation in its golden age {2} BARRIOS, Lorena [=] Imagenes de la discordia - la dictadura chilena {2} BARRO, Maximo [=] Agostinho Martins Pereira {2} BARRO, Maximo [=] José Carlos Burle {2} BARRO, Máximo [=] Sérgio Hingst {2} BARROS, José Tavares de [=] Tormenta, um filme mineiro dos anos 30 {2} BARROSO, Ana Paula [=] Transfigurações da cidade no cinema - Mulholland Drive {2} BARRY, Iris [=] Let's go to the movies {4} BARRY, Vivienne [=] Animacion, la magia en movimiento {2} BARSALINI, Glauco [=] Amácio Mazzaropi, crítico de seu tempo {2} BARSAM, Richard [=] Looking at movies - An introduction to film {2} BARTA, Tony [=] Screening the past {4} BARTHES, Roland [=] Image music text {4} BARTKOWIAK, Mathew [=] Music of counterculture cinema {4} BARTKOWIAK, Mathew [=] Sounds of the future - Essays on music in science fiction film {2} BARTON, Ruth [=] Irish national cinema {2} BASTOS, Roa [=] Mis reflexiones sobre el guion cinematografico {2} BASUTÇU, Mehmet [=] Cinéma turc - Une douloureuse mutation {2} BATEMAN, John [=] Multimodal film analysis - How films mean {2} BATISTA, Ramon Aguye [=] Aprendiendo a escribir un guion {2} BATLLE, Diego [=] Una decada de cine argentino (2000-2009) {2} BATLLE, Nicolas [=] Produccion de largometraje {2} BATLLORI, Joan Minguet [=] Sala Mercè {2} BATTLORI, Joan [=] Segundo de Chomon y el cine de los origenes {2} BATTY, Craig [=] Movies that move us {2} BATTY, Craig [=] Screenplays - How to write and sell them {4}


BATTY, Craig [=] Writing & selling romantic comedy screenplays {4} BAUDRY, Jean-Louis [=] Effet cinéma {2} BAUDRY, Jean-Louis [=] Ideological effects of the basic cinematographic apparatus {2} BAUDUIN, Tessel [=] The occult in modernist art, literature and cinema {4} BAUER, Joseph [=] Hollywood raw {4} BAUGH, Scott [=] Latino american cinema - An encyclopedia {4} BAUMGARTEL, Tilman [=] Kino-sine - Philippine-German cinema relations {2} BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. [=] Projection apparatus 1917 {2} BAYLEY, R. Child [=] Modern magic lanterns and their management {2} BAYMAN, Louis [=] Directory of world cinema (Italy) {4} BAYRAKDAR, Deniz [=] Cinema and politics - Turkish cinema and the new Europe {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] André Bazin and italian neorealism {2} BAZIN, André [=] André Bazin's new media {2} BAZIN, André [=] Bazin at work {4} BAZIN, André [=] Bazin on post-neorealistic Rossellini, De Sica and Visconti {4} BAZIN, Andre [=] Charlie Chaplin (Zahar) {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Cine de la crueldad [OCR] {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Cinema (Brasiliense) {2} BAZIN, André [=] Cinema of cruelty {4} BAZIN, Andre [=] Entrevista con Luis Buñuel (1954) {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Jean Renoir (inglês) {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Jean Renoir 1 {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Jean Renoir 2 (Filmografia) {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Orson Welles (br) {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Orson Welles (esp) {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Pour en finir avec la profondeur de champ {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Que es el cine {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Qu'est-ce que le cinema 2 {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] Realismo impossivel {4} BAZIN, André [=] Three forgotten french filmmakers {2} BAZIN, Andre [=] What is cinema (1-2) {2} BAZZOCCHI, Marco [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini (italiano) {2}


BBC [=] Colour errors in the telecine reproduction of Technicolor film {2} BEACH, Christopher [=] A hidden history of film style {4} BEAN, Jennifer [=] Flickers of desire - Movie stars of the 1910s {4} BEARD, R. R. [=] Bioscopes and accessories {2} BEARD, William [=] eXistenZ (David Cronenberg) {2} BEARD, William [=] Into the past - The cinema of Guy Maddin {2} BEATTIE, Keith [=] Documentary screens - Non-fiction film and television {2} BEATY, Bart [=] David Cronenberg's A history of violence {2} BEAUCHAMP, Robin [=] Designing sound for animation {2} BEAULIER, Alain [=] Accords et faux raccords entre Godard et Deleuze {2} BEAULIEU, Julie [=] Essai sur la pensée, l'oeuvre et la légende de Maya Deren {2} BEAUVAIS, Yann [=] Filmes de arquivos {2} BEAUVOIR, Simone de [=] Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita syndrome {2} BECERRA, Sergio [=] Materia y cosmos - Las películas de Artavazd Pelechian {2} BECHARA, Thiago [=] Imara Reis {2} BECK, Jerry [=] The 50 greatest cartoons {2} BECK, Jerry [=] The animated movie guide {2} BECKMAN, Karen [=] Animating film theory {4} BEECROFT, Simon [=] Star Wars - Enciclopedia de personajes {2} BEGHIN, Cyril [=] Pickpocket de Robert Bresson {2} BEHAR, Lisa de [=] Medios, pantallas y otros lugares comunes {2} BEHI, Nia Edwards- [=] Argento's asthetic alignments {2} BEKER, Marilyn [=] Screenwriting with a conscience {2} BELBEL, Sergi [=] Eva - asi se hizo la película {2} BELCHI, Joaquin [=] Identidad nacional y cine español {2} BELL & HOWELL [=] Filmo topics (1931) {2} BELL, Christian [=] Raindance - The little black book {2} BELLANTONI, Patti [=] Power of color in visual storytelling {2} BELLEMARE, Mario [=] Recovering 1940s horror cinema {4} BELLEMARE, Pierre [=] 50 ans de television {4} BELLER, Jonathan [=] Dziga Vertov and The film of money {2} BELLOIR, Dominique [=] Vidéo art explorations (frances) {2}


BELLOUR, Raymond [=] Analysis of film {2} BELLOUR, Raymond [=] Autoportraits {2} BELLOUR, Raymond [=] Autorretratos (espanhol) {2} BELLOUR, Raymond [=] Entre-imagens {2} BELLOUR, Raymond [=] Jean-Luc Godard - Son-Image (1974-1991) {2} BELLOUR, Raymond [=] L'entre-images 2 {4} BELLOUR, Raymond [=] On Fritz Lang {2} BELLOUR, Raymond [=] Thinking, recounting - The cinema of Gilles Deleuze {2} BELLOWS, Andy [=] Science is fiction - The films of Jean Painleve {2} BELTING, Hans [=] Antropologia de la imagen {2} BELTING, Hans [=] Imagen y culto - una historia de la imagen {2} BELTING, Hans [=] Pour une anthropologie des images {2} BELTON, John [=] American cinema - American culture {2} BELTON, John [=] Cinecolor {2} BELTRAME, Alberto [=] At the borders of film history {2} BELTRÁN, Marta [=] Analisis y perspectivas de la evolucion del negocio cinematografico {2} BENAMOU, Catherine [=] Its all true - Orson Welles Pan American journey {2} BENDICK, Jeanne [=] Making the movies (1945) {2} BENE, Carmelo [=] Contro il cinema {2} BENEZET, Delphine [=] Cinema of Agnès Varda {2} BENGTSON, John [=] Silent visions - Discovering early Hollywood {2} BENNETT, Colin [=] Handbook of kinematography {2} BENOLIEL, Bernard [=] Clint Eastwood {2} BENSHOFF, Harry [=] A companion to the horror film {2} BENSHOFF, Harry [=] America on film {4} BENSHOFF, Harry [=] Dark shadows (TV milestones series) {2} BENSHOFF, Harry [=] Monsters in the closet - Homosexuality and the horror film {2} BENSHOFF, Harry [=] Queer images - A history of gay and lesbian film in America {2} BENSON, Thomas [=] Rhetoric of the new political documentary {2} BENTES, Ivana [=] Sertões e favelas no cinema brasileiro {2} BENYAHIA, Sarah [=] AS film studies - The essential introduction {2} BERENGUER, Cristina [=] Fernando Fernán-Gómez, autor {2}


BERESFORD, Matthew [=] From demons to Dracula {2} BEREZHNAYA, Liliya [=] Iconic turns - Nation and religion in eastern european cinema {2} BERG, Charles [=] The classical mexican cinema {4} BERG, Chuck [=] Encyclopedia of Orson Welles {2} BERG, Robert [=] À la rencontre du cinéma français {4} BERGALA, Alain [=] Hipótese-cinema {2} BERGALA, Alain [=] Hipotesis del cine {2} BERGALA, Alain [=] Victor Erice - Abbas Kiarostami - Correspondences {2} BERGAN, Ronald [=] Film [Eyewitness companions] {2} BERGAN, Ronald [=] Film book - A complete guide to the world of cinema {2} BERGAN, Ronald [=] Sergei Eisenstein - A life in conflict {4} BERGER, Pamela [=] Story and scripting of the film 'Sorceress' {2} BERGERY, Benjamin [=] Reflections - Twenty-one cinematographers at work {2} BERGFELDER, Tim [=] Film architecture and the transnational imagination {2} BERGHAHN, Daniela [=] European cinema in motion - Migrant and diasporic film in contemporary Europe {2} BERGHAHN, Daniela [=] Far-flung families in film {4} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Archivos personales {2} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Conversacion con Juan Cruz (1989) {2} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Conversaciones intimas {2} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Images - My life in film {4} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Laterna magica (fr) {4} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Linterna magica - memorias [OCR] {2} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Magic lantern - an autobigraphy {2} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Persona & Shame (roteiros) {2} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Persona (espanhol) {2} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Persona (portugues) {2} BERGMAN, Ingmar [=] Qu'est-ce que 'faire des films' (1956) {2} BERGSTROM, Janet [=] Sexuality at a loss - The films of F. W. Murnau {2} BERLINALE [=] Competition 2016 {2} BERLINALE [=] Forum (2016) {2} BERLINALE [=] International forum of new cinema 2014 {2} BERLINALE [=] Journal 2016 {2}


BERLINALE [=] Panorama 2016 {2} BERLINALE [=] Programa 2008 {2} BERLINALE 2016 [=] Hommage Michael Ballhaus {2} BERLINER, Todd [=] Hollywood aesthetic - Pleasure in american cinema {4} BERLINER, Todd [=] Hollywood incoherent - Narration in seventies cinema {2} BERLINER, Todd [=] Movie dialogue conventions and John Cassavetes {2} BERNABE, Salvador [=] Dario Argento o la alquimia del miedo {2} BERNARD, Sheila [=] Documentary storytelling {4} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Acreditam os brasileiros nos seus mitos {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Atrevido provocador {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Brasil em tempo de cinema (1967) {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Brasil em tempo de cinema (2007) {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Cinema (1983) {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Cinema marginal {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Historiografia classica do cinema brasileiro {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Indagações sobre as significações politicas do cinema novo {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Plano da pedra {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Que é cinema {2} BERNARDET, Jean-Claude [=] Um critico contra a estetica da miseria {2} BERNARDEZ, Asuncion [=] Violencia de genero en el cine español {2} BERNARDI, Daniel [=] Classic Holywood, classic whiteness {2} BERNARDI, Daniel [=] Filming difference - Actors, directors, producers and writers {4} BERNARDI, Daniel [=] Persistence of whiteness - Race and contemporary Hollywood cinema {2} BERNARDI, Renato [=] Direito e cinema em debate {2} BERNARDI, Sandro [=] Antonioni, personnage, paysage {2} BERNARDONI, James [=] George Cukor - A critical study and filmography {2} BERNAS, Steven [=] Montage créatif et processus esthétique d’Eisenstein {4} BERNSTEIN, Marcos [=] Zuzu Angel (roteiro) {2} BERNSTEIN, Matthew [=] Walter Wanger - Hollywood independent {2} BERRA, John [=] Declarations of independence {4} BERRA, John [=] Directory of world cinema - American independent {2} BERRA, John [=] Directory of world cinema - Japan {2}


BERRA, John [=] Directory of world cinema (Japan 2) {4} BERRA, John [=] Directory of world cinema (Japan 3) {4} BERRETTINI, Mark [=] Hal Hartley (Contemporary film directors) {2} BERRIATÚA, Luciano [=] Conocer los materiales para restaurar las películas {2} BERRIATUA, Luciano [=] Negativos de exportación {2} BERRY, Chris [=] Postsocialist cinema in post-Mao China {2} BERRY, Torriano [=] Historical dictionary of african american cinema {4} BERTELLINI, Giorgio [=] Emir Kusturica (Contemporary film directors) {2} BERTETTO, Paolo [=] Introduzione alla storia del cinema {2} BERTOZZI, Marco [=] Le paysage dans les vues Lumière {2} BERTRAND, Victor [=] Silhouettes animées à la main (1892) {2} BEST, Daniel [=] Trials of Superman {2} BESTETTI, Carlo [=] Fifty years of italian cinema (1955) {2} BETTINSON, Gary [=] Directory of world cinema (China 2) {4} BETTINSON, Gary [=] Poetics of chinese cinema {2} BETTINSON, Gary [=] Sensuous cinema of Wong Kar-wai {2} BETTON, Gerard [=] Estética do cinema {2} BETTS, Ernest [=] Heraclitus or the future of films {2} BETZ, Mark [=] Beyond the subtitle - Remapping european art cinema {4} BEUGNET, Martine [=] Cinema and sensation - French film {2} BEUMERS, Birgit [=] A companion to russian cinema {4} BEUMERS, Birgit [=] Directory of world cinema (Russia) {4} BEUMERS, Birgit [=] Nikita Mikhalkov, between nostalgia and nationalism {2} BEYLOT, Pierre [=] Recit audiovisuel {2} BHARDWAJ, Vishal [=] Haider (roteiro) {4} BHAUMIK, Kaushik [=] Emergency of the Bombay film industry (1913-1936) {2} BIAFF 2015 {2} BIAFORA, Rubem [=] Coragem de ser (criticas) {2} BIAGGIO, Emiliano [=] Due saggi su Chaplin {2} BIAL, Henry [=] Acting jewish - Negotiating ethnicity {4} BIANCO E NERO [=] 1937-1948 {1} BIANCO, Bela Feldman- [=] Desafios da imagem {2}


BIBERMAN, Herbert [=] Salt of the earth - The story of a film {2} BIBIAN, Javier [=] Filmar a tu mujer - la belleza dialógica en 'Vivre sa vie' {2} BIBLIOTECA DE LA FUNDACION TRES CULTURAS [=] Panorama de peliculas {2} BICKERTON, Emilie [=] A short history of Cahiers du Cinema {4} BICKERTON, Emilie [=] Adieux aux Cahiers 1 {2} BIFI [=] Bibliographie complète sur le film noir {2} BIG PICTURE MAGAZINE (1-22) BIGNELL, Jonathan [=] Postmodern media culture {4} BIHUN, Vyacheslav [=] Human rights in cinema {2} BILLUPS, Scott [=] Digital moviemaking {2} BILTON, Alan [=] Silent film comedy and american culture {4} BINGEN, Steven [=] MGM - Hollywood's greatest backlot {2} BINGEN, Steven [=] Paramount, city of dreams {4} BINGHAM, Adam [=] Contemporary japanese cinema since Hana-bi {2} BINH, N. [=] Art du montage {4} BIOSCA, Vicente Sanchez- [=] Sombras de Weimar {2} BIOSCA, Vicente Sanchez- [=] Teoria del montaje cinematografico {2} BIOSCA, Vicente Sanchez- [=] Una cultura de la fragmentacion {2} BIOSCA, Vicente Sanchez- [=] Viridiana (Luis Buñuel) {2} BIOSCOPE & URBAN FILMS [=] We put the world before you (1903) {2} BIRD, Daniel [=] Film Comment selects - Andrzej Zulawski {2} BIRD, Daniel [=] Roman Polanski (Pocket essentials) {2} BIRD, Robert [=] Andrei Rublev {4} BIRD, Robert [=] Andrei Tarkovsky, elements of cinema {2} BIRDSALL, Carolyn [=] Nazi soundscapes {2} BIRKENSTEIN, Jeff [=] Cinema of Terry Gilliam {2} BIRKS, Chelsea [=] Violent subjectivity new extremist cinema and the philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy {2} BIRRI, Fernando [=] Escuela documental de Santa Fe {2} BIRTH, MOVIES, DEATH [=] 1-28 {excluído} BISKIND, Peter [=] Como a geração sexo-drogas-e-rock'n'roll salvou Hollywood {2} BISKIND, Peter [=] Down and dirty pictures {4} BISKIND, Peter [=] Easy riders, raging bulls {4}


BISKIND, Peter [=] Gods and monsters {4} BISKIND, Peter [=] Star - How Warren Beatty seduced America {4} BISKUPSKI, M. [=] Hollywood's war with Poland (1939-1945) {2} BIZERRIL, Luiz [=] Cartografia do audiovisual cearense {4} BLACK CANVAS (México) [=] 2017 {2} BLACK FILMMAKER FOUNDATION [=] Black filmmaker catalogue (1980) {2} BLACK, Gregory [=] Catholic crusade against the movies (1940-1975) {2} BLACK, Gregory [=] Hollywood censurado {2} BLAETZ, Robin [=] Rescuing the fragmentary evidence of women's experimental film {2} BLAETZ, Robin [=] Women's experimental cinema - Critical frameworks {2} BLAIR, Preston [=] Advanced animation {2} BLAIR, Preston [=] Cartoon animation (español) {2} BLAIR, Preston [=] Dibujos animados {2} BLAKE, Marc [=] Writing the comedy movie {2} BLAKE, Richard [=] Street smart - The New York of Lumet, Allen, Scorsese and Lee {2} BLAKESLEY, David - Terministic screen - Rhetorical perspectives on film {2} BLANC, Mel [=] That's not all folks {2} BLANC, Michelle Le [=] Horror films {4} BLANC, Michelle Le [=] John Carpenter {4} BLANCO, Desiderio [=] Semiótica del texto fílmico {2} BLANCO, Jorge Ayala [=] Cine norteamericano de hoy {2} BLANCO, Juan [=] Emir Kusturica - La histeria de Yugoslavia {2} BLANCO, Pablo [=] Ampliando a discussão em torno de documentos audiovisuais... {2} BLANDFORD, Steve [=] Film, drama and the break of Britain {4} BLANKENSHIP, Janelle [=] European visions - Small cinemas in transition {4} BLETSCH, Rhonda [=] The Bible in motion {4} BLISS, Michael [=] Peckinpah today {2} BLOCH, Ernst [=] Aesthetics and politics {4} BLOCK, Alex [=] George Lucas' blockbusting {4} BLOCK, Bruce [=] Narrativa visual {2} BLOCK, Bruce [=] The visual story {4} BLOCK, Marcelline [=] World film locations (Las Vegas) {4}


BLOCK, Marcelline [=] World film locations (Prague) {4} BLOEM, Walter [=] Soul of the moving picture {2} BLOM, Ivo [=] Jean Desmet and the early dutch film trade {4} BLOOM, Peter [=] French colonial documentary - Mythologies of humanitarianism {2} BLUE VIDEO FILMS [=] 6 (1985) {2} BLUE, Morgan [=] Girlhood on Disney Channel {4} BLUM, Daniel [=] A pictorial history of the silent screen {2} BLUMENTHAL, Karl-Rainer [=] Of gods and grizzlies {2} BLUMER, Herbert [=] Movies and conduct (1933) {2} BLUMLINGER, Christa [=] Harun Farocki, strategies critiques {2} BOAM, Jeffrey [=] Indiana Jones and the last crusade (roteiro) {2} BODNAR, John [=] Blue-collar Hollywood - Liberalism, democracy... {2} BODY POLITIC [=] 90 (1983) {2} BODY POLITIC [=] 91 (1983) {2} BOGDANOVICH, Peter [=] Fritz Lang in America {2} BOGDANOVICH, Peter [=] John Ford (espanhol) {2} BOGDANOVICH, Peter [=] John Ford (Inglês) {2} BOGGS, Johnny [=] Jesse James and the movies {4} BOGGS, Joseph [=] Art of watching films {2} BOGLE, Donald [=] Bright boulevards, bold dreams {4} BOGLE, Donald [=] Primetime blues - African american on network television {4} BOGUE, Ronald [=] Deleuze on cinema {4} BOGUE, Ronald [=] Deleuzian fabulation and the scars of history {4} BOHR, Marco [=] The evolution of the image {4} BOILLAT, Alain [=] Diégèse dans son acception filmologique {2} BOLAS, Terry [=] Screen education - from film appreciation to media studies {4} BOLJKOVAC, Nadine [=] Untimely affects - Gilles Deleuze and an ethics of cinema {2} BOLLE, Willi [=] Grandesertã {2} BOLLETTINO DELLE GRANDI FILMS [=] Menzogna - Presagio (1916) {2} BOLOGNESI, Luiz [=] Chega de saudade (roteiro) {2} BOLOGNESI, Luiz [=] Melhores coisas do mundo (roteiro) {2} BOLTON, Christopher [=] Robot ghosts and wired dreams {2}


BOLTON, Kingsley [=] Media popular culture and the american century {2} BONDANELLA, Peter [=] Films of Federico Fellini {2} BONDANELLA, Peter [=] Films of Roberto Rossellini {2} BONDANELLA, Peter [=] New essays on Umberto Eco {2} BONDEBJERG, Ib [=] European cinema and television {4} BONDEBJERG, Ib [=] Patterns in scandinavian film and TV culture {2} BONET, Eugeni [=] Desmontaje - film, video {2} BONET, Eugeni [=] Práctica fílmica y vanguardia artística en España 1925-1981 {2} BONFAND, Alain [=] Cinema de Michelangelo Antonioni {2} BONFAND, Alain [=] Cinéma Saturé - Essai sur les relations de la peinture et des images en mouvement {2} BONFILS, Luc [=] Petit lexique cinematographique {2} BONITZER, Pascal [=] Decadrages - Peinture et cinema {2} BONITZER, Pascal [=] Desencuadres - Cine y pintura {2} BONITZER, Pascal [=] Que es un plano (El campo ciego) {2} BONOTTO, André [=] Bill Nichols fala sobre documentário {2} BOOKER, Keith [=] Alternate Americas - Science fiction film and american culture {4} BOOKER, Keith [=] Postmodern Hollywood {4} BOOKMAN, Milica [=] Economics in film and fiction {4} BOOKS, Julie [=] What is film {2} BOOTH, Gregory [=] Behind the curtain - Making music in Mumbai's film studios {2} BOOZER, Jack [=] Authorship in film adaptation {4} BORDE, Raymond [=] A panorama of american film noir 1941-1953 {2} BORDE, Raymond [=] Panorama del cine negro {2} BORDES, Enrique [=] Comic, arquitectura narrativa {2} BORDUN, Troy [=] Genre trouble and extreme cinema {2} BORDWELL, David [=] A case for cognitivism - Further reflections {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Approppriations and improppieties {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Art-cinema narration {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Arte cinematografico {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Cine clásico de Hollywood {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Cine de Eisenstein - Teoria y practica {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Cinema of Eisenstein {2}


BORDWELL, David [=] Classical hollywood cinema {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Classical Hollywood style, 1917-1960 {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Figuras traçadas na luz {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Figures traced in light {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Film art - An introduction {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Film interpretation revisited {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Films of Carl-Theodor Dreyer {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Historical poetics of cinema {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Jump cuts and blind spots {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Making meaning {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Mimetic theories of narration {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Narracion en el cine de ficcion {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Narration in the fiction film {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Nouvelle mission de Feuillade (english) {2} BORDWELL, David [=] On the history of film style {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Ozu and the poetics of cinema {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Planet Hong Kong {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Poetics of cinema {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Post-theory - Reconstructing film studies {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Reinventing Hollywood {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Rhapsodes - How 1940s critics changed american film culture {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Significado del filme {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Sobre a historia do estilo cinematografico {2} BORDWELL, David [=] The way Hollywood tells it {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Toward a scientific film history {4} BORDWELL, David [=] Visual style in japanese cinema (1925-1945) {2} BORDWELL, David [=] Widescreen aesthetics and mise en scene criticism {2} BORGE, Jason [=] Latin american writers and the rise of Hollywood cinema {2} BORGES, Gabriela [=] Televisão, formas audiovisuais de ficção e de documentario 1 {2} BORNSTEIN, Thorsten Botz- [=] Films and dreams - Tarkovsky, Bergman, Sokurov, Kubrick, and Wong Kar-Wai {2} BORRÉ, Nicolás [=] Sobre relatos, cuentos y ensayos de cineclubes 2 {2} BORRERO, Juan [=] Cine cubano - historia, historiografia y posmodernidad {2}


BOSE, Derek [=] Brand Bollywood - A new global entertainment order {2} BOSE, Mihir [=] Bollywood - A history {2} BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA FILM 2011-2012 {2} BOSSY, Michelle [=] Documentales autobiograficos chilenos {2} BOTELHO, Marcos [=] Cinema e cidades em movimento {2} BOTTOMORE, Stephen [=] Filming, faking and propaganda - The origins of the war film {2} BOUGHEY, Davidson [=] The film industry (1921) {2} BOUHABEN, Miguel [=] Sistema del cine-ojo de Dziga Vertov y su repercusion {2} BOUJUT, Michel [=] Conversations avec Claude Sautet {2} BOULEGUE, Franck [=] Art in motion {4} BOULGAKOVA, Oksana [=] Comment éditer Eisenstein, Problème de méthode {2} BOURGET, Jean-Loup [=] Melodrame hollywoodien {2} BOURRIAUD, Nicolas [=] Pós-produção {2} BOUZA, José [=] Cine español en el aula {2} BOUZEREAU, Laurent [=] Ultra violent movies {2} BOVIER, François [=] Avant-garde dans les études filmiques {2} BOVIK, Al [=] Handbook of image & video processing {2} BOWER, Dallas [=] Plan for cinema {2} BOWIE, José [=] Leer el cine - La teoria literaria en la teoria cinematografica {2} BOWMAN, Dodgson [=] Charlie Chaplin, his life and art {2} BOWMAN, Paul [=] Theorizing Bruce Lee {4} BOWSER, Eileen [=] History of the american cinema 2 {2} BOWSER, Pearl [=] Oscar Micheaux and his circle {4} BOX, Harry [=] Set lightning technician's handbook {2} BOYD, David [=] After Hitchcock - Influence, imitation and intertextuality {2} BOYD, Todd [=] African americans and popular culture {4} BOYLE, Deirdre [=] Subject to change - Guerrilla television revisited {2} BRACKETT, Charles [=] Sunset Boulevard (roteiro) {2} BRADBY, David [=] Directors' theatre {4} BRADBY, David [=] Freedom’s pioneer - John McGrath’s work in theatre, film and television {4} BRADBY, David [=] Performance and politics in popular drama {4} BRADLEY, Matthew [=] Richard Matheson on screen {4}


BRADY, Martin [=] Brecht and film {2} BRAGA, Ataides [=] Cachoeira de Filmes - O cine Humberto Mauro {2} BRAHIMI, Denise [=] Cinémas d'Afrique francophone {2} BRAKHAGE, Stan [=] Brakhage lectures {2} BRAKHAGE, Stan [=] Correspondences (Chicago Review) {2} BRAKHAGE, Stan [=] Film biographies {2} BRAKHAGE, Stan [=] Metaphors on vision {2} BRANCO, José Luiz Castejón [=] Angústia na obra de Ingmar Bergman {2} BRANCO, Patrícia Castello [=] Cinema português e filosofia {2} BRANCO, Sérgio Dias [=] Por dentro das imagens {2} BRAND, Bill [=] Un guia de autopreservacion para cineastas y videocreadores {2} BRANDÃO, Alessandra [=] Cinema, globalização, transculturalidade {2} BRANDON, James [=] Performing arts in Asia {2} BRANIGAN, Edward [=] Narrative comprehension and film {4} BRANIGAN, Edward [=] Point of view in the cinema {4} BRANIGAN, Edward [=] Projecting a camera - Language-games in film theory {4} BRANIGAN, Edward [=] Routledge encyclopedia of film theory {4} BRANTLEY, Will [=] Conversations with Pauline Kael {2} BRASHINSKY, Michael [=] Russian critics on the cinema of glasnost {4} BRASIL [=] Cartazes de cinema (1113) {3} BRASILLACH, Robert [=] Quarante années de cinéma {2} BRAUDY, Leo [=] Falsa polaridad entre genero y cine de autor {2} BRAUDY, Leo [=] On the waterfront [BFI Film Classics] {2} BRAUN, J. W. [=] Lord of the films {2} BRAVERMAN, Barry [=] Video shooter {2} BRAVO [=] 34 (Wim Wenders) {2} BRAVO [=] 61 (Cinema acossado) {2} BRAVO, Antonio [=] 200 consejos prácticos para títulos de cine {2} BRAVO, Luis Alberto [=] Mapa del corazon de las peliculas {2} BRAZILIAN TV PRODUCERS [=] Catalogue 2012 {2} BRECHT, Bertolt [=] On film and radio {2} BREITBART, Andrew [=] Hollywood, interrupted - Insanity chic in Babylon - The case against celebrity {2}


BREMER, Hans [=] El cine - Re-develador de la memoria fragmentada {4} BRENEZ, Nicole [=] Abel Ferrara {4} BRENEZ, Nicole [=] Cinemas d'avant-garde {2} BRENEZ, Nicole [=] De la figure en generale et du corps en particulier {2} BRENEZ, Nicole [=] Jeune, dure et pure - Cinéma d'avant-garde {2} BRENEZ, Nicole [=] Montage intertextuel et formes contemporaines... {2} BRENNER, Robin [=] Understanding manga and anime {2} BRERETON, Pat [=] Hollywood utopia - Ecology in contemporary american cinema {2} BRESCHAND, Jean [=] Documental, la otra cara del cine {2} BRESSANE, Júlio [=] Não me enterrem vivo {2} BRESSANE, Júlio [=] Patologia engendra el estilo {2} BRESSON, Robert [=] Notas sobre el cinematografo {2} BRESSON, Robert [=] Notas sobre o cinematografo {4} BRESSON, Robert [=] Notes on cinematography {2} BRESSON, Robert [=] Notes on the cinematographer {4} BRESSON, Robert [=] Notes sur le cinematographe {4} BREWSTER, David [=] Stereoscope {2} BREWSTER, David [=] Treatise on the kaleidoscope {2} BRIA, Camillo [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini {2} BRIETZKE, Zander [=] American drama in the age of film {4} BRILEY, Ron [=] All-stars & movie stars - Sports in film & history {2} BRILEY, Ron [=] Sergei Eisenstein, the artist in service of the revolution {2} BRILEY, Ron [=] The baseball film in postwar America {2} BRILL, Lesley [=] Crowds, power and transformation in cinema {4} BRILL, Lesley [=] John Huston's filmmaking {2} BRIN, David [=] King Kong is back {2} BRINDLE, Mark [=] Digital filmmaking handbook {4} BRION, Patrick [=] Billy Wilder (fr) {4} BRION, Patrick [=] Cinema français 1895-2005 {2} BRITISH CINEMATOGRAPHER [=] 30 {2} BRITISH COLUMBIA FILM AND TELEVISION REVIEW 2005 {2} BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE [=] Film and other screen sector production in 2014 {2}


BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE [=] Iranian cinema {2} BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE [=] National film archive catalogue 2 {2} BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE [=] National film library catalogue (1938) {2} BRITO, Dulce Damasceno de [=] Lembranças de Hollywood {2} BRITO, João Batista de [=] Imagens amadas {2} BRITTON, Andrew [=] American nightmare {2} BRITTON, Andrew [=] Britton on film {2} BROCHU, Dominique [=] Marques d'un cinéma moderne - Le Roi des enfants {2} BROCKMANN, Stephen [=] A critical history of german film {2} BRODE, Douglas [=] Shakespeare in the movies {2} BROE, Dennis [=] Film noir, american workers and postwar Hollywood {2} BRONFEN, Elisabeth [=] Home in Hollywood - The imaginary geography of cinema {2} BRONFEN, Elisabeth [=] Specters of war - Hollywood's engagement with military conflict {4} BROOK, Vincent [=] Driven to darkness - Jewish émigré directors and the rise of film noir {2} BROOMER, Stephen [=] Hamilton Babylon - A history of the McMaster Film Board {4} BROPHY, Philip [=] Cinesonic - The world of sound in film {2} BROSNAN, John [=] Future tense - The cinema of science fiction {4} BROUGHTON, James [=] Seeing the light {4} BROWN, Blain [=] Cinematografia - Teoria e prática {2} BROWN, Blain [=] Cinematografia - Teoria y practica {2} BROWN, Blain [=] Cinematography - Theory and practice {2} BROWN, Blain [=] Filmmaker's guide to digital imaging {2} BROWN, Blain [=] Iluminacion en cine y television {2} BROWN, Blain [=] Motion picture and video lighting {2} BROWN, David [=] El mundo segun Groucho Marx {4} BROWN, Frederick [=] An impersonation of angels - A biography of Jean Cocteau {4} BROWN, Steven T. [=] Cinema anime {2} BROWN, Steven T. [=] Japanese horror and the transnational cinema of sensations {4} BROWN, Theodore [=] Direct stereoscopic projection (1904) {2} BROWNE, Nick [=] Cahiers du Cinema 3 (1969-1972) {2} BROWNE, Steven [=] High definition postproduction {2} BROWNING, John [=] Dracula in visual media - Film, television, comic book {2}


BROWNING, Mark [=] David Cronenberg - Author or filmmaker {4} BROWNING, Mark [=] David Fincher - Films that scar {2} BROWNING, Mark [=] Stephen King on the big screen {4} BROWNING, Mark [=] Wes Anderson - Why his movies matter {4} BROWNLOW, Kevin [=] Napoleon, Abel Gance's classic film {2} BRUBAKER, David [=] André Bazin on automatically made images {4} BRUCE, Robert [=] Camera secrets of Hollywood {2} BRUNETTA, Gian Piero [=] Cent'anni di cinema italiano (2004) (1) {2} BRUNETTA, Gian Piero [=] Guida alla storia del cinema italiano {4} BRUNETTA, Gian Piero [=] Nacimiento del relato cinematografico {2} BRUNETTE, Peter [=] Michael Haneke {2} BRUNETTE, Peter [=] Wong Kar-wai (Contemporary film directors) {2} BRUNO, Alejandra [=] Cuadernillo - Lenguaje cinematografico {2} BRUNO, Fernanda [=] Máquinas de ver, modos de ser {2} BRUNO, Giuliana [=] Public intimacy - Architecture and the visual arts {4} BRUNO, Giuliana [=] Ramble city - Postmodernism and Blade Runner {4} BRUNO, Giuliana [=] Surface - Matters of aesthetics, materiality, and media {4} BRUNOW, Dagmar [=] Remediating transcultural memory {2} BRUZZI, Stella [=] New documentary - a critical introduction {2} BRYANT, Jennings [=] Media effects - Advances in theory and research {2} BRYCE, Allan [=] Video nasties {2} BRYSON, Ian [=] Bringing to light - a history of ethnographic filmmaking {2} BUACHE, Freddy [=] Cinéma allemand (1918-1933) {2} BUACHE, Freddy [=] Cinéma français des années 70 {2} BUCCI, Eugenio [=] A TV aos 50 {2} BUCCI, Eugenio [=] Estado de Narciso - A comunicação pública {4} BUCHANAN, Andrew [=] Films - The way of the cinema (1922) {2} BUCHANAN, Andrew [=] Going to the cinema (1957) {2} BUCHANAN, Ian [=] Deleuze and the schizoanalysis of cinema {2} BUCHLER, Kristina [=] Persistence of vision - A film-making collaborative {2} BUCHMAN, Herman [=] Film and television makeup {2} BUCHMANN, Sabeth [=] Hélio Oiticica and Neville D'Almeida - Block-experiments in cosmococa {2}


BUCHSBAUM, Jonathan [=] Cinema and the sandinistas {2} BUCKLAND, Gail [=] Reality recorded - Early documentary photography {2} BUCKLAND, Warren [=] Cognitive semiotics of film {2} BUCKLAND, Warren [=] Film theory - Rational reconstructions {2} BUCKLAND, Warren [=] Film theory and contemporary Hollywood movies {4} BUCKLAND, Warren [=] Puzzle films - Complex storytelling in contemporary cinema {2} BUENO, Eva [=] Amácio Mazzaropi in the film and culture of Brazil {4} BUENOS AIRES FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE INDEPENDIENTE 2013-2017 {2} BUHLE, Paul [=] Hide in plain sight - The Hollywood blacklistees in film and television, 1950-2002 {2} BUHLER, James [=] Hearing the movies - Music and sound in film history {4} BUHLER, Stephen [=] Shakespeare in the cinema {4} BUKATMAN, Scott [=] Blade Runner [BFI Modern Classics] {2} BUKATMAN, Scott [=] Terminal identity - The virtual subject... {2} BULGARIAFILM [=] Bulgarian cinema (1944-1984) {2} BULMAN CINEMA SCREEN [=] Bulman, the house for screens {2} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] Belle de jour (roteiro) {4} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] Buñuel secondo Buñuel {2} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] Cartas a Francisco Rabal {2} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] Escritos {2} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] Ilegible, hijo de flauta (roteiro) {2} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] Meu último suspiro [OCR] {2} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] Mi ultimo suspiro [OCR] {2} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] Miradas cruzadas, cine y antropologia {2} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] My last breath {2} BUÑUEL, Luis [=] Obra literaria {2} BUONTEMPO, Giampaolo [=] Napoleone al cinema (1 - 1897-1945) {2} BUONTEMPO, Giampaolo [=] Napoleone al cinema (2 - 1945-2012) {2} BURCH, Noel [=] Battle of the sexes in french cinema (1930-1956) {2} BURCH, Noel [=] Lucarne de l'infini {2} BURCH, Noel [=] Praxis del cine {2} BURCH, Noel [=] Praxis do cinema {2} BURCH, Noel [=] To the distant observer {2}


BURCH, Noel [=] Tragaluz del infinito {2} BURGESS, Richard James [=] History of music production {2} BURGGRAF, Susan [=] Affective responses to horror films {2} BURGIN, Victor [=] The remembered film {4} BURGIN, Victor [=] Thinking photography {4} BURGOYNE, Robert [=] Hollywood historical film {2} BURKDALL, Thomas [=] Joycean frames - film and the fiction of James Joyce {4} BURKE, Frank [=] A companion to italian cinema {4} BURKE, Frank [=] Federico Fellini - Contemporary perspectives {2} BURKE, Liam [=] Fan phenomena (Batman) {4} BURKE, Liam [=] Superhero movies {2} BURKE, Liam [=] The comic book film adaptation {4} BURNETT, Mark [=] Welles, Kurosawa, Kozintsev, Zeffirelli - Great shakespeareans {4} BURNS, Paul [=] Jesus in twentieth-century - Literature, art, and movies {2} BURSTON, Paul [=] A queer romance - Lesbians, gay men and popular culture {2} BURT, Eugene [=] Dictionary of erotic artists {2} BURT, Jonathan [=] Animals in film {2} BURTON, Alan [=] Historical dictionary of british cinema {2} BURTON, Tim [=] Entretiens avec Mark Salisbury {2} BURTON, Tim [=] Melancolica muerte de Chico Ostra {2} BURTON, Tim [=] Triste fim do pequeno menino ostra {2} BURUCUA, Constanza [=] The precarious in the cinemas of the Americas {4} BUSCOMBE, Edward [=] Injuns, native americans in the movies {2} BUSCOMBE, Edward [=] Searchers (BFI Film Classics) {4} BUSINESS SCREEN [=] 1-8 (1938) {2} BUSLOWSKA, Elzbieta [=] Cinema as art and philosophy in Bela Tarr {2} BUSSI, Giuseppina Elisa [=] Letteratura e cinema - Il remake {2} BUTLER, Alison [=] Women's cinema - The contested screen {2} BUTLER, Andrew [=] Film studies (Pocket essentials) {2} BUTLER, Brad [=] Cinema of Prayoga - Indian experimental film & video, 1913-2006 {4} BUTTERS JR., Gerald [=] Banned in Kansas - Motion pictures censorship {2} BUZZA JR., George [=] Hollywood's favorite cocktail book {2}


BYARS, Jackie [=] All that Hollywood allows {2} BYRNE, Bill [=] Visual effects arsenal {4} BYRNE, Mark [=] Animation - The art of layout and storyboarding {2} BYRON, David [=] Queens of scream - The new blood {2} CABAÑAS, Kaira [=] Off-screen cinema - Isidore Isou and the lettrist avant-garde {2} CABRERA, Julio [=] Cine, 100 años de filosofia {2} CABRERA, Julio [=] Cinema pensa (edição digital) {2} CABRERA, Julio [=] Cinema pensa (scan) {2} CABRERA, Julio [=] De Hitchcock a Greenaway pela história da filosofia {2} CABRERA, Luis Martin- [=] Memoria en el closet - Pedro Almodovar {2} CACHOEIRA DOC 01 {2} CADDOO, Cara [=] Envisioning freedom {4} CADERNOS DE ANTROPOLOGIA E IMAGEM [=] 1 (Antropologia e cinema) {2} CADERNOS DE CINEMA [=] Bergman no cerco {2} CAEN, Michel [=] Entretien avec Christopher Lee {2} CAETANO, Daniel [=] Serras da desordem {2} CAETANO, Kati [=] A encenação da violência - Um exemplo no filme 'Cidade de Deus' {4} CAETANO, Maria do Rosário [=] Fernando Meirelles {2} CAETANO, Maria do Rosário [=] João Batista de Andrade {2} CAETANO, Maria do Rosário [=] Marlene França {2} CAFFE, Eliane [=] Narradores de Javé {2} CAFFIN, Charles [=] Photography as a fine art (1901) {2} CAGE, John [=] Silence - Lectures and writings {2} CAHIER LOUIS LUMIÈRE 10 {2} CAHIERS DE LA CINEMATHEQUE [=] 42 (Le Moyen Age au cinéma) {2} CAHIERS DI CINECLUB SCIENCES PO [=] 12-2011 {2} CAHIERS DU CINEMA [=] 1-300 {1} CAHIERS DU CINEMA [=] Abbas Kiarostami {2} CAHIERS DU CINEMA [=] Entrétien avec Andrei Tarkovski {2} CAHIERS DU CINEMA ESPAÑA [=] 1-28 / 31 / 41-51; especiais 1-10; 13 {1} CAHIERS DU CINEMA IN ENGLISH [=] 1-12 {1} CAI, Xiao [=] Ethics of witness - Dailiness and history in Hou Hsiao-hsien's films {4}


CAICEDO, Andres [=] Cartas de un cinefilo (1971-1973) {2} CAICEDO, Andres [=] Cartas de un cinefilo (1974-1976) {2} CAINE, Michael [=] Acting in film [OCR] {2} CAIRNS, Lucille [=] Sapphism on screen {2} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] 100 anos de Grande Othelo {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] África(s) - Cinema e revolução {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Africa, cinema - Um olhar contemporâneo {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Animação russa {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Argentina rebelde {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Arte da animação pernambucana {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Barbara Hammer {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Bill Plympton, o rei da animação independente {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Brasil distópico {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Brian De Palma {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Caliwood de Luis Ospina {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Cine doc fr {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Cinecittà - a fábrica de sonhos {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Cinema belga contemporâneo {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Cinema de montagem {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Cinema de Trinh Minh-ha {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Cinema grego contemporâneo {4} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Cinema tailandês {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Corpos da terra {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Derek Jarman (2) {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Derek Jarman {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Direção de arte no cinema brasileiro {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Faroeste vermelho {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] François Ozon {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Frederick Wiseman, o documentário além da observação {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Historias extraordinarias - Cinema argentino contemporâneo {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Homem que caiu na Terra (David Bowie) {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Imaginários cariocas {1}


CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Jia-Zhangke - A cidade em quadro {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] John Waters, o papa do trash {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Kafka e o cinema {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Leopoldo Serran - escrevendo imagens {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Luis Buñuel - Vida e obra {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Made in Paraguai {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Marlon Brando {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Miklos Jancsó - A dança da utopia {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Mostra de cinema russo contemporâneo {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] New Queer Cinema 2015 {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Ponte nórdica {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Por dentro da ilha (Cinema em Cuba) {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Reinventando Shakespeare {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Rosemberg 70 - Cinema de afeto {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Rússia - Um quarto de século através do cinema {1} CAIXA CULTURAL [=] Sonoridade cinema {1} CALABRETTA, Raffaele [=] Film delle emozioni {2} CALDWELL, John [=] Production culture {4} CALEY, Matthew [=] Pop fiction - the song in cinema {4} CALLAHAN, Vicki [=] Reclaiming the archive - Feminism and film history {4} CALLAHAN, Vicki [=] Zones of anxiety: Movement, Musidora, and the crime serials of Louis Feuillade {4} CALLOW, Sean [=] Night of the hunter [BFI Film Classics] {2} CAMACHO, Alberto [=] Sexualidad como arma politica - Cine homosexual {2} CAMARERO, Gloria [=] Una ventana indiscreta - La historia desde el cine {2} CAMERA [=] Yearbook 1919 {2} CAMERA COTIDIANA (Apostila) {2} CAMERA LUCIDA [=] French cinema {2} CAMERO, Emperatriz [=] 'Oriana' de Fina Torres, un lugar para el discurso feminino {2} CAMERON, Allan [=] Modular narratives in contemporary cinema {4} CAMERON, Ian [=] Antonioni {2} CAMERON, James [=] Aliens (roteiro) {2} CAMERON, James [=] Motion picture projection (1922) {2}


CAMERON, James [=] Motion pictures with sound {2} CAMERON, James [=] Talking movies (1927) {2} CAMPANY, David [=] Cinematic {2} CAMPANY, David [=] Photography and cinema {2} CAMPBELL, Drew [=] Technical film and TV for nontechnical people {2} CAMPBELL, Richard [=] Media & culture - Mass communication in a digital age {2} CAMPERO, Agustin [=] Nuevo cine argentino {2} CAMPOS, Dan [=] Tercer especial de cine mexicano e iberoamericano {2} CAMPOS, Eduardo [=] TV Ceará - A fábrica de sonhos {2} CAMPOS, Flávio de [=] Roteiro de cinema e televisão {2} CAMPOS, Mariana [=] Quero ser cineasta {2} CAMPOS, Roberto [=] Afiche como medio publicitario para el cine ecuatoriano {2} CANALS, Roger [=] Jean Rouch, un antropologo de las fronteras {2} CANDEL, José Maria [=] Historia del dibujo animado español {2} CANDILEJAS (Colombia) [=] 1-4 (2-13-2014) {2} CANELAS, Carlos [=] Sistemas de edição de vídeo - linear versus não-linear {2} CANEMAKER, John [=] Animated Raggedy Ann & Andy {2} CANEMAKER, John [=] Tex Avery, the MGM years {2} CANGI, Adrian [=] Jean-Luc Godard - Politicas de la imagen {2} CANJELS, Rudmer [=] Distributing silent film serials {4} CANNITO, Newton [=] Quanto vale ou é por quilo {2} CANNITO, Newton [=] TV 1.5 - A televisão na era digital {2} CANO, Pedro [=] De Aristoteles a Woody Allen {2} CANTINI, Maristella [=] Italian women filmmakers {2} CANTOR, Paul [=] Invisible hand in popular culture - Liberty vs. authority... {2} CANUTO, Roberta [=] Marco Altberg {2} CAPANNA, Pablo [=] Andrei Tarkovski - El icono y la pantalla {2} CAPELL, Frank [=] Strange death of Marilyn Monroe {2} CAPELLA, Rodrigo [=] Ricardo Pinto e Silva {2} CAPELLARO, Vittorio [=] Caçador de diamantes {2} CAPELLER, Ivan [=] Cinema e seu duplo {2} CAPODAGLI, Bill [=] Nos bastidores da Pixar [OCR] {2}


CAPUTO, Davide [=] Polanski and perception {4} CAPUTO, Marcello [=] Guida al cinema di Stephen King [OCR] {2} CAPUTO, Raffaele [=] Second take - Australian film-makers talk {4} CAPUTO, Raffaele [=] Third take - Australian film-makers talk {4} CARAHER, William [=] Punk archaeology {2} CARBALLO, Maite [=] Lenguaje en el cine de Jean-Luc Godard {2} CARBONE, Mauro [=] Flesh of images - Merleau-Ponty {2} CARDENAS, Florencia [=] Cine y memoria {2} CARDERO, Ana [=] Diccionario de terminos cinematograficos usados en México {2} CARDERO, Ana [=] Neologismo en la cinematografia mexicana {2} CARDOSO, Fernando [=] Tânia Alves {4} CARDOSO, João Batista [=] Miradas sobre o cinema ibero latino-americano contemporaneo {2} CARDOSO, Joel [=] Dos palcos às telas do cinema {2} CARDOSO, Marilia [=] Em busca do espectador novo {2} CARDULLO, Bert [=] After neorealism {4} CARDULLO, Bert [=] Bresson and others - Spiritual style in the cinema {4} CARDULLO, Bert [=] Committed cinema {4} CARDULLO, Bert [=] European director's and their films {4} CARDULLO, Bert [=] Film analysis - A casebook {4} CARDULLO, Bert [=] In search of cinema {4} CARDULLO, Bert [=] Millennial critic - Stanley Kauffmann on film {2} CARDULLO, Bert [=] Regarding the cinema {2} CARDULLO, Bert [=] Screen writings 2 {4} CARDULLO, Bert [=] Soundings on cinema {2} CARDULLO, Bert [=] Waves from the East {4} CARDULLO, Bert [=] World directors and their films {2} CARDULLO, Bert [=] World directors in dialogue {4} CARDULLO, R. J. [=] Andre Bazin - The critic as thinker {4} CARDULLO, R. J. [=] Movie, mystery, medium - A memoir {2} CAREL, Havi [=] New takes in film-philosophy {4} CARIL, Martinez [=] Historia no oficial del cine uruguayo (1898-2002) {2} CARIRY, Rosemberg [=] Cinema brasileiro, Macunaíma das sete mortes {4}


CARISCH [=] 100% films (partituras) {2} CARLSON, Zack [=] Destroy all movies {2} CARNEIRO, Eva [=] Belém entre filmes e fitas {2} CARNEIRO, Mario [=] Entrevista {2} CARNEIRO, Mário [=] Entrevista a Lauro Escorel {2} CARRANZA, Natalia [=] L Films - Analisis de una empresa cultural {2} CARRATALÁ, Juan [=] Ciudad provinciana (Literatura y cine en torno a Calle Mayor) {2} CARRATALÁ, Juan [=] Teatro en el cine español {2} CARREIRO, Rodrigo [=] Consumo, cultura pop e internet na critica de cinema de Pernambuco {2} CARREIRO, Rodrigo [=] Problema do estilo na obra de José Mojica Marins {2} CARREÑO, José Maria [=] Alfred Hitchcock [OCR] {2} CARRICK, Edward [=] Designing for films (1949) {2} CARRIER, David [=] Writing about visual art {2} CARRIÈRE, Christophe [=] Patrick Dewaere, une vie {2} CARRIERE, Jean-Claude [=] Desaparicion del guion {2} CARRIERE, Jean-Claude [=] Linguagem secreta do cinema {2} CARRIERE, Jean-Claude [=] Practica del guión cinematografico {2} CARRIERE, Jean-Claude [=] Prática do roteiro cinematográfico {2} CARRIL, Martinez [=] Luis Buñuel {2} CARRINGER, Robert [=] Citizen Kane, The Great Gatsby, and some conventions of american narrative {2} CARRINGER, Robert [=] The scripts of 'Citizen Kane' {2} CARROLL, Noel [=] Filosofia del terror o Paradojas del corazón {2} CARROLL, Noel [=] Filosofia do horror {4} CARROLL, Noel [=] Philosophical problems of classical film theory {2} CARROLL, Noel [=] Philosophy of film and motion pictures {2} CARROLL, Noel [=] Philosophy of horror or Paradoxes of the heart {2} CARROLL, Noel [=] Philosophy of motion pictures {2} CARROLL, Noel [=] Theorizing the moving image {2} CARTER, Huntly [=] New spirit in the cinema (1930) {2} CARTER, Huntly [=] New theatre and cinema of soviet Russia {2} CARTER, Sandra [=] What moroccan cinema {4} CARTLEDGE, Paul [=] Responses to Oliver Stone's 'Alexander' {2}


CARTMELL, Deborah [=] A companion to literature, film and adaptation {4} CARTMELL, Deborah [=] Alien identities - Exploring differences {4} CARTMELL, Deborah [=] Cambridge companion to literature on screen {4} CARTMELL, Deborah [=] Classics in film and fiction {4} CARTMELL, Deborah [=] Retrovisions - Reinventing the past in film and fiction {4} CARTMELL, Deborah [=] Teaching adaptations {4} CARVALHO, Danielle [=] Luz e sombra no écran (1-2) {2} CARVALHO, Danielle [=] O cinema silencioso e o som no Brasil {4} CARVALHO, Márcia [=] Trilha sonora do cinema {2} CARVALHO, Maria do Socorro [=] Cinema e cultura na Bahia nos anos JK {2} CARVALHO, Tânia [=] Betty Faria {4} CARVALHO, Tânia [=] Irene Ravache {2} CARVALHO, Tânia [=] Ney Latorraca {4} CARVALHO, Tania [=] Paulo José {2} CASANOVA, Manuel [=] Cronica del cine silente en Mexico {2} CASAS, Quim [=] Abel Ferrara - Adicción, acción y redención {2} CASAS, Quim [=] Clint Eastwood - Avatares del último cineasta clásico {2} CASAS, Quim [=] Fritz Lang {2} CASEBIER, Allan [=] Film and phenomenology ~ Toward a realist theory of cinematic representation {4} CASETTI, Francesco [=] Como analizar un film {2} CASETTI, Francesco [=] Inside the gaze ~ The fiction film and its spectator {4} CASETTI, Francesco [=] Teorias del cine {2} CASILLO, Robert [=] Gangster priest - The italian american cinema of Martin Scorsese {4} CASINGHINO, Carl [=] Moving images, making movies, understanding media {2} CASIRAGHI, Ugo [=] Vivement Truffaut (italiano) {2} CASSARD, Philippe [=] Deux temps trois mouvements {4} CASSAVETES, John [=] Cassavetes on Cassavetes {4} CASSAVETES, John [=] Derrière la caméra {2} CASSAVETES, John [=] Gloria (roteiro) {2} CASSAVETES, John [=] John Cassavetes por el mismo {2} CASSIDY, Marsha [=] What women watched - Daytime television in the 1950s {4} CASTAÑEDA, Alessandra [=] Ingmar Bergman {2}


CASTELLANO, Alberto [=] Paul Schrader - Il cinema della trascendenza {4} CASTILLO, Jessica [=] Distribución y exhibición cinematográficas en España {2} CASTILLO, Vicente del [=] Diccionario de directores del western {2} CASTLE OF FRANKENSTEIN [=] 22 {2} CASTLE, William [=] Step right up - memoirs of a B-movie mogul {2} CASTRO NETO, Advaldo [=] Cinema ficcional de Libero Luxardo {2} CASTRO, Antonio [=] Andre Delvaux {4} CATALA, Guillem [=] 'Nazarin' de Luis Buñuel {2} CATALA, Josep [=] Palacios de la memoria - el cine desplazado {2} CATÁLOGO DE CINE ESPAÑOL 2001 {2} CATÁLOGO DE CINE ESPAÑOL 2014 {2} CATELLI, Rosana Elisa [=] Revista Cinearte e o projeto de modernização cultural pelo cinema {2} CATTINI, Alberto [=] Luis Buñuel (italiano) {4} CAUWENBERGE, Genevieve Van [=] Chris Marker and french documentary filmmaking (19621982) {2} CAVALLARO, Dani [=] Anime and the art of adaptation {2} CAVALLARO, Dani [=] Animé art of Hayao Miyazaki {2} CAVALLARO, Dani [=] Cinema of Mamoru Oshii {2} CAVALLERO, Jonathan [=] Frank Capra's 1920s immigrant trilogy {2} CAVALLERO, Jonathan [=] Hollywood's italian american filmmakers - Capra, Scorsese, Savoca, Coppola, and Tarantino {2} CAVALLIERI, Anton [=] Ocultismo en el cine {2} CAVELL, Stanley [=] Pursuits of happiness - The Hollywood comedy of remarriage {2} CAVELL, Stanley [=] World viewed - Reflections on the ontology of film {2} CAVENDISH, Philip [=] Men with the movie camera {2} CCBB [=] Abbas Kiarostami {1} CCBB [=] Abel Ferrara {1} CCBB [=] Alexander Sokurov {1} CCBB [=] Alfred Hitchcock (1-2) {1} CCBB [=] Aventura Antonioni {1} CCBB [=] Bhava - Universo do cinema indiano {1} CCBB [=] Blaxploitation {1} CCBB [=] Cinema brasileiro anos 2000 {1}


CCBB [=] Cinema de Hong Kong {4} CCBB [=] Cinema de Jean Renoir {1} CCBB [=] Cinema de John Akomfrah {1} CCBB [=] Cinema de Michel Ocelot {1} CCBB [=] Cinema novo tcheco {1} CCBB [=] Cinematográfica Maristela {1} CCBB [=] Clint Eastwood {1} CCBB [=] David Cronemberg {1} CCBB [=] Depardon cinema {4} CCBB [=] Dogma 95 {1} CCBB [=] Douglas Sirk {1} CCBB [=] Easy Riders - O cinema da nova Hollywood {1} CCBB [=] Ennio Morricone {4} CCBB [=] Escola de Berlim {1} CCBB [=] Francis Ford Coppola {1} CCBB [=] Fritz Lang {1} CCBB [=] George Romero {1} CCBB [=] Geração beat {1} CCBB [=] Grupo Dziga Vertov {1} CCBB [=] Helena Solberg {4} CCBB [=] Hou Hsiao-Hsien e o cinema de memórias fragmentadas {1} CCBB [=] Ingmar Bergman {1} CCBB [=] Irmãos Dardenne {1} CCBB [=] Jacques Rivette {1} CCBB [=] Jairo Ferreira {1} CCBB [=] James Dean {1} CCBB [=] Jean-Luc Godard {1} CCBB [=] Jerry Lewis {1} CCBB [=] John Ford {1} CCBB [=] Jonas Mekas {1} CCBB [=] José Lewgoy {4} CCBB [=] Kenneth Anger {1}


CCBB [=] Leopoldo Torre-Nilsson {1} CCBB [=] Luc Moullet {1} CCBB [=] Marlene Dietrich {1} CCBB [=] Melhores filmes do ano {1} CCBB [=] Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger {1} CCBB [=] Mondo Tarantino {1} CCBB [=] Monstros no cinema {4} CCBB [=] Mostra do Filme Livre 2011 {1} CCBB [=] Mostra do Filme Livre 2013 {1} CCBB [=] Mostra do Filme Livre 2014 {1} CCBB [=] Mostra do Filme Livre 2015 {1} CCBB [=] Mostra do Filme Livre 2016 {1} CCBB [=] Mostra do Filme Livre 2017 {1} CCBB [=] Mostra do Filme Livre 2018 {4} CCBB [=] Movie-se {1} CCBB [=] Mulheres em cena {1} CCBB [=] Naomi Kawase {1} CCBB [=] Novo cinema pernambucano {1} CCBB [=] Odete Lara {1} CCBB [=] Oscar Micheaux - O cinema negro e a segregação racial {4} CCBB [=] Panorama do cinema suíço contemporâneo {1} CCBB [=] Panorama do cinema suíço contemporâneo 7 {4} CCBB [=] Pedro Almodóvar {1} CCBB [=] Pedro Costa {1} CCBB [=] Peter Forgacs {1} CCBB [=] Peter Greenaway {1} CCBB [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini {1} CCBB [=] Quentin Tarantino {1} CCBB [=] Rithy Panh {1} CCBB [=] Robert Morin - Reinventando o Quebec {1} CCBB [=] Roberto Farias {1} CCBB [=] Ruth de Souza {1}


CCBB [=] Samuel Fuller {1} CCBB [=] Straub-Huillet (catálogo) {1} CCBB [=] Takashi Miike {1} CCBB [=] Vilania no cinema brasileiro {1} CCBB [=] Vincente Minnelli {1} CCBB [=] Woody Allen {1} CEBOLLADA, Pascual [=] Madrid y el cine {2} CEBRIAN, Mariano [=] Cine documental e informativo de empresa {2} CECÍLIO NETO, A. S. [=] Reflexões sobre o cinema brasileiro {2} CELLI, Carlo [=] A new guide to italian cinema {2} CELLI, Carlo [=] National identity in global cinema {4} CELULOIDE DIGITAL 078 {4} CELULOIDE DIGITAL 56 {2} CELULOIDE DIGITAL 67 (2016) {2} CELULOIDE DIGITAL 68 {2} CELULOIDE DIGITAL 70 {2} CELULOIDE DIGITAL 74 {2} CELULOIDE DIGITAL 79 {2} CELULOIDE DIGITAL 80 {2} CENA MUDA [=] 1921 {1} CENART [=] Buñuel entre dois mundos {4} CENDEAC [=] Actualidad del surrealismo en la obra de Jan Svankmajer {2} CENDEAC [=] Jan Svankmajer (Guia de lectura) {2} CENTRAL BOARD OF FILM CERTIFICATION (India) [=] Annual report 2010-2011 {2} CENTRO CULTURAL DE BELÉM [=] Andrei Tarkovsky - Esculpir o tempo {2} CEPLAIR, Larry [=] Inquisition in Hollywood {2} CEPLAIR, Larry [=] Marxist and the movies - A biography of Paul Jarrico {2} CERAM, C. W. [=] Archaeology of the cinema {2} CERETTO, Luisa [=] Salah Abou Seif (Cinemamed) {2} CETTL, Robert [=] Terrorism in american cinema {2} CHABROL, Claude [=] Come fare un film {2} CHABROL, Claude [=] Como se hace una película {2}


CHADOURNE, Ariel [=] Dix ans de bilan du film ethnographique {2} CHAIA, Daniel [=] Bens confiscados {2} CHAISE, Maria Joana [=] João Goulart de Silvio Tendler {2} CHAMPAGNE, John [=] Italian masculinity as queer melodrama {4} CHAMPS-ELYSEES FILM FESTIVAL 2013 {2} CHANAN, Michael [=] Cuban cinema {2} CHANAN, Michael [=] Dream that kicks - The prehistory of cinema in britain {2} CHANDLER, Charlotte [=] It's only a movie - Alfred Hitchcock {4} CHANOIR, Yohann [=] Censure et cinema (Gore) {4} CHANTER, Tina [=] The picture of abjection - Film, fetish {4} CHAPLIN, Charles [=] Charlie Chaplin's own story (1916) {2} CHAPLIN, Charles [=] Making fun {2} CHAPLIN, Charles [=] My wonderful visit {2} CHAPLIN, Charles [=] The gold rush (programa) {2} CHAPLIN, Saul [=] Golden age of movie musicals and me {2} CHAPMAN, James [=] A new history of british documentary {4} CHAPMAN, James [=] Cinemas of the world - Film and society from 1895 to the present {2} CHAPMAN, James [=] Past and present - National identity and the british historical film {2} CHAPMAN, James [=] The new film history: Sources, methods, approaches {2} CHAPMAN, James [=] War and film {2} CHAPPELL, Julie [=] Bad girls and transgressive women in popular television {4} CHARLES URBAN [=] Urban catalogue (1910) {2} CHARLOT FESTIVAL 2014 {2} CHARNEY, Leo [=] Cinema and the invention of modern life [má qualidade] {4} CHARNEY, Leo [=] Num instante - O cinema e a filosofia da modernidade {2} CHATEAU, Dominique [=] Cinéma et philosophie {2} CHATEAU, Dominique [=] Philosophies du cinema {2} CHATEAU, Dominique [=] Sartre et le cinéma {2} CHATEAU, Rene [=] Audiard par Audiard {4} CHATMAN, Seymour [=] Story and discourse {4} CHAUDHURI, Shohini [=] Contemporary world cinema {2} CHEE, Lilian [=] Asian cinema and the use of space {4}


CHEN, Leo Chanjen [=] Frustrated architect - The cinema of Edward Yang {2} CHERIAA, Tahar [=] Cinema and culture in Tunisia {2} CHERRY, Brigid [=] Horror (Routledge film guidebooks) {2} CHEU, Hoi [=] Cinematic howling - Women's films {4} CHEU, Johnson [=] Diversity in Disney films {2} CHEUK, Pak Tong [=] Hong kong new wave cinema (1978-2000) CHEUNG, Esther [=] A companion to Hong Kong cinema {4} CHEUNG, Esther [=] Fruit Chan's Made in Hong Kong {2} CHEUNG, Esther [=] Hong Kong screenscapes {4} CHEUNG, Hye Seung [=] Hollywood asian - Philip Ahn and the politics of cross-ethnic performance {2} CHIBNALL, Steve [=] British crime cinema {2} CHIBNALL, Steve [=] British horror cinema {2} CHIBNALL, Steve [=] Get Carter {4} CHIBNALL, Steve [=] Making mischief - The cult films of Pete Walker {2} CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2012 {2} CHICAGO REVIEW [=] Stan Brakhage - Correspondences {2} CHICOTE, Francisco [=] Acerca de la teoria lukacsiana del cine {2} CHIESA, Guido [=] Manuale di regia cinematografica {4} CHILD, Abigail [=] This is called moving - a critical poetics of film {2} CHILD, Doreen [=] Charlie Kaufman - Confessions of an original mind {2} CHILE CINEMATOGRAFICO [=] 1 (1915) {2} CHILEDOC [=] Las rutas del documental {2} CHILLERON, José [=] Dwain Esper, en los suburbios de la produccion {2} CHINITA, Fátima [=] Espectador (in)visível - 'Inland Empire' de David Lynch {2} CHION, Michel [=] Audiovisão - Som e imagem no cinema {2} CHION, Michel [=] Audiovision {2} CHION, Michel [=] Como se escribe un guion {2} CHION, Michel [=] David Lynch (2003) {2} CHION, Michel [=] Film, a sound art {2} CHION, Michel [=] Guide des objets sonores {2} CHION, Michel [=] Roteiro de cinema {2} CHION, Michel [=] Sonido - Musica, cine, literatura {2}


CHION, Michel [=] Toile trouee {2} CHION, Michel [=] Voz en el cine {2} CHIVERS, Sally [=] The silvering screen - Old age and disability in cinema {4} CHOI, Jinhee [=] Cine ethics {2} CHOI, Jinhee [=] Horror to the extreme {2} CHOI, Jinhee [=] South korean film renaissance {2} CHOPRA, Anupama [=] King of Bollywood - Shah Rukh Khan {2} CHOUDHURI, Sucheta [=] Transgressive territories - Queer space in indian fiction and film {2} CHRIS, Cynthia [=] Watching wildlife {4} CHRISTIE, Ian [=] Audiences {4} CHRISTIE, Ian [=] Eisenstein rediscovered - Soviet cinema of the '20s and '30s {2} CHRISTIE, Ian [=] Gilliam on Gilliam {4} CHRISTIE'S [=] 50 years of James Bond - The auction {2} CHU, Yingchi [=] Chinese documentaries - From dogma to polyphony {2} CHUNG, Hye Seung [=] Hollywood Asian - Philip Ahn and the politics of cross-ethnic performance {4} CHUNG, Hye Seung [=] Kim Ki-duk (Contemporary film directors) {2} CHURCHILL, Ward [=] Literature, cinema and the colonization of american indians {2} CHUTE, Hillary [=] Disaster drawn - Visual witness, comics and documentary form {2} CIARUFFOLI, Simone [=] Stanley Kubrick, eyes wide shut {2} CIBERLEGENDA UFF [=] Sonoridades no cinema e audiovisual {2} CICLA - Cita con el cine latinoamericano 2013 {2} CIECKO, Anne [=] Contemporary asian cinema {2} CIMENT, Michel [=] Coen Brothers interviewed {2} CIMENT, Michel [=] Entretien avec Raoul Ruiz {2} CINE + (1) {2} CINE ARGENTINO [=] Base de datos (estrenos entre 1897 y 2014) {2} CINE ARGENTINO 2014 {2} CINE CEARÁ 2011-2014 (clipping) {2} CINE CLUB OSCURO VIDEO 04 {2} CINE COLOMBIANO [=] Anuario estadistico 2014 {2} CINE DEL TERCER MUNDO [=] 1-2 (1969-1970) {2} CINE DU REEL 2014 {2}


CINE EN EL URUGUAY [=] Breve reseña histórica y Guía general de salas de Montevideo e Interior {2} CINE EN URUGUAY 1 {2} CINE ESQUEMA NOVO 2016 {2} CINE FAGOS [=] 8 (2011) {2} CINE GACETA (Chile) [=] 1 (1915) {2} CINE GACETA (Chile) [=] 1917-1918 {2} CINE HORREUR [=] Special TROMA {2} CINÉ LATINO - RENCONTRES DE TOULOUSE 2013-2016 {2} CINE MEGAZINE [=] 2013-09 {2} CINE MES (Colombia) (1-6) {2} CINE POUR TOUS [=] 116 números {1} CINE QUA NON 1 {2} CINE RADIO ACTUALIDAD [=] 01-28 (1936) {1} CINE REVELADO (Espanha) {2} CINE REVUE [=] Erotisme dans les films d'epouvante {2} CINE SIN AUTOR [=] Ideas derramadas {2} CINE Y CIENCIA VIVA [=] Segundo de Chomon {2} CINÉA [=] 1-89 (1921-1923) {1} CINEACTION [=] 05 {4} CINEARTE [=] 1-561 + 8 edições especiais (1926-1942) {1} CINE-AVENTURAS (Espanha) [=] 017 (1936) {2} CINE-AVENTURAS (Espanha) [=] 019 (1936) {2} CINE-AVENTURAS (Espanha) [=] 032 (1936) {2} CINE-AVENTURAS (Espanha) [=] 044 (1936) {2} CINECLUBE BRASIL [=] 07 {2} CINECLUBE DE COMPOSTELA [=] Cidade (antologia) {2} CINECLUBE DE TELHEIRAS (Portugal) {2} CINECLUBE LATINO-AMERICANO [=] 09 {2} CINEFANIA [=] Libro de oro 2009-2010 {2} CINEFANTASTIQUE (Spring, 1984) {2} CINEFANTASTIQUE (v. 4, n. 2-4) {2} CINEFANTASTIQUE (v. 5, n. 1) {2}


CINEFANTASTIQUE (v. 5, n. 2) {2} CINEFILO (Portugal) [=] 1-13 (1928) {1} CINEFORUM [=] 508 (2011) {2} CINEFORUM [=] 509 (2011) {2} CINEGRAMAS (Madri) [=] 1 (1934) {2} CINEGRAPHIE 1927 (1-5) {2} CINE-JOURNAL (1926-1927) {4} CINÉ-JOURNAL [=] 182 números (1908-1912) {1} CINELANDIA (Itália) [=] 2 {2} CINEMA - Quindicinale di divulgazione cinematografica [=] 1-178 (1936-1943) {1} CINEMA - Revista de filosofia e da imagem em movimento [=] 3 (2012) {2} CINEMA (1, 1947) {2} CINEMA (Chile) [=] 1913 {2} CINEMA [=] 1-2 (1907) {2} CINÉMA [=] Annuaire de la projection fixe et animée 1911 {2} CINEMA 60 [=] Matrimonio in bianco e nero (Marco Ferreri) {2} CINEMA BELGE 116 {2} CINEMA BRASILEIRO [=] Lançamentos (1995-2016) {2} CINEMA BRASILEIRO [=] Lançamentos 2015 {2} CINEMA CAIPIRA 26 {2} CINEMA CHEZ SOI [=] 1 (1926) {2} CINEMA COM RAPADURA [=] Críticas de 2009 e 2010 {2} CINEMA COMPARATIVE CINEMA [=] 02 (2013) {2} CINEMA CONCERTO (dossier de presse) {2} CINEMA DE GARAGEM 2014 {2} CINEMA DE PORTUGAL [=] Anuário estatístico (2008-2012) {2} CINEMA DE PORTUGAL 2008-2012 {2} CINEMA DE PORTUGAL 2014-2016 {2} CINEMA EM CLOSE-UP 01 {2} CINEMA EN SUISSE [=] 2009 (Facts & figures) {2} CINEMA HELVETICA 2009 {2} CINEMA ILLUSTRAZIONE [=] 41 (1930) {2}


CINEMA JOURNAL [=] a. 10, n. 2 (1971) {2} CINEMA JOURNAL [=] a. 9, n. 1 (1969) {2} CINEMA MEXICO 2006-2008 {2} CINEMA MEXICO 2007-2009 {2} CINEMA MEXICO 2008-2010 {2} CINEMA MEXICO 2009-2011 {2} CINEMA MEXICO 2010-2012 {2} CINEMA MEXICO 2011-2013 {2} CINEMA MEXICO 2012-2014 {2} CINEMA MEXICO 2013-2015 {2} CINEMA MEXICO 2014-2016 {2} CINEMA NEWS [=] 1917.11 {2} CINEMA NEWS AND PROPERTY GAZETTE [=] 1-11 (1912) {2} CINEMA NEWS AND PROPERTY GAZETTE [=] 12-19 (1913) {2} CINEMA NEWS AND PROPERTY GAZETTE [=] 20-25 (1913) {2} CINEMA NEWS AND PROPERTY GAZETTE [=] Technical supplement {2} CINEMA ORGAN 210 {2} CINEMA PARAÍSO [=] Filme de bolso {2} CINEMA PROGRESS (1935-1937) {2} CINEMA PROGRESS (1936-1938) {2} CINEMA QUARTERLY (2.1 1933) {2} CINEMA QUARTERLY (2.2 1933) {2} CINEMA QUARTERLY (2.3 1934) {2} CINEMA QUARTERLY (2.4 1934) {2} CINEMA QUARTERLY (3.1 1934) {2} CINEMA QUARTERLY (3.2 1935) {2} CINEMA QUARTERLY (3.3 1935) {2} CINEMA QUARTERLY (3.4 1935) {2} CINEMA SCOPE [=] 42 (2010) {2} CINEMA SCOPE [=] 43 (2010) {2} CINEMA SCORCHERS [=] v. 2, n. 4 {4} CINEMA TRADERS [=] Complete illustrated catalogue 1928-1929 {2}


CINEMA TRADERS [=] Workshops of the cinema industry (1929) {2} CINEMA X [=] 8 (1969) {2} CINEMACHILE [=] Chilean films 2010-2011 {2} CINEMACHILE [=] Feature films 2014 {2} CINÉMAGAZINE (Paris) [=] números 1 a 50 (1921) {1} CINÉMAGAZINE [=] 341 números {excluído} CINEMAGIC (serie 1) (4-11) {1} CINEMAGIC (Serie 2) (1-28) {1} CINEMAGIC 01-05 {2} CINEMANIA [=] 100 mejores peliculas de ciencia ficcion {2} CINEMANIA [=] 247-248 (2016) {2} CINEMANIA [=] 253 {2} CINEMANIA [=] 275 (2018) {4} CINÉMAS [=] 93 artigos {1} CINÉMAS D'AMÉRIQUE LATINE 09-10 {2} CINÉMAS D'AMÉRIQUE LATINE 12-18 {2} CINEMASCOMICS [=] ano 2, número 11 {2} CINEMASCOMICS 01-04 {2} CINEMASCOMICS 11 (2011) {2} CINEMASCOMICS 13 (2012) {2} CINEMASCOMICS 16 {2} CINEMATECA BRASILEIRA [=] Relatório anual 2009-2012 {2} CINEMATECA BRASILEIRA [=] Relatório anual 2017 {2} CINEMATECA DE BILBAO [=] Abbas Kiorastami {2} CINEMATECA DE BILBAO [=] Andre Delvaux {4} CINEMATECA DE BILBAO [=] Chris Marker {2} CINEMATECA DE BILBAO [=] Cine fantástico y de terror alemán {2} CINEMATECA DE BILBAO [=] Eric Rohmer {2} CINEMATECA DE BILBAO [=] Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau {2} CINEMATECA DE BILBAO [=] Jean-Luc Godard {2} CINEMATECA DE BILBAO [=] Ray Harryhausen {2} CINEMATECA DE BILBAO [=] Stanley Kubrick {2}


CINEMATECA DISTRITAL DE BOGOTÁ [=] Cine colombiano 1950-1973 {2} CINEMATECA DISTRITAL DE BOGOTÁ [=] Joyas del cine colombiano {2} CINEMATECA DO MAM [=] A invenção do cinema marginal {2} CINEMATECA PORTUGUESA [=] Béla Tarr {2} CINEMATECA PORTUGUESA [=] Georges Franju {2} CINEMATECA PORTUGUESA [=] Nouvelle vague {2} CINEMATECA PORTUGUESA [=] Panorama do cinema espanhol (1896-1986) {2} CINEMATECA UGT [=] Jacques Demy, l'enchanteur {2} CINEMATECA UNIVALLE [=] Primer seminario de critica y analysis de cine colombiano {2} CINEMATECA URUGUAYA [=] 479 (2014) {2} CINEMATECA URUGUAYA [=] Cinemateca Revista 2 (1977) {2} CINEMATECA URUGUAYA [=] Evolución cronologica del largometraje uruguayo {2} CINEMATECA URUGUAYA [=] Fichas de cine (1-3) {2} CINEMATHEQUE (Vancouver) [=] nov.-dec. 2012 {2} CINEMATHÈQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Akira Kurosawa (Bibliographie selective et commentee) {2} CINEMATHEQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Ernst Lubitsch (Bibliographie selective) {2} CINEMATHÈQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Federico Fellini (Bibliographie selective et commentee) {2} CINEMATHÈQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Fritz Lang (Bibliographie selective et commentee) {2} CINEMATHEQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Jacques Demy (bibliographie selective) {2} CINEMATHÈQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Jean Epstein (Bibliographie selective et commentee) {2} CINEMATHÈQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Marcel Carné (Bibliographie selective et commentee) {2} CINEMATHÈQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Maurice Pialat (Bibliographie selective et commentee) {2} CINEMATHEQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Persistance des images {2} CINEMATHEQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Restaurations et tirages (1-4) {2} CINEMATHÈQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Romani cinema - Figurative defamations and documented rectifications {2} CINEMATHEQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Stanley Kubrick (Bibliographie selective et commentee) {2} CINEMATHEQUE FRANÇAISE [=] Toute la memoire du monde 2012-2013 {2} CINEMATHEQUE QUEBECOISE [=] Dossiers (1-17) {2} CINEMATO [=] a. 1, n. 03 {2} CINEMATOGRAFO (Chile) [=] 1 (1909) {2} CINEMATOGRAFO (Roma) [=] 1 (03.1927) {2} CINEMATOGRAPHE [=] 2 (1937) {2}


CINEMATOGRAPHIC ANNUAL 1930 {2} CINEMATOGRAPHIE FRANÇAISE [=] 948-965 {2} CINEMATOGRAPHIE FRANÇAISE [=] 966-982 {2} CINEMATOGRAPHY & BIOSCOPE MAGAZINE [=] 3 (1906) {2} CINEMECCANICA MILANO [=] Catálogo 1926 {2} CINEMIDIA EXTRA [=] Bruce Lee {2} CINEMIN (Ebal) 09 {2} CINEMIN (Ebal) 86 {2} CINE-MISTERIO 01-07 {2} CINÉMONDE (185-193) {2} CINÉMONDE (195) {2} CINEMOOVE 133 {2} CINE-MUNDIAL [=] a. 30, n. 06 {2} CINE-MUNDIAL [=] a. 31, n. 08 {2} CINE-MUNDIAL 1916-1918 {2} CINE-MUNDIAL 1920-1923 {2} CINE-MUNDIAL 1925-1929 {2} CINE-MUNDIAL 1931 {2} CINE-MUNDIAL 1933 {2} CINE-MUNDIAL 1936 {2} CINE-MUNDIAL 1942 {2} CINEMÚSICA - Festival de cinema de Conservatória [=] 2014 {2} CINEMÚSICA - Festival de cinema de Conservatória [=] 2015 {2} CINEPHILE [=] v. 11, n. 02 {2} CINEPHILIA (11.2012) {2} CINEPLOT 1 {2} CINEPLOT 2 (Boca do Lixo) {2} CINEPLOT 4 {2} CINE-PORTRAIT [=] Alain Tanner {2} CINERAMA [=] Godzilla {2} CINERAMA [=] Mundo magico de Harry Potter (1-2) {2} CINESEX [=] Cine y educación sexual con jóvenes {2}


CINETECA DI BOLOGNA [=] Cinema Ritrovato (1986-2017) {2} CINETECA DI BOLOGNA [=] Cinema ritrovato 2018 {4} CINETECA NACIONAL DE CHILE [=] Imagenes de Chile en el mundo {2} CINETECA NACIONAL DE CHILE [=] Imagenes del centenario (1903-1933) {2} CINETEEN [=] 06 (2009) {2} CINE-TRACTS [=] 1-17 {1} CINEUROPA 2010-2012 {2} CINEUROPA 2014-2016 {2} CINEVISIONI 05 {2} CINEVISIONI 10 {2} CINFONIUM (catálogo) {2} CINIM (Londres) (1-3) {2} CINTAS, Jorge Diaz [=] Audiovisual translation - Subtitling {2} CINTAS, Jorge Diaz [=] New trends in audiovisual translation {2} CINUSP [=] Robert Bresson {2} CIRCULO DE BELLAS ARTES [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini - Palabra de corsario {2} CITTI, Franco [=] Vita di un ragazzo di vita {2} CLAIR, Rene [=] Cine de ayer, cine de hoy {2} CLAIR, René [=] Cinema yesterday and today {4} CLARK, Mark [=] Sixties shockers - a critical filmography {2} CLARKE, Arthur [=] The Odyssey file - Making of 2010 {2} CLARKE, James [=] Steven Spielberg (Pocket essential) {2} CLASICOS DEL CINE [=] Carrera del siglo (quadrinhos) {2} CLAYTON, Alex [=] The language and style of film criticism {4} CLEDER, Jean [=] Entre litterature et cinema {4} CLEMENT, Philippe [=] Éducation populaire et cinéma {2} CLEMENTS, Jonathan [=] Anime encyclopedia {2} CLEVÉ, Bastian [=] Film production management {2} CLIFTON, Elmer [=] Down to the sea in ships (World premiere, 1922) {2} CLINICO MOTION PICTURES [=] Catalogue 1917 {2} CLIPPING [=] Cinema nos jornais italianos (18.09.2016) {2} CLODE, Edward [=] My strange life (1915) {2}


CLOSE UP [=] 1929 (1-6) {2} CLOSEUP [=] 1-2 (1975) {2} CLOVER, Carol [=] Men, women and chain saws {4} COATES, Paul [=] Doubling, distance and identification in the cinema {2} COATES, Paul [=] Gorgon's gaze - German cinema, expressionism {2} COATES, Paul [=] Screening the face {2} COBB, Shelley [=] Adaptation, authorship and contemporary women filmmakers {4} COCKS, Geoffrey [=] Stanley Kubrick - Film and the uses of history {2} COELHO, Cleodon [=] Lilian Lemmertz {2} COELHO, Eduardo [=] Vinte anos de cinema português (1962-1982) {2} COELHO, Fernanda [=] Manual de manuseio de peliculas cinematograficas {2} COELHO, Maria [=] Experiência brasileira na conservação de acervos audiovisuais {4} COELHO, Sandra [=] Em busca do tesouro {4} COEN, Joel [=] No country for old men {2} COGLEY, John [=] Report on blacklisting - Movies (1956) {2} COHAN, Steven [=] Hollywood musicals - The film reader {2} COHAN, Steven [=] The road movie book {2} COHEN FILM COLLECTION {2} COHEN, Daniel [=] Encyclopedia of monsters {2} COHEN, Paula [=] Silent film and the triumph of the american myth {4} COHEN, Tom [=] Hitchcock's cryptonymies (1 - Secret agents) {2} COISSAC, Georges Michel [=] Histoire du cinématographe de ses origines à nos jours (1925) {2} COLE JR., Hillis [=] Complete guide to standard script formats (1. The screenplay) {2} COLEGIO DE BACHIRELLES DEL ESTADO DE SONORA [=] Produce videos {2} COLEMAN, Herbert [=] Hollywood I knew {2} COLEMAN, Lindsay [=] Contemporary film music {2} COLEMAN, Lori [=] Make the cut - A guide to becoming a successful assistant editor in film and TV {4} COLETIVO ORA BOLAS [=] Arqueologia da animação {2} COLETTA, Cristina Della [=] When stories travel {4} COLIN, Gonul [=] Cinemas of the other {4} COLIN, Gonul [=] Women, islam and cinema {4} COLLADO, Esperanza [=] Cine y su resonancia en el espacio {2}


COLLEGE AU CINEMA [=] Fenetre sur cour (Alfred Hitchcock) {2} COLLÈGE AU CINÉMA [=] Quatre cents coups (Truffaut) {2} COLLINS, Felicity [=] Australian cinema after Mabo {2} COLMAN, Felicity [=] Deleuze & cinema - the film concepts {2} COLOMA, Muñoz [=] Leni Riefenstahl - El triunfo de la voluntad {2} COLOMBIA [=] Cinemateca Distrital - Transformando miradas 2012-2015 {2} COLOMBIA [=] Cómo en Colombia - Guia de produccion 2014 {2} COLOMBIA [=] Ley de cine para todos {2} COLOMBIA [=] Semana del cine colombiano 2012 {2} COLOMBIA [=] Sistemas de clasificacion de salas de cine {2} COLOMBIA DE PELICULA [=] Cartilla de historia de cine colombiano {2} COLOMBO, Fausto [=] Industria culturale italiana {2} COLOMBRES, Adolfo [=] Cine, antropologia y colonialismo {2} COLORADO, Luis Fernandez [=] Ojo extrahumano - 10 años de semana de cine experimental {2} COLUCCI, Maria Beatriz [=] Violência urbana e documentário brasileiro contemporâneo {2} COMAND, Mariapia [=] Il cinema europeo {4} COMAS, Angel [=] De Hitchcock a Tarantino - Enciclopedia {2} COMAS, Angel [=] Star system del cine español de posguerra {2} COMBE, Kirk [=] Masculinity and monstrosity in contemporary Hollywood films {4} COMBES, Malika [=] À l'avant-garde - Art et politique dans les années 1960 et 1970 {4} COMBS, James [=] Wit's end - Making sense of the great movies {4} COMEDY [=] 1 (1980) {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Cidade filmada {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Cine - Modo de empleo {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Cine contra espectaculo {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Cinema against spectacle {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Como filmar o inimigo {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Daech le cinema et la mort {4} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Elogio del Cine-monstruo {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Fim do fora-de-campo {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Frames and bodies - Notes on three films by Pedro Costa {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Malas compañias - Documento y espectaculo {2}


COMOLLI, Jean-Louis [=] Ver e poder - A inocência perdida {2} COMOLLI, Jean-Luc [=] Cinema - ldeology - Criticism {2} COMPARATO, Doc [=] Da criação ao roteiro {2} COMPARATO, Doc [=] Guión {2} COMPTON, Doug [=] Drawing for classical animation {4} COMUNICACIÓN (Venezuela) [=] 157 (Y el cine va...) {2} COMUNICAR [=] 29 (Enseñanza del cine) {2} COMUNICAR [=] 35 (Lenguajes filmicos) {2} CONARD, Mark [=] Philosophy of film noir {2} CONARD, Mark [=] Philosophy of Martin Scorsese {2} CONARD, Mark [=] Philosophy of neo-noir {2} CONARD, Mark [=] Philosophy of Spike Lee {2} CONARD, Mark [=] Philosophy of the Coen brothers {2} CONDE, Mariana [=] Mujeres y cine en la Argentina (1933-1955) {2} CONDE, Pablo [=] Cine bizarro y fantastico hispano-argentino {2} CONDEE, Nancy [=] Imperial trace - Recent russian cinema {2} CONES, John [=] 43 ways to finance your feature film {2} CONES, John [=] Patterns of bias in Hollywood movies {2} CONFERÊNCIA INTERNACIONAL DE CINEMA DE VIANA DO CASTELO 2016 {2} CONGRESO CINE Y EDUCACION (Madrid, 2011) {2} CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL HISTORIA, LITERATURA Y ARTE EN EL CINE 2013 [=] Actas {2} CONLEY, Katharine [=] Surrealist ghostliness {2} CONLEY, Tom [=] A companion to Jean-Luc Godard {2} CONLEY, Tom [=] Cartographic cinema {2} CONNARD, Stephen [=] Comedic base of black comedy {2} CONNELL, Brian [=] Knight errant, a biography of Douglas Fairbanks Jr. {2} CONNELLY, Mark [=] Christmas at the movies {4} CONRICH, Ian [=] Contemporary New Zealand cinema {2} CONRICH, Ian [=] Film's musical moments {2} CONRICH, Ian [=] Gothic dissections in film and literature {2} CONRICH, Ian [=] Horror zone - The cultural experience of contemporary horror cinema {2} CONSTANTINIDIS, Costas [=] Cypriot cinemas {4}


CONSTANTINIDIS, Costas [=] From film adaptation to post-celluloid adaptation {4} CONTANT, Nicolas [=] Itinerance comme demarche de tournage documentaire {2} CONTEMPORARY THEATRE, FILM & TELEVISION 010 {2} CONTEMPORARY THEATRE, FILM & TELEVISION 093 {2} CONTRACAMPO [=] Nagisa Oshima (1980) {2} CONTRACAMPO 33 [=] Salvador Dali y el cinema {2} CONTRAPLANO [=] Mostra de cinema de Conquista {2} COO, Carlos Ossa [=] Historia del cine chileno {2} COOK, David [=] A history of narrative film {4} COOK, David [=] Lost illusions - American cinema in the shadow {2} COOK, John [=] British science fiction television - A hitchhiker's guide {2} COOK, Olive [=] Movement in two dimensions {2} COOK, Patrick [=] Cinematic Hamlet {4} COOKE, Carolyn Jess- [=] Film sequels - Theory and practice {2} COOKE, Carolyn Jess- [=] Second takes - Critical approaches to the film sequel {4} COOKE, Jennifer [=] Legacies of plague in literature, theory and film {4} COOKE, Paul [=] World cinema's 'dialogues' with Hollywood {2} COOPER, Andrew [=] Dario Argento (inglês) {2} COOPER, Darius [=] Cinema of Satyajit Ray {2} COOPER, Mark [=] Universal women - Filmmaking and institutional change {2} COOPER, Pat [=] Writing the short film {2} COPIE ZERO (Quebec) [=] 1-38 {1} COPPOLA, Eleanor [=] Notas a 'Apocalipsis now' - Diario de una filmación {2} CO-PRODUCING WITH NORDIC COUNTRIES 2017 {2} CORAÇÃO, Cláudio [=] Comunicação em conflito (Alejandro González Iñarritu) {2} CORDEIRO, Paula [=] Definição do sujeito no cinema {2} CORDOBA, Elbio [=] Taller de guion {2} CORK FILM FESTIVAL 2014 {2} CORMAN, Roger [=] How I made a hundred movies in Hollywood {2} CORMAN, Roger [=] Interviews {2} CORNEA, Christine [=] Science fiction cinema {2} CORNEJO, Tomás [=] Filmar a contrapelo - El cine de Helvio Soto {2}


CORNELIUS, Michael [=] Of muscles and men -Essays on the sword and sandal film {2} CORNYETZ, Nina [=] Ethics of aesthetics in japanese cinema and literature {4} CORREA JR., Fausto [=] Cinematecas e cineclubes {2} CORREA, Roberto [=] Cinema, música e espaço {2} CORREO DE LA UNESCO [=] Imagenes del otro en el cine {2} CORREO DE LA UNESCO [=] Maravilloso y fragil cine {2} CORREO DE LA UNESCO [=] Un siglo de cine {2} CORRIGAN, Timothy [=] A short guide to writing about film {2} CORRIGAN, Timothy [=] American cinema of the 2000s - Themes and variations {2} CORRIGAN, Timothy [=] Essay film {2} CORRIGAN, Timothy [=] Film experience - An introduction {4} CORRIGAN, Timothy [=] Films of Werner Herzog {2} CORRIGAN, Timothy [=] O filme-ensaio {4} CORSEUIL, Anelise [=] Cinema e América Latina - Estética e culturalidade {4} CORTINEZ, Veronica [=] Cine chileno de los sesenta {2} CORTINEZ, Veronica [=] Tristeza de los tigres y los misterios de Raul Ruiz {2} COSTA RICA FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE 2013 {2} COSTA, Alessandro [=] Pelos bastidores da história - Looney Tunes, arte e estilo {2} COSTA, Alves [=] Breve história do cinema português (1896-1962) {2} COSTA, Ana [=] Aberto ao público - O movimento cineclubista em Curitiba (1950-1970) {2} COSTA, Antonio [=] Compreender o cinema {2} COSTA, Antonio [=] Saper vedere il cinema {2} COSTA, Flávia [=] Figuras populares no documentário silencioso brasileiro {2} COSTA, Flávia [=] Primeiro cinema - Espetáculo, narração, domesticação {2} COSTA, Henrique Alves [=] Eric von Stroheim, genio insubmisso {2} COSTA, Henrique Alves [=] Memória do cinema {2} COSTA, Jaime [=] Comedia musical {2} COSTA, Jordi [=] Hay algo ahí afuera {2} COSTA, Luiz Henrique [=] Mário Peixoto crítico {2} COSTA, Pedro [=] Guarda o meu silêncio para sempre {2} COSTA, Pedro Camacho [=] Do cineasta demiurgo - João Cesar Monteiro {2} COSTANZO, William [=] World cinema through global genres {4}


COSTELLO, John [=] Writing a screenplay {4} COSULICH, Callisto [=] Scrivere il cinema - Franco Solinas {2} COTES, Peter [=] Life and work of Charles Spencer Chaplin {2} COTTER, Robert [=] Women of Hammer horror {2} COULTHARD, Lisa [=] Listening to silence - The films of Michael Haneke {2} COULTHURST, S. L. [=] How to make lantern slides {2} COURIER UNESCO [=] Rage for asian cinema {2} COURRIER DE L'UNESCO [=] Un siècle de cinéma {2} COURRIER, Kevin [=] Dangerous kitchen - The subversive world of Zappa {2} COURTISANE - Notes on cinema [=] Cahiers 1 {2} COUSELO, Jorge Miguel [=] Cine argentino en capitulos sueltos {2} COUSINS, Mark [=] Story of film {4} COUSTET, Ernest [=] Traité pratique de cinématographie 1913 (1-2) {2} COUTINHO, Angélica [=] El deseo - O apaixonante cinema de Pedro Almodovar {2} COUTINHO, Mário [=] Escrever com a camera {2} COWIE, Elizabeth [=] Recording reality, desiring the real {2} COWIE, Peter [=] Cine sueco {4} COWIE, Peter [=] Libro de 'Apocalypse Now' {2} COX, Alex [=] 10.000 formas de morir {2} COX, Alex [=] Ten thousand ways to die {2} COX, Tracy [=] Consuming distractions in 'Prix de beauté' {2} COYNE, Michael [=] Hollywood goes to Washington {2} COZARINSKY, Edgardo [=] Cinematografos {2} CRADDOCK, Jim [=] VideoHound's golden movie retriever 2008-2010 {2} CRAFTON, Donald [=] Emile Cohl, caricature and film {2} CRAFTON, Donald [=] Talkies - American cinema's transition to sound {2} CRAIG, Rob [=] Ed Wood - Mad genius {2} CRAIG, Siobhan [=] Cinema after fascism - The shattered screen {2} CRANE, Jonathan [=] Terror and everyday life {4} CREATIVE SCREENWRITING [=] Best interviews (1994-2004) {2} CREED, Barbara [=] Monstrous-feminine [defeituoso] {2} CRESPO, Angel [=] Principios de accesibilidad audiovisual en el cine {2}


CRIPPS, Thomas [=] Making movies black {2} CRISP, Colin [=] Classical french cinema (1930-1960) {2} CRISP, Virginia [=] Besides the screen {4} CRISTOBAL, Ramiro [=] Homosexualidad en el cine español {2} CRITICA CINEMATOGRAFICA (Itália, 1946) [=] 1-12 {1} CRITICAL INQUIRY [=] Comics & media {4} CRITTENDEN, Roger [=] Fine cuts - The art of european film editing {2} CROCE, Simonetta Della [=] Andiamo al cinema {2} CRONIN, Paul [=] Herzog on Herzog {2} CRONOLOGIA DAS ARTES EM SÃO PAULO 1975-1995 [=] Cinema {2} CROSS, Robin [=] Big book of B movies {2} CROSS, Robin [=] Monsters of the movies {2} CROUSE, Richard [=] 100 best movies you've never seen {2} CROWELL, Thomas [=] Pocket lawyer for filmmakers - A legal toolkit {2} CROWTHER, Bosley [=] Hollywood rajah {2} CROY, Homer [=] Star maker - The story of D. W. Griffith {2} CRUZ, Bernard Schulz- [=] Evolution of gay imagery in mexican cinema {2} CRUZ, Jorge Luiz [=] Cinemas dos países lusófonos {2} CRUZ, José de Mattos- [=] Macau e o cinema {2} CUADERNOS AFRICANOS [=] Cine - Utopia y realidad {2} CUADERNOS ASAECA 1 (Teorías y prácticas audiovisuales) {2} CUADERNOS DE CINE COLOMBIANO (Primeira série) [=] 01. Julio Luzardo // 02. Ciro Durán // 05. José María Arzuaga // 06. Gustavo Nieto Roa // 07. Jorge Silva y Marta Rodríguez // 08. Jairo Pinilla Tellez // 09. Luis Alfredo Sánchez // 10. Luis Ospina // 11. Camila Loboguerrero // 12. Carlos Mayolo // 13. Lisandro Duque // 14. Leopoldo Pinzón // 15. Fernando Laverde // 16. Jorge Gaitán Gómez // 17. Lizardo Díaz // 18. Jorge Ruiz Ardila // 19. Manuel Busquets Emilliani // 20. Jorge Ali Triana // 21. Grupo Cine Mujer // 22. Grupo Cine Taller // 23. Oswaldo Duperly // 24. Gloria Triana // 25. Mario Jimenez {1} CUADERNOS DE CINE COLOMBIANO (Segunda série) [=] 01. Balance argumental // 02. Acevedo e Hijos // 03. Víctor Gaviria // 04. Rostros y rastros // 05. Balance documental // 06. Crítica cinematográfica // 07. Extranjeros en el cine colombiano 1 // 08. Extranjeros en el cine colombiano 2 // 09. El cortometraje // 10. Andrés Caicedo, cartas de un cinéfilo 1971-1973 // 11. Andrés Caicedo, cartas de un cinéfilo 1974-1976 // 12. Recepciones contemporáneas de la imagen cinematográfica // 13. Investigación e historiografía // 14a. Cine y literatura // 14b. Cine y literatura // 15. Archivos audiovisales y cinematograficos // 16. Ríos y el cine // 17a. Cine y video indigena 1 // 17b. Cine y video indigena 2 // 18. Colombia segun el cine extranjero // 19. Colombianos en el cine extranjero // 20. Animación en Colombia // 21. Carlos Mayolo // 22. Publicaciones sobre cine en Colombia // 23. Cine y politica // 24. Patrimonio audiovisual // 25. Cine y televisión // 26. Instrumentos del Estado para el fomento del cine // 27. Exhibir y circular // 28. El guion y el guionista {1}


CUARTA PAREDE [=] Festivales de cine - El estado de la cuestion {2} CUARTEROLO, Andrea [=] De la foto al fotograma {2} CUBEROS, Carlos [=] Fallas de origen {2} CUBITT, Sean [=] Cinema effect {2} CUBITT, Sean [=] Ecocinema - Theory and practice {4} CUBITT, Sean [=] Practice of light {2} CUERVO, Andrés [=] Republica noir - Cine criminal colombiano {2} CUFF, Paul [=] Abel Gance and the end of silent cinema {4} CUI, Shuqin [=] Women through the lens - Gender and nation in chinese cinema {2} CULL, Nicholas [=] Propaganda and mass persuasion {2} CULT MOVIES 23 (1997) {2} CULTURA SUECA [=] El cine sueco {2} CUNHA, Isabel Ferin [=] Ficção seriada televisiva no espaço lusófono {2} CUNHA, Paulo [=] Cinema portugues - Um guia essencial {4} CUNHA, Paulo [=] Crítica do cinema - Reflexões sobre um discurso {2} CUNHA, Paulo [=] Mário de Andrade no cinema {2} CURI, Pedro [=] Fan films - Da produção caseira a um cinema especializado {2} CURLE, Howard [=] Vittorio de Sica - Contemporary perspectives {2} CURTI, Roberto [=] Italian gothic horror films (1957-1969) {2} CURTIS, Barry [=] Dark places - The haunted house in film {2} CURTIS, Scott [=] Shape of spectatorship - Art, science, and early cinema in Germany {2} CURY, Ivan [=] Directing and producing for television {2} CURZON [=] 21 (2010) {4} CUTY, Jeniffer [=] Cinema & cidade - Porto Alegre entre a lente e a retina {2} CYRINO, Monica [=] Big screen Rome {4} CZECH FILM (Karlovy Vary 2015) {2} CZECH FILM (Spring 2017) {2} CZECH FILM CENTER [=] Czech films 2014-15 {2} CZECH FILMS 2015-2016 {2} D, Chris [=] Outlaw masters of japanese film {2} DABASHI, Hamid [=] Close-up - Iranian cinema past, present and future {2} DABASHI, Hamid [=] Conversations with Mohsen Makhmalbaf {2}


DABASHI, Hamid [=] Makhmalbaf at large {2} DABASHI, Hamid [=] Masters & masterpieces of iranian cinema {2} DABASHI, Hamid [=] The making of an iranian filmmaker - Abbas Kiarostami {2} DACCACHE, Jenny [=] Hollywood's representations of the sino-tibetan conflict {2} DAENINCKX, Didier [=] Figurants {4} DAGRON, Alfonso [=] Breve historia del cine boliviano (1977) {2} DAGRON, Alfonso [=] Cine comunitario en America Latina y el Caribe {2} DAHLQUIST, Marina [=] Exporting perilous Pauline - Pearl White and serial film craze {4} DALE, Alan [=] Comedy is a man in trouble slapstick {2} DALMOLIN, Eliane [=] Cutting the body - Representing woman in Truffaut's cinema {2} DANCYGER, Ken [=] Alternative scriptwriting {2} DANCYGER, Ken [=] Director's idea - The path to great directing {2} DANCYGER, Ken [=] Global scriptwriting {2} DANCYGER, Ken [=] Technique of film and video editing {2} DANCYGER, Ken [=] Tecnicas de edição para cinema e video {2} DANESI, Marcel [=] Dictionary of media and communications {2} DANESI, Marcel [=] Encyclopedia of media and communication {2} DANESI, Marcel [=] Understanding media semiotics {2} DANEY, Serge [=] Ciné journal 1 (1981-1982) {2} DANEY, Serge [=] Ciné journal 2 (1983-1986) {2} DANEY, Serge [=] Cine y historia {2} DANEY, Serge [=] Postcards from the cinema {2} DANEY, Serge [=] Que nous reste-t-il à voir {2} DANEY, Serge [=] Rampe {2} DANEY, Serge [=] Travelling de 'Kapo' {2} DANGERFIELD, Fred [=] How to become a film artist {2} DANIEL, Lisa [=] Bentlens - A world guide to gay & lesbian film {2} DANISH FILM INSTITUTE [=] Film (special DOGME) {2} DANKS, Adrian [=] American-australian cinema - Transnational connections {4} DANTAS, Giovana [=] Trânsito de imagens no cinema de Peter Greenaway {2} DANUSIRI, Aryo [=] Filming Indonesia {2} DAPIEVE, Arthur [=] Isso o diretor não esqueceu {2}


DARK SIDE [=] The best of Dark Side {2} DARK SIDE 32-34 {2} DARRAS, Matthieu [=] Balkan identities, balkan cinemas {2} DARRE, Yann [=] Esquisse d'une sociologie du cinema {4} DARREN, Alison [=] Lesbian film guide {2} DARRIGOL, Olivier [=] A history of optics {2} DASSANOWSKY, Robert [=] World film locations (Vienna) {4} DATTA, Sangeeta [=] Globalisation and representations of women in indian cinema {2} DAVIDSON, George [=] Beehives of invention - Edison and his laboratories {2} DAVIDSON, John [=] Deterritorializing - The new german cinema {2} DAVIES, Anthony [=] Filming Shakespeare's plays {2} DÁVILA, Letícia [=] Imagem da notícia - O jornalismo no cinema {2} DAVINO, Glaucia [=] IV Seminário - Histórias de roteiristas (2016) {2} DAVIS, Blair [=] Rashomon effects: Kurosawa, Rashomon and their legacies {4} DAVIS, Harold [=] Creative composition - Digital photography tips and techniques {2} DAVIS, Mary [=] A pictorial history of the movies {2} DAVIS, Richard [=] Complete guide to film scoring {2} DAVIS, Richard [=] Encyclopedia of horror {4} DAVIS, Ronald [=] Hollywood beauty - Linda Darnell and the american dream {4} DAVIS, Ronald [=] John Ford, Hollywood's old master {2} DAVIS, Therese [=] Face on the screen - Death, recognition and spectatorship {2} DAVIS, Therese [=] Face on the screen - Questions of recognition {2} DAVISON, Annette [=] Hollywood theory, non-Hollywood practice {2} DAVY, Charles [=] Footnotes to the fim (1937) {2} DAWSON, Andrew [=] Hollywood for historians {2} DAWSON, Nick [=] Being Hal Ashby {2} DAY, Gary [=] Perspectives on pornography - sexuality in film and literature {2} DAY, Richard [=] Witnesses to permanent revolution - The documentary record {2} DAY, Will [=] All about the Cinescope {2} DAYAL, Samir [=] Dream machine - realism and fantasy in hindi cinema {2} DAYER, Carolina [=] Apostila - Oficina de formação cineclubista {2} DE, Jeferson [=] Dogma feijoada - o cinema negro brasileiro {2}


DEACA, Mircea [=] Carnaval et le film de Fellini {2} DEAN, Michael [=] $30 film school {2} DEANE, Hamilton [=] Dracula (1931) (roteiro) {2} DEANGELIS, Michael [=] Gay fandom and crossover stardom {4} DEANGELIS, Michael [=] Rx Hollywood - Cinema and therapy in the 1960s {4} DEBAUCHE, Leslie [=] Reel patriotism - The movies and world war I {2} DEBORD, Guy [=] Sociedade do espectaculo (pt) {2} DEBRECENI, Todd [=] Special make-up effects for stage and screen {4} DEBRIE [=] Parvo Debrie model L {2} DEEP RED (03.1988) {2} DEITCH, Gene [=] How to succeed in animation {2} DELAGE, Christian [=] 'Nuit et Brouillard' - A turning point in the history {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cine 1 (Bergson y las imagenes) {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cine 2 (Los signos del movimiento y el tiempo) {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cinema 1 - A imagem movimento {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cinema 1 - Image-mouvement {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cinema 1 - Immagine-movimento {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cinema 1 - The movement-image {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cinema 2 - A imagem-tempo {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cinema 2 - Immagine-tempo {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cinema 2 - The time-image {2} DELEUZE, Gilles [=] Cours (Cinéma image-mouvement) {2} DELGADO, Maria [=] Companion to latin american cinemas {2} DELIRIUM [=] 5 {2} DELLUC, Louis [=] Charlie Chaplin (fr) {2} DELLUC, Louis [=] Charlie Chaplin (ing) {2} DELLUC, Louis [=] Jungle du cinema (1921) {2} DELSON, Susan [=] Dudley Murphy - Hollywood wild card {2} DEMONIQUE [=] 4 (1983) {2} DEMY, Jacques [=] Lola (livret) {2} DENCH, Ernest [=] Making the movies (1919) {2} DENIEUIL, Pierre-Noël [=] Audiovisuel et création cinématographique {2}


DENSON, Shane [=] Post-cinema - Theorizing 21st-century film {2} DENT, Ellsworth [=] Audio-visual handbook (1942) {2} DENZIN, Norman [=] Reading race - Hollywood and the cinema of racial violence {2} DERAEVE, Jeroen [=] Rôle des festivals de cinéma internationaux dans l'émergence du cinéma iranien {2} DEREN, Maya [=] An anagram of ideas - On art, form and film {2} DEREN, Maya [=] Cinema, o uso criativo da realidade {2} DEREN, Maya [=] Universo dereniano {2} DERRIDA, Jacques [=] Artes de lo visible {2} DERRIDA, Jacques [=] Cinema et ses fantomes {2} DERRY, Charles [=] Dark dreams 2.0: A psychological history of the modern horror film from the 1950s to the 21st century {2} DESAI, Jigna [=] Beyond Bollywood {2} DESBOIS, Laurent [=] Odisseia do cinema brasileiro {4} DESJARDINS, Mary [=] Recycled stars - Female film stardom in the age of television and video {2} DESLANDES, Jeanne [=] D'une psychanalyse de la musique au cinéma {2} DESMURGET, Michel [=] TV lobotomie {2} DESSAU, Bruce [=] Official Red Dwarf companion {2} DESSER, David [=] Eros plus massacre - Japanese new wave cinema {2} DESSER, David [=] Ozu's Tokyo Story {2} DETHRIDGE, Lisa [=] Writing your screenplay {4} DEVELOPPEMENT CULTUREL [=] La culture cinématographique des Français {2} DEVIRES (UFMG) [=] 1-12 {1} DEVLIN, William [=] Philosophy of David Lynch {2} DHINGRA, Baldoon [=] Indian cinema and culture (1963) {2} DHOMMEE, Isabelle [=] Dietrich, Garbo et Hepburn - trois stars travesties dans l'Amérique de la Dépression {2} DIAS, Rosangela de Oliveira [=] Razões do cinema novo {2} DIAWARA, Manthia [=] Black american cinema {4} DIAZ, Maria Cristina [=] Ruta de apreciación cinematografica {2} DIBATTISTA, Maria [=] Fast-talking dames {4} DICK, Bernard [=] Anatomy of film {2} DICK, Bernard [=] Columbia Pictures, portrait of a studio {4} DICK, Bernard [=] Engulfed - The death of Paramount Pictures {2}


DICKENSON, Ben [=] Hollywood's new radicalism {2} DICKERSON, James [=] Natalie Portman - Queen of hearts {2} DICKEY, Sara [=] Cinema and the urban poor in South India {2} DICKOS, Andrew [=] Street with no name - A history of the film noir {2} DICKSON, W. K. L. [=] Biograph in battle (1901) {2} DICKSON, W. K. L. [=] History of the kinetograph, kinetoscope and kinetograph {2} DIEGUES, Carlos [=] Vida de cinema {2} DIEHL, Karen [=] Europe & love in cinema {4} DIEL, Maria do Céu [=] Linha - Escritos sobre a imagem {2} DIETERLE, William [=] Thoughts about directing (1937) {2} DIEZ, Federico [=] Direccion de produccion para cine y television {2} DIEZ, Federico [=] Manual basico de lenguaje y narrativa audiovisual {2} DIGITAL ART MASTERS 3 {2} DIGITAL FILMMAKER [=] Kit of the year 2015 {2} DILLMAN, Joanne [=] Women and death in film, television and news {4} DILLON, Steven [=] Solaris effect - Art & artifice in contemporary american film {2} DIMARE, Philip [=] Movies in american history - An encyclopedia {2} DINIZ, Thais [=] Literatura e cinema - Da semiotica à tradução cultural {2} DIOCARETZ, Myriam [=] Matrix in theory {2} DIPAOLO, Marc [=] War, politics and superheroes - Ethics and propaganda {2} DIPUTACION DE ALMERIA [=] Paisajes de cine 1 {2} DIRECTORES (Argentina) [=] 11 {2} DIRIGIDO POR... [=] 040 {2} DIRIGIDO POR... [=] 432 {2} DIRIGIDO POR... [=] 459 {2} DIRIGIDO POR... [=] Cine negro europeo y americano {2} DISEGNI, Stefano [=] Salviamo noi il cinema {2} DISHER, Willson [=] Melodrama - plots that thrilled {2} DISNEY, Walt [=] Bambi sketchbook {2} DISNEY, Walt [=] Disney Collection - Best-loved songs from Disney movies {2} DISNEY, Walt [=] Iconografia {2} DISNEY, Walt [=] Lady and the tramp sketchbook {2}


DISNEY, Walt [=] Peterpan sketchbook {2} DIVERSOS [=] 100 years of Hollywood {2} DIVERSOS [=] 50 years of malayalam cinema {2} DIVERSOS [=] 70 Festivals de Cannes {2} DIVERSOS [=] Apulia - A film tourism guide {2} DIVERSOS [=] Articulated light - The emergence of abstract film in America {2} DIVERSOS [=] Black film, british cinema (ICA documents 7) {2} DIVERSOS [=] Blade Runner sketchbook {2} DIVERSOS [=] Cartografia do audiovisual cearense {2} DIVERSOS [=] Cem mil cigarros - Os filmes de Pedro Costa {2} DIVERSOS [=] Cemiterio perdido dos filmes B {2} DIVERSOS [=] Ceneri del tempo - Il cinema di Wong Kar Wai {2} DIVERSOS [=] Cine chileno contemporaneo {2} DIVERSOS [=] Cine de Jorge Sanjinés {2} DIVERSOS [=] Cine Felgueroso - 50 años de cine en Langreo {2} DIVERSOS [=] Cine o audiovisual, una mirada a lo humano {2} DIVERSOS [=] Coisas nossas - Mostra da Coleção Pedro Lima de cinema brasileiro {2} DIVERSOS [=] Cómo organizar un festival de cine con compromiso social {2} DIVERSOS [=] Critical perspectives on the european mediasphere {2} DIVERSOS [=] Discovering georgian cinema {2} DIVERSOS [=] Eadweard Muybridge - The Stanford years (1872-1882) {2} DIVERSOS [=] Entre cortes - Conversaciones con montajistas de Argentina {2} DIVERSOS [=] Estranho mundo de Tim Burton {2} DIVERSOS [=] Film financing and television programming {2} DIVERSOS [=] Fulgor - Ideas sobre Fabian Bielinsky {2} DIVERSOS [=] Grupo Dziga Vertov {2} DIVERSOS [=] Guia ilustrado TV Globo - Novelas e minisséries {2} DIVERSOS [=] Haciendo dibujitos en el fin del mundo {2} DIVERSOS [=] Historia del cine colombiano {2} DIVERSOS [=] Historia en el cine chileno de ficcion (coloquio) {2} DIVERSOS [=] Homenaje a un grande - Luis Garcia Berlanga {2} DIVERSOS [=] Impacto del setor cinematografico sobre la economia colombiana {2}


DIVERSOS [=] Insurgencias - Acercamiento crítico a Jorge Sanjines {2} DIVERSOS [=] Kiju Yoshida - El cine como destruccion {2} DIVERSOS [=] Korean cinema, from origins to renaissance (incompleto) {2} DIVERSOS [=] Life divided - Through the eyes of Woody Allen {2} DIVERSOS [=] Mão livre de Luiz Carlos Ripper {2} DIVERSOS [=] Maquinas de mirar o Como se originan las imagenes {2} DIVERSOS [=] Notas sobre as canções de Deus e o Diabo na terra do sol {2} DIVERSOS [=] Novas e velhas tendências do cinema português contemporâneo {2} DIVERSOS [=] Particulas de luz - El cine se encuentra en Guanajuato {2} DIVERSOS [=] Patricio Guzman, cine documental y memoria {4} DIVERSOS [=] Philosophy and the Matrix {2} DIVERSOS [=] Picas en Flandes - El cinema de Juan Diego {2} DIVERSOS [=] Rosemberg Cariry - 30 anos de cinema {2} DIVERSOS [=] Rough guide to cult movies (2010) {2} DIVERSOS [=] Sci-fi art essentials {2} DIVERSOS [=] Storia del cinema - Dalle origini alle nuove cinematografie {2} DIVERSOS [=] Tardes de cinema - La memoria del futur {2} DIVERSOS [=] Telugu comedians {4} DIVERSOS [=] Top 10 reasons why it's a great time to be a fimmaker 1 {2} DIVERSOS [=] Zombies - The ultimate celebration {2} DIXON, Steve [=] Digital performance - A history of new media {2} DIXON, Wheeler [=] 21st century Hollywood, movies in the era of transformation {2} DIXON, Wheeler [=] A short history of films {2} DIXON, Wheeler [=] Black & white cinema - A short history {2} DIXON, Wheeler [=] Film noir and the cinema of paranoia {2} DIXON, Wheeler [=] Straight - Constructions of heterosexuality in the cinema {2} DIXON, Wheeler [=] Voices from twentieth-century cinema {2} D'LUGO, Marvin [=] Companion to Pedro Almodovar {4} D'LUGO, Marvin [=] Guide to the cinema of Spain {4} DMYTRYK, Edward [=] Odd man out - A memoir of the Hollywood ten {4} DMYTRYK, Edward [=] On film editing {4} DOANE, Mary Ann [=] Desire to desire - The woman's film of the 1940s {2}


DOANE, Mary Ann [=] Re-vision - Essays in feminist film criticism {2} DOBBERT, Tim [=] Matchmoving - The invisible art of camera tracking {2} DOBBS, Lem [=] Interviewed by Dan Schneider {2} DOBSON, Nichola [=] Historical dictionary of animation and cartoons {2} DOC BUENOS AIRES 2014 {2} DOCKANEMA (Moçambique) [=] 2012 {2} DOCLISBOA 2011 {2} DOCLISBOA 2013 {2} DOC-ONLINE 01-05 {2} DOC-ONLINE 09 (2010) {2} DOC-ONLINE 11 (2011) {2} DOCTOROW, Cory [=] Pirate cinema {2} DOCTRINA EN ACCION [=] 13 (El cine en la piel) {2} DOCUMENTA MADRID 2008 {2} DOCUMENTA MADRID 2012 {2} DOCUMENTOS CIDOB [=] Medio audiovisual como herramienta de investigación social {2} DODDS, Sherril [=] Dance on screen {2} DOGMA 95 (Manifesto) {2} DOHERTY, Thomas [=] Cold war, cool medium {4} DOHERTY, Thomas [=] Hollywood and Hitler (1933-1939) {4} DOHERTY, Thomas [=] Hollywood's censor - Joseph I. Breen {4} DOHERTY, Thomas [=] Pre-code Hollywood - Sex, immorality and insurrection {2} DOHERTY, Thomas [=] Teenagers and teenpics {2} DOHLER, Don [=] Stop motion animation {2} DOI, Hideyuki [=] Esperienza friulana di Pasolini {2} DOMARCHI, Jean [=] Secrets d'Eisenstein {2} DOMBROWSKI, Lisa [=] The films of Samuel Fuller {2} DOMINGUEZ, Carmen [=] Valores del cine de animacion {2} DOMINGUEZ, Juan Manuel [=] Cine de Hong Sangsoo {2} DOMINGUEZ, Oscar [=] Surrealistas y el cine {2} DONALD, James [=] Close-up 1927-1933 - Cinema and modernism {2} DONALD, James [=] SAGE handbook of film studies {2}


DONALDSON, Melvin [=] Black directors in Hollywood {2} DONATI, Stefano [=] Cinema e conversazione {2} DONATI, William [=] Ida Lupino - A biography {4} DONDIS, Donis [=] Sintaxe da linguagem visual {2} DONNELLY, K. J. [=] British film music and film musicals {2} DONNELLY, K. J. [=] Music in science fiction television {2} DONOSO, Eliana Jara [=] Cineastas chilenos del periodo mudo {2} DOOKS, Christopher [=] Fragmented filmmaker {2} DOOM, Ryan [=] Brothers Coen - Unique characters of violence {2} DORLAND, Michael [=] So close to the state's - The emergence of canadian feature film policy {2} DORNELLES, Beatriz [=] Papel e pelicula queimam depressa {2} DORON, Meir [=] Confidential - The life of secret agent turned Hollywood tycoon {2} DORSKY, Nathaniel [=] Devotional cinema {2} DOSSIERS D'ACME [=] Cinema muet 2007-2010 {2} DOSSIERS D'ACME [=] John Milius, l'epoque des hautes aventures {2} DOUCHET, Jean [=] Homme cinema {4} DOUGALL, Lucy [=] War. peace. film guide {2} DOUGLAS, Kirk [=] I am Spartacus - Making a film, breaking the Blacklist {2} DOUGLAS, Melvyn [=] See you at the movies {2} DOUGLAS, Pamela [=] Como escribir una serie dramatica de television {2} DOUIN, Jean-Luc [=] Jean-Luc Godard - Dictionnaire des passions {4} DOVEY, Jon [=] Freakshow - First person media and factual television {4} DOVEY, Lindiwe [=] African film and literature {4} DOVEY, Lindiwe [=] Curating Africa in the age of film festivals {4} DOVNICOVIC, Borivoj [=] Technique du dessin animé {2} DOWBENKO, Uri [=] Hoodwinked - Watching movies with eyes wide open {2} DOWNING, Lisa [=] Film and ethics - Foreclosed encounters {2} DOXA - Documentary film festival (2017) {4} DOY, Gen [=] Claude Cahun - A sensual politics of photography {2} DOY, Gen [=] Picturing the self {4} DRAMA 1-4 (2009-2012) {2} DRAVEN, Danny [=] Filmmaker's book of the dead {2}


DRESSLER, Marie [=] My own story (1934) {2} DREW, William [=] The last silent picture show {4} DRINK TANK [=] 386 (The silents) {2} DRISCOLL, Catherine [=] Teen film, a critical introduction {2} DRUSHEL, Bruce [=] Fan phenomena (Star Trek) {4} DU CINEMA [=] 01-05 (1928-1929) {2} DU CINEMA [=] 18-22 (1931) {2} DU CINEMA [=] 24-28 (1931) {2} DU, Darren [=] Interior lighting {2} DUARTE, Ana Rita [=] Imagens sob suspeita {2} DUARTE, Aurora [=] Faca de ponta {2} DUARTE, Benedito [=] Criticas de cinema {2} DUARTE, Ignasi [=] Querido público - El espectador ante la participación {2} DUARTE, Paulo [=] Mazzaropi {2} DUARTE, Regina Horta [=] Imagens do Brasil - O cinema nacional e o tema da Independência {2} DUARTE, Rosália [=] Cinema & educação {4} DUBECK, Leroy [=] Fantastic voyages - Learning science through science fiction films {2} DUBOIS, Lila [=] Lights, camera, monsters {4} DUBOIS, Philippe [=] Cinema et art contemporain {2} DUBOIS, Philippe [=] Cinema, video, Godard {2} DUBOIS, Philippe [=] Um 'efeito cinema' na arte contemporanea {2} DUCHOVNAY, Gerald [=] Film voices - Interviews from Post Script {2} DUCOM, Jacques [=] Cinématographe scientifique et industriel {2} DUDENHOEFFER, Larrie [=] Embodiment and horror cinema {2} DUESO, José [=] Peliculas más polemicas de todos los tiempos {2} DUFOUR, Eric [=] Cinema de science fiction {4} DUGAS, Marcel [=] Psyché au cinéma {2} DUNCAN, Paul [=] Alfred Hitchcock (Pocket Essential) {2} DUNCAN, Paul [=] Martin Scorsese (Pocket essential) {2} DUNCAN, Paul [=] Stanley Kubrick {4} DUNCOMBE, Stephen [=] Dream - Re-imagining progressive politics {2} DUNN, Stephane [=] Baad bitches and sassy supermamas - Black power action films {2}


DUPLEIX, Andre [=] Recherches et tradition {4} DURAFOUR, Jean-Michel [=] Matatabi, vers le cinema japonais contemporain de fiction {2} DURAS, Marguerite [=] Hiroshima mon amour (espanhol) {2} DURAS, Marguerite [=] Hiroshima mon amour (ingles) {2} DURAVICOVA, Natasa [=] World cinemas, transnational perspectives {2} DURBAN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2010 {2} DURGNAT, Raymond [=] French cinema - The A-Z guide to the New wave {2} DURGNAT, Raymond [=] WR - Mysteries of the organism {2} DWORKIN, Andrea [=] Pornography - Men possessing women {2} DWYER, Kevin [=] Beyond Casablanca - M. A. Tazi and the adventure of moroccan cinema {2} DWYER, Rachel [=] Filming the gods - Religion and indian cinema {2} DYER, Jay [=] Esoteric Hollywood - Sex, cults and symbols in film {2} DYER, Richard [=] Culture of queers {2} DYER, Richard [=] Stars {4} DYNAMIC FILMS [=] v. 2, n. 4 {4} É TUDO VERDADE [=] 2011 (programação) {2} EAGAN, Daniel [=] America's film legacy {4} EAGLE LION [=] 16mm sound films catalog (1948) {2} EAGLESTONE, Robert [=] Teaching - Holocaust literature and film {4} EASTMAN KODAK [=] How to make good movies {2} EASTMAN KODAK [=] Motion picture theater - Its interior illumination {2} EAST-WEST FILM JOURNAL [=] v. 3, n. 1 (1988) {2} EAST-WEST FILM JOURNAL [=] v. 3, n. 2 (1989) {2} EATON, Katherine [=] Enemies of the people - The destruction of soviet literary {4} EATON, Michael [=] Chinatown (BFI film classics) {2} EBERT, Carlos [=] Hélio Silva, um inventor no cinema {2} EBERT, John David [=] Celluloid heroes & mechanical dragons {2} EBERT, John David [=] New media invasion {2} EBERT, Roger [=] 25 great french films {4} EBERT, Roger [=] Awake in the dark {4} EBERT, Roger [=] Book of film {2} EBERT, Roger [=] Four-star reviews 1967-2007 {2}


EBERT, Roger [=] Great movies 1 {4} EBERT, Roger [=] Great movies 2 {4} EBERT, Roger [=] Great movies 3 {4} EBERT, Roger [=] I hated, hated, hated this movie {2} EBERT, Roger [=] Little book of Hollywood clichés {2} EBERT, Roger [=] Martin Scorsese {2} EBERT, Roger [=] Movie yearbook (2009) {2} EBERT, Roger [=] Movie yearbook (2010) {2} EBERT, Roger [=] Movie yearbook (2011) {2} EBERT, Roger [=] Movie yearbook 2013 {4} EBERT, Roger [=] Questions for the movie answer man {2} EBERT, Roger [=] Your movie sucks {2} ECCO [=] 17 (1992) {4} ECCO [=] 17 {2} ECCO [=] 19 (1993) {4} ECRAN (Chile) [=] 1380-1404 (1957) {2} ECRAN FANTASTIQUE [=] Boris Karloff, un geant du cinema {2} ECRAN FANTASTIQUE [=] Elizabeth Cayton {2} ECRAN FANTASTIQUE [=] Lectures diaboliques {2} EDEN, Barbara [=] Jeannie out of the bottle {4} EDGERTON, Gary [=] Television histories - Shaping collective memory in the media age {2} EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2015 {2} EDISON [=] Catalogue 1910 {2} EDMONDSON, Ray [=] Audiovisual archiving - Philosophy and principles {2} EDMONDSON, Ray [=] Australia's lost films {2} EDWARDS, Anne [=] Laurence Olivier - Biografia {2} EDWARDS, Gwynne [=] A companion to Luis Buñuel {2} EGEA, Juan [=] Dark laugher - Spanish film, comedy {2} EGRI, Lajos [=] Arte de la escritura dramatica {2} EHRLICH, Matthew [=] Journalism in the movies {4} EIKMEIER, Martin [=] Musica de Remo Usai no cinema brasileiro {2} EISENSCHITZ, Bernard [=] Alexandre Ivanovitch Medvedkine - Chris Marker (Oeuvres croisées) {4}


EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Attraction intellectuelle {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Beyond the stars - The memoirs {4} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Dessins secrets {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Drawings {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Film - Sa forme, son sens {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Film form {4} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Film sense {4} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Forma del cine {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Ivan, the Terrible {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Leçons de mise en scène {4} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Lettres à Léon Moussinac {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Montage and architecture {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Montaje escenico {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Nonindifferent nature {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Notes for a film of 'Capital' {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Notes of a film director {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Notes pour une histoire generale du cinema {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Problemas de la composicion cinematografica {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Problems of film direction {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Psychology of composition {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Sentido del cine {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Sentido do filme (Zahar) {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] The making and unmaking of Que viva Mexico {4} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Towards a theory of montage {4} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Why I became a director {2} EISENSTEIN, Sergei [=] Writings 1 (1922-1934) {2} EISGRUBER JR., Frank [=] Gangland's doom - The Shadow of the pulps {2} EISNER, Lotte [=] F. W. Murnau (francês) {2} EISNER, Lotte [=] Haunted screen {2} EISNER, Lotte [=] Tela demoníaca {2} EL AMANTE (Argentina) [=] 1-72 {1} ELASMAR, Michael [=] The impact of international television {4}


ELBERT, Luis [=] Eisenstein - Pudovkin {2} ELCOTT, Noam [=] Artificial darkness - An obscure history of modern art and media {4} ELDER, Jane [=] Alice Faye - A life beyond the silver screen {4} ELDER, Robert [=] Film that changed my life {2} ELECTRIC GYROSCOPE KINEMATOGRAPH CAMERA {2} ELENA, Alberto [=] Cinema of Abbas Kiarostami {2} ELIAS, Herlander [=] Anime galaxy - Japanese animation as new media {2} ELIAS, Herlander [=] Galáxia de anime {4} ELIOT, Marc [=] Jack Nicholson {4} ELKINS, David [=] Camera assistant's manual {2} ELLESTROM, Lars [=] Midialidade {4} ELLIOTT, Godfrey [=] Film and education {2} ELLIS, David [=] In conversation with cinematographers {2} ELLIS, Don Carlos [=] Motion pictures in education (1923) {2} ELLIS, Jim [=] Derek Jarman's 'Angelic conversations' {2} ELLIS, John [=] Visible fictions - cinema, television, video {2} ELLIS, Reed [=] Art of James Whale's horror films {2} ELLISON, Harlan [=] The glass teat {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] A second life - German cinema's first decades {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] European cinema - Face to face with Hollywood {4} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] European cinema and the postheroic narrative {4} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] Fassbinder's Germany {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] Film theory - an introduction through the senses {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] German cinema - Terror and trauma {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] Harun Farocki - Working on the sightlines {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] Historicizing the subject - A body of work {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] Last great american picture show {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] Metropolis (BFI Film Classics) {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] Studying contemporary american film {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] Weimar cinema and after {2} ELSAESSER, Thomas [=] Writing for the medium - Television in transition {2} ELWOOD, Muriel [=] Pauline Frederick, on and off the stage {2}


EMERSON, John [=] Breaking into the movies (1921) {2} EMERY, Robert [=] Directors - Take four {2} EMERY, Robert [=] Directors - Take three {2} EMIL BUSCH OPTICAL CO. [=] Projection Apparatus {2} EMPIRE [=] 2015-06 {2} EN VUE [=] 57 (2012) {2} EN VUE [=] 64 {2} EN VUE [=] 72 (2015) {2} ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ESTUDOS DA IMAGEM [=] 5 (Anais) {2} ENCONTROS DE CINEMA [=] Conferência internacional 2013 {2} ENCUENTRO DE LA CULTURA CUBANA [=] Homenaje a Gutierrez Alea {2} ENCUENTRO NACIONAL DE DOCUMENTALISTAS (Caracas) [=] 2014 {2} ENCYCLOPEDIA PELA IMAGEM [=] Cynema (Chardron) {2} ENDERA, Luis [=] Como hacer un crowdfunding de cine {2} ENDRINO, Jorge [=] Breve historia del cine chino {2} ENDRINO, Jorge [=] Conexion Shaw Brothers {2} ENDRINO, Jorge [=] Pesadillas post-humanas - El mundo del cine cyberpunk japones {2} ENFOCO (Cuba) [=] 38 (Treinta años sin Rainer Werner Fassbinder) {2} ENFOCO (Cuba) [=] 41 {2} ENFOQUE (Chile) [=] 1 (1983) {2} ENFOQUE (Chile) [=] 2 (1984) {2} ENO, Brian [=] Visual music {2} ENSER, Peter [=] Image and video retrieval {2} ENTICKNAP, Leo [=] Film restoration {2} ENTREVUES BELFORT 24 {2} ENTREVUES BELFORT 27 {2} EPOCA [=] 300 filmes para ver antes de morrer {2} EPPS, Brad [=] All about Almodovar, a passion for cinema {2} EPSTEIN, Jean [=] Buenos dias, cine {2} EPSTEIN, Jean [=] Cinema {2} EPSTEIN, Jean [=] Cinéma du Diable [OCR] {2} EPSTEIN, Jean [=] Critical essays and new translations {2}


EPSTEIN, Jean [=] Ecrits sur le cinéma (1-2) {2} EPSTEIN, Jean [=] Inteligencia de una maquina {2} EPSTEIN, Jean [=] Intelligence of a machine {2} EPSTEIN, Lawrence [=] George Burns, an american life {2} ERB, Cynthia [=] Tracking King Kong {4} ERFANI, Farhang [=] Iranian cinema and philosophy {2} ERICKSON, Carl [=] Mystery of wax museum [roteiro] {2} ERISH, Andrew [=] Col. William N. Selig, the man who invented Hollywood {4} ERNEMANN KINO (modell 1906) {4} ERNEMANN MICRO-KINEMATOGRAPH (1912) {4} ERNEMANN'S KINEMATOGRAPH (catálogo) {4} ERNEST, Jack [=] Remarks on cinema, the psychological theory {2} ERNST PLANCK [=] Preisliste 1914 {2} ERNST, Morris [=] Censored - The private life of the movie {2} ESCALONILLA, Antonio Sanchez- [=] Estrategias de guion cinematografico {2} ESCOFFIER, Jeffrey [=] Bigger than life - The history of gay porn cinema {2} ESCOREL, Eduardo [=] (Des)importância da montagem {2} ESCRIVA, Javier [=] Schweppsenegger's movie (roteiro) {2} ESCUDERO, Miguel Angel [=] Cine y teatro - Guia de largometrajes 2009 {2} ESCUDERO, Santiago [=] Obra de Jaime Rosales. Diálogos con Robert Bresson {2} ESCUELA DE CINE DE CHILE [=] Cine chileno contemporaneo {2} ESCUELA PROVINCIAL DE CINE Y TELEVISION DE ROSARIO [=] 30 años descolonizando pantallas {2} ESFANDIARY, Shahab [=] Iranian cinema and globalization {4} ESLAVA, Laura [=] Historia del cine boliviano {2} ESPAÑA, Rafael de [=] Cine nazi - Temas y personajes {2} ESPANHA [=] Guia didactica para el uso educativo de cortometrajes {2} ESPINOSA, Julio Garcia [=] Doble moral del cine {2} ESPINOSA, Lito [=] Habia una vez... Como escribir un guion {2} ESQUENAZI, Jean-Pierre [=] Le film noir {4} ESTÁCIO, Benjamin [=] Monsters of rock {4} ESTONIAN FILM 2000-2006 {2} ESTREMERA, Manuel Perez [=] Problemas del nuevo cine {2}


ETTEDGUI, Peter [=] Directores de fotografia - Cine {2} ETUDES CINEMATOGRAPHIQUES [=] 135-138 (Andrei Tarkovsky) {2} EUDEL, Paul [=] Ombres chinoises de mon père {2} EUROPEAN COMMISSION [=] European film festivals 2013-2014 {2} EUROPEAN FILM PROMOTION [=] Press dossier - Shooting stars 2013 (1-2) {2} EUROPEAN FILM PROMOTION [=] Shooting stars 2012 {4} EUROPEAN TRASH CINEMA [=] v. 2, n. 6 (1992) {2} EUROPEAN TRASH CINEMA 07 {2} EUROPEAN TRASH CINEMA 09 {2} EUROPEAN TRASH CINEMA 11 {2} EUSTACHE, Jean [=] La maman et la putain (roteiro) {2} EVANS, Joyce A. [=] Celluloid mushroom clouds - Hollywood and the atomic bomb {2} EVANS, Peter [=] Peliculas de Luis Buñuel {2} EVERETT, Anna [=] Pretty people - Movie stars of the 1990s {2} EVERETT, Karen [=] Documentary editing {2} EVERETT, Wendy [=] European identity in cinema {2} EVERETT, Wendy [=] Questions of colour in cinema {4} EVERSON, William [=] Hollywood, fabrica de sueños {2} EXHIBITOR'S TIMES [=] Volume 1, 1-18 (1913) {excluído} EXIBIDOR 01 {2} EXPANDED CINEMA 2011 {2} EXPERIMENTAL CINEMA (1930-1934) {2} EXPERT, An [=] Art of projection (1893) {2} EXTRAVIO [=] Acercamientos críticos a 'Olvidados' (Bolivia - 2014) {2} EYEBALL - The european sex & horror review [=] 01 (1989) {2} EYLES, Allen [=] House of horror - The story of Hammer Films {2} EYMAN, Scott [=] Ernst Lubitsch - Laughter in paradise {4} EZRA, Elizabeth [=] European cinema {4} EZRA, Elizabeth [=] Haneke's ‘Cache’ dossier (Screen) {4} EZRA, Elizabeth [=] Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Contemporary film directors) {2} FABE, Marilyn [=] Closely watched films - The art of narrative film technique {2} FABRIS, Mariarosaria [=] Questão realista no cinema brasileiro {2}


FACELLI, Luis [=] Obra cinematografica de Roberto Guidi {2} FAGEN, Herb [=] Encyclopedia of westerns (2003) {2} FAHY, Thomas [=] Philosophy of horror {2} FAINARU, Dan [=] Theo Angelopoulos interviews {2} FAIRBANKS, Douglas [=] Assuming responsabilities {2} FAIRBANKS, Douglas [=] Laugh and live {2} FAJARDO, José Crespo [=] Discursos sobre arte digital {2} FAJARDO, José Crespo [=] Esteticas del media art {2} FALCÃO, Antonio [=] Coletânea Lições com cinema 1 {2} FALCÃO, João [=] Dona da história (roteiro) {2} FALCHI, Karine de [=] Écrire une série télé {2} FALCO, Marta [=] Cines de Buenos Aires {2} FALSETTO, Mario [=] Stanley Kubrick {2} FALZON, Christopher [=] Philosophy goes to the movies {2} FAMAFEST (Portugal) [=] 2009 {2} FAMOSOS 'MONSTERS' DEL CINE 10 {2} FAMOUS MONSTERS CONVENTION 1974 {2} FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND [=] 1965 yearbook {2} FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND [=] 1966 yearbook {2} FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND 01-04 (1958) {2} FAN (1928-1930) {2} FANCINE (Málaga) [=] 2009 {2} FANGORIA [=] Guia del cine de terror {2} FANGORIA 01-10 {2} FANTAFESTIVAL 24 (Roma, 2004) {2} FANTASTIC FEST 2010 [=] Guide {2} FANTASTIC FEST 2014 [=] Guide {2} FANTASTIC FEST 2015 [=] Guide {2} FANTASTIC FEST 2017 [=] Guide {2} FARAH, Alexandra [=] 101 filmes para quem ama moda {2} FARIA, Alan de [=] A indignação de Sergio Bianchi {4} FARIA, Octavio de [=] Nuevo cine y el cine brasileño {2}


FARIAS, Ana [=] Skinner vai ao cinema {2} FARIAS, Ana [=] Skinner vai ao cinema 3 {2} FARIÑA, Juan [=] (Bio)ética y cine {2} FARLEY, Fidelma [=] Ireland into film - This other Eden {2} FARMER, Brett [=] Spectacular passions - cinema, fantasy, gay male spectatorships {2} FAROCKI, Harun [=] Critica de la mirada {2} FAROCKI, Harun [=] Desconfiar de las imagenes [OCR] {2} FAROCKI, Harun [=] Imprint (writings) {2} FARRIMOND, Katherine [=] Contemporary femme fatale {4} FASSBINDER, Rainer Werner [=] Lagrimas amargas de Petra von Kant (peça) {2} FASSBINDER, Rainer Werner [=] Villes de l'homme et son âme {2} FATORELLI, Antonio [=] Limiares da imagem {2} FAUCON, Teresa [=] Possibles d'une 'nouvelle' théorie du montage {2} FAUCON, Teresa [=] Theorie du montage - energie des images {4} FAULKNER, Sally [=] A cinema of contradiction - Spanish film in the 1960s {2} FAULKNER, Sally [=] Literary adaptations in spanish cinema {2} FAULKNER, William [=] At Twentieth Century-Fox - the annotated screenplays {4} FAULSTICH, Werner [=] Cien años de cine 1 (1895-1924) {2} FAULSTICH, Werner [=] Cien años de cine 3 (1945-1960) {2} FAUVETY, Juan Carlos [=] David Lean - El rey de los momentos {2} FAWCETT MOVIE COMIC [=] Ten tall men (1952) {2} FAWCETT, L'Estrange [=] Films facts and forecasts (1927) {2} FAWELL, John [=] Hidden art of Hollywood - In defense of the studio era film {2} FAY, Jennifer [=] Film noir {4} FAY, Jennifer [=] Theaters of occupation - Hollywood and the reeducation of postwar Germany {2} FEASTER, Felicia [=] Forbidden fruit, the golden age of the exploitation film {2} FEDERAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE CINECLUBES [=] Cinema (35-36) {2} FEENSTRA, Pietsie [=] Miradas sobre pasado y presente en el cine español (1990-2005) {2} FEIGELSON, Kristian [=] Cinema hongrois - Le temps et l'histoire {2} FEINSTEIN, Peter [=] Independent film community {2} FEITOSA, Marcos [=] Legendagem comercial e legendagem pirata, um estudo comparado {2} FEITOSA, Sara [=] Inventário da produção audiovisual nacional de ficção e não-ficção {4}


FELEZ, Jose Luis [=] Entre el artificio y el género - El cine pornográfico {2} FELICI, Javier [=] Productor y la produccion en la industria cinematografica {2} FELLEMAN, Susan [=] Art in the cinematic imagination {2} FELLINI, Federico [=] 8 e mezzo (roteiro em inglês) {2} FELLINI, Federico [=] Creature di sogno {2} FELLINI, Federico [=] Giulietta (español) {2} FELLINI, Federico [=] Interviews {2} FELLINI, Federico [=] Je suis un grand menteur {4} FELLINI, Federico [=] Mon métier (1958) {2} FEMCINE (Chile) [=] 2014 {2} FENIN, George [=] The western - From silents to Cinerama {2} FENTON, Harvey [=] Cannibal Holocaust and the savage cinema of Ruggero Deodato {2} FERA - Federation of European Film Directors [=] General assembly 2012 {2} FERLA, Jorge La [=] Cine de exposicion - Instalaciones filmicas de Andres Denegri {2} FERLA, Jorge La [=] Cine expandido o el cine después del cine {2} FERLA, Jorge La [=] Historia critica del video argentino {2} FERN, George [=] Teaching with films (1946) {2} FERNANDEZ, Dominique [=] Eisenstein (frances) {4} FERNANDEZ, Gualberto [=] Historia de un gran festival cinematografico (Punta del Este) {2} FERNANDEZ, J. Landeira- [=] Cinema e loucura {2} FERNANDEZ, Ricardo Ibars [=] Historia y el cine {2} FERRAZ, Cláudio [=] Filmando em Mato Grosso do Sul {2} FERRE, Pablo [=] Curso de lenguaje cinematografico {2} FERREIRA, Jairo [=] Cinema de invenção {2} FERREIRA, Jairo [=] Criticas de invenção {2} FERREIRA, Maria Celeste [=] Cine Vaz Lobo e a alma suburbana {2} FERREIRA, Miguel [=] Introdução à preservação digital {2} FERREIRA, Pedro [=] Avant-garde and experimental cinema {2} FERREIRA, Sandra Cristina [=] Assim era a música da Atlântida {2} FERRELL, William [=] Literature and film as modern mythology {2} FERRO, Marc [=] A quien le pertenecen las imagenes {2} FERRO, Marc [=] Cine, un contraanalisis de la sociedad {2}




FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE DE MORELIA 2014-2015 {2} FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE EN GUADALAJARA 27 {2} FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE LA IMAGEN (Colombia) 2010 {2} FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DES CINÉMAS D'ASIE DE VESOUL 2012 {2} FESTIVAL PARIS CINEMA 2011 {2} FESTIVAL PREMIERS PLANS D'ANGERS [=] 1989-2017 {1} FEVE, Stacey Weber- [=] Re-hybridizing transnational domesticity and femininity {2} FIAF (Journal of Film Preservation) [=] 51-89 {excluído} FIAF [=] FIAF cataloguing rules for film archives {2} FIAF [=] Manipulación, conservación y almacenamiento de películas de nitrato {2} FIAF [=] Moving image cataloguing manual (2016) {2} FIANT, Antony [=] Cinema de Jia Zhang-Ke {2} FICBAQ (Colombia) [=] 2014 {2} FICHES DU CINÉMA [=] 1994-1995 {2} FICUNAM 2013 {2} FICVALDIVIA 2016 {2} FIDOCS (Chile) [=] 2011 {2} FIDOCS (Chile) [=] 2014 {2} FIDOCS (Chile) [=] 2015 {2} FIELD, Allyson [=] Uplift cinema - The emergence of african american film {4} FIELD, Stanley [=] Television and radio writing {2} FIELD, Syd [=] Libro del guion {2} FIELD, Syd [=] Manual del guionista {2} FIELDING, Raymond [=] Technique of special effects cinematography {2} FIERA DEL CINEMA [=] 1959 (09-11) {2} FIERA DEL CINEMA [=] 1959 (especial) {2} FIGUEIREDO, Vera [=] Narrativas migrantes - Literatura, roteiro e cinema {2} FIGUEIROA, Alexandre [=] Cinema Novo [frag] {2} FIGURE MUTE [=] 06 (1919) {2} FIKER, Sérgio [=] Fundação Cinemateca Brasileira e a preservação da memória {2} FILIPPO, Alessandro De [=] Idioteque - L'11 settembre nell'immaginario cinematografico {2} FILIPPO, Peppino De [=] Pappagone e non solo {4}


FILM (Chile) [=] 21 (1918) {2} FILM (Chile) [=] 33 (1918) {2} FILM (Uruguay) [=] 09 (1952) {2} FILM (Uruguay) [=] 12 (1953) {2} FILM BULLETIN [=] 1943 {2} FILM COMMENT [=] Jean-Luc Godard {2} FILM COMMENT [=] The Hollywood cartoon {2} FILM COMMENT [=] v. 52, n. 06 {2} FILM COMPLET [=] Femme du boulanger {2} FILM COMPLET DU JEUDI [=] Pépé le Moko {2} FILM COUNCIL OF AMERICA [=] Sixty years of 16mm film, 1923-1983 {2} FILM DAILY [=] 19 (1922) {2} FILM DAILY CAVALCADE 1939 {2} FILM DAILY PRODUCTION GUIDE 1934 {2} FILM DAILY YEAR BOOK OF MOTION PICTURES 1963 {2} FILM FOLLIES [=] v. 4, n. 3 (1922) {2} FILM FORUM REVIEW [=] v. 02, n. 04 {2} FILM FUN [=] 381 (1921) {2} FILM FUN [=] 396 (1922) {2} FILM FUN [=] 397 (1922) {2} FILM GUIA [=] 1 (1974) {2} FILM INDEX (1908) {2} FILM INDEX [=] 141-192 (1909) {2} FILM INDEX [=] v. 07, n. 01-26 (1911) {2} FILM INDEX [=] v. 6 (1910) {2} FILM LOS ANGELES [=] Feature film production report 2013 {2} FILM MATTERS [=] 1 (2010) {2} FILM PRESERVATION & RESTORATION SCHOOL (India, 2015) {2} FILM QUARTERLY [=] a. 15, n. 03 (1962) {2} FILM QUARTERLY [=] a. 16, n. 02 (1962) {2} FILM QUARTERLY [=] a. 34, n. 01 (1980) {2} FILM QUARTERLY [=] a. 47, n. 03 (1994) {2}


FILM TRUTH [=] november 1920 {2} FILM YEAR BOOK 1922-1923 {2} FILM YEAR BOOK 1925-1930 {2} FILM YEAR BOOK 1931-1935 {4} FILM YEAR BOOK 1938 {2} FILMDOC [=] 100 (2014) {2} FILME B [=] 24 números {1} FILME CULTURA (Brazilian cinema 1987) {1} FILME CULTURA (Especial Cannes) {1} FILME CULTURA [=] 1-63 {1} FILMES DO HOMEM [=] Festival de Melgaço 2014 {2} FILMFARE [=] 100 best movies of all time (India) {2} FILMINDIA [=] 1945 (1) {2} FILMINDIA [=] 1945 (10-12) {2} FILMINDIA [=] 1945 (2) {2} FILMINDIA [=] 1945 (4) {2} FILM-LOVERS ANNUAL (1932-1934) {2} FILMMAKER [=] a. 16, n. 1 (2007) {2} FILMOTECA DE CAJA ESPAÑA [=] Agnes Varda {2} FILMOTECA DE CAJA ESPAÑA [=] Charles Chaplin {2} FILMOTECA DE CAJA ESPAÑA [=] Eric Rohmer {2} FILMOTECA DE CAJA ESPAÑA [=] François Truffaut {2} FILMOTECA DE CULTURARTS [=] 392 (2014) {2} FILMOTECA NACIONAL DE ESPAÑA [=] Cine e historia {2} FILMOTECA VALENCIANA [=] Archivos de la Filmoteca (17 números) {1} FILMOTECA VALENCIANA [=] Archivos de la Filmoteca 01 {2} FILMOTECA VALENCIANA [=] Archivos de la Filmoteca 38 {2} FILMS IN ANTEPRIMA [=] 1-28 {1} FILMS INCORPORATED [=] Catalog 1956-1957 {2} FILMS INCORPORATED [=] Catalog of Cinemascope feature films 63C {2} FILMS INCORPORATED [=] Selected list of independent feature films {2} FINAMORE, Michelle [=] Hollywood before glamour {4}


FINCH, Chistopher [=] Art of Walt Disney {4} FINCH, Christopher [=] The art of Walt Disney {2} FINK, Jon-Stephen [=] Cluck - The true story of chickens in the cinema {2} FINNEY, Angus [=] International film business {2} FINNISH FILM INDUSTRY (2016) {2} FINNISH FILM INDUSTRY (2017) {2} FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES [=] Great selection 1922-1923 {2} FISCHER, Lucy [=] American cinema of the 1920s {4} FISCHER, Lucy [=] Body double - The author incarnate in the cinema {2} FISCHER, Lucy [=] Shot/countershot - Film tradition and women's cinema {4} FISCHER, Lucy [=] Sunrise (BFI film classics) {2} FISCHER, Lucy [=] Teaching film {4} FISCHER, Sandra [=] Cotidianos no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo {2} FISHER, Carrie [=] Mi vida en esta galaxia {2} FISHER, Jaimey [=] Collapse of the conventional - German film and its politics {2} FITT, Brian [=] Lighting technology - A guide {2} FITZGERALD, Martin [=] Orson Welles (Pocket essential) {2} FLAHERTY, Frances [=] Odyssey of a film-maker - Robert Flaherty's story {2} FLAXMAN, Gregory [=] Brain is the screen - Deleuze and the philosophy of cinema {2} FLEISCHER, Richard [=] Out of the inkwell - Max Fleischer {2} FLEMING, Robert Loren [=] Back to the future - The story {2} FLETCHER, Rosie [=] Ultimate movie quiz book {2} FLIBBERT, Andrew [=] Commerce in culture - States and markets in the world film trade {4} FLINN, Caryl [=] New german cinema {2} FLORY, Dan [=] Philosophy, black film, film noir {2} FLYNN, Roderick [=] Historical dictionary of irish cinema {2} FOERSTEL, Herbert [=] Banned in the media {4} FOFI, Goffredo [=] Storia del cinema 2 (Garzanti) {2} FOGLIATO, Fabrizio [=] Cinema di Michael Haneke {2} FOJAS, Camilla [=] Border bandits - Hollywood on the southern frontier {4} FOLHA [=] Guia da 39a Mostra de Cinema em São Paulo {2} FOLIOS [=] Cine y politica {2}


FOLIOS 26 (Cine y politica) {2} FOLLOWS, Stephen [=] Film industry survey 2014 {2} FONDAZIONE RAGGHIANTI [=] Jonas Mekas {2} FONSECA, Ana [=] Cinema, ética e saúde (Direitos humanos) {2} FONT, Carme [=] Como diseñar el conflicto narrativo {2} FONTERAY, Jacques [=] Costumes pour le cinéma {2} FONTES, Bruno [=] Num mundo sempre noir {2} FOOTE, John [=] Clint Eastwood, evolution of a filmmaker {2} FOR MONSTER'S ONLY [=] 8 (1969) {2} FORBES, Jill [=] European cinema - An introduction {4} FORNET, Ambrosio [=] Apuntes para la historia del cine cubano de ficcion {2} FORNET, Ambrosio [=] Del silente al sonoro - La prehistoria del cine en Cuba {2} FORREST, Tara [=] Alexander Kluge - Raw materials {4} FORREST, Tara [=] Christoph Schlingensief - Art without borders {4} FORREST, Tara [=] Realism as protest - Kluge, Schlingensief, Haneke {4} FORSHAW, Barry [=] British crime film {4} FORSHAW, Barry [=] British gothic cinema {2} FORSHAW, Barry [=] Euro noir {4} FORSHAW, Barry [=] Historical noir {4} FORSHAW, Barry [=] Rough guide to crime fiction {4} FORSHAW, Barry [=] Sex and film - The erotic in british, american and world cinema {2} FORTEZA, Agustin [=] Peliculas de libros {2} FORTUNATO, Eleonora di [=] La questione doppiaggio {2} FORUMDOC BH [=] Catálogo 2008-2016 {2} FORUMDOC BH [=] Catálogo 2015 (Mostra Olhar) {2} FOSSATI, Giovanna [=] From grain to pixel, the archival life of film in transition {2} FOSSEN, Inge [=] Andrew Sarris and Pauline Kael - The duel for the soul of american film criticism {2} FOSTER, David [=] Queer issues in contemporary latin american cinema {2} FOSTER, Gwendolyn [=] Women filmmakers of the african & asian diaspora {2} FOSTER, Lila [=] Cinema amador brasileiro - História, discursos e práticas {2} FOSTER, Lila [=] Cinema amador em Cinearte {2} FOSTER, R. B. [=] Hopwood's living pictures (1915) {2}


FOSTER, Stephen [=] Hans Richter - Activism, modernism and the avant-garde {2} FOTOCINEMA (Espanha) [=] 1 (2010) {2} FOTOCINEMA (Espanha) [=] 2 {2} FOTOCINEMA (Espanha) [=] 3 {2} FOTOGRAMA (Ecuador) [=] 02 {2} FOTOGRAMAS (Espanha) [=] 11 números {1} FOTOGRAMAS (Espanha) [=] 2062 {2} FOWKES, Katherine [=] The fantasy film {4} FOWLER, Jaime [=] Avid made easy - Video editing with avid free DV {2} FOWLER, Jaime [=] Editing digital film {2} FOWLER, Mike [=] Animation background layout {2} FOX [=] Fox exhibitors date book 1930-1931 {2} FOX, Alexander [=] Make movies without money {2} FOX, Alistair [=] A conpanion to contemporary french cinema {4} FOX, Alistair [=] Jane Campion - Authorship and personal cinema {4} FOX, Alistair [=] New Zealand cinema {4} FOX, Charles [=] Who's who on the screen (1920) {2} FOX, Jo [=] Filming women in the Third Reich {2} FRAGO, Marta [=] Leer, dialogar, escribir cine {2} FRAMPTON, Hollis [=] Circles of confusion {4} FRAMPTON, Hollis [=] On the camera arts and consecutive matters {2} FRANÇA, Andréa [=] Cinema documentario e espectador em cena {2} FRANÇA, Andrea [=] Cinema, globalização e interculturalidade {2} FRANÇA, Andrea [=] Paisagens fronteiriças no cinema contemporâneo {2} FRANCE, Claudine de [=] Cinema e antropologia {2} FRANCFORT, Elmo [=] Rede Manchete {4} FRANCFORT, Elmo [=] TV Gazeta {2} FRANCIA, Aldo [=] Nuestro cine (Antologia) {2} FRANCIA, Aldo [=] Nuevo cine latinoamericano en Viña del Mar {2} FRANCO, Jesus [=] Je suis un obsédé (1975) {2} FRANCO, Jesus [=] Memorias del tio Jess {2} FRANK, Alan [=] Films of Roger Corman {2}


FRANK, Alan [=] Movie treasury (Horror movies) {2} FRANK, Alan [=] Movie treasury (Monsters and vampires) {2} FRANK, Alan [=] Sci-fi now {2} FRANK, Alison [=] Reframing reality {4} FRANK, Jane [=] Biographical dictionary science fiction and fantasy artists {2} FRANKLIN, Harold [=] Sound motion pictures {2} FRANKLIN, Joe [=] Classics of the silent screen {2} FRANKO, Mark [=] Work of dance - Labor, movement and identity {2} FRANKS, Daniel [=] Jazz in Hollywood (1950s-1970s) {2} FRANZONI, David [=] Gladiator (roteiro) {2} FRAPER, Charles Le [=] Projections animées - Manuel pratique {2} FRASER, Benjamin [=] Cultures of representation - Disability in world cinema contexts {4} FRASQUET, Lucia [=] Guia para ver y analizar Freaks (1932) {2} FREE, William [=] Fellini's 'I clowns' and the grotesque {2} FREEBURG, Victor [=] Art of photoplay making (1918) {2} FREEBURG, Victor [=] Pictorial beauty on the screen {2} FREEDMAN, Jonathan [=] Hitchcock's America {2} FREELAND, Cynthia [=] Naked and the undead {2} FREGOSO, Rosa [=] Bronze screen - Chicana and chicano film culture {4} FREGOSO, Rosa [=] Lourdes Portillo - The devil never sleeps {4} FREIRE, Rafael [=] Carnaval, mistério e gângsters - O filme policial no Brasil {2} FREIRE, Rafael [=] Conversão para o cinema sonoro no Brasil {2} FREIRE, Rafael [=] Início da legendagem de filmes no Brasil {2} FREITAS, Camila Albrecht [=] Manhã cinzenta e o cinema libertário de Olney São Paulo {2} FREIXAS, Ramon [=] Sexo en el cine y el cine de sexo {2} FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL UK 2011 {2} FRENCH, Emma [=] Selling Shakespeare to Hollywood {2} FRENCH, Karl [=] Art by film directors {2} FRENCH, Lisa [=] Centring the female - The articulation of female experience in the films of Jane Campion {2} FRENCH, Sarah [=] From history to memory - Alain Resnais' and Marguerite Duras' {4} FRENCH, Sean [=] The terminator {2} FRESNOT, Alain [=] Um cineasta sem alma {2}


FRESQUET, Adriana [=] Cinema e educação - A lei 13.006 {2} FRESSATO, Soleni [=] Caipira sim, trouxa não {2} FREY, Hugo [=] Louis Malle (French film directors) {2} FREY, Mattias [=] Permanent crisis of film criticism {2} FRICK, Caroline [=] Saving cinema - The politics of preservation {4} FRIDAY, Jonathan [=] Andre Bazin's ontology of photographic and film imagery {4} FRIEDMAN, David [=] A youth in Babylon {4} FRIEDMAN, Drew [=] The Ed Wood Jr. players {4} FRIEDMAN, Favius [=] Great horror movies {2} FRIEDMAN, Jeffrey [=] Art of nonfiction movie making {2} FRIEDMAN, Lester [=] American cinema of the 1970s {2} FROEMMING, Liliane [=] Montagem no cinema e a associação-livre na psicanálise {2} FROULA, Anna [=] Reframing 9-11 {4} FRY, Ron [=] The saga of special effects {2} FUENTES, Carlos [=] Pantallas de plata {4} FUENTES, Carmen [=] Cinematografia e identidad {2} FUERA DE CAMPO (Equador) [=] 03 {2} FUGUET, Alberto [=] Peliculas de mi vida {2} FUHRMANN, Arnika [=] Ghostly desires - Queer sexuality... {4} FUJIWARA, Chris [=] Jacques Tourneur - The cinema of nightfall {2} FUJIWARA, Chris [=] Jerry Lewis (Contemporary film directors) {2} FULLE, Beatriz [=] Un viaje al cine de Raul Ruiz (cuaderno pedagogico) {2} FULLER, Samuel [=] A third face {2} FULLER, Samuel [=] Interviews {2} FULLER, Samuel [=] The big red one (screenplay) {2} FUMAGALLI, PION & CO. [=] Catalogo 1912 {2} FUMAGALLI, PION & CO. [=] Catalogo 1914 {2} FUNDACION PATRIMONIO FILMICO COLOMBIANO [=] 55 (2012) {2} FUNDACION PATRIMONIO FILMICO COLOMBIANO [=] Carteles de largometrajes colombianos {2} FUNDACION PATRIMONIO FILMICO COLOMBIANO [=] Largometrajes colombianos en cine y video (1915-2006) {2} FURBY, Jacqueline [=] Cinema of Christopher Nolan {2}


FURQUIM, Fernanda [=] Maravilhosas mulheres das séries de TV {2} FURTADO, Jorge [=] Angelo anda sumido {2} FURTADO, Jorge [=] Curso de roteiro {2} FURTADO, Jorge [=] Homem que copiava (roteiro) {2} FURTADO, Jorge [=] Houve uma vez dois verões (roteiro) {2} FURTADO, Jorge [=] Saneamento básico {2} FURTADO, Leonardo Ayres [=] Cinema popular e dialético de Tomás Gutiérrez Alea {2} FURTADO, Sylvia [=] Fazer cinema das artes visuais - performances filmicas {2} GABBARD, Glen [=] Psychoanalysis and film {4} GABLE, Jo [=] Tuppenny Punch and Judy Show - 25 years of TV commercials {2} GADO, Frank [=] The passion of Ingmar Bergman {4} GAGE, Simon Henry [=] Optic projection (1914) {2} GAILLARD, Jean-Michel [=] Decolonisation, le cinéma face à la censure {2} GAINES, Jane [=] Fire and desire - Mixed-race movies in the silent era {4} GALANTE, Antonio Polo [=] Rei da Boca {2} GALASSO, Norberto [=] Leonardo Favio {2} GALATTA CINEMA (India) [=] 2008-05 {2} GALBRAITH, Stuart [=] Monsters are attacking Tokyo {2} GALE, Arthur [=] Making better movies (Amateur Cinema League) {2} GALLAFENT, Edward [=] Quentin Tarantino {2} GALLAGHER, David [=] World cinema and the visual arts {2} GALLAGHER, Tag [=] Adventures of Roberto Rossellini {2} GALLAGHER, Tag [=] John Ford, the man and his films [OCR] {2} GALLARDO, Amalia de [=] Iniciacion cinematografica {2} GALLEGO, Enrique [=] Roberto Rossellini, el cine del dolor {2} GALLESE, Vittorio [=] Film, corpo, cervello - prospettive naturalistiche {2} GALLO, Guy [=] Screenwriter's compass - Character as true north {2} GALPERIN, Claudio [=] Ano em que os meus pais sairam de férias (roteiro) {2} GALT, Rosalind [=] Global art cinema {4} GALT, Rosalind [=] New european cinema {2} GAMO, Alessandro [=] Aves sem rumo - A transitoriedade no cinema de Ozualdo Candeias {2} GAMO, Alessandro [=] Vozes da Boca {2}


GANCE, Abel [=] Éclairages sur son 'Napoléon' {2} GANDAL, Keith [=] Class representation in modern fiction and film {4} GANES [=] The modern Bioscope operator (1911) {4} GANT, Mike Chopra- [=] Hollywood genres and postwar America - Masculinity, family and nation in popular movies and film noir {2} GANTI, Tejaswini [=] Bollywood - A guidebook to popular hindi cinema {2} GANZO, Fernando [=] Historia de una revista - Cahiers du cinéma {2} GARAVELLI, Clara [=] Entre lenguas - Video experimental argentino {2} GARCI, José Luis [=] Sólo para mis ojos {2} GARCIA, Alfonso [=] Inspección técnica de materiales en el archivo de una filmoteca {2} GARCIA, Elena del Mar [=] Turismo inducido a traves del cine {2} GARCIA, Enrique [=] Snuff, violencia y cine {2} GARCIA, Francisco Garcia [=] Narrativas audiovisuales - El relato {2} GARCIA, Francisco Garcia [=] Narrativas audiovisuales - Los discursos {2} GARCIA, Juan [=] Derecho administrativo en el cine {2} GARCIA, Luis Alonso [=] Una cierta idea del cine {2} GARDIES, André [=] Narration et temporalité dans 'Moderato cantabile' {2} GARDIES, René [=] Compreender o cinema e as imagens {2} GARDIES, René [=] Comprendre le cinéma et les images {2} GARDNER, Gerald [=] Censorship papers {2} GARDNER, Martin [=] Marx Brothers as social critics {2} GARFIAS, Cristián [=] Aventura del cuerpo - El pensamiento cinematografico de Raul Ruiz {2} GARNHAM, Nicholas [=] Samuel Fuller {2} GARRETT, Lyn [=] Beyond the wall - Design and science fiction {2} GARRETT, Roberta [=] Postmodern chick flicks - The return of the woman's film {2} GASEK, Tom [=] Frame by frame - guide to non-traditional animation techniques {2} GATES, Philippa [=] Detecting men - Masculinity and the Hollywood {2} GATES, Philippa [=] Detecting women - Gender and the Hollywood detective films {2} GATEWARD, Frances [=] Culture and identity in contemporary korean Cinema {2} GATTI, André [=] Distribuição comercial cinematográfica {2} GATTI, André [=] Distribuição e exibição na indústria cinematografica brasileira (1993-2003) {2} GATTI, André [=] Novo cinema paulista {2} GAUDIN, Antoine [=] Espace cinematographique {4}


GAUDREAULT, André [=] A companion to early cinema {2} GAUDREAULT, Andre [=] American cinema 1890-1909 - Themes and variations {4} GAUDREAULT, André [=] Del cine primitivo a la cinematografia-atracción {2} GAUDREAULT, André [=] Dieu est l'auteur des documentaires... {2} GAUDREAULT, André [=] From Plato to Lumière {2} GAUDREAULT, André [=] Narration and monstration in the cinema {2} GAUDREAULT, André [=] Narrativa cinematográfica {2} GAUDREAULT, André [=] Relato cinematografico {2} GAUDREAULT, André [=] The end of cinema {4} GAUME, Emmanuelle [=] Alice Guy, la premiere femme cineaste {4} GAUMONT COMPANY [=] Chart of spare parts {2} GAUMONT COMPANY [=] General price list {2} GAUT, Berys [=] A philosophy of cinematic art {2} GAUTHIER, Christophe [=] Cinéma - Une mémoire culturelle {2} GAUTHIER, Guy [=] Veinte lecciones sobre la imagen y el sentido [incompleto] {2} GAVIN, Alice [=] Literature and film {4} GAYCKEN, Oliver [=] Devices of curiosity - Early cinema and popular science {2} GAYRAUD, Sebastien [=] Reflets dans un oeil mort - Mondo movies et films de cannibales {2} GDC (Grupo de Cine) [=] 0 {2} GEADA, Eduardo [=] Cinema e transfiguração {2} GEADA, Eduardo [=] Cinema espectaculo {2} GEADA, Eduardo [=] Esteticas do cinema {2} GEADA, Eduardo [=] Imperialismo e o fascismo no cinema {2} GEADA, Eduardo [=] Mundos do cinema {2} GEADA, Eduardo [=] Poder do cinema {2} GEHLAWAT, Ajay [=] Reframing Bollywood - Theories of popular hindi cinema {2} GEHLAWAT, Ajay [=] The slumdog phenomenon {4} GEHLAWAT, Ajay [=] Twenty-first century Bollywood {2} GEHRING, Wes [=] Charlie Chaplin's world of comedy {2} GEHRTS, Meg [=] A camera actress in the wilds of Togoland (1915) {2} GEIGER, Jeffrey [=] American documentary film - Projecting the nation {4} GEIMER, Samantha [=] A menina - Uma vida à sombra de Roman Polanski {4}


GELDER, Ken [=] Horror reader {2} GELDER, Peter van [=] Offscreen onscreen - The inside stories {4} GELLER, Theresa [=] Personal cinema of Maya Deren {2} GEMUNDEN, Gerd [=] A foreign affair - Billy Wilder's american films {4} GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA [=] Bibliografia selectiva de cinema {2} GENERALITAT VALENCIANA [=] Matematicas de cine {2} GENOVA, James [=] Cinema and development in West Africa {2} GENTZ, Natascha [=] Globalization, cultural identities, and media representation {2} GEORGE, Sandy [=] A guide to marketing short films {2} GERACE, Rodrigo [=] Cinema explicito {4} GERAGHTY, Lincoln [=] American science fiction film and television {4} GERAGHTY, Lincoln [=] Channeling the future {4} GERAGHTY, Lincoln [=] Popular media cultures - Fans, audiences and paratexts {4} GERANI, Gary [=] Fantastic television {2} GERBASE, Carlos [=] Cinema - direção de atores {2} GERBASE, Carlos [=] Elipse como estratégia narrativa nos seriados de TV {2} GERBASE, Carlos [=] Inverno (roteiro) {2} GERBASE, Carlos [=] Tolerância (roteiro) {2} GERE, Charlie [=] Art, time and technology {2} GERTZ, Nurith [=] Palestinian cinema - Landscape, trauma and memory {2} GERVAIS, Marc [=] Ingmar Bergman, magician and prophet {4} GERVEREAU, Laurent [=] Ver, compreender, analisar as imagens {2} GERVITZ, Roberto [=] Feliz Ano Velho {2} GERVITZ, Roberto [=] Jogo subterraneo (roteiro) {2} GETINO, Octavio [=] A diez años de 'hacia un tercer cine' {4} GETINO, Octavio [=] Cine argentino en los mercados externos {2} GETINO, Octavio [=] Cine latinoamericano, economia {2} GETINO, Octavio [=] Hacia un tercer cine {2} GEYER, Martin Leon [=] Bollywood en Peru {2} GHANA FILM INDUSTRY CORPORATION [=] Films we have produced {2} GHATAK, Ritwik [=] Cinema and I {2} GHOSH, Asit [=] Contemporary survey of cinema directing methods {2}


GIAMMATTEO, Fernaldo Di [=] Milestones - I trenta film che hanno segnato... {2} GIAMMATTEO, Fernaldo Di [=] Storia del cinema {2} GIANNETTI, Louis [=] Understanding movies {2} GIANNOPOULOU, Zina [=] Mullholland Drive {2} GIANVITO, John [=] Andrei Tarkovsky - Interviews {2} GIBSON, Ian [=] Luis Buñuel, la forja de un cineasta universal {4} GIBSON, Walter [=] The Shadow scrapbook {4} GIDAL, Peter [=] Materialist film {2} GIDAL, Peter [=] Structural film anthology {2} GIDLEY, Ben [=] Deptford.TV diaries (volume 2) {2} GIERI, Manuela [=] Contemporary italian filmmaking {2} GIFFORD, Denis [=] A pictorial history of horror movies {2} GIFFORD, Denis [=] Great cartoon stars {2} GILBERTO, Antonio [=] Dina Sfat {2} GILLAIN, Anne [=] François Truffaut - The lost secret {2} GILLESPIE, David [=] Early soviet cinema - Innovation, ideology and propaganda {4} GILLESPIE, Marie [=] Television, ethnicity and cultural change {2} GILLETT, Philip [=] Movie greats - A critical study of classic cinema {2} GILLONE, Daniela [=] Coleção Cinema brasileiro {2} GILMER, G. [=] Catalogue 26 {2} GILMORE, Richard [=] Doing philosophy at the movies {2} GIMFERRER, Pere [=] De la novela al cine {2} GINSBERG, Terri [=] Historical dictionary of Middle Eastern cinema {2} GIORGETTI, Ugo [=] Entrevista {2} GIORGETTI, Ugo [=] Fazer cinema no Brasil está me deixando um cara pior {2} GIORNATA DEL CINEMA MUTO (2005-2017) {2} GIOVACCHINI, Saverio [=] Global neorealism {4} GIOVANNINI, Fabio [=] Serial killer - I grandi assassini seriali del cinema {2} GIPSON, Henry [=] Films in business and industry (1947) {2} GIRELLI, Elisabetta [=] Beauty and the beast - Italianness in british cinema {4} GIRES, Pierre [=] Boris Karloff - Un geant du cinéma {2} GIRGUS, Sam [=] Films of Woody Allen {2}


GIROUX, Henry [=] Mouse that roared - Disney and the end of innocence {2} GISBERT, Carlos Mesa [=] Aventura del cine boliviano (1952-1985) {2} GITLIN, Marty [=] A celebration of animation - The 100 greatest cartoons {2} GLEDHILL, Christine [=] Stardom - Industry of desire {2} GLOBAL CINEMA [=] Celebrating 100 years of indian cinema {2} GLOBAL MEDIA MONITORING PROJECT [=] Who makes the news {2} GLON, Emmanuelle [=] Cinema dans la tete {4} GOBIERNO DE ARAGON [=] Y, sin embargo, se mueve - En busca del cine perdido {2} GODARD - Revista de cine (19) {2} GODARD - Revista de cine (27) {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Archeologie du cinema et memoire du siecle {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Cine y su doble {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Conversacion con Jean-Luc Godard (1962) {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Diálogo con Serge Daney {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Godard on Godard {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Introdução a uma verdadeira história do cinema (2) {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Introduction to a true history of cinema and television {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Pierrot le Fou (decoupage après montage) {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Pierrot le fou (roteiro em inglês) {2} GODARD, Jean-Luc [=] Struggle on two fronts - A conversation with Jean-Luc Godard {2} GODDARD, Lourdes [=] Guionismo {2} GODINHO, Denise [=] Coisas eróticas {4} GODOY, Clemencia [=] Estudio de publicos en salas alternas {2} GOETHE INSTITUT (Lima) [=] Mil ojos del cine aleman {2} GOETHE INSTITUT [=] German currents (2011) {2} GOETHE-INSTITUT (México) [=] Wim Wenders - Una retrospectiva {2} GOHRAB, Seyed- [=] Conflict and development in iranian film {4} GOKULSING, Moti [=] From Ann to Lagaan and beyond {4} GOKULSING, Moti [=] Routledge handbook of indian cinemas {2} GOLDBERG, Eric [=] Character animation crash course {2} GOLDEN TICKET 01 (2010) {2} GOLDEN, Eve [=] Vernon and Irene Castle's ragtime revolution {4}


GOLDMARK, Daniel [=] Cartoon music book {4} GOLDMARK, Daniel [=] Funny pictures - Animation and comedy {2} GOLDMARK, Daniel [=] Tunes for toons - Music and the Hollywood cartoon {4} GOLDNER, Orville [=] Making of King Kong {2} GOLDOVSKAYA, Marina [=] Woman with a movie camera {2} GOLDSMITH, Ben [=] Directory of world cinema - Australia and New Zealand {2} GOLDSMITH, Ben [=] Local Hollywood {2} GOLDSTEIN, Jose Luis [=] Guía de producción de cine y TV {2} GOLIN, Gonul Donmez- [=] Cinemas of the other {2} GOLOVNIA, A. [=] Iluminacion cinematografica {2} GOMES, Andreia [=] Historia da animação brasileira {2} GOMES, Itania [=] Televisão e realidade {4} GOMES, Paulo Emílio Sales [=] Cinema - Trajetória no subdesenvolvimento {2} GOMES, Paulo Emílio Sales [=] Cinema no século {2} GOMES, Paulo Emílio Sales [=] Mort de Jean Vigo (1955) {2} GOMES, Paulo Emílio Sales [=] Uma situação colonial {4} GOMEZ, Marcos Azzam [=] Musica en el cine de Ingmar Bergman {2} GOMEZ, Monica [=] Soriano y el cine, un viaje de ida y vuelta {2} GOMEZ, Raciel [=] Cine contexto {2} GOMEZ, Zigor [=] Julio Medem, a través del espejo de la realidad {2} GONÇALVES, Marco Antonio [=] Filme-ritual e etnografia surrealista {2} GONÇALVES, Marco Antonio [=] Real imaginado - Etnografia, cinema e surrealismo em Jean Rouch {2} GONZALEZ, Andrea [=] Clases de cine - compartir miradas {2} GONZALEZ, Angel [=] Sexualidad, psiquiatria y cine {2} GONZALEZ, Eduardo [=] Cuba and the tempest - literature & cinema in the time of diaspora {2} GONZALEZ, José Antonio [=] Historia del cine en El Salvador {2} GONZÁLEZ, Maria [=] Mirada obsesiva - Imagenes del tiempo en el cine de vanguardia europeo {2} GONZALEZ, Roque [=] Cine latinoamericano y nuevas tecnologias audiovisuales {2} GONZALVO, Angel [=] Un dia de cine - IES Piramide Huesca {2} GOODALL, Mark [=] Sweet & savage - the world through the shockumentary film lens {2} GOODMAN, Paul [=] Designing pacifist films {2} GOODRICH, David [=] The real Nick and Nora {4}


GOODWYN, Andrew [=] English teaching and the moving image {2} GOPAL, Sangita [=] Global Bollywood {2} GOPINATH, Gayatri [=] Impossible desires - Queer diasporas {2} GORBMAN, Claudia [=] Narrative film music {2} GORBMAN, Claudia [=] Unheard melodies - Narrative film music {2} GORDILLO, Inmaculada [=] El dialogo intercultural en el cine español contemporaneo {2} GORDON, Ian [=] Film and comic books {2} GORDON, Jan [=] Star-dust in Hollywood {2} GORDON, Mel [=] Voluptuous panic - The erotic world of Weimar Berlin {2} GORDON, Robert [=] Bicycle Thieves (BFI Film Classics) {2} GORDON, Robert [=] Pasolini - Forms of subjectivy {2} GOREHOUND 01 {2} GORILLA FILM MAGAZINE [=] 03 {2} GORMLEY, Paul [=] New brutality film - Race and affect in contemporary Hollywood cinema {2} GOTTARDI, Ana Maria [=] Machado, Eça e o cinema {2} GOTTLIEB, Sidney [=] Hitchcock on Hitchcock 2 {4} GOTTLIEB, Sidney [=] Roberto Rossellini's Rome Open City [Cambridge Film Handbooks] {2} GOULART, Isabella [=] Ilusão da imagem - O sonho do estrelismo brasileiro em Hollywood {2} GRAÇA, Ricardo [=] Produzindo animações com softwares livres {2} GRAHAM, Jefferson [=] Video nation {2} GRAINGE, Paul [=] Brand Hollywood {2} GRAINGE, Paul [=] Memory and popular film {2} GRANDA, Wilma [=] Cronologia del cine ecuatoriano {2} GRANDE PRÊMIO DO CINEMA BRASILEIRO (2017) {4} GRANDE PRÊMIO DO CINEMA BRASILEIRO (2018) {4} GRANDES MITOS DEL CINE FANTASTICO [=] La momia {2} GRANDESSO, Federico [=] Fellini - Circus of light {2} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Anna Fougez {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Arlette Marchal {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Charlie Chaplin {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Corinna Griffith {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Diomira Jacobini {1}


GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Greta Garbo {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Greta Nissen {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Hughette Duflos {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Lia De Putti {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Lon Chaney {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Maria Prévost {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Marion Davies {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Nita Naldi {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Norma Shearer {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Priscilla Dean {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Renée Adorée {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Rod La Rocque {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Ronald Colman {1} GRANDI ARTISTI DEL CINEMA [=] Vilma Banky {1} GRANT, Barry Keith [=] 5 films by Frederick Wiseman {4} GRANT, Barry Keith [=] American cinema of the 1960s {2} GRANT, Barry Keith [=] Film genre - From iconography to ideology {2} GRANT, Barry Keith [=] Film genre reader III {4} GRANT, Barry Keith [=] John Ford's Stagecoach {2} GRANT, William [=] Post-soul black cinema - Discontinuities, innovations, and breakpoints, 19701995 {2} GRAU, Christopher [=] Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind {2} GRAU, Christopher [=] Philosophy & The Matrix {4} GRAVET, Paul [=] 1001 cómics que hay que leer antes de morir {2} GRAY, Gordon [=] Cinema, a visual anthropology {2} GRAZIA, Victoria De [=] Mass culture and sovereignty - The american challenge to european cinemas, 1920-1960 {2} GRAZZINI, Giovanni [=] Conversaciones con Fellini {2} GREAVES, Tim [=] Vampyres {2} GREEN, David [=] Stillness and time - Photography and the moving image {2} GREEN, Fitzhugh [=] Film finds its tongue {2} GREEN, Jonathon [=] Encyclopedia of censorship {2} GREEN, Paul [=] Encyclopedia of weird westerns {2}


GREEN, Peter [=] Andrei Tarkovsky, the winding quest {2} GREEN, Ronald [=] Straight lick - The cinema of Oscar Micheaux {4} GREEN, Ronald [=] Straight lick - The cinema of Oscar Micheaux {4} GREENBERG, Alan [=] Every night the trees disappear - Werner Herzog {2} GREENE, Doyle [=] Mexploitation cinema [OCR] {2} GREENE, Graham [=] Third man (roteiro) {2} GREENE, Richard [=] Quentin Tarantino and philosophy {2} GREENSPON, Jaq [=] Careers for film buffs & other Hollywood types {2} GREGERSDOTTER, Katarina [=] Animal horror cinema - Genre, history and criticism {2} GREGORY, Mollie [=] Stuntwomen - The untold Hollywood story {4} GREVEN, David [=] Psycho-sexual - Male desire in Hitchcock, De Palma, Scorsese, and Friedkin {4} GREVEN, David [=] Queering the terminator - Sexuality and cyborg cinema {4} GREVEN, David [=] Representations of femininity in american genre cinema {2} GREY, Rudolph [=] Nightmare of ecstasy - The life and art of Edward D. Wood Jr. {2} GRIEVESON, Lee [=] Policing cinema - Movies and censorship in early-twentieth-century America {2} GRIFFITH, D. W. [=] Interviews {4} GRIFFITH, D. W. [=] The birth of a nation (programa original) {2} GRIFFITH, D. W. [=] The rise and fall of free speech in America [defeituoso] {2} GRIFFITH, David [=] A crash course in screenwriting {2} GRIFFITH, Richard [=] Movies - The sixty-year story of the world of Hollywood {2} GRIFFITHS, Robin [=] Queer cinema in Europe {4} GRILLO, Carmen [=] Haunted house movies and the construction of social space {2} GRIMM, Anja [=] Cine peruano en el aula virtual {2} GRIMSHAW, Anna [=] Conversations with anthropological film-makers - David MacDougall {2} GRINDON, Leger [=] Knockout - The boxer and boxing in american cinema {2} GRIST, Leighton [=] The films of Martin Scorsese (1963-1977) {4} GRIST, Leighton [=] The films of Martin Scorsese (1978-1999) {4} GRLIC, Rajko [=] How to make your movie (Production notebook) {2} GRONSTAD, Asbjorn [=] Gestures of seeing in film, video and drawing {4} GRONSTAD, Asbjorn [=] Trans-figurations - Violence, death and masculinity in american cinema {2} GROOF, Matthias De [=] Black film label - Negritude and cinema {2}


GROSSBILD-TECHNIK [=] Camera movements {2} GROSSMAN, Julie [=] Rethinking the femme fatale in film noir {4} GROSSMAN, Todd [=] Shooting action sports {2} GROSSO, Daniele [=] John e Faith Hubley - Cinema d'animazione d'autore {2} GROVE, Elliot [=] 130 proyectos de inciacion al rodaje de peliculas {2} GROVE, Elliot [=] Raindance producers' lab - Lo-to-no budget filmmaking {2} GROVE, Elliot [=] Raindance writers' lab write + sell the hot screenplay {2} GROVER, Lewis [=] Cinema infiltre {4} GRUBER, Eberhard [=] Effi Briest et la question de ses réécritures filmiques {2} GRUNDMANN, Roy [=] Companion to Michael Haneke {2} GRUZINSKI, Serge [=] Guerra de las imagenes {2} GTEC [=] De l'oeuvre à son public {2} GUALDA, Linda [=] Literatura e Cinema - elo e confronto {2} GUAN, Ling [=] Multimedia image and video processing {2} GUATTARI, Felix [=] Cinéma, la grand-mère et la girafe {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Censura, funcion politica y ordenamiento juridico bajo el franquismo {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Cine antes del cine {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Eros electronico {2} GUBERN, Román [=] Godard polemico {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Historia del cine (12-129) {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Historia del cine [OCR] {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Hollywood, fábrica de sueños {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Imagen pornografica y otras perversiones opticas {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Imagen y sus laberintos {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Luis Buñuel - the red years [OCR] {2} GUBERN, Román [=] Mirada opulenta - Exploracion de la iconosfera contemporanea {2} GUBERN, Roman [=] Raices del miedo {2} GUE, Randy [=] Nickel madness - Atlanta's storefront movie theaters 1906-1911 {2} GUENTHER, Irene [=] Nazi 'chic' - Fashioning women in the Third Reich {4} GUERIN, Frances [=] A culture of light - Cinema and technology in 1920s Germany {2} GUERINI, Elaine [=] Bastidores, um outro lado do cinema {2} GUERRERO, Ed [=] Framing blackness - The african american image in film {4}


GUERRERO, Jose Maria [=] Seminario introducción a la cinematografía (Parte teorica) {2} GUGLER, Josef [=] African film - Re-imagining a continent {2} GUGLER, Josef [=] Ten arab filmmakers {2} GUIDO, Laurent [=] Age du rythme - cinéma, musicalité {2} GUIGUE, Arnaud [=] Truffaut & Godard {4} GUIGUES, Suzanne [=] Corps à corps des images dans l'oeuvre de Visconti {2} GUIGUES, Suzanne [=] Esthétique du mouvement cinématographique {2} GUIGUES, Suzanne [=] Red river (Howard Hawks) {2} GUILBERT, Georges [=] Literary readings of Billy Wilder {4} GUILCHER, Geoffrey Le [=] Luc Besson - L'homme qui voulait etre aime {2} GUILD, Leo [=] Fatty Arbuckle case {2} GUILDE FRANÇAISE DES SCENARISTES [=] Annuaire des membres 2011-2012 {2} GUILLEN, Sergio [=] 80 peliculas de los 80 - Una lectura acida {2} GULINO, Pau [=] Screenwriting, the sequence approach {2} GUNDLE, Stephen [=] Comunisti italiani - Tra Hollywood e Mosca {4} GUNERATNE, Anthony [=] Rethinking third cinema {2} GUNERATNE, Anthony [=] Shakespeare, film studies {4} GUNNING, Tom [=] 'Primitive' cinema - A frame-up {2} GUNTER, Barrie [=] Media sex - what are the issues {2} GUSTAFSSON, Henrik [=] Cinema and Agamben {2} GUSTAFSSON, Tommy [=] Nordic genre film {4} GUTIERREZ, Begoña [=] Arte, pintura y cine - Una trayectoria para la narración {2} GUYNN, William [=] Routledge companion to film history {2} GUZMAN, Patricio [=] Guión en el cine documental {2} GWYNN, William [=] Writing history in film {4} GWYNNE, Joel [=] Postfeminism and contemporary Hollywood {4} HAASE, Cathy [=] Acting for film {2} HABERSKI JR., Raymond [=] Freedom to offend {2} HABIB, Andre [=] La main gauche de Jean-Pierre Leaud {4} HADDAL, Per [=] Cinema norueguês jovem e destemido {2} HADDU, Miriam [=] Contemporary mexican cinema (1989-1999) {4} HAEFFNER, Nicholas [=] Alfred Hitchcock {2}


HAGEBÖLLING, Heide [=] Interactive dramaturgies - New approaches in multimedia content and design {2} HAGEMEYER, Rafael [=] História & audiovisual {2} HAGENER, Malte [=] European avant-garde and the invention of film culture {2} HAIHONG, Li [=] Cinematic Hong Kong of Wong Kar-Wai {2} HAINING, Peter [=] A pictorial history of horror stories {2} HAKE, Sabine [=] German national cinema {4} HAKE, Sabine [=] Popular cinema of the third Reich {2} HAKE, Sabine [=] Turkish-german cinema in the new millenium {4} HAKOLA, Outi [=] Rhetoric of modern death in american living dead films {4} HALAS, John [=] Design in motion {2} HALAS, John [=] How to cartoon for amateur films {2} HALBERSTAM, Judith [=] Skin shows - gothic horror and the technology of monsters {2} HALE, Georgia [=] Charlie Chaplin - Intimate close-ups {2} HALFYARD, Janet [=] Danny Elfman's Batman - A film score guide {2} HALL, Ann [=] Pop porn - Pornography in american culture {2} HALL, Julian [=] Rough guide to british cult comedy {4} HALL, L. Michael [=] Movie mind - Directing your mental cinemas {2} HALL, Linda [=] Dolores del Rio {4} HALL, Sheldon [=] Epics, spectacles and blockbusters {4} HALL, Stuart [=] The popular arts {4} HALLE, Randall [=] Europeanization of cinema {4} HALLENBECK, Bruce [=] Comedy-horror film, a chronological history {2} HALLER, Robert [=] Flesh into light - The films of Amy Greenfield {4} HALLET, Marc [=] Films de science fiction et ufologie {2} HALLIWELL, Leslie [=] Clapperboard book of the cinema {2} HALM, Paulo [=] Olhos azuis (roteiro) {2} HALPERIN, Paula [=] Historia en celuloide - Cine militante de los 70 en Argentina {2} HALTOF, Marek [=] Historical dictionary of polish cinema {2} HAMES, Peter [=] Czech and slovak cinema - Theme and tradition {2} HAMMER HORROR (1-7) {1} HAMMOND, Lawrence [=] Movie treasury (Thriller movies) {2} HAMMOND, Michael [=] British silent cinema and the Great War {2}


HAMMOND, Stefan [=] Sex and zen & a bullet in the head {2} HAMPTON, Benjamin [=] A history of the movies (1931) {2} HANEKE, Michael [=] Amour (screenplay) {2} HANKE, Michael [=] Do conceito à imagem {2} HANSEN, Mark [=] New philosophy for new media {4} HANSEN, Miriam [=] Babel & Babylon - Spectatorship in american silent film {2} HANSEN, Miriam [=] Benjamin and cinema, not a one-way street {2} HANSEN, Miriam [=] Cinema and experience - Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin and Theodor Adorno {2} HANSEN, Miriam [=] Cinema and experience {4} HANSEN, Miriam [=] Pleasure, ambivalence, identification - Valentino and female spectatorship {2} HANSEN, Miriam [=] With skin and hair - Kracauer's Theory of film {2} HANSON, Helen [=] Hollywood heroines - Women in film noir {2} HANSON, Helen [=] The femme fatale {4} HANTKE, Steffen [=] American horror film {2} HARBORD, Janet [=] Ex-centric cinema - Giorgio Agamben and film {2} HARDCASTLE, Gary [=] Monty Python and philosophy {4} HARDING, Thomas [=] Video activist handbook {2} HARDT, Ursula [=] From Caligari to California {4} HARDY, Forsyth [=] Scandinavian film {2} HARDY, Phil [=] Aurum film encyclopedia (Horror) {2} HARDY, Phil [=] Aurum film encyclopedia (Science fiction) {2} HARDY, Phil [=] Samuel Fuller {2} HARDY, Phil [=] Samuel Fuller {4} HARDY, Phil [=] The Aurum film encyclopedia (The western) {4} HARE, William [=] Pulp fiction to film noir {2} HARK, Ina [=] American cinema of the 1930s {2} HARMEL, Kristin [=] Como ligar con una estrella de cine {2} HARMON, Francis [=] Command is forward {2} HARO, Franck [=] Ecrire un scénario pour le cinéma {2} HARPER, Sue [=] British cinema of the 1950s - The decline of deference {4} HARRIE, Eva [=] Nordic media market 2009 {2} HARRIS TELEVISION PRODUCT GUIDE 2011-2012 {2}


HARRIS, Hanna [=] TV like us {2} HARROW, Kenneth [=] African cinema - Postcolonial and feminist readings {4} HART, Jeffrey [=] Technology, television and competition {2} HART, John [=] Art of the storyboard {2} HART, Stephen [=] A companion to latin american film {2} HART, Stephen [=] Latin american cinema {2} HARTLEY, William [=] Selected films for american history and problems {2} HASHIMOTO, Shinobu [=] Compound cinematics - Akira Kurosawa and I {4} HASKELL, Molly [=] Frankly, my dear - Gone with the wind revisited {4} HASKINS, Jim [=] Black stars of the Harlem renaissance {4} HASSAM, Andrew [=] Bollywood in Australia - Transnationalism & cultural production {2} HATARI [=] 3 (Cinema japonês) {2} HATFIELD, Jackie [=] Experimental film and video {2} HATHERLEY, Owen [=] Chaplin machine {2} HAUBEN, Lawrence [=] One flew over the cuckoo's nest (roteiro) {2} HAUSER, Arnold [=] Social history of art (volume 4) {4} HAUSER, Roger [=] 50 films de terror {4} HAUSTRATE, Gaston [=] Guide di cinema 1 {4} HAUSTRATE, Gaston [=] Guide di cinema 2 {4} HAUSTRATE, Gaston [=] Guide di cinema 3 {4} HAVEN, Lisa Stein [=] Charlie Chaplin's little tramp in America, 1947-1977 {2} HAVIG, Alan [=] Fred Allen's radio comedy {2} HAWKINS, Joan [=] Cutting edge - Art-horror and the horrific avant-garde {2} HAY, Peter [=] Movie anecdotes {2} HAYES, Kevin [=] Martin Scorsese's Raging Bull [Cambridge Film Handbooks] {2} HAYES, Mark [=] Psychoanalysis & the films of Federico Fellini {2} HAYMAN, Ronald [=] Fassbinder film maker {2} HAYNES, Jonathan [=] Nigerian video films {2} HAYNES, Jonathan [=] Nollywood - The creation of nigerian film genres {4} HAYWARD, Philip [=] Terror tracks - Music, sound and horror cinema {2} HAYWARD, Susan [=] Cinema studies - The key concepts {2} HAYWARD, Susan [=] Les Diaboliques (Henri-Georges Clouzot) {2}


HEADPRESS 1-10 {2} HEADPRESS 12 {2} HEADPRESS 13 {4} HEALEY, Tim [=] The world's worst movies {2} HEARN, Marcus [=] Cinema of George Lucas {2} HEARNE, Joanna [=] Native recognition - Indigenous cinema {4} HEATHCOTE, Edwin [=] Cinema builders {2} HÉBERT, Laurent [=] Ecrire une fiction - Litterature, cinema, theatre, television {2} HEDGES, Inez [=] Framing Faust {4} HEDGES, Inez [=] World cinema and cultural memory {4} HEDIGER, Vinzenz [=] Films that work - Industrial film {2} HEDLING, Erik [=] Regional aesthetics - locating swedish media {2} HEFFERNAN, Kevin [=] Ghouls, gimmicks and gold - Horror movies {4} HEFFNER, Hernani [=] A restauração de 'Bonequinha de seda' {2} HEFFNER, Hernani [=] Cinco filmes restaurados de Moacyr Fenelon {2} HEFFNER, Hernani [=] Historia da censura cinematografica no Brasil {2} HEFFNER, Hernani [=] Itinerário do filme brasileiro {2} HEFFNER, Hernani [=] Última sessão de cinema {2} HEFFNER, Hernani [=] Vagas impressões de um objeto fantasmático {2} HEFTBERGER, Adelheid [=] Digital humanities and film studies {4} HEIDE, William van der [=] Malaysian cinema, asian film {2} HEIDUSCHKE, Sebastian [=] East german cinema - DEFA and film history {2} HEIN, Valéria [=] Momento Vera Cruz {2} HELFER, Ralph [=] Beauty of the beasts - Tales of Hollywood's wild animal stars {2} HENDERSON, Brian [=] Film Quarterly - Forty years (a selection) {4} HENDRICKS, Gordon [=] Edison motion picture myth {2} HENDRIX, John Shannon [=] Renaissance theories of vision {2} HENLEY, Paul [=] Cine etnografico - Tecnologia, practica y teoria antropologica {2} HENRIQUE, Klecius [=] Geraldo Moraes {2} HENRIQUE, Klecius [=] José Dumont {2} HEPWORTH, Cecil [=] Came the dawn - memories of a film pioneer {2} HEPWORTH, T. C. [=] The book of the lantern (1888) {2}


HERAS, Beatriz de las [=] Filmando la historia {2} HERBECK, Mariah [=] Wandering women in french film and literature {4} HERBERT, Katherine [=] The perfect screenplay {4} HERCULES, Laura [=] Cor na análise fílmica, um olhar sobre o moderno cinema frances {2} HEREDERO, Carlos [=] Cine negro {2} HEREDERO, Carlos [=] Cinematografo segun Rohmer {2} HEREDERO, Carlos [=] En torno a la Nouvelle Vague {2} HEREDERO, Carlos [=] Herida del tiempo - El cine de Wong Kar-wai {2} HERESIES [=] 16 (Film, video, media) {2} HERITAGE AUCTIONS [=] Personal property of John Wayne {2} HERMAN, Lewis [=] A practical manual of screen playwriting {2} HERNANDEZ, Gustavo [=] Cine venezolano y sus tendencias (1984-1986) {2} HERNANDEZ, José Ramón [=] Jueces en el cine {2} HERNANDEZ, Santiago [=] Mysterious skin - Male bodies in contemporary cinema {4} HERRERA, Javier [=] Tiempo momificado y coqueteo con la muerte en 'Los abrazos rotos' {2} HERRERO, Carmen [=] 'La verguenza' de David Planell (Study guide) {2} HERSHFIELD, Joanne [=] Mexican cinema, mexican woman (1940-1950) {2} HERZOG, Werner [=] Cine y filosofia - Las entrevistas de Fata Morgana {2} HERZOG, Werner [=] Conquista dell'inutile {2} HERZOG, Werner [=] Of walking in ice {2} HERZOG, Werner [=] On the absolute, the sublime and the ecstatic truth {2} HERZOGENRATH, Bernd [=] Films of Edgar G. Ulmer {2} HEURTEBISE, Jean-Yves [=] Cinema en miroir dans 'Persona' de Bergman {2} HEWISON, Robert [=] Monty Python - The case against {2} HEYER, Paul [=] Medium and the magician - Orson Welles, the radio years {2} HEYLIN, Clinton [=] Despite the system - Orson Welles versus the Hollywood studios {2} HICKS, Jeremy [=] Dziga Vertov - Defining documentary film {2} HICKS, Roger [=] Hollywood portraits, classic shots {2} HIGASHI, Sumiko [=] Cecil B. DeMille and american culture {4} HIGBEE, Will [=] Mathieu Kassovitz {2} HIGGINS, Anne [=] Cinema français - An illustrated guide {4} HIGHSON, Andrew [=] Transnational developments in european cinema in the 1920s {2}


HILL, Cecil [=] Cine-film projection {2} HILL, Jason [=] Getting the picture {4} HILL, Leslie [=] Marguerite Duras, apocalyptic desires {2} HILL, Sarah [=] Stillness in motion - Italy, photography {2} HILLAUER, Rebecca [=] Encyclopedia of arab women filmmakers {2} HILLIER, Jim [=] Cahiers du Cinema (1960-1968) {2} HILLIER, Jim [=] Cahiers du Cinema (The 1950s) {2} HILTUNEN, Ari [=] Aristotle in Hollywood {4} HIMPELE, Jeff [=] Cine-trance - A tribute to Jean Rouch (1917-2004) {2} HIROSE, Jun Fujita [=] Cine-capital {2} HISTÓRIAS DI CINEMA II [=] Colectiva de artes plásticas (2010) {2} HJORT, Mette [=] A companion to nordic cinema {4} HJORT, Mette [=] Cinema of small nations {2} HJORT, Mette [=] Danish directors {2} HJORT, Mette [=] Danish directors 2 {4} HJORT, Mette [=] Small nation, global cinema - The new danish cinema {2} HOAGLAND, Ericka [=] Science fiction, imperialism and the third world {4} HOBAN JR., Charles [=] Movies that teach {2} HOBERMAN, J. [=] An army of phantoms - American movies and the making of the Cold War {4} HOCKENHULL, Stella [=] British women film directors {4} HODGES, James [=] Opening and operating a motion picture theatre {2} HOFFMAN, Charles [=] A condensed course in motion picture photography {2} HOFFMANN, Hilmar [=] Triumph of propaganda - Film and National Socialism (1933-1945) {2} HOLANDA, Karla [=] Estética nos filmes do DOC-TV {2} HOLDAR, Magdalena [=] Scenography in action - Space, time and movement in theatre productions by Ingmar Bergman {2} HOLDSTOCK, Robert [=] Encyclopedia of science fiction {2} HOLL, Ute [=] Cinema, trance and cybernetics {2} HOLLAND FILM [=] Catalogue 2009 {2} HOLLAND FILM MEETING 2017 {2} HOLLANDER, Anne [=] Moving pictures {2} HOLLINGER, Karen [=] Feminist film studies {2} HOLLINGER, Karen [=] In the company of women - Contemporary female friendship films {4}


HOLLOWAY, Ronald [=] Beyond the image - Approaches to the religious dimension in the cinema {2} HOLLYMAG [=] Hors série 1 {2} HOLLYWOOD DIARY [=] 1 (1949) {2} HOLLYWOOD FILMOGRAPH [=] 51 números {excluído} HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS [=] 2 (1937) {2} HOLLYWOOD NOW [=] 1937.04 {2} HOLLYWOOD PUBLISHING [=] Sins of Hollywood (1922) {2} HOLLYWOOD QUARTERLY [=] v. 1, n. 2 (1946) {2} HOLLYWOOD REPORTER (12-15) {2} HOLLYWOOD REPORTER (18-21) {2} HOLLYWOOD REPORTER [=] 2016.01.15 {2} HOLLYWOOD REPORTER [=] 2016.04.08 {2} HOLLYWOOD REPORTER [=] 2017.02.17 {2} HOLLYWOOD REPORTER [=] Motion picture production encyclopedia 1948 {2} HOLLYWOOD REPORTER [=] Motion picture production encyclopedia 1952 {2} HOLLYWOOD SECRETS [=] 1 (1949) {2} HOLLYWOOD SECRETS OF ROMANCE [=] 9 {2} HOLLYWOOD VAGABOND [=] 32 números {1} HOLM, D. K. [=] Quentin Tarantino {2} HOLMAN, Bruce [=] Puppet animation in the cinema {2} HOLMBERG, Jan [=] Ideals of immersion in early cinema {2} HOLMES, Diana [=] 100 years of european cinema {2} HOLMES, John [=] Porn king - The autobiography of John C. Holmes {2} HOLMES, Patti [=] A history of 1970s experimental film {4} HOLMES, Su [=] British TV and film culture in the 1950s {4} HOLMES, Su [=] Framing celebrity - new directions in celebrity culture {4} HOLMES, Su [=] Quiz show (TV genres) {4} HOLMLUND, Chris [=] American cinema of the 1990s {2} HOLMLUND, Chris [=] Contemporary american independent film {4} HOME MOVIE [=] v. 01, n. 01 {2} HOME MOVIE [=] v. 02, n. 06 {2} HONESKO, Vinicius [=] Para una etica sin culpa - Agamben lector de Pasolini {2}


HONG KONG ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL 2016 {2} HONG KONG FILM ARCHIVE [=] 100 must-see Hong Kong movies {2} HONGISTO, Ilona [=] Soul of the documentary {2} HONTHANER, Eve [=] Hollywood drive - What it takes to break in {2} HOOD, Joanna [=] A conceptual blending theory of humour {4} HOOKS, Bell [=] Reel to real - Race, sex and class at the movies {4} HOPPER, Hedda [=] From under my hat {2} HORAK, Jan-Christopher [=] Saul Bass - Anatomy of film design {2} HORAK, Laura [=] Girls will be boys - Cross-dressed women, lesbians and american cinema, 19081934 {2} HORECK, Tanya [=] New extremism in cinema {2} HORNE, Gerald [=] Class struggle in Hollywood, 1930-1950 {2} HORNE, Gerald [=] The final victim of the Blacklist - John Howard Lawson {4} HOROWITZ, Joseph [=] Artists in exile {4} HORRIGAN, Patrick [=] Widescreen dreams, growing up gay at the movies {4} HORROR HANDBOOK [=] Hammer horror {2} HORROR PICTURES [=] Mario Bava, l'onirisme crepusculaire {2} HORROR STUDIES [=] 1 (2010) {2} HORSLEY, Jason [=] Secret life of movies - Schizophrenic and shamanic journeys in american cinema {2} HORSLEY, Lee [=] Noir thriller {2} HORSTING, Jessie [=] Stephen King at the movies {2} HORSTMANN, Henry [=] Motion picture operator - Stage electrics and illusions {2} HORTELANO, Lorenzo [=] Directory of world cinema (Spain) {2} HORTELANO, Lorenzo [=] Poética zen en Banshun, de Yasujiro Ozu {2} HORTON, Andrew [=] A companion to film comedy {4} HORTON, Andrew [=] Ernie Kovacs & early TV comedy {2} HORTON, Andrew [=] Films of Theo Angelopoulos {4} HORTON, Andrew [=] Henry Bumstead and the world of Hollywood art direction {2} HORTON, Andrew [=] Inside soviet film satire {2} HORTON, Andrew [=] The last modernist - The films of Theo Angelopoulos {4} HOSSENT, Harry [=] The movie treasury (Gangster movies) {2} HOT VIDEO SPECIAL (França) [=] 04 {4}


HOUSE OF COMMONS [=] British film industry 1 {2} HOWARD, David [=] Tools of screenwriting {2} HOWELL, Amanda [=] Popular film music and masculinity in action {4} HU, Tze-Yue [=] Frames of anime - Culture image building {2} HUBERMAN, Didi- [=] Cuando las imagenes toman posicion {2} HUBERMAN, Georges Didi- [=] Images malgré tout {2} HUBNER, Laura [=] The films of Ingmar Bergman {4} HUDGINS, Christopher [=] Gender and genre - Essays on David Mamet {2} HUDSON, Herman [=] Spike Lee and commentaries on his work {2} HUFF, Theodore [=] Charlie Chaplin (1951) {2} HUGHES, Helen [=] Green documentary - Environmental documentary {4} HUGHES, Howard [=] Cinema italiano - The complete guide {2} HUGHES, Howard [=] Crime wave - The filmgoers' guide to great crime movies {2} HUGHES, Howard [=] Films of Clint Eastwood {2} HUGHES, Howard [=] Once upon a time in the italian west {2} HUGHES, Laurence [=] Truth about the movies {2} HUI, Lim Youn- [=] Bong Joon-ho - Mapping reality within the maze of genre {2} HUI, Lim Youn- [=] Park Chan-wook - Savior of violence {2} HUI, Lim Youn- [=] Ryoo Seung-wan - The action kid {2} HULFISH, David [=] Cyclopedia of motion-picture work 1911 (1-2) {4} HULFISH, David [=] Cyclopedia of motion-picture work 1911 (2) {2} HULFISH, David [=] Motion picture work (1913) {2} HULKE, Malcolm [=] Making of Doctor Who {2} HULL, David [=] Film in the Third Reich {4} HULLFISH, Steve [=] Color correction for video {2} HUMPHRIES, Reynold [=] Fritz Lang - Genre and representation in his american films {2} HUMPHRIES, Reynold [=] Hollywood's blacklists - A political and cultural history {2} HUNGARIAN FILM MAGAZINE (Autumn 2015) {2} HUNGARIAN FILM MAGAZINE (Berlinale 2017) {2} HUNT, Leon [=] East asian cinemas - Exploring transnational connections on film {4} HUNT, Robert Edgar- [=] Language of film {2} HUNTER, Allan [=] Clasicos del cine {2}


HUNTER, Bill [=] Best of photographic lightning {2} HUNTER, I. Q. [=] British science fiction cinema {2} HURD, Mary [=] Women directors and their films {4} HURKMAN, Alexis Van [=] Colour correction handbook {2} HUSSAIN, Fiaz [=] Essential director 8,5 fast {2} HUSTON, John [=] A libro abierto {4} HUSTON, John [=] The maltese falcon (roteiro) {2} HUTCHINGS, Peter [=] A to Z of horror cinema {2} HUTCHINGS, Peter [=] Dracula (British film guides) {2} HUTCHINGS, Peter [=] Historical dictionary of horror cinema {2} HUTCHINGS, Stephen [=] Russian and soviet film - Adaptations of literature (1900-2001) {2} HUTCHINSON, Tom [=] Horrors - A history of horror films {2} IACCINO, James [=] Jungian reflections within the cinema {2} IBARRA, Vivian [=] Tour de cine frances {2} IBRAHIM, K. F. [=] Newnes guide to television and video technology {2} ICAA (Espanha) [=] Boletin informativo 2013 {2} ICAJ [=] Cinema year book of Japan 1936-1937 {2} ICAJ [=] Cinema year book of Japan 1938 {2} ICAZA, Claudia [=] Reflexiones sobre cine mexicano contemporaneo {2} ICON GROUP [=] 2000-2005 world outlook for motion picture production {2} ICONICA 00-03 {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] 100 horror film posters {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] Afiches de cine ecuatoriano (1969-2013) {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] American silent movies posters (1-3) {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] Caratulas de Luis Buñuel {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] Cinema français - Affiches (1930-1945) {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] French posters (1939-1945) {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] Movie posters {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] Movie stars du cinéma {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] Nouvelle vague (posters) {2} ICONOGRAFIA [=] Vintage Hollywood beauties {2} IGLESIAS, Carlos [=] Dziga Vertov vs Chris Marker - La técnica y la metáfora {2}


IHU ON-LINE [=] 412 (Cinema e transcendência - Um debate) {2} IKEDA, Marcelo [=] Cinema de garagem, provisoriamente {4} IL, Kim Jong [=] Cinema and directing {2} IL, Kim Jong [=] On the art of the cinema {2} ILLAN, Antonio Martinez [=] Mito de San Petersburgo en el cine soviético {2} ILLUSTRATED FILMS MONTHLY [=] 2 (1914) {2} IMAGES DE LA CULTURE [=] 26 (2011) {2} IMAGES MAGAZINE [=] 45 (2011) {2} IMAGINARIO DEL ARTE [=] 9 (Cine y literatura) {2} IMAGINE FX [=] 1 (2013) {2} IMPLET [=] 1 (1912) {2} IMRE, Aniko [=] A companion to eastern european cinemas {2} IMRE, Aniko [=] Identity games - Globalization and the transformation of media cultures in the new Europe {2} IN GENERE 2011 {2} IN PENOMBRA [=] a. 1, n. 1 (1918) {2} IN PENOMBRA [=] a. 2, n. 7 (1919) {2} INCAA [=] Cine argentino 2015 {2} INCAA [=] Cine argentino 2016 {2} INCAA [=] Cine argentino siempre (2013-2015) {2} INCAA [=] Comedia en el cine argentino {2} INCAA [=] Conocimiento de Yasujiro Ozu {2} INCAA [=] Dialogo entre el arte del cine y el arte del teatro {2} INCAA [=] Enerc 50 años (1-3) {2} INCAA [=] Historia y leyendas del cine argentino {2} INCAA [=] Promotor y organizador de cineclubes {2} INCE, Katherine [=] Feminist phenomenology and the film-world of Agnes Varda {2} INCINERANTE [=] 1 (2017) {2} INDEPENDENT FILM & VIDEO [=] 1-29 (1976-2006) {1} INDIA FILM GUIDE [=] India at Cannes 2015 {2} INDIANA, Gary [=] Salò [BFI Film Classics] {2} INDIE 12 - Mostra de cinema mundial {2} INDIE 17 {2}


INFANTE, Cabrera [=] Cine o sardina {2} INFANTES, Anastasia [=] Cine y antropologia de la relaciones de sexo-genero {2} INFINI DETAIL (68e Festival de Cannes) {2} INFINI DETAIL [=] 1 (Qu'attendons nous du cinéma) {2} INFINI DETAIL [=] 2 (Toiles en lumière) {2} INFINI DETAIL [=] 3 (Beautés du vampirisme) {2} INGAWANIJ, Adadol [=] Hyperbolic heritage - bourgeois spectatorship and contemporary thai cinema {2} INGHAM, Michael [=] Johnnie To Kei-Fung's PTU {2} INGRAM, David [=] Green screen - environmentalism and Hollywood cinema {4} INGRAM, Susan [=] World film locations (Berlin) {4} INNESS, Sherrie [=] Action chicks - New images of tough women in popular culture {4} INNESS, Sherrie [=] Geek chic - Smart women in popular culture {4} INROCKS 2 [=] Pedro Almodovar {2} INSDORF, Annette [=] Philip Kaufman (Contemporary film directors) {2} INSTITUT JEAN VIGO [=] Cahiers de la Cinemathéque (42-43) {2} INSTITUT LUMIÈRE [=] Les frères Lumière et leurs inventions {2} INSTITUTO ASTURIANO DE LA MUJER [=] Con ojos de mujer {2} INSTITUTO MEXICANO DE CINEMATOGRAFIA [=] Un cine vital y diverso {2} INSTITUTO NACIONAL DO CINEMA [=] Brasil Cinema (1969) {2} INSTITUTO NACIONAL DO CINEMA [=] Brasil Cinema (1970) {2} INSTITUTO NACIONAL DO CINEMA [=] Brasil Cinema (1971) {2} INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHILOSOPHY AND FILM 2014 {2} INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE 20 {2} INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL BRATISLAVA 2010 {2} INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF INDIA 2014 {2} INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM 2012 {2} INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCREENDANCE [=] 3 (2013) {2} INTERNATIONAL MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC 1937-1938 {2} INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHY 1929-1930 {2} INTERNATIONAL URANIUM FILM FESTIVAL [=] 2014 (Relatório) {2} IN-VISION [=] 24 (Doctor Who - The horror of Fang Rock) {2} IORDANOVA, Dina [=] Cinema at the periphery {2}


IPES ELKARTEA [=] Muestra Internacional de Cine y Mujeres de Pamplona (2012) {2} IRANIAN CINEMA GUIDE 2007-2008 {2} IRIS [=] 11 (1990) {4} IRVING, John [=] Killjoy's book of the cinema {2} IRVING, John [=] Mis lios con el cine {2} ISHIZUKA, Karen [=] Mining the home movie {4} ISSA, Rose [=] Life and art - The new iranian cinema {2} ITAU CULTURAL [=] Cinema Sim - Narrativas e projeções {2} ITAU CULTURAL [=] Ocupação Rogério Sganzerla {2} ITAU CULTURAL [=] Sobre fazer documentários {2} ITURRI, Guillermo [=] Cine boliviano - Historia, directores, peliculas {2} IURK, Monica [=] Como fazer um roteiro de cinema {2} IVAC [=] Un año de filmoteca (2009) {2} IVASCU, Tessa [=] Deux paires d'as du cinéma {4} IZCUE, Nora de [=] Producción, coproducción, distribución y exhibition del cine {2} IZHARUDDIN, Alicia [=] Gender and islam in indonesian cinema {2} IZOD, John [=] Cinema as therapy {2} IZOD, John [=] Myth, mind and the screen {2} JAAR, Alfredo [=] Politica de las imagenes {2} JABLONSKA, Aleksandra [=] Cristales del tiempo - Pasado e identidad de las peliculas mexicanas {2} JACK, Keith [=] Dictionary of video and television technology {2} JACK, Keith [=] Video demystified {2} JACKMAN, John [=] Lighting for digital video & television {2} JACKSON II, Ronald [=] Scripting the black masculine body {2} JACKSON, Russell [=] Cambridge companion to Shakespeare on film {2} JACKSON, Russell [=] Shakespeare and the english speaking cinema {2} JACKSON, Wallace [=] Digital video editing fundamentals {2} JACOB, Dionísio [=] Dionísio Azevedo e Flora Geni {4} JACOBS, Lea [=] Cine de mujer y la poetica del melodrama {2} JACOBS, Lea [=] Film rhythm after sound {4} JACOBS, Lea [=] The decline of sentiment - American film in the 1920s {4} JACOBS, Lewis [=] Experimental cinema in America (1921-1941) {2}


JACOBS, Lewis [=] Rise of the american film - A critical history {2} JACOBSON, Brian [=] Studios before the system {4} JACOBSON, Brian [=] Studios before the system {4} JACQUINOT, Geneviève [=] Documentaire, une fiction (pas) comme les autres {2} JAGODA, Patrick [=] Network aesthetics {4} JAGODZINSKI, Jan [=] Television and youth culture {4} JÄHNE, Bernd [=] Digital image processing {2} JAKOBSON, Roman [=] Linguística, poética, cinema {2} JALABERT, Louis [=] Film corrupteur (1921) {2} JAM JR., Jim [=] Jim Jam Jems (1921) {2} JAMES, David [=] Stan Brakhage - Filmmaker {2} JAMES, David E. [=] Rock 'n' film - Cinema's dance with popular music {2} JAMES, Linda [=] How to write great screenplays {2} JAMESON, Fredric [=] Estetica geopolitica - Cine y espacio en el sistema mundial {2} JAMESON, Fredric [=] Sobre o realismo mágico no cinema {2} JANCOVICH, Mark [=] Horror - The film reader {4} JANES, H. Paul [=] Screen and projector in christian education {2} JAPANESE FANTASY FILM JOURNAL [=] 12 {2} JAPANIMANDO 36 {2} JARDON, Paula [=] Prehistoria y cine {2} JARMAN, Derek [=] Chroma - A book of color {2} JARNE, Ricardo [=] Imagenes compartidas - cine argentino - cine español {2} JARRATT, Vernon [=] Italian cinema {2} JARRO [=] Novelle del cinematografo {2} JARVIE, Ian [=] Qual é o problema da teoria de cinema {2} JAVNA, John [=] The best of science fiction TV {2} JAZZ EN EL CINE 2013 {2} JEANCOLAS, Jean-Pierre [=] Histoire du cinéma français {2} JEANNE, Rene [=] Histoire encyclopedique du cinéma 1 {2} JENKINS, Francis [=] Animated pictures - An exposition of the historical development (1898) {2} JENKINS, Francis [=] Handbook for motion pictures operators {2} JENKINS, Tricia [=] CIA in Hollywood - How the agency shapes film and television {2}


JENNINGS, David [=] Skinflicks - The inside story of the X-rated video industry {2} JENSEN, Paul [=] Fritz Lang {2} JEROME, V. J. [=] Negro in Hollywood films {2} JERUSALEM CINEMATHEQUE [=] Annual catalogue of Israeli Films 2010-2011 {2} JERUSALEM CINEMATHEQUE [=] Annual catalogue of Israeli Films 2014 {2} JERUSALEM FILM FESTIVAL [=] Who's who 2014 {2} JESUS, Maria Angela de [=] Glauco Mirko Laurelli {2} JESUS, Maria Angela de [=] Ruth de Souza {2} JEWELL, Richard [=] RKO Radio Pictures - A titan is born {4} JIMENEZ, Ismael [=] Desmontando a Disney - Hacia el cuento coeducativo {2} JIMENEZ, Phil [=] DC comics encyclopedia {2} JIMENEZ, Roman [=] Ozu, le siècle et le geste {2} JIN, Kim Young- [=] Lee Chang-dong {2} JOHNSON, Chris [=] Practical zone system for film and digital photography {2} JOHNSON, Claudia [=] Crafting short screenplays thet connect {2} JOHNSON, David [=] Richard Linklater (Contemporary film directors) {2} JOHNSON, Jeffrey [=] Super-history - comic book superheroes and american society {2} JOHNSON, Kjel [=] [Re]framing violence - Hollywood cinema and late capitalism {2} JOHNSON, Matthew [=] China's iGeneration - cinema and moving image culture {2} JOHNSON, Michael [=] Hoo-doo cowboys and bronze bucharoos {4} JOHNSON, Mike [=] Sherlock Holmes (screenplay) {4} JOHNSON, Nunnally [=] An oral history of the motion picture in America {2} JOHNSON, Randal [=] Ascensão e queda do cinema brasileiro (1960-1990) {2} JOHNSON, Randal [=] Brazilian Cinema novo {2} JOHNSON, Robert [=] An investigation into the equipment of underwater cinematography {2} JOHNSON, Vida [=] Films of Andrei Tarkovsky {2} JOHNSTON, Alva [=] The great Goldwyn {2} JOHNSTON, Joe [=] Star wars sketchbook {2} JOHNSTON, Keith [=] Coming soon - film trailers and the selling of Hollywood technology {2} JOHNSTON, Keith [=] Science fiction film - a critical introduction {2} JOLY, Martine [=] Imagen fija {2} JOLY, Martine [=] Introducción al analisis de la imagen {2}


JONES, Alan [=] Rough guide to horror movies {2} JONES, Bernard [=] Cinematograph book (1916) {2} JONES, Chuck [=] Chuck amuck {4} JONES, Daniel [=] Essays on philosophy, narrative and symbol in the cinema and thought of Tarkovsky {2} JONES, David Martin- [=] Deleuze and world cinemas {2} JONES, David Martin- [=] Deleuze cinema and national identity {2} JONES, George [=] Black cinema treasures - lost and found {4} JONES, Jayson [=] Bollywood sounds {2} JONES, Jenny [=] The big Lebowski {4} JONES, Karen [=] Mars attacks - The art of the movie {2} JONES, Katherine Thomson- [=] Aesthetics and film {2} JONES, Kent [=] L'argent (BFI Film Classics) {2} JONES, Marga [=] Women, desire and power in italian cinema {2} JONES, Nick [=] Hollywood action films and spatial theory {2} JONES, Sara Gwenllian- [=] Cult television {2} JONES, Stephen [=] Essential monster movie guide {3} JONES, Stephen [=] Illustrated dinosaur movie guide {2} JONES, Stephen [=] The Hellraiser chronicles {2} JONG, Wilma de [=] Creative documentary {2} JOPLIN, Cristiane [=] Bixiga, o cineclube que mudou tudo {2} JORGE, Marina [=] Cultura popular, cultura erudita e cultura de massas no cinema brasileiro {2} JORGE, Marina [=] Usos da entrevista no cinema documental {2} JORNADA BRASILEIRA DO CINEMA SILENCIOSO 4-6 {2} JOSSELIN, Jean-Francois [=] Simone Signoret {4} JOST, François [=] Culte du banal - de Duchamp à la tele-realité {2} JOST, François [=] Personaje y el texto en el cine y en la literatura {2} JOT DOWN [=] 100 peliculas imprescindibles (Ciencia ficcion) {2} JOURNAL DU CINE-CLUB [=] 27 números {1} JOURNAL OF ADAPTATION IN FILM & PERFORMANCE [=] 01-2 {4} JOURNAL OF BENGALI STUDIES [=] Bengalis & cinema {2} JOURNAL OF CHINESE CINEMAS [=] 2.1 (2008) {2} JOURNAL OF JAPANESE AND KOREAN CINEMA [=] v. 1, n. 1 (2009) {2}


JOURNAL OF MEDIA PRACTICE [=] 9.1 (2008) {2} JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH FILM ACADEMY [=] Winter 1956-1957 {2} JOURNOT, Marie Therese [=] Vocabulaire du cinema {2} JOURNOT, Marie Therese [=] Vocabulario de cinema (A-H) {2} JOVANOVIC, Nenad [=] Brechtian cinemas {2} JOWETT, Lorna [=] TV horror {2} JUDGE, Mike [=] Idiocracy (roteiro) {2} JUDGE, Will [=] Runner {2} JUHASZ, Alexandra [=] F is for phony - Fake documentary {2} JUHASZ, Alexandra [=] Women of vision - Histories in feminist film {4} JULIUS, Marshall [=] Action - The action movie A-Z {4} JULLIER, Laurent [=] Imagen digital {2} JULLIER, Laurent [=] Lendo as imagens do cinema [pp.1-72] {2} JULLIER, Laurent [=] Quand le film nous parle [resenha] {2} JULLIER, Laurent [=] Que es una buena pelicula {2} JULLIER, Laurent [=] Théories du cinéma et sens commun - La question mimétique {2} JUSDADO, Alejandro [=] Cine y la industria de Hollywood durante la Guerra Fría {2} JUSTICE, Fred [=] Who's who in the film world (1914) {2} KAAPA, Pietari [=] Directory of world cinema (Finland) {3} KAAPA, Pietari [=] Ecology and contemporary nordic cinemas {3} KAAPA, Pietari [=] World film locations (Helsinki) {4} KACKMAN, Michael [=] Citizen spy - Television, espionage and cold war culture {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] 5001 nights at the movies {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] Circles and squares {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] Deeper into movies [defeituoso] {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] Going steady {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] I lost it at the movies {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] Kiss kiss bang bang {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] Movie Love - Complete reviews {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] Pauline Kael reader (516 artigos) {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] Reeling {3} KAEL, Pauline [=] Taking it all in {3}


KAEL, Pauline [=] When the lights go down {3} KAES, Anton [=] Shell shock cinema - Weimar culture and the wounds of war {4} KAES, Anton [=] Silent cinema {3} KAFTAN, Eylem [=] Identity in crisis - Turkish cinema post 1980 {3} KAGANOVSKY, Lilya [=] Sound, speech, music in soviet and post-soviet cinema {3} KAGELMANN, Jürgen [=] Psicologia de los medios de comunicacion {3} KAHRS, John [=] Pixel cinematography - A lighting approach for computer graphics {3} KALES, Emily Fox- [=] Body shots - Hollywood and the culture of eating disorders {3} KALIN, Jesse [=] Films of Ingmar Bergman {3} KALINAK, Kathryn [=] Film music - A very short introduction {4} KALMAR, Gyorgy [=] Formations of masculinity in post-communist hungarian cinema {3} KAMIN, Bebe [=] Introducción a la producción cinematográfica {3} KAMINSKY, Stuart [=] Moi j'aime le cinema {4} KAMIR, Orit [=] Framed - Women in law and film {3} KAMM, Jürgen [=] British TV comedies {4} KAMMATOGRAPH [=] Accessories and specialities 1901 {3} KANE, Leslie [=] Art of crime - The plays and films of Harold Pinter and David Mamet {3} KANE, Paul [=] The 'Hellraiser' films and their legacy {4} KANESHIDA, J. P. [=] Small is beautiful - Making movies as if filmmakers mattered {3} KAPLAN, Ann [=] Mulher e o cinema - Os dois lados da câmera {3} KAPLAN, Ann [=] Women & film - Both sides of the camera {3} KAPPELHOFF, Hermann [=] Politics and poetics of cinematic realism {3} KARALIS, Vrasidas [=] A history of greek cinema {3} KARDISH, Laurence [=] Rainer Werner Fassbinder {3} KASBEKAR, Asha [=] Pop culture India - Media, arts and lifestyle {4} KASE, Carlos [=] A cinema of anxiety - American experimental film {3} KASSABIAN, Anahid [=] Hearing film - Tracking identifications in contemporary Hollywood film music {3} KAST, Pierre [=] Ecrits (1945-1983) {4} KATZ, Steven [=] Film directing shot by shot {4} KAUFFMANN, Sam [=] Avid editing {3} KAUFFMANN, Stanley [=] Regarding film - Criticism and comment {3} KAUFMAN, James [=] Social science of cinema {3}


KAUFMAN, Lloyd [=] Direct your own damn movie {3} KAUFMAN, Lloyd [=] Produce your own damn movie {3} KAUR, Raminder [=] Censorship in South Asia {3} KAVENEY, Roz [=] From Alien to The Matrix - Reading science fiction film {3} KAWIN, Bruce [=] Horror and the horror film {3} KAY, Glenn [=] Disaster movies {3} KAY, Glenn [=] Zombie movies - The ultimate guide {3} KAZAN, Elia [=] On directing {4} KAZMI, Nikhat [=] Ire in the soul - Bollywood's angry years {4} KEALHOFER, Leslie [=] Cinematic voices of Maghrebi migrant women in France {3} KEATING, Patrick [=] Cinematography {3} KEATING, Patrick [=] Hollywood lighting from the silent era to film noir {3} KEATON, Buster [=] My wonderful world of slapstick {3} KEATON, Eleanor [=] Buster Keaton remembered {3} KEEGAN, Rebecca [=] Futurist - The life and films of James Cameron {3} KEHOE, Vincent [=] Technique of film and television make-up {3} KEHOE, Vincent [=] Technique of the professional make-up artist {3} KEHR, Dave [=] When movies mattered {4} KEIL, Charles [=] A companion to D. W. Griffith {4} KEIL, Charlie [=] American cinema of the 1910s {3} KELLER, Laura [=] Freedom of the screen {4} KELLER, Sarah [=] Maya Deren - Incomplete control {3} KELLISON, Cathrine [=] Producing for TV and video {3} KELLNER, Douglas [=] Cinema wars - Hollywood film and politics {3} KELLNER, Douglas [=] Cultura da mídia {3} KELLOW, Brian [=] Pauline Kael - A life in the dark {3} KELLY, Andrew [=] In the trenches, on the screen {3} KELLY, Casey Ryan [=] Abstinence cinema - Virginity and the rhetoric of sexual purity {3} KELLY, Kevin [=] True films {3} KELLY, Mary [=] Media in Europe - The euromedia handbook {3} KEMPF, Placidus [=] Gospel movies (Grace) {3} KENDRICK, James [=] Darkness in the bliss-out {3}


KENDRICK, James [=] Hollywood bloodshed {3} KENDRICK, Walter [=] Museo secreto - La pornografia en la cultura moderna {3} KENNEDY, Joseph [=] Story of the films (1927) {3} KENNEL, Glenn [=] Color and mastering for digital cinema {3} KENWORTHY, Christopher [=] Master shots - 100 advanced camera techniques to get an expensive look on your low-budget movie {3} KENWORTHY, Christopher [=] Shoot like Scorsese {4} KEREKES, David [=] Killing for culture - from Edison to ISIS: A new history of death on film {3} KERRIGAN, Finola [=] Film marketing {3} KESTER, Bernadette [=] Film front Weimar {3} KEYISHIAN, Harry [=] Screening politics {3} KHALIP, Jacques [=] Releasing the image - From literature to new media {3} KHAN, Bitchu [=] Malayalam cenima history {3} KHATIB, Lina [=] Filming the modern Middle East {4} KHATIB, Lina [=] Lebanese cinema - Imagining the civil war and beyond {3} KHATIB, Lina [=] Storytelling in world cinemas (1 - Forms) {3} KHIABANY, Gholam [=] Iranian media - The paradox of modernity {4} KHORANA, Sukhmani [=] Crossover cinema - Cross cultural film {3} KHOURI, Malek [=] Filming politics - Communism and the portrayal {3} KIAROSTAMI, Abbas [=] Like someone in love (pressbook) {3} KIAROSTAMI, Abbas [=] Walking with the wind {3} KIESLING, Barrett [=] Talking pictures {3} KIESLOWSKI, Krzysztof [=] Filmography {3} KIESLOWSKI, Krzysztof [=] I'm so-so {3} KIM, Gal [=] Surfing the black - Yugoslav black wave cinema {3} KIM, Joon Ho [=] Imagens da cibercultura - As figurações do ciborgue {3} KIM, Suk-Young [=] Illusive utopia - Theater, film, and everyday performance in North Korea {3} KINDEM, Gorham= International movie industry {3} KINEMATOGRAPH DAILY (march, 1913) {3} KINEMATOGRAPH YEAR BOOK 1931 {3} KINEMATOGRAPH YEAR BOOK 1933 {3} KINEMATOGRAPH YEAR BOOK 1935-1937 {3} KINEMATOGRAPH YEAR BOOK 1940 {3}


KINEMATOGRAPH YEAR BOOK 1942 {3} KINEMATOGRAPH YEAR BOOK 1945 {3} KINEMATOGRAPH YEAR BOOK 1954 {3} KINES (8, 1929) {3} KINETO 1914 {3} KING, Geoff [=] Spectacle of the real - From Hollywood to reality TV and beyond {3} KING, Henry [=] Woman disputed (programa) {3} KING, John [=] Carrete magico - Una historia del cine latinoamericano {3} KING, Noel [=] Australian film theory & criticism 2 {4} KING, Norman [=] Abel Gance {3} KING, Roger [=] 3D animation for the raw beginner using Maya {3} KINUTILITIES [=] Catalogue (march, 1914) {3} KIRBY, David [=] Lab coats in Hollywood - Science, scientists, and cinema {3} KISH, Ken [=] Video wasteland - Rental, reference and review guide {3} KITANOVIC, Dragana [=] Conversation with Wim Wenders {3} KITCHIN, Rob [=] Lost in space - Geographies of science fiction {3} KITTLER, Friedrich [=] Gramophone, film, typewriter {3} KLINE, Jefferson [=] Agnès Varda - Interviews {3} KLINE, Jefferson [=] Unraveling french cinema {3} KLINGENDER, F. D. [=] Money behind the screen {3} KLINGER, Walter [=] Sugata Sanshiro's satori {3} KLIPPEL, Heike [=] Poison and poisoning in science, fiction and cinema {4} KLOTZEL, André [=] Memórias póstumas (roteiro) {3} KLUGE, Alexander [=] 120 historias del cine {3} KLUMPH, Inez [=] Screen acting - Its requirements and rewards (1922) {3} K-MOVIE [=] The world's spotlight on Korean film {3} KNIGHT, Gladys [=] Female action heroes - A guide to women in comics, video games, film, and television {3} KNOPF, Kerstin [=] Decolonizing the lens of power - Indigenous films {3} KNOWLES, Kim [=] A cinematic artist - The films of Man Ray {3} KNOX, Alexander [=] On actors and acting {4} KOBEL, Peter [=] Silent movies - The birth of film and the triumph of movie culture {3} KOBLER, Helmut [=] Anatomy of a guerrilla film {3}


KODAK [=] Cinematographer's field guide (2000) {3} KODAK [=] Guia esencial de referencia para cineastas {3} KODAK [=] Kodaks and Kodak supplies 1914 {3} KOECK, Richard [=] Cine scapes - Cinematic spaces in architecture and cities {3} KOENIGIL, Mark [=] Movies in society (1962) {3} KOEPP, David [=] Carlito's way (roteiro) {3} KOFIC - Korean Film Council {3} KOFIC [=] Korean film database book (1995-2008) {3} KOFIC [=] Korean film database book from 2000 to 2006 {3} KOFIC [=] Status & insight - Korean film industry 2014 {3} KOFIC [=] Who's who in Korean film industry (Directors) {3} KOFIC [=] Who's who in Korean film industry (Producers and investors) {3} KOHAN, Silvia [=] Como escribir dialogos {3} KOKONIS, Michalis [=] Hollywood's major crisis and the american film Renaissance {3} KOLKER, Robert [=] A cinema of loneliness - Penn, Stone, Kubrick, Scorsese, Spielberg, Altman {3} KOLKER, Robert [=] Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho - A casebook {3} KOLKER, Robert [=] Altering eye - Contemporary international cinema {3} KOLKER, Robert [=] Extraordinary image - Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick {4} KOLKER, Robert [=] Stanley Kubrick's '2001, a space odyssey' - New essays {3} KOMATSU, Hiroshi [=] Le Cinématographe Lumière et la production du cinéma au Japon {3} KOMPARE, Derek [=] CSI {3} KONIGSBERG, Ira [=] Diccionario tecnico Akal de cine {3} KOO [=] The DSLR cinematography guide (espanhol) {3} KOO [=] The DSLR cinematography guide (ingles) {3} KOOJIMAN, Jaap [=] Mind the screen - Media concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser {3} KORD, Susanne [=] Contemporary Hollywood masculinities {4} KOREAN CINEMA 2000-2015 {1} KOREAN CINEMA 2016 {3} KOREAN CINEMA TODAY [=] 1-28 {1} KOREAN FILM COUNCIL [=] Kim Ki-young et ses heritiers spirituels {3} KOREAN FILM GUIDE 2007 {3} KOREAN FILM GUIDE 2007-2 {3}


KOREAN FILM GUIDE 2008 {3} KOREAN FILM INDUSTRY [=] Status & insight 2013 {3} KOREAN FILM INDUSTRY [=] Status & insight 2014 {3} KOREAN FILM INDUSTRY [=] Status & insight 2015 {3} KOREAN FILM INDUSTRY [=] Status & insight 2016 {3} KOREAN FILM OBSERVATORY [=] 1-7 / 9-28 {1} KOREAN FILM SPOTLIGHT 2 (2011) {3} KORKIS, Jim [=] Cartoon confidential {3} KORKIS, Jim [=] Segredos de Walt Disney {4} KORNIS, Monica [=] Historia e cinema, um debate metodologico {3} KORT, Carol [=] A to Z of american women in the visual arts {3} KOSTER, Robert [=] Budget book for film and television {3} KOSTER, Serge [=] Fascinantes rubias de Alfred Hitchcock {3} KOSTIC, Jelena [=] Storia della fotografia {3} KOSZARSKI, Richard [=] An evening's entertainment {4} KOSZARSKI, Richard [=] Hollywood on the Hudson {3} KOURY, Mário [=] Sociologia da imagem - Ensaios criticos {3} KOUTSOURAKIS, Angelos [=] Politics as form in Lars Von Trier {3} KOVACS, Andras [=] Screening modernism - European art cinema 1950-1980 {3} KOVACS, Andras [=] The cinema of Bela Tarr {3} KOVEN, Mikel [=] Film, folklore, urban legends {4} KOVEN, Mikel [=] La dolce morte - Vernacular cinema and the italian giallo film {3} KOWALSKI, Dean [=] Moral theory at the movies {3} KOWALSKY, Daniel [=] Soviet cinematic offensive in the Spanish Civil War {3} KOZAK, Daniela [=] Imagen recobrada - La memoria del cine argentino en el Festival de Mar del Plata {4} KOZAK, Daniela [=] Imagen recobrada - La memoria del cine argentino {3} KOZLOFF, Sarah [=] Invisible storytellers, voice-over narration {3} KOZLOFF, Sarah [=] Overhearing film dialogue {3} KPMG [=] Future - Now streaming {3} KRACAUER, Siegfried [=] Culto da distração {3} KRACAUER, Siegfried [=] De Caligari a Hitler {3} KRACAUER, Siegfried [=] Estetica sin territorio {3}


KRACAUER, Siegfried [=] From Caligari to Hitler {3} KRACAUER, Siegfried [=] Mass ornament - Weimar essays {3} KRACAUER, Siegfried [=] Ornamento de la masa {3} KRACAUER, Siegfried [=] Salaried masses {3} KRACAUER, Siegfried [=] Sobre la estetica del cine en color {3} KRACAUER, Siegfried [=] Theory of film (1960) {3} KRAKAUER, Siegfried [=] Theory of film (1997) {4} KREIMEIE, Klaus [=] UFA story {3} KRIGER, Clara [=] Estudios sobre cine clasico en Argentina {3} KRINGS, Matthias [=] African appropriations {4} KRINGS, Matthias [=] Global Nollywood {4} KRISTENSEN, Lars [=] Postcommunist film - Russia, Eastern Europe and world culture {3} KROEBER, Karl [=] Make believe in film and fiction - Visual vs. verbal storytelling {3} KROGH, Daniel [=] The amazing Herschell Gordon Lewis {3} KROKER, Arthur [=] Digital delirium {3} KROLL, Noam [=] 101 filmmaking tips and tricks {3} KRUPA, Julia Ain- [=] Roman Polanski - A life in exile {3} KRUTNIK, Frank [=] In a lonely street - Film noir, genre, masculinity {3} KRUTNIK, Frank [=] Un-american Hollywood {3} KUBERSKI, Philip [=] Kubrick's total cinema - philosophical themes and formal qualities {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Cine y las palabras {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Cine, Lolita y yo {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] De sentir, ver y oir {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Dr. Strangelove (roteiro) {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Entrevista sobre 2001 (1968) {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Full metal jacket (roteiro) {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Griffith y las alas de la fortuna {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Napoleon (roteiro) {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Notas de un director {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Paths of glory (roteiro) {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Shining (roteiro) {3} KUBRICK, Stanley [=] Una pelicula debe ser una iluminacion {3}


KUHN, Annette [=] Oxford dictionary of film studies {4} KULA, Sam [=] Evaluación de las imágenes em movimiento de los archivos {3} KULESHOV, Lev [=] Kuleshov on film {3} KUMAR, Nirmal [=] Brave new Bollywood {3} KUOSHU, Harry [=] Metro movies - Cinematic urbanism in post-Mao China {3} KUPFER, Joseph [=] Feminist ethics in film {4} KUPFER, Joseph [=] Meta-narrative in the movies {4} KUPSC, Jarek [=] History of cinema for beginners {3} KURCHANOVA, Natasha [=] Osip Brik and the politics of the avant-garde {3} KUROSAWA, Akira [=] Something like an autobiography {3} KUROSAWA, Toshiro [=] Akira Kurosawa - Una breve introducción a su obra {3} KURTINAITIS, Marcos [=] Mondo Tarantino (Cinusp) {3} KYROU, Ado [=] Buñuel {3} LA FABRICA [=] A-Z of spanish photographers {3} LABAKI, Amir [=] Verdade de cada um {3} LABANYI, Jo [=] A companion to spanish cinema {3} LACERDA JR., Luiz [=] Cinema gay brasileiro {3} LACERDA, Gabriel [=] Nazismo, cinema e direito {3} LACERDA, Luiz Carlos [=] Leila Diniz (roteiro) {3} LACHANCE, Jocelyn [=] Films cultes et culte du film chez les jeunes {3} LACOTTE, Suzanne [=] L'image de la pensée ou comment le cinéma nous aide à fonder {3} LADERMAN, David [=] Driving visions - Exploring the road movie {3} LADERMAN, David [=] Punk slash musicals {3} LAFFAY, Albert [=] Logique du cinema - Creation et spectacle {3} LAGNY, Michele [=] Cine e historia (pp. 1-171) {3} LAGNY, Michele [=] Film history or History expropriated {3} LAGNY, Michele [=] History cinema's auxiliary {4} LAGNY, Michele [=] Imagens audiovisuais e história do tempo presente {3} LAGNY, Michele [=] Visconti ou Como inventar uma crítica da história graças ao cinema {3} LAHUE, Kalton [=] Winners of the west - The sagebrush heroes of the silent screen {4} LAMAS, Caio [=] Boca do Lixo - Erotismo, pornografia e poder {3} LAMBERT, Leopold [=] Funambulist pamphlets (Cinema) {3}


LAMET, Pedro Miguel [=] Lecciones de cine (1-2) {3} LANCASTER, Kurt [=] Cine DSLR - Calidad cinematografica con tu camara de fotos {3} LANCASTER, Kurt [=] DSLR cinema - Crafting the film look with video {3} LANCTOT, Micheline [=] Lettres à une jeune cinéaste {3} LANDAU, Camille [=] What they don't teach you at film school {3} LANDAU, Neil [=] 101 things I learned in film school {4} LANDIM, Lucas [=] Curso de cinema de animação {3} LANDY, Marcia [=] British genres - Cinema and society, 1930-1960 {4} LANDY, Marcia [=] Film, politics and Gramsci {4} LANDY, Marcia [=] Imitations of life - A reader on film and television melodrama {3} LANDY, Marcia [=] Monty Python's flying circus {4} LANDY, Marcia [=] The folklore of consensus {4} LANG, Edith [=] Musical accompaniment of moving pictures {3} LANG, Fritz [=] Entretien avec Jean Domarchi {3} LANG, Fritz [=] Interview with Alexander Walker {3} LANG, Fritz [=] Invraisemblable verité {3} LANG, Fritz [=] Metropolis (programa do filme) {3} LANGER, John [=] Tabloid television - Popular journalism and the 'other news' {3} LANGFORD, Barry [=] Film genre, Hollywood and beyond {3} LANGFORD, Barry [=] Post-classical Hollywood - Film industry, style and ideology since 1945 LANGFORD, Michael [=] Advanced photography {4} LANGFORD, Michael [=] Basic photography {4} LANGFORD, Michelle [=] Allegorical images - Tableau, time and gesture in the cinema of Werner Schroeter {3} LANGFORD, Michelle [=] Directory of world cinema (Germany) {3} LANNIN, Steve [=] Pop fiction - The song in cinema {3} LANT, Antonia [=] Haptical cinema {3} LANZONI, Remi [=] French cinema - from its beginnings to the present {3} LAPERA, Pedro [=] Entre relações desvendadas e afetos em disputa {4} LARA, Roberto de [=] Montaje y polifonia - Ivan el Terrible {3} LARDIN, Ruben [=] Sam Peckinpah, hermano perro {3} LAROCCA, David [=] Philosophy of Charlie Kaufman {3} LAROUSSE [=] Dictionnaire mondial des films {3}


LARSEN, Katherine [=] World film locations (Washington DC) {4} LARSSON, Mariah [=] Swedish film {4} LAS PALMAS - Festival Internacional de Cine (2015) {3} LASALLE, Mick [=] The beauty of the real {4} LASZLO, Andrew [=] Every frame a Rembrandt {3} LAT-AM CINEMA [=] Filmar en Chile {3} LAT-AM CINEMA 15-22 {3} LATC [=] Guia para Film Commissions no Brasil {3} LATHERS, Marie [=] Space oddities - Women and outer space in popular film {4} LAURETIS, Teresa de [=] Alicia ya no - Feminismo, semiotica, cine {3} LAVERY, David [=] Essential 'Sopranos' reader {3} LAVIOSA, Flavia [=] Visions of struggle in women's filmmaking in the Mediterranean {3} LAWRENCE, Amy [=] Echo and Narcissus - Women's voices in Hollywood {3} LAWRENCE, Novotny [=] Blaxploitation films of the 1970s - Blackness and genre {3} LAWRIE, J. P. [=] Home cinema (1933) {3} LAWS, Robin [=] Blowing up the movies {3} LAWSON, John [=] Film, the creative process {3} LAWSON, John [=] Theory and technique of playwriting {3} LAWSON, John [=] Theory and technique of playwriting and screenwriting {4} LAWTON, Richard [=] A world of movies - 70 years of film history {3} LEACH, Jim [=] Claude Jutra filmmaker {3} LEAL, Hermes [=] Orlando Senna {3} LEAL, Juan Felipe [=] Anales del cine mexicano (1900 - parte 1) {3} LEAMAN, Oliver [=] Companion encyclopedia of Middle Eastern and North African film {3} LEÃO, Luiz Geraldo de Miranda [=] Analisando cinema {3} LEAVEY, Peggy [=] Mary Pickford - Canada's silent siren {4} LEBEAU, Vicky [=] Childhood and cinema {3} LEBEAU, Vicky [=] Lost angels - Psychoanalysis and cinema {3} LEBERT, Nilu [=] Jonas Bloch {3} LEBERT, Nilu [=] Walter George Dürst {3} LEDESMA, Vilmar [=] Joana Fomm {3} LEDESMA, Vilmar [=] Louise Cardoso {3}


LEDESMA, Vilmar [=] Sílvio de Abreu {3} LEDO, Margarita [=] Del cine ojo a Dogma 95 {3} LEE LASH STUDIOS [=] Stock scenery {3} LEE, Hsien-Che [=] Introduction to color imaging science {3} LEE, Walt [=] Reference guide to fantastic films 1-3 {3} LEEDER, Murray [=] The modern supernatural and the beginnings of cinema {3} LEFCOURT, Peter [=] First time I got paid for it... - Writers' tales {3} LEFEBVRE, Martin [=] Figuration du personnage - L'indien du cinéma américain {3} LEFERE, Robin [=] Carlos Saura, una trayectoria ejemplar {3} LEGENDRE, Pierre [=] Hors-temps du cinéma {3} LEGERON, Fabien [=] Recit lovecraftien et cinéma {3} LEGION OF DECENCY [=] Films rewiewed 1955-1956 {3} LEHMAN, Peter [=] Defining cinema {3} LEHMAN, Peter [=] Don't blame this on a girl - Female rape-revenge films {3} LEHU, Jean-Marc [=] Branded entertainment {3} LEHU, Jean-Marc [=] La publicité est dans le film {3} LEIDER, Emily [=] Myrna Loy - The only good girl in Hollywood {3} LEITCH, Thomas [=] Crime films [Genres in american cinema] {3} LEITCH, Thomas [=] Film adaptation & its discontents {4} LEITER, Andrew [=] Southerners on film {3} LEMAGNY, Jean-Claude [=] Historia de la fotografia {3} LENAIN, Thierry [=] Image - Deleuze, Foucault, Lyotard {3} LENBURG, Jeff [=] Encyclopedia of animated cartoon series {3} LENBURG, Jeff [=] Encyclopedia of animated cartoons (2009) {3} LENBURG, Jeff [=] Legends of animation - Hayao Miyazaki {3} LENBURG, Jeff [=] Legends of animation - Walt Disney {3} LENBURG, Jeff [=] Legends of animation - William Hanna & Joseph Barbera {3} LENNARD, Dominic [=] Bad seeds and holy terrors - The child villains of horror film {3} LENNIG, Arthur [=] Film notes of Wisconsin Film Society {3} LENNIG, Arthur [=] Stroheim (ingles) {3} LENNON, Elaine [=] Screenplays of Robert Towne, 1960-2000 {3} LENTRICCHIA, Frank [=] Crimes of art and terror {4}


LEON, Christian [=] Cine de la marginalidad {3} LEONARD, David [=] Screens fade to black - contemporary african american cinema {4} LEONE, Eduardo [=] Cinema e montagem {3} LEPROHON, Pierre [=] Italian cinema {3} LERA, José Maria Caparrós [=] Historia del cine mundial {3} LERNER, Neil [=] Music in the horror film {3} LESCARBOURA, Austin [=] Cinema handbook (1921) {3} LETE, Anne [=] Precis d'analyse filmique {4} LETÍCIA, Maria [=] Emiliano Queiroz {3} LEUTRAT, Jean-Louis [=] Last year at Marienbad [BFI Film Classics] {3} LEV, Peter [=] American films of the 70s - Conflicting visions {3} LEVER, Nik [=] Real-time 3D character animation {3} LEVI, Pavle [=] Cinema by other means {3} LEVINE, Josh [=] Coen brothers {3} LEVITIN, Jacqueline [=] Women filmmakers - Refocusing {3} LEVY, Emanuel [=] Cinema of outsiders - The rise of american independent film {3} LEWIS, Ingrid [=] Women in european holocaust films {3} LEWIS, Jerry [=] The total film-maker {3} LEWIS, Jon [=] Essential cinema, an introduction to film analysis {3} LEWIS, Jon [=] Hollywood vs. hard core {3} LEWIS, Randolph [=] Alanis Obomsawin - The vision of a native filmmaker {3} LEWIS, Simon John [=] Aesthetics of spectacle in mainstream cinema {3} LEYDA, Jay [=] Before Hollywood {3} LEYDA, Jay [=] Kino - A history of the russian and soviet film {3} LEYDA, Jay [=] Kino - Historia del cine ruso y sovietico {3} LEYTÓN, Sergio [=] Cinemateca boliviana {3} LIBERATI, Simon [=] Jayne Mansfield 1967 {4} LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [=] Pioneers of african-american cinema {3} LICHTY, Patrick [=] Variant analysis - Interrogations of new media {3} LICIA, Nydia [=] Leonardo Villar {3} LICO, Gerard [=] Pa(ng)labas - Architecture + cinema {3} LIEBMAN, Roy [=] Musical groups in the movies (1929-1970) {3}


LIEBMAN, Stuart [=] Espacio, velocidad, revelacion y tiempo - Jean Epstein {3} LIEBMAN, Stuart [=] Primeras teorias de Jean Epstein {3} LIFE [=] Film noir {4} LILLO, Gaston [=] Cine latinoamericano - Del codigo realista al codigo postmoderno {3} LIM, Bliss Cua [=] Translating time - Cinema, the fantastique... {3} LIM, Dennis [=] Village Voice film guide {3} LIM, Song Hwee [=] Celluloid comrades - Representations of male homosexuality in contemporary chinese cinemas {3} LIM, Song Hwee [=] Tsai Ming-liang and a cinema of slowness {4} LIMA INDEPENDIENTE 2012 {3} LIMA INDEPENDIENTE 2013 {3} LIMA, André Luiz de [=] Chanchada brasileira e a mídia {3} LIMA, Cecília Rodrigues [=] Da Bond girl à comédia romântica {3} LIMA, Cristiane [=] Música em cena - Breve análise do documentário 'Hermeto, campeão' {3} LIMA, Helcira [=] Representações do feminino no cinema brasileiro {3} LIMA, Mônica Araújo [=] Cinema e revolução na Argentina - Grupo Cine Liberacion 1966-1971 {3} LIMA, Pedro [=] O crítico e a indústria cinematográfica (entrevista) {3} LIMA, Wagner [=] Arthur Omar e o 'efeito cinema' na arte contemporanea {3} LINARES FANTASTICO (Mexico) [=] 2014 {3} LINDENMUTH, Kevin [=] How to make movies {3} LINDGREN, Ernest [=] The art of the film (1948) {3} LINDLOF, Thomas [=] Hollywood under siege - Martin Scorsese {4} LINDSAY, Vachel [=] Art of the moving picture (1915) {3} LINDSAY, Vachel [=] Art of the moving picture (1922) {3} LINDSEY, Ben [=] The child - the movie - and censorship (1926) {3} LING, Alex [=] Badiou and cinema {3} LINO, Sonia [=] A tendencia é para ridicularizar {3} LINS, Consuelo [=] Cinema of Eduardo Coutinho {3} LINS, Consuelo [=] Filmar o real [OCR] {3} LINS, Consuelo [=] O documentário de Eduardo Coutinho {4} LINVILLE, Susan [=] Feminism, film, fascism - Women's auto biographical film in postwar Germany {3} LIPKIN, Steven [=] Real emotional logic - Film and television docudrama {3}


LIPPIT, Akira Mizuta [=] Atomic light (shadow optics) {3} LIPTON, Lenny [=] Foundations of the stereoscopic cinema {3} LIRA, Bertrand [=] Documentário e modos de representação do real {3} LISANTI, Tom [=] Fantasy femmes of 60's cinema {3} LISBOA, Luiz Carlos [=] Marisa Prado {3} LITCH, Mary [=] Philosophy through film {4} LITHUANIAN FILMS 2012-2013 {3} LITHUANIAN FILMS 2013-2014 {3} LITHUANIAN FILMS 2014-1015 {3} LITTLE SHOPPE OF HORRORS [=] 08 {3} LIVINGSTON, David [=] Lebanese cinema {4} LIVINGSTON, Paisley [=] Cinema, philosophy, Bergman {3} LIVINGSTON, Paisley [=] Routledge companion to philosophy and film {4} LIVINGSTONE, Sonia [=] Talk on television {3} LLAMAS, Manuel [=] Relatividad y cine - los viajes en el tiempo {3} LOBO LAB [=] Foro audiovisual internacional (Argentina, 2016) {3} LOBRUTTO, Vincent [=] Becoming film literate {3} LOBRUTTO, Vincent [=] Filmmaker's guide to production design {3} LOBRUTTO, Vincent [=] Martin Scorsese - A biography {3} LOBRUTTO, Vincent [=] Stanley Kubrick - L'uomo dietro la leggenda {3} LODUCA [=] Dibujo animado {3} LODUCA [=] Erotisme au cinema 1 {3} LOFFREDA, Pierpaolo [=] Età dell'Oro - Cinema italiano 1960-1964 {3} LOGAN, Philip [=] Humphrey Jennings and british documentary film {3} LOHR, Inez [=] Selected films on child life (1959) {3} LOIACONO, Brenda [=] Direção de arte - a poetica visual dos filmes da pós-retomada {3} LOIZOS, Peter [=] Innovation in ethnographic film {4} LOMBARDI, Bruna [=] Signo da cidade {3} LOMBARDI, Frederic [=] Allan Dwan and the rise and decline of the Hollywood studios {3} LOMBARDO, Maria Cristina [=] C'era una volta - Il cinema di Emir Kusturica {3} LOMBARDO, Patrizia [=] Cities, words and images - from Poe to Scorsese {4} LOMBARDO, Patrizia [=] Memory and imagination in film {4}


LONDON FILM AND MEDIA READER [=] 1 (2011) {3} LONDON, Rose [=] Cinema of mystery {3} LONDON, Rose [=] Zombie - The living dead {3} LONG, Robert [=] James Ivory in conversation {3} LOOMBA, Ania [=] Colonialism, postcolonialism {4} LOPES, Denilson [=] Delicadeza {3} LOPES, Frederico [=] Cinema em português 10 {3} LOPES, Frederico [=] Cinema em português 2-5 {3} LOPES, Frederico [=] Cinema em português 8 {3} LOPEZ, Antonio Horno [=] Animacion japonesa - Analisis de series de anime actuales {3} LOPEZ, Ezzio [=] Cine de zombis {4} LOPEZ, Jordi [=] Genealogía y esperanza en la filosofía de la existencia de Ingmar Bergman {3} LOPEZ, Juan [=] Cine, la opera y la opera en el cine {3} LOPEZ, Juan Domínguez [=] Imagen digital - de los mundos imaginados alos mundos representados {3} LOPEZ, Manuel [=] Charles Chaplin - El genio del cine {4} LÓPEZ, Marcela [=] Un pais de pelicula - La historia argentina que el cine nos contó {3} LÓPEZ, Palmira [=] De la implantación del sonoro a los años de la posguerra (1930-1960) {3} LÓPEZ, Palmira [=] Epoca del cine mudo y clasico (1895-1930) {3} LOPEZ, Ruben Garcia [=] Paulino Viota - Vanguardia y retaguardia del cine español {3} LORENZ, Juliane [=] Chaos as usual - Conversations about Rainer Werner Fassbinder {3} LORRAIN, François [=] Les enfants du cinema {4} LOSILLA, Carlos [=] Invencion de Hollywood {3} LOTMAN, Yuri [=] Semiosfera 2 {3} LOTMAN, Yuri [=] Universe of the mind - A semiotic theory of culture {3} LOTZ, Amanda [=] Television will be revolutionized {3} LOUGHLIN, Gerard [=] Alien sex - The body and desire in cinema and theology {3} LOURCELLES, Jacques [=] Dictionnaire du cinema (Les films) {3} LOURDEAUX, Lee [=] Italian and irish filmmakers in america {4} LOUREIRO, Luis Miguel [=] Ecrã da identificação {3} LOVELL, Glenn [=] Escape artist - The life and films of John Sturges {3} LOVINK, Geert [=] Video Vortex Reader II - Moving images beyond Youtube {3} LOWENSTEIN, Adam [=] Films without a face - Shock horror in the cinema of Georges Franju {3}


LOYER, Emmanuelle [=] Hollywood au pays des ciné-clubs (1947-1954) {3} LU, Sheldon [=] Chinese ecocinema {3} LUCA, Luiz Gonzaga de [=] Cinema digital, um novo cinema {3} LUCA, Luiz Gonzaga de [=] Hora do cinema digital {3} LUCA, Tiago de [=] Carnal spirituality - The films of Carlos Reygadas {3} LUCAS, Taís [=] Cinearte, o cinema brasileiro em revista (1926-1942) {3} LUCAS, Tim [=] The video watchdog book {3} LUCCI, Gabriele [=] Dizionari del cinema (Noir) {3} LUCENTINI, Vanderlei [=] Incursões da música eletroacústica no cinema {3} LUCIA, Cynthia [=] American film history - Selected readings (1-2) {4} LUCIA, Cynthia [=] Framing female lawyers - Women on trial in film {3} LUCIA, Cynthia [=] Wiley-Blackwell history of american film [incompleto] {4} LUCIEN, Oscar [=] Diccionario multimedia de cineastas venezolanos {3} LUCKHURST, Roger [=] The mummy's curse - The true history {4} LUDEÑA, Carlos [=] Esquemas de iluminacion en el cine {3} LUGO, Marvin D' [=] Extrano viaje alrededor del cine de Almodovar {3} LUMET, Sidney [=] Así se hacen las películas {3} LUMET, Sidney [=] Faire un film {3} LUMET, Sidney [=] Fazendo filmes {3} LUMIERE (1-8) {3} LUMIERE [=] International Godard {3} LUMIERE, Auguste [=] Cinématographe (1897) {3} LUNCH, Nick [=] Insights into participatory video {3} LUNCH, Nick [=] Una mirada al video participativo {3} LUNDE, Arne [=] Nordic exposures - Scandinavian identities in classical Hollywood cinema {3} LUPACK, Barbara [=] Early race filmmaking in America {4} LUPTON, Catherine [=] Chris Marker - Memories of the future {3} LUST, Erika [=] Porno para mujeres {3} LUSTER, Joseph [=] Otaku USA - The best anime 2013 {3} LUTZ, Edwin [=] Animated cartoons (1926) {3} LUVINA [=] 62 (Cinema Metrópoli) {3} LUZZI, Joseph [=] Blessed lens - A history of italian cinema {3}


LYCEENS AU CINEMA [=] Yeux sans visage (Georges Franju) {3} LYNCH, David [=] Lost highway (roteiro) {3} LYON, Christopher [=] Macmillan dictionary of films and filmmakers (1: Films) {3} LYON, Christopher [=] Macmillan dictionary of films and filmmakers (2: Directors) {3} LYONS, Arthur [=] Death on the cheap - The lost B-movies of film noir {3} LYONS, James [=] Miami Vice {3} LYONS, Steve [=] Completely useless Star Trek encyclopedia {3} LYRA, Bernadette [=] Emergência de gêneros no cinema brasileiro {3} LYRA, Bernadette [=] Horror, humor e sexo no cinema de bordas {3} LYRA, Marcelo [=] Carlos Reichenbach {3} MACCABE, Colin [=] Godard - Images, sounds, politics {3} MACCABE, Colin [=] Perpetual carnival - essays on film and literature {4} MACDONALD, Scott [=] A critical cinema 5 - Interviews {3} MACDONALD, Scott [=] Art in cinema {3} MACDOUGALL, David [=] Cinema transcultural {3} MACDOUGALL, David [=] Filme etnográfico (entrevista) {3} MACDOUGALL, David [=] Films of memory {3} MACDOUGALL, David [=] Transcultural cinema {4} MACEDO, José Rivair [=] Idade Média no cinema {3} MACFADYEN, David [=] The sad comedy of Eldar Riazanov {3} MACHADO, Arlindo [=] Documentiras e fricções {3} MACHADO, Arlindo [=] Ilusão especular {3} MACHADO, Arlindo [=] Pioneiros do vídeo e do cinema experimental na América Latina {3} MACHADO, Arlindo [=] Pré-cinemas & pós-cinemas {3} MACHADO, Arlindo [=] Sergei Eisenstein - geometria do êxtase {3} MACHADO, Arlindo [=] Sujeito na tela {3} MACHADO, Arlindo [=] Sujeto en la pantalla {3} MACHADO, Arlindo [=] Televisão levada a serio {3} MACHADO, Jorge [=] Vocabulario do roteirista {3} MACHADO, Nelson [=] Versão brasileira {4} MACKENZIE, Michael [=] From Athens to Berlin - The 1936 Olympics and Leni Riefenstahl {3} MACKILOP, Ian [=] British cinema of the 1950s - a celebration {3}


MACLAIRD, Misha [=] Aesthetics and politics in the mexican film industry {3} MACMAHON, Henry [=] Orphans of the storm {3} MACNAB, Geoffrey [=] Ingmar Bergman {3} MACOR, Alison [=] Chainsaws, slackers, and spy kids {3} MACTAGGART, Allister [=] The film paintings of David Lynch {3} MACWILLIAMS, Mark [=] Japanese visual culture {3} MAD MOVIES [=] 2009 (05-08) {3} MAD MOVIES [=] 2009-02 {3} MAD MOVIES [=] Lucio Fulci, poete du macabre {3} MADYLUS, Olha [=] Film, TV and music {3} MAGALDI, Fernando [=] Organizando sua produtora de video (versão reduzida) {3} MAGARIÑOS, Alejo [=] Camara sin ley - 'Hamaca paraguaya' {3} MAGEE, Gayle [=] Robert Altman's soundtracks {4} MAGGI, Armando [=] Resurrection of the body - Pier Paolo Pasolini {3} MAGIC LANTERN GAZETTE [=] a. 21, n. 1 (2009) {3} MAGILOW, Daniel [=] Nazisploitation {3} MAGILOW, Daniel [=] Photography of crisis {4} MAGNAN, Antoine [=] Premiers essais de cinématographie ultra-rapide {3} MAGNUS, Erwin [=] Asta Nielsen und die Sprechbühne {3} MAGNY, Joel [=] Vocabularios del cine {3} MAHIEU, José A. [=] Breve historia del cine argentino {3} MAIA, Guilherme [=] Ouvir o documentario {4} MAIA, Guilherme [=] Quanto vale uma chanchada {4} MAIA, Paulo Roberto [=] Canal 100 - A trajetória de um cinejornal {3} MAIRIE DE PARIS [=] Le cinema russe et sovietique {3} MAIRIE DE PARIS [=] Le Paris d'Agnès Varda {3} MAKELA, Mia [=] Live cinema - Language and elements {3} MALANGA, Paolo [=] Tutto il cinema di Truffaut {3} MALERBA, Luigi [=] Fifty years of Italian cinema {3} MALHOTRA, Namita [=] Porn - Law, video, technology {3} MALIANGKAY, Roald [=] Dirt, noise and naughtiness - Cinema and the-working class in Korea {3} MALINS, Geoffrey [=] How I filmed the Great War {3}


MALONE, Aubrey [=] Censoring Hollywood - Sex and violence in film and on the cutting room floor {3} MALONE, Peter [=] Screen Jesus - Portrayals of Christ in television and film {3} MALTIN, Leonard [=] Classic movie guide {3} MALTIN, Leonard [=] Movie guide 2010 {3} MALTIN, Leonard [=] Movie guide 2015 - The modern era {3} MAMET, David [=] Construindo um filme {3} MAMET, David [=] Dirigir cine {3} MAMET, David [=] On directing film {4} MAMET, David [=] Sobre direção de cinema {3} MAMET, David [=] Untouchables (roteiro) {3} MAMULA, Tijana [=] Cinema and language loss {4} MANARA, Milo [=] Viaje a Tulum (1-2) {3} MANCALL PUBLISHING [=] Servicing projection equipment (1932) {3} MANCHEVSKI, Milcho [=] Truth and fiction {3} MANDALA, Susan [=] Language in science fiction and fantasy {3} MANDER, Jerry [=] Four arguments for the elimination of television {3} MANDROU, Robert [=] Histoire et cinéma {3} MANETTI, Ricardo [=] 30 - 50 - 70 - Conformación, crisis y renovación del cine industrial argentino {4} MANGOLTE, Pierre-Andre [=] Guerre des brevets {4} MANIGLIER, Patrice [=] Foucault va al cine {3} MANK, Gregory [=] Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff {3} MANLEY, Dean [=] Visions of madness - Cinematic representations of unreason {3} MANN, Dave [=] Britain's first TV-film crime series {4} MANN, William [=] How to be a movie star - Elizabeth Taylor in Hollywood {3} MANNANI, Manijeh [=] Familiar and foreign - Identity in iranian film and literature {4} MANNONI, Laurent [=] Henri Langlois and the Musée du Cinéma {3} MANNONI, Laurent [=] The great art of light and shadow {4} MANOVICH, Lev [=] Lenguaje de los nuevos medios de comunicación {3} MANRIQUE, Manuel [=] Sexycomedias latinas {3} MANRIQUE, Michelangelo [=] Blender for animation and film-based production {3} MANSOURI, Hassouna [=] De l'identité ou pour une certaine tendance {3}


MANSOURI, Hassouna [=] Image confisquée {3} MANVELL, Roger [=] Cinema (1952) {3} MANVELL, Roger [=] Experiment in the film (1949) {3} MANVELL, Roger [=] Film (1944) {3} MANVELL, Roger [=] Film and the public {3} MANZOLI, Giacomo [=] Trenta passi nella storia del cinema {3} MAQUA, Javier [=] Douglas Sirk, la fatalidad de haber nacido {3} MARCHESI, Aldo [=] Uruguay inventado - La politica audiovisual de la dictadura {3} MARCHESSAULT, Janine [=] Fluid screens, expanded cinema {3} MARCHETTI, Gina [=] Andrew Lau and Alan Mak's 'Infernal affairs' MARCHETTI, Gina [=] Hong Kong film, Hollywood and new global cinema {3} MARCHETTI, Gina [=] Romance and the 'yellow peril' MARCHI, Serge de [=] Dessin animé et animation des films d'amateurs {3} MARCIANO, Mitsuyo Wada- [=] Nippon modern - Japanese cinema of the 1920s and 1930s {3} MARCINIAK, Katarzyna [=] Transnational feminism in film and media {3} MARCONDES FILHO, Ciro [=] Televisão - A vida pelo vídeo {3} MARCUS, Alan [=] Reappraising Riefenstahl's Triumph of the will {3} MARCUS, Laura [=] Tenth muse - writing about cinema {3} MARESCA, Mariano [=] Visiones de Pasolini {3} MAREY, Etienne-Jules [=] Chronophotographie {3} MAREY, Étienne-Jules [=] Fusil photographique {3} MAREY, Etienne-Jules [=] Mouvement {3} MARGINALIA [=] Le western 1 {3} MARGOLIS, Harriet [=] Jane Campion's The piano {4} MARGULIES, Edward [=] Bad movies we love {3} MARGULIES, Ivone [=] Rites of realism - Essay on corporeal cinema {3} MARICONDI, Paula [=] Framing the world - Explorations in ecocriticism and film {3} MARICONDI, Paula [=] Peter Greenaway's postmodern poststructuralist cinema {3} MARICOURT, Florian [=] Cinéma remoderniste - Histoire et théorie d'une esthétique contemporaine {3} MARIE, Michel [=] French cinema in the new century {3} MARILL, Alvin [=] Movies made for television (2005-2009) {3} MARIN, Fernando [=] Como escribir el guion de un cortometraje {3}


MARIÑO, Enrique Pulecio [=] El cine analisis y estética {3} MARINO, Paula [=] Figuras del destierro - Narraciones del exilio en el cine argentino {3} MARINONE, Isabelle [=] Cinema e anarquia - uma historia obscura do cinema na França {3} MARINONE, Isabelle [=] Jean Vigo, um cineasta impregnado de anarquismo {3} MARKENDORF, Márcio [=] Expressões do horror - Escritos sobre cinema {3} MARKER, Chris [=] A free replay (Notes on Vertigo) {4} MARKER, Chris [=] Commentaires 1-2 {3} MARKER, Chris [=] Le coeur net {4} MARKER, Chris [=] Planète Marker {3} MARKER, Chris [=] Sans soleil (roteiro em espanhol) {3} MARKER, Chris [=] Sans soleil {3} MARKS, John [=] Gilles Deleuze - Vitalism and multiplicity {4} MARQUEE [=] 01 (2011) {3} MARQUES, Alexandre [=] Registro inicial do documentário mineiro {3} MARQUEZ, Gabriel García [=] Aventura de Miguel Littin clandestino en Chile {4} MARQUEZI, Dagomir [=] Auika {3} MARRATI, Paola [=] Gilles Deleuze - Cinema and philosophy {4} MARRATI, Paola [=] Gilles Deleuze - Cinéma et philosophie {3} MARRONE, Gaetana [=] New landscapes in contemporary italian cinema {3} MARSH, Clive [=] Theology goes to the movies {3} MARSH, Leslie [=] Brazilian women's filmmaking {3} MARSH, Mae [=] Screen acting (1921) {3} MARSH, Steven [=] Gender and spanish cinema {3} MARSH, Steven [=] Popular spanish film under Franco {3} MARSHALL, Arthur Calder- [=] Innocent eye - The life of Robert J. Flaherty {3} MARSHALL, Jill [=] Language of television {3} MARSHALL, Nini [=] Mis memorias {4} MARSON, Melina [=] Cinema da retomada {3} MARTEL, Frederic [=] Cultura mainstream {3} MARTEL, Frederic [=] Mainstream, a guerra global das mídias e das culturas {3} MARTELL, William [=] Dialogue secrets {3} MARTIN, Adrian [=] Last day, every day {3}


MARTIN, Adrian [=] Que es el cine moderno {3} MARTIN, Ana Gemma [=] Cine y el derecho internacional {3} MARTIN, Ann [=] Film journals from the United States and Canada {3} MARTIN, Cristina [=] Mujeres en el cine negro español del periodo franquista {3} MARTIN, George [=] Summer of love - The making of Sgt. Pepper {3} MARTIN, Marcel [=] Lenguaje del cine {3} MARTIN, Marcel [=] Linguagem cinematográfica {3} MARTIN, Michael [=] Gaston Kabore, griot of the african cinema {3} MARTIN, Patricia San [=] Mujeres y cine en America Latina {3} MARTIN, Pete [=] Hollywood without make-up (1948) {3} MARTIN, Richard [=] Architecture of David Lynch {3} MARTIN, Sean [=] Andrei Tarkovsky {3} MARTINELLI, Mirella [=] Que é a montagem num filme {3} MARTINEZ, Alberto Garcia [=] Film de montaje - Una propuesta tipologica {3} MARTINEZ, Beli [=] Novo cinema galego - Um cinema de fronteira {3} MARTINEZ, Dolores [=] Remaking Kurosawa {3} MARTINEZ, Katia [=] Cali, ciudad abierta - Arte y cinefilia {3} MARTINEZ, Pedro Gomez [=] El guion en las series televisivas {3} MARTINO, Alberto de [=] Entrevista a El Buque Maldito {3} MARTINS, Carla [=] Sob o risco do gênero {3} MARUBBIO, Elise [=] Killing the indian maiden - Images of native american women in film {3} MARUNO, Gabriela Rufino [=] Cinema documentario brasileiro contemporaneo {3} MARX, Irmãos [=] Groucho & Chico, abogados {3} MARZOCHI, Ilana [=] Jogos de cena - Ensaios sobre o documentario brasileiro {3} MÁS Q CINE ASIATICO [=] 23 {3} MASCARELLO, Fernando [=] Dragão da cosmética da fome contra o grande público {3} MASCARELLO, Fernando [=] Estudos culturais e a recepção cinematográfica {3} MASCARELLO, Fernando [=] Historia do cinema mundial {3} MASCARELLO, Fernando [=] Notas para uma teoria do espectador nômade {3} MASCARENHAS, Maiara [=] Um homem com uma câmera {3} MASCARO, Gabriel [=] Um lugar ao sol (material pedagógico) {3} MASCELLI, Joseph [=] Cinco claves del cine {3}


MASCELLI, Joseph [=] The five C's of cinematography {4} MASCHERE, Pierre Le [=] 68 ans de films censurés en France {3} MASCHERE, Pierre Le [=] Censure de la premiere decennie du cinema parlant en France {4} MASCHWITZ, Stu [=] DV rebel's guide {3} MASK, Mia [=] Divas on screen - Black women in american film {3} MASSAI, Sonia [=] World-wide Shakespeares - Local appropriations in film and performance {3} MASSARI, Romina [=] Escuela de Cine - Universidad Nacional de La Plata {3} MASSEY, Anna [=] Hollywood beyond the screen - Design and material culture {3} MASSON, Eef [=] Watch and learn - Rethorical devices {3} MASSOOD, Paula [=] Black city cinema {3} MAST, Gerald [=] Braudy, Cohen & Mast film theory and criticism {4} MAST, Gerald [=] Film theory and criticism {3} MASTERMAN, Len [=] Television mythologies - Stars, shows and signs {3} MASTERPIECE [=] Film in the classroom - A guide for teachers {3} MASUDA, Fábio [=] Blow-up - Desejo, excitação e espetáculo na imagem {4} MASZEROWSKA, Anna [=] Audio description - New perspectives illustrated {3} MATHER, Philippe [=] Stanley Kubrick at Look magazine - Authorship and genre in photojournalism and film {3} MATHESON, Richard [=] Relatos cine y TV [OCR] {3} MATHEWS, Tom [=] Censored, the story of film censorship in Britain {3} MATHIJS, Ernest [=] Fom Hobbits to Hollywood {4} MATHJIS, Ernest [=] Alternative Europe - Eurotrash and exploitation cinema {3} MATKS, Laura [=] Skin of the film {3} MATO, Tamara [=] Tecnica - Video {3} MATTELART, Michele [=] Carnival of images - Brazilian television fiction {3} MATTHEWS JR., Melvin [=] Hostile aliens, Hollywood and today's news {3} MATTHEWS, Jill [=] History of the exhibition of pornographic film in Australia {3} MATTOS, A. C. Gomes de [=] Do cinetoscopio ao cinema digital {3} MATTOS, Carlos Alberto [=] Carla Camurati {3} MATTOS, Carlos Alberto [=] Eduardo Coutinho, o homem que caiu na real {3} MATTOS, Carlos Alberto [=] Jorge Bodanzky {3} MATTOS, Carlos Alberto [=] Maurice Capovilla {3} MATTOS, Carlos Alberto [=] Vladimir Carvalho {3}


MATTOS, Maria Angela [=] Mediação & midiatização {3} MAUGHAM, Somerset [=] On writing for the films {3} MAULE, Rosanna [=] Beyond auteurism {4} MAURICE, Alice [=] The cinema and its shadow {3} MAXON [=] Cinema 4D (Release 15) {3} MAYAKOWSKI, Vladimir [=] Cinema e cinema [italiano] {3} MAYER, Geoff [=] Encyclopedia of film noir {3} MAYER, J. P. [=] British cinemas an their audiences (1947) {3} MAYER, J. P. [=] Sociology of film - Studies and documents {3} MAYNARD, Richard [=] American west on film {3} MAYNE, Judith [=] Cinema and spectatorship {3} MAYNE, Judith [=] Claire Denis (Contemporary film directors) {3} MAYNE, Judith [=] Kino and the woman question {3} MAYNE, Judith [=] The woman at the keyhole {3} MAYSHARK, Jesse [=] Post pop cinema - The search for meaning in new american film {3} MAZDON, Lucy [=] Encore Hollywood - Remaking french cinema {3} MAZIERSKA, Ewa [=] European cinema and intertextuality {3} MAZIERSKA, Ewa [=] From Moscow to Madrid - Postmodern cities european cinema {3} MAZIERSKA, Ewa [=] Marx at the movies {4} MAZIERSKA, Ewa [=] Work in European cinema from the 1960s to the present {3} MAZUMDAR, Ranjani [=] Bombay cinema, an archive of the city {3} MCALLISTER, T. H. [=] Catalogue of stereopticons (1887) {3} MCARTHUR, Colin [=] Dialectic - Left film criticism from Tribune {3} MCBRIDE, Joseph [=] Frank Capra - The catastrophe of the success {3} MCBRIDE, Joseph [=] Hawks on Hawks {3} MCBRIDE, Joseph [=] Searching for John Ford {4} MCBRIDE, Joseph [=] Steven Spielberg, a biography {4} MCBRIDE, Joseph [=] What ever happened to Orson Welles {3} MCBRIDE, Joseph [=] Writing in pictures {4} MCCABE, Bob [=] Rough guide to comedy movies {3} MCCABE, Janet [=] Feminist film studies {4} MCCAFFREY, Donald [=] Guide to the silent years of american cinema {3}


MCCANN, Bob [=] Encyclopedia of african american actresses in film and television {3} MCCARTHY, Helen [=] Anime - A beginner's guide to japanese animation {3} MCCARTHY, Helen [=] Erotic anime movie guide {3} MCCARTHY, Mary [=] Hands of Hollywood (1929) {3} MCCARTHY, Soren [=] Cult movies in sixty seconds {3} MCCARTY, John [=] Splatter movies {3} MCCAUGHEY, Martha [=] Reel knockouts - Violent women in the movies {3} MCCLELLAND, Doug [=] Golden age of B movies {3} MCCLELLAND, Doug [=] Hollywood talks turkey - The screen's greatest flops {3} MCCLUNG, Hugh [=] Camera knowledge for the photoplaywright (1920) {3} MCCRORY, John [=] How to draw for the movies {3} MCCURDY, Kathy [=] Shoot on location {4} MCDANNELL, Colleen [=] Catholics in the movies {3} MCDEVITT, Jim [=] A year of Hitchcock {3} MCDONAGH, Maitland [=] Dark dreams of Dario Argento {3} MCDONALD, Keiko [=] Japanese classical theater in films {4} MCDONALD, Paul [=] Star system - Hollywood's production {3} MCDONALD, Tamar [=] Hollywood catwalk {4} MCDONALD, Tamar [=] Virgin territory - Representing sexual inexperience in film {4} MCDONOUGH, Jimmy [=] Biography of Russ Meyer - King of the sex film {3} MCDOUGAL, Stuart [=] Stanley Kubrick's 'A clockwork orange' {3} MCELHANEY, Joe [=] A companion to Fritz Lang {3} MCELHANEY, Joe [=] Albert Maysles (Contemporary film directors) {3} MCELHANEY, Joe [=] Death of classical cinema {3} MCELROY, Wendy [=] A woman's right to pornography {3} MCFADDEN, Cybelle [=] Gendered frames, embodied cameras {3} MCGEE, Kristin [=] Some liked it hot - Jazz women in film and television, 1928-1959 {3} MCGEE, Patrick [=] Cinema, theory, and political responsibility in contemporary culture {3} MCGILLIGAN, Patrick [=] Alfred Hitchcock - A life in darkness and light {4} MCGILLIGAN, Patrick [=] Fritz Lang, the nature of the beast {3} MCGILLIGAN, Patrick [=] Oscar Micheaux, the great and only {4} MCGOWAN, Todd [=] Impossible David Lynch {3}


MCGOWAN, Todd [=] Lacan and contempory film {4} MCGOWAN, Todd [=] The real gaze - Film theory after Lacan {3} MCGREGOR, Andrew [=] Film criticism as cultural fantasy {4} MCHUGH, Kathleen [=] American domesticity - From how-to manual to Hollywood melodrama {3} MCKAY, Herbert [=] Amateur movie making (1928) {3} MCKEE, Robert [=] Guion {3} MCKEE, Robert [=] Story {3} MCKENNA, Michael [=] The ABC movie of the week {4} MCKENZIE, Alan [=] Hollywood - Tricks of the trade {3} MCKERNAN, Brian [=] Digital cinema {3} MCKIM, Kristi [=] Astounded soul - Cinematic time and photogenic love {3} MCKIM, Kristi [=] Cinema as weather {4} MCKIM, Kristi [=] Love in the time of cinema {4} MCLANE, Betsy [=] A new history of documentary film {4} MCLAUGHLIN, Robert [=] We'll always have the movies - American cinema during World War II {3} MCLEAN, Adrienne [=] Cinematic canines {4} MCLEAN, Adrienne [=] Glamour in a golden age - Movie stars of 1930s {3} MCLUHAN, Marshall [=] Aldea global {3} MCMAHAN, Alison [=] Alice Guy Blache - Lost visionary of the cinema {3} MCMAHAN, Alison [=] Films of Tim Burton {4} MCNAIR, Brian [=] Journalists in film {3} MCNALLY, John [=] Creative writer's survival guide {3} MCNEIL, Legs [=] Other Hollywood - the uncensored oral history of the porn film industry {3} MCNEIL, Legs [=] Please kill me - The uncensored oral history of punk {3} MCPHEE, Ruth [=] Female masochism in film {3} MCQUAIL, Denis [=] Teoria da Comunicação de Massas {3} MCQUILKIN, Kent [=] Cinema 4D - The artist's project sourcebook {3} MCQUISTON, Kate [=] We'll meet again - Musical design in the films of Stanley Kubrick {3} MCROY, Jay [=] Nightmare Japan - Contemporary japanese horror cinema {3} MCSORLEY, Tom [=] Atom Egoyan's The adjuster {3} MEAKIN, Robert [=] All about THE THING {3}


MEC [=] Refletindo sobre a linguagem do cinema {3} MEC [=] TV na escola e os desafios de hoje (módulo 1) {3} MEDEIROS, Fábio [=] Salve o cinema {3} MEDELLIN, Fabio [=] Como apreciar una pelicula {3} MEDIA DESK HELLAS [=] Greek contact guide 2009 {3} MÉDIATHÈQUE [=] Cinéma iranien {3} MEDVED, Harry [=] Golden Turkey awards {3} MEDVED, Harry [=] Hollywood hall of shame {3} MEDVED, Harry [=] Son of Golden Turkey Awards {3} MEDVED, Harry [=] The fifty worst movies of all time {3} MEDVEDKIN, Alexander [=] Cine como propaganda politica {3} MEEHAN, Paul [=] A critical survey - Cinema of the psychic realm {3} MEEHAN, Paul [=] Saucer movies - A UFOlogical history of the cinema {3} MEIKLE, Denis [=] A history of horrors, the rise and fall of the house of Hammer {3} MEILI, Angela [=] Cinema na internet, espaços informais de circulação {3} MEISNER, Sanford [=] On acting {3} MEJIA, Glenda [=] Mujeres en dos épocas del cine cubano {3} MELBOURNE QUEER FILM FESTIVAL 2009 {3} MELBYE, David [=] Landscape allegory in cinema {3} MELEIRO, Alessandra [=] Novo cinema iraniano {3} MELLA, Andrés [=] Mi taller de produccion de videos (Manual del estudiante) {3} MELLENCAMP, Patricia [=] Cinema histories, cinema practices {3} MELLO, Cecília [=] Realismo fantasmagórico {3} MELLO, Christine [=] Vídeo no Brasil 1950-1980 - Novos circuitos para a arte {3} MELLO, Saulo Pereira de [=] Limite - Angústia {3} MELLO, Saulo Pereira de [=] Ver 'Limite' {3} MELLO, Selton [=] Feliz Natal {3} MELNYK, George [=] Interviews with canadian filmmakers (1) {3} MELO, José Marques de [=] Televisão brasileira {3} MELO, Luís [=] Cinema independente, produção, distribuição e exibição {3} MELO, Rosilene Alves de [=] Luz, encenação, representação {3} MELO, Victor Andrade de [=] Esporte e cinema - novos olhares {3}


MELOY, Arthur [=] Theatres and motion picture houses (1916) {3} MENDEL, Charles [=] Cinéma annuaire 1911 {3} MENDEL, Charles [=] Cinéma annuaire 1912 {3} MENDEL, Charles [=] Cinéma annuaire 1914 {3} MENDES, Gio [=] Lendas da Boca (Sady Baby) {3} MENDES, Sam [=] American beauty {3} MENDIBURU, Bernard [=] 3D movie making {3} MENDIK, Xavier [=] Peep shows - Cult film and the cine-erotic {3} MENDIK, Xavier [=] Shocking cinema of the seventies {3} MENDIK, Xavier [=] Underground U.S.A. - Filmmaking beyond the Hollywood canon {3} MENDONÇA, Rosiel [=] Caminhos da setima arte no Amazonas {3} MENDOZA, Carlos [=] Guion para cine documental {3} MENEZES, Rogério [=] Bete Mendes {3} MENEZES, Rogerio [=] Pedro Jorge de Castro {3} MENIL, Alain [=] Image-mouvement, image-temps et plan ouvert {3} MENNE, Jeff [=] Francis Ford Coppola {4} MENNEL, Barbara [=] Cities and cinema {3} MENNEL, Barbara [=] Queer cinema - Schoolgirls, vampires, and gay cowboys {3} MENOTTI, Gabriel [=] Cinema apesar da imagem {3} MENOTTI, Gabriel [=] Movie circuits {4} MENSAJERO PARAMOUNT [=] 1927 {3} MENSAJERO PARAMOUNT 1931-1932 {3} MENSAJERO PARAMOUNT 1937-1938 {4} MENZIES, Grant Hayter- [=] Mrs. Ziegfeld - The public and private lives of Billie Burke {4} MERCADO, Gustavo [=] Filmmaker's eye {3} MERCADO, Gustavo [=] Visión del cineasta {3} MERCK, Mandy [=] British monarchy on screen {3} MERCK, Mandy [=] Hollywood's american tragedies {3} MEREDITH, Susan [=] Cine y efectos especiales (1987) {3} MEREGHETTI, Paolo [=] Dizionario dei film 2011 (1-3) {3} MEREGHETTI, Paolo [=] Libro de Orson Welles {3} MERIDA, Pablo [=] 100 dialogos de cine {3}


MERIDA, Pablo [=] Boxeo en el cine 1 (1894-1929) {3} MERTEN, Luiz Carlos [=] Anselmo Duarte {3} MERTEN, Luiz Carlos [=] Carlos Coimbra {3} MERTEN, Luiz Carlos [=] Cinema, entre a realidade e o artifício {3} MES, Tom [=] Iron Man, the cinema of Shinya Tsukamoto {3} MES, Tom [=] The midnight eye guide to new japanese film {4} METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER SHORTSTORY (jan.-feb., 1941) {3} METZ, Christian [=] Cine - Lengua o lenguaje {3} METZ, Christian [=] Cinéma - Langue ou langage {3} METZ, Christian [=] Ensayos sobre la significacion en el cine 1 {3} METZ, Christian [=] Essais sur la signification au cinema 1 {3} METZ, Christian [=] Film language - A semiotics of the cinema {3} METZ, Christian [=] Lenguaje y cine {3} METZ, Christian [=] Linguagem e cinema {3} METZ, Christian [=] Psychoanalysis and cinema {3} METZ, Christian [=] Quelques points de sémiologie du cinéma {3} METZ, Christian [=] Significante imaginario - Psicanalise e cinema {3} METZ, Christian [=] Significante imaginario (español) {3} METZLER, Bob [=] Audio measurement handbook {3} MEUEL, David [=] Noir western - Darkness on the range {3} MEUSY, Jean-Jacques [=] Polyvision, espoir oublié d'un cinéma nouveau {3} MEYER, Russ [=] Entretien avec Cine Eros Star {3} MEYERS, Jeffrey [=] Genius and the goddess - Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe {3} MEYERS, Jeffrey [=] John Huston - Courage and art {3} MGM [=] Shorts story for 1938 {3} MICHAEL, Paul [=] Academy awards - a pictorial history {3} MICHAELS, Lloyd [=] Ingmar Bergman's Persona {3} MICHAUD, Philippe-Alain [=] Line light - The geometric cinema of Anthony McCall {3} MICHELAKIS, Pantelis [=] Ancient world in the silent cinema {3} MICHELSON, Annette [=] Reading Eisenstein reading Capital {3} MICROMEGA [=] Almanacco del cinema {3} MIDDENTS, Jeffrey [=] Writing national cinema {4}


MIDI-MINUIT FANTASTIQUE [=] 1 (Terence Fisher) {3} MIDI-MINUIT FANTASTIQUE [=] Barbara Steele {3} MIGLIORIN, Cezar [=] Democracia e biopolítica no documentário contemporâneo {3} MIGLIORIN, Cezar [=] Inevitavelmente cinema {3} MIGLIORIN, Cezar [=] Inventar com a diferença - Cinema e direitos humanos {3} MIHALKA, Gwendolyn [=] Camera lens, a window into the world {3} MIJARES, Oscar [=] Infancia del cine {3} MILANO FILM FESTIVAL 2012 {3} MILANO FILM FESTIVAL 2016 {3} MILBERG, Doris [=] World War II on the big screen {3} MILES, Dean [=] Location audio simplified {3} MILESTONE FILMS [=] Beyond the rocks (1922) {3} MILÍMETROS [=] 0 (2008) {3} MILIUS, John [=] Apocalypse now (roteiro) {3} MILLAN, Francisco [=] Cine con identidad - Maria Novaro frente a Mira Nair {3} MILLAN, Francisco [=] Huellas de Buñuel, la influencia de su obra {3} MILLAN, Juan Antonio [=] Cine, enseñanza y enseñanza del cine {3} MILLER, Cynthia [=] Undead in the west {3} MILLER, Don [=] Hollywood corral - A stirring nostalgic tribute to the sagebrush sagas {3} MILLER, Jamie [=] Soviet cinema (Introduction) {3} MILLER, Pat P. [=] Script supervising and film continuity {3} MILLER, Steve [=] 150 movies you should die before you see {3} MILLER, Toby [=] A companion to film theory {3} MILLER, Toby [=] Nuevo Hollywood - Del imperialismo cultural a las leyes del marketing {3} MILLER, Toby [=] Television studies - the basics {3} MILLERSON, Gerald [=] Television production (2009) {3} MILLS, Anthony [=] American theology, superhero comics and cinema {3} MILLS, Brenda J. [=] Linda Darnell - A photo gallery [OCR] {3} MINGUET, Joan [=] Consciencia del sonoro en España {3} MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES [=] Repertoire des films documentaires (1990-2000) {3} MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO [=] Catalogo de resenhas de filmes {3} MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION DE ARGENTINA [=] 20 peliculas para descubrir {3}


MINISTÉRIO DO TURISMO [=] Turismo cinematográfico brasileiro {3} MINUZ, Andrea - Viaggio al termine dell'Italia - Fellini politico [OCR] {3} MIRANDA, Luiz Geraldo de [=] Críticas de Luiz Geraldo de Miranda {3} MIRANDA, Suzana [=] Filmando a música, uma interpretação do cinema {3} MIRANDO NOSOTRAS 2012 {3} MISE EN ABYME [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini {3} MISEK, Richard [=] Chromatic cinema - A history of screen color {3} MISHRA, D. [=] Great masters of indian cinema {3} MISIROGLU, Gina [=] Ultimate encyclopedia of comic book icons and Hollywood heroes {3} MITCHELL, Charles [=] Filmography of social issues - A reference guide {3} MITCHELL, W. J. T. [=] The language of images {3} MITELL, Jason [=] Complex TV {4} MITHANI, Sam [=] Hollywood left - Cinematic art and activism in the 1930s {3} MITMAN, Gregg [=] Documenting the world - Film, photography {3} MITRY, Jean [=] Estetica y psicologia del cine - Las estructuras {3} MITRY, Jean [=] Estetica y psicologia del cine - Las formas {3} MITRY, Jean [=] Esthétique et psychologie du cinéma - Les formes {3} MITRY, Jean [=] Esthetique et psychologie du cinéma - Les structures {3} MITRY, Jean [=] Historia del cine experimental {3} MITTELL, Jason [=] Genre and television {3} MIYAO, Daisuke [=] Aesthetics of shadow - Light and japanese cinema {3} MIYAO, Daisuke [=] Oxford handbook of japanese cinema {3} MIZEJEWSKI, Linda [=] Hardboiled & high heeled {3} MIZEJEWSKI, Linda [=] It happened one night {3} MIZUKAMI, Pedro [=] Mapeamento da mídia digital no Brasil {3} MNOUCHKINE, Ariane [=] Six entretiens autour de Mizoguchi {3} MOCARZEL, Evaldo [=] Ana Carolina {3} MOCARZEL, Evaldo [=] Roberto Gervitz {3} MODLESKI, Tania [=] Women who knew too much - Hitchcock and feminist theory {3} MOELLER, Hans Bernhard [=] Volker Schlöndorff's cinema {3} MOEN, Kristian [=] Film and fairy tales {4} MOHAMMED, Javed [=] Muslim cinema - An introduction {4}


MOINE, Raphaelle [=] Cinema genre {3} MOLERO, Irida [=] Semiotica del cine {3} MOLETTA, Alex [=] Fazendo cinema na escola {3} MOLFETTA, Andrea [=] Cine comunitario argentino {3} MOLINA, Olvido [=] Cine que nunca fue mudo {3} MOLINUEVO, José Luis [=] Retorno a la imagen {3} MOLLONA, Massimiliano [=] Maya Deren's experiments in cinematic trance {3} MOLTENI, Alfred [=] Instructions pratiques sur les appareils de projection {3} MONACO, James [=] How to read a film {3} MONACO, Paul [=] A history of american movies {3} MONACO, Paul [=] History of the american cinema 8 {3} MONACO, Paul [=] Understanding society, culture and television {3} MONASTERIO, Pablo [=] Catalogo Cine y revolución {3} MONDE, Le [=] Andrzej Wajda, activiste du cinéma {3} MONGIN, Olivier [=] Violencia y cine contemporaneo {3} MONIER, Pierre [=] Complete technique of making films {3} MONOCULO MAGAZINE [=] 0 (2013) {3} MONSTER MAGAZINE 04 (1975) {3} MONSTER OF THE MOVIES [=] v. 01, n. 09 (1975) {3} MONSTER TIMES 02 {3} MONSTER TIMES 21 (1973) {3} MONSTRA (Lisboa) [=] 2011 {3} MONTAÑA, Ricardo [=] Portable moving images {4} MONTEBELLO, Pierre [=] Deleuze, philosophie et cinema {3} MONTEIRO, Paulo Filipe [=] Uma margem no centro, a arte e o poder do 'novo cinema' {3} MONTERO, David [=] Thinking images {3} MONTY PYTHON [=] The fairly incomplete and rather badly illustrated Monty Python song book {4} MONVOISIN, Frederic [=] Cinemas d'Asie, d'hier et d'aujourd'hui {4} MOODY, Anna [=] Deleuzian encounters - Studies in contemporary social issues {4} MOON, Spencer [=] Reel black talk - A sourcebook of 50 american filmmakers {3} MOORE, Lindsey [=] Arab, muslim, woman - Voice and vision in postcolonial {4} MORA, Pablo [=] Poéticas de la resistencia - El video indígena en Colombia {3}


MORA, Sergio de la [=] Cinemachismo, masculinities and sexuality in mexivan film {4} MORAES, Ana Luiza [=] Estudos das mídias - Tecnologias, reconfigurações e convergências {3} MORAES, Ninho [=] Radiografia de um filme - São Paulo SA {3} MORAIS, Kely Cristina de [=] Memória do cinema mudo brasileiro na coleção Jurandyr Noronha {3} MORALES, Sergio [=] Cine cubano, el camino de las coproducciones {3} MORAN, Albert [=] Film policy - International, national and regional {3} MORAN, Albert [=] Understanding the global TV format {3} MORAN, Leslie [=] Law's moving image {4} MORAN, Patrícia [=] Machinima (Cinusp) {3} MORANDINI, Laura [=] Dizionario dei film 2011 {3} MORANDINI, Morando [=] Eisenstein {3} MORANDINI, Morando [=] Italy from fascism to neorealism {3} MORATALLA, Tomás Domingo [=] Bioetica y cine {3} MORCILLO, Marta [=] Imagining ancient cities in film {3} MOREFIELD, Kenneth [=] Faith and spirituality in masters of world cinema 2 {3} MOREIRA, Sonia [=] Indústria da comunicação no Brasil {3} MORENO, Mario [=] Pocket screenwriting guide {3} MORESCHI, Oscar [=] Conversaciones sobre el cine en Córdoba {4} MORETTI, Di [=] Cabra-cega {3} MORETTIN, Eduardo [=] Acervos cinematograficos e pesquisa historica {3} MORETTIN, Eduardo [=] Dimensões historicas do documentario brasileiro {3} MORETTIN, Eduardo [=] Exposições universais e o cinema {3} MORETTIN, Eduardo [=] Sonoridades do cinema dito silencioso {3} MOREY, Kathryn [=] Bringing history to life through film {4} MORGAN, Daniel [=] Late Godard and the possibilities of cinema {3} MORGAN, Daniel [=] Max Ophuls and the limits of virtuosity {3} MORGAN, Hal [=] Amazing 3D {3} MORGAN, Jack [=] Biology of horror {3} MORGAN, Michelle [=] The ice cream blonde {4} MORIN, Edgar [=] Cine o El hombre imaginario {3} MORIN, Edgar [=] Cinéma ou l'homme imaginaire {3} MORIN, Edgar [=] Estrelas - Mito e sedução no cinema {3}


MORIN, Edgar [=] Stars {3} MORIN, Violette [=] Cinema, estudos de semiótica {3} MORLEY, David [=] Family television - cultural power and domestic leisure {3} MORLEY, David [=] The nationwide television studies {4} MORPHEUS TALES [=] Women in horror {3} MORREY, Douglas [=] Jean-Luc Godard and the other history of cinema {3} MORREY, Douglas [=] Legacies of Jean-Luc Godard {3} MORRICONE, Ennio [=] Comporre per il cinema {3} MORRIS, Gary [=] Action! - Interviews with directors from classical Hollywood to contemporary Iran {3} MORS, Susan Buck- [=] Tela do cinema como prótese de percepção {3} MORSE, L. A. [=] Video trash and treasures {3} MORSE, L. A. [=] Video trash and treasures 2 {3} MORSS, Susan Buck- [=] Tela do cinema como prótese de percepção {3} MORTIMER, Claire [=] Romantic comedy {3} MOSLEY, Philip [=] Split screen, belgian cinema & cultural identity {3} MOSQUERA, Daniel [=] Conceptos basicos de sonido para la producción audiovisual {3} MOSS, Marilyn [=] Giant - George Stevens, a life on film {4} MOSS, Robert [=] The films of Carol Reed {4} MOSSY, Carlo [=] Biografia entrevista (2005) {3} MOSTRA [=] 1959 - O ANO MAGICO DO CINEMA FRANCES {3} MOSTRA [=] Tesoros de los archivos fílmicos iberoamericanos {3} MOSTRA DE CINEMA RUSSO CONTEMPORANEO {3} MOSTRA INTERNACIONAL DO FILME ETNOGRÁFICO 2008 {3} MOTEL X 2016 {3} MOTIOGRAPH - Model 1912 (Instructions for operating) {4} MOTIOGRAPH [=] Instructions for operating (1912) {3} MOTIOGRAPH DELUXE - The projector predominant {3} MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC OF 1929 {3} MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC OF 1932 {3} MOTION PICTURE ART PORTFOLIO [=] 1-4 (1927) {3} MOTION PICTURE CLASSIC [=] 04 (1917) {3} MOTION PICTURE CLASSIC [=] 28 números {1}


MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION [=] Souvenir annual ball 1923 {3} MOTION PICTURE NEWS [=] Blue book 1930 {3} MOTION PICTURE NEWS [=] Studio directory (12.04.1917) {3} MOTION PICTURE NEWS [=] v. 09 (1914) {3} MOTION PICTURE NEWS [=] v. 14, n. 16 (1916) {3} MOTION PICTURE STORY [=] v. 1, n. 1-6 (1911) {3} MOTION PICTURE STORY MAGAZINE [=] aug. 1913 - jan. 1914 {3} MOTION PICTURE STORY MAGAZINE [=] v. 02, n. 07-09 (1911) {3} MOTION PICTURE STORY MAGAZINE [=] v. 02, n. 10-12 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] 14 (1915) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 5, n. 4 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 5, n. 5 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 5, n. 6 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 6, n. 1 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 6, n. 2 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 6, n. 3 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 6, n. 4 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 6, n. 5 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 6, n. 6 (1911) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 7 (1912) {3} MOTOGRAPHY [=] v. 8 (1912) {3} MOTTAHEDEH, Negar [=] Displaced allegories - Post-revolutionary iranian cinema {3} MOUESCA, Jacqueline [=] Años de la dictadura (Chile) {3} MOUESCA, Jacqueline [=] Caso Raoul Ruiz {3} MOUESCA, Jacqueline [=] Cine chileno veinte años (1970-1990) {3} MOUESCA, Jacqueline [=] Cuando el cine sonoro llego a Chile {3} MOUESCA, Jacqueline [=] Documental chileno {3} MOUESCA, Jacqueline [=] Miguel Littin, La apertura latinoarnericana {3} MOULLET, Luc [=] Politique des acteurs {3} MOULTON, Ian [=] Before pornography - Erotic writing in early modern England {3} MOURA, Edgar [=] 50 anos - Luz, câmera e ação {3} MOURA, Hudson [=] Glauber Rocha et l'image-exil dans Claro {3}


MOURA, Luiz [=] Como fazer um filme de amor {3} MOURA, Roberto [=] Construção de uma história do cinema brasileiro {3} MOURÃO, Patrícia [=] Jonas Mekas (Cinusp) {3} MOUREN, Yannick [=] Couleur au cinema {4} MOUSSA, Ratiba Hadj- [=] Corps dansant au cinéma {3} MOVIE CLASSIC [=] 20 números {1} MOVIE MAKERS 1929 (1-12) {3} MOVIE PICTORIAL [=] 1914 (3-17) {1} MOVIE WEEKLY [=] v. 2, n. 10 (1922) {3} MOVIEMAKER [=] The 2015 complete guide to making movies {3} MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE [=] v. 10, 36 (1941) {3} MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE [=] v. 11, 20 (1942) {3} MOVIETONE NEWS [=] 55 (1977) {3} MOVING PICTURE AGE [=] 1001 films - A reference book (1920) {3} MOVING PICTURE NEWS (december, 1910) {3} MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY (1917) {3} MOVING PICTURE WORLD [=] v. 16 (1913) {3} MOVING PICTURE WORLD [=] v. 41, n. 10 (1919) {3} MOVING PICTURE WORLD [=] v. 41, n. 11 (1919) {3} MOVING PICTURE WORLD [=] v. 41, n. 12 (1919) {3} MOVING PICTURE WORLD [=] v. 41, n. 13 (1919) {3} MOVING PICTURE WORLD [=] Volume 1 (1907) {3} MOWITT, John [=] Re-takes - Postcoloniality and foreig film languages {4} MOYA, Álvaro de [=] Glória in excelsior {3} MOYA, Rito Torres [=] Principios y técnicas en un archivo audiovisual {3} MRAZ, John [=] Absolved by history - On the aesthetics and ideology of history in the Cuban Film Institute {3} MUCHO (+) QUE CINE [=] El angel exterminador (Buñuel) {3} MUEDRA, Guillermo [=] Realismo cinematografico español (1951-1961) {3} MUESTRA AUDIOVISUAL ANDALUZ [=] 2011 {3} MUESTRA DE CINE DE MEDIO ORIENTE CONTEMPORANEO (Bogotá) 2010 {3} MUIR, John Kenneth [=] Horror films of the 1990s {3} MUIR, John Kenneth [=] Terror television - American series 1970-1999 {3}


MULLER, Eddie [=] That's sexploitation {3} MÜLLER, Jürgen [=] Pragmatique historique du film - Nouvelle Vague et conception de l'auteur {3} MÜLLER, Patrícia [=] Dores & amores {3} MULVEY, Laura [=] Death 24x a second - Stillness and the moving image {3} MULVEY, Laura [=] Feminisms - Diversity, difference and multiplicity {4} MULVEY, Laura [=] Fetishism and curiosity {4} MULVEY, Laura [=] Visual and other pleasures {4} MUMBAI FILM FESTIVAL 2013 {3} MUNBY, Jonathan [=] Public enemies, public heroes {4} MUNBY, Jonathan [=] Under a bad sign {4} MUNEESAWANG, Paisarn [=] Multimedia database retrieval {3} MUNICIPALIDAD DE MADRID [=] Cuaderno Trascine 2013 {3} MUNIZ, Veyzon [=] Direito, politica e cinema 2 {4} MUNN, Michael [=] John Wayne - the man behind the myth {3} MUÑOZ, Diego [=] Afiche cinematografico {3} MUÑOZ, Ernesto Acevedo- [=] Buñuel and Mexico - The crisis of national cinema {3} MUÑOZ, Gabriel [=] Cine eres y en cine te convertiras {3} MUÑOZ, Pau [=] Definicion del principio de montaje {3} MUNROE, Roberta Marie [=] How not to make a short film - Secrets from a Sundance programmer {3} MUNSTERBERG, Hugo [=] The photoplay - A psychological study (1916) {3} MURAD, Maurício [=] Futebol e cinema no Brasil - Um enredo {3} MURAT, Rodrigo [=] Antonio Carlos Fontoura {3} MURAT, Rodrigo [=] Zezé Motta {3} MURCH, Walter [=] En el momento del parpadeo {3} MURCH, Walter [=] In the blink of an eye {3} MURCH, Walter [=] Num piscar de olhos {3} MURILLO, Manu [=] FILM COMMENT, una antologia {3} MURNAU, F. W. [=] Four devils (programa Dinamarca) {3} MURPHY, Robert [=] Realism and tinsel - Cinema and society in Britain 1939-49 {3} MURPHY, Ryan [=] American horror story (roteiro) {3} MURPHY, Terence [=] From fairy tale to film screenplay {3} MURRAY, Bruce [=] Film and the german left in the Weimar Republic {3}


MURRAY, Janet [=] Hamlet no Holodeck - O futuro da narrativa no ciberespaço {3} MURRI, Serafino [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini (italiano) {3} MUSEO NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA [=] Accion, cine en Colombia {3} MUSEO NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA [=] XII cátedra anual de história Ernesto Restrepo Tirado {3} MUSETOUCH - Visual arts magazine [=] 22 (2012) {3} MUSEUM OF MODERN ART [=] Photography 1839-1937 {3} MUSSER, Charles [=] Carl Marzani and Union Films {3} MUSSER, Charles [=] Emergence of cinema - The american screen to 1907 {3} MUSSER, Charles [=] Why did negroes love Al Jolson and The Jazz Singer? {3} MUYBRIDGE, Eadweard [=] Animals in motion {3} MUYBRIDGE, Eadweard [=] Descriptive zoopraxography (1893) {3} MUYBRIDGE, Eadweard [=] Horses and other animals in motion {3} MUYBRIDGE, Eadweard [=] Human figure in motion {3} MUYLAERT, Anna [=] É proibido fumar {3} MUZI, Daniela [=] Docmania - Os usos da tecnologia digital na produção {3} NACACHE, Jacqueline [=] Acteur du cinéma {3} NADALE, Marcel [=] Djalma Limongi Batista {3} NADALE, Marcel [=] José Antônio Garcia {3} NADELL, Aaron [=] Bluebook of projection (1942) {3} NAFICY, Hamid [=] A social history of iranian cinema 1 (1897-1941) {3} NAFICY, Hamid [=] A social history of iranian cinema 2 (1941-1978) {3} NAFICY, Hamid [=] A social history of iranian cinema 3 (1978-1984) {3} NAFICY, Hamid [=] A social history of iranian cinema 4 (1984-2010) {3} NAFICY, Hamid [=] An accented cinema - Exilic and diasporing {3} NAFICY, Hamid [=] The making of exile cultures {4} NAGIB, Lúcia [=] Brazil on screen - Cinema novo, new cinema, utopia {3} NAGIB, Lúcia [=] Impure cinema {3} NAGIB, Lucia [=] New brazilian cinema {3} NAGIB, Lúcia [=] Realism and the audiovisual media {3} NAGIB, Lucia [=] Theorizing world cinema {3} NAGIB, Lucia [=] Utopia no cinema brasileiro {3} NAGIB, Lúcia [=] World cinema and the ethics of realism {3}


NAGY, Laszlo Moholy- [=] Painting, photography, film {3} NAGY, Laszlo Moholy- [=] Pintura, fotografia, cine {3} NAGY, Laszlo Moholy- [=] Vision in motion {4} NAHA, Ed [=] Horrors - From screen to scream {3} NAIBOGLU, Gozde [=] Post-unification turkish german cinema {3} NAJAR, Salvador [=] Doblaje de voz - Orígenes, personajes y empresas en México {3} NAMIBIA FILM COMMISSION [=] Film production directory 2015 {3} NANCY, Jean-Luc [=] Evidence du film - Abbas Kiarostami {3} NAPIER, Susan [=] Anime - From Akira to Howl's moving castle {4} NAPIER, Susan [=] Anime - From Akira to Princess Mononoke {3} NAPIER, Susan [=] Miyazaki world - A life in art {4} NAPOLITANO, Marcos [=] Fantasma de um clássico - Recepção e reminiscências de Favela dos Meus Amores {3} NAPPER, Lawrence [=] The great war in popular british cinema {4} NARANJAS DE HIROSHIMA [=] 2007-2011 - Difundiendo cine documental {3} NARANJAS DE HIROSHIMA [=] 6 años redescubriendo cine documental {3} NARANJAS DE HIROSHIMA [=] Ver, leer, hacer cine documental {3} NARDONE, Robert [=] Culture scientifique et technique à 24 images-seconde {3} NAREMORE, James [=] Acting in the cinema {3} NAREMORE, James [=] Magic world of Orson Welles {3} NAREMORE, James [=] More than night - film noir in its contexts {3} NAREMORE, James [=] Orson Welles's 'Citizen Kane' - A casebook {3} NAREMORE, James [=] The magic world of Orson Welles {3} NASAW, David [=] Learning to go to the movies {3} NATALINI, Fabrizio [=] Ennio Flaiano, una vita nel cinema {3} NATIONAL COUNCIL ON FREEDOM FROM CENSORSHIP [=] What shocked the censors (1933) {3} NATIONAL FILM PRESERVATION FOUNDATION [=] Film preservation guide {3} NATIONAL FILM PRESERVATION FOUNDATION [=] Report to the U.S. Congress 2011 {3} NATIONAL FILM THEATRE [=] Fifty famous films 1915-1945 {3} NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION [=] Code of fair competition for the dealers in motion-picture {3} NATOLI, Joseph [=] This is a picture and not the world {3} NAUMBURG, Nancy [=] We make the movies {3}


NAVARRO, Antonio [=] Tod Browning, pasion y oscuridad {3} NAVARRO, Francesc [=] Cine fantastico 1-3 (Salvat) {3} NAVARRO, Julio Lopez [=] Peliculas chilenas {3} NAVARRO, Pau [=] El libro rojo del guion {3} NDALIANIS, Angela [=] Neo-baroque aesthetics and contemporary entertainment {3} NDIAYE, Alioune [=] Promotion du cinema senegalais par la television {3} NEALE, D. M. [=] How to add sound to amateur films (1954) {3} NEALE, Steve [=] Classical Hollywood reader {3} NEALE, Steve [=] Genre and Hollywood {3} NEALE, Steve [=] Popular film and television comedy {3} NEBRERA, Gregorio [=] Imagenes filmicas de la espana del franquismo {3} NEIBAUR, James [=] The fall of Buster Keaton {4} NEIGHBORS, R. C. [=] Galaxy Is rated G - Essays on Children's science fiction {3} NEJAD, Saeed [=] The politics of iranian cinema {3} NELMES, Jill [=] Women screenwriters - An international guide {3} NELSON, Clifford [=] Natural color film {3} NELSON, Jill [=] Golden goddesses - 25 legendary women of classic erotic cinema {4} NESBET, Anne [=] Savage junctures - Sergei Eisenstein {3} NESTERIUK, Sergio [=] Dramaturgia de série de animação {3} NESTINGEN, Andrew [=] The cinema of Aki Kaurismäki {4} NETZLEY, Patricia [=] Encyclopedia of movie special effects {3} NEUMEYER, David [=] Oxford handbook of film music studies {3} NEUPERT, Richard [=] A history of the french New Wave cinema {3} NEVE, Brian [=] Elia Kazan - The cinema of an american outsider {4} NEVE, Brian [=] Film and politics in America {3} NEVES, David [=] Cinema Novo no Brasil {3} NEW CINEMAS - Journal of contemporary film [=] 06-1 {4} NEW MOVIE MAGAZINE (1930) {3} NEW MOVIE MAGAZINE [=] 1 (1929) {3} NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY {3} NEWLAND, Paul [=] Don't look now - British cinema in the 1970s {3} NEWMAN, Kim [=] Nightmare movies - A critical guide {3}


NEWMAN, Kim [=] Nightmare movies - Horror on screen since the 1960s {3} NEWTON, Michael [=] Show people - A history of the film star {4} NICHOLLS, Peter [=] Fantastic cinema {3} NICHOLS, Bill [=] Documentary film and the modernist avant-garde {3} NICHOLS, Bill [=] Introdução ao documentário [má qualidade] {4} NICHOLS, Bill [=] Introducción al documental {3} NICHOLS, Bill [=] Introduction to documentary {3} NICHOLS, Bill [=] Que tipos de documentário existem {3} NICHOLS, Bill [=] Representacion de la realidad {3} NICHOLS, Bill [=] Voice of documentary {3} NICHOLSON, Amy [=] Mimes, monkeys and the ghost of Fitzcarraldo {3} NICKELODEON [=] v. 1, n. 2-6 (1909) {3} NICKELODEON [=] v. 2 (1909) {3} NICKELODEON [=] v. 4 (1910) {3} NICKELODEON [=] v. 5 (1-6, 1911) {3} NICOL, Bran [=] Crime culture - Figuring criminality in fiction and film {3} NICOL, Bran [=] The private eye - Detectives in the movies {4} NICOLAU, Vitor [=] Tirinhas & mídias digitais {3} NICOLL, Allardyce [=] Film and theatre (1936) {3} NIELAND, Justus [=] David Lynch {3} NIELSEN, Jakob [=] Camera movement in narrative cinema {3} NIEMI, Robert [=] 100 great war movies {4} NIKOLOUTSOS, Konstantinos [=] Ancient greek women in film {3} NILSEN, Sarah [=] Projecting America, 1958 {3} NILSEN, Vladimir [=] Cinema as a graphic art (1959) {3} NISBETT, Alec [=] Sound studio - Audio techniques for radio, television, film and recording {3} NODARI, Alexandre [=] Um antropofago em Hollywood - Oswald espectador de Valentino {3} NOERDLINGER, Henry [=] Moses and Egypt - Documentation to The Ten Commandments {3} NOGUEIRA, Amanda [=] Novo ciclo de cinema em Pernambuco {3} NOGUEIRA, Luís [=] Cineastas e a sua arte {3} NOGUEIRA, Luís [=] Cinema múltiplo {3} NOGUEIRA, Luís [=] Gêneros cinematograficos {3}


NOGUEIRA, Luis [=] Laboratorio de guionismo {3} NOGUEIRA, Luis [=] Narrativas fílmicas e videojogos {3} NOGUEIRA, Luís [=] Planificação e montagem {3} NOGUEIRA, Luís [=] Violência e cinema {3} NOGUEIRA, Soraia [=] A cultura cinematográfica em cartaz {4} NOIMAGEN (Chile) [=] 1 (2018) {3} NOLL, John [=] How to get better films {3} NOLLY SILVER SCREEN 01-15 {3} NOORDEGRAAF, Julia [=] Preserving and exhibiting media art {3} NORDEN, Denis [=] Coming to you live {3} NORDEN, Martin [=] The changing face of evil in film and television {3} NORIEGA, Chon [=] Visible nations - Latin american cinema and video {3} NORIEGA, José [=] De la literatura al cine {3} NORIEGA, José [=] Historia del cine {3} NORMANTON, Peter [=] Mammoth book of slasher movies {3} NORNES, Abé Mark [=] Forest of pressure ~ Ogawa Shinsuke and postwar japanese documentary {4} NORNES, Abé Mark [=] Japanese documentary film - The Meiji era through Hiroshima {3} NORTHRUP, Tony [=] How to choose a camera, lens, tripod, flash & more {3} NORWEGIAN FILMS (Cannes 2015) {3} NORWEGIAN FILMS (Documentaries 2014) {3} NORWEGIAN FILMS (Documentaries 2015) {3} NORWEGIAN FILMS (Documentaries 2016) {3} NORWEGIAN FILMS (Les Arcs 2015) {3} NORWEGIAN FILMS (Toronto 2015) {3} NORWEGIAN FILMS 2010 (1-2) {3} NORWEGIAN FILMS 2011-2015 {3} NOSFERATU [=] 11 (Cine japones) {3} NOSFERATU [=] 22 (1996) {3} NOSFERATU [=] 44-45 (Akira Kurosawa) {3} NOSFERATU 05 (La mirada Dreyer) {3} NOSOLO FREAK [=] 31 {3} NOTCUTT, L. A. [=] African and the cinema {3}


NOUVEL ART CINEMATOGRAPHIQUE [=] 11 números {1} NOUVEL, Thierry Le [=] Doublage {3} NOVA, Cristiane [=] Histoire en transe - Le temps et l'histoire dans l'œuvre de Glauber Rocha {3} NOVAES, Claudio [=] Cinco vezes sertão {3} NOVAIS, Nathalia [=] Libertinagem projetada {4} NOVOA, Jorge [=] Cinematografo - Um olhar sobre a historia {3} NOWELL, Richard [=] Blood money - A history of the first teen slasher film cycle {3} NOWLAN, Bob [=] Directory of world cinema (Scotland) {3} NUESTRO CINE (Espanha) [=] 01 (1961) {3} NUESTRO CINEMA 04-06 {3} NUESTRO CINEMA 09-10 (1932) {3} NUESTRO CINEMA 11-15 {3} NUEVA CINEMATECA DE BOGOTA {3} NUNES, Pedro [=] Cinema & poética {3} NUÑEZ, Fabian [=] Que é Nuevo cine latinoamericano {3} NYGREN, Scott [=] Time frames - Japanese cinema and the unfolding of history {3} NYKVIST, Sven [=] Culto a la luz {3} NYSTROM, Derek [=] Hard hats, rednecks and macho men {3} OAB-RJ [=] Guia do produtor audiovisual {3} OBERHOLTZER, Ellis [=] Censor and the movie 'menace' {3} O'BRIEN, Mary-Elizabeth [=] Nazi cinema as enchantment {3} O'BRIEN, Michael [=] Photographic eye - Learning to see with a camera {3} O'BRIEN, P. J. [=] Will Rogers {3} OBSERVATÓRIO ITAU CULTURAL [=] 10 {4} O'CONNELL, Diog [=] New irish storytellers - Narrative strategies in film {3} OCTOBER [=] 21 (Rainer Werner Fassbinder) {3} ODELL, Colin [=] Studio Ghibli - The films of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata {3} ODELL, Colin [=] Tim Burton (The pocket essential) {3} ODELL, Colin [=] Vampire films {3} OELER, Karla [=] A grammar of murder - Violent scenes and film form {3} OEVER, Annie van den [=] Ostrannenie, on strangeness and the moving image {3} O'FARRELL, Clare [=] Foucault at the movies {4}


OFFENHAUSER JR., William [=] 16-mm sound motion pictures - A manual {3} O'HAILEY, Tina [=] Hybrid animation - Integrating 2d and 3d assets {3} OJO AL CINE (Colombia) [=] 1-5 (1974) {3} OKADA, Jun [=] Making asian american film and video {3} OLDRINI, Guido [=] Cinema nella cultura del novecento {4} O'LEARY, Alan [=] Tragedia all'italiana - Italian cinema and italian terrorisms {3} OLGUIN, Karla [=] Documental sonoro {3} OLHAR DE CINEMA 2015 {3} OLHAR DE CINEMA 2017 {3} OLIVEIRA JR., Luiz Carlos [=] Mise en scène no cinema {3} OLIVEIRA JR., Luiz Carlos [=] O cinema de fluxo e a mise en scène {3} OLIVEIRA JR., Luiz Carlos de [=] Vertigo, a teoria artística de Alfred Hitchcock e seus desdobramentos {3} OLIVEIRA, Adriano [=] Cópias em glória - O cinema bastardo de Quentin Tarantino {3} OLIVEIRA, Anabela [=] Diálogos lusófonos - Literatura e cinema {3} OLIVEIRA, José de [=] Minhas memorias com meu cinema {3} OLIVEIRA, Marinyze [=] Desleituras cinematograficas - Literatura, cinema e cultura {3} OLIVER, Kelly [=] Noir anxiety {3} OLIVIERI, Silvana [=] Quando o cinema vira urbanismo {3} OLMETA, Patrick [=] Cinematheque française {4} OLMETA, Patrick [=] Cinematheque française {4} OLMO, Francisco del [=] Lenguaje e identidad colectiva en Buñuel {3} OLNEY, Ian [=] Euro horror - Classic european horror cinema {3} OLSON, Debbie [=] Black children in Hollywood cinema {4} OLSON, Greg [=] David Lynch - Beautiful dark {3} OLYMPIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2016 {3} O'MAHONY, Mike [=] Sergei Eisenstein {3} OMPI [=] Droits, camera, action - Les droits de PI {3} OMPI [=] Du scenario à l'écran - L'importance du droit d'auteur {3} ONDAATJE, Michael [=] The conversations - Walter Murch {4} ONE + ONE [=] 04 {3} ONOFRE, Cíntia [=] Zoom nas trilhas da Vera Cruz {3} OPTICAL LANTERN AND CINEMATOGRAPH JOURNAL [=] vol. 1 (1905) {3}


ORAL HISTORY PROGRAM [=] George Groves - Sound director {3} ORGERON, Devin [=] Road movies {3} ORICCHIO, Luiz Zanin [=] Cinema brasileiro contemporâneo (1990-2007) {3} ORICCHIO, Luiz Zanin [=] Fome de bola - Cinema e futebol no Brasil {3} ORICCHIO, Luiz Zanin [=] Guilherme de Almeida Prado {3} ORLANDO, Valérie [=] Francophone voices of the ''new'' Morocco in film and print {3} ORLEBAR, Jeremy [=] Digital television production - a handbook {3} ORMSBY, Alan [=] Movie monsters {3} OROZ, Silvia [=] Melodrama, el cine de lagrimas de America Latina {3} ORSON (Pelotas) [=] 1-12 {1} OSBORN, Keith [=] Cartoon character animation with Maya {3} OSBORNE, Robert [=] 85 years of the Oscar {3} OSCHERWITZ, Dayna [=] Historical dictionary of french cinema {3} OSCHERWITZ, Dayna [=] The A to Z of french cinema {4} OSNES, Beth [=] Acting, an international encyclopedia {3} OSÓRIO, Carla [=] 81 anos de cinema no Espírito Santo {3} OSPINA, Luís [=] Oiga vea - sonidos e imágenes {3} OSPINA, Luis [=] Palabras al viento - mis sobras completas {3} OSPINA, Sandra [=] Acercamiento al documental en la historia {3} OSTEN, Manfred [=] Memoria robada {3} OSTROWSKA, Dorota - European cinema in the television age {3} OTAKU MAG {3} OTAKU USA [=] An introduction to japanese horror - Anime, manga and film {3} OTAKU USA [=] The very best anime guide {3} OTROCINE (Uruguay) [=] 1-2 {3} OTTO E MEZZO [=] 1 (2012) {3} OUBIÑA, David [=] Silencio y sus bordes - Modos de lo extremo en la literatura y el cine {3} OUDART, Jean-Pierre [=] Sur 'Ivan le terrible' {3} OUROBOROS 01 {3} OXFORD ECONOMICS [=] The economic impact of the UK film industry 2012 {3} OZAWA, Tadashi [=] Como dibujar anime 3 (Acciones cotidianas) {3} OZU, Yasujiro [=] Carnets (1933-1963) {3}


P. O. V. - Danish Journal of Film Studies [=] The art of film editing {3} PABLO, Santiago de [=] Dos guerras mundiales (La historia a través del cine) {3} PABLO, Santiago de [=] Europa del este y la caida del muro (La historia a través del cine) {3} PABLO, Santiago de [=] Unión Soviética (La historia a través del cine) {3} PABLOS, Adrián Galindo de [=] Super héroes, super americanos {3} PACE, Eliana [=] Renato Consorte {3} PACE, Eliana [=] Sérgio Ricardo {3} PACKER, Sharon [=] Cinema's sinister psychiatrists {3} PACKER, Sharon [=] Movies and the modern psyche {3} PADVA, Gilad [=] Queer nostalgia in cinema and pop culture {3} PAFFENROTH, Kim [=] Gospel of the living dead {3} PAGAN, Alberte [=] Andy Warhol (espanhol) {3} PAGAN, Alberte [=] Vanguardismos clandestinos - El cine underground {3} PAGES, Neil Christian [=] Riefenstahl screened {3} PAGLIA, Camille [=] The birds (BFI Film Classics) {3} PAIVA, Carla [=] Cultura audiovisual - Transformações esteticas {3} PAIVA, Carla [=] Processos criativos em multimeios {3} PAIVA, Samuel [=] Gêneses do gênero road movie {3} PAKIER, Malgorzata [=] The construction of european holocaust memory {3} PALACIOS, Jesus [=] Aleksei Balabanov - Cine para la nueva Rusia {3} PALACIOS, Jesus [=] Linterna mágica de Jan Svankmajer {3} PALIN, Michael [=] Time bandits [roteiro] {3} PALLANT, Chris [=] Demystifying Disney - A history of Disney feature animation {3} PALLANT, Chris [=] Storyboarding, a critical history {3} PALLENBERG, Barbara [=] Making of The exorcist II {3} PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL [=] 2013 {3} PALMA, Marianna De [=] Pasolini, il documentario di poesia {3} PALMER, Frederick [=] Handbook of scenario construction 1 {3} PALMER, Frederick [=] Photoplay plot encyclopedia {3} PALMER, James [=] Films of Joseph Losey {3} PALMER, R. Barton [=] Joel and Ethan Cohen (Contemporary film directors) {3} PALMER, R. Barton [=] Nineteenth century american fiction on screen {3}


PALMER, Tim [=] Brutal intimacy - Analyzing contemporary french cinema {3} PALMER, William [=] Films of the nineties - the decade of spin {3} PAMART, Jean-Michel [=] Deleuze et le cinéma {3} PAMERLEAU, William [=] Existentialist cinema {4} PANJWANI, Narendra [=] Emotion pictures - Cinematic journeys into the indian self {3} PANNETIER, Arielle [=] Metier de realisateur {3} PANOFSKY, Erwin [=] Style and medium in the motion pictures {3} PANORAMA (Montreal) [=] 1 (1919) {3} PANORAMA AUDIOVISUAL IBEROAMERICANO 2013 {3} PANORAMA AUDIOVISUAL IBEROAMERICANO 2014 {3} PANORAMA DU CINÉMA CHINOIS DE PARIS [=] 2008 {3} PANTENBURG, Volker [=] Farocki-Godard - Film as theory {3} PANTOMIME [=] v. 1, n. 03 (1921) {3} PANTOMIME [=] v. 2, n. 12 (1922) {3} PANTOMINE [=] v. 2, n. 03 (1922) {3} PAPAZIAN, Elizabeth [=] Offscreen dreams and collective synthesis in Dovzhenko's 'Earth' {3} PAPAZIAN, Elizabeth [=] The essay film {4} PARAMOUNT [=] The story of the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation (1919) {3} PARAMOUNT AROUND THE WORLD 1927 {4} PARAMOUNT AROUND THE WORLD 1928 {4} PARAMOUNT INTERNATIONAL NEWS [=] 1932-1934 {4} PARAMOUNT PEP-O-GRAMS (1930-1931) {4} PARAMOUNT PICTURES [=] Biographies of Paramount players and directors (1936-37) {3} PARAMOUNT PUNCH 1930-1931 {4} PARAMOUNT SERVICE [=] 07.06.1924 {3} PARAMOUNT SERVICE [=] 27.06.1925 {3} PARAMOUNT WORLD (1955-1966) {4} PARAMOUNT WORLD [=] v. 04, n. 05 {3} PARANAGUÁ, Paulo [=] Brasil, entre modernismo y modernidad {3} PARANAGUÁ, Paulo [=] Cine documental en America Latina {3} PARANAGUÁ, Paulo [=] Cinema na América Latina {3} PARANAGUÁ, Paulo [=] Tomas Gutierrez Alea {3}


PARANAGUÁ, Paulo [=] Tradicion y modernidad en el cine de America Latina {3} PARANHOS, Flavio [=] Cinema & filosofia {4} PARASKEVA, Anthony [=] Speech-gesture complex - Modernism, theatre, cinema {3} PARDO LIVE (14.08.2015) {3} PARDO, Hernando [=] Historia del cine colombiano {3} PAREJO, Nekane [=] Fotógrafo en el cine - Re[presentaciones] {3} PARENTE, André [=] Cinema de vanguarda, cinema experimental e cinema do dispositivo {3} PARENTE, André [=] Cinemáticos - Cinema de artista no Brasil {3} PARENTE, André [=] Ensaios sobre o cinema do simulacro {3} PARENTE, André [=] Imagem-máquina {3} PARENTE, André [=] Narrativa e modernidade, os cinemas não-narrativos do pós-guerra {3} PARENTE, André [=] Passagens entre fotografia e cinema na arte brasileira {3} PARIS, Michael [=] Repicturing the Second World War {3} PARISH, James [=] Encyclopedia of ethnic groups in Hollywood {3} PARISH, James [=] Fiasco - a history of Hollywood's iconic flops {3} PARKE, Frederic [=] Computer facial animation {3} PARKER, Philip [=] Como escribir el guion perfecto {3} PARKINSON, David [=] History of film {3} PARKINSON, David [=] Rough guide to film musicals {3} PARKS, Stacey [=] Insider's guide to independent film distribution {4} PAROLE RUBATE [=] 5 (Speciale cinema) {3} PARRILL, Sue [=] Jane Austen on film and television {3} PARRILL, William [=] Ridley Scott - A critical filmography {3} PARRISH, Huguette [=] Adaptations theatrales et cinematographiques de l'oeuvre d'Honore de Balzac aux Etats-Unis {3} PARSONS, Louella [=] How to write for the movies {3} PARVULESCU, Anca [=] The traffic in women's work {4} PASCHEN, Felipe [=] Direccion de arte en el cine historico chileno {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Antologia breve {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Calderón {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Cartas luteranas {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Ceneri di Gramsci {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Divina mimesis {3}


PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Empirismo eretico {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Empirismo hereje {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Heretical empiricism {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Lettere (1955-1975) {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Lettere 1940-1954 {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Passione e ideologia [OCR] {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Per il cinema 1-2 {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Petrolio {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Pinturas e desenhos {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Romanzi e racconti 1-2 {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Saggi sulla letteratura e sull'arte (1-2) {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Saggi sulla politica e sulla società {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Teatro (Mondadori) {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Teatro {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Teorema (italiano) {3} PASOLINI, Pier Paolo [=] Tutte le poesie (1-2) {3} PASQUIM [=] Entrevista com Luiz Sérgio Person {3} PASSEK, Jean-Loup [=] Dictionnaire du cinéma (2001) {3} PASSERINI, Luisa [=] Europe and love in cinema {4} PASTOR, Santiago [=] Realismo mágico en la obra cinematográfica de André Delvaux {3} PASZYLK, Bartlomiej [=] Pleasure and pain of cult horror films {3} PATARRA, Dani [=] Batismo de sangue {3} PATHE EXCHANGE [=] Catalogue of Pathépictures (1925) {3} PATHÉ FRÈRES CINEMA [=] Catálogo 1915 {3} PATHÉ-BABY [=] Filmatheque 1931 {3} PATHESCOPE [=] Descriptive catalogue of Pathescope films (1918) {3} PATHESCOPE PICTURES [=] Education by visualization (1918) {3} PATTERSON, Francis [=] Cinema craftsmanship (1921) {3} PATTISON, Barrie [=] Seal of Dracula {3} PAUL, Louis [=] Italian horror film directors [OCR] {3} PAUL, Robert W. [=] Animated photograph films (1907) {3} PAUL, Robert W. [=] Animatograph Films (1901) {3}


PAUL, William [=] Ernst Lubitsch's american comedy {3} PAULA, Betse de [=] Zelito Viana - Histórias e causos do cinema brasileiro {3} PAULA, Breno de [=] Travessia cinematográfica {3} PAULAFREITAS, Ayeska [=] Glauber, a conquista de um sonho {3} PAULO, Fernando de [=] Kagemusha de Akira Kurosawa {3} PAUWELS, Heidi [=] Indian literature and popular cinema {3} PAVAM, Rosane [=] Ugo Giorgetti {3} PAVER, Chloe [=] Refractions of the Third Reich in german and austrian fiction and film {4} PAVLOVIC, Tatjana [=] 100 years of spanish cinema {3} PAVLOVIC, Tatjana [=] Despotic bodies and transgressive bodies {3} PAVSEK, Christopher [=] Utopia of film cinema and its futures {3} PAYAN, Maria Elena [=] Peter Greenaway, um pintor de luz {3} PAYNE, Robert [=] Great god pan - Charles Chaplin {3} PEARCE, Gail [=] Truth or dare - Art and documentary {4} PEARLMAN, Karen [=] Cutting rhythms - Shaping the film edit {3} PEARSON, Roberta [=] Critical dictionary of film and television theory {3} PEARSON, Roberta [=] Storytelling in the media convergence age {4} PEATY, Kevin [=] Flash cartoon animation - Learn from the pros {3} PECORARO, Salvatore [=] Stato delle cose - Vizi privati, pubbliche virtu nel cinema italiano {3} PEELE, Thomas [=] Queer popular culture {3} PEEP, Tom [=] Voyeur's guide to the movies {3} PEIRSE, Alison [=] After Dracula - The 1930s horror film {3} PEIRSE, Alison [=] Korean horror cinema {3} PELLEJERO, Eduardo [=] Sessões não numeradas - Algumas notas sobre o cinema e a emancipação do olhar {3} PELLETIER, Aimee [=] Godard, Rohmer and Ranciere's 'phrase-image' {3} PELOSI, Pino [=] Io so... come hanno ucciso Pasolini {3} PENAFRIA, Manuela [=] Esteticas do digital - Cinema e tecnologia {3} PENAFRIA, Manuela [=] Paradigma do documentário {3} PENAFRIA, Manuela [=] Propostas para a teoria do cinema {3} PENAFRIA, Manuela [=] Revisitar a teoria do cinema {3} PENAFRIA, Manuela [=] Tradição e reflexões {3} PENAFRIA, Manuela [=] Uma proposta de anti-cinema {3}


PENAFRIA, Manuela [=] Ver, ouvir e ler os cineastas {3} PENDERGAST, Tom [=] Dictionary of films and filmmakers (1-4) {3} PENLEY, Constance [=] Future of an illusion - Film, feminism and psychoanalysis {3} PENNINGTON, Jody [=] History of sex in american film {3} PEPPERELL, Robert [=] Screen consciousness - Cinema, mind and world {3} PEREIRA, Ana Catarina [=] Geração invisível - Os novos cineastas portugueses {3} PEREIRA, Ana Catarina [=] Mulher cineasta {3} PEREIRA, Edmar [=] Críticas de Edmar Pereira {3} PEREIRA, Ednei [=] Imagens à margem - Cinema marginal e contracultura na Bahia (1968-1972) {3} PEREIRA, Germano [=] Irene Stefania {3} PEREIRA, Ladenilson [=] Cinema no ensino de história {3} PEREIRA, Marcelo [=] Cinema - Memória audiovisual do mundo {3} PEREIRA, Marcelo Peron [=] Cinema da cidade (1-3) {3} PEREIRA, Martin [=] Conservacion del cine nacional - Patrimonio filmico argentino {3} PERELMAN, Pablo [=] Industria cinematografica en la Argentina {3} PERETTI, Burton [=] Leading man - Hollywood and the presidential image {4} PEREZ, Gilberto [=] The material ghost - Films and their medium {4} PEREZ, Marta [=] Reflexiones sobre la adaptación cinematográfica {3} PERINELLI NETO, Humberto [=] Ver, fazer e viver cinema {3} PERIODICAL 02 {3} PERIODICAL 03 {3} PERISIC, Zoran [=] Special optical effects {3} PERKINS, Victor [=] Film as film - Understanding and judging movies {4} PERLMAN, William [=] Movies on trial (1936) {3} PERNICK, Martin [=] The black stork {4} PERON, Mauro [=] Articulações narrativas em Alfred Hitchcock {3} PERRA, Emiliano [=] Conflicts of memory - The reception of holocaust films {3} PERRIAM, Chris [=] Spanish queer cinema {3} PERRON, Bernard [=] Petit glossaire 'cinématographique' de la science cognitive {3} PERRY, George [=] Life of Python {3} PERSON, Luis Sérgio [=] Caso dos irmãos Naves {3} PERSONAL MOVIES [=] 10 (1933) {3}


PERSSON, Per [=] Understanding cinema, a psychological theory of moving imagery {3} PERUCHA, Julio [=] Los años que conmovieron al cinema {3} PERUCHA, Julio Perez [=] Años que conmovieron al cinema - Las rupturas del 68 {3} PESSOA, Ana [=] Por trás das câmeras {3} PETAT, Jacques [=] Lexique du cinéma {3} PETHO, Agnes [=] Cinema and intermediality {3} PETHO, Agnes [=] Jean-Luc Godard's passages from the photo-graphic to the post-cinematic {3} PETRAGLIA, Sandro [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini (italiano) {3} PETRIE, Dennis [=] Art of watching films {3} PETRO, Patrice [=] Idols of modernity - Movie stars of the 1920s {3} PETTERSON, Palle [=] Cameras into the wild - A history of early wildlife and expedition {3} PETTEY, Homer B. [=] Film noir {3} PEUCKER, Brigitte [=] A companion to Rainer Werner Fassbinder {4} PEYRIERE, Monique [=] Maya Deren et les sciences sociales {3} PEZ DORADO 01-09 {3} PEZZOTTA, Elisa [=] Metaphor of dance in Stanley Kubrick {3} PEZZOTTA, Elisa [=] Stanley Kubrick - Adapting the sublime {3} PFEFFER, Susanne [=] You killed me first - The cinema of transgression {3} PHANTOM, Mere [=] Magic lantern (1866) {3} PHELPS, David [=] William Wellman (A dossier) PHILIP, Alexander [=] Cinematograph films - Their national value and preservation (1912) {3} PHILIPS, Baxter [=] Cut - The unseen cinema {3} PHILLIPS, Alastair [=] A companion to Jean Renoir {3} PHILLIPS, Alastair [=] City of darkness, city of light - Emigré filmmakers in Paris 1929-1939 {3} PHILLIPS, Alastair [=] Japanese cinema - Texts and contexts {3} PHILLIPS, Alastair [=] Rififi - French film guide {3} PHILLIPS, Gene [=] Beyond the epic - The life & films of David Lean {4} PHILLIPS, Gene [=] Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick - From Day of the fight to Eyes wide shut {3} PHILLIPS, Gene [=] Exiles in Hollywood {4} PHILLIPS, Gene [=] Gangsters and G-men on screen {4} PHILLIPS, Gene [=] Godfather - The intimate Francis Ford Coppola {3} PHILLIPS, Gene [=] Major film directors of the american and british cinema {4}


PHILLIPS, Gene [=] Out of the shadows {4} PHILLIPS, Gene [=] Some like it Wilder - The life and controversial films of Billy Wilder {4} PHILLIPS, Henry [=] Feature photoplay (1921) {3} PHILLIPS, Henry [=] Photodrama (1914) {3} PHILLIPS, James [=] Cinematic thinking - Philosophical approaches to the new cinema {3} PHILLIPS, Kendall [=] Projected fears - Horror films and american culture {3} PHOENIX CINEMA [=] 2014 (10-11) {3} PHOENIX CINEMA [=] 2016 (09-10) {3} PHONO CINÉMA REVUE [=] 1908-03 {3} PHONO CINÉMA REVUE [=] 1908-04 {3} PHOTO-CINÉ (1927) [=] 17 números {1} PHOTO-DRAMATIST [=] 1921-03 {3} PHOTOPLAY [=] 1914.12 {3} PHOTOPLAY [=] 1915.09 {3} PHOTOPLAY [=] 35 números (1917-1919) {1} PHOTOPLAY [=] Stars of the Photoplay (1924) {3} PHOTOPLAY AUTHOR [=] 1914-07 {3} PHOTOPLAY AUTHOR [=] 1914-10 {3} PHOTOPLAY AUTHOR [=] 1915-01 {3} PHOTOPLAY AUTHOR [=] 1915-05 {3} PHOTO-PLAY JOURNAL [=] 1916-1917 (abril) {3} PHOTO-PLAY JOURNAL [=] 1917 (maio-dezembro) {3} PHOTO-PLAY JOURNAL [=] 1919 (janeiro-junho) {3} PHOTO-PLAY JOURNAL [=] 1919-1921 {3} PHOTOPLAY STUDIES 1935 {3} PHOTOPLAY STUDIES 1938 {3} PIAZZA, Roberta [=] Discourse of italian cinema and beyond {3} PIAZZA, Roberta [=] Telecinematic discourse {4} PIAZZA, Roberta [=] Values and choices in television discourse {4} PIAZZA, Sara [=] Jim Jarmusch - Music, words and noise {3} PIÇARRA, Maria [=] Homem imaginado pelo cinema colonial {3} PICART, Caroline [=] Remaking the Frankenstein myth on film {3}


PICK, Zuzana Mirjam [=] Constructing the image of the mexican revolution {3} PICK, Zuzana Mirjam [=] Entretien avec Raoul Ruiz {3} PICKFORD, Mary [=] My rendezvous with life {3} PICTURE SHOW [=] Annual for 1938 {3} PICTURE SHOW [=] v. 1 (1919) {3} PICTUREGOER [=] 01 (1921) {3} PICTURE-PLAY WEEKLY [=] 34 números {1} PICTURES AND THE PICTUREGOER [=] 09 (1915-1916) {3} PIERANGELI, Fabio [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini - Biografia per immagini {3} PIERCE, David [=] The survival of american silent feature films {3} PIERSON, Michele [=] Amateurism and experiment - The British Film Institute {3} PIERSON, Michele [=] Optic antics - The cinema of Ken Jacobs {3} PIKKOV, Ulo [=] Animasophy - Theoretical writings on the animated film {3} PILLAI, Swarnavel [=] Madras Studios - Narrative, genre and ideology in tamil cinema {3} PILLING, Jayne [=] Animation, 2D and beyond {3} PIMENTEL, Alberto [=] Fitas de animatographo {3} PIMENTEL, Leo [=] Cin'surgente - O livro {3} PIMPARE, Stephen [=] Ghettos, tramps, and welfare queens {3} PINA, Luis de [=] Historia do cinema português {3} PINA, Patrícia [=] A literatura em quadrinhos {3} PINAZZA, Natália [=] Journeys in argentine and brazilian cinema {3} PINEDA, Rita [=] Cine como herramienta para la enseñanza crítica de los medios {3} PINEDO, Isabel [=] Recreational terror {3} PINEL, Vincent [=] Montaje - El espacio y el tiempo del film {3} PINGAUD, Bernard [=] Alain Resnais ou a Criação no Cinema {3} PINHEIRO, Francisco de Moura [=] Luz, câmera, palavras {3} PINILLA, Carlos [=] Cine de terror de los años 60 y su relacion con los nuevos cines {3} PINNEY, Christopher [=] Hindi cinema and half-forgotten dialects {4} PINTER, Harold [=] Five screenplays {4} PINTO, Denise [=] Ankito, minha vida, meus humores {3} PINTO, Leonor [=] Cinema brasileiro e censura durante a ditadura {3} PIO XII [=] Pope speaks on the movies {3}


PIPOLO, Tony [=] Robert Bresson - A passion for film {3} PIPPIN, Robert [=] Hollywood westerns and american myth {3} PIPPIN, Robert [=] The philosophical Hitchcock {3} PIRES, Maria Ondina [=] Percursos de transgressão juvenil no discurso fílmico de 'Scorpio rising' {3} PIRIE, David [=] Vampire cinema {3} PIRRO, Ugo [=] Per scrivere un film {3} PISANI, Heloísa [=] O cheiro do ralo - A poética de Lourenço Mutarelli {3} PISTERS, Patricia [=] The matrix of visual culture: working with Deleuze in film theory {3} PISU, Stefano [=] War films - Interpretazione storiche {3} PITTS, Michael [=] Allied Artists - Horror, science fiction and fantasy films {3} PITTS, Michael [=] Western film series of the sound era {3} PIZOQUERO, Lucilene [=] Cinema e gênero - A trajetória de Gilda de Abreu {3} PIZZATO, Mark [=] Ghosts of theatre and cinema in the brain {3} PIZZITOLA, Louis [=] Hearst over Hollywood - Power, passion and propaganda in the movies {3} PLANETA [=] Historia universal del cine 6 {3} PLANETA [=] Historia universal del cine 7 {3} PLANTINGA, Carl [=] Film theory and aesthetics - Notes on a schism {3} PLANTINGA, Carl [=] Moving viewers - American film {4} PLANTINGA, Carl [=] Passionate views - Film, cognition and emotion {4} PLANTINGA, Carl [=] Rhetoric and representation in nonfiction film {3} PLATE, Brent [=] Imag(in)ing otherness - Filmic visions of living together {4} PLATE, Brent [=] Representing religion in world cinema {3} PLAY PICTORIAL 293 {3} PLESSIS, Judith [=] Femininity and authorship - Deren, Duras and Von Trotta {3} PLISSKEN, John [=] Badass - 100 durs à cuire iconiques du cinéma {3} POBLETE, Juan [=] Humor in latin american cinema {3} PODALSKY, Laura [=] Politics of affect and emotion in contemporary latin american cinema {3} POESIA EN EL CAMPUS [=] Poesia y cine {3} POGGI, Gianfranco [=] Luchino Visconti and the italian cinema {3} POINT [=] 18 (Cinema) {3} POIRIER, Christian [=] Le 'renouveau' du cinema quebecois {3} POITIER, Sidney [=] Life beyond measure {4}


POITRAT, Jacques [=] 'Limite' de Mário Peixoto {3} POLAN, Dana [=] Scenes of instruction - The beginnings of the US study of film {3} POLANCO, Aurora [=] Pensar la imagen - Pensar con las imágenes {3} POLANSKI, Roman [=] Roman (francês) {3} POLISH FILM INSTITUTE [=] Film literacy initiatives {3} POLLOCK, Griselda [=] Bluebeard's legacy {3} POLO JEQUITINHONHA [=] Produção audiovisual comunitaria {3} POLONSKY, Abraham [=] Interviews {4} POMERANCE, Murray [=] Bad - Infamy, darkness, evil and slime on screen {4} PONS, Juan [=] Cine y ensenãnza {3} PONTHUS, Olivier [=] Guide pratique du tournage video {4} PONTING, Herbert [=] 90 South - The official film record of captain Scott's expedition to the South Pole {3} POP, Doru [=] Grammar of the new romanian cinema {3} POP, Doru [=] Romanian new wave cinema - An introduction {4} PORTER, Darwin [=] Marilyn at rainbow's end - Sex, lies, murder... {3} PORTER, Edwin Stanton [=] The great train robbery [screenplay] {3} PORTON, Richard [=] Arena One - Anarchist film and video {4} PORTON, Richard [=] Cine y anarquismo {3} POSADAS, Abel [=] Cine y novela - Imagenes argentinas del siglo XX (2-3) {3} POSHAR, Andrea [=] Dos átomos aos pixels {3} POSITIF [=] Dossier Chris Marker {3} POSITIF [=] Rohmer, l'art du naturel {3} POSTMAN, Neil [=] Technopoly - The surrender of culture to technology {3} POTONNIÉE, Georges [=] Origines du cinématographe (1928) {3} POTTER, Tiffany [=] Wire - Urban decay and american television {3} POU, Joan Torres [=] Ciudad en la literatura y el cine {3} POULAIN, Edouard [=] Contre le cinema, pour le cinema (1917) {3} POUNTAIN, Dick [=] Cool rules - Anatomy of an attitude {3} POURRIOL, Ollivier [=] Filosofando no cinema - 25 filmes para entender o desejo {3} POWELL, Anna [=] Deleuze - Altered states and film {3} POWER'S CAMERAGRAPH [=] Catalog 1913 {3} POWERS, Anne [=] Cinema 4D - The artist's project sourcebook {3}


POWRIE, Phil [=] French cinema - A student's guide {3} POWRIE, Phil [=] Pierre Batcheff and stardom in 1920s french cinema {3} POZNER, Valerie [=] Gorki au cinematographe {3} PRADO, Guilherme de Almeida [=] Dama do Cine Shanghai (roteiro) PRADO, Guilherme de Almeida [=] Onde andará Dulce Veiga {3} PRADO, Guilherme de Almeida [=] Textos sobre cinema {3} PRAGER, Brad [=] A companion to Werner Herzog {4} PRÄKEL, David [=] Visual dictionary of photography {3} PRAMAGGIORE, Maria [=] Film - A critical introduction {3} PRAMAGGIORE, Maria [=] Irish and african american cinema {3} PRAMAGGIORE, Maria [=] Making time in Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon {4} PRATT, Mary [=] How to analyze the films of Quentin Tarantino {3} PRAVADELLI, Veronica [=] Donne del cinema {4} PREFEITURA DE BELO HORIZONTE [=] Fim das coisas - As salas de cinema de Belo Horizonte {3} PRELORAN, Jorge [=] Cine etnobiografico {3} PREMIER CINEMATOGRAPH APPARATUS {3} PREMINGER, Aner [=] The human comedy of Antoine Doinel {4} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 01. Le nouveau cinema francais {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 02-03. Situation du western {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 04-05. Le cinema des blousons noirs {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 06-07. Sadisme et libertinage {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 08. Les nouvelles actrices du cinema francais {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 09. Vittorio Cottafavi {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 10. Avenir du cinema francais {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 11. Otto Preminger {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 12. Claude Sautet - Don Weis {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 13. Raoul Walsh {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 14. Scenaristes francais et americains {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 15-16. Blake Edwards {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 17. Ricardo Freda - Les acteurs {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 18. Joseph L. Mankiewiecz {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 19. Samuel Fuller {1}


PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 20. Joseph Losey - Samuel Fuller (suite) {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 21. John Ford {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 22-23. Allan Dwan - Jacques Tourneur {1} PRESENCE DU CINEMA [=] 24-25. Cecil B. DeMille {1} PRESSBOOK [=] Alemão {3} PRESSBOOK [=] Boi Neon {3} PRESSBOOK [=] Floresta que se move {3} PRESSBOOK [=] Zombie (George Romero) {3} PRESTON, Jack [=] Screen star {3} PREVERT, Jacques [=] Cinema, scenarios inattendus {4} PRICE, Brian [=] Neither god nor master {4} PRIEBE, Ken [=] Advanced art of stop-motion animation {3} PRIETO, Miguel [=] James Dean, el angel oscuro {4} PRIMER PLANO [=] 1-5 (1972-1973) {3} PRIMER PLANO [=] 6 (1973) {4} PRINCE, Stephen [=] American cinema of the 1980s {3} PRINCE, Stephen [=] Classical film violence {3} PRINCE, Stephen [=] Digital visual effects in cinema {3} PRINCE, Stephen [=] History of the american cinema 10 {3} PRINCE, Stephen [=] Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch [Cambridge Film Handbooks] {3} PRINCE, Stephen [=] Savage cinema - Sam Peckinpah {3} PRINCE, Stephen [=] Warrior's camera - The cinema of Akira Kurosawa {3} PRINCELLE, Jean Loup [=] Made in USSR - The authentic guide to russian and soviet cameras {4} PROBERT [=] Encyclopaedia of films and characters of the cinema {4} PROFERES, Nicholas [=] Film directing fundamentals {3} PROFILES IN HISTORY [=] Debbie Reynolds' the auction {3} PROFILES IN HISTORY [=] Hollywood auction 44 {3} PROGRAMAS DE CINEMA (17) {1} PROGRAMAS DE CINEMA (década de 20) {3} PROJANSKY, Sarah [=] Watching rape {3} PROJECTIONS [=] 1 {3} PROJECTIONS [=] 9 (French film-makers on film-making) {3}


PROJETO MINHA ESCOLA, MEU CINEMA (Catálogo) {3} PRUDENZI, Angela [=] Cinema politico italiano, anos 60 e 70 [INC] {3} PSYCHOTRONIC VIDEO 20 {3} PUCCI JR., Renato Luiz [=] Cinema brasileiro pós-moderno {3} PUDOVKIN, Vsevolod [=] Actor en el film {3} PUDOVKIN, Vsevolod [=] Film technique and film acting (1954) {3} PULP TWISTER [=] 1 (2011) {3} PUMMER, Claudia [=] Elective affinities - The films of Daniele Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub {3} PUNATHAMBEKAR, Aswin [=] From Bombay to Bollywood {4} PUNTER, David [=] The gothic {3} PURCELL, John [=] Dialogue editing for motion pictures {3} PURVES, Barry [=] Stop motion - Passion, process and performance {3} PUYAL, Alfonso [=] Pensamiento cinematografico de Roman Jakobson {3} PUZO, Mario [=] Godfather (screenplay) {3} PUZZI, Nicole [=] A Boca de São Paulo {3} QUADERNI DELLA MEDIATECA S. SOFIA [=] Cinema 2001. E dopo l'Odissea {3} QUADERNI IBC [=] Federico Fellini - Autore di testi {3} QUADERNS DE CINE [=] 09 (2014) {3} QUANDT, James [=] Robert Bresson {4} QUART, Leonard [=] American film and society since 1945 {3} QUARTA PARETE (1945, 1) {3} QUEIPO, Isabel [=] Socio-critical aspects in latin american cinema(s) {4} QUEIROZ, Ruben de [=] Jean Rouch - O sonho mais forte que a morte {4} QUESADA, José [=] Productor cinematografico {3} QUEVEDO, Frank [=] Analisis del film {3} QUEVEDO, Frank [=] Claves para la escritura de un buen guión {3} QUINN, James [=] Adventures in the lives of others {3} QUINTANA, Angel [=] Television de Roberto Rossellini {3} QUINTANA, Haenz [=] Design de comunicação no marketing de cinema {3} RABIGER, Michael [=] Direccion de cine y video - Tecnica y estetica {3} RABIGER, Michael [=] Direccion de documentales [OCR] {3} RABIGER, Michael [=] Directing the documentary {3}


RABINOVITZ, Lauren [=] Electric dreamland {4} RACHEVA, Maria [=] Presentday bulgarian cinema {3} RACIONERO, Alexis [=] Lenguaje cinematografico {3} RADIGUET & MASSIOT [=] Catalogue general 89 (1910) {3} RADNER, Hilary [=] Raymond Bellour - Cinema and the moving image {4} RADNOR, Leona [=] The photoplay writer (1912) {3} RAFTER, Nicole [=] Criminology goes to the movies {3} RAFTER, Nicole [=] Shots in the mirror - Crime, films and society {3} RAHMEL, Dan [=] Nuts and bolts filmmaking {3} RAI, Amit [=] Untimely Bollywood {3} RAINWATER, Clarence [=] Light and color {3} RAJADHYAKSHA, Ashish [=] Encyclopedia of indian cinema {3} RAJADHYAKSHA, Ashish [=] Kumar Shahani {3} RAMCHANDANI, Deepak [=] Sindhi's in film industry {3} RAMIREZ, Bruno [=] Histoire à l'ecran {4} RAMIREZ, Bruno [=] Inside the historical film {4} RAMIREZ, Carlos Cova [=] De vuelta a la esencia - Consideraciones sobre cine independiente {3} RAMIREZ, Francis [=] Apollinaire et le désir de cinéma {3} RAMLOCHAND, John [=] Japanese cinema - Time, space, nation {3} RAMOS, Fernão [=] Breve panorama do cinema novo {3} RAMOS, Fernão [=] Cinema marginal, a representação em seu limite {3} RAMOS, Fernão [=] Que é documentario {3} RAMOS, José Mário Ortiz [=] Cinema, Estado e lutas culturais {3} RAMSAYE, Terry [=] A million and one nights {3} RANCIERE, Jacques [=] Bela Tarr, después del final {3} RANCIERE, Jacques [=] Bela Tarr, le temps d'après {3} RANCIERE, Jacques [=] Bela Tarr, the time after {3} RANCIERE, Jacques [=] Distancias del cine [OCR] {3} RANCIÈRE, Jacques [=] Distâncias do cinema {3} RANCIÈRE, Jacques [=] Écarts du cinéma {3} RANCIÈRE, Jacques [=] Fabula cinematografica {3} RANCIERE, Jacques [=] Film fable {3}


RANCIÈRE, Jacques [=] Future of the image {3} RANGEL, Jorge Antonio [=] Humberto Mauro {3} RAPHAEL, Frederic [=] Aqui Kubrick {3} RAPPORTO CONFIDENZIALE [=] 1-2 (2008) {3} RASCAROLI, Laura [=] Amateur filmmaking - The home movie, the archive, the web {3} RASHKIN, Elissa [=] Women filmmakers in Mexico {3} RASMUSSEN, Randy [=] Orson Welles - Six films analyzed scene by scene {3} RATHBUN, John [=] Motion picture - Making and exhibiting (1914) {3} RAUBICHECK, Walter [=] Scripting Hitchcock {3} RAUF, Don [=] Cartoon animator - Virtual apprentice {3} RAUSCH, Andrew [=] Films of Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro {4} RAVETTO, Kriss [=] Unmaking of fascist aesthetics {3} RAW, Laurence [=] Merchant-Ivory interviews {4} RAW, Laurence [=] Ridley Scott encyclopedia {4} RAY, Charles [=] Hollywood shorts {3} RAY, Fred Olen [=] Grind show - Weirdness as entertainment {3} RAY, Man [=] Self portrait {3} RAY, Sandip [=] Satyajit Ray on cinema {3} RAY, Satyajit [=] On the music of "The Music Room" {3} RAYMOND, Marc [=] Hollywood's new yorker {4} RAYO VERDE (5-7) {3} RE, Margaux De [=] Jeu de l'acteur et construction du personnage (Tom Hanks) {3} READ, Paul [=] Restoration of motion picture film {3} READER, Keith [=] Regle du jeu (French film guide) {3} REAGAN, Leslie [=] Medicine's moving pictures {4} REAL, David Bollero [=] Sahara occidental - La revolucion del cine {3} REBELLO, Stephen [=] Alfred Hitchcock e os bastidores de 'Psicose' {4} REBELLO, Stephen [=] Hitchcock - L'incredibile storia di Psycho {3} REBOLL, António Lazaro- [=] Spanish horror film {3} RECINE 01 (2004) {3} RECINE 05 {3} RECINE 07-11 {3}


RECLAM CINE [=] 07-03-1926 {3} RECLAM CINE [=] 15-05-1926 {3} RECLAM CINE [=] 19-03-1926 {3} RECLAM CINE [=] 21-02-1926 {3} RECLAM CINE [=] 31-01-1926 {3} RED DE CINECLUBES DE CHILE [=] Manual de cineclubismo {3} REDNER, Gregg [=] Deleuze and film music {3} REED, Elizabeth [=] Violent Mr. Hyde versus feminism {3} REEL LIFE [=] 1915 (29 números) {1} REEVES, Carson [=] Scriptshadow secrets - 500 screenwriting secrets {4} REGE, Philippe [=] Encyclopedia of french film directors {3} REHIME [=] 3 (Estados generales del tercer cine) {3} REICH, Jacqueline [=] Maciste films of italian silent cinema {3} REICH, Jacqueline [=] Re-viewing fascism - Italian cinema, 1922-1943 {3} REICHENBACH, Carlos [=] Dois Córregos {3} REICHERT, Tom [=] Sex in advertising {3} REID, Bertha [=] Wallace Reid - His life story (1923) {3} REID, Mark [=] Black lenses, black voices {4} REID, Robin [=] Women in science fiction and fantasy {3} REIMER, Robert [=] Historical dictionary of german cinema {3} REINHARTZ, Adele [=] Jesus of Hollywood {3} REIS, Beatriz Vianna [=] Cinema social de Jean Vigo {3} REIS, Moura [=] Ozualdo Candeias {3} REIS, Sérgio Rodrigo [=] Braz Chediak {3} REISINGER, Paul [=] Politique du montage de 'L'homme à la camera' - Dziga Vertov {3} REISZ, Karel [=] Technique of film editing {3} REISZ, Karel [=] Tecnica del montaje cinematografico {3} REKABTALAEI, Golbarg [=] Iranian cosmopolitanism {4} RELIK(S) OF THE DEAD [=] 35 (2011) {3} REMES, Justin [=] Motion(less) pictures - The cinema of stasis {3} REMIER [=] Ivan Cardoso {3} RENAN, Sheldon [=] An introduction to the american underground film {3}


RENCONTRES DU CINEMA DOCUMENTAIRE 2006 {3} RENCONTRES DU CINEMA DOCUMENTAIRE 2010 {3} RENCONTRES DU CINEMA DOCUMENTAIRE 2013-2014 {3} RENGA, Dana [=] Mafia movies - A reader {3} RENOIR, Jean [=] Passado vivo {3} REPETTO, Antonino [=] Invito al cinema di Pasolini {3} REPUBLICA DOMINICANA [=] Talleres internacionales de cine digital UASD 2013 {3} RE-SEARCH [=] Incredibly strange films {3} RESEÑA, Equipo [=] Cine para leer 1974 {3} RESHA, David [=] The cinema of Errol Morris {4} RESINA, Joan [=] Burning darkness - A half century of spanish cinema {3} RESTART (Croácia) [=] Film catalogue 2014-2015 {3} RESTIRO, Angelo [=] Cinema of economic miracles {3} RETROSPECTIVA GLAUBER ROCHA [=] Catálogo em espanhol {3} REVENGA, Verónica [=] Voz del cine africano {3} REVISTA DA CINEMATECA BRASILEIRA (2) {3} REVISTA DE CINEMA (Belo Horizonte) [=] 25 números (1954-1964) {1} REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS DE JUVENTUD [=] 106 (La juventud en la pantalla) {3} REVISTA EXIBIDOR 07 (2012) {3} REVISTA EXIBIDOR 17 {3} REVISTA SALA DE CINEMA [=] Especial terror & ficção {3} REVISTA ZINGU [=] Entrevista com Renalto Alves {3} REVUE CINÉMA [=] 02 (1933) {3} REVUE DE LA CINEMATHEQUE DE QUEBEC (87-96) {3} REVUE D'HISTOIRE MODERNE ET CONTEMPORAINE [=] Cinéma et société {3} REVUE DU CINEMA [=] 07-12 (1947-1948) {3} REVUE DU CINEMA [=] 13-20 (1948) {3} REVUE DU CINEMA [=] 18-21 (1931) {3} REVUE DU CINEMA [=] 23-28 (1931) {3} REY, Marcos [=] Roteirista profissional - Televisão e cinema {3} REYES, Álvaro [=] Crimen y suspenso en el cine mexicano (1946-1955) {3} REYES, Dean [=] Tres estados de la animación cubana de los años 2000 {3}


REZENDE, Luiz Augusto [=] Ruptura e continuidade no documentario brasileiro (1959-1962) {3} REZENDE, Sérgio [=] Salve geral {3} RHODES, Gary [=] The perils of moviegoing in American (1896-1950) {4} RIAHI, Karine [=] Les contrats audiovisuels et cinematographiques {4} RIAMBAU, Esteve [=] Cine frances (1958-1998) (p. 33-67) {3} RIAMBAU, Esteve [=] Hablar el cine - Leni Riefenstahl {3} RIBEIRO, José [=] Jean Rouch - Filme etnográfico e antropologia visual {3} RIBEIRO, Michela [=] Skinner vai ao cinema 2 {3} RIBEIRO, Solon [=] Cinema é meu playground {3} RIBEIRO, Teté [=] Paulo Betti {3} RICAPITO, Laura [=] Videoarte - herencia historica {3} RICCIARDELLI, Lucia [=] American documentary filmmaking in the digital age {4} RICE, John [=] Creating digital content {3} RICE, Julian [=] Kubrick's hope - Discovering optimism {3} RICE, Shelley [=] Inverted Odysseys {3} RICH, Ruby [=] New queer cinema, the director's cut {3} RICHARDS, Jeffrey [=] Age of the dream palace - Cinema and society in 1930s britain {3} RICHARDSON, F. H. [=] Motion picture handbook (1910) {3} RICHARDSON, F. H. [=] Richardson's handbook of projection (1-2) {3} RICHARDSON, Iain [=] Video codec design {3} RICHARDSON, Michael [=] Surrealism and cinema {3} RICHIE, Donald [=] A hundred years of japanese film {3} RICHIE, Donald [=] Japanese cinema {3} RICHIE, Donald [=] The films of Akira Kurosawa {3} RICKELS, Laurence [=] Ulrike Ottinger, the autobiography of art cinema {3} RICKITT, Richard [=] Special effects - The history and techniques {3} RIEFENSTAHL, Leni [=] Memoiren 1902-1945 [em alemão] {3} RIEFENSTAHL, Leni [=] Memórias (espanhol) {3} RIN, Silvio Da- [=] Espelho partido, tradição e transformação {3} RIN, Silvio Da- [=] Luís Tomás Reis e Silvino Santos {3} RINCÓN, Omar [=] Zapping TV (El paisaje de la tele latina) {3} RINGS, Guido [=] The other in contemporary migrant cinema {4}


RIO, Elena del [=] Deleuze and the cinemas of perfomance {3} RIOCREUX, Ingrid [=] La langue des medias {3} RIOS, Dagneris Batista de los [=] Retrospectiva histórica del cine cubano - nación e identidad {3} RIOS, Humberto [=] Introduccion al cine documental {3} RIOS, José Gonzalez [=] Destino, azar y necesidad (Cine y filosofia) {3} RIOS, Valeria de los [=] Cine de Raul Ruiz {3} RIPER, Bowdoin Van [=] Learning from Mickey, Donald and Walt {3} RIPPY, Marguerite [=] Orson Welles and the unfinished RKO projects {3} RISI, Dino [=] Mes monstres {4} RIST, Peter [=] Historical dictionary of south american cinema {4} RITZENHOFF, Karen [=] Screening the dark side of love - From euro-horror to american cinema {3} RIVERA, Juan [=] Que Sócrates diría a Woody Allen {3} RIVERA, Tania [=] Cinema, imagem e psicanálise {3} RIVERO, Angel Gomez [=] Cine zombi {3} RIVEST, Mike [=] Texas panhandle movie theatres and drive-ins {4} RIVI, Luisa [=] European cinema after 1989 {3} RIZZO, Michael [=] Art direction handbook for film {3} RIZZO, Sergio [=] Cinema e educação {4} ROBÉ, Chris [=] Left of Hollywood - Cinema, modernism and emergence {3} ROBERTS, Graham [=] Key film texts {3} ROBERTS, Jerry [=] Encyclopedia of television film directors {3} ROBERTS, Jerry [=] The complete history of american film criticism {4} ROBERTS, Nick Rees- [=] French queer cinema {3} ROBERTSON, James [=] Hidden cinema - British film censorship in action {3} ROBERTSON, Patrick [=] Guinness book of film facts and feats {3} ROBERTSON, Robert [=] Eisenstein on the audiovisual {3} ROBINS, Kevin [=] Into the image - Culture and politics in the field of vision {3} ROBINSON, Andrew [=] Apu trilogy - Satyajit Ray and the making of an epic {3} ROBINSON, Andrew [=] Satyajit Ray - The inner eye {3} ROBINSON, Jeremy [=] Sacred cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky {3} ROBSON, E. W. [=] Film answers back {3} ROBSON, E. W. [=] World is my cinema {3}


ROCHA, Carolina [=] Masculinities in contemporary argentine popular cinema {3} ROCHA, Carolina [=] Representing history, class, and gender in Spain and Latin America - children and adolescents in film {3} ROCHA, Glauber [=] Estética da fome {3} ROCHA, Glauber [=] On cinema {4} ROCHA, Glauber [=] Revisão crítica do cinema brasileiro {3} ROCHA, Glauber [=] Revolução do Cinema Novo (1981) {3} ROCHA, Glauber [=] Revolução do Cinema Novo (2004) {3} ROCHA, Glauber [=] Riverão Sussuarana {3} ROCHA, Glauber [=] Século do cinema (2006) {3} ROCHA, Glauber [=] Você gosta de Jean-Luc Godard {3} ROCHA, Glauber [=] Way to make a future {4} ROCHA, Marília [=] Ensaio e as travessias do cinema documentario {3} RODOWICK, D. N. [=] Afterimages of Gilles Deleuze's film philosophy {3} RODOWICK, D. N. [=] Gilles Deleuze's time machine {4} RODOWICK, D. N. [=] Reading the figural, or, philosophy after the new media {4} RODOWICK, D. N. [=] The crisis of political modernism {4} RODOWICK, D. N. [=] Virtual life of film {3} RODOWICKI, D. N. [=] The difficulty of difference {4} RODRIGUES, Apoenan [=] Jece Valadão {3} RODRIGUES, Chris [=] Cinema e a produção {3} RODRIGUES, Patrícia [=] Adelaide Chiozzo {3} RODRIGUEZ, Carina [=] Cine de terror en Argentina {3} RODRIGUEZ, Daniel Peña [=] Diseño de guiones para audiovisual {3} RODRIGUEZ, Juan [=] 333 films impactantes (1) {3} RODRIGUEZ, Marta [=] Cuatro miradas en el cine colombiano {3} RODRIGUEZ, R. Hernandez- [=] Splendors of latin cinema {4} RODRIGUEZ, Robert [=] Rebel without a crew {3} ROFFEBI, Alessandro [=] Hollywood, Europa (italiano) {3} ROGERS, Pauline [=] More contemporary cinematographers on their art {4} ROGNONI, Luigi [=] Cinema muto, dalle origini al 1930 {3} ROGOWSKI, Christian [=] The many faces of Weimar cinema {4} ROHMER, Eric [=] Ancien et le nouveau {3}


ROHMER, Eric [=] Antiguo y lo nuevo {3} ROHMER, Eric [=] Friponnes de porcelaine {4} ROHMER, Eric [=] Gout de la beaute {3} ROHMER, Eric [=] Hitchcock - The first 44 films {3} ROHMER, Eric [=] Interviews {4} ROHMER, Eric [=] Six contes moraux (avant-propos) {3} ROHMER, Eric [=] Viejo y lo nuevo {3} ROIG, José [=] Escalas arquitectonicas y cinematograficas de Buster Keaton {3} ROJAS, Aurelio Garcia- [=] Cine mudo latinoamericano {3} ROLLBERG, Peter [=] Historical dictionary of russian and soviet cinema {3} ROLLET, Brigitte [=] Femmes cinéastes en France l'après-mai 68 {3} ROLLINS, Peter [=] Columbia companion to american history on film {3} ROLLINS, Peter [=] Hollywood's indian {3} ROLLINS, Peter [=] Hollywood's West - The american frontier in film, television and history {3} ROLLINS, Peter [=] Hollywood's White House - The american presidency in film and history {3} ROLLINS, Peter [=] Why we fought - America's wars in film and history {3} ROLLYSON, Carl [=] Hollywood enigma - Dana Andrews {3} ROMAGUERA, Joaquin [=] Textos y manifiestos del cine {3} ROMANA, Christopher [=] Cinepoetry - Imaginary cinemas in french poetry {4} ROMANIAN FILMS 2007-2010 {3} ROMANIAN FILMS 2012-2013 {3} ROMAY, Luis [=] La gallina, el cine, el huevo y el videoarte {3} ROMBES, Nicholas [=] Proyecto 'Terciopelo azul' {3} ROMERO, Estuardo [=] Cine documental militante y el videoactivismo en el Ecuador {3} ROMERO, Eva Karene [=] Film and democracy in Paraguay {3} RONY, Fatimah Tobing [=] Third eye - Race, cinema and ethnographic spectacle {3} ROOTER [=] Libro blanco del sector de la animación en España 2012 {3} ROSA, Natalia de la [=] Cineplástica - El film sobre arte en México {3} ROSEMBERG FILHO, Luis [=] Entrevista (2012) {3} ROSEMBERG FILHO, Luis [=] Godard, Jean-Luc {3} ROSEN, Miriam [=] Perspective - Cinéma iranien après la révolution (le cinéma iranien aujourd'hui) {3} ROSENBAUM, Jonathan [=] Discovering Orson Welles {3}


ROSENBAUM, Jonathan [=] Essential cinema {4} ROSENBAUM, Jonathan [=] Movie wars {3} ROSENBAUM, Jonathon [=] Goodbye cinema, hello cinephilia {4} ROSENBLUM, Naomi [=] A world history of photography {4} ROSENFELD, Anatol [=] Cinema - Arte & indústria {3} ROSENROT, Ana [=] Cinema e cult (1) {4} ROSENSTONE, Robert [=] Pasado en imagenes {3} ROSENSTONE, Robert [=] Visions of the past {4} ROSENTHAL, Alan [=] Writing, directing and producing documentary films and videos {3} ROSENTHAL, Alan [=] Writing, directing and producing documentary films and digital videos {3} ROSS, Jonathan [=] Incredibly strange film book {3} ROSS, Robert [=] The 'Carry On' companion {3} ROSS, Steven [=] Hollywood left and right {3} ROSSAAK, Eivind [=] Between stillness and motion {3} ROSSELLINI, Roberto [=] Dix ans de cinema {3} ROSSI, Fabio [=] Linguaggio cinematografico {3} ROSSIN, Federico [=] American collage - Il cinema di Emile de Antonio {3} ROSSIN, Federico [=] Cinema e storia - Immagine d'archivio e uso politico nel cinema documentario {4} ROTH, Alexandre [=] Writing and filming the genocide of the tutsis in Rwanda {4} ROTHA, Paul [=] Algunos principios del documental {3} ROTHA, Paul [=] Celluloid, the film today {3} ROTHA, Paul [=] Documentary film {3} ROTHA, Paul [=] Film till now (1960) {3} ROTHA, Paul [=] Movie parade 1888-1949 (1950) {3} ROTHE, Beatriz [=] Pueblos indigenas (Catalogo de cine y video) {3} ROTHER, Rainer [=] Leni Riefenstahl - The seduction of genius {3} ROTHMAN, William [=] Must we kill the thong we love {4} ROTHMAN, William [=] The 'I' of the camera - Essays in film criticism {3} ROTHMAN, William [=] Three documentary filmmakers (Morris - McElwee - Rouch) {3} ROTTA, Guillermo La [=] Cine colombiano - Estetica, modernidad y cultura {3} ROUCH, Jean [=] 54 anos sem tripé {3} ROUCH, Jean [=] Cine ethnography {3}


ROUCH, Jean [=] Hombre y la camara {3} ROUCH, Jean [=] Pour une anthropologie enthousiaste {3} ROUCH, Jean [=] Situation et tendances actuelles du cinéma africain {3} ROUCH, Jean [=] Sobre Alberto Cavalcanti e Jorge Bodanzky {3} ROUDAKOFF, Michel [=] Cours de cinema, orchestration visuelle et sonore {3} ROUX, Saint-Pol- [=] Cinema vivente {3} ROVIN, Jeff [=] From the land beyond beyond {3} ROVIN, Jeff [=] Pictorial history of science fiction films {3} ROVIN, Jeff [=] TV Babylon (1-2) {3} ROVIROSA, José [=] Cine-club {3} ROY, Anjali Gera [=] Magic of Bollywood - At home and abroad {4} ROY, Lucie [=] Image au cinéma ou le corps (d)écrit {3} ROYAL, Lee [=] Romance of motion picture production (1920) {3} ROZENFELD, Ieda [=] Idiche nos tropicos - O cinema resistência, das origens à Cinelândia {3} RUBIN, Bruce Joel [=] Ghost (roteiro) {3} RUBIN, Martin [=] Thrillers (Genres in american cinema) {4} RUBY, Jay [=] Image mirrored - Reflexivity and the documentary film {3} RUE MORGUE [=] 200 alternative horror films you need to see {3} RUETALO, Victoria [=] Latsploitation - Exploitation cinemas and Latin America {3} RUFFINELLI, Jorge [=] America latina en 130 documentales {3} RUFFINELLI, Jorge [=] America latina en 130 peliculas {3} RUH, Brian [=] Stray dog of anime - The films of Mamoru Oshii {4} RUIZ, Bryan Rommel - [=] American history goes to the movies {3} RUIZ, Luís Enrique [=] Obras maestras del cine mudo {3} RUIZ, Luís Enrique [=] Obras pioneras del cine mudo {3} RUIZ, Natalia [=] Todas las historias (Godard) {3} RUIZ, Orlando Jimenez [=] Cine politicamente (in)correcto {3} RUIZ, Raul [=] Apuntes para una poetica 3 {3} RUIZ, Raul [=] Dialogo con Lihn y Schopf (1970) {3} RUIZ, Raul [=] Poetica del cine 1-2 {3} RUIZ, Raul [=] Poetics of cinema (1-2) {3} RUMBLE, Patrick [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini - Contemporary perspectives {3}


RUSHTON, Richard [=] Cinema after Deleuze {3} RUSHTON, Richard [=] The politics of Hollywood cinema {4} RUSHTON, Richard [=] What is film theory? {3} RUSSELL, Catherine [=] Narrative mortality - Death closure and new wave cinemas {4} RUSSELL, Diana [=] Making violence sexy - Feminist views on pornography {3} RUSSELL, Gary [=] Doctor Who {3} RUSSELL, Jamie [=] Vietnam war movies {3} RUSSELL, Ken [=] The lion roars {3} RUSSELL, Michael [=] Soviet montage cinema as propaganda {3} RUSSELL, Phil [=] Beyond the darkness - Cult horror and extreme cinema [OCR] {3} RUSSELL, Sharon [=] Guide to african cinema {3} RUSSIN, Robin [=] Screenplay - Writing the picture {4} RUSSO, Eduardo [=] Diccionario de cine [OCR] {3} RUSSO, John [=] Complete 'Night of the living dead' filmbook {4} RUSSO, Vito [=] Celluloid closet - Homosexuality in the movies {3} RUTTER, Nimbe [=] Cine y poder {3} RYALL, Tom [=] Alfred Hitchcock and the british cinema {3} RYAN, Marie-Laure [=] Narrative across media - The languages of storytelling {3} RYAN, Mark [=] Australian screen in the 2000s {3} RYDALL, Derek [=] There's no business like soul business {3} RYDER, Nick [=] How to become a porn director - Making amateur adult films {3} RYFLE, Steve [=] Ishiro Honda - A life in film, from Godzilla to Kurosawa {3} RYFLE, Steve [=] Japan's favorite mon-star - Godzilla {3} RYSSEN, Hervé [=] Cinema sans frontieres {3} RYU, Jae Hyung [=] Reality & effect - A cultural history of visual effects {3} SÁ, Ana Carolina de [=] Linguagem poética de Walter Carvalho {3} SÁ, Daniel Serravalle de [=] David Lynch, multiartista {3} SABADIN, Celso [=] Francisco Ramalho Jr. {3} SABADIN, Celso [=] Historia do cinema para quem tem pressa {4} SABADIN, Celso [=] Jeremias Moreira {3} SABBADINI, Andrea [=] Projected shadows - Psychoanalytic reflections on the representation of loss in european cinema {3} SABBADINI, Andrea [=] The couch and the silver screen {3}


SABIN, Alec [=] You're on - How to develop great media skills {4} SABOURAUD, Frédéric [=] Adaptacion - El cine necesita historias {3} SABROVSKY, Eduardo [=] Conversaciones con Raul Ruiz {3} SADOUL, Georges [=] Dictionary of film makers {3} SADOUL, Georges [=] Entretien avec Louis Lumière {3} SADOUL, Georges [=] Historia del cine mundial (frag) {3} SADOUL, Georges [=] Historia do cinema mundial (1-2) {3} SADOUL, Georges [=] Vida de Chaplin {3} SADR, Hamid [=] Iranian cinema, a political history {3} SAGAR, Peter [=] Chronicles of Pendle picture palaces {4} SAHABAT SINEMATEK [=] Lewat djam malam restored {3} SAHLIN, Fredrik [=] Swedish film - fired by passion {3} SAINZ, Salvador [=] Sexo, amor y cine {3} SALA 206 (UFES) [=] 2 (2011) {3} SALA OSCURA [=] 25 años (1990-2015) {3} SALAS, Daniel Sánchez [=] Rótulos y el cine español de los 20 {3} SALAZKINA, Masha [=] In excess - Sergei Eisenstein's Mexico {3} SALECL, Renata [=] Gaze and voice as love objects {4} SALES, Michelle [=] Em busca de um novo cinema português {3} SALES, Michelle [=] Olhares - Manoel de Oliveira {3} SALLES, João Moreira [=] Dificuldade do documentário {3} SALMI, Hannu [=] Historical comedy on screen {4} SALTZMAN, Lisa [=] Daguerreotypes - fugitive subjects, contemporary objects {4} SALYS, Rimgaila [=] Musical comedy films of Grigorii Aleksandrov {4} SAMMOND, Nicholas [=] Babes in Tomorrowland - Walt Disney {3} SAMUEL, Lawrence [=] Brought to you by - Postwar television advertising {3} SAMUELS, Allison [=] Off the record {3} SAN DIEGO ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL 2014 {3} SAN FRANCISCO CINEMATHEQUE [=] Program notes 2000 {3} SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL LESBIAN & GAY FILM FESTIVAL 1995 {3} SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL LESBIAN & GAY FILM FESTIVAL 1997 {3} SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL LESBIAN & GAY FILM FESTIVAL 2001 {3}


SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL LESBIAN & GAY FILM FESTIVAL 2006 {3} SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL LESBIAN & GAY FILM FESTIVAL 2007 {3} SANCHEZ, Enrique [=] Aprender con el cine, aprender de pelicula {3} SANCHEZ, Jordi [=] Yo soy la ley - Videoguia de justicieros urbanos {3} SANCHEZ, Rafael [=] Montaje cinematografico - Arte de movimiento {3} SANCHEZ, Sergi [=] Variaciones Hartley {3} SAND, Shlomo [=] Vingtieme siecle à l'ecran {4} SAND, Shlomo [=] XXe siècle à l'ecran {4} SANDBERG, Claudia [=] Contemporary latin american cinema {4} SANDERS, Steven [=] Philosophy of science fiction film {3} SANDERS, Steven [=] Philosophy of TV noir {3} SANDERSON, John D. [=] Cine de autor {3} SANDERSON, John D. [=] Ida Lupino, productora pionera {3} SANDERSON, John D. [=] Trazos de cine español {3} SANDLER, Kevin [=] Naked truth - Why Hollywood doesn't make X-rated movies {3} SANDOVAL, Liz da Costa [=] Brasília, cinema e modernidade {3} SANGION, Juliana [=] Realismo e realidade no cinema brasileiro {3} SANJINES, Jorge [=] Teoria y practica de un cine junto al pueblo {3} SANJUAN, Olga [=] Detrás de la camara - Historia de la televisión {3} SANTACRUZ, Jorge [=] Mundo de los libros como elemento cinematografico {3} SANTAMARINA, Antonio [=] Cine negro en 100 peliculas {3} SANTANA, Alberto [=] Grandezas y miserias del cine chileno {3} SANTAOLALLA, Isabel [=] Los 'otros' - Etnicidad y raza en el cine español contemporáneo {3} SANTATO, Guido [=] Pier Paolo Pasolini - L'opera poetica, narrativa, cinematografica {3} SANTOS, Bhakta [=] Cinema como arte do espaço {3} SANTOS, Demetrio [=] Hacia la democratización del cine y el audiovisual boliviano {3} SANTOS, Fabrício dos [=] Cinefilia no cinema de Quentin Tarantino {3} SANTOS, Joaquim dos [=] Leila Diniz {4} SANTOS, Laura de los [=] Vuelta al guion en 80 secretos {3} SANTOS, Nelson Pereira dos [=] Cine es la mejor profesion del mundo {3} SANTOS, Nelson Pereira dos [=] Cinema (entrevista) {3} SANTOS, Oscar [=] Representacion de la homosexualidad en las series nacionales {3}


SARAIVA, Leandro [=] Manual de roteiro {3} SARAT, Austin [=] Law on the screen {3} SARGEANT, Amy [=] Vsevolod Pudovkin - Classic films of the soviet avant-garde {3} SARGEANT, Jack [=] Naked lens - Beat cinema {4} SARGENT, Epes Winthrop [=] Picture theatre adversiting {3} SARGENT, Epes Winthrop [=] Technique of the photoplay (1916) {3} SARKAR, Srijita [=] An analysis of hindi women centric films in India {3} SARKISOVA, Oksana [=] Past for the eyes - East european representations of communism in cinema and museums after 1989 {3} SARNO, Geraldo [=] Cinema direto {4} SARRACINO, Carmine [=] Porning of America {3} SARRIS, Andrew [=] Cine norteamericano {3} SARRIS, Andrew [=] Taking film seriously - a conversation with Molly Haskell {3} SARRIS, Andrew [=] The film (1968) {3} SARTORI, Giovanni [=] Homo videns - La sociedad teledirigida {3} SATARAIN, Monica [=] Fundido encadenado - Reflexiones {3} SATO, Tadao [=] Kenji Mizoguchi and the art of japanese cinema {3} SATYANARAYANA, Vutukuri [=] Encyclopaedia of telugu cinema (1932-2000) {3} SAUL, Mahir [=] Viewing african cinema in the 21 century {4} SAUTER, Michael [=] The worst movies of all time {3} SAVAZONI, Rodrigo [=] Cultura {3} SAWICKI, Mark [=] Filming the fantastic - a guide to visual effects {4} SAWYER, Andy [=] Speaking science fiction - dialogues and interpretations {3} SAXL, Fritz [=] Vida de las imagenes - Estudios iconograficos {3} SBARBATI, Chiara [=] A fellinesque world - through four masterpieces {3} SBARDELLATI, John [=] Brassbound G-men and celluloid reds {3} SBICEGO, Marco [=] Rappresentazione della famiglia nel cinema italiano degli anni trenta {3} SCAGGS, John [=] Crime fiction {3} SCAHILL, Andrew [=] Revolting child in horror cinema {3} SCALZI, John [=] Rough guide to sci-fi movies {3} SCANDINAVIAN FILMS (Berlin 2017) {3} SCANLON, Paul [=] Book of Alien {3} SCARY MONSTERS MAGAZINE 01 {3}


SCHAEFER, Dennis [=] Masters of light {4} SCHAEFER, Eric [=] Bold! Daring! Shocking! True! - A history of exploitation films, 1919-1959 {3} SCHAEFER, Eric [=] Gauging a revolution - 16mm film and the rise of the pornographic feature {3} SCHAMUS, James [=] Carl Theodor Dreyer's Gertrud {3} SCHARF, Inga [=] Nation and identity in the new german cinema {3} SCHARY, Dore [=] Case history of a movie {3} SCHATZ, Thomas [=] History of the american cinema 6 {3} SCHATZ, Thomas [=] Hollywood genres - Formulas, filmmaking, and the studio system {3} SCHEER, Laurie [=] Creative careers in Hollywood {3} SCHEFER, Raquel [=] Autorretrato en el documental {3} SCHELL, Hernan [=] Quentin Tarantino - Cine de reescritura {3} SCHELL, Jesse [=] Art du game design {3} SCHEUNEMANN, Dietrich [=] Expressionist film - New perspectives {3} SCHEUTZ, Colleen Ryan- [=] Sex, the self and the sacred - women in the cinema of Pasolini {3} SCHIANCHI, Alejandro [=] Error en los aparatos audiovisuales {3} SCHICKEL, Richard [=] Charlie Chaplin - A life in film {3} SCHICKEL, Richard [=] Conversations with Scorsese {4} SCHICKEL, Richard [=] Douglas Fairbanks - The first celebrity {3} SCHICKEL, Richard [=] The stars {3} SCHIENDL, C. [=] Optische Laterne und die Projection (1896) {3} SCHIFANO, Laurence [=] La vie filmique des marionnettes {4} SCHILLING, Mark [=] Shiro Kido - Cinema shogun {3} SCHILT, Thibaut [=] François Ozon (Contemporary film directors) {3} SCHIRATO, Tony [=] Reading the visual {3} SCHIRMER [=] Encyclopedia of film (1-4) {3} SCHIRMER [=] Marilyn Monroe and the camera {3} SCHLEIER, Merrill [=] Skyscraper cinema - Architecture and gender in american film {4} SCHLICHT, Esther [=] Zelluloid - Cameraless film {3} SCHLIEPER, Carlos [=] Arroz con leche (roteiro) {3} SCHMIDT, Christel [=] Mary Pickford - Queen of the movies {4} SCHMIDT, Georg [=] Film - Its economic, social, and artistic problems {3} SCHNAKENBERG, Robert [=] Secret lives of great filmmakers {4}


SCHNEIDER, Arnd [=] Experimental film and antropology {3} SCHNEIDER, Steven Jay [=] 1001 movies you must see before you die {3} SCHNEIDER, Steven Jay [=] Fear without frontiers - Horror cinema across the globe {3} SCHNEIDER, Steven Jay [=] Horror film and psychoanalysis {3} SCHNEIDER, Steven Jay [=] Traditions in world cinema {3} SCHOBER, Anna [=] The cinema makers - Public life and the exhibition of difference {4} SCHOELL, William [=] Stay out of the shower {3} SCHONHERR, Johannes [=] North korean cinema - A history {3} SCHRADER, Paul [=] Transcendental style in film - Ozu, Bresson, Dreyer {3} SCHRADER, Paul [=] Yakuza-eiga {4} SCHRECK, Nikolas [=] Satanic screen {3} SCHROEDER, Andrew [=] Tsui Hark's - Zu, warriors from the magic mountain {3} SCHUMANN, Peter [=] Historia del cine latinoamericano {3} SCHVARZMAN, Sheila [=] Historia e historiografia do cinema brasileiro {3} SCHVARZMAN, Sheila [=] Ir ao cinema em São Paulo nos anos 20 {3} SCHVARZMAN, Sheila [=] Mauro Alice {3} SCHVARZMAN, Sheila [=] Salas de cinema em São Paulo nos anos 1920 {3} SCHWANEBECK, Wieland [=] Reassessing the Hitchcock touch {3} SCHWARTZ, Ronald [=] Houses of noir - Dark visions from thirteen film studios {3} SCHWARTZ, Vanessa [=] Grand spectacle dans la Ville lumière {3} SCHWARZENEGGER, Arnold [=] A inacreditável história da minha vida {4} SCHWARZENEGGER, Arnold [=] Total recall (francês) {4} SCIFI NOW [=] The horror handbook - Slasher movies {3} SCIFINOW [=] 100 {3} SCIFIWORLD [=] 79 {4} SCODEL, Ruth [=] Whither Quo Vadis - Sienkiewicz's novel in film and television {3} SCOLARI, Carlos [=] Transmedia archaeology {3} SCOMAZZON, Carlos [=] APTC, 25 anos {3} SCONCE, Jeffrey [=] Trashing the Academy {3} SCORSESE, Martin [=] Il bello del mio mestiere {3} SCORSESE, Martin [=] Interviews {4} SCORSESE, Martin [=] Scorsese on Scorsese {4}


SCOTT, Ian [=] From Pinewood to Hollywood - British filmmakers in american cinema {3} SCREEM [=] 3 (1993) {3} SCREEN [=] vol. 28, n. 1 {3} SCREEN [=] vol. 31, n. 1 {3} SCREEN [=] vol. 33, n. 4 {3} SCREEN [=] vol. 35, n. 4 {3} SCREEN AUSTRALIA [=] Australian documentaries (2012-2015) {3} SCREEN AUSTRALIA [=] International documentary catalogue 2008 {3} SCREEN CLUB (1914) {3} SCREEN FROM BARCELONA 2011 {3} SCREEN THRILLS ILLUSTRATED [=] 10 (1965) {3} SCREEN WRITER [=] 1 (1945-1946) {3} SCREENLAND [=] 1923-01 {3} SCREENLAND [=] 1923-05 {3} SCRIPT LAB [=] 220 plot point breakdowns {3} SE MUEVE (Venezuela) [=] 6-9 (2012) {3} SEABURY, William [=] Motion picture problems (1929) {3} SEAT, Gilbert Cohen- [=] Influencia del cine y la television {3} SEBRAE [=] Como montar um cinema {3} SEDGWICK, John [=] An economic history of film {4} SEDLMAYER, Sabrina [=] Textos à flor da tela - Relações entre literatura e cinema {3} SEGER, Linda [=] Como convertir un buen guion en un guion excelente {3} SEGUIN, Jean-Claude [=] Alexandre Promio y las películas españolas Lumière {3} SEGUIN, Louis [=] Jean-Marie Straub, Danièle Huillet {3} SEGURA, Victor [=] Inicios del cine de horror en Mexico {4} SELAKOVICH, Dan [=] Killer camera rigs - That you can build (2003) {3} SELAKOVICH, Dan [=] Killer camera rigs - That you can build (2010) {3} SELBY JR., Hubert [=] Requiem for a dream (roteiro) {3} SELBY, Andrew [=] Animation {3} SELDES, Gilbert [=] Movies come from America {3} SELLÉS, Magdalena [=] Documental {3} SELLIER, Geneviève [=] Cinéma et genre en France - Etat des lieux {3}


SELLIER, Geneviève [=] Images de femmes dans le cinéma de la Nouvelle Vague {3} SELLIER, Genevieve [=] Jean Grémillon - Le cinéma est à vous {3} SELZNICK, Brian [=] L'invention de Hugo Cabret {4} SEMANA CINEMATOGRAFICA [=] 1 (1918) {3} SEMANA DE CINE ESPAÑOL 2011 {3} SEMANA DEL CINE VASCO 2015 {3} SEMANA DOS REALIZADORES 2015 {3} SEMATI, Mehdi [=] Media, culture and society in Iran {4} SENIOR, Mike [=] Recording secrets for the small studio {3} SENN, Bryan [=] Drums of terror - Voodoo in the cinema {3} SEÑOR, Carlos [=] Andrei Tarkovski {3} SENTIERI SELVAGGI [=] 1-27 {1} SEPTIMO ARTE [=] 1 {3} SEPTIMO ARTE [=] 2 {3} SEPTIMO ARTE [=] 7 {3} SEQUENCE 5 [=] Tous les matins du monde {3} SERAFIM, José [=] Autor e autoria no cinema e na televisão {3} SERRANO, Aaron [=] Un fantasma recorre la pantalla {3} SERRANO, Carlos [=] 372 films de culto {3} SERRANO, Carlos [=] Mondo porno {3} SERRANO, Carlos [=] No recomendado para menores {3} SERRANO, Carlos [=] Slasher U.S.A. {3} SERVANT, Isabelle [=] Apprendre le français avec... le cinema français {3} SERVER, Lee [=] Encyclopedia of pulp fiction writers {3} SESC [=] Cinema - Instalação de salas de exibição {3} SESC [=] Cinema inocente - Retrospectiva Júlio Bressane (2003) {3} SESC [=] Mostra Jodorowsky {3} SESC [=] Plano geral - Panorama histórico do cinema no Espírito Santo {3} SESC [=] Retrospectiva Sam Peckinpah {3} SETARO, André [=] Bahia cinema 65-71 - Nascimento do surto contracultural {3} SETARO, André [=] Panorama do cinema baiano {3} SETON, Marie [=] Sergei M. Eisenstein, a biography {3}


SEXTON, Jamie [=] Music, sound and multimedia {3} SGANZERLA, Rogerio [=] Bandido da luz vermelha {3} SGANZERLA, Rogerio [=] Encontros {3} SGANZERLA, Rogerio [=] Mostra - Por um cinema sem limites {3} SGANZERLA, Rogério [=] 'Os cafajestes' de Rui Guerra {3} SGANZERLA, Rogerio [=] Por um cinema sem limite {3} SGUARDO [=] 19 (Pier Paolo Pasolini) {3} SHADOIAN, Jack [=] Dreams and dead ends - The american gangster film {3} SHAFER, Stephen [=] British popular films (1929-1939) {3} SHAFIK, Viola [=] Arab cinema, history and cultural identity {3} SHAFIK, Viola [=] Popular egyptian cinema {3} SHAH, Naseeruddin [=] And then one day - A memoir {3} SHAHAM, Inbar [=] Structure of repetition in the cinema {3} SHAHEEN, Jack [=] Reel bad arabs - How Hollywood vilifies a people {3} SHAIL, Robert [=] British film directors - A critical guide {3} SHAND, Ryan [=] Small-gauge storytelling {4} SHANDLEY, Robert [=] Runaway romances - Hollywood's postwar tour of Europe {3} SHANER, Pete [=] 24P - Make your digital movies look like Hollywood {3} SHANGRI-LA [=] 01-10 {3} SHANGRI-LA [=] 11-1 {3} SHANGRI-LA [=] 11-2 {3} SHANGRI-LA [=] Materiales 04 (Jean Eustache) {3} SHAPIRO, Julian [=] Web animation using JavaScript {3} SHARGEL, Raphael [=] Understanding movies - The art and history of film {3} SHARP, Jasper [=] Historical dictionary of japanese cinema {3} SHARY, Timothy [=] Generation multiplex - The image of youth {3} SHARY, Timothy [=] Youth culture in global cinema {3} SHATTUC, Jane [=] Television, tabloids, and tears - Fassbinder and popular culture {3} SHAUL, Nitzan Ben- [=] Film - The key concepts {3} SHAVIRO, Steven [=] Cinematic body {3} SHAVIRO, Steven [=] Melancholia or The romantic anti-sublime {3} SHAW, Debra [=] Women, science and fiction - The Frankenstein inheritance {3}


SHAW, Spencer [=] Showtime, the phenomenology of film consciousness {3} SHAW, Susannah [=] Stop motion {4} SHAW, Tony [=] Cinematic terror - A global history of terrorism on film {4} SHAW, Tony [=] Hollywood's cold war {3} SHELLEY, Peter [=] Australian horror films (1973-2010) {4} SHELLEY, Peter [=] Grande dame guignol cinema - A history of hag horror {3} SHEN, Vivian [=] Origins of left-wing cinema in China, 1932-37 {3} SHERMAN, Sharon [=] Folklore-cinema - Popular film as vernacular culture {3} SHERWOOD, Robert [=] Best moving pictures of 1922-1923 {3} SHIACH, Don [=] Great british movies {4} SHIEL, Mark [=] Cinema and the city {4} SHIEL, Mark [=] Italian neorealism - Rebuilding the cinematic city {4} SHIMAMURA, Arthur [=] Psychocinematics - Exploring congnition at the movies {3} SHIMPACH, Shawn [=] Television in transition {4} SHIPKA, Danny [=] Perverse titillation - The exploitation cinema {4} SHIRAZ, Nacim [=] Shi'i islam in iranian cinema {3} SHOHAT, Ella [=] Crítica da imagem eurocêntrica {3} SHOHAT, Ella [=] Unthinking eurocentrism - Multiculturalism and the media {3} SHORT, Sue [=] Cyborg cinema and contemporary subjectivity {4} SHUMWAY, David [=] John Sayles (Contemporary film directors) {3} SHUMWAY, David [=] Rock star - The making of musical icons {3} SIAVOSHI, Sussan [=] Cultural policies and the islamic republic - Cinema and book publication {3} SICARD, Emile [=] Films {3} SICILIANO, Enzo [=] Vita di Pasolini {3} SICLIER, Jacques [=] Ingmar Bergman {3} SIEG, Katrin [=] Choreographing the global in european cinema and theater {3} SIEGEL, Scott [=] The encyclopedia of Hollywood {3} SIGEL, Lisa [=] Perspectives on modern european pornography (1800-2000) {3} SIGHT & SOUND (2018-07) {4} SIGHT & SOUND [=] 2011.07 {3} SIGHT & SOUND [=] 2013.05 {3} SIGHT & SOUND [=] 2015.01 {3}


SIGHT & SOUND [=] 2015.10 {3} SIGHT & SOUND [=] 2017.08 {3} SIGNATE, Ibrahima [=] Med Hondo, un cineaste rebelle {4} SIGNIFICAÇÃO (USP) [=] 40 (2013) {3} SIGNIFICAÇÃO (USP) [=] 41 (2014) {3} SILVA JR., Augusto da [=] Encontro dialógico e colaborativo entre a literatura brasileira e o cinema {3} SILVA NETO, Antonio [=] Ary Fernandes {3} SILVA NETO, Antonio [=] Astros e estrelas do cinema brasileiro {3} SILVA NETO, Antonio [=] Dicionário de filmes brasileiros {3} SILVA NETO, Antonio [=] Dicionário de fotógrafos {3} SILVA NETO, Antonio [=] Miguel Borges {3} SILVA, Alexsandro de Sousa e [=] Cine de resistência de Miguel Littín no México {3} SILVA, Andréia Frazão da [=] Idade Média no discurso filmico {3} SILVA, Antonio Manoel [=] Cineasta e a margem do rio imaginário {3} SILVA, Antonio Márcio da [=] Femme fatale in brazilian cinema {3} SILVA, Humberto [=] Glauber Rocha - Cinema, estética e revolução {4} SILVA, Jonathan da [=] Discurso e(m) imagem sobre o feminino {3} SILVA, Jorge [=] 45 años de cine social en Colombia {3} SILVA, Luis Sergio Lima e [=] Isabel Ribeiro {3} SILVA, Luís Sérgio Lima e [=] TV Tupi do Rio de Janeiro {3} SILVA, Márcia da [=] Canção popular na história do cinema brasileiro {3} SILVA, Mateus [=] Jean Rouch 2009 - Retrospectivas e colóquios no Brasil {3} SILVA, Paulo Celso da [=] Sociedade anonyma fabrica Votorantim {3} SILVA, Regina [=] Cinema brasileiro em Portugal {3} SILVA, Virgínia [=] Cinema paraibano e gênero {3} SILVER, Alain [=] Cine negro (Taschen) {3} SILVERMAN, Kaja [=] Acoustic mirror - The female voice in psychoanalysis and cinema {3} SILVERMAN, Kaja [=] Dream of the nineteenth century {3} SILVERMAN, Kaja [=] Fassbinder and Lacan {3} SILVERMAN, Kaja [=] Miracle of analogy, or The history of photography 1 {4} SILVERMAN, Kaja [=] Speaking about Godard {3} SILVERSCREEN [=] v. 01, n. 02 {3}


SILVERSTONE, Roger [=] Media and morality {4} SILVESTRE, Lusa [=] Estômago (roteiro) {3} SIMIS, Anita [=] Pedro Lima - O crítico e a indústria cinematográfica {3} SIMÕES, Inimá [=] Salas de cinema em São Paulo {3} SIMÕES, Júlio [=] Cine Marabá - O cinema do coração de São Paulo {3} SIMONELLI, Rocco [=] Shoot me - Independent filmmaking {3} SIMONS, Jan [=] Playing the waves - Lars Von Trier's game cinema {3} SIMPÓSIO IBERO-AMERICANO DE ESTUDOS COMPARADOS SOBRE CINEMA 1 [=] Atas {3} SIMPSON, Catherine [=] Diasporas of australian cinema {4} SIMSOLO, Noel [=] Fritz Lang (fr) {3} SINGER, Beverly [=] Wiping the war paint off the lens {3} SINGER, Irving [=] Cinematic mythmaking - Philosophy in film {3} SINGER, Irving [=] Ingmar Bergman, cinematic philosopher {4} SINGER, Irving [=] Three philosophical filmmakers - Hitchcock, Welles, Renoir {3} SINISTER CINEMA [=] Catalogue 1995-96 {3} SINNERBRINK, Robert [=] New philosophies of film - Thinking images {3} SINOBAD, Zoran [=] Glossary of filmographic terms {3} SINOPSE [=] 0-11 {3} SIRINO, Salete [=] Cinema brasileiro na escola {3} SIRLIN, Ezequiel [=] Cine e historia - Argentina, la segunda mitad del siglo XX {3} SISON, Antonio [=] World cinema, theology and the human {3} SITGES 2013 {3} SITNEY, P. Adams [=] Image and title in avant-garde cinema {3} SITNEY, P. Adams [=] Kinematography and the analytic text {3} SITNEY, P. Adams [=] Visionary film - The american avant garde (1943-2000) {3} SITNEY, P. Adams [=] Vital crises in italian cinema {3} SKAKOV, Nariman [=] Cinema of Tarkovsky - Labyrinths of space and time {3} SKIN FILM [=] v. 1, n. 1 {3} SKLAR, Robert [=] A world history of film {4} SKLAR, Robert [=] Film - an international history of the medium {4} SKLAR, Robert [=] Plastic age (1917-1930) {3} SKLOVSKI, Viktor [=] Cine y lenguaje {3}


SKLOVSKI, Viktor [=] Eisenstein (espanhol) {3} SKOLLER, Jeffrey [=] Shadows, specters, shards {3} SKORECKI, Louis [=] Contra a nova cinefilia {3} SKVIRSKY, Salome [=] Studies in political cinema from Brazil and the USA (1966-2002) {3} SLEVIN, James [=] On picture-play writing (1912) {3} SLIDE, Anthony [=] American racist - The life and films of Thomas Dixon {4} SLIDE, Anthony [=] Encyclopedia of vaudeville {4} SLIDE, Anthony [=] Fifty great american silent films (1912-1920) {4} SLIDE, Anthony [=] Hollywood unknowns {4} SLIDE, Anthony [=] Inside the Hollywood Fan Magazine {4} SLIDE, Anthony [=] Magnificent obsession {4} SLIDE, Anthony [=] New historical dictionary of the american film industry {4} SLIDE, Anthony [=] Silent players {4} SLOVAK FILMS 05-07 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 06-08 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 07-09 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 08-10 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 09-11 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 11-12 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 12-13 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 13-14 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 14-15 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 15-16 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 16-17 {3} SLOVAK FILMS 1993-2006 {3} SLOVENIAN FILM GUIDE 2010 {3} SMALL, Pauline [=] Sophia Loren - Moulding the star {3} SMEDLEY, Nick [=] A divided world - Hollywood cinema and emigré directors {3} SMELIK, Anneke [=] And the mirror cracked - Feminist cinema and film theory {4} SMIERS, Joost [=] Un mundo sin copyright - Artes y medios en la globalización {3} SMITH III, Joseph [=] The 'Psycho' file - A comprehensive guide {4} SMITH, Adrian [=] Blood & black lace - Definitive guide {3}


SMITH, Alexandra [=] Andrei Tarkovsky as reader of Arsenii Tarkovsky's poetry {3} SMITH, Angela [=] Hideous progeny - Eugenics, disability and classic horror cinema {3} SMITH, Brenda Austin- [=] Gendered screen - Canadian women filmmakers {3} SMITH, Gary [=] American International Pictures video guide {3} SMITH, Geoffrey [=] History of cinema - A very short introduction {3} SMITH, Geoffrey [=] Luchino Visconti {4} SMITH, Geoffrey [=] Making waves - New cinemas of the 1960s {4} SMITH, Geoffrey [=] Oxford history of world cinema {3} SMITH, Greg [=] Film structure and the emotion system {3} SMITH, Guy [=] Writing horror fiction {3} SMITH, Iain [=] Cultural borrowings - Appropriation, reworking, transformation {3} SMITH, Justin [=] Withnail and us - Cult films and film cults in british cinema {3} SMITH, Michael [=] Flickering empire - How Chicago invented the U.S. film industry {4} SMITH, Murray [=] Film, art and the third culture {4} SMITH, Nigel [=] You've got it made - Short film distribution guide {3} SMITH, Paul [=] Clint Eastwood, a cultural production {3} SMITH, Paul [=] Television in Spain - From Franco to Almodóvar {4} SMITH, Ronald [=] Horror stars on radio {3} SMITH, Sarah [=] Children, cinema and censorship, from Dracula to Dead End Kids {3} SMITH, Seth Grahame [=] How to survive a horror movie {3} SMOODIN, Eric [=] Hollywood Quarterly - Film culture in postwar America, 1945-1957 {3} SMYTH, J. E. [=] Edna Ferber's Hollywood {4} SMYTH, J. E. [=] Reconstructing american historical cinema {3} SNYDER, Blake [=] Salva al gato - El libro definitivo {3} SNYDER, Blake [=] Save the cat - The last book on screenwriting {3} SNYDER, Mary [=] Analyzing literature-to-film adaptations {3} SOARES, Elinaldo [=] Rogato - A aventura do sonho das imagens em Alagoas {3} SOARES, Leonardo Francisco [=] Leituras da outra Europa {3} SOARES, Mariza [=] Historia vai ao cinema {3} SOARES, Sérgio Puccini [=] Cães de aluguel - Análise de um roteiro de Quentin Tarantino {3} SOAREZ, Elena [=] Cidade dos homens (roteiro) {3} SOBCHACK, Vivian [=] The address of the eye - A phenomenology of film experience {4}


SOCIAL WORLD FILM FESTIVAL 2015 {3} SOCIEDADE E VALORES [=] Indústria do cinema hoje {3} SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS [=] Elements of color in professional motion pictures {3} SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE ENGINEERS [=] Technique of motion picture production {3} SOCINE [=] Encontro 16-20 (2012-2016) {3} SOCINE [=] Encontro 17 (Caderno de resumos) {4} SOCINE [=] Encontro 21 (Anais de textos completos) {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema 02-03 {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema 3-7 {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema 9 {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema e audiovisual - São Paulo 1 {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema e audiovisual 07 {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema e audiovisual 10 (2010) {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema e audiovisual 11 {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema e audiovisual 12 (1-2) {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema e audiovisual 13 (1-2) {3} SOCINE [=] Estudos de cinema e audiovisual 8 {3} SOCINE [=] Rebeca (1-3) {3} SOCINE [=] Rebeca (9) {3} SOCINE [=] Televisão, formas audiovisuais de ficção e documentário (1-4) {3} SODJA, Carlos [=] Que me dijo Pedro Infante {4} SOFILM [=] Cine frances hablado {3} SOILA, Tytti [=] Nordic national cinemas {3} SOISTER, John [=] American silent horror, science fiction and fantasy feature films (1913-1929) {3} SOKUROV, Aleksandr [=] Death, the banal leveller (on Tarkovsky) {3} SOKUROV, Aleksandr [=] Elegias visuales {3} SOLANAS, Fernando [=] Habla Jean-Luc Godard {3} SOLANAS, Fernando [=] Towards a third cinema {3} SOLER, Mariano [=] Anatomia del crimen - Guia de la novela y el cine negros {3} SOLER, Mariano [=] Anatomia del crimen {4} SOLIS, Fermín [=] Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas {3} SOLO, Bruno [=] Anecdotes les plus droles du cinema [OCR] {3}


SOLOMON, Matthew [=] Fantastic voyages of the cinematic imagination {3} SOLOT, Steve [=] Mecanismos atuais de financiamento de conteúdos audiovisuais na América Latina {3} SOMAINI, Antonio [=] Possibilités du montage {3} SONTAG, Susan [=] Persona, o filme em profundidade {4} SONTAG, Susan [=] Sobre la fotografia {4} SOPLON, Laia [=] Direccion de arte de productos multimedia {3} SORANZ, Gustavo [=] Imagens que falam - Olhares contemporâneos sobre cinema {3} SORIN, Cécile [=] Pratiques de la parodie et du pastiche au cinema {3} SORLIN, Pierre [=] Cine, reto para el historiador {3} SORLIN, Pierre [=] European cinemas, european societies (1939-1990) {3} SORLIN, Pierre [=] Italian national cinema (1896-1996) {3} SORLIN, Pierre [=] Sociologia del cine {3} SORTIE D'USINE [=] 0 (2012) {3} SOUBLETTE, Gaston [=] Mensajes secretos del cine {3} SOURIAU, Etienne [=] Grands caractères de l'univers filmique {3} SOUSA FILHO, Antonio de [=] Vivendo de cinema {3} SOUSA, Adriano [=] Cinema de Julio Bressane - Transcriação e imagens da cultura {3} SOUSA, Simplício de [=] Som no cinema marginal {3} SOUZA, Carlos Roberto de [=] Cinema Triângulo {3} SOUZA, Carlos Roberto de [=] Cinemateca Brasileira e a preservação de filmes {4} SOUZA, Carlos Roberto de [=] Pioneiros do cinema brasileiro {3} SOUZA, José Inácio de Melo [=] Cinema mudo em quatro livros {3} SOUZA, Maria Luiza [=] Arquivos da derrota - O cinema pós-ditatorial no Brasil {3} SOUZA, Miliandre de [=] Cinema novo, a cultura popular revisitada {3} SPACEMEN [=] 2 (1961) {3} SPADAFORA, Alberto [=] La luce necessaria {3} SPADONI, Robert [=] A pocket guide to analyzing film {4} SPADONI, Robert [=] Uncanny bodies {3} SPEARMAN, Walter [=] Film yesterday, today and tomorrow {3} SPECTATOR INTERNATIONAL [=] Cinema (volume 1, 1963) {3} SPECTRES DU CINEMA [=] 3 {3} SPECTRES DU CINEMA [=] 5 (2010) {3}


SPEED, F. Maurice [=] Movie cavalcade {3} SPEED, Lesley [=] Clueless - American youth in the 1990s {3} SPEHNER, Norbert [=] Film de guerre (bibliographie) {3} SPENCE, Louise [=] Crafting truth - Documentary form and meaning {3} SPENCER, D. A. [=] Cinema to-day (1946) {3} SPERB, Jason [=] Disney's most notorious film {4} SPERONI, Marta [=] Detras de las peliculas - Treinta años de cine argentino {3} SPETTATORE [=] 1 (1953) {3} SPICER, Andrew [=] A companion to film noir {4} SPICER, Andrew [=] Historical dictionary of film noir {3} SPICER, Paul [=] Films of Kenji Mizoguchi {3} SPINI, Ana Paula [=] Imprensa, publicidade e o cinema de Humberto Mauro {3} SPINI, Ana Paula [=] Regionalismo e identidade nacional nos filmes de Humberto Mauro dos anos de 1920 {3} SPIROGRAPH LIBRARY OF MOTION PICTURE DISCS {3} SPOILER [=] 01 (2015) {3} SPOLIDORO, Gustavo [=] Cineasta errante {3} SPOTO, Donald [=] A girl's got to breathe - The life of Teresa Wright {4} SPOTO, Donald [=] Art of Alfred Hitchcock {3} SPOTO, Donald [=] Blue Angel - The life of Marlene Dietrich {4} SPOTO, Donald [=] Dark side of genius - The life of Alfred Hitchcock {3} SPOTO, Donald [=] Enchantment - The life of Audrey Hepburn {4} SPOTO, Donald [=] High society - The life of Grace Kelly {4} SPOTO, Donald [=] Marilyn Monroe, the biography {4} SPOTO, Donald [=] Notorious - The life of Ingrid Bergman {3} SPOTO, Donald [=] Possessed - The life of Joan Crawford {4} SPOTO, Donald [=] Spellbound by beauty - Alfred Hitchcock {4} SPOTTISWOODE, Raymond [=] A grammar of the film {3} SPUNT, Barry [=] Heroin, acting and comedy in New York City {4} SQUEEZE STUDIO [=] Animation insiders (workflou edition) {3} SRAGOW, Michael [=] Victor Fleming, an american movie master {4} STABILE, Carol [=] Prime time animation - Television animation and american culture {3} STACEY, Jackie [=] Cinematic life of the gene {4}


STACEY, Jackie [=] Star gazing - Hollywood cinema and female spectatorship {4} STADLER, Jane [=] Screen media - Analysing film and television {3} STAEHLE, Cecile [=] Realiser un court metrage {3} STAGGS, Sam [=] Close-up on Sunset Boulevard {4} STAIGER, Janet [=] Bad women - Regulating sexuality in early american cinema {3} STAIGER, Janet [=] Convergence media history {3} STAIGER, Janet [=] Perverse spectators - The practices of film reception [OCR] {3} STAIGER, Janet [=] Politics of film canons {3} STALEY, Jeffrey [=] Jesus, the gospels and cinematic imagination {3} STAM, Robert [=] A companion to literature and film {3} STAM, Robert [=] Bakhtin - Da teoria literária à cultura de massa {3} STAM, Robert [=] Film theory, an introduction {3} STAM, Robert [=] François Truffaut and friends {3} STAM, Robert [=] Introdução à teoria do cinema {4} STAM, Robert [=] Keywords in subversive film - Media aesthetics {3} STAM, Robert [=] New vocabularies in film semiotics {3} STAM, Robert [=] Nuevos conceptos de la teoria del cine {3} STAM, Robert [=] Teoria en los primeros años del cine mudo {3} STAM, Robert [=] Teoría y práctica de la adaptación {3} STAM, Robert [=] Teorias del cine {4} STANDARD CASTING [=] a. 3, n. 1-6 (1925) {3} STANDISH, Isolde [=] Myth and masculinity in the japanese cinema {4} STANDISH, Isolde [=] New history of japanese cinema {4} STANFIELD, Peter [=] Maximum movies - Pulp fictions {3} STANLEY, John [=] Creatures features movie guide {3} STANLEY, John [=] Monster movie game {3} STANLEY, John [=] Revenge of the creatures features {3} STARBURST [=] Classics of the horror film {4} STARDUST MEMORIES [=] 31 {3} STARKS, Michael [=] 3DTV and 3D movie technology {3} STARKS, Michael [=] Cocaine fiends and Reefer madness - An illustrated history of drugs in the movies (1894-1978) {3} STEAD, Peter [=] Film and the working class {3}


STECZ, Solange [=] Ciclos regionais no período mudo {4} STECZ, Solange [=] Cinema paranaense 1900-1930 {3} STEEN, Edla Van [=] Eva Wilma - Arte e vida {3} STEENE, Birgitta [=] Ingmar Bergman - A reference guide {3} STEFFEN, James [=] The cinema of Sergei Parajanov {3} STEIN, Atara [=] Byronic hero in film, fiction and television {3} STEIN, Lisa K. [=] Syd Chaplin - A biography {3} STEINBERG, Gustavo [=] Fim da linha {3} STEINBERG, Marc [=] Anime's media mix {4} STELL, John [=] Psychos, sickos, sequels - Horror films of the 1980s {3} STEMPEL, Tom [=] American audiences on movies and moviegoing {3} STEMPEL, Tom [=] Por dentro do roteiro {4} STEPHANOU, Aspasia [=] Reading vampire gothic through blood {3} STEPHENS, Anne Kerlan- [=] Compagnie Lianhua et le cinema progressiste {3} STERBAK, Jana [=] De la performance al video {3} STERN, Bret [=] How to shoot a feature film for under $ 10.000 {3} STERNBERG, Josef Von [=] Fun in a chinese laundry {4} STERNBERG, Josef von [=] La actuación en el cine y el teatro {3} STERNHEIM, Alfredo [=] Arllete Montenegro {3} STERNHEIM, Alfredo [=] Cinema da Boca {3} STERNHEIM, Alfredo [=] David Cardoso {3} STERNHEIM, Alfredo [=] Luiz Carlos Lacerda {3} STERNHEIM, Alfredo [=] Máximo Barro {3} STERNHEIM, Alfredo [=] Um insólito destino {3} STERRITT, David [=] Films of Jean-Luc Godard {3} STEVENS, Brad [=] Abel Ferrara, the moral vision {3} STEVENS, Brad [=] Monte Hellman - His life and films [OCR] {3} STEVENS, Kirsten [=] Australian film festivals {4} STEVENSON, Jack [=] Lars von Trier (esp) {3} STEVENSON, Jack [=] Lars von Trier {3} STEVENSON, Jack [=] Witchcraft through the ages {3} STEWART, Garrett [=] Framed time - Toward a postfilmic cinema {3}


STEWART, Jacqueline [=] Migrating to the movies {4} STEYERL, Hito [=] Condenados de la pantalla {3} STIEGLER, Bernard [=] Technique et le temps 3 {4} STIEGLER, Bernard [=] Tiempo del cine y la cuestion del malestar {3} STILLMAN, J. D. B. [=] Horse in motion {3} STODDARD, Ralph [=] The photoplay (1911) {3} STOEHREL, Veronica [=] Cine sobre gente, gente sobre cine {3} STOK, Danusia [=] Kieslowski on Kieslowski {3} STOKES, Lisa [=] Historical dictionary of Hong Kong cinema {3} STOKES, Melvyn [=] D. W. Griffith's The birth of a nation {3} STOLLER, Bryan [=] Filmmaking for dummies {3} STOTT, Rosemary [=] Crossing the wall - The western feature film import in East Germany {3} STOURDZÉ, Sam [=] Fellini o la fabrica de imagenes {3} STRATYNER, Leslie [=] Fantasy fiction into film - essays {3} STRAUSS, Marc Raymond [=] Hitchcock's objetcs as subjects {3} STREET, Sarah [=] British national cinema {3} STRICK, Philip [=] Movie treasury (Science fiction movies) {3} STUBBS, Liz [=] Documentary filmmakers speak {3} STUDI PASOLINIANI [=] 1 (2007) {3} STUDIES IN EUROPEAN CINEMA [=] v. 4, n. 3 {3} STUDIES IN FRENCH CINEMA [=] 8.2 (2008) {3} STUDIES IN HISPANIC CINEMA [=] 04-2 {4} STUDIES IN RUSSIAN AND SOVIETIC CINEMA [=] 02-2 {4} STUDIES IN SOUTH ASIAN FILM & MEDIA [=] vol. 1, n. 1 (2009) {3} STUDIO CINÉ LIVE [=] La bible Star Wars {3} STUDIO SKELETON [=] 1919-1920 {3} STUDLAR, Gaylyn [=] John Ford made westerns {4} STUFF INDIA [=] 2016-06 {3} SUAREZ, Juan [=] Jim Jarmusch {3} SUAREZ, Juana [=] Cinembargo Colombia - ensayos criticos sobre cine y cultura libre {3} SUBERO, Gustavo [=] Gender and sexuality in latin american horror cinema {3} SUBLETT, Scott [=] Screenwriting for neurotics {4}


SULLIVAN, Karen [=] Ideas for the animated short {3} SUMIALA, Johanna [=] Media and ritual {3} SUMIDA, Stuart [=] Animal locomotion for animators {3} SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL 2009 {3} SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL 2013 {3} SUNER, Asuman [=] New turkish cinema {3} SUNSHINE, Linda [=] Woody Allen - Parole e immagini {3} SUPER 8 - BERLIN, the architecture of division {3} SUPER HEROES [=] 1 (1966) {3} SUPPIA, Alfredo [=] Zelimir Zilnik e a black wave (Cinusp) {3} SUTTON, Damian [=] Photography, cinema, memory {3} SUTTON, David [=] Hollywood blockbusters - The anthropology of popular movies {3} SUTTON, Gloria [=] Experience machine {3} SVANBERG, Lasse [=] EDCF guide to digital cinema production {3} SVEHLA, Gary [=] Guilty pleasures of the horror film {3} SVEHLA, Gary [=] Son of guilty pleasures of the horror film {3} SWARTZ, Charles [=] Understanding digital cinema {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] 2013.1 {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] 2013.2 {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] 2014.1 {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] 2014.2 {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] 2015.1 {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] 2015.2 {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] 2015.3 {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] New docs (2012-2013) {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] New docs (2013-2014) {3} SWEDISH FILM [=] New docs (2014-2015) {3} SWINBURNE INSTITUTE [=] Cinema in Australia - an industry profile {3} SWISS FILMS 2016 {3} SYNERGY MAGAZINE [=] v. 02, n. 03 {3} SYNERGY MAGAZINE [=] v. 03, n. 02 {3} SYNERGY MAGAZINE [=] v. 03, n. 03 {3}


SYNERGY MAGAZINE [=] v. 04, n. 04 {3} SZETO, Kin-Yan [=] Martial arts cinema of the chinese diaspora {3} SZILAGYI, Agnes [=] Rudolf Icsey and hungarian filmmakers in Brazil {3} SZTUTMAN, Renato [=] Utopia reversa de Jean Rouch {3} TABBIA, Alberto [=] Notas para una contra historia del cine argentino {3} TACCA, Fernando de [=] Thomaz Reis, um cineasta completo {3} TADIAR, Neferti [=] Beyond the frame - Women of color and visual representation {3} TAFLER, David [=] When analog cinema becomes digital memory {3} TAIWAN CINEMA 2014 {3} TAK-KOS-COPE {3} TALBOT, Daniel [=] Film - An anthology {3} TALBOT, Frederick [=] Moving pictures (1912) {3} TALBOT, Frederick [=] Practical cinematography and its applications {3} TALBOT, Toby [=] The new yorker theater {4} TAMAYO, Julio [=] Juan Sebastian Bollain, un director heterodoxo {3} TAORMINO, Tristan [=] Porno feminista {3} TAPIZ, José Maria [=] La historia a traves del cine - China y Japon {3} TAPPER, Richard [=] New iranian cinema - Politics, representation and identity {3} TARANTINO, Quentin [=] Django unchained (roteiro) {3} TARANTINO, Quentin [=] Kill Bill (roteiro) {3} TARANTINO, Quentin [=] Pulp fiction (roteiro) {3} TARANTINO, Quentin [=] Reservoir dogs (roteiro) {3} TARDES DE CINEMA [=] La memoria del futur {3} TARIN, Francisco [=] Analisis de los textos audiovisuales {3} TARIN, Francisco [=] Guion audiovisual y el trabajo del guionista {3} TARKOVSKI, Andrei [=] Arte como ansia de lo ideal {3} TARKOVSKI, Andrei [=] Esculpir en el tiempo {3} TARKOVSKI, Andrei [=] Esculpir o tempo {3} TARKOVSKI, Andrei [=] Sculpting in time {3} TARKOVSKI, Andrei [=] Temps scelle {3} TARKOVSKI, Andrei [=] Time within time - The diaries (1970-1986) {3} TARON, Francisco [=] Guia para ver y analisar 'A bout de souffle' (Godard, 1959) {3}


TARRANT, Shira [=] Pornography industry {3} TASCHEN [=] Betty Page - Queen of pin-up {3} TASCHEN [=] Film posters exploitation {3} TASHLIN, Frank [=] How to create cartoons {3} TASKER, Yvonne [=] Action and adventure cinema {3} TASKER, Yvonne [=] Fifty contemporary filmmakers {3} TASKER, Yvonne [=] Spectacular bodies - Gender, genre and the action cinema {3} TATE MODERN [=] Pedro Costa {3} TAVERNIER, Bertrand [=] Cinema dans le sang {4} TAVINOR, Grant [=] The art of videogames {4} TAXIDRIVERS [=] Squarci di settima arte (1-2) {3} TAY, Sharon Lin [=] Women on the edge {4} TAYLOR, Al [=] Making a monster {3} TAYLOR, C. W. [=] Masters and masterpieces of the screen (1927) {3} TAYLOR, C. W. [=] Masters and masterpieces of the screen (1928) {3} TAYLOR, Christopher [=] Tradurre il cinema {3} TAYLOR, Deems [=] A pictorial history of the movies {3} TAYLOR, J. Hay [=] Magic lantern journal (1898-1899) {3} TAYLOR, John Russell [=] The pleasure dome - Graham Greene {3} TAYLOR, Richard [=] Eisenstein - On socialism, soviet cinema and reel life {3} TAYLOR, Richard [=] Film propaganda - Soviet Russia and nazi Germany {3} TAYLOR, Richard [=] Inside the film factory - New approaches to Russian and Soviet cinema {3} TAYLOR, Richard [=] Ivan Pyr'ev and the Kolkhoz musical in soviet cinema {3} TAYLOR, Richard [=] Politics of the soviet cinema (1917-1929) {3} TAYLOR, Robert [=] W. C. Fields, his follies and fortunes {3} TCHERKASOV, Nicolai [=] Notes of a soviet actor {4} TCHEUYAP, Alexie [=] De l'écrit à l'écran {3} TECHNICOLOR [=] Annual report 2012 {3} TEGA, Danielle [=] Mulheres em foco {3} TEGEL, Susan [=] Nazis and the cinema {3} TEIXEIRA, Clara [=] Cinejornal brasileiro, a documentação do esporte no Estado Novo {3} TEIXEIRA, Ines [=] A mulher vai ao cinema {3}


TEJERO, Juan [=] Este rodaje es la guerra {3} TEKTRONIX [=] Glossary of video terms and acronyms {3} TELEFILM CANADA [=] 40 years of stories {3} TELL ME WHY [=] 79 (Great movies) {3} TELOTTE, J. P. [=] Dreams of darkness - Fantasy and the films of Val Lewton {4} TELOTTE, J. P. [=] Science fiction film {3} TEO, Stephen [=] Chinese martial arts cinema - The Wuxia tradition {3} TEODORESCU, Jeanine [=] Cristi Puiu and the miracle of romanian cinema {3} TEPPERMAN, Charles [=] Amateur cinema (1923-1960) {3} TERCEIRA MARGEM [=] 24 (Literatura e cinema) {3} TERRACE, Vincent [=] Encyclopedia of TV shows 1925-2007 {3} TERRACE, Vincent [=] Internet lesbian and gay television series, 1996-2014 {4} TERRACE, Vincent [=] Year in television 2008 {3} TESOROS DE LOS ARCHIVOS FILMICOS IBEROAMERICANOS {3} TESSÉ, Jean-Philippe [=] À bout de souffle de Jean-Luc Godard {3} TESTA, Carlo [=] Italian cinema and modern european literatures {3} TESTER, Keith [=] Eric Rohmer, film as theology {3} THAILAND - Where films come alive [=] Cannes 2016 {3} THAIN, Alanna [=] Anarchival cinemas {3} THAKUR, Gautam [=] Postcolonial theory and 'Avatar' {3} THE DAY PROJECTOR [=] 1920 {3} THENUMBERS.COM [=] Movie budgets {3} THEOREME [=] Cinema hongrois {3} THERIEN, Gilles [=] Lisibilite au cinema {3} THEVENET, Homero [=] Obras incompletas (1-1) {3} THEVENET, Homero [=] Obras incompletas (1-2) {3} THEVENET, Homero [=] Obras incompletas (2a) {3} THEVENET, Homero [=] Obras incompletas (2b1) {3} THEVENET, Homero [=] Obras incompletas (2b2) {3} THEVENET, Homero [=] Obras incompletas (3-1) {3} THEVENET, Homero [=] Obras incompletas (3-2) {3} THOMAS, David [=] Vertov, Snow, Farocki {3}


THOMAS, Frank [=] Illusion of life - Disney animation {3} THOMEN, Ozde [=] Curtain of dreams, early cinema in Istanbul {3} THOMPSON, David [=] Scorsese on Scorsese {4} THOMPSON, Emily [=] Dead rooms and live wires - Harvard, Hollywood... {3} THOMPSON, Kristin [=] Early sound counterpoint {3} THOMPSON, Kristin [=] Exporting entertainment - America in the world film market {3} THOMPSON, Kristin [=] Film history - An introduction {3} THOMPSON, Kristin [=] From Sennett to Stevens ~ An interview with William Hornbeck {4} THOMPSON, Kristin [=] Herr Lubitsch comes to Hollywood {3} THOMPSON, Kristin [=] Jacques Ledoux {3} THOMPSON, Kristin [=] Storytelling in film and television {3} THOMPSON, Kristin [=] Storytelling in the new Hollywood {3} THOMPSON, Roy [=] Grammar of the shot {3} THOMPSON, Roy [=] Manual de montaje {3} THOMSON, David [=] Gary Cooper {3} THOMSON, David [=] Have you seen - A personal introduction to 1,000 films {3} THOMSON, David [=] How to watch a movie {3} THOMSON, David [=] New biographical dictionary of film {3} THOMSON, David [=] Television - A biography {3} THOMSON, David [=] The big screen - The story of the movies {3} THOMSON, David [=] The moment of Psycho - How Alfred Hitchcock... {3} THOMSON, David [=] Warner Bros {3} THOMSON, David [=] Why acting matters {3} THORBURN, David [=] Rethinking media change {3} THORNE, Ian [=] King Kong (1977) {4} THORNHAM, Sue [=] Feminist film theory - A reader {4} THORNTON, Niamh [=] Revolution and rebellion in mexican film {4} THORP, Margaret [=] America at the movies (1939) {3} THROWER, Stephen [=] Eyeball (compendium) {4} THROWER, Stephen [=] Nightmare, USA - The untold story {4} TIBBETTS, John [=] Composers in the movies {3} TIBBETTS, John [=] Douglas Fairbanks and the american century {3}


TIEBER, Claus [=] The sounds of silent films {4} TIEMPO DE CINE [=] 2 (1960) {3} TIEMPO DE CINE [=] 3 (1960) {3} TIKKA, Pia [=] Enactive cinema - Simulatorium eisensteinense {3} TIMEOUT MUMBAI [=] Film special {3} TIRANTY [=] Annuaire 1935 (Photo, cinéma) {3} TIRARD, Laurent [=] Lecciones de cine {3} TIRARD, Laurent [=] Más lecciones de cine {3} TIRARD, Laurent [=] Moviemakers' master class {4} TIRARD, Laurent [=] Occhio del regista {4} TISSERON, Serge [=] Comment Hitchcock m'a gueri {3} TISSERON, Serge [=] Enfants sous influence - Les écrans rendent-ils les jeunes violents {3} TISSERON, Serge [=] Psychanalyse de l'image {3} TOBIN, Rob [=] How to write high structure, high concept movies {3} TODD, Antony [=] Authorship and the films of David Lynch {4} TODOROVIC, Aleksandar [=] Television technology demystified {3} TOHILL, Cathal [=] Immoral tales - european sex and horror movies 1956-1984 {3} TOLENTINO, Celia [=] Rural no cinema Brasileiro {3} TOMAIN, Cassio [=] Por uma memória do cinema documentario no RS {3} TOMARIC, Jason [=] Power filmmaking kit {3} TOMAS, David [=] Vertov, Snow, Farocki - Machine vision and the posthuman {3} TOMASI, Dario [=] Ozu Yasujiro, Viaggio a Tokyo {3} TOMASI, Dario [=] Yasujiro Ozu (italiano) {3} TOMBS, Pete [=] Mondo macabro - Weird & wonderful cinema {3} TOMPKINS, Cynthia [=] Experimental latin american cinema - History and aesthetics {4} TONINI, Paolo [=] Cinema di Pier Paolo Pasolini {3} TONKS, Paul [=] Film music [Pocket essentials] {3} TOPPING, Richard [=] Monty Python - A celebration {3} TORELLO, Georgina [=] Pantalla letrada {3} TORELLÓ, Josep [=] Musica en las maneras de representacion cinematográfica {3} TORINO FILM FESTIVAL 2012 {3} TORNATORE, Giuseppe [=] Cinema Paradiso (screenplay) {3}


TORNQVIST, Egil [=] Between stage and screen - Ingmar Bergman directs {3} TORNQVIST, Egil [=] The serious game - Ingmar Bergman as stage director {4} TORO, Camilo Aguilera [=] Video comunitario, alternativo, popular… {3} TORO, Guillermo del [=] Hitchcock [OCR] {3} TORO, Guillermo del [=] Laberinto del fauno (roteiro) {3} TOROK, Jean-Paul [=] Entretien avec Helvio Soto {3} TORRE, Toni de la [=] La medicina en las series de television {3} TORREIRO, Casimiro [=] Documental y vanguardia {3} TORRES, Marta Cid [=] Queer Lisboa e o novo cinema queer {3} TORTAJADA, Maria [=] Archéologie du cinéma, de l'histoire à l'épistémologie {3} TORTAJADA, Maria [=] Instantané cinématographique - Relire Marey {3} TOSI, Virgilio [=] Cinema before cinema - The origins of scientific cinematography {3} TOTAL FILM [=] 80s movies - The ultimate celebration {3} TOTAL FILM 171 {3} TOTAL FILM 174 (12.2010) {3} TOTAL FILM 175 (01.2011) {3} TOTAL FILM 177 {3} TOTAL FILM 193 {3} TOTAL FILM 203 {3} TOTAL FILM 230-231 {3} TOTAL FILM 233 {3} TOTAL FILM 240 (2016) {3} TOTARO, Donato [=] Zabriskie Point - A scene by scene analysis {3} TOTMAN, Sally [=] How Hollywood projects foreign policy {3} TOUFIC, Jalal [=] Vampires, an uneasy essay on the undead in film {3} TOULET, Emmanuelle [=] Birth of the motion picture {3} TRACY, Tony [=] John Huston - Essays on a restless director {3} TRAFIC 080 {3} TRAFIC 082 {3} TRAFIC 085 {3} TRAHAIR, Lisa [=] Comedy of philosophy - Sense and nonsense in early cinematic slapstick {3} TRAMA & FONDO [=] 1-38 {excluído}


TRANSCINEMA 2016 {3} TRANSOM REVIEW [=] Walter Murch (2005) {3} TRASH CITY [=] 16-17 {3} TREPICCIONE, Massimiliano [=] Cinema e videogiochi - Strategie di convergenza reciproche {3} TRESKE, Andreas [=] Image time and motion - New media critique from Turkey {3} TRETIAKOV, Sergei [=] Our cinema {3} TRIER, Lars Von [=] Antichrist (pressbook) {3} TRIER, Lars von [=] Bailarina en la oscuridad (Dancer in the Dark) (roteiro) {3} TRIQUELL, Ximena [=] Fuera de cuadro - Discursos audiovisuales {3} TROIS COULEURS [=] 50-155 (menos 80, 115 e 119) {1} TROLLE, Karin [=] Miss Smilla's feeling for snow (Making of) {3} TROPE, Alison [=] Stardust monuments - The saving and selling of Hollywood {3} TROTTIER, David [=] Screenwriter's bible {3} TRUBY, John [=] Anatomia del guion - el arte de narrar en 22 pasos {3} TRUEBA, Fernando [=] Mi diccionario de cine {3} TRUFFAUT, François [=] Cine segun Hitchcock {3} TRUFFAUT, François [=] Films in my life {3} TRUFFAUT, François [=] Hitchcock (inglês) {3} TRUFFAUT, François [=] Jules e Jim (roteiro) {3} TRUFFAUT, François [=] Letters {3} TRUFFAUT, François [=] Peliculas de mi vida {3} TRUFFAUT, François [=] Prologo a Cine de la crueldad {3} TRUMBO, Dalton [=] Spartacus (roteiro) {3} TRUNDLE, Eugene [=] Newnes guide to television and video technology {3} TRUNG, Le [=] How to draw anime for beginner {3} TRUNK, Matheus [=] Grandes filmes perdidos da Boca {3} TRUSSELL, H. J. [=] Fundamentals of digital imaging {3} TRUSZ, Alice [=] Cinema e imprensa ilustrada nos anos de 1910 {3} TRUSZ, Alice [=] Entre lanternas mágicas e cinematógrafos {3} TRUTAT, Eugene [=] Photographie animée {3} TRYON, Chuck [=] Reinventing cinema - Movies in the age of media convergence {3} TSAO, Leonardo [=] Como acercarse al cine {3}


TSIKA, Noah [=] Nollywood stars {4} TSIVIAN, Yuri [=] Early russian cinema and its cultural reception {3} TSUTSUI, William [=] In Godzilla's footsteps - Japanese pop culture {4} TUBAU, Daniel [=] El guión del siglo 21 {4} TUCK, Kirk [=] Minimalist lighting {3} TUCKER, David [=] Lost laughs of 50s and 60s television {3} TUCKER, Thomas [=] Terrence Malick, film and philosophy {3} TUDOR, Andrew [=] Theories of film {3} TULARD, Jean [=] Dictionnaire amoureux du cinema {3} TULARD, Jean [=] Nouveau guide des films {4} TUNSTALL, Jeremy [=] Media moguls {3} TURBULENCES VIDÉO [=] 72 {3} TURIM, Maureen [=] Abstraction in avant-garde films {3} TURIM, Maureen [=] Flashbacks in film, memory & history {4} TURNER, George [=] Forgotten horrors {3} TURNER, Glynn [=] Where to start - How to be a Hollywood script writer {3} TURNER, Graeme [=] Film as social practice {3} TUROVSKAYA, Maya [=] Tarkovsky - Cinema as poetry {3} TURRENT, Tomas [=] Buñuel por Buñuel {3} TURRION, Pablo [=] Maquiavelo frente a la gran pantalla - cine y politica {3} TWEEDIE, James [=] Age of new waves - Art cinema and the staging of globalization {3} TYLER APPARATUS CO. [=] Price list of cine studio apparatus {3} TZAVALAS, Trifon [=] Greek cinema 3 (Documentaries and short movies 1900-2000) {3} TZIOUMAKIS, Yannis [=] American independent cinema - An introduction {3} TZIOUMAKIS, Yannis [=] Hollywood's indies {3} UDDEN, James [=] No man an island - The cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien {3} UDEL, James [=] Film crew of Hollywood {3} UEL [=] V Encontro Nacional de Estudos da Imagem (2015) {3} UFA MAGAZIN [=] a. 1 (1926-1927) {3} UFA MAGAZIN [=] a. 2, n. 3-22 (1927) {3} UK FILM COUNCIL [=] Statistical yearbook (2009-20140) {3} UKADIKE, Nwachukwu [=] Questioning african cinema {3}


ULLMAN, George [=] Valentino as I knew him {3} UN DIA DE CINE [=] Cine para ciclos {3} UNDERDAHL, Keith [=] Digital video for dummies {3} UNDERWOOD, Rich [=] Roll - Shooting TV news {3} UNESA [=] Imaginários de cinema & moda {3} UNESCO [=] Cinematographic institutions (1973) {3} UNESCO [=] Clasificación internacional normalizada de la educación (Cine 2011) {3} UNESCO [=] Correo (Maravilloso y fragil cine) {3} UNESCO [=] Correo (Un siglo de cine) {3} UNESCO [=] Influence du cinéma sur les enfants et les adolescents {3} UNESCO [=] Trends in audiovisual markets {3} UNISINOS [=] Revista Audio Visual 1 (2003) {3} UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE [=] Motion pictures (1894-1912) {3} UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE [=] Motion pictures (1912-1939) {3} UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE [=] Motion pictures (1940-1949) {3} UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE [=] Motion pictures (1950-1959) {3} UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE [=] Motion pictures (1960-1969) {3} UNIVERSAL [=] Biographies of Universal stars and featured players (1933) {3} UNIVERSAL FILM MAGAZINE 01-13 {3} UNIVERSIDAD DE JAEN [=] Cine Club Universitario - Ciclos 2011-12 {3} UNIVERSIDAD DE PALERMO [=] Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación 17 {3} UNIVERSIDAD DE PALERMO [=] Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación 18 {3} UNIVERSIDAD DE PALERMO [=] Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación 24 {3} UNIVERSIDAD DE PALERMO [=] Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación 61 {3} UNIVERSIDAD DE VALPARAISO [=] Revista + cine 2 (2007) {3} UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA [=] Filmografica Volver {3} UNSAIN, José [=] Cine y los vascos {3} URBAN, Charles [=] Cinematograph in science, education (1907) {3} URBANORA [=] Catalogue 1914 {3} URBANSKI, Heather [=] Writing and the digital generation {3}


URIS, Pedro [=] 360 grados en torno al cine politico {3} URKIJO, Patxi [=] Cine de espias {3} UROSKIE, Andrew [=] Between the black box and the white cube {3} UROZ, José [=] Historia y cine {3} URWAND, Ben [=] Colaboração - O pacto entre Hollywood e o nazismo {3} USAI, Paolo Cherchi [=] Kubrick as architect {3} UVA, Christian [=] Strane storie - Il cinema e i misteri d'Italia {3} UVA, Michael [=] Grip book {3} UVA, Michael [=] Uva's basic grip book {3} UVA, Michael [=] Uva's guide to cranes, dollies and remote heads {3} VACCHE, Angela Dalle [=] Cinema and painting {3} VACCHE, Angela Dalle [=] Diva - Defiance and passion in early italian cinema {4} VADIM, Roger [=] Bardot, Deneuve e Fonda {4} VAFA, Mehrnaz [=] Abbas Kiarostami {3} VAGET, Hans [=] Film and literature - The case of 'Death in Venice' {3} VAKNIN, Sam [=] The silver lining - Moral deliberation in modern cinema {4} VALCK, Marijke De [=] Cinephilia - Movies, love and memory {3} VALCK, Marijke de [=] Film festivals, from european geopolitics to global cinephilia {3} VALDERRAMA, Hugo [=] Marta Rodriguez, la historia a traves de una camara {3} VALE, Eugene [=] Tecnicas del guion para cine y television {3} VALENTINETTI, Claudio [=] Orson Welles {3} VALENTINO, Rodolfo [=] Day dreams {3} VALENTINO, Rodolfo [=] How you can keep fit {3} VALENZUELA, Gonzalo [=] Cine en Colombia - sientalo, entiendalo y hagalo {3} VALIAHO, Pasi [=] Mapping the moving image {3} VALIANT PUBLICATION [=] Sex scenes (1969) {3} VALLAZZA, Eleonora [=] El Found Footage como práctica del video-arte argentino de la última década {3} VALLE, Sandra del [=] Cine y revolución. La política cultural del ICAIC {3} VALLET, Yannick [=] Grammaire du cinema {4} VALLS, Joan [=] Cinegrafia desde la butaca {3} VALODE & PISTRE ARCHITECTES [=] 360o Kuwait cinemas {3} VANDERBEEK, Stan [=] Cinema delimina - Films from the underground {3}


VANDERBENT, Saskia [=] Australian film {4} VANITY FAIR [=] Dans l'ombre de Kubrick {3} VANOYE, Francis [=] Adaptation litteraire au cinema [OCR] {3} VANOYE, Francis [=] Ensaio sobre a analise filmica {3} VANOYE, Francis [=] Principios de analisis cinematografico {3} VANY, Arthur De [=] Hollywood economics - How extreme uncertainty shapes the film industry {3} VAQUERIZO, Sabrina [=] Deconstruyendo a Takashi Miike {3} VARDA, Agnes [=] Varda par Agnes {3} VARDAC, Nicholas [=] Stage to screen - Theatrical method from Garrick to Griffith {4} VARELA, Alejandro Paez [=] Tin Tan, la historia de un genio sin lampara {3} VARGAS, Andrea [=] Cinema centramericain contemporain (1970-2014) {3} VARGAS, Gilka [=] Choque do real em Amarelo Manga {3} VARGAS, Gilka [=] Direção de arte - Do cinematografo ao cinema digital {3} VARMA, Ram Gopal [=] Guns and thighs - The story of my life {4} VARNER, Paul [=] Historical dictionary of westerns in cinema {3} VAROTSIS, George [=] Screenplay and narrative theory {3} VAS, Jesus Martinez del [=] MagaCine 2004 {3} VASCONCELLOS, Jorge [=] Deleuze e o cinema {3} VASCONCELOS, Everaldo [=] A atriz e a câmera {4} VASQUES, Alexandre [=] Da ideia em Paris às duas primeiras exibições - Alguns aspectos técnicos de Limite {3} VATNSDAL, Caelum [=] They came from within {4} VAUGHAN, Hunter [=] Where film meets philosophy - Godard, Resnais {3} VECCHIALI, Paul [=] Encineclopedie - Cineastes français des années 1930 et leur oeuvre (1-2) {3} VEGA, Alicia [=] Re-vision del cine chileno {3} VEIGA, Roberta [=] Menor e o maior no cinema pessoal {3} VEILLER, Anthony [=] The stranger (roteiro) {3} VELAYUTHAM, Selvaraj [=] Tamil cinema {3} VELCAMP, Theresa [=] Reelizing, arab and jewish ethnicity in mexican film {3} VENEGAS, Cristina [=] Digital dilemmas {3} VENTANA SUR 2011 {3} VENTANA SUR 2013 {3}


VERDE, Claudia Dalla [=] Dois filmes de Vicente {3} VERDONE, Mario [=] Breve historia del cine italiano {3} VERES, Luis [=] Cine documental y criminalización indígena {3} VEREVIS, Constantine [=] Film remakes {3} VERHOEFF, Nanna [=] West in early cinema - After the beginning {3} VERITÉ [=] 1-12 / 15-20 {1} VERRONE, William [=] The avant-garde feature film {3} VERSTRATEN, Peter [=] Film narratology {3} VERTIGO - Diario del Festival de Lima 2012 {3} VERTOV, Dziga [=] Cine ojo {3} VERTOV, Dziga [=] Kino-eye {3} VERTOV, Dziga [=] Memorias de un cineasta bolchevique {3} VEST, Jason [=] Future imperfect - Philip K. Dick at the movies {3} VEST, Jason [=] Spike Lee, finding the story and forcing the issue {4} VIANA, Nildo [=] Como assistir um filme {3} VICARI, Justin [=] Male bisexuality in current cinema {4} VICARI, Justin [=] Nicolas Winding Refn and the violence of art {4} VICENTE, Eduardo de [=] Historia del cine {3} VICENTE, Wilq [=] Quebrada - Cinema, vídeo e lutas sociais {3} VIDAL, Belén [=] Figuring the past - Period film and the mannerist aesthetic {3} VIDEO FORMES (França) [=] 2013 {3} VIDEO NAS ALDEIAS - 25 anos {4} VIDEO WATCHDOG [=] Special edition 2 {3} VIDEO WATCHDOG 31 {3} VIDEO7 [=] Le scandale Traci Lords... {3} VIDEOHOUND'S GOLDEN MOVIE RETRIEVER 2008 {3} VIDEOHOUND'S GOLDEN MOVIE RETRIEVER 2009 {3} VIDOR, King [=] The big parade {3} VIDRIO, Martha [=] Diccionario de video {3} VIEIRA, Ana [=] Cinema de herói - A história dos que construiram o cinema em M. Grosso do Sul {3} VIEIRA, Gisele [=] Barro humano e a modernidade carioca {3} VIEIRA, João Luiz [=] Chanchada e a estética do lixo {3}


VIEIRA, João Luiz [=] Cinema {3} VIEIRA, João Luiz [=] Corpo popular, a chanchada revisitada {3} VIEIRA, Patricia [=] Portuguese film, 1930-1960 - The staging of the new state regime {4} VIEITES, Maria [=] Pereira dos Santos - Memoria y presente del tercer cine {4} VIGHI, Fabio [=] Sexual difference in european cinema {3} VIGHI, Fabio [=] Traumatic encounters in italian film {3} VILCHES, Lorenzo [=] Lectura de la imagen - Prensa, cine, television {3} VILLAÇA, Luiz [=] Contador de historias {3} VILLAÇA, Mariana [=] America nuestra - Glauber Rocha e o cinema cubano {3} VILLAÇA, Mariana [=] Aproximações e tensões entre o ICAIC e a política cultural em Cuba {3} VILLAÇA, Mariana [=] Identidades sobrepostas - o caso 'Soy Cuba' {3} VILLAÇA, Pablo [=] Helvecio Ratton {3} VILLACORTA, Luis [=] Cronologia del cine en Guatemala (1896-1907) {3} VILLAIN, Dominique [=] Encuadre cinematografico {3} VILLAIN, Dominique [=] Montaje {3} VILLAREJO, Amy [=] Film studies - The basics {4} VILLEGAS, Rafael [=] Monstruos de laboratorio - La ciencia imaginada {3} VILLEGAS, Sonia [=] Influencia del futurismo italiano en el cine soviético {3} VILLENEUVE, Johanne [=] La fin d'un monde. À propos de Sans soleil, de Chris Marker {3} VINCENDEAU, Ginette [=] La haine (French film guides) {3} VINCENT, Carl [=] Bibliografia generale del cinema {3} VINCENZINI, Valentina [=] Esplosione della narrazione nel cinema hollywoodiano {3} VIRILIO, Paul [=] Guerra e cinema {3} VIRMAUX, Alain [=] Tentation du cinéma chez les poètes au temps du surrealisme {3} VISHNEVETSKY, Ignatiy [=] Quién es Hiroshi Shimizu {3} VISUALIDADES [=] v. 7, n. 1 {3} VITA, Dolores [=] Apropiacionismo de imagenes, found footage {3} VITAL, Afrânio [=] Entrevistas para o blogue Estranho Encontro {3} VITALI, Valentina [=] Hindi action cinema {3} VITELLA, Federico [=] Comment Michelangelo Antonioni a réalisé l'Avventura {3} VITTI, Antonio [=] Lezioni di cinema e di regia {4} VOLPI, Jorge [=] Voz de Orson Welles y el silencio de Don Quijote {3}


VOLTZENLOGEL, Thomas [=] Harun Farocki (1944-2014) or Dialectics in images {3} VOOGEL, Emile [=] Cine - 200 consejos practicos {3} VUTUKURI, Venkata [=] Telugu movie database (1935-1990) {3} W. F. STANLEY MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN [=] Price list of magic lanterns {3} WADDELL, Calum [=] Jack Hill - The exploitation and blaxploitation master {3} WAGNER, Rob [=] Film folk (1918) {3} WAHL, Jan [=] Carl Theodor Dreyer and 'Ordet' {3} WAJCMAN, Gerard [=] Ojo absoluto {3} WALDRON, Gloria [=] Information film (1949) {3} WALKER ART CENTER [=] American new wave (1958-1967) {4} WALKER, Alexander [=] Shattered silents - How the talkies came to stay {3} WALKER, Alexander [=] Stanley Kubrick, director {4} WALKER, John [=] The once & future film {3} WALKER, Michael [=] Hitchcock's motifs {3} WALLACE, Edgar [=] My Hollywood diary {3} WALSH, Martin [=] Brechtian aspect of radical cinema {3} WALTERS, James [=] Alternative worlds in Hollywood cinema {3} WALTERS, James [=] Fantasy film - A critical introduction {4} WALTON, Jennifer [=] Manual de produccion documental {3} WANG, Shujen [=] Framing piracy - Globalization and film {4} WANG, Xin [=] Cine de acción de espadachin historico en China {3} WARD, Montgomery [=] Catalogue of magic lanterns (1880) {3} WARD, Peter [=] Digital video camerawork {3} WARD, Peter [=] Kitsch in sync - A consumer's guide to bad taste {3} WARD, Peter [=] Picture composition for film and television {3} WAREHIME, Marja [=] Maurice Pialat {4} WARNER BROS. PICTURES [=] Silhouettes of stars, players, and directors (1937) {3} WARREN, Val [=] Lost lands, mythical kingoms and unknown worlds {3} WARRINGTON, Marnie Hughes- [=] History goes to the movies {3} WARTENBERG, Thomas [=] Unlikely couples - Movie romance as social criticism {3} WASKO, Janet [=] A companion to television {3} WASKO, Janet [=] How Hollywood works {3}


WASSON, Haidee [=] Cinema's military industrial complex {3} WASSON, Haidee [=] Museum movies {3} WATANABE, Yasushi [=] Historia del cine de animacion japones {3} WATERS, John [=] Crackpot - The obsessions of John Waters {3} WATERS, John [=] Porno outsider {3} WATERS, John [=] Shock value {3} WATKINS, Adam [=] 3D animation - From models to movies {4} WATSON, Robert [=] Film & television in education {3} WATT, Mike [=] Fervid filmmaking - 66 cult pictures {3} WATTS, Harris [=] Um manual de tecnicas de video e cinema {3} WATTS, Philip [=] Roland Barthes' cinema {3} WATTS, Stephen [=] Stars & films of 1937 {3} WAXBERG, Charles [=] Actor's script - Script analysis for performers {3} WAYNE, Mike [=] Dissident voices - The politics of television {4} WAYNE, Mike [=] Marxism and media studies - Key concepts {4} WAYNE, Mike [=] Political film {3} WAYNE, Mike [=] Politics of contemporary european cinema {3} WAYNE, Mike [=] Television news, politics and young people {4} WAYNE, Mike [=] Understanding film - Marxist perspectives {4} WEAVER, Tom [=] A sci-fi swarm and horror horde {4} WEAVER, Tom [=] I talked with a zombie {3} WEBB, Graham [=] Animated film encyclopedia {3} WEBSTER, Chris [=] Action analysis for animators {3} WEBSTER, Chris [=] Animation, the mechanics of motion {4} WEES, William [=] Recycled images - The art and politics of found footage films {3} WEGNER, Hart [=] Feature films in second language instruction {3} WEINBERG, Herman [=] Josef von Sternberg - A critical study of the great film director {3} WEINER, Robert [=] Captain America and the struggle of the superhero {3} WEINER, Robert [=] Cinema inferno {4} WEINRICHTER, Antonio [=] Documentales de Werner Herzog {3} WEINRICHTER, Antonio [=] Forma que piensa - Tentativas en torno al cine-ensayo {3} WEINSTOCK, Jeffrey [=] Reading 'Rocky horror' {3}


WEIR, Peter [=] Interviews {3} WEISS, Natalia [=] Sociología del cine. Entrevista a Kristian Feigelson {3} WEISSER, Thomas [=] Japanese cinema encyclopedia (The sex films) {3} WEISSMAN, Stephen [=] Chaplin - A life {3} WELCH, David [=] Propaganda and the german cinema (1933-1945) {3} WELDON, Michael [=] Psychotronic encyclopedia of film (a-b) {3} WELLEN, Henrique [=] Arte e emancipação {4} WELLENS, Camille Blot- [=] Cinematografo Joly-Normandin (1896-1897) {3} WELLES, Orson [=] Citizen Kane (roteiro) {3} WELLES, Orson [=] Entrevista ao Cahiers du Cinéma 84 {3} WELLES, Orson [=] FBI dossier {3} WELLES, Orson [=] Heart of darkness (roteiro) {3} WELLES, Orson [=] Way to Santiago (roteiro) {3} WELLING, David [=] Cinema Houston - From Nickelodeon to Megaplex {3} WELLMAN JR., William [=] The man and his 'Wings' - William A. Wellman {4} WELLS, Paul [=] Animated bestiary {3} WELLS, Paul [=] Drawing for animation (Basics animation 3) {3} WELLS, Paul [=] Re-imagining animation - The changing face of the moving image {3} WELLS, Paul [=] Scriptwriting (Basics animation 1) {3} WELOVEAD [=] Hunter for Cannes lions 2010 {3} WELSH, James [=] Francis Ford Coppola encyclopedia {3} WELSH, James [=] Literature-film reader {3} WELSH, Robert [=] A-B-C of motion pictures (1916) {3} WENDERS, Wim [=] Como si fuera la ultima vez {3} WENDERS, Wim [=] Logic of images {3} WENDERS, Wim [=] Paisagem urbana {3} WERSHLER, Darren [=] Guy Maddin's My Winnipeg {3} WERTHEIM, Arthur [=] W. C. Fields from burlesque and vaudeville to Broadway {4} WERTHEIM, Arthur [=] W. C. Fields from the Ziegfeld Follies and Broadway {4} WESTON, Judith [=] Directing actors [OCR] {3} WEXLEY, John [=] Angels with dirty faces (roteiro) {3} WHAT HI-FI - Son & home cinema (12-2015) {3}


WHEELER, Leslie [=] Principles of cinematography {3} WHEELER, Paul [=] High definition cinematography {3} WHITAKER, Harold [=] Timing for animation {3} WHITAKER, Jerry [=] Standard handbook of video and television engineering {3} WHITAKER, Steve [=] Encyclopedia of cartooning techniques {3} WHITE, Michele [=] Body and the screen {3} WHITE, Patricia [=] Women's cinema, world cinema {3} WHITE, Rob [=] Todd Haynes (Contemporary film directors) {3} WHITE, Tony [=] Animation - From pencils to pixels {3} WHITE, Tony [=] How to make animated films {3} WHITE, Tony [=] Manual del animador {3} WHITE, Tony [=] The animator's workbook {3} WHITEHEAD, Mark [=] Animation {3} WHITEHEAD, Tony [=] Mike Leigh (British film-makers) {3} WHITNEY MUSEUM [=] Films of Andy Wharol {3} WHITNEY MUSEUM [=] New american video art (1967-1980) {3} WHITTAKER, Tom [=] The films of Elías Querejeta {3} WHITTINGTON, William [=] Sound design & science fiction {4} WIDDIS, Emma [=] Socialist senses - Film, feeling, and the soviet subject, 1917-1940 {4} WIDDIS, Emma [=] Visions of a new land - Soviet film {4} WIDMER, Ellen [=] Fro may fourth to june fourth {4} WID'S WEEKLY 1924 {4} WID'S YEAR BOOK 1920-1921 {3} WIEGAND, Chris [=] French new wave {3} WIERZBICKI, James [=] Film music - A history {3} WIJDICKS, Eelco [=] Neurocinema - When film meets neurology {3} WILD, Peter [=] Akira Kurosawa {3} WILDER, Billy [=] Ninotchka (screenplay) {3} WILDER, Billy [=] Sunset Boulevard (roteiro) {4} WILDERSON, Frank [=] Red, white, & black - Cinema and the structure of U.S. antagonisms {3} WILES, Mary [=] Jacques Rivette {3} WILKIE, Bernard [=] Technique of special effects in television {3}


WILL, David [=] Samuel Fuller {3} WILLEMEN, Paul [=] Third cinema question - Notes and reflections {3} WILLIAMS, Bernard [=] Obscenity and film censorship {4} WILLIAMS, Dan [=] Klein, Sartre and imagination in the films of Ingmar Bergman {4} WILLIAMS, Deane [=] Australian post-war documentary film {3} WILLIAMS, Keith [=] H. G. Wells - Modernity and the movies {3} WILLIAMS, Linda [=] Contemporary american cinema {3} WILLIAMS, Linda [=] Hard core - Power, pleasure and the frenzy {3} WILLIAMS, Linda [=] Porn studies {3} WILLIAMS, Linda [=] Screening sex {3} WILLIAMS, Raymond [=] Historia de la comunicación (1-2) {3} WILLIAMS, Richard [=] Animator's survival kit {3} WILLIAMS, Tami [=] Germaine Dulac, a cinema of sensations {4} WILLIAMS, Tennessee [=] Baby Doll (roteiro) {3} WILLIAMSON, Kevin [=] Scary movie (roteiro) {3} WILLIAMSON'S TOPICAL CAMERA {3} WILMS, Wilfred [=] Germam postwar films {4} WILSON, Danijela Kulezic- [=] Musicality of narrative film {3} WILSON, David [=] Cahiers du Cinema (4 - 1973-1978) {3} WILSON, Emma [=] Material remains - Night and fog {3} WILSON, Eric [=] Melancholy android - On the psychology of sacred machines {3} WILSON, Flannery [=] New taiwanese cinema in focus {3} WILSON, Kristi [=] Film & genocide {3} WILSON, S. S. [=] Puppets and people {3} WILSON, Scott [=] Politics of insects - David Cronenberg's cinema of confrontation {3} WINCHESTER, Clarence [=] World film encyclopedia (1933) {3} WINDHAM, Ryder [=] Star Wars - The ultimate visual guide {3} WING, Ruth [=] Blue book of the screen (1924) {3} WINGFIELD, Marvin [=] Palestine in film {3} WINKEL, Roel Vande [=] Cinema and the swastika {3} WINKLER, Martin [=] Cinema and classical texts {3} WINKLER, Martin [=] Classical myth and culture in the cinema {3}


WINKLER, Martin [=] Spartacus - Film and history {4} WINKLER, Martin [=] The fall of the roman empire - Film and history {4} WINKLER, Martin [=] Troy - From Homer's Iliad to Hollywood epic {4} WINN, J. Emmett [=] American dream and contemporary Hollywood cinema {3} WINNER, John [=] Films of the world (1888 to 1900) {3} WINOKUR, Mark [=] Complete idiot's guide to movies, flicks and film {3} WINTLE, Michael [=] Image into identity - Constructing and assigning identity {3} WIPO [=] Rights, camera, action - IP rights and the film-making process {3} WISCONSIN FILM FESTIVAL 2015-2016 {3} WISEMAN, Thomas [=] Seven deadly sins of Hollywood {3} WITHALL, Keith [=] Studying early and silent cinema {4} WITT, Michael [=] Death(s) of cinema according to Godard {3} WITT, Michael [=] Jean-Luc Godard, cinema historian {3} WLASCHIN, Ken [=] Silent cinema in song, 1896-1929 {3} WLASCHIN, Ken [=] Silent mystery and detective movies {3} WODEHOUSE, P. G. [=] Locuras de Hollywood [OCR] {3} WOESSNER, Martin [=] What is heideggerian cinema {3} WOJCIK, Pamela [=] Soundtrack available - Essays on film and popular music {3} WOLF, Mark [=] Building imaginary worlds {4} WOLF, Mark [=] Routledge companion to video game studies {4} WOLF, Mark [=] Video game explosion {4} WOLF, Sergio [=] Cine argentino - Esteticas de la producción {3} WOLF, Sergio [=] Cine-literatura - Ritos de pasaje {3} WOLF, William [=] Landmark films - The cinema and our century {3} WOLFF, Eduardo [=] Ody Fraga, ironia da Boca {3} WOLL, Josephine [=] Cranes are flying {3} WOLLEN, Peter [=] Signs and meaning in the cinema {3} WOLZ, Birgit [=] E-motion picture magic {3} WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY CLUB [=] Motion picture reviews 1940-1942 {3} WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY CLUB [=] Motion picture reviews 4 (1933) {3} WOOD, David [=] Indigenismo and the avant-garde - Jorge Sanjines' early films and the national project {3} WOOD, Leslie [=] Miracle of the movies {3}


WOOD, Leslie [=] Romance of the movies {4} WOOD, Robin [=] Apu trilogy {3} WOOD, Robin [=] Hollywood from Vietnam to Reagan {4} WOOD, Robin [=] Howard Hawks {3} WOOD, Robin [=] Ingmar Bergman {4} WOOD, Robin [=] Responsabilidades del critico de cine gay {3} WOODS, Linda [=] British films (1927-1939) {3} WOODSTOCK FILM FESTIVAL 2017 {3} WOODWARD, Steven [=] After Kieslowski {3} WOOG, Adam [=] Vampires in the movies {4} WORLD FILM NEWS AND TELEVISION PROGRESS [=] 1 (1936) {3} WORLD FILM NEWS AND TELEVISION PROGRESS [=] 2 (1937) {3} WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION [=] Smoke-free movies {3} WORLD OF HORROR [=] 01 (1972) {3} WORLD OF HORROR [=] 07-09 (1972) {3} WORLD OF YOUNG CINEMA (Berlin 2016) WORTEL, Elise [=] From history to haecceity - Spatial reframings... {3} WORTH, Sol [=] Through navajo eyes - An exploration in film communication and anthropology {3} WOSNIAK, Cristiane [=] Anais do 7º Seminário Nacional Cinema em Perspectiva {4} WRIGHT JR., David [=] Space and time - Essays on visions of history in science fiction {3} WRIGHT, Basil [=] John Grierson (br) {3} WRIGHT, Jaron [=] Computer animation {3} WRIGHT, Jean Ann [=] Animation writing and development {3} WRIGHT, Lewis [=] Optical projection (1891) {3} WRIGHT, Melanie [=] Religion and film - An introduction {4} WRIGHT, Peter Lee- [=] Documentary handbook {3} WRIGLEY, Jackson- [=] The cinema (1939) {4} WUILLEUMIER, Marie-Claire [=] De la litterature au cinema {3} WUILLEUMIER, Marie-Claire [=] Pensée du dehors dans L'image-temps {3} WURMFELD, Eden [=] Independent filmmaker's manual {3} WYATT, Hilary [=] Audio post production for television and film {3} XALABARDER, Conrado [=] Musica de cine, una ilusion optica {3}


XAVIER, Ismail [=] Alegorias do subdesenvolvimento {4} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Artimanhas do fogo {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Barravento, Glauber Rocha, 1962 - Alienação x identidade {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Cinema brasileiro moderno {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Cinéma brésilien et la musique {4} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Cinema nacional - Tática para um tempo sem estratégias {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Cinema político e gêneros tradicionais {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Cinema, revelação e engano {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Corrosão social, pragmatismo e ressentimento {4} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Decoupage clasico {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Discurso cinematográfico - A opacidade e a transparência {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Discurso cinematografico (esp) {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Entrevista à Revista Estudos Históricos {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Experiencia do cinema {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Indagações em torno de Eduardo Coutinho e seu diálogo {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Labirinto da inveja {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Paulo Emilio e o estudo do cinema {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Progresso, disciplina fabril e descontração operaria {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Roteiro de Júlio Bressane {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Sertão-mar - Glauber Rocha e a estética da fome {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Terra em transe - Alegoria e agonia {3} XAVIER, Ismail [=] Um cinema da crueldade - O cine underground de Júlio Bressane {3} YACOWAR, Maurice [=] Films of Paul Morrissey {3} YAMAGUCHI, Yoshiko [=] Fragrant orchid - The story of my early life {3} YAMAMOTO, Kenta [=] Agglomeration of the animation industry in East Asia {3} YECIES, Brian [=] Korea's occupied cinemas (1893-1948) {3} YEFFETH, Glenn [=] Taking the red pill {3} YEH, Emilie [=] Taiwan film directors - A treasure island {3} YINGJIN, Zhang [=] A companion to chinese cinema {3} YINGJIN, Zhang [=] Chinese national cinema {3} YINGJIN, Zhang [=] Encyclopedia of chinese film {3} YODA, Yoshikata [=] Souvenirs de Kenji Mizoguchi {3}


YOEL, Gerardo [=] Pensar el cine 1 {3} YOO, Hyon Joo [=] Cinema at the crossroads {3} YOSEF, Raz [=] Beyond flesh - Queer masculinities and nationalism in israeli cinema {3} YOSHIMOTO, Mitsuhiro [=] Kurosawa - Film studies and japanese cinema {3} YOSIDA, Claudio [=] 12 trabalhos (roteiro) {3} YOSIDA, Cláudio [=] De passagem (roteiro) {3} YOUNG CATHOLIC STUDENTS' MOVEMENT [=] Films and you {3} YOUNG JR., Earl James [=] The life and work of Oscar Micheaux {3} YOUNG, Barbara [=] The 'Persona' of Ingmar Bergman - Conquering demons through film {4} YOUNG, Jordan [=] John Ford's 'The quiet man' {3} YOUNG, Lola [=] Fear of the dark - Race, gender and sexuality in the cinema {3} YOUNG, Paul [=] Cinema dreams its rivals {3} YOUNG, Paul [=] Cinema experimental {3} YOUNG, Skip Dine [=] Psychology at the movies {3} YOUNG, Suzie [=] Horrors of pleasure and the pleasures of Horror in David Cronenberg {3} YOUNGBLOOD, Denise [=] Russian war films {3} YOUNGBLOOD, Gene [=] Expanded cinema {3} YOYOGI ANIMATION GAKUIN [=] How to draw manga - Making anime {3} YU, Chi Pen- [=] Patriotism or national betrayal {3} ZACKSESKI, Cristina [=] Criminologia e cinema {3} ZAGARRIO, Vito [=] Before the (neorealist) revolution {3} ZAGREB DOX 2011 {3} ZAN, Vladimir [=] Image of the bosnian war in american cinema {3} ZANGER, Anat [=] Film remakes as ritual and disguise {3} ZAOUI, Pierre [=] Iconodulie cinématographique ou la nouvelle offrande du monde {3} ZAPRUDER, Alexandra [=] Twenty-six seconds - A personal history of the Zapruder film {4} ZARANDONA, Juan Miguel [=] Cultura, literatura y cine africano {3} ZATLIN, Phyllis [=] Theatrical translation and film adaptation {3} ZAVALA, Juan [=] Cine contado con sencillez [OCR] {3} ZAVALA, Lauro [=] Cine y literatura - Puentes, analogias y extrapolaciones {3} ZAVALA, Lauro [=] Fórmulas narrativas en cine y literatura {4} ZAVALA, Lauro [=] Posibilidades del análisis cinematográfico {3}


ZAVALA, Lauro [=] Teoria del cine en la region iberoamerica {3} ZAVATTINI, Cesare [=] Comment je n'ai pas fait 'Italia Mia' {3} ZAVATTINI, Cesare [=] Some ideas on the cinema {3} ZECCHI, Simona [=] Pasolini, massacro di un poeta {4} ZEEM, Keaton [=] Encyclopedia of screenwriting {3} ZEITGEIST THE MOVIE [=] Companion source guide {3} ZELIZER, Barbie [=] About to die - How news images move the public {4} ZEMOS98 [=] La television NO lo filma {3} ZEQAJ, Englent [=] Translation of subtitles os movies {3} ZHANG, Rui [=] Cinema of Feng Xiaogang {3} ZIEGLER, Roy [=] National film registry - Acquiring our film heritage {3} ZIELINSKI, Siegfried [=] Audiovisions - Cinema and television {3} ZILE, Edward Van [=] That marvel - the movie (1923) {3} ZIMMER, Catherine [=] Surveillance cinema {3} ZIMMERMAN, Jacqueline Noll [=] People like ourselves {3} ZINGU [=] Entrevista com Renalto Alves {3} ZINN, Gesa [=] Exile through a gendered lens {3} ZINOMAN, Jason [=] Shock value - How a few eccentric outsiders gave us nightmares {3} ZIZEK, Slavoj [=] Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan {3} ZIZEK, Slavoj [=] Fright of real tears - Krzystof Kieslowski {3} ZIZEK, Slavoj [=] Lacrimae rerum - Ensaios sobre cinema moderno {3} ZIZEK, Slavoj [=] The art of the ridiculous sublime - On David Lynch's ‘Lost highway’ {4} ZOMBIE PRESS [=] Monty Python and the holy grail (roteiro) {3} ZONE, Ray [=] Stereoscopic cinema and the origins of 3-D film {3} ZOOM [=] Analisis de contenido de cine ecuatoriano {3} ZUCKOFF, Mitchell [=] Robert Altman - The oral biograph {4} ZUKOR, Adolph [=] The public is never wrong {3} ZULUAGA, Pedro [=] Cine colombiano - Canones y discursos dominantes {3} ZUMBIGO [=] 1 (2013) {3} ZVONKINE, Eugénie [=] Dziga Vertov - L'homme à la camera {3}


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.